[Pkg-chromium-maint] Bug#848895: Chromium freezes randomly

Michael Stummvoll michael at stummi.org
Tue Dec 20 15:41:15 UTC 2016

Package: chromium
Version: 55.0.2883.75-2
Severity: important

Dear Maintainers, 

Chromium randomly freezes for me frequently. This means the chromium
window is completely unresponsive and the process can only be
terminated using the SIGTERM signal or the xkill command. I can't see
any patterns regarding the websites or runtimes where it happens, it
seems to be completely random to me. Sometimes the Window becomes
unresponsive while I am interacting with chromium, sometimes it seems
to happen while the browser window is in the background for a few

Theres no output on the terminal when the freeze happens, however
chromium prints out these two lines on startup (not sure if this is

> [21539:21539:1220/121304:ERROR:sandbox_linux.cc(343)] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process.
> libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile

Sorry for not beeing able to provide more details. If you need more
informations please tell me how to obtain them and I will attach them.

Kind Regards,
Michael Stummvoll

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