[pkg-boost-commits] r14208 - boost/trunk/debian

smr at alioth.debian.org smr at alioth.debian.org
Sat Apr 19 05:47:28 UTC 2008

Author: smr
Date: 2008-04-19 05:47:27 +0000 (Sat, 19 Apr 2008)
New Revision: 14208

Update rules for new upstream 1.35.0.

Modified: boost/trunk/debian/changelog
--- boost/trunk/debian/changelog	2008-04-19 05:20:39 UTC (rev 14207)
+++ boost/trunk/debian/changelog	2008-04-19 05:47:27 UTC (rev 14208)
@@ -9,10 +9,22 @@
   * debian/rtupdate: Remove logic for links with toolset name.
+  * debian/rules: Adjust SOVERSION, SHLIBS_VERSION, and boost_version to
+    new version.  
+    Add system to boost_libs.  
+    Adjust link functions:
+      - Create compatibility links with toolset and boost version, rather
+        than simplified name links.
+      - Don't create gcc41 compatibility links.
+      - Don't create Boost.Python compatibility links.
+    Add "link=shared,static" to all jam invocations, including "jam install".
+    Don't need to copy more/css_0 to -doc package.  
+    Add rules for new system library
   * debian/control: Substitute 1.34.1 --> 1.35.0 on all library package
     names.  Add packages libboost-system1.35.0 and libboost-system-dev.
- -- Steve M. Robbins <smr at debian.org>  Sat, 19 Apr 2008 00:19:39 -0500
+ -- Steve M. Robbins <smr at debian.org>  Sat, 19 Apr 2008 00:46:58 -0500
 boost (1.34.1-11) unstable; urgency=low

