[pkg-boost-commits] r14687 - in boost-defaults/tags: .

Steven Michael Robbins smr at alioth.debian.org
Sun Dec 18 00:51:29 UTC 2011

Author: smr
Date: 2011-12-18 00:51:28 +0000 (Sun, 18 Dec 2011)
New Revision: 14687

[svn-buildpackage] Tagging boost-defaults

Deleted: boost-defaults/tags/
--- boost-defaults/trunk/debian/changelog	2011-11-28 05:16:14 UTC (rev 14677)
+++ boost-defaults/tags/	2011-12-18 00:51:28 UTC (rev 14687)
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-boost-defaults ( unstable; urgency=low
-  * control.in: make libboost-dev suggest libboost-doc.  Closes: #625684.
- -- Steve M. Robbins <smr at debian.org>  Thu, 11 Aug 2011 22:52:26 -0500
-boost-defaults ( unstable; urgency=low
-  * Set default Boost to 1.46.1.
-  * control.in: Update Standards-Version, debhelper build-dep on v8.  Add
-    package libboost-random-dev.
-  * copyright: Change to MIT license.
- -- Steve M. Robbins <smr at debian.org>  Wed, 06 Apr 2011 00:21:54 -0500
-boost-defaults ( unstable; urgency=low
-  * Set default Boost to 1.42.0.  Closes: #574486.
-  * control.in: New packages libboost-graph-parallel-dev,
-    libboost-mpi-python-dev.  Change libboost-all-dev to depend on all the
-    unversioned -dev packages, rather than the versioned -all-dev package.
-    Closes: #554410.
- -- Steve M. Robbins <smr at debian.org>  Tue, 20 Apr 2010 21:22:40 -0500
-boost-defaults ( unstable; urgency=low
-  * Set default Boost to 1.40.0.
-  * control.in: New package libboost-all-dev.  Closes: #537739.  New
-    package libboost-dbg.  Closes: #544185.
- -- Steve M. Robbins <smr at debian.org>  Mon, 21 Sep 2009 22:46:03 -0500
-boost-defaults (1.39.2) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Last upload was bogus.  This time we really set Boost to version 1.39.
- -- Steve M. Robbins <smr at debian.org>  Tue, 25 Aug 2009 00:51:13 -0500
-boost-defaults (1.39.1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Set default Boost to version 1.39.0.
- -- Steve M. Robbins <smr at debian.org>  Tue, 25 Aug 2009 00:35:35 -0500
-boost-defaults (1.38.1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * control: Change -doc package dependency from libboost1.38-dev to
-    libboost1.38-doc.  Closes: #528146.
- -- Steve M. Robbins <smr at debian.org>  Sun, 10 May 2009 22:23:43 -0500
-boost-defaults (1.38.0) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Initial upload.  Defaults are set to Boost 1.38.0.
- -- Steve M. Robbins <smr at debian.org>  Sat, 09 May 2009 09:27:15 -0500

Copied: boost-defaults/tags/ (from rev 14685, boost-defaults/trunk/debian/changelog)
--- boost-defaults/tags/	                        (rev 0)
+++ boost-defaults/tags/	2011-12-18 00:51:28 UTC (rev 14687)
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+boost-defaults ( unstable; urgency=low
+  * Set default Boost to 1.48.0.
+  * control.in: make libboost-dev suggest libboost-doc.  Closes: #625684.
+ -- Steve M. Robbins <smr at debian.org>  Sat, 17 Dec 2011 18:33:00 -0600
+boost-defaults ( unstable; urgency=low
+  * Set default Boost to 1.46.1.
+  * control.in: Update Standards-Version, debhelper build-dep on v8.  Add
+    package libboost-random-dev.
+  * copyright: Change to MIT license.
+ -- Steve M. Robbins <smr at debian.org>  Wed, 06 Apr 2011 00:21:54 -0500
+boost-defaults ( unstable; urgency=low
+  * Set default Boost to 1.42.0.  Closes: #574486.
+  * control.in: New packages libboost-graph-parallel-dev,
+    libboost-mpi-python-dev.  Change libboost-all-dev to depend on all the
+    unversioned -dev packages, rather than the versioned -all-dev package.
+    Closes: #554410.
+ -- Steve M. Robbins <smr at debian.org>  Tue, 20 Apr 2010 21:22:40 -0500
+boost-defaults ( unstable; urgency=low
+  * Set default Boost to 1.40.0.
+  * control.in: New package libboost-all-dev.  Closes: #537739.  New
+    package libboost-dbg.  Closes: #544185.
+ -- Steve M. Robbins <smr at debian.org>  Mon, 21 Sep 2009 22:46:03 -0500
+boost-defaults (1.39.2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Last upload was bogus.  This time we really set Boost to version 1.39.
+ -- Steve M. Robbins <smr at debian.org>  Tue, 25 Aug 2009 00:51:13 -0500
+boost-defaults (1.39.1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Set default Boost to version 1.39.0.
+ -- Steve M. Robbins <smr at debian.org>  Tue, 25 Aug 2009 00:35:35 -0500
+boost-defaults (1.38.1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * control: Change -doc package dependency from libboost1.38-dev to
+    libboost1.38-doc.  Closes: #528146.
+ -- Steve M. Robbins <smr at debian.org>  Sun, 10 May 2009 22:23:43 -0500
+boost-defaults (1.38.0) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Initial upload.  Defaults are set to Boost 1.38.0.
+ -- Steve M. Robbins <smr at debian.org>  Sat, 09 May 2009 09:27:15 -0500

Deleted: boost-defaults/tags/
--- boost-defaults/trunk/debian/control	2011-11-28 05:16:14 UTC (rev 14677)
+++ boost-defaults/tags/	2011-12-18 00:51:28 UTC (rev 14687)
@@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
-Source: boost-defaults
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/
-Section: libs
-Priority: optional
-Maintainer: Debian Boost Team <pkg-boost-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
-Uploaders: Steve M. Robbins <smr at debian.org>, Domenico Andreoli <cavok at debian.org>
-Build-Depends: cdbs, debhelper (>= 8), libboost1.46-dev (>= 1.46.1)
-Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-boost/boost-defaults/trunk/
-Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-boost/boost-defaults/trunk
-Standards-Version: 3.9.1
-Package: libboost-dbg
-Architecture: any
-Section: debug
-Priority: extra
-Depends: libboost-dev (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}, libboost1.46-dbg
-Description: Boost C++ Libraries with debug symbols
- The Boost web site provides free, peer-reviewed, portable C++ source
- libraries. The emphasis is on libraries which work well with the C++
- Standard Library. One goal is to establish "existing practice" and
- provide reference implementations so that the Boost libraries are
- suitable for eventual standardization. Some of the libraries have
- already been proposed for inclusion in the C++ Standards Committee's
- upcoming C++ Standard Library Technical Report.
