[pkg-boost-commits] r14457 - boost/trunk/debian

Steven Michael Robbins smr at alioth.debian.org
Fri Jul 3 06:52:20 UTC 2009

Author: smr
Date: 2009-07-03 06:52:19 +0000 (Fri, 03 Jul 2009)
New Revision: 14457

Update to debian/rules and some scripts to build only layout=system and the default variants.

Modified: boost/trunk/debian/changelog
--- boost/trunk/debian/changelog	2009-07-03 04:44:08 UTC (rev 14456)
+++ boost/trunk/debian/changelog	2009-07-03 06:52:19 UTC (rev 14457)
@@ -8,10 +8,23 @@
     - patches/sp_counted_base.patch: Remove.  Applied upstream.
   * patches/wave-cpp.patch: New.  Qualify std::string references.
   * patches/bootstrap.patch: New.  Fix setting for LIBDIR.
+  * rules: Build using --layout=system, and only the variants normally
+    built by upstream default (1 shared and 1 static variant).  System
+    layout no longer has any decoration; i.e., neither -mt nor -mt-d.  Use
+    bootstrap.sh to build bjam and configure boost; use "bjam install" to
+    install all files into debian/tmp.
+  * libboost-dbg.postinst.in:
+  * libboost-dbg.prerm.in: Remove.  No longer shipping "-d" variants of
+    libboost_python in /usr/lib, so don't need to call rtupdate for
+    libboost-dbg.
+  * rtupdate: There is no longer separate single and multi-threaded
+    libraries to take care of.
- -- Steve M. Robbins <smr at debian.org>  Thu, 02 Jul 2009 20:53:42 -0500
+ -- Steve M. Robbins <smr at debian.org>  Fri, 03 Jul 2009 01:51:28 -0500
 boost1.38 (1.38.0-7) unstable; urgency=low

Deleted: boost/trunk/debian/libboost-dbg.postinst.in
--- boost/trunk/debian/libboost-dbg.postinst.in	2009-07-03 04:44:08 UTC (rev 14456)
+++ boost/trunk/debian/libboost-dbg.postinst.in	2009-07-03 06:52:19 UTC (rev 14457)
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-set -e
-update=/usr/share/python/runtime.d/libboost at PKGVERSION@-dbg.rtupdate
-if which pyversions >/dev/null; then
-    $update rtupdate none $(pyversions -d)

Deleted: boost/trunk/debian/libboost-dbg.prerm.in
--- boost/trunk/debian/libboost-dbg.prerm.in	2009-07-03 04:44:08 UTC (rev 14456)
+++ boost/trunk/debian/libboost-dbg.prerm.in	2009-07-03 06:52:19 UTC (rev 14457)
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-set -e
-update=/usr/share/python/runtime.d/libboost at PKGVERSION@-dbg.rtupdate
-$update remove

Modified: boost/trunk/debian/rtupdate
--- boost/trunk/debian/rtupdate	2009-07-03 04:44:08 UTC (rev 14456)
+++ boost/trunk/debian/rtupdate	2009-07-03 06:52:19 UTC (rev 14457)
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
     cd /usr/lib
-    for thread in "" -mt; do
+    for thread in ""; do
 	test -e $target && ln -s -f $target $link

