[Pkg-catalyst-maintainers] Bug#419939: libhtml-tree-perl: change in behaviour makes libxml-twig-perl test fail

Niko Tyni ntyni at iki.fi
Tue Apr 24 18:42:50 UTC 2007

# test failure fixed in upstream 3.28
tag 414746 fixed-upstream

On Wed, Apr 18, 2007 at 11:18:40PM +0200, Bart Martens wrote:
> Package: libhtml-tree-perl
> Version: 3.23-1
> The attached file foo.tar.gz contains a small program "foo.pl".  When I
> install libhtml-tree-perl 3.19.01-2 and run "foo.pl", then the result
> is:
> <html><head></head><body><p>&#233;t&#233;</p> </body>  </html>
> When I install libhtml-tree-perl 3.23-1 and run "foo.pl", then the
> result is:
> <html><head></head><body><p>été</p> </body>  </html>
> This change in behaviour makes t/test_bugs_3_22.t in libxml-twig-perl
> 1:3.26-2 fail, see FTBFS bug 414746.

The change is documented in the HTML::Tree Changelog [1], so it was
not an accident:

3.22    Sat Nov 11 21:23:22 CST 2006
    * HTML::Element::as_XML now only escapes five characters, instead
      of escaping everything but alphanumerics and spaces.  This is
      more in line with the XML spec, and will no longer escape wide
      characters as two (or more) entities.  Resolves RT 14260.  Thanks
      to Carl Franks and somewhere [at] confuzzled.lu for assistance.

The libxml-twig-perl test failure (#414746) doesn't occur anymore for
me with XML::Twig 3.28 or 3.29. As the test code in t/test_bugs_3_22.t
hasn't been changed, I suppose the failure was an actual bug in XML::Twig
that was fixed in 3.28.

I'm tagging #414746 as fixed-upstream, and it looks to me like #419939 
should be closed.

[1] http://search.cpan.org/src/PETEK/HTML-Tree-3.23/Changes

Niko Tyni   ntyni at iki.fi

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