[pkg-boost-devel] [Pkg-lyx-devel] backporting lyx 1.5.2 to Etch (libboost questions)

emisca emisca.ml at gmail.com
Fri Nov 9 20:44:31 UTC 2007

How I can handle the binary package libboost-dev backporting boost
1.34? It would update the 1.33 one.. and that's bad for Etch.

If I rename it, there would be problems updating some day to lenny,
and compiling packages using it.

Someone can help me?


2007/11/7, Per Olofsson <pelle at dsv.su.se>:
> Hi,
> emisca wrote:
> > I don't know too much the differencies between the 1.5.x and 1.4.x lyx
> > version apart of the qt version used. I've used extensively the 1.3.x
> > version two years ago for my degree thesis.
> It took at least a year to develop, of course there are differences. I think the
> main one is Unicode support, which affected a large part of the codebase. But
> I'm not really the right person to ask.
> > I'd like the 1.5.x version for unicode support.
> I like it too.
> > Does libboost 1.34 could cohexist with the 1.33 version without conflicts?
> Yes, I believe so.
> >
> > libboost 1.34 has not entered testing because renders some packages
> > uninstallable, http://bjorn.haxx.se/debian/testing.pl?package=boost
> > So a backport could lead to the same results...?
> No, I think it has to do with how britney moves packages to testing. Since boost
> 1.33 and boost 1.34 is built from the same source package name ("boost"),
> introducing 1.34 in testing will mean that the old 1.33 binary packages will be
> removed, thus rendering other packages depending on them uninstallable. This is
> not a problem for backports.org, as the old boost is still available in the
> original etch repository. There are no conflicts between the packages themselves
> --
> Pelle

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