- .
- These libraries are built with debug symbols. They are useful to debug
- programs which use Boost. These must be used also at build/link time.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently 1.46).
-Package: libboost-dev
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost1.46-dev
-Description: Boost C++ Libraries development files (default version)
- The Boost web site provides free, peer-reviewed, portable C++ source
- libraries. The emphasis is on libraries which work well with the C++
- Standard Library. One goal is to establish "existing practice" and
- provide reference implementations so that the Boost libraries are
- suitable for eventual standardization. Some of the libraries have
- already been proposed for inclusion in the C++ Standards Committee's
- upcoming C++ Standard Library Technical Report.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently 1.46).
-Package: libboost-all-dev
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends},
- libboost-dev,
- libboost-date-time-dev, 
- libboost-filesystem-dev, 
- libboost-graph-dev, 
- libboost-graph-parallel-dev, 
- libboost-iostreams-dev, 
- libboost-math-dev, 
- libboost-mpi-dev, 
- libboost-mpi-python-dev, 
- libboost-program-options-dev, 
- libboost-python-dev, 
- libboost-regex-dev, 
- libboost-serialization-dev, 
- libboost-signals-dev, 
- libboost-system-dev, 
- libboost-test-dev, 
- libboost-thread-dev, 
- libboost-wave-dev
-Description: Boost C++ Libraries development files (ALL, default version)
- The Boost web site provides free, peer-reviewed, portable C++ source
- libraries. The emphasis is on libraries which work well with the C++
- Standard Library. One goal is to establish "existing practice" and
- provide reference implementations so that the Boost libraries are
- suitable for eventual standardization. Some of the libraries have
- already been proposed for inclusion in the C++ Standards Committee's
- upcoming C++ Standard Library Technical Report.
- .
- This package provides the complete Boost development environment,
- including all separately-packaged libraries.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently 1.46).
-Package: libboost-doc
-Architecture: all
-Section: doc
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost1.46-doc
-Description: Boost C++ Libraries documentation (default version)
- The Boost web site provides free, peer-reviewed, portable C++ source
- libraries. The emphasis is on libraries which work well with the C++
- Standard Library. One goal is to establish "existing practice" and
- provide reference implementations so that the Boost libraries are
- suitable for eventual standardization. Some of the libraries have
- already been proposed for inclusion in the C++ Standards Committee's
- upcoming C++ Standard Library Technical Report.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently 1.46).
-Package: libboost-date-time-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/date_time/
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-date-time1.46-dev
-Description: date-time libraries based on generic programming (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
- .
- These libraries are intended to make programming with dates and times
- almost as simple and natural as programming with strings and integers.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently 1.46).
-Package: libboost-filesystem-dev
-Homepage: http://boost.org/libs/filesystem/
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-filesystem1.46-dev
-Description: filesystem operations in C++ (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
- .
- The Boost Filesystem Library provides portable facilities to query and 
- manipulate paths, files, and directories.  The goal is to
- facilitate portable script-like operations from within C++ programs.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently 1.46).
-Package: libboost-graph-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/graph/
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-graph1.46-dev
-Description: generic graph components and algorithms in C++ (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
- .
- Graphs are mathematical abstractions that are useful for solving
- many types of problems in computer science. Consequently, these
- abstractions must also be represented in computer programs. A
- standardized generic interface for traversing graphs is of utmost
- importance to encourage reuse of graph algorithms and data structures.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently 1.46).
-Package: libboost-graph-parallel-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/graph_parallel/
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-graph-parallel1.46-dev
-Description: generic graph components and algorithms in C++ (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
- .
- The Parallel Boost Graph Library is an extension to the Boost Graph Library
- (BGL) for parallel and distributed computing. It offers distributed graphs 
- and graph algorithms to exploit coarse-grained parallelism along with 
- parallel algorithms that exploit fine-grained parallelism, while retaining 
- the same interfaces as the (sequential) BGL. Code written using the sequential
- BGL should be easy to parallelize with the parallel BGL.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently 1.46).
-Package: libboost-iostreams-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/iostreams/
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-iostreams1.46-dev
-Description: Boost.Iostreams Library development files (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
- .
- Boost.Iostreams are a collection of concepts and set of templates
- which turn models of these concepts into C++ standard library streams
- and stream buffers.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently 1.46).
-Package: libboost-math-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/math/
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-math1.46-dev
-Description: Boost.Math Library development files (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
- .
- This library is divided into three interconnected parts:
-  * Statistical Distributions: Provides a reasonably comprehensive set of 
-    statistical distributions, upon which higher level statistical tests 
-    can be built.
-  * Mathematical Special Functions: Provides a small number of high quality 
-    special functions, initially these were concentrated on functions used in 
-    statistical applications along with those in the Technical Report on 
-    C++ Library Extensions.
-  * Implementation Toolkit: Provides many of the tools required to implement 
-    mathematical special functions.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently 1.46).
-Package: libboost-mpi-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/doc/html/mpi.html
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-mpi1.46-dev
-Description: C++ interface to the Message Passing Interface (MPI) (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
- .
- The Boost.MPI library provides a C++ interface to MPI that
- supports modern C++ development styles, including complete support for
- user-defined data types and C++ Standard Library types, arbitrary function
- objects for collective algorithms, and the use of modern C++ library
- techniques to maintain maximal efficiency.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently 1.46).
-Package: libboost-mpi-python-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/doc/html/mpi.html
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-mpi1.46-dev
-Description: Python interface to the Message Passing Interface (MPI) (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
- .
