[Pkg-citadel-commit] r182 - in citadel/trunk/debian: . patches

meskes at alioth.debian.org meskes at alioth.debian.org
Sun Nov 30 16:13:36 UTC 2008

Author: meskes
Date: 2008-11-30 16:13:36 +0000 (Sun, 30 Nov 2008)
New Revision: 182

Added fixes that are part of upstream's deb packages.

Modified: citadel/trunk/debian/changelog
--- citadel/trunk/debian/changelog	2008-11-30 15:53:09 UTC (rev 181)
+++ citadel/trunk/debian/changelog	2008-11-30 16:13:36 UTC (rev 182)
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 citadel (7.38-1) unstable; urgency=high
   [ Wilfried Goesgens ]
@@ -10,8 +11,10 @@
   * New upstream version.
   * Removed old patches from 7.37 as they are now part of the orig tarball.
   * Removed some setting in citadel-server postinst as they are the default anyway.
+  * Added patch to include some fixes that are already in the upstream provided
+    debs.
- -- Michael Meskes <meskes at debian.org>  Mon, 06 Oct 2008 14:21:00 +0200
+ -- Michael Meskes <meskes at debian.org>  Sun, 30 Nov 2008 17:04:55 +0100
 citadel (7.37-8) unstable; urgency=low

Added: citadel/trunk/debian/patches/r6612_fixes.diff
--- citadel/trunk/debian/patches/r6612_fixes.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ citadel/trunk/debian/patches/r6612_fixes.diff	2008-11-30 16:13:36 UTC (rev 182)
@@ -0,0 +1,675 @@
+diff -ruN citadel-7.38/citadel_dirs.c citadel-7.38/citadel_dirs.c
+--- citadel-7.38/citadel_dirs.c	2008-09-13 06:07:31.000000000 +0200
++++ citadel-7.38/citadel_dirs.c	2008-09-21 22:52:57.000000000 +0200
+@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
+ #else
+ 	basedir=STATICDATA_DIR;
+ #endif
+-	COMPUTE_DIRECTORY(ctdl_hlp_dir);
++	COMPUTE_DIRECTORY(ctdl_message_dir);
+ #ifndef HAVE_HELP_DIR
+ 	basedir=ctdldir;
+diff -ruN citadel-7.38/docs/citadel.html citadel-7.38/docs/citadel.html
+--- citadel-7.38/docs/citadel.html	2008-09-13 06:07:23.000000000 +0200
++++ citadel-7.38/docs/citadel.html	2008-09-21 22:52:56.000000000 +0200
+@@ -2321,7 +2321,7 @@
+ server from a shell and watch it load. It might look something like
+ this:</p>
+ <font size="-2"> </font>
+-<pre><font size="-2">smw @ pixel % ./citserver<br><br>Multithreaded message server for Citadel<br>Copyright (C) 1987-2006 by the Citadel development team.<br>Citadel is open source, covered by the GNU General Public License, and<br>you are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain<br>conditions.  There is absolutely no warranty for this software.  Please<br>read the 'COPYING.txt' file for details.<br><br>Loading citadel.config<br>Opening databases<br>This is GDBM version 1.8.0, as of May 19, 1999.<br>Checking floor reference counts<br>Creating base rooms (if necessary)<br>Registered a new service (TCP port 504)<br>Registered a new service (TCP port 0)<br>Initializing loadable modules<br>Registered server command CHAT (Begin real-time chat)<br>Registered server command PEXP (Poll for instant messages)<br>Registered server command GEXP (Get instant messages)<br>Registered server command SEXP (Send an instant message)<br>Registered server command DEXP (Disable instant messages)<br>Registered a new session function (type 0)<br>Registered a new x-msg function (priority 0)<br>Loaded module: $Id: citadel.html 5896 2007-12-29 17:14:05Z ajc $<br>Registered a new session function (type 1)<br>Registered a new message function (type 201)<br>Registered a new message function (type 202)<br>Registered server command REGI (Enter registration info)<br>Registered server command GREG (Get registration info)<br>Registered a new user function (type 100)<br>Loaded module: $Id: citadel.html 5896 2007-12-29 17:14:05Z ajc $<br>Server-hosted upgrade level is 5.62<br>Loaded module: $Id: citadel.html 5896 2007-12-29 17:14:05Z ajc $<br>Registered server command EXPI (Expire old system objects)<br>Registered server command FSCK (Check message ref counts)<br>Loaded module: $Id: citadel.html 5896 2007-12-29 17:14:05Z ajc $<br><b>citserver: Can't bind: Address already in use<br>ERROR: could not bind to TCP port 25.