[Pkg-bugzilla-commits] r71 - in trunk/bugzilla-2.18/debian: . patches
Alexis Sukrieh
Sat, 23 Apr 2005 14:38:46 +0000
Author: sukria-guest
Date: 2005-04-23 14:38:46 +0000 (Sat, 23 Apr 2005)
New Revision: 71
Now, we have to put the params file under /etc/bugzilla, and that means,
again, patching Config.pm ...
Modified: trunk/bugzilla-2.18/debian/bugzilla.postinst
--- trunk/bugzilla-2.18/debian/bugzilla.postinst 2005-04-22 13:14:31 UTC (rev 70)
+++ trunk/bugzilla-2.18/debian/bugzilla.postinst 2005-04-23 14:38:46 UTC (rev 71)
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
- if [ $DEBIAN_BUGZILLA_DEBUG = 1 ]; then
+ if [ -n "$DEBIAN_BUGZILLA_DEBUG" ]; then
echo "$1" >&2
@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@
if [ "$1" = "configure" ]; then
- params_218_dest="/usr/share/bugzilla/web/data/params"
- params_218_new="/usr/share/bugzilla/web/data/params.new"
+ params_218_dest="/etc/bugzilla/params"
+ params_218_new="/etc/bugzilla/params.new"
# manage the upgrade before 2.18
# We aim here to upgrade the params file from oldest version.
@@ -91,6 +91,10 @@
exit 3
+ # We want checksetup.pl to write the new params file in params.new
+ # Then Config.pm has to be patched
+ patch -p1 -d /usr/share/perl5 < /usr/share/bugzilla/debian/101_Config.diff
# Call checksetup now that everything is ready
# The params file will then be updated if needed, the resulting file
# will be saved in $params_218_new
@@ -100,6 +104,9 @@
exit 13
+ # We restore the good Config.pm file
+ patch -R -p1 -d /usr/share/perl5 < /usr/share/bugzilla/debian/101_Config.diff
# the answerfile should be removed now
rm -f $answerfile
@@ -110,9 +117,6 @@
# ask our fellow user if he likes to use it
replace_file ${params_218_new} ${params_218_dest}
- # Now, we have to unpatch Config.pm, else every changes made
- # by editparams.cgi will be saved in ... params.new!
- patch -R -p1 -d /usr/share/perl5 < /usr/share/bugzilla/debian/101_Config_params.diff
Added: trunk/bugzilla-2.18/debian/patches/003_Config.diff
--- trunk/bugzilla-2.18/debian/patches/003_Config.diff 2005-04-22 13:14:31 UTC (rev 70)
+++ trunk/bugzilla-2.18/debian/patches/003_Config.diff 2005-04-23 14:38:46 UTC (rev 71)
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+--- bugzilla-21.8.orig/Bugzilla/Config.pm 2005-04-23 16:14:44.260415040 +0200
++++ bugzilla-2.18/Bugzilla/Config.pm 2005-04-23 16:14:09.703668464 +0200
+@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
+ our $datadir = "$libpath/web/data";
+ our $templatedir = "$libpath/template";
+ our $webdotdir = "$datadir/webdot";
++our $params_file = "/etc/bugzilla/params";
+ # Module stuff
+ @Bugzilla::Config::EXPORT = qw(Param);
+@@ -105,22 +106,22 @@
+ # read in localconfig variables
+ do $localconfig;
+- if (-e "$datadir/params") {
++ if (-e $params_file) {
+ # Handle reading old param files by munging the symbol table
+ # Don't have to do this if we use safe mode, since its evaled
+ # in a sandbox where $foo is in the same module as $::foo
+ #local *::param = \%param;
+- # Note that checksetup.pl sets file permissions on '$datadir/params'
++ # Note that checksetup.pl sets file permissions on $params_file
+ # Using Safe mode is _not_ a guarantee of safety if someone does
+ # manage to write to the file. However, it won't hurt...
