[pkg-boost-devel] Bug#802509: libboost-coroutine-dev: The boost-coroutine library is only compiled as a static library

Tiago de Paula Peixoto tiago at skewed.de
Fri Dec 25 16:23:49 UTC 2015

On Sat, 21 Nov 2015 12:33:54 +0100 Tobias Frost <tobi at debian.org> wrote:
> Followup-For: Bug #802509
> Control: Serverity -1 whishlist
> (fixing Steve's syntax.)
> Steve's right: this bug is not grave.

It makes the library completely unusable for me, since I need to link to
it from a shared object. I imagine I am not the only one attempting to
do that.

Right now I am forced to drop crucial functionality in Debian for a
library that I develop (http://graph-tool.skewed.de) simply because of
this bug.

BTW, the fix should be fairly trivial.

I wonder why this library is being compiled static-only in the first
place, since this is not the default in Debian. All other boost
libraries are compiled as shared objects as well.


Tiago de Paula Peixoto <tiago at skewed.de>

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