</b><br>Registered a new service (TCP port 0)<br>Registered a new session function (type 50)<br>Loaded module: $Id: citadel.html 5896 2007-12-29 17:14:05Z ajc $<br><b>citserver: Can't bind: Address already in use<br>ERROR: could not bind to TCP port 110.</b><br>Registered a new session function (type 0)<br>Loaded module: $Id: citadel.html 5896 2007-12-29 17:14:05Z ajc $<br>Registered a new message function (type 202)Loaded module: $Id: citadel.html 5896 2007-12-29 17:14:05Z ajc $<br>Registered server command RWHO (Display who is online)<br>Registered server command HCHG (Masquerade hostname)<br>Registered server command RCHG (Masquerade roomname)<br>Registered server command UCHG (Masquerade username)<br>Registered server command STEL (Enter/exit stealth mode)<br>Loaded module: $Id: citadel.html 5896 2007-12-29 17:14:05Z ajc $<br>Changing uid to 513<br>Starting housekeeper thread<br></font></pre>
++<pre><font size="-2">smw @ pixel % ./citserver<br><br>Multithreaded message server for Citadel<br>Copyright (C) 1987-2006 by the Citadel development team.<br>Citadel is open source, covered by the GNU General Public License, and<br>you are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain<br>conditions.  There is absolutely no warranty for this software.  Please<br>read the 'COPYING.txt' file for details.<br><br>Loading citadel.config<br>Opening databases<br>This is GDBM version 1.8.0, as of May 19, 1999.<br>Checking floor reference counts<br>Creating base rooms (if necessary)<br>Registered a new service (TCP port 504)<br>Registered a new service (TCP port 0)<br>Initializing loadable modules<br>Registered server command CHAT (Begin real-time chat)<br>Registered server command PEXP (Poll for instant messages)<br>Registered server command GEXP (Get instant messages)<br>Registered server command SEXP (Send an instant message)<br>Registered server command DEXP (Disable instant messages)<br>Registered a new session function (type 0)<br>Registered a new x-msg function (priority 0)<br>Loaded module: $Id: citadel.html 6607 2008-09-17 14:14:12Z ajc $<br>Registered a new session function (type 1)<br>Registered a new message function (type 201)<br>Registered a new message function (type 202)<br>Registered server command REGI (Enter registration info)<br>Registered server command GREG (Get registration info)<br>Registered a new user function (type 100)<br>Loaded module: $Id: citadel.html 6607 2008-09-17 14:14:12Z ajc $<br>Server-hosted upgrade level is 5.62<br>Loaded module: $Id: citadel.html 6607 2008-09-17 14:14:12Z ajc $<br>Registered server command EXPI (Expire old system objects)<br>Registered server command FSCK (Check message ref counts)<br>Loaded module: $Id: citadel.html 6607 2008-09-17 14:14:12Z ajc $<br><b>citserver: Can't bind: Address already in use<br>ERROR: could not bind to TCP port 25.</b><br>Registered a new service (TCP port 0)<br>Registered a new session function (type 50)<br>Loaded module: $Id: citadel.html 6607 2008-09-17 14:14:12Z ajc $<br><b>citserver: Can't bind: Address already in use<br>ERROR: could not bind to TCP port 110.</b><br>Registered a new session function (type 0)<br>Loaded module: $Id: citadel.html 6607 2008-09-17 14:14:12Z ajc $<br>Registered a new message function (type 202)Loaded module: $Id: citadel.html 6607 2008-09-17 14:14:12Z ajc $<br>Registered server command RWHO (Display who is online)<br>Registered server command HCHG (Masquerade hostname)<br>Registered server command RCHG (Masquerade roomname)<br>Registered server command UCHG (Masquerade username)<br>Registered server command STEL (Enter/exit stealth mode)<br>Loaded module: $Id: citadel.html 6607 2008-09-17 14:14:12Z ajc $<br>Changing uid to 513<br>Starting housekeeper thread<br></font></pre>
+ <p>The lines emphasized in boldface in the above log output tell you
+ that Citadel "can't bind" to various ports. The error 'address already
+ in use' generally means that something else is already running on the
+@@ -2688,15 +2688,12 @@
+ <h3><a name="Database_repair"></a>Database repair</h3>
+ Although Citadel's data store is quite reliable, database corruption
+ can occur in rare instances. &nbsp;External factors such as an
+-system crash or an unexpected loss of power might leave the database in
