[Pkg-chromium-maint] Bug#630548: chromium-browser new upstream release 12.0.742.100

Jonathan Nieder jrnieder at gmail.com
Wed Jun 15 08:47:31 UTC 2011

Hi Shirish,

shirish शिरीष wrote:

>  I know that chromium 11 is blocked for wheezy . But that does not
> explain why chromium 12 which was released days ago is not in
> experimental.

Thanks for a reminder.  It would indeed be nice to get Chromium 12
in experimental or sid, and to get Chromium 11 in testing.

Timo, do you think it would make sense to remove chromium on ARM from
testing until the toolchain issues get sorted out?  An alternative
would be to beg the release team to allow two versions to coexist
there, but it seems somehow more honest to ask people to grab it from
snapshot.debian.org on platforms where we can't promptly rebuild for
security patches.


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