[pkg-boost-devel] Processed: These errors are caused by bug in libboost1.49-dev
Debian Bug Tracking System
owner at bugs.debian.org
Thu May 16 07:34:28 UTC 2013
Processing commands for control at bugs.debian.org:
> reassign 708439 libboost1.49-dev
Bug #708439 [src:autodock-vina] autodock-vina: FTBFS: xtime.hpp:23:5: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
Bug reassigned from package 'src:autodock-vina' to 'libboost1.49-dev'.
No longer marked as found in versions autodock-vina/1.1.2-2.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #708439 to the same values previously set
> reassign 708443 libboost1.49-dev
Bug #708443 [src:dc-qt] dc-qt: FTBFS: xtime.hpp:23:5: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
Bug #708445 [src:dc-qt] dc-qt: FTBFS: xtime.hpp:23:5: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
Bug reassigned from package 'src:dc-qt' to 'libboost1.49-dev'.
Bug reassigned from package 'src:dc-qt' to 'libboost1.49-dev'.
No longer marked as found in versions dc-qt/0.2.0.alpha-4.1.
No longer marked as found in versions dc-qt/0.2.0.alpha-4.1.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #708443 to the same values previously set
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #708445 to the same values previously set
> reassign 708446 libboost1.49-dev
Bug #708446 [src:dssp] dssp: FTBFS: xtime.hpp:23:5: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
Bug reassigned from package 'src:dssp' to 'libboost1.49-dev'.
No longer marked as found in versions dssp/2.0.4-2.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #708446 to the same values previously set
> forcemerge 695826 708439
Bug #695826 {Done: smr at debian.org (Steve M. Robbins)} [libboost1.49-dev] libboost1.49-dev: unable to compile applicatios using boost_thread
Bug #708448 {Done: smr at debian.org (Steve M. Robbins)} [libboost1.49-dev] eiskaltdcpp: FTBFS: xtime.hpp:23:5: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
Bug #708439 [libboost1.49-dev] autodock-vina: FTBFS: xtime.hpp:23:5: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
Severity set to 'important' from 'serious'
701310 was blocked by: 695826 708448
701310 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 701310: 708439
701374 was blocked by: 695826 708448
701374 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 701374: 708439
701318 was blocked by: 695826 708448
701318 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 701318: 708439
708439 was not blocked by any bugs.
708439 was blocking: 701310 701318 701374
Added blocking bug(s) of 708439: 704032
Marked Bug as done
Added indication that 708439 affects libmapnik2-2.0
Marked as fixed in versions boost1.49/1.49.0-4.
Marked as found in versions boost1.49/1.49.0-3.1.
Added tag(s) wontfix.
Bug #708448 {Done: smr at debian.org (Steve M. Robbins)} [libboost1.49-dev] eiskaltdcpp: FTBFS: xtime.hpp:23:5: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
Merged 695826 708439 708448
> forcemerge 695826 708443
Bug #695826 {Done: smr at debian.org (Steve M. Robbins)} [libboost1.49-dev] libboost1.49-dev: unable to compile applicatios using boost_thread
Bug #708439 {Done: smr at debian.org (Steve M. Robbins)} [libboost1.49-dev] autodock-vina: FTBFS: xtime.hpp:23:5: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
Bug #708448 {Done: smr at debian.org (Steve M. Robbins)} [libboost1.49-dev] eiskaltdcpp: FTBFS: xtime.hpp:23:5: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
Bug #708443 [libboost1.49-dev] dc-qt: FTBFS: xtime.hpp:23:5: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
Severity set to 'important' from 'serious'
Severity set to 'important' from 'serious'
701310 was blocked by: 695826 708448 708439
701310 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 701310: 708443 and 708445
701374 was blocked by: 695826 708448 708439
701374 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 701374: 708443 and 708445
701318 was blocked by: 695826 708448 708439
701318 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 701318: 708443 and 708445
708443 was not blocked by any bugs.
