[Pkg-chromium-maint] (no subject)
ashok yakkaldevi
ashok9595 at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 23 12:39:02 UTC 2012
Impact Factor: 0.1870Now you can also see your article on : International Recognition Multidisciplinary Research Journal GOLDEN RESEARCH THOUGHTSISSN NO: 2231-5063 GOLDEN RESEARCH THOUGHTS (GRT) is a multidisciplinary research journal, published monthly. All research papers submitted to the journal will be double-blind peer reviewed referred by members of the Editorial Board readers will include investigator in universities, research institute government and industry with research interest in the general subject. All articles will be freely available until 30.11.12.View all the articles here: Golden Research Thoughts View all articles also on Dspace : A comparative study of psychological profile among Nationalized Bank and Indian railway employees The present study was undertaken to investigate the psychological profile of young employees working in Nationalized Banks and Indian railway. For this purpose 100 samples (50 employee from bank and 50 from Indian railway age group 21-25) were selected. Eight state Questionnaire has been used for the collection of data. 't' Test has been used for the analysis of data. Assessing Frequency of Occurrence of Stress in PolicingStress is the insensible groundwork to fight or escape a human being experiences when faced with any demand. Stress and burnout are generally considered to be by products of policing. Police stressors are significant relations with performance and effectiveness of the police personals. This study is based on the police constables in Tuticorin district and concentrated on eight sub divisions comprising 52 police stations and the researcher collected 600 samples from police constables Grade (II, I, III). . Effect Of Dual Inoculation With Glomus Fasciculatum And Rhizobacteria On The Growth And Yield Of Chilli The present study focused on the combining effect of Glomus fasciculatum withRizobacteria (Azospirillum brasilense and Pseudomonas fluorescens) on the growth and yield of chilli variety PLR-1. All the treatments were applied as single, dual and combined inoculants, under pot conditions, in a Completely Randomised Block Design (CRPD).The biofertilizers were applied to the roots by coating or dipping, with the inoculants in a solid or liquid support, respectively. Human-Rights –A core aspect of management practicesAll management-theories and discussions, by and large, tend to place the ‘management’ at the centre of all organisational activities, which are vested with unequal power and authorities with the responsibilities to accomplish the organisational-goals with efficient use of all resources including man-power management. Here, the moot point is whether in pursuit of organisation goals, ‘ management’ can be practiced in such a way instrumental to promote and respect human-rights.. Anger Management Among StudentsThe health of mind and body are unquestionably interrelated as both positive and negative emotions have a tremendous ability to affect the quality of our life emotions are powerful forces influencing our everyday affairs. From the time we join the nursery class, our educational system focuses on making us intellectuals and shaping us good products for the job markets. In fact, no emphasis is laid in our curriculum on teaching children to manage their anxiety, anger, inner conflicts and emotions, learning to manage emotions can ensure achievement of mental and physical serenity. A Study to Asses the Knowledge and Attitude of Staff Nurses Regarding Preventive Aspects of Tuberculosis in K. C. General Hospital, Malleshwaram, Bangalore.A descriptive study was conducted to assess the knowledge and attitude of staff nurses regarding the preventive aspects of TB in K. C General Hospital, Bangalore. The instruments used for the study were a self- administered questionnaire and a five point Likert scale. A total of 60 staff nurses were selected by using convenience sampling technique. Life Satisfaction And Marital Adjustment Life satisfaction admits of many definitions, so that any critique is liable to meet objections that what it addresses isn’t “really” life satisfaction. We must begin, then, by identifying the target notion and considering why this is the right target.. As a first approximation we may define life satisfaction as having a favorable attitude toward one’s life as a whole. Opinions vary about the precise nature of this attitude, but typically it is seen as somehow embodying a global judgment about one’s life taken as a whole: that, all things considered, one’s life is satisfactory. Bridging the poverty gap in KBK+ region of rural Odisha: A Statistical EstimationThe KBK+ region of Odisha comprising undivided Koraput (i.e., Koraput, Nawarangpur, and Malkanagiri & Rayagada), undivided Bolangir (i.e. Subarnapur and Bolangir) and undivided Kalahandi (i.e. Kalahandi & Nuapada) along with other three backward districts Gajapati, Boudh and Kandhamal is one of the poorest and most backward regions of the country. The region is popularly known in India for severe poverty with incidents like starvation deaths and baby sale for food etc. In this paper a special poverty line has been derived for this poorest region from the unit level data of National Sample Survey of India The Importance Of Women And Components Of Empowerment – A Case StudyA woman has the right to happiness, the right to know, the right to make choices that affect her life and the right to have her opinion respected regarding her own body and her place in the family and in society.. A woman has a right to respect within her family, the community and society. An empowered woman is free from enslavement, free from mental, physical or moral abuse from her family, social group or nation and she enjoys the right to develop herself to her full potential, spiritually, intellectually, artistically, socially and politically according to her choice. Humanism In Mulkraj Anand’s ‘Coolie’ And ‘Two Leaves And A Bud’The Mulk Raj Anand was born in 1905 in Peshawar in present-day Pakistan. A pioneer of Indian writing in English, he gained an international following early in his life. His novels Coolie and Untouchable set an entire generation of educated Indians thinking about India's social evils that were perpetuated in the name of religion and tradition. These and other early novels and short stories brought into sharp focus the dehumanizing contradictions within colonized Indian society. Do you want to publish your article in this journal?Please visit the website: www.aygrt.net · Aims and Scope· Online submission· Guidelines to Author· Email: ayisrj2011 at gmail.com or aygrt at yahoo.com Impact Factor: 0.2105Journal indexed @ Open-J-Gate, EBSCO, DOAJ & Google Scholar…………. ISRJ: 258/34, Raviwar Peth, Solapur-413005, Maharashtra, India.Cell – 9595359435 or 9762687071Publish Research ArticleInternational Level Multidisciplinary Research JournalsFOR ALL SUBJECTS Dear Professor/ReaderYou will be pleased to know that our journals are Indexed & Listed at: EBSCO.U.S.A, Open J-Gate & EISRJC, Index Copernicus, Academic Journal Database , Publication Index, Scientific Resources Database, Scholarly Journals Index, National Library Of Australia-Trove, Mercyhurst University, Western Theological Seminary,Holland, Washington UniversityWe invite original unpublished research papers, Summary of Research Project, Thesis and Book review for publication Issue of Research Journal of Social & Life Sciences (RNI No. ISSN No :2230-7850 RNI : MAHMUL/2011/38595). Please see the details in attached file.We publish Research Paper in English, Hindi, and MarathiFrequency: MonthlyArticle Review Charges: 1200/- 1.GOLDEN RESEARCH THOUGHTSISSN: 2231-5063IMPACT FACTOR : 0.1870www.aygrt.netEmai ld: aygrt at yahoo.com 2.INDIAN STREAMS RESEARCH JOURNALISSN: 2230-7850IMPACT FACTOR : 0.2105www.isrj.netEmai ld: ayisrj at yahoo.in 3. Online International Multidisciplinary Research Journal“Review of Research”ISSN No : 2249-894Xwww.reviewofresearch.netEmai ld: ayisrj2011 at gmail.com4.International Online Physical Education & Sports Research JournalISSN NO: 2277-3665http://www.pesrj.net Emai ld: asportsresearch at gmail.com Executive Editor: Dr. Ashok Yakkaldevi258/34, Raviwar Peth, Solapur – 413 005.Maharashtra. India. Cell No: 91 9595359435 Indexing ListForeign Advisory BoardGoogle ScholarFabricio Moraes de AlmeidaFederal University of Rondonia, BrazilDOAJFlávio de São Pedro FilhoFederal University of Rondonia, BrazilEBSCOXiaohua Yang PhD, USA Index CopernicusMohammad HailatUniversity of South Carolina Aiken, Aiken SC 29801Crossref DOIHasan BaktirEnglish Language and Literature Department, KayseriPublication IndexKamani PereraRegional Centre For Strategic Studies, Sri LankaScientific ResourcesAbdullah SabbaghEngineering Studies, SydneyScholarly Journals IndexGhayoor Abbas ChotanaDepartment of Chemistry, Lahore University of Management Sciences [ PK ]National Library Of Australia-Trove Janaki SinnasamyLibrarian, University of Malaya [ Malaysia ]Mercyhurst UniversityCatalina Neculai University of Coventry, UKWestern Theological Seminary,HollandAnna Maria Constantinovici AL. I. Cuza University, RomaniaAcademic Journal DatabaseEcaterina PatrascuSpiru Haret University, Bucharest More ……..NAWAB ALI KHANCollege of Business Administration Salman Bin Abdulaziz University George - Calin SERITANPostdoctoral Researcher Faculty of Philosophy and Socio-Political Sciences Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi J. K. VIJAYAKUMARKing Abdullah University of Science & Technology, Saudi Arabia. More…………
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