[pkg-cinnamon] Doubts about some dependencies cinnamon comparing with upstream
Fabio Fantoni
fantonifabio at tiscali.it
Thu Jun 5 12:39:10 UTC 2014
Il 05/06/2014 13:57, Maximiliano Curia ha scritto:
> ¡Hola Fabio!
> El 2014-06-05 a las 13:01 +0200, Fabio Fantoni escribió:
>> On build-dep I saw libwnck-dev on upstream missed on debian, is not needed
>> and correct?
> libwnck-dev is an old part of gnome2, I think that's a left over from the
> original package cinnamon is based on.
>> I also saw some build-deps that debian have but missed upstream on which I
>> have no certainties with a quick check:
>> libecal1.2-dev, libfolks-dev, libjavascriptcoregtk-3.0-dev, libmozjs185-dev,
>> libtelepathy-glib-dev, libtelepathy-logger-dev, libwebkitgtk-3.0-dev,
>> libgl1-mesa-dev
>> are all needed for build on "clean basic system" and should be added also
>> upstream?
> I don't remember each one of these, libmozjs185-dev was need for cjs. There
> is a script in devscripts called dpkg-genbuilddeps that can be useful to check
> if the build dependencies can be reduced. But, you need to be sure that after
> reducing the build dependencies you are not removing some optional feature.
> So, read the build log carefully, and test the package before and after
> reducing the build dependencies.
I'll check this weekend if I'll have free time.
>> About cinnamon package depends:
>> - python-opencv on upstream is dependency but on debian recently added only
>> as suggest, why? I think can be good add it as dependency instead.
> If installed, when the user tries to set a picture for her profile a new button
> appears that allows her to take a picture with the webcam. So, it's not worth
> a hard dependency.
>> - metacity and gnome-panel|tint2 are dependencies on upstream but not on
>> debian, seemunnecessary dependenciesto remove in the upstream, right?
> I think they are left over of the old package.
>> - upstream have these additional recommends: gnome-themes-standard and
>> gnome-terminal, can be useful or not?
> gnome-terminal | x-terminal-emulator
> Can be useful,
> not sure about gnome-themes-standard
I'll check better probably this weekend.
>> - upstream on provides have also notification-daemon, is correct and should
>> be added also on debian?
> Ups, yes, that should be added.
>> Thanks for any reply and sorry for my bad english.
> It will get better with time and practice, but there is no need to apologize
> on every mail.
> Thanks for reviewing this.
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