- The Boost.MPI library provides a C++ interface to MPI that
- supports modern C++ development styles, including complete support for
- user-defined data types and C++ Standard Library types, arbitrary function
- objects for collective algorithms, and the use of modern C++ library
- techniques to maintain maximal efficiency.
- .
- This package provides Python Bindings to the C++ interface.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently 1.46).
-Package: libboost-program-options-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/program_options/
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-program-options1.46-dev
-Description: program options library for C++ (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
- .
- Library to let program developers obtain program options, that is
- (name, value) pairs from the user, via conventional methods such as
- command line and config file.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently 1.46).
-Package: libboost-python-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/python/
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-python1.46-dev
-Description: Boost.Python Library development files (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
- .
- The Boost Python Library is used to quickly and easily export a C++
- library to Python such that the Python interface is very similar to
- the C++ interface. It is designed to be minimally intrusive on your
- C++ design. In most cases, you should not have to alter your C++
- classes in any way in order to use them with Boost.Python.  The
- system should simply "reflect" your C++ classes and functions into
- Python. The major features of Boost.Python include support for:
- Subclassing extension types in Python, Overriding virtual functions
- in Python, Member function Overloading, Automatic wrapping of
- numeric operators among others.
- .
- This package also contains the pyste Boost.Python code generator that
- allows the user to specify classes and functions to be exported using
- a simple interface file, which following the Boost.Python's
- philosophy, is simple Python code.
- .
- This package allows development of a Python interface for all current
- versions of Python in Debian.  Code using this library will need also
- one of the Python development packages.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently 1.46).
-Package: libboost-random-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/random/
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-random1.46-dev
-Description: Boost Random Number Library (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
- .
- The Boost Random Number Library (Boost.Random for short) provides a
- variety of generators and distributions to produce random numbers
- having useful properties, such as uniform distribution.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently 1.46).
-Package: libboost-regex-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/regex/
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-regex1.46-dev
-Description: regular expression library for C++ (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
- .
- Regular expressions are a form of pattern-matching that are often
- used in text processing; many users will be familiar with the Unix
- utilities grep, sed and awk, and the programming language perl, each
- of which make extensive use of regular expressions. Traditionally C++
- users have been limited to the POSIX C APIs for manipulating regular
- expressions, and while regex does provide these APIs, they do not
- represent the best way to use the library. For example regex can cope
- with wide character strings, or search and replace operations (in a
- manner analogous to either sed or perl), something that traditional C
- libraries can not do.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently 1.46).
-Package: libboost-serialization-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/serialization/
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-serialization1.46-dev
-Description: serialization library for C++ (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection,
- containing the following functionalities:
- .
-  * proper restoration of pointers to shared data
-  * serialization of STL containers and other commonly used templates
-  * data portability - streams of bytes created on one platform should
-    be readable on any other
-  * archive interface must be rich enough to permit the creation of an
-    archive that presents serialized data as XML in a useful manner
- .
- Here, "serialization" means the reversible deconstruction of an
- arbitrary set of C++ data structures to a sequence of bytes.
- archive: to refer to a specific rendering of this stream of bytes.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently 1.46).
-Package: libboost-signals-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/signals/
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-signals1.46-dev
-Description: managed signals and slots library for C++ (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
- .
- Signals represent callbacks with multiple targets, and are also
- called publishers or events in similar systems. Signals are connected
- to some set of slots, which are callback receivers (also called event
- targets or subscribers), which are called when the signal is
- "emitted."
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently 1.46).
-Package: libboost-system-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/system/
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-system1.46-dev
-Description: Operating system (e.g. diagnostics support) library (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
- .
- The Boost System library provides simple, light-weight error_code
- objects that encapsulate system-specific error code values, yet also
- provide access to more abstract and portable error conditions via
- error_condition objects. Because error_code objects can represent
- errors from sources other than the operating system, including
- user-defined sources, each error_code and error_condition has an
- associated error_category.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently 1.46).
-Package: libboost-test-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/test/
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-test1.46-dev
-Description: components for writing and executing test suites (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.  The
- library contains several components.
- .
-  * Basic execution, error detection, and reporting facility.
-  * Facilities to monitor program execution and produce error reports.
-  * Unit test framework to simplify writing test cases.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently 1.46).
-Package: libboost-thread-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/thread/
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-thread1.46-dev
-Description: portable C++ multi-threading (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
- .
- Toolkit for writing C++ programs that execute as multiple,
- asynchronous, independent, threads-of-execution. Each thread has its
- own machine state including program instruction counter and
- registers.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently 1.46).
-Package: libboost-wave-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/wave/
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-wave1.46-dev
-Description: C99/C++ preprocessor library (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
- .
- The Wave C++ preprocessor library is a Standards conformant
- implementation of the mandated C99/C++ preprocessor functionality
- packed behind a simple to use interface, which integrates well with
- the well known idioms of the Standard Template Library (STL).
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently 1.46).

Copied: boost-defaults/tags/ (from rev 14684, boost-defaults/trunk/debian/control)
--- boost-defaults/tags/	                        (rev 0)
+++ boost-defaults/tags/	2011-12-18 00:51:28 UTC (rev 14687)
@@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
+Source: boost-defaults
+Homepage: http://www.boost.org/
+Section: libs
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Debian Boost Team <pkg-boost-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+Uploaders: Steve M. Robbins <smr at debian.org>, Domenico Andreoli <cavok at debian.org>
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 8), libboost1.48-dev (>= 1.48.0)
+Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-boost/boost-defaults/trunk/
+Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-boost/boost-defaults/trunk
+Standards-Version: 3.9.2
+Package: libboost-dbg
+Architecture: any
+Section: debug
+Priority: extra
+Depends: libboost-dev (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}, libboost1.48-dbg
+Description: Boost C++ Libraries with debug symbols (default version)
+ This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
+ .
+ These libraries are built with debug symbols. They are useful to debug
+ programs which use Boost. These must be used also at build/link time.
+ .
+ This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
+ Boost version (currently 1.48).
