[Pkg-chromium-maint] [#QAH-130-54835]: Re: عماير للبيع في الرياض مؤجرة وبدخل [T20150207002JS060Z4078800]
nizarqannas at gmail.com
Mon Feb 9 09:51:44 UTC 2015
Don't send again
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
-------- Original message --------
From: "Mohamed Mustafa (CEO)" <ceo at midalcable.com>
Date:09/02/2015 9:59 AM (GMT+03:00)
To: "<aqarsaudia at googlegroups.com>" <aqarsaudia at googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: [#QAH-130-54835]: Re: عماير للبيع في الرياض مؤجرة وبدخل [T20150207002JS060Z4078800]
Please do not send me anything
Sent from my iPhone
On Feb 9, 2015, at 7:30 AM, AH mohammed <tasmeem9 at gmail.com<mailto:tasmeem9 at gmail.com>> wrote:
احذفني ياجحش
بتاريخ ???/???/???? ?:?? ص، جاء من "KuwaitNET Information Center" <info at kuwaitnet.net<mailto:info at kuwaitnet.net>>:
This email concerns your recent ticket: Re: عماير للبيع في الرياض مؤجرة وبدخل [T20150207002JS060Z4078800] (QAH-130-54835)
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Your feedback is very important to us and we really appreciate your time.
Thank you in advance,
KuwaitNET(tm) Co.
Support Center: https://support.kuwaitnet.net/index.php?
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