+ # See bug 165144 for not needing to eval this at all
+ my $s = new Safe;
+- $s->rdo("$datadir/params");
+- die "Error reading $datadir/params: $!" if $!;
+- die "Error evaluating $datadir/params: $@" if $@;
++ $s->rdo($params_file);
++ die "Error reading $params_file: $!" if $!;
++ die "Error evaluating $params_file: $@" if $@;
+ # Now read the param back out from the sandbox
+ %param = %{$s->varglob('param')};
+@@ -263,10 +264,10 @@
+ close $fh;
+- rename $tmpname, "$datadir/params"
+- || die "Can't rename $tmpname to $datadir/params: $!";
++ rename $tmpname, $params_file
++ || die "Can't rename $tmpname to $params_file: $!";
+- ChmodDataFile("$datadir/params", 0666);
++ ChmodDataFile($params_file, 0666);
+ }
+ # Some files in the data directory must be world readable iff we don't have
Added: trunk/bugzilla-2.18/debian/patches/101_Config.diff
--- trunk/bugzilla-2.18/debian/patches/101_Config.diff 2005-04-22 13:14:31 UTC (rev 70)
+++ trunk/bugzilla-2.18/debian/patches/101_Config.diff 2005-04-23 14:38:46 UTC (rev 71)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- bugzilla-2.18.orig/Bugzilla/Config.pm 2005-04-23 16:17:08.108546800 +0200
++++ bugzilla-2.18/Bugzilla/Config.pm 2005-04-23 16:32:19.635973568 +0200
+@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
+ our $datadir = "$libpath/web/data";
+ our $templatedir = "$libpath/template";
+ our $webdotdir = "$datadir/webdot";
+-our $params_file = "/etc/bugzilla/params";
++our $params_file = "/etc/bugzilla/params.new";
+ # Module stuff
+ @Bugzilla::Config::EXPORT = qw(Param);
Deleted: trunk/bugzilla-2.18/debian/patches/101_Config_params.diff
--- trunk/bugzilla-2.18/debian/patches/101_Config_params.diff 2005-04-22 13:14:31 UTC (rev 70)
+++ trunk/bugzilla-2.18/debian/patches/101_Config_params.diff 2005-04-23 14:38:46 UTC (rev 71)
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
---- bugzilla-2.18.orig/Bugzilla/Config.pm.orig 2005-04-21 16:15:06.924562544 +0200
-+++ bugzilla-2.18/Bugzilla/Config.pm 2005-04-21 16:18:16.621724192 +0200
-@@ -263,10 +263,16 @@
- close $fh;
-- rename $tmpname, "$datadir/params"
-- || die "Can't rename $tmpname to $datadir/params: $!";
-+ # In our Debian package, the params file is a conffile
-+ # which has to been handled with care.
-+ # It's located in /etc/bugzilla/params and a symlink
-+ # is given in $datadir/params
-+ # So here, we don't want to overwrite the symlink:
-+ rename $tmpname, "$datadir/params.new"
-+ || die "Can't rename $tmpname to $datadir/params.new: $!";
-- ChmodDataFile("$datadir/params", 0666);
-+ # We don't need to make this file writable by others.
-+ ChmodDataFile("/etc/bugzilla/params.new", 0666);
- }
- # Some files in the data directory must be world readable iff we don't have
Modified: trunk/bugzilla-2.18/debian/rules
--- trunk/bugzilla-2.18/debian/rules 2005-04-22 13:14:31 UTC (rev 70)
+++ trunk/bugzilla-2.18/debian/rules 2005-04-23 14:38:46 UTC (rev 71)
@@ -24,8 +24,10 @@
patch: patch-stamp
+ # We patch only 0*.diff, 1*.diff is for manual patches
+ # used in postinst
@echo -e "\n\n*** Patching Debian fixes ***\n\n"
- @for patch in debian/patches/*.diff; do \
+ @for patch in debian/patches/0*.diff; do \
echo "Applying: $$patch"; \
patch -d . -p1 < $$patch; \
@@ -35,7 +37,7 @@
unpatch: unpatch-stamp
@echo -e "\n\n*** Unpatching Debian fixes ***\n\n"
- @for patch in debian/patches/*.diff; do \
+ @for patch in debian/patches/0*.diff; do \
echo "Removing: $$patch"; \
patch -R -d . -p1 < $$patch; \
@@ -73,7 +75,7 @@
install -d -m 0755 -o root -g root $(CURDIR)/debian/bugzilla/usr/share/bugzilla/debian
install -m 0755 -o root -g root debian/helper/postinst-db.pl $(CURDIR)/debian/bugzilla/usr/share/bugzilla/debian/postinst-db.pl
install -m 0644 -o root -g root data/params $(CURDIR)/debian/bugzilla/usr/share/bugzilla/debian
- install -m 0644 -o root -g root debian/patches/101_Config_params.diff $(CURDIR)/debian/bugzilla/usr/share/bugzilla/debian
+ install -m 0644 -o root -g root debian/patches/101_Config.diff $(CURDIR)/debian/bugzilla/usr/share/bugzilla/debian
# remove all the CVS entries in the build dir
find ./debian -name CVS -type d -exec rm -rf {} \;