+Package: libboost-dev
+Architecture: any
+Section: libdevel
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost1.48-dev
+Suggests: libboost-doc
+Description: Boost C++ Libraries development files (default version)
+ The Boost web site provides free, peer-reviewed, portable C++ source
+ libraries. The emphasis is on libraries which work well with the C++
+ Standard Library. One goal is to establish "existing practice" and
+ provide reference implementations so that the Boost libraries are
+ suitable for eventual standardization. Some of the libraries have
+ already been proposed for inclusion in the C++ Standards Committee's
+ upcoming C++ Standard Library Technical Report.
+ .
+ This package provides headers and the auxiliary tools bjam, Boost.Build,
+ bcp, inspect, boostbook and quickbook.
+ .
+ For the following subprojects separate packages exist: chrono, date-time,
+ filesystem, graph, iostreams, locale, math, mpi, program_options, python,
+ regex, serialization, signals, system, test, thread, timer, and wave.
+ .
+ This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
+ Boost version (currently 1.48).
+Package: libboost-all-dev
+Architecture: any
+Section: libdevel
+Depends: ${misc:Depends},
+ libboost-dev,
+ libboost-chrono-dev, 
+ libboost-date-time-dev, 
+ libboost-filesystem-dev, 
+ libboost-graph-dev, 
+ libboost-graph-parallel-dev, 
+ libboost-iostreams-dev, 
+ libboost-locale-dev,
+ libboost-math-dev, 
+ libboost-mpi-dev, 
+ libboost-mpi-python-dev, 
+ libboost-program-options-dev, 
+ libboost-python-dev, 
+ libboost-random-dev, 
+ libboost-regex-dev, 
+ libboost-serialization-dev, 
+ libboost-signals-dev, 
+ libboost-system-dev, 
+ libboost-test-dev, 
+ libboost-thread-dev, 
+ libboost-timer-dev, 
+ libboost-wave-dev
+Description: Boost C++ Libraries development files (ALL) (default version)
+ The Boost web site provides free, peer-reviewed, portable C++ source
+ libraries. The emphasis is on libraries which work well with the C++
+ Standard Library. One goal is to establish "existing practice" and
+ provide reference implementations so that the Boost libraries are
+ suitable for eventual standardization. Some of the libraries have
+ already been proposed for inclusion in the C++ Standards Committee's
+ upcoming C++ Standard Library Technical Report.
+ .
+ This package provides the complete Boost development environment,
+ including all separately-packaged libraries.
+ .
+ This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
+ Boost version (currently 1.48).
+Package: libboost-doc
+Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/
+Architecture: all
+Section: doc
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost1.48-doc
+Description: Boost.org libraries documentation (default version)
+ The Boost web site provides free, peer-reviewed, portable C++ source
+ libraries. The emphasis is on libraries which work well with the C++
+ Standard Library. One goal is to establish "existing practice" and
+ provide reference implementations so that the Boost libraries are
+ suitable for eventual standardization. Some of the libraries have
+ already been proposed for inclusion in the C++ Standards Committee's
+ upcoming C++ Standard Library Technical Report.
+ .
+ This is documentation for the boost libraries in HTML format.
+ Some pages point to header files provided in the corresponding -dev package,
+ so it is suggested to install the latter as well.
+ .
+ This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
+ Boost version (currently 1.48).
+Package: libboost-chrono-dev
+Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/chrono/
+Architecture: any
+Section: libdevel
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-chrono1.48-dev
+Description: C++ representation of time duration, time point, and clocks (default version)
+ This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
+ .
+ The Boost.Chrono library provides:
+ .
+  * A means to represent time durations: managed by the generic
+ duration class . Examples of time durations include days, minutes,
+ seconds and nanoseconds, which can be represented with a fixed number
+ of clock ticks per unit. All of these units of time duration are
+ united with a generic interface by the duration facility.
+  * A type for representing points in time: time_point. A time_point
+ represents an epoch plus or minus a duration. The library leaves
+ epochs unspecified. A time_point is associated with a clock.
+  * Several clocks, some of which may not be available on a
+ particular platform: system_clock, steady_clock and
+ high_resolution_clock. A clock is a pairing of a time_point and
+ duration, and a function which returns a time_point representing now.
+ .
+ To make the timing facilities more generally useful, Boost.Chrono
+ provides a number of clocks that are thin wrappers around the
+ operating system's time APIs, thereby allowing the extraction of wall
+ clock time, user CPU time, system CPU time spent by the process:
+ .
+  * process_real_cpu_clock, captures wall clock CPU time spent by the
+ current process.  
+  * process_user_cpu_clock, captures user-CPU time
+ spent by the current process.  
+  * process_system_cpu_clock, captures
+ system-CPU time spent by the current process.  
+  * A tuple-like class
+ process_cpu_clock, that captures real, user-CPU, and system-CPU
+ process times together.
+  * A thread_clock thread steady clock giving
+ the time spent by the current thread (when supported by a platform).
+ .
+ Lastly, Boost.Chrono includes typeof registration for duration and
+ time_point to permit using emulated auto with C++03 compilers.
+ .
+ This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
+ Boost version (currently 1.48).
+Package: libboost-date-time-dev
+Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/date_time/
+Architecture: any
+Section: libdevel
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-date-time1.48-dev
+Description: set of date-time libraries based on generic programming concepts (default version)
+ This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
+ .
+ These libraries are intended to make programming with dates and times
+ almost as simple and natural as programming with strings and integers.
+ .
+ This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
+ Boost version (currently 1.48).
+Package: libboost-filesystem-dev
+Homepage: http://boost.org/libs/filesystem/
+Architecture: any
+Section: libdevel
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-filesystem1.48-dev
+Description: filesystem operations (portable paths, iteration over directories, etc) in C++ (default version)
+ This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
+ .
+ The Boost Filesystem Library provides portable facilities to query and 
+ manipulate paths, files, and directories.  The goal is to
+ facilitate portable script-like operations from within C++ programs.
+ .
+ This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
+ Boost version (currently 1.48).
+Package: libboost-graph-dev
+Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/graph/
+Architecture: any
+Section: libdevel
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-graph1.48-dev
+Description: generic graph components and algorithms in C++ (default version)
+ This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
+ .
