[Pkg-bugzilla-commits] r80 - trunk/bugzilla-2.18/debian

Alexis Sukrieh sukria-guest@costa.debian.org
Mon, 25 Apr 2005 12:17:13 +0000

Author: sukria-guest
Date: 2005-04-25 12:17:12 +0000 (Mon, 25 Apr 2005)
New Revision: 80

Added bugzilla.preinst to hande the "params" file migration from 2.16 or 2.18 packages.
Updated bugzilla.postinst.

Modified: trunk/bugzilla-2.18/debian/bugzilla.postinst
--- trunk/bugzilla-2.18/debian/bugzilla.postinst	2005-04-24 19:54:27 UTC (rev 79)
+++ trunk/bugzilla-2.18/debian/bugzilla.postinst	2005-04-25 12:17:12 UTC (rev 80)
@@ -53,36 +53,10 @@
-	# manage the upgrade for 2.16 packages
-	if  [ -n "$2" ] && dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt 2.16.7-6; then
-		debug "Upgrading $2 "	
-		params="/var/lib/bugzilla/data/params"
-		# the 2.16 params file is found, move it for an upgrade...
-		if [ -f $params ]; then
-			debug "2.16 params file found, moving it"
-			# We are upgrading from 2.16, then $params_218_dest is only our 
-			# package's version, we can safely remove it and use the old 2.16 file
-			replace_file $params $params_218_dest
-		fi
-	fi
- 	# manage the upgrade for 2.18 packages before 2.18-4
-	if  [ -n "$2" ] && dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt 2.18-4; then
-		debug "Upgrading $2 "	
-		params="/usr/share/bugzilla/web/data/params"
-		# the 2.16 params file is found, move it for an upgrade...
-		if [ -f $params ]; then
-			debug "2.18 params file found, moving it"
-			# We are upgrading from 2.16, then $params_218_dest is only our 
-			# package's version, we can safely remove it and use the old 2.16 file
-			replace_file $params $params_218_dest
-		fi
-	fi
 	# If there's no $params_218_dest yet, let's move our package version
-	if [ ! -f $params_218_dest ]; then
+	# Note that if we upgraded a previous package, we might have already 
+	# moved the previous params file to the right place.
+	if [ ! -e $params_218_dest ]; then
 		replace_file $params_218_src $params_218_dest 

Added: trunk/bugzilla-2.18/debian/bugzilla.preinst
--- trunk/bugzilla-2.18/debian/bugzilla.preinst	2005-04-24 19:54:27 UTC (rev 79)
+++ trunk/bugzilla-2.18/debian/bugzilla.preinst	2005-04-25 12:17:12 UTC (rev 80)
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# Summary of how this script is called:
+# . new-preinst install
+# . new-preinst install old-version
+# . new-preinst upgrade old-version 
+	if [ -n "$DEBIAN_BUGZILLA_DEBUG" ]; then
+		echo "$1" >&2
+	fi
+# Use the same order as for mv
+	file_source="$1"
+	file_dest="$2"
+	if [ ! -e $file_source ]; then
+		debug "$file_source has already been moved"
+	else
+		if [ ! -e $file_dest ]; then
+			mv $file_source $file_dest || exit 10
+			debug "mv $file_source $file_dest"
+		else
+			cp $file_dest ${file_dest}.old
+			debug "ucf $file_source $file_dest"
+			ucf $file_source $file_dest || exit 11
+		fi
+		chown www-data:www-data $file_dest
+		#rm -f $file_source
+	fi
+	file="$1"
+	if [ -e $file ]; then
+		debug "Moving $file"
+		replace_file $file /etc/bugzilla/params
+	fi
+# Main
+set -e
+if [ "$mode" = "upgrade" ]; then
+	# Upgrade the 2.16 packages and older
+	params_216="/var/lib/bugzilla/data/params"
+	if  [ -n "$version" ] && dpkg --compare-versions $version lt 2.16.7-6; then
+		debug "Upgrading $version"
+		upgrade_params_file $params_216
+	fi
+	# Upgrade previous 2.18 packages
+	params_218="/usr/share/bugzilla/web/data/params"
+	if [ -n "$version" ] && dpkg --compare-versions "$version" lt 2.18-4; then
+		debug "Upgrading $version"
+		upgrade_params_file $params_218
+	fi