[Pkg-bugzilla-devel] Re: Possible depndency problem.

Alexis Sukrieh sukria@sukria.net
Wed, 16 Feb 2005 17:13:16 +0100

* David Caldwell (david@porkrind.org) disait :
> After some poking around I found that I needed to install libgd-graph-per=
> libgd-graph-perl is suggested by libtemplate-perl which is required by=20
> bugzilla. Since it's not directly being used by bugzilla I'm not sure if =
> should be required (or suggested) or not. In a practical sense maybe it=
> should because the graphs won't work without it...

I would say that Bugzilla should depend on it, I agree with you.

Thanks for the report.

                                  Alexis Sukrieh <sukria@sukria.net>

=AB Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur. =BB=20
Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound.