[Pkg-clamav-commits] [SCM] Debian repository for ClamAV branch, debian/unstable, updated. debian/0.95+dfsg-1-6589-g162c5dd

Michael Tautschnig mt at debian.org
Mon Sep 20 17:11:13 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the debian/unstable branch:
commit 21efa66def367efa4b31685ab32693a9e9f1b766
Author: Michael Tautschnig <mt at debian.org>
Date:   Mon Sep 20 18:38:36 2010 +0200

    Remove win32 (again)
    Signed-off-by: Michael Tautschnig <mt at debian.org>

diff --git a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/CMakeLists.txt b/win32/3rdparty/zlib/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a64fe0b..0000000
--- a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.4.4)
-project(zlib C)
-    option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build a shared library form of zlib" ON)
-check_include_file(sys/types.h HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H)
-check_include_file(stdint.h    HAVE_STDINT_H)
-check_include_file(stddef.h    HAVE_STDDEF_H)
-# Check to see if we have large file support
-# We add these other definitions here because CheckTypeSize.cmake
-# in CMake 2.4.x does not automatically do so and we want
-# compatibility with CMake 2.4.x.
-check_type_size(off64_t OFF64_T)
-   add_definitions(-D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE=1)
-set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS) # clear variable
-# Check for fseeko
-check_function_exists(fseeko HAVE_FSEEKO)
-    add_definitions(-DNO_FSEEKO)
-# Check for unistd.h
-check_include_file(unistd.h Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H)
-    add_definitions(-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE)
-    add_definitions(-D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE)
-    # If we're doing an out of source build and the user has a zconf.h
-    # in their source tree...
-        message(FATAL_ERROR
-            "You must remove ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/zconf.h "
-            "from the source tree.  This file is included with zlib "
-            "but CMake generates this file for you automatically "
-            "in the build directory.")
-  endif()
-               ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/zconf.h @ONLY)
-# zlib
-    zlib.h
-    crc32.h
-    deflate.h
-    gzguts.h
-    inffast.h
-    inffixed.h
-    inflate.h
-    inftrees.h
-    trees.h
-    zutil.h
-    adler32.c
-    compress.c
-    crc32.c
-    deflate.c
-    gzclose.c
-    gzlib.c
-    gzread.c
-    gzwrite.c
-    inflate.c
-    infback.c
-    inftrees.c
-    inffast.c
-    trees.c
-    uncompr.c
-    zutil.c
-    win32/zlib1.rc
-# parse the full version number from zlib.h and include in ZLIB_FULL_VERSION
-file(READ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/zlib.h _zlib_h_contents)
-string(REGEX REPLACE ".*#define[ \t]+ZLIB_VERSION[ \t]+\"([0-9A-Za-z.]+)\".*"
-    "\\1" ZLIB_FULL_VERSION ${_zlib_h_contents})
-    # This gets us DLL resource information when compiling on MinGW.
-    add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/zlib1rc.obj
-                       COMMAND windres.exe
-                            -D GCC_WINDRES
-                            -I ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}
-                            -I ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}
-                            -o ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/zlib1rc.obj
-                            -i ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/win32/zlib1.rc)
-set_target_properties(zlib PROPERTIES DEFINE_SYMBOL ZLIB_DLL)
-set_target_properties(zlib PROPERTIES SOVERSION 1)
-    # This property causes shared libraries on Linux to have the full version
-    # encoded into their final filename.  We disable this on Cygwin because
-    # it causes cygz-${ZLIB_FULL_VERSION}.dll to be created when cygz.dll
-    # seems to be the default.
-    #
-    # This has no effect with MSVC, on that platform the version info for
-    # the DLL comes from the resource file win32/zlib1.rc
-    set_target_properties(zlib PROPERTIES VERSION ${ZLIB_FULL_VERSION})
-    # On unix-like platforms the library is almost always called libz
-   set_target_properties(zlib PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME z)
-    # Creates zlib1.dll when building shared library version
-    set_target_properties(zlib PROPERTIES SUFFIX "1.dll")
-    install(TARGETS zlib
-    install(FILES zlib.3 DESTINATION share/man/man3)
-# Example binaries
-add_executable(example example.c)
-target_link_libraries(example zlib)
-add_test(example example)
-add_executable(minigzip minigzip.c)
-target_link_libraries(minigzip zlib)
-    add_executable(example64 example.c)
-    target_link_libraries(example64 zlib)
-    set_target_properties(example64 PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64")
-    add_test(example64 example64)
-    add_executable(minigzip64 minigzip.c)
-    target_link_libraries(minigzip64 zlib)
-    set_target_properties(minigzip64 PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64")
diff --git a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/amd64/amd64-match.S b/win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/amd64/amd64-match.S
deleted file mode 100644
index 81d4a1c..0000000
--- a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/amd64/amd64-match.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,452 +0,0 @@
- * match.S -- optimized version of longest_match()
- * based on the similar work by Gilles Vollant, and Brian Raiter, written 1998
- *
- * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the BSD License. Use by owners of Che Guevarra
- * parafernalia is prohibited, where possible, and highly discouraged
- * elsewhere.
- */
-#	define	match_init	_match_init
-#	define	longest_match	_longest_match
-#define	scanend		ebx
-#define	scanendw	bx
-#define	chainlenwmask	edx /* high word: current chain len low word: s->wmask */
-#define	curmatch	rsi
-#define	curmatchd	esi
-#define	windowbestlen	r8
-#define	scanalign	r9
-#define	scanalignd	r9d
-#define	window		r10
-#define	bestlen		r11
-#define	bestlend	r11d
-#define	scanstart	r12d
-#define	scanstartw	r12w
-#define scan		r13
-#define nicematch	r14d
-#define	limit		r15
-#define	limitd		r15d
-#define prev		rcx
- * The 258 is a "magic number, not a parameter -- changing it
- * breaks the hell loose
- */
-#define	MAX_MATCH	(258)
-#define	MIN_MATCH	(3)
-#define	MAX_MATCH_8	((MAX_MATCH + 7) & ~7)
-/* stack frame offsets */
-#define	LocalVarsSize	(112)
-#define _chainlenwmask	( 8-LocalVarsSize)(%rsp)
-#define _windowbestlen	(16-LocalVarsSize)(%rsp)
-#define save_r14        (24-LocalVarsSize)(%rsp)
-#define save_rsi        (32-LocalVarsSize)(%rsp)
-#define save_rbx        (40-LocalVarsSize)(%rsp)
-#define save_r12        (56-LocalVarsSize)(%rsp)
-#define save_r13        (64-LocalVarsSize)(%rsp)
-#define save_r15        (80-LocalVarsSize)(%rsp)
-.globl	match_init, longest_match
- * On AMD64 the first argument of a function (in our case -- the pointer to
- * deflate_state structure) is passed in %rdi, hence our offsets below are
- * all off of that.
- */
-/* you can check the structure offset by running
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "deflate.h"
-void print_depl()
-deflate_state ds;
-deflate_state *s=&ds;
-printf("size pointer=%u\n",(int)sizeof(void*));
-printf("#define dsWSize         (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->w_size))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsWMask         (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->w_mask))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsWindow        (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->window))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsPrev          (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->prev))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsMatchLen      (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->match_length))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsPrevMatch     (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->prev_match))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsStrStart      (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->strstart))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsMatchStart    (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->match_start))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsLookahead     (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->lookahead))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsPrevLen       (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->prev_length))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsMaxChainLen   (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->max_chain_length))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsGoodMatch     (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->good_match))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsNiceMatch     (%3u)(%%rdi)\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->nice_match))-((char*)s)));
-  to compile for XCode 3.2 on MacOSX x86_64
-  - run "gcc -g -c -DXCODE_MAC_X64_STRUCTURE amd64-match.S"
- */
-#define dsWSize		( 68)(%rdi)
-#define dsWMask		( 76)(%rdi)
-#define dsWindow	( 80)(%rdi)
-#define dsPrev		( 96)(%rdi)
-#define dsMatchLen	(144)(%rdi)
-#define dsPrevMatch	(148)(%rdi)
-#define dsStrStart	(156)(%rdi)
-#define dsMatchStart	(160)(%rdi)
-#define dsLookahead	(164)(%rdi)
-#define dsPrevLen	(168)(%rdi)
-#define dsMaxChainLen	(172)(%rdi)
-#define dsGoodMatch	(188)(%rdi)
-#define dsNiceMatch	(192)(%rdi)
-#	define STRUCT_OFFSET	(0)
-#define dsWSize		( 56 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsWMask		( 64 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsWindow	( 72 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsPrev		( 88 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsMatchLen	(136 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsPrevMatch	(140 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsStrStart	(148 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsMatchStart	(152 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsLookahead	(156 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsPrevLen	(160 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsMaxChainLen	(164 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsGoodMatch	(180 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-#define dsNiceMatch	(184 + STRUCT_OFFSET)(%rdi)
-/* uInt longest_match(deflate_state *deflatestate, IPos curmatch) */
- * Retrieve the function arguments. %curmatch will hold cur_match
- * throughout the entire function (passed via rsi on amd64).
- * rdi will hold the pointer to the deflate_state (first arg on amd64)
- */
-		mov     %rsi, save_rsi
-		mov     %rbx, save_rbx
-		mov	%r12, save_r12
-		mov     %r13, save_r13
-		mov     %r14, save_r14
-		mov     %r15, save_r15
-/* uInt wmask = s->w_mask;						*/
-/* unsigned chain_length = s->max_chain_length;				*/
-/* if (s->prev_length >= s->good_match) {				*/
-/*     chain_length >>= 2;						*/
-/* }									*/
-		movl	dsPrevLen, %eax
-		movl	dsGoodMatch, %ebx
-		cmpl	%ebx, %eax
-		movl	dsWMask, %eax
-		movl	dsMaxChainLen, %chainlenwmask
-		jl	LastMatchGood
-		shrl	$2, %chainlenwmask
-/* chainlen is decremented once beforehand so that the function can	*/
-/* use the sign flag instead of the zero flag for the exit test.	*/
-/* It is then shifted into the high word, to make room for the wmask	*/
-/* value, which it will always accompany.				*/
-		decl	%chainlenwmask
-		shll	$16, %chainlenwmask
-		orl	%eax, %chainlenwmask
-/* if ((uInt)nice_match > s->lookahead) nice_match = s->lookahead;	*/
-		movl	dsNiceMatch, %eax
-		movl	dsLookahead, %ebx
-		cmpl	%eax, %ebx
-		jl	LookaheadLess
-		movl	%eax, %ebx
-LookaheadLess:	movl	%ebx, %nicematch
-/* register Bytef *scan = s->window + s->strstart;			*/
-		mov	dsWindow, %window
-		movl	dsStrStart, %limitd
-		lea	(%limit, %window), %scan
-/* Determine how many bytes the scan ptr is off from being		*/
-/* dword-aligned.							*/
-		mov	%scan, %scanalign
-		negl	%scanalignd
-		andl	$3, %scanalignd
-/* IPos limit = s->strstart > (IPos)MAX_DIST(s) ?			*/
-/*     s->strstart - (IPos)MAX_DIST(s) : NIL;				*/
-		movl	dsWSize, %eax
-		subl	$MIN_LOOKAHEAD, %eax
-		xorl	%ecx, %ecx
-		subl	%eax, %limitd
-		cmovng	%ecx, %limitd
-/* int best_len = s->prev_length;					*/
-		movl	dsPrevLen, %bestlend
-/* Store the sum of s->window + best_len in %windowbestlen locally, and in memory.	*/
-		lea	(%window, %bestlen), %windowbestlen
-		mov	%windowbestlen, _windowbestlen
-/* register ush scan_start = *(ushf*)scan;				*/
-/* register ush scan_end   = *(ushf*)(scan+best_len-1);			*/
-/* Posf *prev = s->prev;						*/
-		movzwl	(%scan), %scanstart
-		movzwl	-1(%scan, %bestlen), %scanend
-		mov	dsPrev, %prev
-/* Jump into the main loop.						*/
-		movl	%chainlenwmask, _chainlenwmask
-		jmp	LoopEntry
-.balign 16
-/* do {
- *     match = s->window + cur_match;
- *     if (*(ushf*)(match+best_len-1) != scan_end ||
- *         *(ushf*)match != scan_start) continue;
- *     [...]
- * } while ((cur_match = prev[cur_match & wmask]) > limit
- *          && --chain_length != 0);
- *
- * Here is the inner loop of the function. The function will spend the
- * majority of its time in this loop, and majority of that time will
- * be spent in the first ten instructions.
- */
-		andl	%chainlenwmask, %curmatchd
-		movzwl	(%prev, %curmatch, 2), %curmatchd
-		cmpl	%limitd, %curmatchd
-		jbe	LeaveNow
-		subl	$0x00010000, %chainlenwmask
-		js	LeaveNow
-LoopEntry:	cmpw	-1(%windowbestlen, %curmatch), %scanendw
-		jne	LookupLoop
-		cmpw	%scanstartw, (%window, %curmatch)
-		jne	LookupLoop
-/* Store the current value of chainlen.					*/
-		movl	%chainlenwmask, _chainlenwmask
-/* %scan is the string under scrutiny, and %prev to the string we	*/
-/* are hoping to match it up with. In actuality, %esi and %edi are	*/
-/* both pointed (MAX_MATCH_8 - scanalign) bytes ahead, and %edx is	*/
-/* initialized to -(MAX_MATCH_8 - scanalign).				*/
-		mov	$(-MAX_MATCH_8), %rdx
-		lea	(%curmatch, %window), %windowbestlen
-		lea	MAX_MATCH_8(%windowbestlen, %scanalign), %windowbestlen
-		lea	MAX_MATCH_8(%scan, %scanalign), %prev
-/* the prefetching below makes very little difference... */
-		prefetcht1	(%windowbestlen, %rdx)
-		prefetcht1	(%prev, %rdx)
- * Test the strings for equality, 8 bytes at a time. At the end,
- * adjust %rdx so that it is offset to the exact byte that mismatched.
- *
- * It should be confessed that this loop usually does not represent
- * much of the total running time. Replacing it with a more
- * straightforward "rep cmpsb" would not drastically degrade
- * performance -- unrolling it, for example, makes no difference.