+ Graphs are mathematical abstractions that are useful for solving
+ many types of problems in computer science. Consequently, these
+ abstractions must also be represented in computer programs. A
+ standardized generic interface for traversing graphs is of utmost
+ importance to encourage reuse of graph algorithms and data structures.
+ .
+ This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
+ Boost version (currently 1.48).
+Package: libboost-graph-parallel-dev
+Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/graph_parallel/
+Architecture: any
+Section: libdevel
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-graph-parallel1.48-dev
+Description: generic graph components and algorithms in C++ (default version)
+ This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
+ .
+ The Parallel Boost Graph Library is an extension to the Boost Graph Library
+ (BGL) for parallel and distributed computing. It offers distributed graphs 
+ and graph algorithms to exploit coarse-grained parallelism along with 
+ parallel algorithms that exploit fine-grained parallelism, while retaining 
+ the same interfaces as the (sequential) BGL. Code written using the sequential
+ BGL should be easy to parallelize with the parallel BGL.
+ .
+ This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
+ Boost version (currently 1.48).
+Package: libboost-iostreams-dev
+Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/iostreams/
+Architecture: any
+Section: libdevel
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-iostreams1.48-dev
+Description: Boost.Iostreams Library development files (default version)
+ This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
+ .
+ Boost.Iostreams are a collection of concepts and a set of templates
+ which turn models of these concepts into C++ standard library streams
+ and stream buffers.
+ .
+ This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
+ Boost version (currently 1.48).
+Package: libboost-locale-dev
+Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/math/
+Architecture: any
+Section: libdevel
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-locale1.48-dev
+Description: C++ facilities for localization (default version)
+ This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
+ .
+ Boost.Locale gives powerful tools for development of cross platform
+ localized software - the software that talks to user in its language.
+ .
+  * Correct case conversion, case folding and normalization.
+  * Collation (sorting), including support for 4 Unicode collation
+ levels.
+  * Date, time, timezone and calendar manipulations, formatting
+ and parsing, including transparent support for calendars other than
+ Gregorian.
+  * Boundary analysis for characters, words, sentences and
+ line-breaks.
+  * Number formatting, spelling and parsing.
+  * Monetary formatting and parsing.
+  * Powerful message formatting (string translation) including 
+ support for plural forms, using GNU catalogs.
+  * Character set conversion.
+  * Transparent support for 8-bit character sets like Latin1
+  * Support for char and wchar_t
+  * Experimental support for C++0x char16_t and char32_t strings and streams.
+ .
+ This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
+ Boost version (currently 1.48).
+Package: libboost-math-dev
+Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/math/
+Architecture: any
+Section: libdevel
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-math1.48-dev
+Description: Boost.Math Library development files (default version)
+ This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
+ .
+ This library is divided into three interconnected parts:
+  * Statistical Distributions: Provides a reasonably comprehensive set of 
+    statistical distributions, upon which higher level statistical tests 
+    can be built.
+  * Mathematical Special Functions: Provides a small number of high quality 
+    special functions, initially these were concentrated on functions used in 
+    statistical applications along with those in the Technical Report on 
+    C++ Library Extensions.
+  * Implementation Toolkit: Provides many of the tools required to implement 
+    mathematical special functions.
+ .
+ This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
+ Boost version (currently 1.48).
+Package: libboost-mpi-dev
+Homepage: http://www.boost.org/doc/html/mpi.html
+Architecture: any
+Section: libdevel
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-mpi1.48-dev
+Description: C++ interface to the Message Passing Interface (MPI) (default version)
+ This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
+ .
+ The Boost.MPI library provides a C++ interface to MPI that
+ supports modern C++ development styles, including complete support for
+ user-defined data types and C++ Standard Library types, arbitrary function
+ objects for collective algorithms, and the use of modern C++ library
+ techniques to maintain maximal efficiency.
+ .
+ This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
+ Boost version (currently 1.48).
+Package: libboost-mpi-python-dev
+Homepage: http://www.boost.org/doc/html/mpi/python.html
+Architecture: any
+Section: libdevel
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-mpi-python1.48-dev
+Description: C++ interface to the Message Passing Interface (MPI), Python Bindings (default version)
+ This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
+ .
+ The Boost.MPI library provides a C++ interface to MPI that
+ supports modern C++ development styles, including complete support for
+ user-defined data types and C++ Standard Library types, arbitrary function
+ objects for collective algorithms, and the use of modern C++ library
+ techniques to maintain maximal efficiency.
+ .
+ This package provides Python Bindings to the C++ interface.
+ .
+ This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
+ Boost version (currently 1.48).
+Package: libboost-program-options-dev
+Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/program_options/
+Architecture: any
+Section: libdevel
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-program-options1.48-dev
+Description: program options library for C++ (default version)
+ This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
+ .
+ Library to let program developers obtain program options, that is
+ (name, value) pairs from the user, via conventional methods such as
+ command line and config file.
+ .
+ This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
+ Boost version (currently 1.48).
+Package: libboost-python-dev
+Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/python/
+Architecture: any
+Section: libdevel
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-python1.48-dev
+Description: Boost.Python Library development files (default version)
+ This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
+ .
+ The Boost Python Library is used to quickly and easily export a C++
+ library to Python such that the Python interface is very similar to
+ the C++ interface. It is designed to be minimally intrusive on your
+ C++ design. In most cases, you should not have to alter your C++
+ classes in any way in order to use them with Boost.Python.  The
+ system should simply "reflect" your C++ classes and functions into
+ Python. The major features of Boost.Python include support for:
+ Subclassing extension types in Python, Overriding virtual functions
+ in Python, Member function Overloading, Automatic wrapping of
+ numeric operators among others.
+ .
+ This package also contains the pyste Boost.Python code generator that
+ allows the user to specify classes and functions to be exported using
+ a simple interface file, which following the Boost.Python's
+ philosophy, is simple Python code.
+ .
+ This package allows development of a Python interface for all current
+ versions of Python in Debian.  Code using this library will need also
+ one of the Python development packages.
+ .
+ This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
+ Boost version (currently 1.48).
+Package: libboost-random-dev
+Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/random/
+Architecture: any
+Section: libdevel
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-random1.48-dev
+Description: Boost Random Number Library (default version)
+ This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
+ .