+-an unknown state. &nbsp;A utility is provided which may be able to
+-your database if this occurs. &nbsp;If you find that your Citadel
+-is not running, and reading the logs shows that it is crashing because
+-an inability to validate a database, follow these steps:<br>
++operating system crash or an unexpected loss of power might leave the
++database in an unknown state. &nbsp;A utility is provided which may
++be able to repair your database if this occurs. &nbsp;If you find
++that your Citadel server is not running, and reading the logs shows
++that it is crashing because of an inability to validate a database,
++follow these steps:<br>
+ <ol>
+   <li>Edit <tt>/etc/inittab</tt> and switch the Citadel service from
+ "respawn" to "off." &nbsp;Type <tt>init q</tt> to make this setting
+@@ -2714,6 +2711,11 @@
+ </ol>
+ If this procedure does not work, you must restore from your most recent
+ backup.<br>
++<b>Please note: this utility should <i>only</i> be used for recovering
++a database that is causing the Citadel server to crash upon startup.  If
++you have some other type of problem, but the citserver process is not
++aborting with "Berkeley DB Panic" errors, this is <i>not</i> the way to
++fix it.</b><br>
+ <br>
+ <h3><a name="ImportingExporting_your_Citadel"></a>Importing/Exporting
+ your Citadel database<br>
+diff -ruN citadel-7.38/Makefile.in citadel-7.38/Makefile.in
+--- citadel-7.38/Makefile.in	2008-09-13 06:07:31.000000000 +0200
++++ citadel-7.38/Makefile.in	2008-09-21 22:52:58.000000000 +0200
+@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
+ # 2. Send e-mail to ajc at uncensored.citadel.org and let me know what you
+ #    did, so any necessary changes can be put into the next release.
+ #
+-# $Id: Makefile.in 6589 2008-09-11 16:09:00Z dothebart $
++# $Id: Makefile.in 6604 2008-09-15 22:24:55Z dothebart $
+ #
+ ########################################################################
+@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
+ 	$(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(DESTDIR)$(STATICDATA_DIR)/messages
+ 	@for i in  \
+-		 `$(srcdir)/messages  -type f | grep -v .svn`; do \
++		 `find $(srcdir)/messages  -type f | grep -v .svn`; do \
+ 		echo $(INSTALL_DATA) $$i $(DESTDIR)$(STATICDATA_DIR)/$$i; \
+ 	done
+diff -ruN citadel-7.38/modules/expire/serv_expire.c citadel-7.38/modules/expire/serv_expire.c
+--- citadel-7.38/modules/expire/serv_expire.c	2008-09-13 06:07:28.000000000 +0200
++++ citadel-7.38/modules/expire/serv_expire.c	2008-09-21 22:52:57.000000000 +0200
+@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+ /*
+- * $Id: serv_expire.c 6571 2008-09-07 14:49:53Z davew $
++ * $Id: serv_expire.c 6606 2008-09-17 12:24:51Z ajc $
+  *
+  * This module handles the expiry of old messages and the purging of old users.
+  *
+@@ -935,6 +935,10 @@
+ /*****************************************************************************/
++/* The FSCK command has been removed because people were misusing it */
++#if 0
+ void do_fsck_msg(long msgnum, void *userdata) {
+ 	struct ctdlroomref *ptr;
+@@ -1013,6 +1017,7 @@
+ }
++#endif	/* end of commented-out fsck cmd */
+ /*
+  * Manually initiate a run of The Dreaded Auto-Purger (tm)
+@@ -1030,11 +1035,11 @@
+ {
+ 	if (!threading)
+ 	{
+-		CtdlRegisterProtoHook(cmd_fsck, "FSCK", "Check message ref counts");
++		/* CtdlRegisterProtoHook(cmd_fsck, "FSCK", "Check message ref counts"); */
+ 		CtdlRegisterProtoHook(cmd_tdap, "TDAP", "Manually initiate auto-purger");
+ 	}
+ 	else
+ 		CtdlThreadCreate("Auto Purger", CTDLTHREAD_BIGSTACK, purge_databases, NULL);
+ 	/* return our Subversion id for the Log */
+-	return "$Id: serv_expire.c 6571 2008-09-07 14:49:53Z davew $";
++	return "$Id: serv_expire.c 6606 2008-09-17 12:24:51Z ajc $";
+ }
+diff -ruN citadel-7.38/msgbase.c citadel-7.38/msgbase.c
+--- citadel-7.38/msgbase.c	2008-09-13 06:07:31.000000000 +0200
++++ citadel-7.38/msgbase.c	2008-09-21 22:52:58.000000000 +0200
+@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+ /*
+- * $Id: msgbase.c 6565 2008-09-04 01:59:23Z ajc $
++ * $Id: msgbase.c 6609 2008-09-20 06:08:44Z ajc $
+  *
+  * Implements the message store.
