[Pkg-cas-maintainers] Addition of TWiki's CasLoginContrib

Olivier Berger olivier.berger at it-sudparis.eu
Tue Aug 26 12:47:18 UTC 2008


Just a note to tell you I'm adding the CasLoginContrib CAS-ification
module for TWiki to the list of things I'm packaging for Debian (ITP :

I was just granted commit rights to upstream (TWiki) SVN, so that should
help also ;)

I added a subdir at
http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-cas/twiki-caslogincontrib/ and will
probably use svn-buildpackage.

Note that it depends on libauthcas-perl which I'll try and push first.

Best regards,

P.S.: I'm in closer contact with upstream on phpCAS, so I expect some of
the issues to evolve in the right direction for upcoming upstream 1.0.1.
Will keep you posted.

Olivier BERGER <olivier.berger at it-sudparis.eu>
http://www-public.it-sudparis.eu/~berger_o/ - OpenPGP-Id: 1024D/6B829EEC
Ingénieur Recherche - Dept INF
Institut TELECOM, SudParis (http://www.it-sudparis.eu/), Evry (France)

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