- */
-#undef USE_SSE	/* works, but is 6-7% slower, than non-SSE... */
-#ifdef USE_SSE
-		/* Preload the SSE registers */
-		movdqu	  (%windowbestlen, %rdx), %xmm1
-		movdqu	  (%prev, %rdx), %xmm2
-		pcmpeqb	%xmm2, %xmm1
-		movdqu	16(%windowbestlen, %rdx), %xmm3
-		movdqu	16(%prev, %rdx), %xmm4
-		pcmpeqb	%xmm4, %xmm3
-		movdqu	32(%windowbestlen, %rdx), %xmm5
-		movdqu	32(%prev, %rdx), %xmm6
-		pcmpeqb	%xmm6, %xmm5
-		movdqu	48(%windowbestlen, %rdx), %xmm7
-		movdqu	48(%prev, %rdx), %xmm8
-		pcmpeqb	%xmm8, %xmm7
-		/* Check the comparisions' results */
-		pmovmskb %xmm1, %rax
-		notw	%ax
-		bsfw	%ax, %ax
-		jnz	LeaveLoopCmps
-		/* this is the only iteration of the loop with a possibility of having
-		   incremented rdx by 0x108 (each loop iteration add 16*4 = 0x40 
-		   and (0x40*4)+8=0x108 */
-		add	$8, %rdx
-		jz LenMaximum
-		add	$8, %rdx
-		pmovmskb %xmm3, %rax
-		notw	%ax
-		bsfw	%ax, %ax
-		jnz	LeaveLoopCmps
-		add	$16, %rdx
-		pmovmskb %xmm5, %rax
-		notw	%ax
-		bsfw	%ax, %ax
-		jnz	LeaveLoopCmps
-		add	$16, %rdx
-		pmovmskb %xmm7, %rax
-		notw	%ax
-		bsfw	%ax, %ax
-		jnz	LeaveLoopCmps
-		add	$16, %rdx
-		jmp	LoopCmps
-LeaveLoopCmps:	add	%rax, %rdx
-		mov	(%windowbestlen, %rdx), %rax
-		xor	(%prev, %rdx), %rax
-		jnz	LeaveLoopCmps
-		mov	8(%windowbestlen, %rdx), %rax
-		xor	8(%prev, %rdx), %rax
-		jnz	LeaveLoopCmps8
-		mov	16(%windowbestlen, %rdx), %rax
-		xor	16(%prev, %rdx), %rax
-		jnz	LeaveLoopCmps16
-		add	$24, %rdx
-		jnz	LoopCmps
-		jmp	LenMaximum
-#	if 0
- * This three-liner is tantalizingly simple, but bsf is a slow instruction,
- * and the complicated alternative down below is quite a bit faster. Sad...
- */
-LeaveLoopCmps:	bsf	%rax, %rax /* find the first non-zero bit */
-		shrl	$3, %eax /* divide by 8 to get the byte */
-		add	%rax, %rdx
-#	else
-		add	$8, %rdx
-		add	$8, %rdx
-LeaveLoopCmps:	testl   $0xFFFFFFFF, %eax /* Check the first 4 bytes */
-		jnz     Check16
-		add     $4, %rdx
-		shr     $32, %rax
-Check16:        testw   $0xFFFF, %ax
-		jnz     LenLower
-		add	$2, %rdx
-		shrl	$16, %eax
-LenLower:	subb	$1, %al
-		adc	$0, %rdx
-#	endif
-/* Calculate the length of the match. If it is longer than MAX_MATCH,	*/
-/* then automatically accept it as the best possible match and leave.	*/
-		lea	(%prev, %rdx), %rax
-		sub	%scan, %rax
-		cmpl	$MAX_MATCH, %eax
-		jge	LenMaximum
-/* If the length of the match is not longer than the best match we	*/
-/* have so far, then forget it and return to the lookup loop.		*/
-		cmpl	%bestlend, %eax
-		jg	LongerMatch
-		mov	_windowbestlen, %windowbestlen
-		mov	dsPrev, %prev
-		movl	_chainlenwmask, %edx
-		jmp	LookupLoop
-/*         s->match_start = cur_match;					*/
-/*         best_len = len;						*/
-/*         if (len >= nice_match) break;				*/
-/*         scan_end = *(ushf*)(scan+best_len-1);			*/
-		movl	%eax, %bestlend
-		movl	%curmatchd, dsMatchStart
-		cmpl	%nicematch, %eax
-		jge	LeaveNow
-		lea	(%window, %bestlen), %windowbestlen
-		mov	%windowbestlen, _windowbestlen
-		movzwl	-1(%scan, %rax), %scanend
-		mov	dsPrev, %prev
-		movl	_chainlenwmask, %chainlenwmask
-		jmp	LookupLoop
-/* Accept the current string, with the maximum possible length.		*/
-		movl	$MAX_MATCH, %bestlend
-		movl	%curmatchd, dsMatchStart
-/* if ((uInt)best_len <= s->lookahead) return (uInt)best_len;		*/
-/* return s->lookahead;							*/
-		movl	dsLookahead, %eax
-		cmpl	%eax, %bestlend
-		cmovngl	%bestlend, %eax
-/* Restore the registers and return from whence we came.			*/
-	mov	save_rsi, %rsi
-	mov	save_rbx, %rbx
-	mov	save_r12, %r12
-	mov	save_r13, %r13
-	mov	save_r14, %r14
-	mov	save_r15, %r15
-	ret
-match_init:	ret
diff --git a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/gcc_gvmat64/gvmat64.S b/win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/gcc_gvmat64/gvmat64.S
deleted file mode 100644
index dd858dd..0000000
--- a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/gcc_gvmat64/gvmat64.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,574 +0,0 @@
-;uInt longest_match_x64(
-;    deflate_state *s,
-;    IPos cur_match);                             // current match 
-; gvmat64.S -- Asm portion of the optimized longest_match for 32 bits x86_64
-;  (AMD64 on Athlon 64, Opteron, Phenom
-;     and Intel EM64T on Pentium 4 with EM64T, Pentium D, Core 2 Duo, Core I5/I7)
-; this file is translation from gvmat64.asm to GCC 4.x (for Linux, Mac XCode)
-; Copyright (C) 1995-2010 Jean-loup Gailly, Brian Raiter and Gilles Vollant.
-; File written by Gilles Vollant, by converting to assembly the longest_match
-;  from Jean-loup Gailly in deflate.c of zLib and infoZip zip.
-;  and by taking inspiration on asm686 with masm, optimised assembly code
-;        from Brian Raiter, written 1998
-;  This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
-;  warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
-;  arising from the use of this software.
-;  Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
-;  including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
-;  freely, subject to the following restrictions:
-;  1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
-;     claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
-;     in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
-;     appreciated but is not required.
-;  2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
-;     misrepresented as being the original software
-;  3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
-;         http://www.zlib.net
-;         http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll
-;         http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/software/assembly.html
-; to compile this file for zLib, I use option:
-;   gcc -c -arch x86_64 gvmat64.S
-;uInt longest_match(s, cur_match)
-;    deflate_state *s;
-;    IPos cur_match;                             // current match /
-; with XCode for Mac, I had strange error with some jump on intel syntax
-; this is why BEFORE_JMP and AFTER_JMP are used
- */
-#define BEFORE_JMP .att_syntax
-#define AFTER_JMP .intel_syntax noprefix
-#	define	match_init	_match_init
-#	define	longest_match	_longest_match
-.intel_syntax noprefix
-.globl	match_init, longest_match
-#define LocalVarsSize 96
-; register used : rax,rbx,rcx,rdx,rsi,rdi,r8,r9,r10,r11,r12
-; free register :  r14,r15
-; register can be saved : rsp
-#define chainlenwmask     (rsp + 8 - LocalVarsSize)
-#define nicematch         (rsp + 16 - LocalVarsSize)
-#define save_rdi        (rsp + 24 - LocalVarsSize)
-#define save_rsi        (rsp + 32 - LocalVarsSize)
-#define save_rbx        (rsp + 40 - LocalVarsSize)
-#define save_rbp        (rsp + 48 - LocalVarsSize)
-#define save_r12        (rsp + 56 - LocalVarsSize)
-#define save_r13        (rsp + 64 - LocalVarsSize)
-#define save_r14        (rsp + 72 - LocalVarsSize)
-#define save_r15        (rsp + 80 - LocalVarsSize)
-;  all the +4 offsets are due to the addition of pending_buf_size (in zlib
-;  in the deflate_state structure since the asm code was first written
-;  (if you compile with zlib 1.0.4 or older, remove the +4).
-;  Note : these value are good with a 8 bytes boundary pack structure
-#define    MAX_MATCH              258
-#define    MIN_MATCH              3
-#define    MIN_LOOKAHEAD          (MAX_MATCH+MIN_MATCH+1)
-;;; Offsets for fields in the deflate_state structure. These numbers
-;;; are calculated from the definition of deflate_state, with the
-;;; assumption that the compiler will dword-align the fields. (Thus,
-;;; changing the definition of deflate_state could easily cause this
-;;; program to crash horribly, without so much as a warning at
-;;; compile time. Sigh.)
-;  all the +zlib1222add offsets are due to the addition of fields
-;  in zlib in the deflate_state structure since the asm code was first written
-;  (if you compile with zlib 1.0.4 or older, use "zlib1222add equ (-4)").
-;  (if you compile with zlib between 1.0.5 and, use "zlib1222add equ 0").
-;  if you compile with zlib or later , use "zlib1222add equ 8").
-/* you can check the structure offset by running
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "deflate.h"
-void print_depl()
-deflate_state ds;
-deflate_state *s=&ds;
-printf("size pointer=%u\n",(int)sizeof(void*));
-printf("#define dsWSize         %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->w_size))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsWMask         %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->w_mask))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsWindow        %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->window))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsPrev          %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->prev))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsMatchLen      %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->match_length))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsPrevMatch     %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->prev_match))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsStrStart      %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->strstart))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsMatchStart    %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->match_start))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsLookahead     %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->lookahead))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsPrevLen       %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->prev_length))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsMaxChainLen   %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->max_chain_length))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsGoodMatch     %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->good_match))-((char*)s)));
-printf("#define dsNiceMatch     %u\n",(int)(((char*)&(s->nice_match))-((char*)s)));
-#define dsWSize          68
-#define dsWMask          76
-#define dsWindow         80
-#define dsPrev           96
-#define dsMatchLen       144
-#define dsPrevMatch      148
-#define dsStrStart       156
-#define dsMatchStart     160
-#define dsLookahead      164
-#define dsPrevLen        168
-#define dsMaxChainLen    172
-#define dsGoodMatch      188
-#define dsNiceMatch      192
-#define window_size      [ rcx + dsWSize]
-#define WMask            [ rcx + dsWMask]
-#define window_ad        [ rcx + dsWindow]
-#define prev_ad          [ rcx + dsPrev]
-#define strstart         [ rcx + dsStrStart]
-#define match_start      [ rcx + dsMatchStart]
-#define Lookahead        [ rcx + dsLookahead] //; 0ffffffffh on infozip
-#define prev_length      [ rcx + dsPrevLen]
-#define max_chain_length [ rcx + dsMaxChainLen]
-#define good_match       [ rcx + dsGoodMatch]
-#define nice_match       [ rcx + dsNiceMatch]
-; windows:
-; parameter 1 in rcx(deflate state s), param 2 in rdx (cur match)
-; see http://weblogs.asp.net/oldnewthing/archive/2004/01/14/58579.aspx and
-; http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/kmarch/hh/kmarch/64bitAMD_8e951dd2-ee77-4728-8702-55ce4b5dd24a.xml.asp
-; All registers must be preserved across the call, except for
-;   rax, rcx, rdx, r8, r9, r10, and r11, which are scratch.
-; gcc on macosx-linux:
-; see http://www.x86-64.org/documentation/abi-0.99.pdf
-; param 1 in rdi, param 2 in rsi
-; rbx, rsp, rbp, r12 to r15 must be preserved
-;;; Save registers that the compiler may be using, and adjust esp to
-;;; make room for our stack frame.
-;;; Retrieve the function arguments. r8d will hold cur_match
-;;; throughout the entire function. edx will hold the pointer to the
-;;; deflate_state structure during the function's setup (before
-;;; entering the main loop.
-; ms: parameter 1 in rcx (deflate_state* s), param 2 in edx -> r8 (cur match)
-; mac: param 1 in rdi, param 2 rsi
-; this clear high 32 bits of r8, which can be garbage in both r8 and rdx
-        mov [save_rbx],rbx
-        mov [save_rbp],rbp
-        mov rcx,rdi
-        mov r8d,esi
-        mov [save_r12],r12
-        mov [save_r13],r13
-        mov [save_r14],r14
-        mov [save_r15],r15
-//;;; uInt wmask = s->w_mask;
-//;;; unsigned chain_length = s->max_chain_length;
-//;;; if (s->prev_length >= s->good_match) {
-//;;;     chain_length >>= 2;
-//;;; }
-        mov edi, prev_length
-        mov esi, good_match
-        mov eax, WMask
-        mov ebx, max_chain_length
-        cmp edi, esi
-        jl  LastMatchGood
-        shr ebx, 2
-//;;; chainlen is decremented once beforehand so that the function can
-//;;; use the sign flag instead of the zero flag for the exit test.
-//;;; It is then shifted into the high word, to make room for the wmask
-//;;; value, which it will always accompany.
-        dec ebx
-        shl ebx, 16
-        or  ebx, eax
-//;;; on zlib only
-//;;; if ((uInt)nice_match > s->lookahead) nice_match = s->lookahead;
-        mov eax, nice_match
-        mov [chainlenwmask], ebx
-        mov r10d, Lookahead
-        cmp r10d, eax
-        cmovnl r10d, eax
-        mov [nicematch],r10d
-//;;; register Bytef *scan = s->window + s->strstart;
-        mov r10, window_ad
-        mov ebp, strstart
-        lea r13, [r10 + rbp]
-//;;; Determine how many bytes the scan ptr is off from being
-//;;; dword-aligned.
-         mov r9,r13
-         neg r13
-         and r13,3
-//;;; IPos limit = s->strstart > (IPos)MAX_DIST(s) ?
-//;;;     s->strstart - (IPos)MAX_DIST(s) : NIL;
-        mov eax, window_size
-        sub eax, MIN_LOOKAHEAD
-        xor edi,edi
-        sub ebp, eax
-        mov r11d, prev_length
-        cmovng ebp,edi
-//;;; int best_len = s->prev_length;
-//;;; Store the sum of s->window + best_len in esi locally, and in esi.
-       lea  rsi,[r10+r11]
-//;;; register ush scan_start = *(ushf*)scan;
-//;;; register ush scan_end   = *(ushf*)(scan+best_len-1);
-//;;; Posf *prev = s->prev;
-        movzx r12d,word ptr [r9]
-        movzx ebx, word ptr [r9 + r11 - 1]
-        mov rdi, prev_ad
-//;;; Jump into the main loop.
-        mov edx, [chainlenwmask]
-        cmp bx,word ptr [rsi + r8 - 1]
-        jz  LookupLoopIsZero
-        and r8d, edx
-        movzx   r8d, word ptr [rdi + r8*2]
-        cmp r8d, ebp
-        jbe LeaveNow
-        sub edx, 0x00010000
-        js  LeaveNow
-        cmp bx,word ptr [rsi + r8 - 1]
-        jz  LookupLoopIsZero
-        and r8d, edx
-        movzx   r8d, word ptr [rdi + r8*2]
-        cmp r8d, ebp
-        jbe LeaveNow
-        sub edx, 0x00010000
-        js  LeaveNow
-        cmp bx,word ptr [rsi + r8 - 1]
-        jz  LookupLoopIsZero
-        and r8d, edx
-        movzx   r8d, word ptr [rdi + r8*2]
-        cmp r8d, ebp
-        jbe LeaveNow
-        sub edx, 0x00010000
-        js  LeaveNow
-        cmp bx,word ptr [rsi + r8 - 1]
-        jnz LookupLoop1
-        jmp LookupLoopIsZero
-;;; do {
-;;;     match = s->window + cur_match;
-;;;     if (*(ushf*)(match+best_len-1) != scan_end ||
-;;;         *(ushf*)match != scan_start) continue;
-;;;     [...]
-;;; } while ((cur_match = prev[cur_match & wmask]) > limit
-;;;          && --chain_length != 0);
-;;; Here is the inner loop of the function. The function will spend the
-;;; majority of its time in this loop, and majority of that time will
-;;; be spent in the first ten instructions.
