[pkg-cinnamon] cinnamon-settings not start, dipendencies missed in cinnamon package
Fabio Fantoni
fantonifabio at tiscali.it
Sun Jun 1 09:48:12 UTC 2014
Il 29/05/2014 14:22, Margarita Manterola ha scritto:
> Hola Fabio Fantoni!
>> cinnamon-settings not start, trying to command line show this:
>> No module named PAM
>> Seems that python-pam dependancy is missed.
>> Adding it show:
>> No module named pexpect
>> Seems that python-pexpect dependancy is missed.
>> After installing python-pam and python-pexpect it works.
> Thanks a lot for the report, Maxy added the missing dependencies, and I just
> built and uploaded the fixed package.
> We are very happy with your contributions and we would like for you to have
> commit access to the repo so that you can make the changes yourself. You can
> request access through the alioth project:
> https://alioth.debian.org/projects/pkg-cinnamon/
I did and uploaded ssh key 2 days ago, today I tried one git push to
muffin but:
> fabio at FantuNB:~/repository/pkg-cinnamon/muffin$ git push
> Enter passphrase for key '/home/fabio/.ssh/fantu-alioth-private':
> Counting objects: 7, done.
> Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
> Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
> Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 580 bytes, done.
> Total 4 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0)
> remote: error: insufficient permission for adding an object to
> repository database ./objects
> remote: fatal: failed to write object
> error: unpack failed: unpack-objects abnormal exit
> To git+ssh://fantu-guest@git.debian.org//git/pkg-cinnamon/muffin.git
> ! [remote rejected] master -> master (unpacker error)
> error: failed to push some refs to
> 'git+ssh://fantu-guest@git.debian.org//git/pkg-cinnamon/muffin.git'
Thanks for any reply and sorry for my bad english.
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