[Pkg-chromium-maint] HR Digital Transformation 7-8 March 2018 The Westin, Kuala Lumpur (Registration Closing)

MARKW markw at globaleventnewsupdates.com
Sat Feb 17 23:00:06 UTC 2018

hr digital -banner.png

HR Digital Transformation

7-8 March 2018                The Westin, Kuala Lumpur

(Registration Closing)

Embracing the extensive disruption in the HR operational structure enables
efficiencies in the overall big data process. HR Digital Transformation
offers the significant blueprints to adopt cloud service and artificial
intelligence, leveraging the conventional disciplines to boost business
performance. Explore the autonomous principles in digitizing the facade to
boost engagement in business lanes while prolonging profit capacities.




    Implementing the technological shifts in HR operation to empower the
recruitment procedures, training, and compensation management

    Examining the underlying values in talent acquisition devising
automated approaches for accuracy and viability in data analysis

    Integrating seamless employee data supervision and internal data
capacities through big data automation to ensure meaningful systematic

    Predicting the future business tactics and considering the
ever-changing trends through data analytical tools in retaining domination
within the market sphere

    Finding rhythms to align the digitizing elements, corresponding towards
implementing support in business planning with efficient cost models

 hr digital - infographic.png

For more information regarding the event, please view our brochure here.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me at +603-2775
0067 or email us here.

Limited seats are allocated for this event. Group booking package available
with terms and conditions applied.

To register for this international conference, kindly fill in the
registration form and fax or email it back to me.



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