[pkg-cinnamon] Bug#788903: cinnamon: spurious right click evens when left clicking

Christoph Anton Mitterer calestyo at scientia.net
Mon May 16 19:56:37 UTC 2016

On Mon, 2016-05-16 at 17:15 +0000, Margarita Manterola wrote:
> Are you still getting spurious clicks on Cinnamon?
I've had it at least until 3.0, since then I didn't notice it, but I
haven't done the typical "work" that produced it most often either.

> Did you ever track down what was happening with that?
Hm not really

> It sounds to me something more X or kernel related than 
> cinnamon specific.
Well I made some smaller tests (i.e. running gnome classic) and I think
I remember it didn't occur there... but that's some time ago already.

> We haven't been able to reproduce this, with several different 
> versions of cinnamon, so I expect this is something related to 
> your specific system.
If you wish we could either close it now, me opening it again when it
should happen in 3.0... or we'll just leave it for a while until I see
how things are going in 3.0

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