[pkg-boost-devel] Bug#808626: boost1.58: ships empty binary packages on some archs

Steve M. Robbins steve at sumost.ca
Mon Dec 28 06:19:16 UTC 2015

On Mon, 21 Dec 2015 17:56:12 +0200 Graham Inggs <ginggs at debian.org> wrote:
> Source: boost1.58
> Version: 1.58.0+dfsg-4.1
> Hi Maintainer
> In debian/rules it is made clear that libboost-context and
> libboost-coroutine are not built for all architectures:
> # context is conditionally compiled because it is not supported yet on
> several architectures
> # coroutine depends on context, so it is also conditionally compiled
> In particular, these libraries are not built for the supported
> architectures arm64 and s390x.
> However, boost1.58 still ships empty binary packages
> libboost-context1.58.0, libboost-context1.58-dev and
> libboost-coroutine1.58-dev for these architectures.
> This causes FTBFS in packages that build-depend on
> libboost-context-dev and liboost-coroutine-dev.  Fortunately, only
> kicad seems to be affected so far, see bug #807483.

I understand that the lack of Boost.Context support for certain architectures 
will cause software using Boost.Context to fail to build on those 

I don't follow how the empty binary package is involved in the FTBFS.

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