[Pkg-chromium-maint] Bug#611725: Patch for #611725 chromium-browser: FTBFS on armel: selected processor does not support `smulbb ..'

Hector Oron hector.oron at gmail.com
Sat Mar 5 18:46:03 UTC 2011


2011/3/4 Hector Oron <hector.oron at gmail.com>:

> Setting a build right now to test that patch with chromium-browser
> version 9.0.597.98~r74359-1.

I was able to build it with provided patch...
 dpkg-genchanges  >../chromium-browser_9.0.597.98~r74359-1_armel.changes

Best regards,
 Héctor Orón

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System, which one day will disconnect us."

-- Day DVB-T stop working nicely
Video flare: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap100510.html

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