[Pkg-cas-maintainers] Sponsoring libauthcas-perl

Thijs Kinkhorst thijs at uvt.nl
Mon May 16 15:28:31 UTC 2011

Bonjour Olivier,

I have a need for a packaged version of libauthcas-perl to use it with Sympa. 
I saw your previous attempts at packaging it. Would you still be interested in 
maintaining it if I would sponsor you? I think the packaging would just need 
to be incremented to version 1.5 and some minor polishings done.


Thijs Kinkhorst <thijs at uvt.nl> – LIS Unix

Universiteit van Tilburg – Library and IT Services • Postbus 90153, 5000 LE
Bezoekadres > Warandelaan 2 • Tel. 013 466 3035 • G 236 • http://www.uvt.nl
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