+ The Boost Random Number Library (Boost.Random for short) provides a
+ variety of generators and distributions to produce random numbers
+ having useful properties, such as uniform distribution.
+ .
+ This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
+ Boost version (currently 1.48).
+Package: libboost-regex-dev
+Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/regex/
+Architecture: any
+Section: libdevel
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-regex1.48-dev
+Description: regular expression library for C++ (default version)
+ This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
+ .
+ Regular expressions are a form of pattern-matching that are often
+ used in text processing; many users will be familiar with the Unix
+ utilities grep, sed and awk, and the programming language perl, each
+ of which make extensive use of regular expressions. Traditionally C++
+ users have been limited to the POSIX C APIs for manipulating regular
+ expressions, and while regex does provide these APIs, they do not
+ represent the best way to use the library. For example regex can cope
+ with wide character strings, or search and replace operations (in a
+ manner analogous to either sed or perl), something that traditional C
+ libraries can not do.
+ .
+ This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
+ Boost version (currently 1.48).
+Package: libboost-serialization-dev
+Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/serialization/
+Architecture: any
+Section: libdevel
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-serialization1.48-dev
+Description: serialization library for C++ (default version)
+ This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection,
+ containing the following functionalities:
+ .
+  * proper restoration of pointers to shared data
+  * serialization of STL containers and other commonly used templates
+  * data portability - streams of bytes created on one platform should
+    be readable on any other
+  * archive interface must be rich enough to permit the creation of an
+    archive that presents serialized data as XML in a useful manner
+ .
+ Here, "serialization" means the reversible deconstruction of an
+ arbitrary set of C++ data structures to a sequence of bytes.
+ archive: to refer to a specific rendering of this stream of bytes.
+ .
+ This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
+ Boost version (currently 1.48).
+Package: libboost-signals-dev
+Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/signals/
+Architecture: any
+Section: libdevel
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-signals1.48-dev
+Description: managed signals and slots library for C++ (default version)
+ This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
+ .
+ Signals represent callbacks with multiple targets, and are also
+ called publishers or events in similar systems. Signals are connected
+ to some set of slots, which are callback receivers (also called event
+ targets or subscribers), which are called when the signal is
+ "emitted."
+ .
+ This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
+ Boost version (currently 1.48).
+Package: libboost-system-dev
+Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/system/
+Architecture: any
+Section: libdevel
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-system1.48-dev
+Description: Operating system (e.g. diagnostics support) library (default version)
+ This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
+ .
+ The Boost System library provides simple, light-weight error_code
+ objects that encapsulate system-specific error code values, yet also
+ provide access to more abstract and portable error conditions via
+ error_condition objects. Because error_code objects can represent
+ errors from sources other than the operating system, including
+ user-defined sources, each error_code and error_condition has an
+ associated error_category.
+ .
+ This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
+ Boost version (currently 1.48).
+Package: libboost-test-dev
+Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/test/
+Architecture: any
+Section: libdevel
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-test1.48-dev
+Description: components for writing and executing test suites (default version)
+ This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.  The
+ library contains several components.
+ .
+  * Basic execution, error detection, and reporting facility.
+  * Facilities to monitor program execution and produce error reports.
+  * Unit test framework to simplify writing test cases.
+ .
+ This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
+ Boost version (currently 1.48).
+Package: libboost-thread-dev
+Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/thread/
+Architecture: any
+Section: libdevel
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-thread1.48-dev
+Description: portable C++ multi-threading (default version)
+ This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
+ .
+ Toolkit for writing C++ programs that execute as multiple,
+ asynchronous, independent, threads-of-execution. Each thread has its
+ own machine state including program instruction counter and
+ registers.
+ .
+ This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
+ Boost version (currently 1.48).
+Package: libboost-timer-dev
+Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/timer/
+Architecture: any
+Section: libdevel
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-timer1.48-dev
+Description: C++ wall clock and CPU process timers (default version)
+ This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
+ .
+ Portable C++ timer classes that answer the question "How long does my
+ C++ code take to run?" with as little as one #include and one
+ additional line of code.
+ .
+ Class cpu_timer measures wall clock time, user CPU process time, and
+ system CPU process time. Class auto_cpu_timer is a refinement of
+ cpu_timer that automatically reports the elapsed times when an
+ auto_cpu_timer object is destroyed.
+ .
+ This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
+ Boost version (currently 1.48).
+Package: libboost-wave-dev
+Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/wave/
+Architecture: any
+Section: libdevel
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-wave1.48-dev
+Description: C99/C++ preprocessor library (default version)
+ This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
+ .
+ The Wave C++ preprocessor library is a Standards conformant
+ implementation of the mandated C99/C++ preprocessor functionality
+ packed behind a simple to use interface, which integrates well with
+ the well known idioms of the Standard Template Library (STL).
+ .
+ This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
+ Boost version (currently 1.48).

Deleted: boost-defaults/tags/
--- boost-defaults/trunk/debian/control.in	2011-11-28 05:16:14 UTC (rev 14677)
+++ boost-defaults/tags/	2011-12-18 00:51:28 UTC (rev 14687)
@@ -1,427 +0,0 @@
-Source: boost-defaults
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/
-Section: libs
-Priority: optional
-Maintainer: Debian Boost Team <pkg-boost-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org>
-Uploaders: Steve M. Robbins <smr at debian.org>, Domenico Andreoli <cavok at debian.org>
-Build-Depends: cdbs, debhelper (>= 8), @BUILD_DEP@
-Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-boost/boost-defaults/trunk/
-Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-boost/boost-defaults/trunk
-Standards-Version: 3.9.1
-Package: libboost-dbg
-Architecture: any
-Section: debug
-Priority: extra
-Depends: libboost-dev (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}, libboost at MAJOR_VER@-dbg
-Description: Boost C++ Libraries with debug symbols
- The Boost web site provides free, peer-reviewed, portable C++ source
- libraries. The emphasis is on libraries which work well with the C++
- Standard Library. One goal is to establish "existing practice" and
- provide reference implementations so that the Boost libraries are
- suitable for eventual standardization. Some of the libraries have
- already been proposed for inclusion in the C++ Standards Committee's
- upcoming C++ Standard Library Technical Report.
- .
- These libraries are built with debug symbols. They are useful to debug
- programs which use Boost. These must be used also at build/link time.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently @MAJOR_VER@).
