[pkg-boost-devel] Bug#491225: Bug#491225: When will the fix for #491225 hit unstable?

Jeremy Lainé jeremy.laine at m4x.org
Sun Aug 10 17:07:23 UTC 2008

Hi Steve,

>> Any idea when there will be a new upload of libboost1.35-dev to
>> unstable? At the moment bug #491225 is blocking packaging of
>> kdevplatform and kdevelop4.
> I uploaded to experimental to avoid problems with stabilizing
> the distribution for Lenny release.  At present, therefore,
> my plan is to wait until after the release before uploading
> to unstable.
> Do you need it sooner?
> Do you need the fix uploaded for Lenny?  If so, I'm willing to make an
> upload with this one bug (#491225) fixed, but we need to get approval
> from debian-release before doing so.

Having a fixed libboost for lenny would definitely be nice, as it  
would make backporting kdevplatform-based applications to lenny that  
much easier. However, it's not critical as kdevplatform itself is not  
targeted for lenny. Basically it's your call :)


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