[pkg-cinnamon] Processed: merge bugs
Debian Bug Tracking System
owner at bugs.debian.org
Mon Aug 28 11:21:31 UTC 2017
Processing commands for control at bugs.debian.org:
> severity 871547 important
Bug #871547 [cinnamon-session] general: Can't change to any other background.
Severity set to 'important' from 'normal'
> merge 871547 871460
Bug #871547 [cinnamon-session] general: Can't change to any other background.
Bug #871547 [cinnamon-session] general: Can't change to any other background.
Added tag(s) patch.
Bug #871460 [cinnamon-session] Gnome Settings 3.24 breaks Cinnamon power, fn keys, themes, fonts, backgrounds...
Bug #873107 [cinnamon-session] by not running it prevents changing screen resolution, breaks the font scaling, keyboard hotkeys and center touchpad tap
Merged 871460 871547 873107
> severity 872377 important
Bug #872377 [cinnamon-session] cinnamon: Fn+FX settings keys not responding
Severity set to 'important' from 'normal'
> merge 872377 871460
Bug #872377 [cinnamon-session] cinnamon: Fn+FX settings keys not responding
Bug #872377 [cinnamon-session] cinnamon: Fn+FX settings keys not responding
Added tag(s) patch.
Bug #871460 [cinnamon-session] Gnome Settings 3.24 breaks Cinnamon power, fn keys, themes, fonts, backgrounds...
Bug #871547 [cinnamon-session] general: Can't change to any other background.
Bug #873107 [cinnamon-session] by not running it prevents changing screen resolution, breaks the font scaling, keyboard hotkeys and center touchpad tap
Merged 871460 871547 872377 873107
> severity 873082 important
Bug #873082 [cinnamon-session] cinnamon: switching display to external monitor does not work with recent update
Severity set to 'important' from 'normal'
> merge 873082 871460
Bug #873082 [cinnamon-session] cinnamon: switching display to external monitor does not work with recent update
Bug #873082 [cinnamon-session] cinnamon: switching display to external monitor does not work with recent update
Added tag(s) patch.
Bug #871460 [cinnamon-session] Gnome Settings 3.24 breaks Cinnamon power, fn keys, themes, fonts, backgrounds...
Bug #871547 [cinnamon-session] general: Can't change to any other background.
Bug #872377 [cinnamon-session] cinnamon: Fn+FX settings keys not responding
Bug #873107 [cinnamon-session] by not running it prevents changing screen resolution, breaks the font scaling, keyboard hotkeys and center touchpad tap
Merged 871460 871547 872377 873082 873107
> severity 872975 important
Bug #872975 [cinnamon-session] cinnamon: some keyboard shortcuts do not work
Severity set to 'important' from 'normal'
> merge 872975 871460
Bug #872975 [cinnamon-session] cinnamon: some keyboard shortcuts do not work
Bug #872975 [cinnamon-session] cinnamon: some keyboard shortcuts do not work
Added tag(s) patch.
Bug #871460 [cinnamon-session] Gnome Settings 3.24 breaks Cinnamon power, fn keys, themes, fonts, backgrounds...
Bug #871547 [cinnamon-session] general: Can't change to any other background.
Bug #872377 [cinnamon-session] cinnamon: Fn+FX settings keys not responding
Bug #873082 [cinnamon-session] cinnamon: switching display to external monitor does not work with recent update
Bug #873107 [cinnamon-session] by not running it prevents changing screen resolution, breaks the font scaling, keyboard hotkeys and center touchpad tap
Merged 871460 871547 872377 872975 873082 873107
> severity 873295 important
Bug #873295 [cinnamon-session] function keys not working on debian testing/sid
Severity set to 'important' from 'normal'
> merge 873295 871460
Bug #873295 [cinnamon-session] function keys not working on debian testing/sid
Bug #873295 [cinnamon-session] function keys not working on debian testing/sid
Added tag(s) patch.
Bug #871460 [cinnamon-session] Gnome Settings 3.24 breaks Cinnamon power, fn keys, themes, fonts, backgrounds...
Bug #871547 [cinnamon-session] general: Can't change to any other background.
Bug #872377 [cinnamon-session] cinnamon: Fn+FX settings keys not responding
Bug #872975 [cinnamon-session] cinnamon: some keyboard shortcuts do not work
Bug #873082 [cinnamon-session] cinnamon: switching display to external monitor does not work with recent update
Bug #873107 [cinnamon-session] by not running it prevents changing screen resolution, breaks the font scaling, keyboard hotkeys and center touchpad tap
Merged 871460 871547 872377 872975 873082 873107 873295
> severity 872029 important
Bug #872029 [cinnamon-session] cinnamon-settings-daemon: does not remain running
Severity set to 'important' from 'grave'
> merge 872029 871460
Bug #872029 [cinnamon-session] cinnamon-settings-daemon: does not remain running
Bug #872029 [cinnamon-session] cinnamon-settings-daemon: does not remain running
Added tag(s) patch.
Bug #871460 [cinnamon-session] Gnome Settings 3.24 breaks Cinnamon power, fn keys, themes, fonts, backgrounds...
Bug #871547 [cinnamon-session] general: Can't change to any other background.
Bug #872377 [cinnamon-session] cinnamon: Fn+FX settings keys not responding
Bug #872975 [cinnamon-session] cinnamon: some keyboard shortcuts do not work
Bug #873082 [cinnamon-session] cinnamon: switching display to external monitor does not work with recent update
Bug #873107 [cinnamon-session] by not running it prevents changing screen resolution, breaks the font scaling, keyboard hotkeys and center touchpad tap
Bug #873295 [cinnamon-session] function keys not working on debian testing/sid
Merged 871460 871547 872029 872377 872975 873082 873107 873295
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
871460: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=871460
871547: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=871547
872029: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=872029
872377: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=872377
872975: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=872975
873082: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=873082
873107: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=873107
873295: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=873295
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner at bugs.debian.org with problems
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