[Pkg-catalyst-maintainers] Re: New packages

Krzysztof Krzyzaniak eloy at kofeina.net
Thu Feb 16 09:39:32 UTC 2006

Florian Ragwitz wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 14, 2006 at 10:57:36PM +0100, Krzysztof Krzyzaniak wrote:
>> BTW I have some updated modules (for example libcatalyst-modules-perl) 
>> but they have to wait because of:
>> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=349634
>> and
>> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=348889
> I already had similar experiences with Jay. Oh well.. maybe a patch will
> help.
> Anyway.. I stopped participating in pkg-catalyst for I while. Now, as
> my exams are behind me, I'd like to do more work again, but
> unfortunately I've lost the overview a bit.
> Where are the interesting places on the battleground? Anything new and
> cool that should be packaged? Anything needs updates?

So far I've added to libcatalyst-modules-perl new auth-session modules,
and I want to remove from next release (0.9 I think)
Catalyst:Plugin:Authentication:CDBI because is obsoleted. Now 0.8
version (which is not uploaded because of missing dependencies) contains:

 - Catalyst:Helper:Controller:Scaffold: Helper for Scaffolding.
 - Catalyst:Model:CDBI:CRUD: CRUD CDBI Model Class
 - Catalyst:Plugin:Authentication: Infrastructure plugin for the
Catalyst authentication framework.
 - Catalyst:Plugin:Authentication:CDBI: CDBI Authentication for Catalyst
OBSOLETED! Please use Catalyst:Plugin:Authentication:Store:DBIC instead.
 - Catalyst:Plugin:Authentication:Store:DBIC: A user object representing
an entry in a database.
 - Catalyst:Plugin:Authorization:ACL: ACL support for Catalyst applications.
 - Catalyst:Plugin:Authorization:Roles: Role based authorization for
Catalyst based on Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication.
 - Catalyst:Plugin:FormValidator:Simple: Validator for Catalyst with
 - Catalyst:Plugin:Prototype: Some stuff to make Prototype fun.
 - Catalyst:Plugin:Session: Generic Session plugin, ties together server
side storage and client side state required to maintain session data.
 - Catalyst:Plugin:Session:State:Cookie: Maintain session IDs using cookies.
 - Catalyst:Plugin:Session:Store:DBI: Store your sessions in a database.
 DBI Interface
 - Catalyst:Plugin:Session:Store:FastMmap: FastMmap session storage backend.
 - Catalyst:Plugin:Session:Store:File: File storage backend for session
 - Catalyst:Plugin:StackTrace: Display a stack trace on the debug screen
 - Catalyst:Plugin:SubRequest: Make subrequests to actions in Catalyst

I want to add Catalyst::Plugin::HTML::Widget there (when HTML::Widget
hits unstable). I want to rewrite building process to make it more
sofisticated (I mean for example
Catalyst:Plugin:Authentication:Store:DBIC is depend from
Catalyst:Plugin:Authentication so Catalyst:Plugin:Authentication should
be installed first).

I am thinking about packaging Test-WWW-Mechanize (and
Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst) and some DBIx::Class stuff
(DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader for example) but this is for future.

> I'd suggest to keep a TODO and a Packages file around in svn. The former
> for to write down some notes on things that need to be done, when they
> need to be done (after #foo is fixed for example) and probably who does
> it. The latter file could contain information about things we want to
> package, things we already packaged and maybe in what package they are.
> Just as the Package list we have in the Wiki, which isn't very up to
> date.

Good idea.

-------e-l-o-y---------------------------e-l-o-y- at -k-o-f-e-i-n-a-.-n-e-t------

       jak to dobrze, że są oceany - bez nich byłoby jeszcze smutniej

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