[pkg-cinnamon] Bug#842841: Bug#842841: Bug#842841: cinnamon: Runing cinnamon --replace segfaults after recent update

William L. DeRieux IV williamderieux at gmail.com
Thu Nov 3 15:04:01 UTC 2016

On Thu, 3 Nov 2016 11:06:23 +0100 Maximiliano Curia wrote:
 > ¡Hola William!
 > El 2016-11-02 a las 17:32 -0400, William L. DeRieux IV escribió:
 > >>> I'm running Cinnamon 3.0.7-2 everything was fine until a recent 
 > >>> Now clicking on certain items on the cinnamon-panel causes a 
crash and
 > >>> when running cinnamon --replace from a tty causes a segmentation 
 > >> Can you try to narrow down the list of upgraded packaged that 
caused this?
 > The list of upgraded packages might be useful. You can obtain this 
 > from the /var/log/dpkg.log* files.
 > Using snapshots.debian.org, you could downgrade the cinnamon packages 
and test
 > this again to check if any of the recent changes in cinnamon causes 
the issue.
 > Happy hacking,
 > --
 > "Inside every large problem is a small problem struggling to get out."
 > -- Hoare's Law of Large Problems
 > Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/

Ok, here is an update to this issue.

The initial issue that I had, that prompted this, was that the 
cinnamon-panel had become non-responsive and I could not launch any 
apps, etc.
I also rebooted to ensure that is wasn't something that would have been 
fixed by a reboot.

Adfter rebooting -- the cinnamon panel was still non-responsive -- to a 
tty and ran *cinnamon --replace* which crashed (as reported).
I switched to the mate desktop to get around the issue -- at least for 
the time being.

The other day I switched back to cinnamon to re-test this and the 
cinnamon-panel was functioning correctly.

Oddly, enough running *cinnamon --replace* from a tty still crashes, but 
I was able to run it, from a terminal, within cinnamon without issues.

PS: I can't remember what date that I first experienced this -- but it 
was a few days ago -- I switched to MATE to get around
it temporarily and I reported the issue a few days later.

I guess the point is that cinnamon seems to be functioning correctly -- 
even though *cinnamon --replace* can't seem to executed
from a tty (but does not fail if run from within cinnamon).

I'm not sure if this may now be expected behavior...

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