-Package: libboost-dev
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost at MAJOR_VER@-dev
-Suggests: libboost-doc
-Description: Boost C++ Libraries development files (default version)
- The Boost web site provides free, peer-reviewed, portable C++ source
- libraries. The emphasis is on libraries which work well with the C++
- Standard Library. One goal is to establish "existing practice" and
- provide reference implementations so that the Boost libraries are
- suitable for eventual standardization. Some of the libraries have
- already been proposed for inclusion in the C++ Standards Committee's
- upcoming C++ Standard Library Technical Report.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently @MAJOR_VER@).
-Package: libboost-all-dev
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends},
- libboost-dev,
- libboost-date-time-dev, 
- libboost-filesystem-dev, 
- libboost-graph-dev, 
- libboost-graph-parallel-dev, 
- libboost-iostreams-dev, 
- libboost-math-dev, 
- libboost-mpi-dev, 
- libboost-mpi-python-dev, 
- libboost-program-options-dev, 
- libboost-python-dev, 
- libboost-regex-dev, 
- libboost-serialization-dev, 
- libboost-signals-dev, 
- libboost-system-dev, 
- libboost-test-dev, 
- libboost-thread-dev, 
- libboost-wave-dev
-Description: Boost C++ Libraries development files (ALL, default version)
- The Boost web site provides free, peer-reviewed, portable C++ source
- libraries. The emphasis is on libraries which work well with the C++
- Standard Library. One goal is to establish "existing practice" and
- provide reference implementations so that the Boost libraries are
- suitable for eventual standardization. Some of the libraries have
- already been proposed for inclusion in the C++ Standards Committee's
- upcoming C++ Standard Library Technical Report.
- .
- This package provides the complete Boost development environment,
- including all separately-packaged libraries.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently @MAJOR_VER@).
-Package: libboost-doc
-Architecture: all
-Section: doc
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost at MAJOR_VER@-doc
-Description: Boost C++ Libraries documentation (default version)
- The Boost web site provides free, peer-reviewed, portable C++ source
- libraries. The emphasis is on libraries which work well with the C++
- Standard Library. One goal is to establish "existing practice" and
- provide reference implementations so that the Boost libraries are
- suitable for eventual standardization. Some of the libraries have
- already been proposed for inclusion in the C++ Standards Committee's
- upcoming C++ Standard Library Technical Report.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently @MAJOR_VER@).
-Package: libboost-date-time-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/date_time/
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-date-time at MAJOR_VER@-dev
-Description: date-time libraries based on generic programming (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
- .
- These libraries are intended to make programming with dates and times
- almost as simple and natural as programming with strings and integers.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently @MAJOR_VER@).
-Package: libboost-filesystem-dev
-Homepage: http://boost.org/libs/filesystem/
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-filesystem at MAJOR_VER@-dev
-Description: filesystem operations in C++ (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
- .
- The Boost Filesystem Library provides portable facilities to query and 
- manipulate paths, files, and directories.  The goal is to
- facilitate portable script-like operations from within C++ programs.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently @MAJOR_VER@).
-Package: libboost-graph-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/graph/
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-graph at MAJOR_VER@-dev
-Description: generic graph components and algorithms in C++ (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
- .
- Graphs are mathematical abstractions that are useful for solving
- many types of problems in computer science. Consequently, these
- abstractions must also be represented in computer programs. A
- standardized generic interface for traversing graphs is of utmost
- importance to encourage reuse of graph algorithms and data structures.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently @MAJOR_VER@).
-Package: libboost-graph-parallel-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/graph_parallel/
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-graph-parallel at MAJOR_VER@-dev
-Description: generic graph components and algorithms in C++ (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
- .
- The Parallel Boost Graph Library is an extension to the Boost Graph Library
- (BGL) for parallel and distributed computing. It offers distributed graphs 
- and graph algorithms to exploit coarse-grained parallelism along with 
- parallel algorithms that exploit fine-grained parallelism, while retaining 
- the same interfaces as the (sequential) BGL. Code written using the sequential
- BGL should be easy to parallelize with the parallel BGL.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently @MAJOR_VER@).
-Package: libboost-iostreams-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/iostreams/
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-iostreams at MAJOR_VER@-dev
-Description: Boost.Iostreams Library development files (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
- .
- Boost.Iostreams are a collection of concepts and set of templates
- which turn models of these concepts into C++ standard library streams
- and stream buffers.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently @MAJOR_VER@).
-Package: libboost-math-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/math/
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-math at MAJOR_VER@-dev
-Description: Boost.Math Library development files (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
- .
- This library is divided into three interconnected parts:
-  * Statistical Distributions: Provides a reasonably comprehensive set of 
-    statistical distributions, upon which higher level statistical tests 
-    can be built.
-  * Mathematical Special Functions: Provides a small number of high quality 
-    special functions, initially these were concentrated on functions used in 
-    statistical applications along with those in the Technical Report on 
-    C++ Library Extensions.
-  * Implementation Toolkit: Provides many of the tools required to implement 
-    mathematical special functions.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently @MAJOR_VER@).
-Package: libboost-mpi-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/doc/html/mpi.html
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-mpi at MAJOR_VER@-dev
-Description: C++ interface to the Message Passing Interface (MPI) (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
- .
- The Boost.MPI library provides a C++ interface to MPI that
- supports modern C++ development styles, including complete support for
- user-defined data types and C++ Standard Library types, arbitrary function
- objects for collective algorithms, and the use of modern C++ library
- techniques to maintain maximal efficiency.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently @MAJOR_VER@).
-Package: libboost-mpi-python-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/doc/html/mpi.html
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-mpi at MAJOR_VER@-dev
-Description: Python interface to the Message Passing Interface (MPI) (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
- .
- The Boost.MPI library provides a C++ interface to MPI that
- supports modern C++ development styles, including complete support for
- user-defined data types and C++ Standard Library types, arbitrary function
- objects for collective algorithms, and the use of modern C++ library
- techniques to maintain maximal efficiency.
- .
- This package provides Python Bindings to the C++ interface.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently @MAJOR_VER@).