-;;; Within this loop:
-;;; ebx = scanend
-;;; r8d = curmatch
-;;; edx = chainlenwmask - i.e., ((chainlen << 16) | wmask)
-;;; esi = windowbestlen - i.e., (window + bestlen)
-;;; edi = prev
-;;; ebp = limit
-.balign 16
-        and r8d, edx
-        movzx   r8d, word ptr [rdi + r8*2]
-        cmp r8d, ebp
-        jbe LeaveNow
-        sub edx, 0x00010000
-        js  LeaveNow
-        cmp bx,word ptr [rsi + r8 - 1]
-        jnz LookupLoop1
-        cmp     r12w, word ptr [r10 + r8]
-        jnz LookupLoop1
-//;;; Store the current value of chainlen.
-        mov [chainlenwmask], edx
-;;; Point edi to the string under scrutiny, and esi to the string we
-;;; are hoping to match it up with. In actuality, esi and edi are
-;;; both pointed (MAX_MATCH_8 - scanalign) bytes ahead, and edx is
-;;; initialized to -(MAX_MATCH_8 - scanalign).
-        lea rsi,[r8+r10]
-        mov rdx, 0xfffffffffffffef8 //; -(MAX_MATCH_8)
-        lea rsi, [rsi + r13 + 0x0108] //;MAX_MATCH_8]
-        lea rdi, [r9 + r13 + 0x0108] //;MAX_MATCH_8]
-        prefetcht1 [rsi+rdx]
-        prefetcht1 [rdi+rdx]
-;;; Test the strings for equality, 8 bytes at a time. At the end,
-;;; adjust rdx so that it is offset to the exact byte that mismatched.
-;;; We already know at this point that the first three bytes of the
-;;; strings match each other, and they can be safely passed over before
-;;; starting the compare loop. So what this code does is skip over 0-3
-;;; bytes, as much as necessary in order to dword-align the edi
-;;; pointer. (rsi will still be misaligned three times out of four.)
-;;; It should be confessed that this loop usually does not represent
-;;; much of the total running time. Replacing it with a more
-;;; straightforward "rep cmpsb" would not drastically degrade
-;;; performance.
-        mov rax, [rsi + rdx]
-        xor rax, [rdi + rdx]
-        jnz LeaveLoopCmps
-        mov rax, [rsi + rdx + 8]
-        xor rax, [rdi + rdx + 8]
-        jnz LeaveLoopCmps8
-        mov rax, [rsi + rdx + 8+8]
-        xor rax, [rdi + rdx + 8+8]
-        jnz LeaveLoopCmps16
-        add rdx,8+8+8
-        jnz  LoopCmps
-        jmp  LenMaximum
-LeaveLoopCmps16: add rdx,8
-LeaveLoopCmps8: add rdx,8
-        test    eax, 0x0000FFFF
-        jnz LenLower
-        test eax,0xffffffff
-        jnz LenLower32
-        add rdx,4
-        shr rax,32
-        or ax,ax
-        jnz LenLower
-        shr eax,16
-        add rdx,2
-        sub al, 1
-        adc rdx, 0
-//;;; Calculate the length of the match. If it is longer than MAX_MATCH,
-//;;; then automatically accept it as the best possible match and leave.
-        lea rax, [rdi + rdx]
-        sub rax, r9
-        cmp eax, MAX_MATCH
-        jge LenMaximum
-;;; If the length of the match is not longer than the best match we
-;;; have so far, then forget it and return to the lookup loop.
-        cmp eax, r11d
-        jg  LongerMatch
-        lea rsi,[r10+r11]
-        mov rdi, prev_ad
-        mov edx, [chainlenwmask]
-        jmp LookupLoop
-;;;         s->match_start = cur_match;
-;;;         best_len = len;
-;;;         if (len >= nice_match) break;
-;;;         scan_end = *(ushf*)(scan+best_len-1);
-        mov r11d, eax
-        mov match_start, r8d
-        cmp eax, [nicematch]
-        jge LeaveNow
-        lea rsi,[r10+rax]
-        movzx   ebx, word ptr [r9 + rax - 1]
-        mov rdi, prev_ad
-        mov edx, [chainlenwmask]
-        jmp LookupLoop
-//;;; Accept the current string, with the maximum possible length.
-        mov r11d,MAX_MATCH
-        mov match_start, r8d
-//;;; if ((uInt)best_len <= s->lookahead) return (uInt)best_len;
-//;;; return s->lookahead;
-        mov eax, Lookahead
-        cmp r11d, eax
-        cmovng eax, r11d
-//;;; Restore the stack and return from whence we came.
-//        mov rsi,[save_rsi]
-//        mov rdi,[save_rdi]
-        mov rbx,[save_rbx]
-        mov rbp,[save_rbp]
-        mov r12,[save_r12]
-        mov r13,[save_r13]
-        mov r14,[save_r14]
-        mov r15,[save_r15]
-        ret 0
-//; please don't remove this string !
-//; Your can freely use gvmat64 in any free or commercial app
-//; but it is far better don't remove the string in the binary!
- //   db     0dh,0ah,"asm686 with masm, optimised assembly code from Brian Raiter, written 1998, converted to amd 64 by Gilles Vollant 2005",0dh,0ah,0
-  ret 0
diff --git a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/masmx86/match686.asm b/win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/masmx86/match686.asm
deleted file mode 100644
index 1eaf555..0000000
--- a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/masmx86/match686.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,478 +0,0 @@
-; match686.asm -- Asm portion of the optimized longest_match for 32 bits x86
-; Copyright (C) 1995-1996 Jean-loup Gailly, Brian Raiter and Gilles Vollant.
-; File written by Gilles Vollant, by converting match686.S from Brian Raiter
-; for MASM. This is as assembly version of longest_match
-;  from Jean-loup Gailly in deflate.c
-;         http://www.zlib.net
-;         http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll
-;         http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/software/assembly.html
-; For Visual C++ 4.x and higher and ML 6.x and higher
-;   ml.exe is distributed in
-;  http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=7a1c9da0-0510-44a2-b042-7ef370530c64
-; this file contain two implementation of longest_match
-;  this longest_match was written by Brian raiter (1998), optimized for Pentium Pro
-;   (and the faster known version of match_init on modern Core 2 Duo and AMD Phenom)
-;  for using an assembly version of longest_match, you need define ASMV in project
-;    compile the asm file running
-;           ml /coff /Zi /c /Flmatch686.lst match686.asm
-;    and do not include match686.obj in your project
-; note: contrib of zLib 1.2.3 and earlier contained both a deprecated version for
-;  Pentium (prior Pentium Pro) and this version for Pentium Pro and modern processor
-;  with autoselect (with cpu detection code)
-;  if you want support the old pentium optimization, you can still use these version
-; this file is not optimized for old pentium, but it compatible with all x86 32 bits
-; processor (starting 80386)
-; see below : zlib1222add must be adjuster if you use a zlib version <
-;uInt longest_match(s, cur_match)
-;    deflate_state *s;
-;    IPos cur_match;                             /* current match */
-    NbStack         equ     76
-    cur_match       equ     dword ptr[esp+NbStack-0]
-    str_s           equ     dword ptr[esp+NbStack-4]
-; 5 dword on top (ret,ebp,esi,edi,ebx)
-    adrret          equ     dword ptr[esp+NbStack-8]
-    pushebp         equ     dword ptr[esp+NbStack-12]
-    pushedi         equ     dword ptr[esp+NbStack-16]
-    pushesi         equ     dword ptr[esp+NbStack-20]
-    pushebx         equ     dword ptr[esp+NbStack-24]
-    chain_length    equ     dword ptr [esp+NbStack-28]
-    limit           equ     dword ptr [esp+NbStack-32]
-    best_len        equ     dword ptr [esp+NbStack-36]
-    window          equ     dword ptr [esp+NbStack-40]
-    prev            equ     dword ptr [esp+NbStack-44]
-    scan_start      equ      word ptr [esp+NbStack-48]
-    wmask           equ     dword ptr [esp+NbStack-52]
-    match_start_ptr equ     dword ptr [esp+NbStack-56]
-    nice_match      equ     dword ptr [esp+NbStack-60]
-    scan            equ     dword ptr [esp+NbStack-64]
-    windowlen       equ     dword ptr [esp+NbStack-68]
-    match_start     equ     dword ptr [esp+NbStack-72]
-    strend          equ     dword ptr [esp+NbStack-76]
-    NbStackAdd      equ     (NbStack-24)
-    .386p
-    name    gvmatch
-;  all the +zlib1222add offsets are due to the addition of fields
-;  in zlib in the deflate_state structure since the asm code was first written
-;  (if you compile with zlib 1.0.4 or older, use "zlib1222add equ (-4)").
-;  (if you compile with zlib between 1.0.5 and, use "zlib1222add equ 0").
-;  if you compile with zlib or later , use "zlib1222add equ 8").
-    zlib1222add         equ     8
-;  Note : these value are good with a 8 bytes boundary pack structure
-    dep_chain_length    equ     74h+zlib1222add
-    dep_window          equ     30h+zlib1222add
-    dep_strstart        equ     64h+zlib1222add
-    dep_prev_length     equ     70h+zlib1222add
-    dep_nice_match      equ     88h+zlib1222add
-    dep_w_size          equ     24h+zlib1222add
-    dep_prev            equ     38h+zlib1222add
-    dep_w_mask          equ     2ch+zlib1222add
-    dep_good_match      equ     84h+zlib1222add
-    dep_match_start     equ     68h+zlib1222add
-    dep_lookahead       equ     6ch+zlib1222add
-_TEXT                   segment
-            public  longest_match
-            public  match_init
-            public  _longest_match
-            public  _match_init
-    MAX_MATCH           equ     258
-    MIN_MATCH           equ     3
-    MIN_LOOKAHEAD       equ     (MAX_MATCH+MIN_MATCH+1)
-MAX_MATCH       equ     258
-MIN_MATCH       equ     3
-MAX_MATCH_8_     equ     ((MAX_MATCH + 7) AND 0FFF0h)
-;;; stack frame offsets
-chainlenwmask   equ  esp + 0    ; high word: current chain len
-                    ; low word: s->wmask
-window      equ  esp + 4    ; local copy of s->window
-windowbestlen   equ  esp + 8    ; s->window + bestlen
-scanstart   equ  esp + 16   ; first two bytes of string
-scanend     equ  esp + 12   ; last two bytes of string
-scanalign   equ  esp + 20   ; dword-misalignment of string
-nicematch   equ  esp + 24   ; a good enough match size
-bestlen     equ  esp + 28   ; size of best match so far
-scan        equ  esp + 32   ; ptr to string wanting match
-LocalVarsSize   equ 36
-;   saved ebx   byte esp + 36
-;   saved edi   byte esp + 40
-;   saved esi   byte esp + 44
-;   saved ebp   byte esp + 48
-;   return address  byte esp + 52
-deflatestate    equ  esp + 56   ; the function arguments
-curmatch    equ  esp + 60
-;;; Offsets for fields in the deflate_state structure. These numbers
-;;; are calculated from the definition of deflate_state, with the
-;;; assumption that the compiler will dword-align the fields. (Thus,
-;;; changing the definition of deflate_state could easily cause this
-;;; program to crash horribly, without so much as a warning at
-;;; compile time. Sigh.)
-dsWSize     equ 36+zlib1222add
-dsWMask     equ 44+zlib1222add
-dsWindow    equ 48+zlib1222add
-dsPrev      equ 56+zlib1222add
-dsMatchLen  equ 88+zlib1222add
-dsPrevMatch equ 92+zlib1222add
-dsStrStart  equ 100+zlib1222add
-dsMatchStart    equ 104+zlib1222add
-dsLookahead equ 108+zlib1222add
-dsPrevLen   equ 112+zlib1222add
-dsMaxChainLen   equ 116+zlib1222add
-dsGoodMatch equ 132+zlib1222add
-dsNiceMatch equ 136+zlib1222add
-;;; match686.asm -- Pentium-Pro-optimized version of longest_match()
-;;; Written for zlib 1.1.2
-;;; Copyright (C) 1998 Brian Raiter <breadbox at muppetlabs.com>
-;;; You can look at http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/software/assembly.html
-;;  This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
-;;  warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
-;;  arising from the use of this software.
-;;  Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
-;;  including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
-;;  freely, subject to the following restrictions:
-;;  1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
-;;     claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
-;;     in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
-;;     appreciated but is not required.
-;;  2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
-;;     misrepresented as being the original software
-;;  3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
-;GLOBAL _longest_match, _match_init
-;SECTION    .text
-;;; uInt longest_match(deflate_state *deflatestate, IPos curmatch)
-    longest_match       proc near
-    ELSE
-    _longest_match      proc near
-    ENDIF
-;;; Save registers that the compiler may be using, and adjust esp to
-;;; make room for our stack frame.
-        push    ebp
-        push    edi
-        push    esi
-        push    ebx
-        sub esp, LocalVarsSize
-;;; Retrieve the function arguments. ecx will hold cur_match
-;;; throughout the entire function. edx will hold the pointer to the
-;;; deflate_state structure during the function's setup (before
-;;; entering the main loop.
-        mov edx, [deflatestate]
-        mov ecx, [curmatch]
-;;; uInt wmask = s->w_mask;
-;;; unsigned chain_length = s->max_chain_length;
-;;; if (s->prev_length >= s->good_match) {
-;;;     chain_length >>= 2;
-;;; }
-        mov eax, [edx + dsPrevLen]
-        mov ebx, [edx + dsGoodMatch]
-        cmp eax, ebx
-        mov eax, [edx + dsWMask]
-        mov ebx, [edx + dsMaxChainLen]
-        jl  LastMatchGood
-        shr ebx, 2
-;;; chainlen is decremented once beforehand so that the function can
-;;; use the sign flag instead of the zero flag for the exit test.
-;;; It is then shifted into the high word, to make room for the wmask
-;;; value, which it will always accompany.
-        dec ebx
-        shl ebx, 16
-        or  ebx, eax
-        mov [chainlenwmask], ebx
-;;; if ((uInt)nice_match > s->lookahead) nice_match = s->lookahead;
-        mov eax, [edx + dsNiceMatch]
-        mov ebx, [edx + dsLookahead]
-        cmp ebx, eax
-        jl  LookaheadLess
-        mov ebx, eax
-LookaheadLess:  mov [nicematch], ebx
-;;; register Bytef *scan = s->window + s->strstart;
-        mov esi, [edx + dsWindow]
-        mov [window], esi
-        mov ebp, [edx + dsStrStart]
-        lea edi, [esi + ebp]
-        mov [scan], edi
-;;; Determine how many bytes the scan ptr is off from being
-;;; dword-aligned.
-        mov eax, edi
-        neg eax
-        and eax, 3
-        mov [scanalign], eax
-;;; IPos limit = s->strstart > (IPos)MAX_DIST(s) ?
-;;;     s->strstart - (IPos)MAX_DIST(s) : NIL;
-        mov eax, [edx + dsWSize]
-        sub eax, MIN_LOOKAHEAD
-        sub ebp, eax
-        jg  LimitPositive
-        xor ebp, ebp
-;;; int best_len = s->prev_length;
-        mov eax, [edx + dsPrevLen]
-        mov [bestlen], eax
-;;; Store the sum of s->window + best_len in esi locally, and in esi.