+  *
+@@ -89,7 +89,8 @@
+ 	"hnod",
+ 	"msgn",
+ 	"jrnl",
++	NULL,
++	"list",
+ 	"text",
+ 	"node",
+ 	"room",
+@@ -339,8 +340,6 @@
+ 	int was_seen = 0;
+ 	long lo = (-1L);
+ 	long hi = (-1L);
+-	long t = (-1L);
+-	int trimming = 0;
+ 	struct visit vbuf;
+ 	long *msglist;
+ 	int num_msgs = 0;
+@@ -348,26 +347,35 @@
+ 	char *is_set;	/* actually an array of booleans */
+ 	int num_sets;
+ 	int s;
++	int w = 0;
+ 	char setstr[SIZ], lostr[SIZ], histr[SIZ];
+-	size_t tmp;
+ 	/* Don't bother doing *anything* if we were passed a list of zero messages */
+ 	if (num_target_msgnums < 1) {
+ 		return;
+ 	}
+-	CtdlLogPrintf(CTDL_DEBUG, "CtdlSetSeen(%d msgs starting with %ld, %d, %d)\n",
++	/* If no room was specified, we go with the current room. */
++	if (!which_room) {
++		which_room = &CC->room;
++	}
++	/* If no user was specified, we go with the current user. */
++	if (!which_user) {
++		which_user = &CC->user;
++	}
++	CtdlLogPrintf(CTDL_DEBUG, "CtdlSetSeen(%d msgs starting with %ld, %s, %d) in <%s>\n",
+ 		num_target_msgnums, target_msgnums[0],
+-		target_setting, which_set);
++		(target_setting ? "SET" : "CLEAR"),
++		which_set,
++		which_room->QRname);
+ 	/* Learn about the user and room in question */
+-	CtdlGetRelationship(&vbuf,
+-		((which_user != NULL) ? which_user : &CC->user),
+-		((which_room != NULL) ? which_room : &CC->room)
+-	);
++	CtdlGetRelationship(&vbuf, which_user, which_room);
+ 	/* Load the message list */
+-	cdbfr = cdb_fetch(CDB_MSGLISTS, &CC->room.QRnumber, sizeof(long));
++	cdbfr = cdb_fetch(CDB_MSGLISTS, &which_room->QRnumber, sizeof(long));
+ 	if (cdbfr != NULL) {
+ 		msglist = (long *) cdbfr->ptr;
+ 		cdbfr->ptr = NULL;	/* CtdlSetSeen() now owns this memory */
+@@ -390,7 +398,19 @@
+ 			break;
+ 	}
+-	/* CtdlLogPrintf(CTDL_DEBUG, "before optimize: %s\n", vset); */
++#if 0	/* This is a special diagnostic section.  Do not allow it to run during normal operation. */
++	CtdlLogPrintf(CTDL_DEBUG, "There are %d messages in the room.\n", num_msgs);
++	for (i=0; i<num_msgs; ++i) {
++		if (i > 0) if (msglist[i] <= msglist[i-1]) abort();
++	}
++	CtdlLogPrintf(CTDL_DEBUG, "We are twiddling %d of them.\n", num_target_msgnums);
++	for (k=0; k<num_target_msgnums; ++k) {
++		if (k > 0) if (target_msgnums[k] <= target_msgnums[k-1]) abort();
++	}
++	CtdlLogPrintf(CTDL_DEBUG, "before update: %s\n", vset);
+ 	/* Translate the existing sequence set into an array of booleans */
+ 	num_sets = num_tokens(vset, ',');
+@@ -400,15 +420,17 @@
+ 		extract_token(lostr, setstr, 0, ':', sizeof lostr);
+ 		if (num_tokens(setstr, ':') >= 2) {
+ 			extract_token(histr, setstr, 1, ':', sizeof histr);
+-			if (!strcmp(histr, "*")) {
+-				snprintf(histr, sizeof histr, "%ld", LONG_MAX);
+-			}
+ 		}
+ 		else {
+ 			strcpy(histr, lostr);
+ 		}
+ 		lo = atol(lostr);
+-		hi = atol(histr);
++		if (!strcmp(histr, "*")) {
++			hi = LONG_MAX;
++		}
++		else {
++			hi = atol(histr);
++		}
+ 		for (i = 0; i < num_msgs; ++i) {
+ 			if ((msglist[i] >= lo) && (msglist[i] <= hi)) {
+@@ -417,84 +439,86 @@
