[pkg-cinnamon] Bug#866412: src:cinnamon-screensaver: Excessive and hard coded depends complicate python3 transition

Scott Kitterman debian at kitterman.com
Thu Jun 29 16:34:23 UTC 2017

Package: src:cinnamon-screensaver
Version: 3.2.13-4
Severity: important
Tags: patch

cinnamon-screensaver build-depends on python3 dev packages even though it has
no arch:any Python3 content.  This is not needed and complicates transition
trackinig for us, the python maintainers, (which is why I'm filing this as
important) [1].  As you can see, the package shows up as affected by the
transition when, in fact, it isn't.

Please see the attached patch.  I have verified that all the needed python
related dependencies are still present.  I have written the debian/
changelog in the NMU form, but have no immediate intent to NMU.  If you
would rather I do so, please let me know and I will.  Otherwise, I'll
leave it to you.

Scott K

[1] https://release.debian.org/transitions/html/python3.6.html
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