[Pkg-chromium-maint] resolving bug #580784

Daniel Echeverry epsilon77 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 5 19:56:14 UTC 2011


Recently I joined the group pkg-chromium because I use chromium  for
some time and want to help as possible.

Currently  I've been working on resolving this minor bug [1], I made
the first changes (see attached patch) and decided to write to this
list to see if I'm on track.  Should I make  changes  to all entries
that require copyright?

Finally, after making changes, Do  I have to do the commit? or is more
convenient to send the patch to the leader group?

[1]: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=580784

Linux user: #477840
Debian user
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