Modified: boost/trunk/debian/rules
--- boost/trunk/debian/rules	2008-04-19 05:20:39 UTC (rev 14207)
+++ boost/trunk/debian/rules	2008-04-19 05:47:27 UTC (rev 14208)
@@ -13,16 +13,16 @@
 DEB_BUILD_ARCH ?= $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_ARCH)
 # Boost does not guarantee any ABI, it uses the full version in SONAME
-SOVERSION = 1.34.1
-SHLIBS_VERSION = (>= 1.34.1-8)
+SOVERSION = 1.35.0
+SHLIBS_VERSION = (>= 1.35.0-1)
 # tags for library name decoration
-boost_version = $(subst .,_,$(SOVERSION))
+boost_version = 1_35
 gcc_version = gcc42
 # Boost libraries for which we want separate packages
-boost_libs := date-time filesystem graph iostreams program-options python regex serialization signals test thread wave
+boost_libs := date-time filesystem graph iostreams program-options python regex serialization signals system test thread wave
 # these are special cases, where shared library has not the same name of the Boost library
 boost_lib_serialization := serialization wserialization
@@ -51,10 +51,9 @@
 # Helpers to make basic and decorated library names
 # Input: library, variant, suffix
-# Return: base library filename for short, full, or gcc41-compatibility name
+# Return: base library filename for short or full name
 mk_base_name = usr/lib/libboost_$(subst -,_,$(1))$(2)$(3)
 mk_full_name = usr/lib/libboost_$(subst -,_,$(1))-$(gcc_version)$(2)-$(boost_version)$(3)
-mk_compat_name = usr/lib/libboost_$(subst -,_,$(1))-gcc41$(2)-$(boost_version)$(3)
 # Input: component, variant
 # Return: package name for shared library or development
@@ -71,22 +70,20 @@
 # Helpers that update debhelper .install or .links files
 # Input: component, library, variant, suffix
 # Output: none
-mk_a_files = $(shell echo debian/tmp/$(call mk_full_name,$(2),$(3),$(4)).a >> $(call mk_deb_dev,$(1),$(3)).install)
-mk_so_files = $(shell echo debian/tmp/$(call mk_full_name,$(2),$(3),$(4)).so.$(SOVERSION) >> $(call mk_deb_lib,$(1),$(3)).install)
-mk_ln_files = $(shell echo $(call mk_full_name,$(2),$(3),$(4)).so.$(SOVERSION) $(call mk_full_name,$(2),$(3),$(4)).so >> $(call mk_deb_dev,$(1),$(3)).links)
-mk_ln2_files = $(shell echo $(call mk_full_name,$(2),$(3),$(4)).so $(call mk_base_name,$(2),$(3),$(4)).so >> $(call mk_deb_dev,$(1),$(3)).links)
-mk_ln3_files = $(shell echo $(call mk_full_name,$(2),$(3),$(4)).a $(call mk_base_name,$(2),$(3),$(4)).a >> $(call mk_deb_dev,$(1),$(3)).links)
-mk_ln4_files = $(shell echo $(call mk_full_name,$(2),$(3),$(4)).so.$(SOVERSION) $(call mk_compat_name,$(2),$(3),$(4)).so.$(SOVERSION) >> $(call mk_deb_lib,$(1),$(3)).links)
+mk_a_files = $(shell echo debian/tmp/$(call mk_base_name,$(2),$(3),$(4)).a >> $(call mk_deb_dev,$(1),$(3)).install)
+mk_so_files = $(shell echo debian/tmp/$(call mk_base_name,$(2),$(3),$(4)).so.$(SOVERSION) >> $(call mk_deb_lib,$(1),$(3)).install)
+mk_ln_files = $(shell echo $(call mk_base_name,$(2),$(3),$(4)).so.$(SOVERSION) $(call mk_base_name,$(2),$(3),$(4)).so >> $(call mk_deb_dev,$(1),$(3)).links)
+mk_ln2_files = $(shell echo $(call mk_base_name,$(2),$(3),$(4)).so $(call mk_full_name,$(2),$(3),$(4)).so >> $(call mk_deb_dev,$(1),$(3)).links)
+mk_ln3_files = $(shell echo $(call mk_base_name,$(2),$(3),$(4)).a $(call mk_full_name,$(2),$(3),$(4)).a >> $(call mk_deb_dev,$(1),$(3)).links)
 # Link shared lib with suffix2 to suffix1
 # Input: component, library, variant, suffix1, suffix2
-mk_ln_suffices = $(shell echo $(call mk_full_name,$(2),$(3),$(4)).so.$(SOVERSION) $(call mk_full_name,$(2),$(3),$(5)).so.$(SOVERSION) >> $(call mk_deb_lib,$(1),$(3)).links)
-mk_ln_suffices_compat = $(shell echo $(call mk_full_name,$(2),$(3),$(4)).so.$(SOVERSION) $(call mk_compat_name,$(2),$(3),$(5)).so.$(SOVERSION) >> $(call mk_deb_lib,$(1),$(3)).links)
+mk_ln_suffices = $(shell echo $(call mk_base_name,$(2),$(3),$(4)).so.$(SOVERSION) $(call mk_base_name,$(2),$(3),$(5)).so.$(SOVERSION) >> $(call mk_deb_lib,$(1),$(3)).links)
 # Function that updates debhelper files for a given library variant
 # Input: component, library, variant, suffix
 # Output: none
-mk_files = $(foreach fn,a so ln ln2 ln3 ln4,$(call mk_$(fn)_files,$(1),$(2),$(3),$(4)))
