[pkg-cinnamon] Bug#840348: cinnamon: On a HiDPI screen unlock screen hardly usable

john.kirk at vfemail.net john.kirk at vfemail.net
Tue Oct 25 20:27:07 UTC 2016

  Quoting john.kirk at vfemail.net:

> Quoting Margarita Manterola <marga at debian.org>:
>> Hola John Kirk!
>>> Package: cinnamon
>>> Version: 3.0.7-1
>>> Followup-For: Bug #840348
>> If possible, it would be nice if you could just reply to the emails you
>> get, so
>> that they show up as part of the same conversation for us. When you do
>> the
>> "Followup-For" they create new conversations and make it hard to follow
>> which
>> mails belong to which issues.
>>> Cinnamon-screensaver is 3.0.1-1
>>> New user is created and screenshot is attached. Still unusable - half
>>> of window
>>> at bottom left.
>> That screenshot is confusing, is that all that was on the screen? Or
>> did it
>> somehow get cut?
>> Could you take a screenshot (for this same dummy user) that shows the
>> Display
>> tool?
>> Also, can you attach the output of xrandr?
>> Finally, is HiDPI getting selected automatically or have you selected
>> manually?
>> --
>> Thanks,Marga
> Hello,
> The follow-ups have been done by the report bug tool. Probably a bug is
> here since i used the reply button.
> The screenshot was cut for reducing the size. It shows the full bottom
> left corner of the screen (second screenshot from this bug report).
> Now i can't take a screenshot from Debian testing (removed), but the
> config is the same so there are 2 screenshots from Debian stable +
> backported Cinnamon. I think they are actual since the bug is also here
> (1 screenshot from this bug report).
> HiDPI works from installation so it is selected automatically. User
> interface scaling option is set to Auto.
> I also ask you to consider this bug :
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-backports/2016/09/msg00026.html
> Best wishes,
> John


I can confirm that the bug is still in testing (as of today). Screenshot 2.
Looks like it thinks that the display is 4 times bigger and shows only

Best wishes, 

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