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	/* Now translate the array of booleans back into a sequence set */
+ 	strcpy(vset, "");
+-	lo = (-1L);
+-	hi = (-1L);
++	was_seen = 0;
++	lo = (-1);
++	hi = (-1);
+ 	for (i=0; i<num_msgs; ++i) {
++		is_seen = is_set[i];
+-		is_seen = is_set[i];	/* Default to existing setting */
++		/* Apply changes */
+ 		for (k=0; k<num_target_msgnums; ++k) {
+ 			if (msglist[i] == target_msgnums[k]) {
+ 				is_seen = target_setting;
+ 			}
+ 		}
+-		if (is_seen) {
+-			if (lo < 0L) lo = msglist[i];
+-			hi = msglist[i];
++		w = 0;	/* set to 1 if we write something to the string */
++		if ((was_seen == 0) && (is_seen == 1)) {
++			lo = msglist[i];
+ 		}
++		else if ((was_seen == 1) && (is_seen == 0)) {
++			hi = msglist[i-1];
++			w = 1;
+-		if (  ((is_seen == 0) && (was_seen == 1))
+-		   || ((is_seen == 1) && (i == num_msgs-1)) ) {
+-			/* begin trim-o-matic code */
+-			j=9;
+-			trimming = 0;
+-			while ( (strlen(vset) + 20) > sizeof vset) {
+-				remove_token(vset, 0, ',');
+-				trimming = 1;
+-				if (j--) break; /* loop no more than 9 times */
++			if (!IsEmptyStr(vset)) {
++				strcat(vset, ",");
+ 			}
+-			if ( (trimming) && (which_set == ctdlsetseen_seen) ) {
+-				t = atol(vset);
+-				if (t<2) t=2;
+-				--t;
+-				snprintf(lostr, sizeof lostr,
+-					"1:%ld,%s", t, vset);
+-				safestrncpy(vset, lostr, sizeof vset);
++			if (lo == hi) {
++				sprintf(&vset[strlen(vset)], "%ld", hi);
+ 			}
+-			/* end trim-o-matic code */
+-			tmp = strlen(vset);
+-			if (tmp > 0) {
++			else {
++				sprintf(&vset[strlen(vset)], "%ld:%ld", lo, hi);
++			}
++		}
++		else if ((is_seen) && (i == num_msgs - 1)) {
++			w = 1;
++			if (!IsEmptyStr(vset)) {
+ 				strcat(vset, ",");
+-				++tmp;
+ 			}
+-			if (lo == hi) {
+-				snprintf(&vset[tmp], (sizeof vset) - tmp,
+-					 "%ld", lo);
++			if ((i==0) || (was_seen == 0)) {
++				sprintf(&vset[strlen(vset)], "%ld", msglist[i]);
+ 			}
+ 			else {
+-				snprintf(&vset[tmp], (sizeof vset) - tmp,
+-					 "%ld:%ld", lo, hi);
++				sprintf(&vset[strlen(vset)], "%ld:%ld", lo, msglist[i]);
+ 			}
+-			lo = (-1L);
+-			hi = (-1L);
+ 		}
++		/* If the string is getting too long, truncate it at the beginning; repeat up to 9 times */
++		if (w) for (j=0; j<9; ++j) {
++			if ((strlen(vset) + 20) > sizeof vset) {
++				remove_token(vset, 0, ',');
++				if (which_set == ctdlsetseen_seen) {
++					char temp[SIZ];
++					sprintf(temp, "1:%ld,", atol(vset)-1L);
++					strcat(temp, vset);
++					strcpy(vset, temp);
++				}
++			}
++		}
+ 		was_seen = is_seen;
+ 	}
++	CtdlLogPrintf(CTDL_DEBUG, " after update: %s\n", vset);
+ 	/* Decide which message set we're manipulating */
+ 	switch (which_set) {
+ 		case ctdlsetseen_seen:
+ 			safestrncpy(vbuf.v_seen, vset, sizeof vbuf.v_seen);
+ 			break;
+ 		case ctdlsetseen_answered:
+-			safestrncpy(vbuf.v_answered, vset,
+-						sizeof vbuf.v_answered);
++			safestrncpy(vbuf.v_answered, vset, sizeof vbuf.v_answered);
+ 			break;
+ 	}
+-	free(is_set);
+-	/* CtdlLogPrintf(CTDL_DEBUG, " after optimize: %s\n", vset); */
++	free(is_set);
