[pkg-boost-devel] coping with patches

Domenico Andreoli cavok at dandreoli.com
Tue Feb 26 14:53:51 UTC 2008

On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 09:50:55PM -0600, Steve M. Robbins wrote:
> Hi,


> I just converted one of my other packages to "quilt" following these
> instructions [1] and I'm very impressed with it.  I gather it is
> similar to dpatch so if you're used to dpatch, you should be
> comfortable also with quilt [2].

I use quilt quite regularly, it's ok for me.

> Any objections to moving patches out of the hairy mess that is the
> diff file into a quilt series of patch sets?

Wrt this you could be interested in "3.2 On-Build-Time merging" [0]
in the svn-buildpackage HOWTO.

I never tried this transformation of the repository, I think would be
easier (and safer) to put current tree aside and start with a fresh
one with mergeWithUpstream enabled from the start.

<git propaganda>
  In theory a VCS should help to keep things under control, but
  subversion is not a real VCS. Until one swhitches to git can not
  understand (I was an addicted user of CVS/subversion).
</git propaganda>

I would also give a glance to git-buildpackage, it could be another
good alternative and would not exclude quilt anyway.

My mood is not good enough to work on Boost Debian packages now,
unfortunately this is happening more and more frequently. I see you
are doing a great job squashing tons of bugs and taking the issues with
Python. Thank you.

Happy hacking,

[0] file:///usr/share/doc/svn-buildpackage/HOWTO.html/ch-import.html#s3.2

-----[ Domenico Andreoli, aka cavok
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