[pkg-boost-devel] Bug#831431: libboost1.60-tools-dev: Please install /usr/bin/b2

Jeremy Bicha jbicha at ubuntu.com
Fri Jul 15 20:54:00 UTC 2016

Package: libboost1.60-tools-dev
Version: 1.60.0+dfsg-6

As reported at https://launchpad.net/bugs/1600391 please have
libboost-tools-dev install /usr/bin/b2 . From the build logs [1], it
looks like it is built but just not installed anywhere.

See http://www.boost.org/build/doc/html/bbv2/faq/names.html

Jeremy Bicha

[1] https://buildd.debian.org/status/fetch.php?pkg=boost1.60&arch=i386&ver=1.60.0%2Bdfsg-6&stamp=1463378318

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