+ 	free(msglist);
+-	CtdlSetRelationship(&vbuf,
+-		((which_user != NULL) ? which_user : &CC->user),
+-		((which_room != NULL) ? which_room : &CC->room)
+-	);
++	CtdlSetRelationship(&vbuf, which_user, which_room);
+ }
+diff -ruN citadel-7.38/setup.c citadel-7.38/setup.c
+--- citadel-7.38/setup.c	2008-09-13 06:07:31.000000000 +0200
++++ citadel-7.38/setup.c	2008-09-21 22:52:58.000000000 +0200
+@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+ /*
+- * $Id: setup.c 6411 2008-06-29 04:13:52Z ajc $
++ * $Id: setup.c 6612 2008-09-21 20:19:04Z dothebart $
+  *
+  * Citadel setup utility
+  *
+@@ -27,6 +27,10 @@
+ #include "sysdep.h"
+ #include "config.h"
+ #include "citadel_dirs.h"
++#include <execinfo.h>
+ #define MAXSETUP 6	/* How many setup questions to ask */
+@@ -56,6 +60,28 @@
+ 	"Authentication mode"
+ };
++ * \brief print the actual stack frame.
++ */
++void cit_backtrace(void)
++	void *stack_frames[50];
++	size_t size, i;
++	char **strings;
++	size = backtrace(stack_frames, sizeof(stack_frames) / sizeof(void*));
++	strings = backtrace_symbols(stack_frames, size);
++	for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
++		if (strings != NULL)
++			fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", strings[i]);
++		else
++			fprintf(stderr, "%p\n", stack_frames[i]);
++	}
++	free(strings);
+ struct config config;
+@@ -122,6 +148,8 @@
+ void cleanup(int exitcode)
+ {
++//	printf("Exitcode: %d\n", exitcode);
++//	cit_backtrace();
+ 	exit(exitcode);
+ }
+@@ -199,6 +227,9 @@
+ 			msgtext);
+ 		system(buf);
+ 		break;
++	case UI_SILENT:
++		fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msgtext);
++		break;
+ 	}
+ }
+@@ -564,26 +595,20 @@
+ 	/* Offer to replace other MTA with the vastly superior Citadel :)  */
+-	if (getenv("ACT_AS_MTA")) {
+-		if (strcasecmp(getenv("ACT_AS_MTA"), "yes")) {
+-			return;
+-		}
+-	}
+-	else {
+-		snprintf(buf, sizeof buf,
+-			"You appear to have the \"%s\" email program\n"
+-			"running on your system.  If you want Citadel mail\n"
+-			"connected with %s, you will have to manually integrate\n"
+-			"them.  It is preferable to disable %s, and use Citadel's\n"
+-			"SMTP, POP3, and IMAP services.\n\n"
+-			"May we disable %s so that Citadel has access to ports\n"
+-			"25, 110, and 143?\n",
+-			mta, mta, mta, mta
++	snprintf(buf, sizeof buf,
++		 "You appear to have the \"%s\" email program\n"
++		 "running on your system.  If you want Citadel mail\n"
++		 "connected with %s, you will have to manually integrate\n"
++		 "them.  It is preferable to disable %s, and use Citadel's\n"
++		 "SMTP, POP3, and IMAP services.\n\n"
++		 "May we disable %s so that Citadel has access to ports\n"
++		 "25, 110, and 143?\n",
++		 mta, mta, mta, mta
+ 		);
+-		if (yesno(buf, 1) == 0) {
+-			return;
+-		}
++	if (yesno(buf, 1) == 0) {
++		return;
+ 	}
+ 	sprintf(buf, "for x in /etc/rc*.d/S*%s; do mv $x `echo $x |sed s/S/K/g`; done >/dev/null 2>&1", mta);
+ 	system(buf);
+@@ -597,7 +622,7 @@
+ /* 
+  * Check to see if our server really works.  Returns 0 on success.