-Package: libboost-program-options-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/program_options/
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-program-options at MAJOR_VER@-dev
-Description: program options library for C++ (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
- .
- Library to let program developers obtain program options, that is
- (name, value) pairs from the user, via conventional methods such as
- command line and config file.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently @MAJOR_VER@).
-Package: libboost-python-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/python/
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-python at MAJOR_VER@-dev
-Description: Boost.Python Library development files (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
- .
- The Boost Python Library is used to quickly and easily export a C++
- library to Python such that the Python interface is very similar to
- the C++ interface. It is designed to be minimally intrusive on your
- C++ design. In most cases, you should not have to alter your C++
- classes in any way in order to use them with Boost.Python.  The
- system should simply "reflect" your C++ classes and functions into
- Python. The major features of Boost.Python include support for:
- Subclassing extension types in Python, Overriding virtual functions
- in Python, Member function Overloading, Automatic wrapping of
- numeric operators among others.
- .
- This package also contains the pyste Boost.Python code generator that
- allows the user to specify classes and functions to be exported using
- a simple interface file, which following the Boost.Python's
- philosophy, is simple Python code.
- .
- This package allows development of a Python interface for all current
- versions of Python in Debian.  Code using this library will need also
- one of the Python development packages.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently @MAJOR_VER@).
-Package: libboost-random-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/random/
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-random at MAJOR_VER@-dev
-Description: Boost Random Number Library (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
- .
- The Boost Random Number Library (Boost.Random for short) provides a
- variety of generators and distributions to produce random numbers
- having useful properties, such as uniform distribution.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently @MAJOR_VER@).
-Package: libboost-regex-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/regex/
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-regex at MAJOR_VER@-dev
-Description: regular expression library for C++ (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
- .
- Regular expressions are a form of pattern-matching that are often
- used in text processing; many users will be familiar with the Unix
- utilities grep, sed and awk, and the programming language perl, each
- of which make extensive use of regular expressions. Traditionally C++
- users have been limited to the POSIX C APIs for manipulating regular
- expressions, and while regex does provide these APIs, they do not
- represent the best way to use the library. For example regex can cope
- with wide character strings, or search and replace operations (in a
- manner analogous to either sed or perl), something that traditional C
- libraries can not do.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently @MAJOR_VER@).
-Package: libboost-serialization-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/serialization/
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-serialization at MAJOR_VER@-dev
-Description: serialization library for C++ (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection,
- containing the following functionalities:
- .
-  * proper restoration of pointers to shared data
-  * serialization of STL containers and other commonly used templates
-  * data portability - streams of bytes created on one platform should
-    be readable on any other
-  * archive interface must be rich enough to permit the creation of an
-    archive that presents serialized data as XML in a useful manner
- .
- Here, "serialization" means the reversible deconstruction of an
- arbitrary set of C++ data structures to a sequence of bytes.
- archive: to refer to a specific rendering of this stream of bytes.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently @MAJOR_VER@).
-Package: libboost-signals-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/signals/
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-signals at MAJOR_VER@-dev
-Description: managed signals and slots library for C++ (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
- .
- Signals represent callbacks with multiple targets, and are also
- called publishers or events in similar systems. Signals are connected
- to some set of slots, which are callback receivers (also called event
- targets or subscribers), which are called when the signal is
- "emitted."
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently @MAJOR_VER@).
-Package: libboost-system-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/system/
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-system at MAJOR_VER@-dev
-Description: Operating system (e.g. diagnostics support) library (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
- .
- The Boost System library provides simple, light-weight error_code
- objects that encapsulate system-specific error code values, yet also
- provide access to more abstract and portable error conditions via
- error_condition objects. Because error_code objects can represent
- errors from sources other than the operating system, including
- user-defined sources, each error_code and error_condition has an
- associated error_category.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently @MAJOR_VER@).
-Package: libboost-test-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/test/
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-test at MAJOR_VER@-dev
-Description: components for writing and executing test suites (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.  The
- library contains several components.
- .
-  * Basic execution, error detection, and reporting facility.
-  * Facilities to monitor program execution and produce error reports.
-  * Unit test framework to simplify writing test cases.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently @MAJOR_VER@).
-Package: libboost-thread-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/thread/
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-thread at MAJOR_VER@-dev
-Description: portable C++ multi-threading (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
- .
- Toolkit for writing C++ programs that execute as multiple,
- asynchronous, independent, threads-of-execution. Each thread has its
- own machine state including program instruction counter and
- registers.
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently @MAJOR_VER@).
-Package: libboost-wave-dev
-Homepage: http://www.boost.org/libs/wave/
-Architecture: any
-Section: libdevel
-Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libboost-wave at MAJOR_VER@-dev
-Description: C99/C++ preprocessor library (default version)
- This package forms part of the Boost C++ Libraries collection.
- .
- The Wave C++ preprocessor library is a Standards conformant
- implementation of the mandated C99/C++ preprocessor functionality
- packed behind a simple to use interface, which integrates well with
- the well known idioms of the Standard Template Library (STL).
- .
- This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
- Boost version (currently @MAJOR_VER@).

Deleted: boost-defaults/tags/
--- boost-defaults/trunk/debian/rules	2011-11-28 05:16:14 UTC (rev 14677)
+++ boost-defaults/tags/	2011-12-18 00:51:28 UTC (rev 14687)
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/make -f
-include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk
-include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/utils.mk
-MAJOR_VER = 1.46
-BUILD_DEP = libboost1.46-dev (>= 1.46.1)
-	sed -e "s/@MAJOR_VER@/$(MAJOR_VER)/g" \
-	    -e "s/@BUILD_DEP@/$(BUILD_DEP)/g" \
-		<debian/control.in >debian/control.tmp
-	[ -e debian/control ] \
-	  && cmp -s debian/control debian/control.tmp \
-	  && rm -f debian/control.tmp && exit 0; \
-	  mv debian/control.tmp debian/control

Copied: boost-defaults/tags/ (from rev 14684, boost-defaults/trunk/debian/rules)
--- boost-defaults/tags/	                        (rev 0)
+++ boost-defaults/tags/	2011-12-18 00:51:28 UTC (rev 14687)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+	dh $@

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