[pkg-cinnamon] Bug#758872: Sigificant improvement after updates today

Jim Cobley jimc at priorycomputers.com
Mon May 30 09:18:49 UTC 2016

Hi Margarita

Thank you for checking up.

The problem doesn't happen to me now because my Internet connection (for 
the Router VPN to the remote NAS) is much more stable and therefore the 
mounts generally succeed every time I start my system.
When a tree branch brought down my telephone line a few weeks ago the 
same issues occurred but was of not concern because issues were expected 
- however I am now generally using NFS whereas I used to use Samba and 
the report was a long time ago.

Just to check "quickly" today I disabled the VPN link on the router and 
rebooted my machine - a time consuming process because all the 
"dismounts" on shutdown and "mounts" on startup then have to go through 
their time-outs before the system responds!
However - after reboot the NFS bookmarks for remote folders do not 
appear on the LHS pane of Nemo (v2.2.4) - if I "Edit Bookmarks" and try 
to connect it fails because there is no automatic remount
When I re-establish the VPN and click on an SMB bookmark that mounts and 
displays OK

Really the annoyance is that a Bookmark isn't displayed if the target is 
not accessible at startup
In my way of thinking - if I define a bookmark then I expect it to be 
displayed - the bookmark could show, say, a red X if it is not available 
but that isn't important (I am human and I generally know if it is 
likely to be available). If I click on it then I expect the system to 
try to connect (because I click when I want to see it and I really don't 
care what state it is in until I click - I am not in need of a Real-Time 
status display) and then to let me know if it is not available.

Debian Jessie 64-bit
Gnome 3.14.1

On 27/05/16 22:58, Margarita Manterola wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> I'm going over some of the old cinnamon/nemo bugs that are open
> and I came across yours.  Back then I hadn't been able to reproduce
> your issue, but you mentioned that the behavior had improved.
> Can you tell me if the behavior is now correct or is it still missing
> the automatic update of the mounted folders?
> Regards,
> Marga

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