[pkg-boost-devel] boost-1.33.0-2 + 1.33.1 ?
Christophe Prud'homme
prudhomm at debian.org
Mon Oct 24 10:19:24 UTC 2005
[ Lundi 24 Octobre 2005 10:46 ]
| > First, if you think you need more help, let me know! I am a DD and a
| > heavy user of boost, so I have plenty of interest for boost in Debian.
| very good. please explain which libraries you are using and the kind
| of support you want to provide. we will happily consider new motivated
| co-maintainers.
here are the libraries I am following closely and using
ublas, lambda, mpl, serialization, multi_index, multi_array, filesystem,
program_options, test + small ones such as shared_ptr, timer algo_string
I am following relatively closely ublas mailing list and development.
ublas is _unusable_ in 1.33 due to a 2 relatively small bugs (and easy to fix)
As for the help I could provide: I could eventually make sure that ublas is
"working" for the Debian version.
Ublas requires relatively little work as it is 100% template/headers.
| > Second, I was wondering while reading the boost-1.33-2 announcement
| > whether you put the 1.33.1 code in ? There are quite a few libraries
| > which are broken in 1.33.0. Sometimes due to true internal bugs (ublas),
| > sometimes due to miscompilation with g++-4.02 (is_incrementable)
| no, i didn't make any particular backport if not for tiny fixes here
| and there. do you propose something?
Yup :)
- add ublas 1.33.1 headers (ublas 1.33 is mostly unusable)
- fix for boost/details/is_incrementable.hpp which is incompatible with g++
4.02 (which is our default compiler now )
the fix was imported in 1.33.1 CVS recently.
What I did internally was to
o - create a tarball of the subdirs boost/ and libs/ from boost 1.33.1 cvs
o - apt-get source boost
o - unpack the tarball in boost-1.33/
o - bump up boost debian version to avoid conflict with your version
o - debuild binary
and everything works nice :)
However my codes are not using 100% of boost however the fair amount I am
using above works fine.
I am not proposing that you should do that (except for ublas and
Best regards & thanks for your work
Debian Developer
Scienfific computing packages maintainer
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