[Pkg-cas-maintainers] No longer so much interested/available

Olivier Berger olivier.berger at it-sudparis.eu
Mon Mar 22 08:51:31 UTC 2010


I've been busy with many other matters, and am not so much interested
any longer in packaging CAS-related stuff (until I'm interested again,
some day... who knows ;)

In case someone wants to takeover much of what I was marked working on
in http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DebianCASPackaging ...


Best regards,
Olivier BERGER <olivier.berger at it-sudparis.eu>
http://www-public.it-sudparis.eu/~berger_o/ - OpenPGP-Id: 2048R/5819D7E8
Ingénieur Recherche - Dept INF
Institut TELECOM, SudParis (http://www.it-sudparis.eu/), Evry (France)

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