-        add esi, eax
-        mov [windowbestlen], esi
-;;; register ush scan_start = *(ushf*)scan;
-;;; register ush scan_end   = *(ushf*)(scan+best_len-1);
-;;; Posf *prev = s->prev;
-        movzx   ebx, word ptr [edi]
-        mov [scanstart], ebx
-        movzx   ebx, word ptr [edi + eax - 1]
-        mov [scanend], ebx
-        mov edi, [edx + dsPrev]
-;;; Jump into the main loop.
-        mov edx, [chainlenwmask]
-        jmp short LoopEntry
-align 4
-;;; do {
-;;;     match = s->window + cur_match;
-;;;     if (*(ushf*)(match+best_len-1) != scan_end ||
-;;;         *(ushf*)match != scan_start) continue;
-;;;     [...]
-;;; } while ((cur_match = prev[cur_match & wmask]) > limit
-;;;          && --chain_length != 0);
-;;; Here is the inner loop of the function. The function will spend the
-;;; majority of its time in this loop, and majority of that time will
-;;; be spent in the first ten instructions.
-;;; Within this loop:
-;;; ebx = scanend
-;;; ecx = curmatch
-;;; edx = chainlenwmask - i.e., ((chainlen << 16) | wmask)
-;;; esi = windowbestlen - i.e., (window + bestlen)
-;;; edi = prev
-;;; ebp = limit
-        and ecx, edx
-        movzx   ecx, word ptr [edi + ecx*2]
-        cmp ecx, ebp
-        jbe LeaveNow
-        sub edx, 00010000h
-        js  LeaveNow
-LoopEntry:  movzx   eax, word ptr [esi + ecx - 1]
-        cmp eax, ebx
-        jnz LookupLoop
-        mov eax, [window]
-        movzx   eax, word ptr [eax + ecx]
-        cmp eax, [scanstart]
-        jnz LookupLoop
-;;; Store the current value of chainlen.
-        mov [chainlenwmask], edx
-;;; Point edi to the string under scrutiny, and esi to the string we
-;;; are hoping to match it up with. In actuality, esi and edi are
-;;; both pointed (MAX_MATCH_8 - scanalign) bytes ahead, and edx is
-;;; initialized to -(MAX_MATCH_8 - scanalign).
-        mov esi, [window]
-        mov edi, [scan]
-        add esi, ecx
-        mov eax, [scanalign]
-        mov edx, 0fffffef8h; -(MAX_MATCH_8)
-        lea edi, [edi + eax + 0108h] ;MAX_MATCH_8]
-        lea esi, [esi + eax + 0108h] ;MAX_MATCH_8]
-;;; Test the strings for equality, 8 bytes at a time. At the end,
-;;; adjust edx so that it is offset to the exact byte that mismatched.
-;;; We already know at this point that the first three bytes of the
-;;; strings match each other, and they can be safely passed over before
-;;; starting the compare loop. So what this code does is skip over 0-3
-;;; bytes, as much as necessary in order to dword-align the edi
-;;; pointer. (esi will still be misaligned three times out of four.)
-;;; It should be confessed that this loop usually does not represent
-;;; much of the total running time. Replacing it with a more
-;;; straightforward "rep cmpsb" would not drastically degrade
-;;; performance.
-        mov eax, [esi + edx]
-        xor eax, [edi + edx]
-        jnz LeaveLoopCmps
-        mov eax, [esi + edx + 4]
-        xor eax, [edi + edx + 4]
-        jnz LeaveLoopCmps4
-        add edx, 8
-        jnz LoopCmps
-        jmp short LenMaximum
-LeaveLoopCmps4: add edx, 4
-LeaveLoopCmps:  test    eax, 0000FFFFh
-        jnz LenLower
-        add edx,  2
-        shr eax, 16
-LenLower:   sub al, 1
-        adc edx, 0
-;;; Calculate the length of the match. If it is longer than MAX_MATCH,
-;;; then automatically accept it as the best possible match and leave.
-        lea eax, [edi + edx]
-        mov edi, [scan]
-        sub eax, edi
-        cmp eax, MAX_MATCH
-        jge LenMaximum
-;;; If the length of the match is not longer than the best match we
-;;; have so far, then forget it and return to the lookup loop.
-        mov edx, [deflatestate]
-        mov ebx, [bestlen]
-        cmp eax, ebx
-        jg  LongerMatch
-        mov esi, [windowbestlen]
-        mov edi, [edx + dsPrev]
-        mov ebx, [scanend]
-        mov edx, [chainlenwmask]
-        jmp LookupLoop
-;;;         s->match_start = cur_match;
-;;;         best_len = len;
-;;;         if (len >= nice_match) break;
-;;;         scan_end = *(ushf*)(scan+best_len-1);
-LongerMatch:    mov ebx, [nicematch]
-        mov [bestlen], eax
-        mov [edx + dsMatchStart], ecx
-        cmp eax, ebx
-        jge LeaveNow
-        mov esi, [window]
-        add esi, eax
-        mov [windowbestlen], esi
-        movzx   ebx, word ptr [edi + eax - 1]
-        mov edi, [edx + dsPrev]
-        mov [scanend], ebx
-        mov edx, [chainlenwmask]
-        jmp LookupLoop
-;;; Accept the current string, with the maximum possible length.
-LenMaximum: mov edx, [deflatestate]
-        mov dword ptr [bestlen], MAX_MATCH
-        mov [edx + dsMatchStart], ecx
-;;; if ((uInt)best_len <= s->lookahead) return (uInt)best_len;
-;;; return s->lookahead;
-        mov edx, [deflatestate]
-        mov ebx, [bestlen]
-        mov eax, [edx + dsLookahead]
-        cmp ebx, eax
-        jg  LookaheadRet
-        mov eax, ebx
-;;; Restore the stack and return from whence we came.
-        add esp, LocalVarsSize
-        pop ebx
-        pop esi
-        pop edi
-        pop ebp
-        ret
-; please don't remove this string !
-; Your can freely use match686 in any free or commercial app if you don't remove the string in the binary!
-    db     0dh,0ah,"asm686 with masm, optimised assembly code from Brian Raiter, written 1998",0dh,0ah
-    longest_match       endp
-    ELSE
-    _longest_match      endp
-    ENDIF
-    match_init      proc near
-                    ret
-    match_init      endp
-    ELSE
-    _match_init     proc near
-                    ret
-    _match_init     endp
-    ENDIF
-_TEXT   ends
diff --git a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/minizip/MiniZip64_Changes.txt b/win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/minizip/MiniZip64_Changes.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 13a1bd9..0000000
--- a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/minizip/MiniZip64_Changes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-MiniZip 1.1 was derrived from MiniZip at version 1.01f
-Change in 1.0 (Okt 2009)
- - **TODO - Add history**
diff --git a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/minizip/MiniZip64_info.txt b/win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/minizip/MiniZip64_info.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 57d7152..0000000
--- a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/minizip/MiniZip64_info.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-MiniZip - Copyright (c) 1998-2010 - by Gilles Vollant - version 1.1 64 bits from Mathias Svensson
-MiniZip 1.1 is built from MiniZip 1.0 by Gilles Vollant ( http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/minizip.html )
-When adding ZIP64 support into minizip it would result into risk of breaking compatibility with minizip 1.0.
-All possible work was done for compatibility.
-When adding ZIP64 support Mathias Svensson found that Even Rouault have added ZIP64 
-support for unzip.c into minizip for a open source project called gdal ( http://www.gdal.org/ )
-That was used as a starting point. And after that ZIP64 support was added to zip.c
-some refactoring and code cleanup was also done.
-Changed from MiniZip 1.0 to MiniZip 1.1
-* Added ZIP64 support for unzip ( by Even Rouault )
-* Added ZIP64 support for zip ( by Mathias Svensson )
-* Reverted some changed that Even Rouault did.
-* Bunch of patches received from Gulles Vollant that he received for MiniZip from various users.
-* Added unzip patch for BZIP Compression method (patch create by Daniel Borca)
-* Added BZIP Compress method for zip
-* Did some refactoring and code cleanup
- Gilles Vollant    - Original MiniZip author
- Even Rouault      - ZIP64 unzip Support
- Daniel Borca      - BZip Compression method support in unzip
- Mathias Svensson  - ZIP64 zip support
- Mathias Svensson  - BZip Compression method support in zip
- Resources
- ZipLayout   http://result42.com/projects/ZipFileLayout
-             Command line tool for Windows that shows the layout and information of the headers in a zip archive.
-             Used when debugging and validating the creation of zip files using MiniZip64
- ZIP App Note  http://www.pkware.com/documents/casestudies/APPNOTE.TXT
-               Zip File specification
- * To be able to use BZip compression method in zip64.c or unzip64.c the BZIP2 lib is needed and HAVE_BZIP2 need to be defined.
-   Condition of use and distribution are the same than zlib :
-  This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
-  warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
-  arising from the use of this software.
-  Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
-  including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
-  freely, subject to the following restrictions:
-  1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
-     claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
-     in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
-     appreciated but is not required.
-  2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
-     misrepresented as being the original software.
-  3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
diff --git a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/minizip/make_vms.com b/win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/minizip/make_vms.com
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ac13a9..0000000
--- a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/minizip/make_vms.com
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-$ if f$search("ioapi.h_orig") .eqs. "" then copy ioapi.h ioapi.h_orig
-$ open/write zdef vmsdefs.h
-$ copy sys$input: zdef
-$ deck
-#define unix
-#define fill_zlib_filefunc64_32_def_from_filefunc32 fillzffunc64from
-#define Write_Zip64EndOfCentralDirectoryLocator Write_Zip64EoDLocator
-#define Write_Zip64EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord Write_Zip64EoDRecord
-#define Write_EndOfCentralDirectoryRecord Write_EoDRecord
-$ eod
-$ close zdef
-$ copy vmsdefs.h,ioapi.h_orig ioapi.h
-$ cc/include=[--]/prefix=all ioapi.c
-$ cc/include=[--]/prefix=all miniunz.c
-$ cc/include=[--]/prefix=all unzip.c
-$ cc/include=[--]/prefix=all minizip.c
-$ cc/include=[--]/prefix=all zip.c
-$ link miniunz,unzip,ioapi,[--]libz.olb/lib
-$ link minizip,zip,ioapi,[--]libz.olb/lib
-$ mcr []minizip test minizip_info.txt
-$ mcr []miniunz -l test.zip
-$ rename minizip_info.txt; minizip_info.txt_old
-$ mcr []miniunz test.zip
-$ delete test.zip;*
diff --git a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc10/miniunz.vcxproj b/win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc10/miniunz.vcxproj
deleted file mode 100644
index 74e15c9..0000000
--- a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc10/miniunz.vcxproj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
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-Network Working Group                                         P. Deutsch
-Request for Comments: 1950                           Aladdin Enterprises
-Category: Informational                                      J-L. Gailly
-                                                                Info-ZIP
-                                                                May 1996
-         ZLIB Compressed Data Format Specification version 3.3
-Status of This Memo
-   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  This memo
-   does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of
-   this memo is unlimited.
-IESG Note:
-   The IESG takes no position on the validity of any Intellectual
-   Property Rights statements contained in this document.
-   Copyright (c) 1996 L. Peter Deutsch and Jean-Loup Gailly
-   Permission is granted to copy and distribute this document for any
-   purpose and without charge, including translations into other
-   languages and incorporation into compilations, provided that the
-   copyright notice and this notice are preserved, and that any
-   substantive changes or deletions from the original are clearly
-   marked.
-   A pointer to the latest version of this and related documentation in
-   HTML format can be found at the URL
-   <ftp://ftp.uu.net/graphics/png/documents/zlib/zdoc-index.html>.
-   This specification defines a lossless compressed data format.  The
-   data can be produced or consumed, even for an arbitrarily long
-   sequentially presented input data stream, using only an a priori
-   bounded amount of intermediate storage.  The format presently uses
-   the DEFLATE compression method but can be easily extended to use
-   other compression methods.  It can be implemented readily in a manner
-   not covered by patents.  This specification also defines the ADLER-32
-   checksum (an extension and improvement of the Fletcher checksum),
-   used for detection of data corruption, and provides an algorithm for
-   computing it.
-Deutsch & Gailly             Informational                      [Page 1]
-RFC 1950       ZLIB Compressed Data Format Specification        May 1996
-Table of Contents
-   1. Introduction ................................................... 2
-      1.1. Purpose ................................................... 2
-      1.2. Intended audience ......................................... 3
-      1.3. Scope ..................................................... 3
-      1.4. Compliance ................................................ 3
-      1.5.  Definitions of terms and conventions used ................ 3
-      1.6. Changes from previous versions ............................ 3
-   2. Detailed specification ......................................... 3
-      2.1. Overall conventions ....................................... 3
-      2.2. Data format ............................................... 4
-      2.3. Compliance ................................................ 7
-   3. References ..................................................... 7
-   4. Source code .................................................... 8
-   5. Security Considerations ........................................ 8
-   6. Acknowledgements ............................................... 8
-   7. Authors' Addresses ............................................. 8
-   8. Appendix: Rationale ............................................ 9
-   9. Appendix: Sample code ..........................................10
-1. Introduction
-   1.1. Purpose
-      The purpose of this specification is to define a lossless
-      compressed data format that:
-          * Is independent of CPU type, operating system, file system,
-            and character set, and hence can be used for interchange;
-          * Can be produced or consumed, even for an arbitrarily long
-            sequentially presented input data stream, using only an a
-            priori bounded amount of intermediate storage, and hence can
-            be used in data communications or similar structures such as
-            Unix filters;
-          * Can use a number of different compression methods;
-          * Can be implemented readily in a manner not covered by
-            patents, and hence can be practiced freely.
-      The data format defined by this specification does not attempt to
-      allow random access to compressed data.
-Deutsch & Gailly             Informational                      [Page 2]
-RFC 1950       ZLIB Compressed Data Format Specification        May 1996
-   1.2. Intended audience
-      This specification is intended for use by implementors of software
-      to compress data into zlib format and/or decompress data from zlib
-      format.
-      The text of the specification assumes a basic background in
-      programming at the level of bits and other primitive data
-      representations.
-   1.3. Scope
-      The specification specifies a compressed data format that can be
-      used for in-memory compression of a sequence of arbitrary bytes.
-   1.4. Compliance
-      Unless otherwise indicated below, a compliant decompressor must be
-      able to accept and decompress any data set that conforms to all
-      the specifications presented here; a compliant compressor must
-      produce data sets that conform to all the specifications presented
-      here.
-   1.5.  Definitions of terms and conventions used
-      byte: 8 bits stored or transmitted as a unit (same as an octet).
-      (For this specification, a byte is exactly 8 bits, even on
-      machines which store a character on a number of bits different
-      from 8.) See below, for the numbering of bits within a byte.
-   1.6. Changes from previous versions
-      Version 3.1 was the first public release of this specification.
-      In version 3.2, some terminology was changed and the Adler-32
-      sample code was rewritten for clarity.  In version 3.3, the
-      support for a preset dictionary was introduced, and the
-      specification was converted to RFC style.
