[pkg-boost-devel] Bug#809228: It would be nice to have 1.60 in sid

Steve Robbins steve at sumost.ca
Mon Feb 29 16:49:23 UTC 2016

Last night I got rid of these source lintian errors.  So forget my earlier msg.

I'm well on my way to an upload now.  Hopefully in the next day or two.

On February 29, 2016 9:46:55 AM CST, Mario Lang <mlang at debian.org> wrote:
>"Steve M. Robbins" <steve at sumost.ca> writes:
>> On Fri, 26 Feb 2016 22:03:37 +0100 Mario Lang <mlang at debian.org>
>>> Hi.
>>>  Is there anything in particular I could help you with to get it
>>> done?
>> Yes.  I have the new package in the svn and it is building.  But
>there are a 
>> zillion lintian complaints about missing sources:
>> E: boost1.60 source: source-is-missing 
>> libs/sort/doc/doxygen/html/search/all_0.js line length is 258
>> (>256)
>> If you have some time to send patches for this, would be appreciated.
> I 
>Unfortunately, I am about to leave on a trip to Italy.
>Saturday at the earliest.
>> myself have no patience for this and will end up removing the doc
>> entirely to fix it.
>While I try to understand the motivation behind these efforts, I
>also totally understand your frustration.  These are tasks that totally
>waste our time, likely for absolutely no benefit at all.
>  ⡍⠁⠗⠊⠕

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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