[Pkg-catalyst-maintainers] aditional packages

Krzysztof Krzyzaniak eloy at kofeina.net
Thu Sep 21 13:24:15 UTC 2006

Bogdan Lucaciu wrote:
> Hello,
> First of all, thanks for including Catalyst in Debian.
> There are some modules that would be very useful and are not pacakged:
> - Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst - For testing

It's in libcatalyst-modules-perl

> - DateTime::Format::*  (I use DateTime::Format::Pg.pm) - They are
> required in DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::DateTime in libdbix-class-perl.

So far I use libdatetime-format-strptime-perl

> And while I'm here, an offtopic question: How would you deploy a
> catalyst app on Sarge ("the right way" I mean, without manually
> installing packages from CPAN). 

right solution is to ask someone from backports.org to keep packages
for catalyst uptodate. Unfortunatelly I don't have stable boxes to prepare
such packages.

> Thanks a lot.

-------e-l-o-y---------------------------e-l-o-y- at -k-o-f-e-i-n-a-.-n-e-t------

       jak to dobrze, że są oceany - bez nich byłoby jeszcze smutniej

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