+  */
+-int test_server(char *setup_directory) {
++int test_server(char *setup_directory, char *relhomestr, int relhome) {
+ 	char cmd[256];
+ 	char cookie[256];
+ 	FILE *fp;
+@@ -610,10 +635,15 @@
+ 	 */
+ 	sprintf(cookie, "--test--%d--", getpid());
+-	sprintf(cmd, "%s/sendcommand -h%s ECHO %s 2>&1",
+-		ctdl_sbin_dir,
+-		setup_directory,
+-		cookie);
++	if (relhome)
++		sprintf(cmd, "%s/sendcommand -h%s ECHO %s 2>&1",
++			ctdl_sbin_dir,
++			relhomestr,
++			cookie);
++	else
++		sprintf(cmd, "%s/sendcommand ECHO %s 2>&1",
++			ctdl_sbin_dir,
++			cookie);
+ 	fp = popen(cmd, "r");
+ 	if (fp == NULL) return(errno);
+@@ -1025,14 +1055,13 @@
+ 		set_str_val(0, setup_directory);
+ 	}
+-	enable_home=(relh|home);
++	enable_home = ( relh | home );
+-	if (chdir(setup_directory) == 0) {
+-		strcpy(file_citadel_config, "./citadel.config");
+-	}
+-	else {
+-		important_message("Citadel Setup",
+-		  	"The directory you specified does not exist.");
++	if (chdir(setup_directory) != 0) {
++		char errmsg[SIZ];
++		sprintf(errmsg, "The directory you specified does not exist: [%s]\n", setup_directory);
++		important_message("Citadel Setup", errmsg);
+ 		cleanup(errno);
+ 	}
+@@ -1045,7 +1074,7 @@
+ 	}
+ 	/* Make sure Citadel is not running. */
+-	if (test_server(setup_directory) == 0) {
++	if (test_server(setup_directory, relhome, enable_home) == 0) {
+ 		important_message("Citadel Setup",
+ 			"The Citadel service is still running.\n"
+ 			"Please stop the service manually and run "
+@@ -1259,27 +1288,31 @@
+ 	delete_inittab_entry();	/* Remove obsolete /etc/inittab entry */
+ 	check_xinetd_entry();	/* Check /etc/xinetd.d/telnet */
+-	/* Offer to disable other MTA's on the system. */
+-	disable_other_mta("courier-authdaemon");
+-	disable_other_mta("courier-imap");
+-	disable_other_mta("courier-imap-ssl");
+-	disable_other_mta("courier-pop");
+-	disable_other_mta("courier-pop3");
+-	disable_other_mta("courier-pop3d");
+-	disable_other_mta("cyrmaster");
+-	disable_other_mta("cyrus");
+-	disable_other_mta("dovecot");
+-	disable_other_mta("exim");
+-	disable_other_mta("exim4");
+-	disable_other_mta("imapd");
+-	disable_other_mta("mta");
+-	disable_other_mta("pop3d");
+-	disable_other_mta("popd");
+-	disable_other_mta("postfix");
+-	disable_other_mta("qmail");
+-	disable_other_mta("saslauthd");
+-	disable_other_mta("sendmail");
+-	disable_other_mta("vmailmgrd");
++	if ((getenv("ACT_AS_MTA") == NULL) || 
++	    (getenv("ACT_AS_MTA") &&
++	     strcasecmp(getenv("ACT_AS_MTA"), "yes") == 0)) {
++		/* Offer to disable other MTA's on the system. */
++		disable_other_mta("courier-authdaemon");
++		disable_other_mta("courier-imap");
++		disable_other_mta("courier-imap-ssl");
++		disable_other_mta("courier-pop");
++		disable_other_mta("courier-pop3");
++		disable_other_mta("courier-pop3d");
++		disable_other_mta("cyrmaster");
++		disable_other_mta("cyrus");
++		disable_other_mta("dovecot");
++		disable_other_mta("exim");
++		disable_other_mta("exim4");
++		disable_other_mta("imapd");
++		disable_other_mta("mta");
++		disable_other_mta("pop3d");
++		disable_other_mta("popd");
++		disable_other_mta("postfix");
++		disable_other_mta("qmail");
