[pkg-boost-devel] etch backport for libboost-filesystem-dev: "boost/filesystem.hpp: No such file or directory"

Domenico Andreoli cavok at dandreoli.com
Wed Jan 28 09:02:03 UTC 2009

On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 07:43:29AM +0100, Joerg Ostertag (gpsdrive Tettnang/Germany) wrote:
> Hi,


> i'm just trying to compile gpsdrive with debian-etch and the backported 
> libboost-filesystem-dev package. In this package I'm missing the 
> File /usr/include/boost/filesystem.hpp. Is this on purpose or could you add 
> it to the backported development package?

could you please specify which is the package version you are trying to use?


-----[ Domenico Andreoli, aka cavok
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