-2. Detailed specification
-   2.1. Overall conventions
-      In the diagrams below, a box like this:
-         +---+
-         |   | <-- the vertical bars might be missing
-         +---+
-Deutsch & Gailly             Informational                      [Page 3]
-RFC 1950       ZLIB Compressed Data Format Specification        May 1996
-      represents one byte; a box like this:
-         +==============+
-         |              |
-         +==============+
-      represents a variable number of bytes.
-      Bytes stored within a computer do not have a "bit order", since
-      they are always treated as a unit.  However, a byte considered as
-      an integer between 0 and 255 does have a most- and least-
-      significant bit, and since we write numbers with the most-
-      significant digit on the left, we also write bytes with the most-
-      significant bit on the left.  In the diagrams below, we number the
-      bits of a byte so that bit 0 is the least-significant bit, i.e.,
-      the bits are numbered:
-         +--------+
-         |76543210|
-         +--------+
-      Within a computer, a number may occupy multiple bytes.  All
-      multi-byte numbers in the format described here are stored with
-      the MOST-significant byte first (at the lower memory address).
-      For example, the decimal number 520 is stored as:
-             0     1
-         +--------+--------+
-         |00000010|00001000|
-         +--------+--------+
-          ^        ^
-          |        |
-          |        + less significant byte = 8
-          + more significant byte = 2 x 256
-   2.2. Data format
-      A zlib stream has the following structure:
-           0   1
-         +---+---+
-         |CMF|FLG|   (more-->)
-         +---+---+
-Deutsch & Gailly             Informational                      [Page 4]
-RFC 1950       ZLIB Compressed Data Format Specification        May 1996
-      (if FLG.FDICT set)
-           0   1   2   3
-         +---+---+---+---+
-         |     DICTID    |   (more-->)
-         +---+---+---+---+
-         +=====================+---+---+---+---+
-         |...compressed data...|    ADLER32    |
-         +=====================+---+---+---+---+
-      Any data which may appear after ADLER32 are not part of the zlib
-      stream.
-      CMF (Compression Method and flags)
-         This byte is divided into a 4-bit compression method and a 4-
-         bit information field depending on the compression method.
-            bits 0 to 3  CM     Compression method
-            bits 4 to 7  CINFO  Compression info
-      CM (Compression method)
-         This identifies the compression method used in the file. CM = 8
-         denotes the "deflate" compression method with a window size up
-         to 32K.  This is the method used by gzip and PNG (see
-         references [1] and [2] in Chapter 3, below, for the reference
-         documents).  CM = 15 is reserved.  It might be used in a future
-         version of this specification to indicate the presence of an
-         extra field before the compressed data.
-      CINFO (Compression info)
-         For CM = 8, CINFO is the base-2 logarithm of the LZ77 window
-         size, minus eight (CINFO=7 indicates a 32K window size). Values
-         of CINFO above 7 are not allowed in this version of the
-         specification.  CINFO is not defined in this specification for
-         CM not equal to 8.
-      FLG (FLaGs)
-         This flag byte is divided as follows:
-            bits 0 to 4  FCHECK  (check bits for CMF and FLG)
-            bit  5       FDICT   (preset dictionary)
-            bits 6 to 7  FLEVEL  (compression level)
-         The FCHECK value must be such that CMF and FLG, when viewed as
-         a 16-bit unsigned integer stored in MSB order (CMF*256 + FLG),
-         is a multiple of 31.
-Deutsch & Gailly             Informational                      [Page 5]
-RFC 1950       ZLIB Compressed Data Format Specification        May 1996
-      FDICT (Preset dictionary)
-         If FDICT is set, a DICT dictionary identifier is present
-         immediately after the FLG byte. The dictionary is a sequence of
-         bytes which are initially fed to the compressor without
-         producing any compressed output. DICT is the Adler-32 checksum
-         of this sequence of bytes (see the definition of ADLER32
-         below).  The decompressor can use this identifier to determine
-         which dictionary has been used by the compressor.
-      FLEVEL (Compression level)
-         These flags are available for use by specific compression
-         methods.  The "deflate" method (CM = 8) sets these flags as
-         follows:
-            0 - compressor used fastest algorithm
-            1 - compressor used fast algorithm
-            2 - compressor used default algorithm
-            3 - compressor used maximum compression, slowest algorithm
-         The information in FLEVEL is not needed for decompression; it
-         is there to indicate if recompression might be worthwhile.
-      compressed data
-         For compression method 8, the compressed data is stored in the
-         deflate compressed data format as described in the document
-         "DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification" by L. Peter
-         Deutsch. (See reference [3] in Chapter 3, below)
-         Other compressed data formats are not specified in this version
-         of the zlib specification.
-      ADLER32 (Adler-32 checksum)
-         This contains a checksum value of the uncompressed data
-         (excluding any dictionary data) computed according to Adler-32
-         algorithm. This algorithm is a 32-bit extension and improvement
-         of the Fletcher algorithm, used in the ITU-T X.224 / ISO 8073
-         standard. See references [4] and [5] in Chapter 3, below)
-         Adler-32 is composed of two sums accumulated per byte: s1 is
-         the sum of all bytes, s2 is the sum of all s1 values. Both sums
-         are done modulo 65521. s1 is initialized to 1, s2 to zero.  The
-         Adler-32 checksum is stored as s2*65536 + s1 in most-
-         significant-byte first (network) order.
-Deutsch & Gailly             Informational                      [Page 6]
-RFC 1950       ZLIB Compressed Data Format Specification        May 1996
-   2.3. Compliance
-      A compliant compressor must produce streams with correct CMF, FLG
-      and ADLER32, but need not support preset dictionaries.  When the
-      zlib data format is used as part of another standard data format,
-      the compressor may use only preset dictionaries that are specified
-      by this other data format.  If this other format does not use the
-      preset dictionary feature, the compressor must not set the FDICT
-      flag.
-      A compliant decompressor must check CMF, FLG, and ADLER32, and
-      provide an error indication if any of these have incorrect values.
-      A compliant decompressor must give an error indication if CM is
-      not one of the values defined in this specification (only the
-      value 8 is permitted in this version), since another value could
-      indicate the presence of new features that would cause subsequent
-      data to be interpreted incorrectly.  A compliant decompressor must
-      give an error indication if FDICT is set and DICTID is not the
-      identifier of a known preset dictionary.  A decompressor may
-      ignore FLEVEL and still be compliant.  When the zlib data format
-      is being used as a part of another standard format, a compliant
-      decompressor must support all the preset dictionaries specified by
-      the other format. When the other format does not use the preset
-      dictionary feature, a compliant decompressor must reject any
-      stream in which the FDICT flag is set.
-3. References
-   [1] Deutsch, L.P.,"GZIP Compressed Data Format Specification",
-       available in ftp://ftp.uu.net/pub/archiving/zip/doc/
-   [2] Thomas Boutell, "PNG (Portable Network Graphics) specification",
-       available in ftp://ftp.uu.net/graphics/png/documents/
-   [3] Deutsch, L.P.,"DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification",
-       available in ftp://ftp.uu.net/pub/archiving/zip/doc/
-   [4] Fletcher, J. G., "An Arithmetic Checksum for Serial
-       Transmissions," IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. COM-30,
-       No. 1, January 1982, pp. 247-252.
-   [5] ITU-T Recommendation X.224, Annex D, "Checksum Algorithms,"
-       November, 1993, pp. 144, 145. (Available from
-       gopher://info.itu.ch). ITU-T X.244 is also the same as ISO 8073.
-Deutsch & Gailly             Informational                      [Page 7]
-RFC 1950       ZLIB Compressed Data Format Specification        May 1996
-4. Source code
-   Source code for a C language implementation of a "zlib" compliant
-   library is available at ftp://ftp.uu.net/pub/archiving/zip/zlib/.
-5. Security Considerations
-   A decoder that fails to check the ADLER32 checksum value may be
-   subject to undetected data corruption.
-6. Acknowledgements
-   Trademarks cited in this document are the property of their
-   respective owners.
-   Jean-Loup Gailly and Mark Adler designed the zlib format and wrote
-   the related software described in this specification.  Glenn
-   Randers-Pehrson converted this document to RFC and HTML format.
-7. Authors' Addresses
-   L. Peter Deutsch
-   Aladdin Enterprises
-   203 Santa Margarita Ave.
-   Menlo Park, CA 94025
-   Phone: (415) 322-0103 (AM only)
-   FAX:   (415) 322-1734
-   EMail: <ghost at aladdin.com>
-   Jean-Loup Gailly
-   EMail: <gzip at prep.ai.mit.edu>
-   Questions about the technical content of this specification can be
-   sent by email to
-   Jean-Loup Gailly <gzip at prep.ai.mit.edu> and
-   Mark Adler <madler at alumni.caltech.edu>
-   Editorial comments on this specification can be sent by email to
-   L. Peter Deutsch <ghost at aladdin.com> and
-   Glenn Randers-Pehrson <randeg at alumni.rpi.edu>
-Deutsch & Gailly             Informational                      [Page 8]
-RFC 1950       ZLIB Compressed Data Format Specification        May 1996
-8. Appendix: Rationale
-   8.1. Preset dictionaries
-      A preset dictionary is specially useful to compress short input
-      sequences. The compressor can take advantage of the dictionary
-      context to encode the input in a more compact manner. The
-      decompressor can be initialized with the appropriate context by
-      virtually decompressing a compressed version of the dictionary
-      without producing any output. However for certain compression
-      algorithms such as the deflate algorithm this operation can be
-      achieved without actually performing any decompression.
-      The compressor and the decompressor must use exactly the same
-      dictionary. The dictionary may be fixed or may be chosen among a
-      certain number of predefined dictionaries, according to the kind
-      of input data. The decompressor can determine which dictionary has
-      been chosen by the compressor by checking the dictionary
-      identifier. This document does not specify the contents of
-      predefined dictionaries, since the optimal dictionaries are
-      application specific. Standard data formats using this feature of
-      the zlib specification must precisely define the allowed
-      dictionaries.
-   8.2. The Adler-32 algorithm
-      The Adler-32 algorithm is much faster than the CRC32 algorithm yet
-      still provides an extremely low probability of undetected errors.
-      The modulo on unsigned long accumulators can be delayed for 5552
-      bytes, so the modulo operation time is negligible.  If the bytes
-      are a, b, c, the second sum is 3a + 2b + c + 3, and so is position
-      and order sensitive, unlike the first sum, which is just a
-      checksum.  That 65521 is prime is important to avoid a possible
-      large class of two-byte errors that leave the check unchanged.
-      (The Fletcher checksum uses 255, which is not prime and which also
-      makes the Fletcher check insensitive to single byte changes 0 <->
-      255.)
-      The sum s1 is initialized to 1 instead of zero to make the length
-      of the sequence part of s2, so that the length does not have to be
-      checked separately. (Any sequence of zeroes has a Fletcher
-      checksum of zero.)
-Deutsch & Gailly             Informational                      [Page 9]
-RFC 1950       ZLIB Compressed Data Format Specification        May 1996
-9. Appendix: Sample code
-   The following C code computes the Adler-32 checksum of a data buffer.
-   It is written for clarity, not for speed.  The sample code is in the
-   ANSI C programming language. Non C users may find it easier to read
-   with these hints:
-      &      Bitwise AND operator.
-      >>     Bitwise right shift operator. When applied to an
-             unsigned quantity, as here, right shift inserts zero bit(s)
-             at the left.
-      <<     Bitwise left shift operator. Left shift inserts zero
-             bit(s) at the right.
-      ++     "n++" increments the variable n.
-      %      modulo operator: a % b is the remainder of a divided by b.
-      #define BASE 65521 /* largest prime smaller than 65536 */
-      /*
-         Update a running Adler-32 checksum with the bytes buf[0..len-1]
-       and return the updated checksum. The Adler-32 checksum should be
-       initialized to 1.
-       Usage example:
-         unsigned long adler = 1L;
-         while (read_buffer(buffer, length) != EOF) {
-           adler = update_adler32(adler, buffer, length);
-         }
-         if (adler != original_adler) error();
-      */
-      unsigned long update_adler32(unsigned long adler,
-         unsigned char *buf, int len)
-      {
-        unsigned long s1 = adler & 0xffff;
-        unsigned long s2 = (adler >> 16) & 0xffff;
-        int n;
-        for (n = 0; n < len; n++) {
-          s1 = (s1 + buf[n]) % BASE;
-          s2 = (s2 + s1)     % BASE;
-        }
-        return (s2 << 16) + s1;
-      }
-      /* Return the adler32 of the bytes buf[0..len-1] */
-Deutsch & Gailly             Informational                     [Page 10]
-RFC 1950       ZLIB Compressed Data Format Specification        May 1996
-      unsigned long adler32(unsigned char *buf, int len)
-      {
-        return update_adler32(1L, buf, len);
-      }
-Deutsch & Gailly             Informational                     [Page 11]
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index 403c8c7..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,955 +0,0 @@
-Network Working Group                                         P. Deutsch
-Request for Comments: 1951                           Aladdin Enterprises
-Category: Informational                                         May 1996
-        DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification version 1.3
-Status of This Memo
-   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  This memo
-   does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of
-   this memo is unlimited.
-IESG Note:
-   The IESG takes no position on the validity of any Intellectual
-   Property Rights statements contained in this document.
-   Copyright (c) 1996 L. Peter Deutsch
-   Permission is granted to copy and distribute this document for any
-   purpose and without charge, including translations into other
-   languages and incorporation into compilations, provided that the
-   copyright notice and this notice are preserved, and that any
-   substantive changes or deletions from the original are clearly
-   marked.
-   A pointer to the latest version of this and related documentation in
-   HTML format can be found at the URL
-   <ftp://ftp.uu.net/graphics/png/documents/zlib/zdoc-index.html>.
-   This specification defines a lossless compressed data format that
-   compresses data using a combination of the LZ77 algorithm and Huffman
-   coding, with efficiency comparable to the best currently available
-   general-purpose compression methods.  The data can be produced or
-   consumed, even for an arbitrarily long sequentially presented input
-   data stream, using only an a priori bounded amount of intermediate
-   storage.  The format can be implemented readily in a manner not
-   covered by patents.
-Deutsch                      Informational                      [Page 1]
-RFC 1951      DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification      May 1996
-Table of Contents
-   1. Introduction ................................................... 2
-      1.1. Purpose ................................................... 2
-      1.2. Intended audience ......................................... 3
-      1.3. Scope ..................................................... 3
-      1.4. Compliance ................................................ 3
-      1.5.  Definitions of terms and conventions used ................ 3
-      1.6. Changes from previous versions ............................ 4
-   2. Compressed representation overview ............................. 4
-   3. Detailed specification ......................................... 5
-      3.1. Overall conventions ....................................... 5
-          3.1.1. Packing into bytes .................................. 5
-      3.2. Compressed block format ................................... 6
-          3.2.1. Synopsis of prefix and Huffman coding ............... 6
-          3.2.2. Use of Huffman coding in the "deflate" format ....... 7
-          3.2.3. Details of block format ............................. 9
-          3.2.4. Non-compressed blocks (BTYPE=00) ................... 11
-          3.2.5. Compressed blocks (length and distance codes) ...... 11
-          3.2.6. Compression with fixed Huffman codes (BTYPE=01) .... 12
-          3.2.7. Compression with dynamic Huffman codes (BTYPE=10) .. 13
-      3.3. Compliance ............................................... 14
-   4. Compression algorithm details ................................. 14
-   5. References .................................................... 16
-   6. Security Considerations ....................................... 16
-   7. Source code ................................................... 16
-   8. Acknowledgements .............................................. 16
-   9. Author's Address .............................................. 17
-1. Introduction
-   1.1. Purpose
-      The purpose of this specification is to define a lossless
-      compressed data format that:
-          * Is independent of CPU type, operating system, file system,
-            and character set, and hence can be used for interchange;
-          * Can be produced or consumed, even for an arbitrarily long
-            sequentially presented input data stream, using only an a
-            priori bounded amount of intermediate storage, and hence
-            can be used in data communications or similar structures
-            such as Unix filters;
-          * Compresses data with efficiency comparable to the best
-            currently available general-purpose compression methods,
-            and in particular considerably better than the "compress"
-            program;
-          * Can be implemented readily in a manner not covered by
-            patents, and hence can be practiced freely;
-Deutsch                      Informational                      [Page 2]
-RFC 1951      DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification      May 1996
-          * Is compatible with the file format produced by the current
-            widely used gzip utility, in that conforming decompressors
-            will be able to read data produced by the existing gzip
-            compressor.