++		disable_other_mta("saslauthd");
++		disable_other_mta("sendmail");
++		disable_other_mta("vmailmgrd");
++	}
+ #endif
+ 	/* Check for the 'db' nss and offer to disable it */
+@@ -1312,14 +1345,31 @@
+ 			sleep(3);
+ 		}
+-		if (test_server(setup_directory) == 0) {
+-			snprintf (admin_cmd, sizeof(admin_cmd), "%s/sendcommand \"CREU %s|%s\"", ctdl_utilbin_dir, config.c_sysadm, admin_pass);
+-			system(admin_cmd);
+-			important_message("Setup finished",
+-				"Setup of the Citadel server is complete.\n"
+-				"If you will be using WebCit, please run its\n"
+-				"setup program now; otherwise, run './citadel'\n"
+-				"to log in.\n");
++		if (test_server(setup_directory, relhome, enable_home) == 0) {
++			char buf[SIZ];
++			int found_it = 0;
++			snprintf (admin_cmd, sizeof(admin_cmd), "%s/sendcommand \"CREU %s|%s\" 2>&1", 
++				  ctdl_sbin_dir, config.c_sysadm, admin_pass);
++			fp = popen(admin_cmd, "r");
++			if (fp != NULL) {
++				while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fp) != NULL) 
++				{
++					if ((atol(buf) == 574) || (atol(buf) == 200))
++						++found_it;
++				}
++				pclose(fp);
++			}
++			if (found_it == 0)
++				important_message("Error","Setup failed to create your admin user");
++			if (setup_type != UI_SILENT)
++				important_message("Setup finished",
++						  "Setup of the Citadel server is complete.\n"
++						  "If you will be using WebCit, please run its\n"
++						  "setup program now; otherwise, run './citadel'\n"
++						  "to log in.\n");
+ 		}
+ 		else {
+ 			important_message("Setup failed",
+diff -ruN citadel-7.38/svn_revision.c citadel-7.38/svn_revision.c
+--- citadel-7.38/svn_revision.c	2008-09-13 06:08:24.000000000 +0200
++++ citadel-7.38/svn_revision.c	2008-09-21 22:52:58.000000000 +0200
+@@ -9,6 +9,6 @@
+ const char *svn_revision (void)
+ {
+-	const char *SVN_Version = "6597";
++	const char *SVN_Version = "6614";
+ 	return SVN_Version;
+ }
+diff -ruN citadel-7.38/sysdep.h.in citadel-7.38/sysdep.h.in
+--- citadel-7.38/sysdep.h.in	2008-09-13 06:08:23.000000000 +0200
++++ citadel-7.38/sysdep.h.in	2008-09-21 22:52:58.000000000 +0200
+@@ -326,19 +326,19 @@
+ /* define, where the config should go in unix style */
+ #undef RUN_DIR
+-/* The size of a `char', as computed by sizeof. */
++/* The size of `char', as computed by sizeof. */
+ #undef SIZEOF_CHAR
+-/* The size of a `int', as computed by sizeof. */
++/* The size of `int', as computed by sizeof. */
+ #undef SIZEOF_INT
+-/* The size of a `long', as computed by sizeof. */
++/* The size of `long', as computed by sizeof. */
+ #undef SIZEOF_LONG
+-/* The size of a `short', as computed by sizeof. */
++/* The size of `short', as computed by sizeof. */
+-/* The size of a `size_t', as computed by sizeof. */
++/* The size of `size_t', as computed by sizeof. */
+ #undef SIZEOF_SIZE_T
+ /* do we need to use solaris call syntax? */
+@@ -382,5 +382,5 @@
+ /* Define to `int' if <sys/types.h> does not define. */
+ #undef pid_t
+-/* Define to `unsigned' if <sys/types.h> does not define. */
++/* Define to `unsigned int' if <sys/types.h> does not define. */
+ #undef size_t

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