Modified: boost/trunk/debian/rules
--- boost/trunk/debian/rules	2009-07-03 04:44:08 UTC (rev 14456)
+++ boost/trunk/debian/rules	2009-07-03 06:52:19 UTC (rev 14457)
@@ -29,16 +29,11 @@
 boost_lib_serialization := serialization wserialization
 boost_lib_test := prg_exec_monitor unit_test_framework
-# these are special cases for variants. normal cases have <empty>, -d, -mt, -mt-d variants
-boost_variants_thread := -mt -mt-d
 # These are special cases for suffixes.  Generally come from --buildid, so begin with a dash.
 boost_suffixes_python := -py24 -py25
 # Files that are generated by filtering a template
 filtered_files = \
-	debian/libboost-dbg.postinst \
-	debian/libboost-dbg.prerm \
 	debian/libboost-doc.doc-base \
 	debian/libboost-python-dev.postinst \
@@ -48,11 +43,6 @@
 # Return: shared library names for the given Boost library
 boost_lib = $(if $(boost_lib_$(1)), $(boost_lib_$(1)), $(1))
-# Function to map Boost component name to set of variants for the library
-# Input: Boost component name
-# Return: variants for the given Boost component
-boost_variants = $(if $(boost_variants_$(1)), $(boost_variants_$(1)), -mt -mt-d)
 # Function to map Boost component name to set of suffixes for the library
 # Input: Boost component name
 # Return: suffixes for the given Boost component
@@ -117,10 +107,8 @@
 		echo "making debhelper files for $(l)..."; \
 		$(call add_lib_override,$(l),,package-name-doesnt-match-sonames) \
 		$(foreach ll, $(call boost_lib,$(l)), \
-			$(foreach v, $(call boost_variants,$(l)), \
-				$(foreach suf, $(call boost_suffixes,$(l)), \
-					$(call mk_files,$(l),$(ll),$(subst -st,,$(v)),$(suf)) \
-				) \
+			$(foreach suf, $(call boost_suffixes,$(l)), \
+				$(call mk_files,$(l),$(ll),,$(suf)) \
 			) \
 		) \
@@ -154,16 +142,13 @@
 exampledir = debian/libboost$(PKGVERSION)-doc/usr/share/doc/libboost$(PKGVERSION)-doc/examples
 htmldir = debian/libboost$(PKGVERSION)-doc/usr/share/doc/libboost$(PKGVERSION)-doc/HTML
 pyste_prefix = $(CURDIR)/debian/libboost-python$(PKGVERSION)-dev/usr
-bjam = $(CURDIR)/tools/jam/src/bjam
+bjam = $(CURDIR)/bjam
 # FIXME: find a flag to disable reading /etc/site-config.jam
-JAM = $(bjam) $(JOBS) -d2 $(JAM_OPT) --user-config=$(CURDIR)/user-config.jam -sHAVE_ICU=1 debug-symbols=on
-jam_variants = variant=release,debug threading=multi link=shared,static
+JAM = $(bjam) $(JOBS) -d2 $(JAM_OPT) --layout=system --user-config=$(CURDIR)/user-config.jam debug-symbols=on
-	cd tools/jam/src && \
-	CFLAGS='-Wall -Werror -fno-strict-aliasing' sh build.sh cc && \
-	mv bin.*/bjam .
+	./bootstrap.sh --with-icu --prefix=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/usr
 	echo $(TOOLSET_CONFIG) > $@
@@ -175,9 +160,9 @@
 build-stamp: $(QUILT_STAMPFN) $(bjam) user-config.jam
-	$(JAM) --without-python                        $(jam_variants)
-	$(JAM) --with-python --buildid=py24 python=2.4 $(jam_variants)
-	$(JAM) --with-python --buildid=py25 python=2.5 $(jam_variants)
+	$(JAM) --without-python                        
+	$(JAM) --with-python --buildid=py24 python=2.4 
+	$(JAM) --with-python --buildid=py25 python=2.5 
 	cd tools/bcp && $(JAM)
 	cd tools/inspect/build && $(JAM)
@@ -230,14 +215,12 @@
 	@$(call cp_debhelper,libboost-doc,libboost$(PKGVERSION)-doc)
 	@$(call cp_debhelper,libboost-python-dev,libboost-python$(PKGVERSION)-dev)
-	$(JAM) --prefix=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/usr $(jam_variants) install
+	$(JAM) --prefix=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/usr install --without-python                        
+	$(JAM) --prefix=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/usr install --with-python --buildid=py24 python=2.4 
+	$(JAM) --prefix=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/usr install --with-python --buildid=py25 python=2.5 
 	install --mode=755 -D debian/rtupdate debian/tmp/usr/share/python/runtime.d/libboost-python$(PKGVERSION)-dev.rtupdate
-	install --mode=755 -D debian/rtupdate debian/tmp/usr/share/python/runtime.d/libboost$(PKGVERSION)-dbg.rtupdate
-	# Remove undecorated Boost.Python libraries and install decorated ones
-	rm debian/tmp/usr/lib/lib*python*
-	find bin.v2/libs/python -name libboost_python*-py2* | xargs install -t debian/tmp/usr/lib
 	find debian/tmp/usr/include -type f | xargs chmod 644
 	find debian/tmp -name .cvsignore | xargs rm -f
 	find debian -empty -type f | xargs rm -f
@@ -247,12 +230,10 @@
 	# package libboost-dbg
 	dh_install -plibboost$(PKGVERSION)-dbg
-	dh_install -plibboost$(PKGVERSION)-dbg --autodest \
-	   debian/tmp/usr/share/python/runtime.d/libboost$(PKGVERSION)-dbg.rtupdate
 	# package libboost$(PKGVERSION)-dev
 	dh_install -plibboost$(PKGVERSION)-dev \
-	   debian/tmp/usr/include/boost-$(boost_version)/boost \
+	   debian/tmp/usr/include/boost \
 	dh_install -plibboost$(PKGVERSION)-dev \
 	   dist/bin/bcp \

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