+mk_files = $(foreach fn,a so ln ln2 ln3,$(call mk_$(fn)_files,$(1),$(2),$(3),$(4)))
 # helpers to make and install lintian override files
 mk_override_files = echo $(call mk_pkg_lib,$(1)): package-name-doesnt-match-sonames >> $(call mk_ove_lib,$(1));
@@ -106,17 +103,6 @@
 		) \
-# Add to debhelper links files to create compatibility links for 
-# Boost.Python
-mk_python_debhelper_files = \
-	$(foreach ll, $(call boost_lib,python), \
-		$(foreach v, $(call boost_variants,python), \
-			echo "Links for python$(subst -st,,$(v))"; \
-			$(call mk_ln_suffices,python,$(ll),$(subst -st,,$(v)),-py24,) \
-		) \
-	)
 TOOLSET_CONFIG="using gcc : 4.2 : g++-4.2 : <define>_REENTRANT ;"
 ifeq ($(DEB_BUILD_ARCH), hppa)
 TOOLSET_CONFIG="using gcc : 4.2 : g++-4.2 : <define>_REENTRANT <compileflags>-mlong-calls ;"
@@ -130,6 +116,7 @@
 bjam = $(CURDIR)/tools/jam/src/bjam
 JAM = $(bjam) $(JOBS) -d2 --user-config=$(CURDIR)/user-config.jam -sHAVE_ICU=1
+jam_variants = variant=release,debug threading=single,multi link=shared,static
 	cd tools/jam/src && sh build.sh cc && mv bin.*/bjam .
@@ -142,14 +129,14 @@
 	echo $(PYTHON_CONFIG1) >> user-config.jam
 	echo $(PYTHON_CONFIG2) >> user-config.jam
+	$(JAM) --without-python                        $(jam_variants)
+	$(JAM) --with-python --buildid=py24 python=2.4 $(jam_variants)
+	$(JAM) --with-python --buildid=py25 python=2.5 $(jam_variants)
 	cd tools/bcp && $(JAM)
 	cd tools/inspect/build && $(JAM)
 	cd tools/wave/build && $(JAM)
 	cd tools/regression/build && $(JAM)
-	$(JAM) --without-python             variant=release,debug threading=single,multi
-	$(JAM) --with-python --buildid=py24 variant=release,debug threading=single,multi python=2.4
-	$(JAM) --with-python --buildid=py25 variant=release,debug threading=single,multi python=2.5
 	cd libs/python/pyste/install && python setup.py build
 	touch build-stamp
@@ -187,7 +174,7 @@
 	dh_clean -k
-	$(JAM) --prefix=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/usr install
+	$(JAM) --prefix=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/usr $(jam_variants) install
 	install --mode=755 -D debian/rtupdate debian/tmp/usr/share/python/runtime.d/libboost-python-dev.rtupdate
 	install --mode=755 -D debian/rtupdate debian/tmp/usr/share/python/runtime.d/libboost-dbg.rtupdate
@@ -203,7 +190,6 @@
 	# generate (some) debhelper files
 	@$(call mk_debhelper_files)
-	@$(call mk_python_debhelper_files)
 	# package pyste
 	cd libs/python/pyste/install && python setup.py install --no-compile --prefix=$(pyste_prefix) --install-lib=$(pyste_prefix)/share/python-support/pyste
@@ -232,8 +218,7 @@
 	# package libboost-doc
 	rm -rf $(htmldir)
-	mkdir -p $(htmldir) $(htmldir)/more/css_0
-	cp more/css_0/* $(htmldir)/more/css_0
+	mkdir -p $(htmldir) 
 	cat debian/documentation-files | xargs cp --parents --target-directory=$(htmldir)
 	find doc libs -name doc | xargs -n1 cp --archive --target-directory=$(htmldir)
 	rm -rf $(htmldir)/boost
@@ -330,6 +315,15 @@
 	dh_install -plibboost-signals-dev
 	dh_link -plibboost-signals-dev
+	# package libboost-system$(SOVERSION)
+	dh_install -plibboost-system$(SOVERSION)$(DEBIAN_SUFFIX)
+	# package libboost-system-dev
+	dh_installdirs -plibboost-system-dev usr/include/boost
+	mv debian/libboost-dev/usr/include/boost/system \
+	   debian/libboost-system-dev/usr/include/boost
+	dh_install -plibboost-system-dev
+	dh_link -plibboost-system-dev
 	# package libboost-test$(SOVERSION)
 	dh_install -plibboost-test$(SOVERSION)$(DEBIAN_SUFFIX)
 	# package libboost-test-dev
@@ -379,7 +373,7 @@
 	@if [ "$(DH_OPTIONS)" = "-a" ]; then \
 		echo DH_OPTIONS=-plibboost-dbg dh_makeshlibs -V"libboost-dbg $(SHLIBS_VERSION)"; \
 		DH_OPTIONS=-plibboost-dbg dh_makeshlibs -V"libboost-dbg $(SHLIBS_VERSION)"; \
-		for name in date-time filesystem graph iostreams program-options python regex serialization signals test thread wave; do \
+		for name in $(boost_libs); do \
 			lib=libboost-$${name}$(SOVERSION)$(DEBIAN_SUFFIX); \
 			echo DH_OPTIONS=-p$${lib} dh_makeshlibs -V"$${lib} $(SHLIBS_VERSION)"; \
 			DH_OPTIONS=-p$${lib} dh_makeshlibs -V"$${lib} $(SHLIBS_VERSION)"; \

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