-      The data format defined by this specification does not attempt to:
-          * Allow random access to compressed data;
-          * Compress specialized data (e.g., raster graphics) as well
-            as the best currently available specialized algorithms.
-      A simple counting argument shows that no lossless compression
-      algorithm can compress every possible input data set.  For the
-      format defined here, the worst case expansion is 5 bytes per 32K-
-      byte block, i.e., a size increase of 0.015% for large data sets.
-      English text usually compresses by a factor of 2.5 to 3;
-      executable files usually compress somewhat less; graphical data
-      such as raster images may compress much more.
-   1.2. Intended audience
-      This specification is intended for use by implementors of software
-      to compress data into "deflate" format and/or decompress data from
-      "deflate" format.
-      The text of the specification assumes a basic background in
-      programming at the level of bits and other primitive data
-      representations.  Familiarity with the technique of Huffman coding
-      is helpful but not required.
-   1.3. Scope
-      The specification specifies a method for representing a sequence
-      of bytes as a (usually shorter) sequence of bits, and a method for
-      packing the latter bit sequence into bytes.
-   1.4. Compliance
-      Unless otherwise indicated below, a compliant decompressor must be
-      able to accept and decompress any data set that conforms to all
-      the specifications presented here; a compliant compressor must
-      produce data sets that conform to all the specifications presented
-      here.
-   1.5.  Definitions of terms and conventions used
-      Byte: 8 bits stored or transmitted as a unit (same as an octet).
-      For this specification, a byte is exactly 8 bits, even on machines
-Deutsch                      Informational                      [Page 3]
-RFC 1951      DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification      May 1996
-      which store a character on a number of bits different from eight.
-      See below, for the numbering of bits within a byte.
-      String: a sequence of arbitrary bytes.
-   1.6. Changes from previous versions
-      There have been no technical changes to the deflate format since
-      version 1.1 of this specification.  In version 1.2, some
-      terminology was changed.  Version 1.3 is a conversion of the
-      specification to RFC style.
-2. Compressed representation overview
-   A compressed data set consists of a series of blocks, corresponding
-   to successive blocks of input data.  The block sizes are arbitrary,
-   except that non-compressible blocks are limited to 65,535 bytes.
-   Each block is compressed using a combination of the LZ77 algorithm
-   and Huffman coding. The Huffman trees for each block are independent
-   of those for previous or subsequent blocks; the LZ77 algorithm may
-   use a reference to a duplicated string occurring in a previous block,
-   up to 32K input bytes before.
-   Each block consists of two parts: a pair of Huffman code trees that
-   describe the representation of the compressed data part, and a
-   compressed data part.  (The Huffman trees themselves are compressed
-   using Huffman encoding.)  The compressed data consists of a series of
-   elements of two types: literal bytes (of strings that have not been
-   detected as duplicated within the previous 32K input bytes), and
-   pointers to duplicated strings, where a pointer is represented as a
-   pair <length, backward distance>.  The representation used in the
-   "deflate" format limits distances to 32K bytes and lengths to 258
-   bytes, but does not limit the size of a block, except for
-   uncompressible blocks, which are limited as noted above.
-   Each type of value (literals, distances, and lengths) in the
-   compressed data is represented using a Huffman code, using one code
-   tree for literals and lengths and a separate code tree for distances.
-   The code trees for each block appear in a compact form just before
-   the compressed data for that block.
-Deutsch                      Informational                      [Page 4]
-RFC 1951      DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification      May 1996
-3. Detailed specification
-   3.1. Overall conventions In the diagrams below, a box like this:
-         +---+
-         |   | <-- the vertical bars might be missing
-         +---+
-      represents one byte; a box like this:
-         +==============+
-         |              |
-         +==============+
-      represents a variable number of bytes.
-      Bytes stored within a computer do not have a "bit order", since
-      they are always treated as a unit.  However, a byte considered as
-      an integer between 0 and 255 does have a most- and least-
-      significant bit, and since we write numbers with the most-
-      significant digit on the left, we also write bytes with the most-
-      significant bit on the left.  In the diagrams below, we number the
-      bits of a byte so that bit 0 is the least-significant bit, i.e.,
-      the bits are numbered:
-         +--------+
-         |76543210|
-         +--------+
-      Within a computer, a number may occupy multiple bytes.  All
-      multi-byte numbers in the format described here are stored with
-      the least-significant byte first (at the lower memory address).
-      For example, the decimal number 520 is stored as:
-             0        1
-         +--------+--------+
-         |00001000|00000010|
-         +--------+--------+
-          ^        ^
-          |        |
-          |        + more significant byte = 2 x 256
-          + less significant byte = 8
-      3.1.1. Packing into bytes
-         This document does not address the issue of the order in which
-         bits of a byte are transmitted on a bit-sequential medium,
-         since the final data format described here is byte- rather than
-Deutsch                      Informational                      [Page 5]
-RFC 1951      DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification      May 1996
-         bit-oriented.  However, we describe the compressed block format
-         in below, as a sequence of data elements of various bit
-         lengths, not a sequence of bytes.  We must therefore specify
-         how to pack these data elements into bytes to form the final
-         compressed byte sequence:
-             * Data elements are packed into bytes in order of
-               increasing bit number within the byte, i.e., starting
-               with the least-significant bit of the byte.
-             * Data elements other than Huffman codes are packed
-               starting with the least-significant bit of the data
-               element.
-             * Huffman codes are packed starting with the most-
-               significant bit of the code.
-         In other words, if one were to print out the compressed data as
-         a sequence of bytes, starting with the first byte at the
-         *right* margin and proceeding to the *left*, with the most-
-         significant bit of each byte on the left as usual, one would be
-         able to parse the result from right to left, with fixed-width
-         elements in the correct MSB-to-LSB order and Huffman codes in
-         bit-reversed order (i.e., with the first bit of the code in the
-         relative LSB position).
-   3.2. Compressed block format
-      3.2.1. Synopsis of prefix and Huffman coding
-         Prefix coding represents symbols from an a priori known
-         alphabet by bit sequences (codes), one code for each symbol, in
-         a manner such that different symbols may be represented by bit
-         sequences of different lengths, but a parser can always parse
-         an encoded string unambiguously symbol-by-symbol.
-         We define a prefix code in terms of a binary tree in which the
-         two edges descending from each non-leaf node are labeled 0 and
-         1 and in which the leaf nodes correspond one-for-one with (are
-         labeled with) the symbols of the alphabet; then the code for a
-         symbol is the sequence of 0's and 1's on the edges leading from
-         the root to the leaf labeled with that symbol.  For example:
-Deutsch                      Informational                      [Page 6]
-RFC 1951      DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification      May 1996
-                          /\              Symbol    Code
-                         0  1             ------    ----
-                        /    \                A      00
-                       /\     B               B       1
-                      0  1                    C     011
-                     /    \                   D     010
-                    A     /\
-                         0  1
-                        /    \
-                       D      C
-         A parser can decode the next symbol from an encoded input
-         stream by walking down the tree from the root, at each step
-         choosing the edge corresponding to the next input bit.
-         Given an alphabet with known symbol frequencies, the Huffman
-         algorithm allows the construction of an optimal prefix code
-         (one which represents strings with those symbol frequencies
-         using the fewest bits of any possible prefix codes for that
-         alphabet).  Such a code is called a Huffman code.  (See
-         reference [1] in Chapter 5, references for additional
-         information on Huffman codes.)
-         Note that in the "deflate" format, the Huffman codes for the
-         various alphabets must not exceed certain maximum code lengths.
-         This constraint complicates the algorithm for computing code
-         lengths from symbol frequencies.  Again, see Chapter 5,
-         references for details.
-      3.2.2. Use of Huffman coding in the "deflate" format
-         The Huffman codes used for each alphabet in the "deflate"
-         format have two additional rules:
-             * All codes of a given bit length have lexicographically
-               consecutive values, in the same order as the symbols
-               they represent;
-             * Shorter codes lexicographically precede longer codes.
-Deutsch                      Informational                      [Page 7]
-RFC 1951      DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification      May 1996
-         We could recode the example above to follow this rule as
-         follows, assuming that the order of the alphabet is ABCD:
-            Symbol  Code
-            ------  ----
-            A       10
-            B       0
-            C       110
-            D       111
-         I.e., 0 precedes 10 which precedes 11x, and 110 and 111 are
-         lexicographically consecutive.
-         Given this rule, we can define the Huffman code for an alphabet
-         just by giving the bit lengths of the codes for each symbol of
-         the alphabet in order; this is sufficient to determine the
-         actual codes.  In our example, the code is completely defined
-         by the sequence of bit lengths (2, 1, 3, 3).  The following
-         algorithm generates the codes as integers, intended to be read
-         from most- to least-significant bit.  The code lengths are
-         initially in tree[I].Len; the codes are produced in
-         tree[I].Code.
-         1)  Count the number of codes for each code length.  Let
-             bl_count[N] be the number of codes of length N, N >= 1.
-         2)  Find the numerical value of the smallest code for each
-             code length:
-                code = 0;
-                bl_count[0] = 0;
-                for (bits = 1; bits <= MAX_BITS; bits++) {
-                    code = (code + bl_count[bits-1]) << 1;
-                    next_code[bits] = code;
-                }
-         3)  Assign numerical values to all codes, using consecutive
-             values for all codes of the same length with the base
-             values determined at step 2. Codes that are never used
-             (which have a bit length of zero) must not be assigned a
-             value.
-                for (n = 0;  n <= max_code; n++) {
-                    len = tree[n].Len;
-                    if (len != 0) {
-                        tree[n].Code = next_code[len];
-                        next_code[len]++;
-                    }
-Deutsch                      Informational                      [Page 8]
-RFC 1951      DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification      May 1996
-                }
-         Example:
-         Consider the alphabet ABCDEFGH, with bit lengths (3, 3, 3, 3,
-         3, 2, 4, 4).  After step 1, we have:
-            N      bl_count[N]
-            -      -----------
-            2      1
-            3      5
-            4      2
-         Step 2 computes the following next_code values:
-            N      next_code[N]
-            -      ------------
-            1      0
-            2      0
-            3      2
-            4      14
-         Step 3 produces the following code values:
-            Symbol Length   Code
-            ------ ------   ----
-            A       3        010
-            B       3        011
-            C       3        100
-            D       3        101
-            E       3        110
-            F       2         00
-            G       4       1110
-            H       4       1111
-      3.2.3. Details of block format
-         Each block of compressed data begins with 3 header bits
-         containing the following data:
-            first bit       BFINAL
-            next 2 bits     BTYPE
-         Note that the header bits do not necessarily begin on a byte
-         boundary, since a block does not necessarily occupy an integral
-         number of bytes.
-Deutsch                      Informational                      [Page 9]
-RFC 1951      DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification      May 1996
-         BFINAL is set if and only if this is the last block of the data
-         set.
-         BTYPE specifies how the data are compressed, as follows:
-            00 - no compression
-            01 - compressed with fixed Huffman codes
-            10 - compressed with dynamic Huffman codes
-            11 - reserved (error)
-         The only difference between the two compressed cases is how the
-         Huffman codes for the literal/length and distance alphabets are
-         defined.
-         In all cases, the decoding algorithm for the actual data is as
-         follows:
-            do
-               read block header from input stream.
-               if stored with no compression
-                  skip any remaining bits in current partially
-                     processed byte
-                  read LEN and NLEN (see next section)
-                  copy LEN bytes of data to output
-               otherwise
-                  if compressed with dynamic Huffman codes
-                     read representation of code trees (see
-                        subsection below)
-                  loop (until end of block code recognized)
-                     decode literal/length value from input stream
-                     if value < 256
-                        copy value (literal byte) to output stream
-                     otherwise
-                        if value = end of block (256)
-                           break from loop
-                        otherwise (value = 257..285)
-                           decode distance from input stream
-                           move backwards distance bytes in the output
-                           stream, and copy length bytes from this
-                           position to the output stream.
-                  end loop
-            while not last block
-         Note that a duplicated string reference may refer to a string
-         in a previous block; i.e., the backward distance may cross one
-         or more block boundaries.  However a distance cannot refer past
-         the beginning of the output stream.  (An application using a
-Deutsch                      Informational                     [Page 10]
-RFC 1951      DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification      May 1996
-         preset dictionary might discard part of the output stream; a
-         distance can refer to that part of the output stream anyway)
-         Note also that the referenced string may overlap the current
-         position; for example, if the last 2 bytes decoded have values
-         X and Y, a string reference with <length = 5, distance = 2>
-         adds X,Y,X,Y,X to the output stream.
-         We now specify each compression method in turn.
-      3.2.4. Non-compressed blocks (BTYPE=00)
-         Any bits of input up to the next byte boundary are ignored.
-         The rest of the block consists of the following information:
-              0   1   2   3   4...
-            +---+---+---+---+================================+
-            |  LEN  | NLEN  |... LEN bytes of literal data...|
-            +---+---+---+---+================================+
-         LEN is the number of data bytes in the block.  NLEN is the
-         one's complement of LEN.
-      3.2.5. Compressed blocks (length and distance codes)
-         As noted above, encoded data blocks in the "deflate" format
-         consist of sequences of symbols drawn from three conceptually
-         distinct alphabets: either literal bytes, from the alphabet of
-         byte values (0..255), or <length, backward distance> pairs,
-         where the length is drawn from (3..258) and the distance is
-         drawn from (1..32,768).  In fact, the literal and length
-         alphabets are merged into a single alphabet (0..285), where
-         values 0..255 represent literal bytes, the value 256 indicates
-         end-of-block, and values 257..285 represent length codes
-         (possibly in conjunction with extra bits following the symbol
-         code) as follows:
-Deutsch                      Informational                     [Page 11]
-RFC 1951      DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification      May 1996
-                 Extra               Extra               Extra
-            Code Bits Length(s) Code Bits Lengths   Code Bits Length(s)
-            ---- ---- ------     ---- ---- -------   ---- ---- -------
-             257   0     3       267   1   15,16     277   4   67-82
-             258   0     4       268   1   17,18     278   4   83-98
-             259   0     5       269   2   19-22     279   4   99-114
-             260   0     6       270   2   23-26     280   4  115-130
-             261   0     7       271   2   27-30     281   5  131-162
-             262   0     8       272   2   31-34     282   5  163-194
-             263   0     9       273   3   35-42     283   5  195-226
-             264   0    10       274   3   43-50     284   5  227-257
-             265   1  11,12      275   3   51-58     285   0    258
-             266   1  13,14      276   3   59-66
-         The extra bits should be interpreted as a machine integer
-         stored with the most-significant bit first, e.g., bits 1110
-         represent the value 14.