708443 was blocking: 701310 701318 701374
Added blocking bug(s) of 708443: 704032
708445 was not blocked by any bugs.
708445 was blocking: 701310 701318 701374
Added blocking bug(s) of 708445: 704032
Marked Bug as done
Marked Bug as done
Added indication that 708443 affects libmapnik2-2.0
Added indication that 708445 affects libmapnik2-2.0
Marked as fixed in versions boost1.49/1.49.0-4.
Marked as fixed in versions boost1.49/1.49.0-4.
Marked as found in versions boost1.49/1.49.0-3.1.
Marked as found in versions boost1.49/1.49.0-3.1.
Added tag(s) wontfix.
Added tag(s) wontfix.
Bug #708439 {Done: smr at debian.org (Steve M. Robbins)} [libboost1.49-dev] autodock-vina: FTBFS: xtime.hpp:23:5: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
Bug #708445 {Done: smr at debian.org (Steve M. Robbins)} [libboost1.49-dev] dc-qt: FTBFS: xtime.hpp:23:5: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
Bug #708448 {Done: smr at debian.org (Steve M. Robbins)} [libboost1.49-dev] eiskaltdcpp: FTBFS: xtime.hpp:23:5: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
Merged 695826 708439 708443 708445 708448
> forcemerge 695826 708446
Bug #695826 {Done: smr at debian.org (Steve M. Robbins)} [libboost1.49-dev] libboost1.49-dev: unable to compile applicatios using boost_thread
Bug #708439 {Done: smr at debian.org (Steve M. Robbins)} [libboost1.49-dev] autodock-vina: FTBFS: xtime.hpp:23:5: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
Bug #708443 {Done: smr at debian.org (Steve M. Robbins)} [libboost1.49-dev] dc-qt: FTBFS: xtime.hpp:23:5: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
Bug #708445 {Done: smr at debian.org (Steve M. Robbins)} [libboost1.49-dev] dc-qt: FTBFS: xtime.hpp:23:5: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
Bug #708448 {Done: smr at debian.org (Steve M. Robbins)} [libboost1.49-dev] eiskaltdcpp: FTBFS: xtime.hpp:23:5: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
Bug #708446 [libboost1.49-dev] dssp: FTBFS: xtime.hpp:23:5: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
Severity set to 'important' from 'serious'
701310 was blocked by: 708443 695826 708448 708445 708439
701310 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 701310: 708446
701374 was blocked by: 708443 695826 708448 708445 708439
701374 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 701374: 708446
701318 was blocked by: 708443 695826 708448 708445 708439
701318 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 701318: 708446
708446 was not blocked by any bugs.
708446 was blocking: 701310 701318 701374
Added blocking bug(s) of 708446: 704032
Marked Bug as done
Added indication that 708446 affects libmapnik2-2.0
Marked as fixed in versions boost1.49/1.49.0-4.
Marked as found in versions boost1.49/1.49.0-3.1.
Added tag(s) wontfix.
Bug #708439 {Done: smr at debian.org (Steve M. Robbins)} [libboost1.49-dev] autodock-vina: FTBFS: xtime.hpp:23:5: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
Bug #708443 {Done: smr at debian.org (Steve M. Robbins)} [libboost1.49-dev] dc-qt: FTBFS: xtime.hpp:23:5: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
Bug #708445 {Done: smr at debian.org (Steve M. Robbins)} [libboost1.49-dev] dc-qt: FTBFS: xtime.hpp:23:5: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
Bug #708448 {Done: smr at debian.org (Steve M. Robbins)} [libboost1.49-dev] eiskaltdcpp: FTBFS: xtime.hpp:23:5: error: expected identifier before numeric constant
Merged 695826 708439 708443 708445 708446 708448
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
695826: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=695826
701310: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=701310
701318: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=701318
701374: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=701374
708439: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=708439
708443: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=708443
708445: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=708445
708446: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=708446
708448: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=708448
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner at bugs.debian.org with problems
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