[pkg-cinnamon] Bug#853064: Upgrading to cinnamon-screensaver 3.2 causes the running screensaver to misbehave until restarted

Margarita Manterola marga at debian.org
Sun Jan 29 13:27:56 UTC 2017

Package: cinnamon-screensaver
Version: 3.2.6-1
Severity: important

With the upgrade to cinnamon-screensaver 3.2 a severe bad experience is 
triggered when the user upgrades a machine that is already running 
cinnamon-screensaver from any previous cinnamon version.

If the screensaver locks and the user wants to enter their password, the 
running screensaver from a previous version tries to execute 
cinnamon-screensaver-dialog.  However, this command doesn't exist 
anymore which causes the screensaver dialog to not turn up and thus the 
user is not able to unlock their computer until they kill the 
screensaver or reboot the machine.

This is a one time only hassle, but it's a pretty pretty bad user 
experience. I don't think we should release stretch with such an issue 
in it.

The solution is to have the new screensaver ship a compatibility 
cinnamon-screensaver-dialog that allows for the old screensaver to be 
killed and a new one to be started.


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