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Sun May 13 13:41:23 UTC 2007
Fidelity Investment Bank UK
I am mr John Fisher=2CI work as the Executiv=
e Manager with Fidelity Investment UK=2C the world leading Investme=
nt & Fund Management Institution based in UK=2FChannel island=2E I =
have an investor under my portfolio with a closing balance of $42=2E=
870m as his first initial deposit=2Ethis investor died three years =
ago leaving no WILL or AUTHORIZATION for Re-transfer of his investm=
ent and its proceeds to the INHERITOR=2EI have personally carried o=
ut an investigation on the subject matter that took me 12 months to=
finalize and was made to understand that the family or relatives o=
f the investor knows nothing about his investment with fidelity and=
none have any records of all his deposits and investment with us=2C=
there by creating an avenue for claiming of the said funds with its=
accrued interest on presentation of a trustworthy person that can =
stand as the INHERITOR to the deceased=2EIf you are interested i ca=
n present you as the INHERITOR with proper documentation that will =
qualify you to have the funds claimed and on doing this=2Cour estab=
lishment will not question the release of the funds to you as i wil=
l make sure that we comply with the banking laws and ethics of clai=
ming the investment in our establishment=2E
Our sharing ratio will=
be 50=3A50=2EPlease contacted me for more detail breakdown if inte=
Looking forward to hearing from you shortly=2E
Mr=2E John Fisher=2E
Executive Manager
Fidelity Investmen=
t Bank UK
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=3Chtml=3E=3Chead=3E=3Cmeta http-equiv=3D=22content-type=22 content=
=3D=22text=2Fhtml=3B charset=3DWINDOWS-1250=22=3E=3C=2Fhead=3E=3Cbo=
dy=3EFrom The Desk of Mr John Fisher=3Cbr=3EFidelity Investment Ban=
k UK=3Cbr=3E=3Ca href=3D=22http=3A=2F=2FWww=2Efidelity=2Eco=2Euk=22=
=3EWww=2Efidelity=2Eco=2Euk=3C=2Fa=3E=3Cbr=3E =3Cbr=3EI am mr John =
Fisher=2CI work as the Executive Manager with Fidelity Investment U=
K=2C the world leading Investment & Fund Management Institution bas=
ed in UK=2FChannel island=2E I have an investor under my portfolio =
with a closing balance of $42=2E870m as his first initial deposit=2E=
this investor died three years ago leaving no WILL or AUTHORIZATION=
for Re-transfer of his investment and its proceeds to the INHERITO=
R=2EI have personally carried out an investigation on the subject m=
atter that took me 12 months to finalize and was made to understand=
that the family or relatives of the investor knows nothing about h=
is investment with fidelity and none have any records of all his de=
posits and investment with us=2Cthere by creating an avenue for cla=
iming of the said funds with its accrued interest on presentation o=
f a trustworthy person that can stand as the INHERITOR to the decea=
sed=2EIf you are interested i can present you as the INHERITOR with=
proper documentation that will qualify you to have the funds claim=
ed and on doing this=2Cour establishment will not question the rele=
ase of the funds to you as i will make sure that we comply with the=
banking laws and ethics of claiming the investment in our establis=
hment=2E=3Cbr=3EOur sharing ratio will be 50=3A50=2EPlease contacte=
d me for more detail breakdown if interested=2E =3Cbr=3ELooking for=
ward to hearing from you shortly=2E =3Cbr=3ESincerely=2E=3Cbr=3EMr=2E=
John Fisher=2E=3Cbr=3EExecutive Manager=3Cbr=3EFidelity Investment=
Bank UK=3Cbr=3E=3Ca href=3D=22http=3A=2F=2FWww=2Efidelity=2Eco=2Eu=
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