-                  Extra           Extra               Extra
-             Code Bits Dist  Code Bits   Dist     Code Bits Distance
-             ---- ---- ----  ---- ----  ------    ---- ---- --------
-               0   0    1     10   4     33-48    20    9   1025-1536
-               1   0    2     11   4     49-64    21    9   1537-2048
-               2   0    3     12   5     65-96    22   10   2049-3072
-               3   0    4     13   5     97-128   23   10   3073-4096
-               4   1   5,6    14   6    129-192   24   11   4097-6144
-               5   1   7,8    15   6    193-256   25   11   6145-8192
-               6   2   9-12   16   7    257-384   26   12  8193-12288
-               7   2  13-16   17   7    385-512   27   12 12289-16384
-               8   3  17-24   18   8    513-768   28   13 16385-24576
-               9   3  25-32   19   8   769-1024   29   13 24577-32768
-      3.2.6. Compression with fixed Huffman codes (BTYPE=01)
-         The Huffman codes for the two alphabets are fixed, and are not
-         represented explicitly in the data.  The Huffman code lengths
-         for the literal/length alphabet are:
-                   Lit Value    Bits        Codes
-                   ---------    ----        -----
-                     0 - 143     8          00110000 through
-                                            10111111
-                   144 - 255     9          110010000 through
-                                            111111111
-                   256 - 279     7          0000000 through
-                                            0010111
-                   280 - 287     8          11000000 through
-                                            11000111
-Deutsch                      Informational                     [Page 12]
-RFC 1951      DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification      May 1996
-         The code lengths are sufficient to generate the actual codes,
-         as described above; we show the codes in the table for added
-         clarity.  Literal/length values 286-287 will never actually
-         occur in the compressed data, but participate in the code
-         construction.
-         Distance codes 0-31 are represented by (fixed-length) 5-bit
-         codes, with possible additional bits as shown in the table
-         shown in Paragraph 3.2.5, above.  Note that distance codes 30-
-         31 will never actually occur in the compressed data.
-      3.2.7. Compression with dynamic Huffman codes (BTYPE=10)
-         The Huffman codes for the two alphabets appear in the block
-         immediately after the header bits and before the actual
-         compressed data, first the literal/length code and then the
-         distance code.  Each code is defined by a sequence of code
-         lengths, as discussed in Paragraph 3.2.2, above.  For even
-         greater compactness, the code length sequences themselves are
-         compressed using a Huffman code.  The alphabet for code lengths
-         is as follows:
-               0 - 15: Represent code lengths of 0 - 15
-                   16: Copy the previous code length 3 - 6 times.
-                       The next 2 bits indicate repeat length
-                             (0 = 3, ... , 3 = 6)
-                          Example:  Codes 8, 16 (+2 bits 11),
-                                    16 (+2 bits 10) will expand to
-                                    12 code lengths of 8 (1 + 6 + 5)
-                   17: Repeat a code length of 0 for 3 - 10 times.
-                       (3 bits of length)
-                   18: Repeat a code length of 0 for 11 - 138 times
-                       (7 bits of length)
-         A code length of 0 indicates that the corresponding symbol in
-         the literal/length or distance alphabet will not occur in the
-         block, and should not participate in the Huffman code
-         construction algorithm given earlier.  If only one distance
-         code is used, it is encoded using one bit, not zero bits; in
-         this case there is a single code length of one, with one unused
-         code.  One distance code of zero bits means that there are no
-         distance codes used at all (the data is all literals).
-         We can now define the format of the block:
-               5 Bits: HLIT, # of Literal/Length codes - 257 (257 - 286)
-               5 Bits: HDIST, # of Distance codes - 1        (1 - 32)
-               4 Bits: HCLEN, # of Code Length codes - 4     (4 - 19)
-Deutsch                      Informational                     [Page 13]
-RFC 1951      DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification      May 1996
-               (HCLEN + 4) x 3 bits: code lengths for the code length
-                  alphabet given just above, in the order: 16, 17, 18,
-                  0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15
-                  These code lengths are interpreted as 3-bit integers
-                  (0-7); as above, a code length of 0 means the
-                  corresponding symbol (literal/length or distance code
-                  length) is not used.
-               HLIT + 257 code lengths for the literal/length alphabet,
-                  encoded using the code length Huffman code
-               HDIST + 1 code lengths for the distance alphabet,
-                  encoded using the code length Huffman code
-               The actual compressed data of the block,
-                  encoded using the literal/length and distance Huffman
-                  codes
-               The literal/length symbol 256 (end of data),
-                  encoded using the literal/length Huffman code
-         The code length repeat codes can cross from HLIT + 257 to the
-         HDIST + 1 code lengths.  In other words, all code lengths form
-         a single sequence of HLIT + HDIST + 258 values.
-   3.3. Compliance
-      A compressor may limit further the ranges of values specified in
-      the previous section and still be compliant; for example, it may
-      limit the range of backward pointers to some value smaller than
-      32K.  Similarly, a compressor may limit the size of blocks so that
-      a compressible block fits in memory.
-      A compliant decompressor must accept the full range of possible
-      values defined in the previous section, and must accept blocks of
-      arbitrary size.
-4. Compression algorithm details
-   While it is the intent of this document to define the "deflate"
-   compressed data format without reference to any particular
-   compression algorithm, the format is related to the compressed
-   formats produced by LZ77 (Lempel-Ziv 1977, see reference [2] below);
-   since many variations of LZ77 are patented, it is strongly
-   recommended that the implementor of a compressor follow the general
-   algorithm presented here, which is known not to be patented per se.
-   The material in this section is not part of the definition of the
-Deutsch                      Informational                     [Page 14]
-RFC 1951      DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification      May 1996
-   specification per se, and a compressor need not follow it in order to
-   be compliant.
-   The compressor terminates a block when it determines that starting a
-   new block with fresh trees would be useful, or when the block size
-   fills up the compressor's block buffer.
-   The compressor uses a chained hash table to find duplicated strings,
-   using a hash function that operates on 3-byte sequences.  At any
-   given point during compression, let XYZ be the next 3 input bytes to
-   be examined (not necessarily all different, of course).  First, the
-   compressor examines the hash chain for XYZ.  If the chain is empty,
-   the compressor simply writes out X as a literal byte and advances one
-   byte in the input.  If the hash chain is not empty, indicating that
-   the sequence XYZ (or, if we are unlucky, some other 3 bytes with the
-   same hash function value) has occurred recently, the compressor
-   compares all strings on the XYZ hash chain with the actual input data
-   sequence starting at the current point, and selects the longest
-   match.
-   The compressor searches the hash chains starting with the most recent
-   strings, to favor small distances and thus take advantage of the
-   Huffman encoding.  The hash chains are singly linked. There are no
-   deletions from the hash chains; the algorithm simply discards matches
-   that are too old.  To avoid a worst-case situation, very long hash
-   chains are arbitrarily truncated at a certain length, determined by a
-   run-time parameter.
-   To improve overall compression, the compressor optionally defers the
-   selection of matches ("lazy matching"): after a match of length N has
-   been found, the compressor searches for a longer match starting at
-   the next input byte.  If it finds a longer match, it truncates the
-   previous match to a length of one (thus producing a single literal
-   byte) and then emits the longer match.  Otherwise, it emits the
-   original match, and, as described above, advances N bytes before
-   continuing.
-   Run-time parameters also control this "lazy match" procedure.  If
-   compression ratio is most important, the compressor attempts a
-   complete second search regardless of the length of the first match.
-   In the normal case, if the current match is "long enough", the
-   compressor reduces the search for a longer match, thus speeding up
-   the process.  If speed is most important, the compressor inserts new
-   strings in the hash table only when no match was found, or when the
-   match is not "too long".  This degrades the compression ratio but
-   saves time since there are both fewer insertions and fewer searches.
-Deutsch                      Informational                     [Page 15]
-RFC 1951      DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification      May 1996
-5. References
-   [1] Huffman, D. A., "A Method for the Construction of Minimum
-       Redundancy Codes", Proceedings of the Institute of Radio
-       Engineers, September 1952, Volume 40, Number 9, pp. 1098-1101.
-   [2] Ziv J., Lempel A., "A Universal Algorithm for Sequential Data
-       Compression", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 23,
-       No. 3, pp. 337-343.
-   [3] Gailly, J.-L., and Adler, M., ZLIB documentation and sources,
-       available in ftp://ftp.uu.net/pub/archiving/zip/doc/
-   [4] Gailly, J.-L., and Adler, M., GZIP documentation and sources,
-       available as gzip-*.tar in ftp://prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu/
-   [5] Schwartz, E. S., and Kallick, B. "Generating a canonical prefix
-       encoding." Comm. ACM, 7,3 (Mar. 1964), pp. 166-169.
-   [6] Hirschberg and Lelewer, "Efficient decoding of prefix codes,"
-       Comm. ACM, 33,4, April 1990, pp. 449-459.
-6. Security Considerations
-   Any data compression method involves the reduction of redundancy in
-   the data.  Consequently, any corruption of the data is likely to have
-   severe effects and be difficult to correct.  Uncompressed text, on
-   the other hand, will probably still be readable despite the presence
-   of some corrupted bytes.
-   It is recommended that systems using this data format provide some
-   means of validating the integrity of the compressed data.  See
-   reference [3], for example.
-7. Source code
-   Source code for a C language implementation of a "deflate" compliant
-   compressor and decompressor is available within the zlib package at
-   ftp://ftp.uu.net/pub/archiving/zip/zlib/.
-8. Acknowledgements
-   Trademarks cited in this document are the property of their
-   respective owners.
-   Phil Katz designed the deflate format.  Jean-Loup Gailly and Mark
-   Adler wrote the related software described in this specification.
-   Glenn Randers-Pehrson converted this document to RFC and HTML format.
-Deutsch                      Informational                     [Page 16]
-RFC 1951      DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification      May 1996
-9. Author's Address
-   L. Peter Deutsch
-   Aladdin Enterprises
-   203 Santa Margarita Ave.
-   Menlo Park, CA 94025
-   Phone: (415) 322-0103 (AM only)
-   FAX:   (415) 322-1734
-   EMail: <ghost at aladdin.com>
-   Questions about the technical content of this specification can be
-   sent by email to:
-   Jean-Loup Gailly <gzip at prep.ai.mit.edu> and
-   Mark Adler <madler at alumni.caltech.edu>
-   Editorial comments on this specification can be sent by email to:
-   L. Peter Deutsch <ghost at aladdin.com> and
-   Glenn Randers-Pehrson <randeg at alumni.rpi.edu>
-Deutsch                      Informational                     [Page 17]
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-Network Working Group                                         P. Deutsch
-Request for Comments: 1952                           Aladdin Enterprises
-Category: Informational                                         May 1996
-               GZIP file format specification version 4.3
-Status of This Memo
-   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  This memo
-   does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of
-   this memo is unlimited.
-IESG Note:
-   The IESG takes no position on the validity of any Intellectual
-   Property Rights statements contained in this document.
-   Copyright (c) 1996 L. Peter Deutsch
-   Permission is granted to copy and distribute this document for any
-   purpose and without charge, including translations into other
-   languages and incorporation into compilations, provided that the
-   copyright notice and this notice are preserved, and that any
-   substantive changes or deletions from the original are clearly
-   marked.
-   A pointer to the latest version of this and related documentation in
-   HTML format can be found at the URL
-   <ftp://ftp.uu.net/graphics/png/documents/zlib/zdoc-index.html>.
-   This specification defines a lossless compressed data format that is
-   compatible with the widely used GZIP utility.  The format includes a
-   cyclic redundancy check value for detecting data corruption.  The
-   format presently uses the DEFLATE method of compression but can be
-   easily extended to use other compression methods.  The format can be
-   implemented readily in a manner not covered by patents.
-Deutsch                      Informational                      [Page 1]
-RFC 1952             GZIP File Format Specification             May 1996
-Table of Contents
-   1. Introduction ................................................... 2
-      1.1. Purpose ................................................... 2
-      1.2. Intended audience ......................................... 3
-      1.3. Scope ..................................................... 3
-      1.4. Compliance ................................................ 3
-      1.5. Definitions of terms and conventions used ................. 3
-      1.6. Changes from previous versions ............................ 3
-   2. Detailed specification ......................................... 4
-      2.1. Overall conventions ....................................... 4
-      2.2. File format ............................................... 5
-      2.3. Member format ............................................. 5
-          2.3.1. Member header and trailer ........................... 6
-     Extra field ................................... 8
-     Compliance .................................... 9
-      3. References .................................................. 9
-      4. Security Considerations .................................... 10
-      5. Acknowledgements ........................................... 10
-      6. Author's Address ........................................... 10
-      7. Appendix: Jean-Loup Gailly's gzip utility .................. 11
-      8. Appendix: Sample CRC Code .................................. 11
-1. Introduction
-   1.1. Purpose
-      The purpose of this specification is to define a lossless
-      compressed data format that:
-          * Is independent of CPU type, operating system, file system,
-            and character set, and hence can be used for interchange;
-          * Can compress or decompress a data stream (as opposed to a
-            randomly accessible file) to produce another data stream,
-            using only an a priori bounded amount of intermediate
-            storage, and hence can be used in data communications or
-            similar structures such as Unix filters;
-          * Compresses data with efficiency comparable to the best
-            currently available general-purpose compression methods,
-            and in particular considerably better than the "compress"
-            program;
-          * Can be implemented readily in a manner not covered by
-            patents, and hence can be practiced freely;
-          * Is compatible with the file format produced by the current
-            widely used gzip utility, in that conforming decompressors
-            will be able to read data produced by the existing gzip
-            compressor.
-Deutsch                      Informational                      [Page 2]
-RFC 1952             GZIP File Format Specification             May 1996
-      The data format defined by this specification does not attempt to:
-          * Provide random access to compressed data;
-          * Compress specialized data (e.g., raster graphics) as well as
-            the best currently available specialized algorithms.
-   1.2. Intended audience
-      This specification is intended for use by implementors of software
-      to compress data into gzip format and/or decompress data from gzip
-      format.
-      The text of the specification assumes a basic background in
-      programming at the level of bits and other primitive data
-      representations.
-   1.3. Scope
-      The specification specifies a compression method and a file format
-      (the latter assuming only that a file can store a sequence of
-      arbitrary bytes).  It does not specify any particular interface to
-      a file system or anything about character sets or encodings
-      (except for file names and comments, which are optional).
-   1.4. Compliance
-      Unless otherwise indicated below, a compliant decompressor must be
-      able to accept and decompress any file that conforms to all the
-      specifications presented here; a compliant compressor must produce
-      files that conform to all the specifications presented here.  The
-      material in the appendices is not part of the specification per se
-      and is not relevant to compliance.
-   1.5. Definitions of terms and conventions used
-      byte: 8 bits stored or transmitted as a unit (same as an octet).
