[Pkg-chromium-maint] Chromium 14 backport "Aw, Snap!"

Michael Gilbert michael.s.gilbert at gmail.com
Mon Oct 10 17:11:17 UTC 2011

Fabien C. wrote:

> Thanks for your answer Mike. 
> > A solution I've found is --single-process, which also isn't wholey
> > desirable, but it's a bit better than disabling the sandbox...
> Yes I tried that as well. Not so good indeed. I'll stick to version 13... 
> > I'm about to upload a version with that solution. 
> I would not. I think it's best not to have a broken version available as a "backport", that's not serious enough IMHO. 

Well, it's only going into my unofficial backports anyway, so I see no
harm (unless Guisseppe thinks its ok for official backports).

--single-process is actually not that bad of a solution.  It just means
that there's a larger risk of information flowing between tabs (and of
course multiple cores won't be used, and a crash in any tab leads to a
crash of the whole browser).

> Did you try to run it without any plugin? (java, flash, etc.)

Of course, didn't you?  If it were that easy, it would be solved.

Best wishes,

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