-      (For this specification, a byte is exactly 8 bits, even on
-      machines which store a character on a number of bits different
-      from 8.)  See below for the numbering of bits within a byte.
-   1.6. Changes from previous versions
-      There have been no technical changes to the gzip format since
-      version 4.1 of this specification.  In version 4.2, some
-      terminology was changed, and the sample CRC code was rewritten for
-      clarity and to eliminate the requirement for the caller to do pre-
-      and post-conditioning.  Version 4.3 is a conversion of the
-      specification to RFC style.
-Deutsch                      Informational                      [Page 3]
-RFC 1952             GZIP File Format Specification             May 1996
-2. Detailed specification
-   2.1. Overall conventions
-      In the diagrams below, a box like this:
-         +---+
-         |   | <-- the vertical bars might be missing
-         +---+
-      represents one byte; a box like this:
-         +==============+
-         |              |
-         +==============+
-      represents a variable number of bytes.
-      Bytes stored within a computer do not have a "bit order", since
-      they are always treated as a unit.  However, a byte considered as
-      an integer between 0 and 255 does have a most- and least-
-      significant bit, and since we write numbers with the most-
-      significant digit on the left, we also write bytes with the most-
-      significant bit on the left.  In the diagrams below, we number the
-      bits of a byte so that bit 0 is the least-significant bit, i.e.,
-      the bits are numbered:
-         +--------+
-         |76543210|
-         +--------+
-      This document does not address the issue of the order in which
-      bits of a byte are transmitted on a bit-sequential medium, since
-      the data format described here is byte- rather than bit-oriented.
-      Within a computer, a number may occupy multiple bytes.  All
-      multi-byte numbers in the format described here are stored with
-      the least-significant byte first (at the lower memory address).
-      For example, the decimal number 520 is stored as:
-             0        1
-         +--------+--------+
-         |00001000|00000010|
-         +--------+--------+
-          ^        ^
-          |        |
-          |        + more significant byte = 2 x 256
-          + less significant byte = 8
-Deutsch                      Informational                      [Page 4]
-RFC 1952             GZIP File Format Specification             May 1996
-   2.2. File format
-      A gzip file consists of a series of "members" (compressed data
-      sets).  The format of each member is specified in the following
-      section.  The members simply appear one after another in the file,
-      with no additional information before, between, or after them.
-   2.3. Member format
-      Each member has the following structure:
-         +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
-         |ID1|ID2|CM |FLG|     MTIME     |XFL|OS | (more-->)
-         +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
-      (if FLG.FEXTRA set)
-         +---+---+=================================+
-         | XLEN  |...XLEN bytes of "extra field"...| (more-->)
-         +---+---+=================================+
-      (if FLG.FNAME set)
-         +=========================================+
-         |...original file name, zero-terminated...| (more-->)
-         +=========================================+
-      (if FLG.FCOMMENT set)
-         +===================================+
-         |...file comment, zero-terminated...| (more-->)
-         +===================================+
-      (if FLG.FHCRC set)
-         +---+---+
-         | CRC16 |
-         +---+---+
-         +=======================+
-         |...compressed blocks...| (more-->)
-         +=======================+
-           0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
-         +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
-         |     CRC32     |     ISIZE     |
-         +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
-Deutsch                      Informational                      [Page 5]
-RFC 1952             GZIP File Format Specification             May 1996
-      2.3.1. Member header and trailer
-         ID1 (IDentification 1)
-         ID2 (IDentification 2)
-            These have the fixed values ID1 = 31 (0x1f, \037), ID2 = 139
-            (0x8b, \213), to identify the file as being in gzip format.
-         CM (Compression Method)
-            This identifies the compression method used in the file.  CM
-            = 0-7 are reserved.  CM = 8 denotes the "deflate"
-            compression method, which is the one customarily used by
-            gzip and which is documented elsewhere.
-         FLG (FLaGs)
-            This flag byte is divided into individual bits as follows:
-               bit 0   FTEXT
-               bit 1   FHCRC
-               bit 2   FEXTRA
-               bit 3   FNAME
-               bit 4   FCOMMENT
-               bit 5   reserved
-               bit 6   reserved
-               bit 7   reserved
-            If FTEXT is set, the file is probably ASCII text.  This is
-            an optional indication, which the compressor may set by
-            checking a small amount of the input data to see whether any
-            non-ASCII characters are present.  In case of doubt, FTEXT
-            is cleared, indicating binary data. For systems which have
-            different file formats for ascii text and binary data, the
-            decompressor can use FTEXT to choose the appropriate format.
-            We deliberately do not specify the algorithm used to set
-            this bit, since a compressor always has the option of
-            leaving it cleared and a decompressor always has the option
-            of ignoring it and letting some other program handle issues
-            of data conversion.
-            If FHCRC is set, a CRC16 for the gzip header is present,
-            immediately before the compressed data. The CRC16 consists
-            of the two least significant bytes of the CRC32 for all
-            bytes of the gzip header up to and not including the CRC16.
-            [The FHCRC bit was never set by versions of gzip up to
-            1.2.4, even though it was documented with a different
-            meaning in gzip 1.2.4.]
-            If FEXTRA is set, optional extra fields are present, as
-            described in a following section.
-Deutsch                      Informational                      [Page 6]
-RFC 1952             GZIP File Format Specification             May 1996
-            If FNAME is set, an original file name is present,
-            terminated by a zero byte.  The name must consist of ISO
-            8859-1 (LATIN-1) characters; on operating systems using
-            EBCDIC or any other character set for file names, the name
-            must be translated to the ISO LATIN-1 character set.  This
-            is the original name of the file being compressed, with any
-            directory components removed, and, if the file being
-            compressed is on a file system with case insensitive names,
-            forced to lower case. There is no original file name if the
-            data was compressed from a source other than a named file;
-            for example, if the source was stdin on a Unix system, there
-            is no file name.
-            If FCOMMENT is set, a zero-terminated file comment is
-            present.  This comment is not interpreted; it is only
-            intended for human consumption.  The comment must consist of
-            ISO 8859-1 (LATIN-1) characters.  Line breaks should be
-            denoted by a single line feed character (10 decimal).
-            Reserved FLG bits must be zero.
-         MTIME (Modification TIME)
-            This gives the most recent modification time of the original
-            file being compressed.  The time is in Unix format, i.e.,
-            seconds since 00:00:00 GMT, Jan.  1, 1970.  (Note that this
-            may cause problems for MS-DOS and other systems that use
-            local rather than Universal time.)  If the compressed data
-            did not come from a file, MTIME is set to the time at which
-            compression started.  MTIME = 0 means no time stamp is
-            available.
-         XFL (eXtra FLags)
-            These flags are available for use by specific compression
-            methods.  The "deflate" method (CM = 8) sets these flags as
-            follows:
-               XFL = 2 - compressor used maximum compression,
-                         slowest algorithm
-               XFL = 4 - compressor used fastest algorithm
-         OS (Operating System)
-            This identifies the type of file system on which compression
-            took place.  This may be useful in determining end-of-line
-            convention for text files.  The currently defined values are
-            as follows:
-Deutsch                      Informational                      [Page 7]
-RFC 1952             GZIP File Format Specification             May 1996
-                 0 - FAT filesystem (MS-DOS, OS/2, NT/Win32)
-                 1 - Amiga
-                 2 - VMS (or OpenVMS)
-                 3 - Unix
-                 4 - VM/CMS
-                 5 - Atari TOS
-                 6 - HPFS filesystem (OS/2, NT)
-                 7 - Macintosh
-                 8 - Z-System
-                 9 - CP/M
-                10 - TOPS-20
-                11 - NTFS filesystem (NT)
-                12 - QDOS
-                13 - Acorn RISCOS
-               255 - unknown
-         XLEN (eXtra LENgth)
-            If FLG.FEXTRA is set, this gives the length of the optional
-            extra field.  See below for details.
-         CRC32 (CRC-32)
-            This contains a Cyclic Redundancy Check value of the
-            uncompressed data computed according to CRC-32 algorithm
-            used in the ISO 3309 standard and in section of
-            ITU-T recommendation V.42.  (See http://www.iso.ch for
-            ordering ISO documents. See gopher://info.itu.ch for an
-            online version of ITU-T V.42.)
-         ISIZE (Input SIZE)
-            This contains the size of the original (uncompressed) input
-            data modulo 2^32.
- Extra field
-         If the FLG.FEXTRA bit is set, an "extra field" is present in
-         the header, with total length XLEN bytes.  It consists of a
-         series of subfields, each of the form:
-            +---+---+---+---+==================================+
-            |SI1|SI2|  LEN  |... LEN bytes of subfield data ...|
-            +---+---+---+---+==================================+
-         SI1 and SI2 provide a subfield ID, typically two ASCII letters
-         with some mnemonic value.  Jean-Loup Gailly
-         <gzip at prep.ai.mit.edu> is maintaining a registry of subfield
-         IDs; please send him any subfield ID you wish to use.  Subfield
-         IDs with SI2 = 0 are reserved for future use.  The following
-         IDs are currently defined:
-Deutsch                      Informational                      [Page 8]
-RFC 1952             GZIP File Format Specification             May 1996
-            SI1         SI2         Data
-            ----------  ----------  ----
-            0x41 ('A')  0x70 ('P')  Apollo file type information
-         LEN gives the length of the subfield data, excluding the 4
-         initial bytes.
- Compliance
-         A compliant compressor must produce files with correct ID1,
-         ID2, CM, CRC32, and ISIZE, but may set all the other fields in
-         the fixed-length part of the header to default values (255 for
-         OS, 0 for all others).  The compressor must set all reserved
-         bits to zero.
-         A compliant decompressor must check ID1, ID2, and CM, and
-         provide an error indication if any of these have incorrect
-         values.  It must examine FEXTRA/XLEN, FNAME, FCOMMENT and FHCRC
-         at least so it can skip over the optional fields if they are
-         present.  It need not examine any other part of the header or
-         trailer; in particular, a decompressor may ignore FTEXT and OS
-         and always produce binary output, and still be compliant.  A
-         compliant decompressor must give an error indication if any
-         reserved bit is non-zero, since such a bit could indicate the
-         presence of a new field that would cause subsequent data to be
-         interpreted incorrectly.
-3. References
-   [1] "Information Processing - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic
-       character sets - Part 1: Latin alphabet No.1" (ISO 8859-1:1987).
-       The ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) character set is a superset of 7-bit
-       ASCII. Files defining this character set are available as
-       iso_8859-1.* in ftp://ftp.uu.net/graphics/png/documents/
-   [2] ISO 3309
-   [3] ITU-T recommendation V.42
-   [4] Deutsch, L.P.,"DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification",
-       available in ftp://ftp.uu.net/pub/archiving/zip/doc/
-   [5] Gailly, J.-L., GZIP documentation, available as gzip-*.tar in
-       ftp://prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu/
-   [6] Sarwate, D.V., "Computation of Cyclic Redundancy Checks via Table
-       Look-Up", Communications of the ACM, 31(8), pp.1008-1013.
-Deutsch                      Informational                      [Page 9]
-RFC 1952             GZIP File Format Specification             May 1996
-   [7] Schwaderer, W.D., "CRC Calculation", April 85 PC Tech Journal,
-       pp.118-133.
-   [8] ftp://ftp.adelaide.edu.au/pub/rocksoft/papers/crc_v3.txt,
-       describing the CRC concept.
-4. Security Considerations
-   Any data compression method involves the reduction of redundancy in
-   the data.  Consequently, any corruption of the data is likely to have
-   severe effects and be difficult to correct.  Uncompressed text, on
-   the other hand, will probably still be readable despite the presence
-   of some corrupted bytes.
-   It is recommended that systems using this data format provide some
-   means of validating the integrity of the compressed data, such as by
-   setting and checking the CRC-32 check value.
-5. Acknowledgements
-   Trademarks cited in this document are the property of their
-   respective owners.
-   Jean-Loup Gailly designed the gzip format and wrote, with Mark Adler,
-   the related software described in this specification.  Glenn
-   Randers-Pehrson converted this document to RFC and HTML format.
-6. Author's Address
-   L. Peter Deutsch
-   Aladdin Enterprises
-   203 Santa Margarita Ave.
-   Menlo Park, CA 94025
-   Phone: (415) 322-0103 (AM only)
-   FAX:   (415) 322-1734
-   EMail: <ghost at aladdin.com>
-   Questions about the technical content of this specification can be
-   sent by email to:
-   Jean-Loup Gailly <gzip at prep.ai.mit.edu> and
-   Mark Adler <madler at alumni.caltech.edu>
-   Editorial comments on this specification can be sent by email to:
-   L. Peter Deutsch <ghost at aladdin.com> and
-   Glenn Randers-Pehrson <randeg at alumni.rpi.edu>
-Deutsch                      Informational                     [Page 10]
-RFC 1952             GZIP File Format Specification             May 1996
-7. Appendix: Jean-Loup Gailly's gzip utility
-   The most widely used implementation of gzip compression, and the
-   original documentation on which this specification is based, were
-   created by Jean-Loup Gailly <gzip at prep.ai.mit.edu>.  Since this
-   implementation is a de facto standard, we mention some more of its
-   features here.  Again, the material in this section is not part of
-   the specification per se, and implementations need not follow it to
-   be compliant.
-   When compressing or decompressing a file, gzip preserves the
-   protection, ownership, and modification time attributes on the local
-   file system, since there is no provision for representing protection
-   attributes in the gzip file format itself.  Since the file format
-   includes a modification time, the gzip decompressor provides a
-   command line switch that assigns the modification time from the file,
-   rather than the local modification time of the compressed input, to
-   the decompressed output.
-8. Appendix: Sample CRC Code
-   The following sample code represents a practical implementation of
-   the CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check). (See also ISO 3309 and ITU-T V.42
-   for a formal specification.)
-   The sample code is in the ANSI C programming language. Non C users
-   may find it easier to read with these hints:
-      &      Bitwise AND operator.
-      ^      Bitwise exclusive-OR operator.
-      >>     Bitwise right shift operator. When applied to an
-             unsigned quantity, as here, right shift inserts zero
-             bit(s) at the left.
-      !      Logical NOT operator.
-      ++     "n++" increments the variable n.
-      0xNNN  0x introduces a hexadecimal (base 16) constant.
-             Suffix L indicates a long value (at least 32 bits).
-      /* Table of CRCs of all 8-bit messages. */
-      unsigned long crc_table[256];
-      /* Flag: has the table been computed? Initially false. */
-      int crc_table_computed = 0;
-      /* Make the table for a fast CRC. */
-      void make_crc_table(void)
-      {
-        unsigned long c;
-Deutsch                      Informational                     [Page 11]
-RFC 1952             GZIP File Format Specification             May 1996
-        int n, k;
-        for (n = 0; n < 256; n++) {
-          c = (unsigned long) n;
-          for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
-            if (c & 1) {
-              c = 0xedb88320L ^ (c >> 1);
-            } else {
-              c = c >> 1;
-            }
-          }
-          crc_table[n] = c;
-        }
-        crc_table_computed = 1;
-      }
-      /*
-         Update a running crc with the bytes buf[0..len-1] and return
-       the updated crc. The crc should be initialized to zero. Pre- and
-       post-conditioning (one's complement) is performed within this
-       function so it shouldn't be done by the caller. Usage example:
-         unsigned long crc = 0L;
-         while (read_buffer(buffer, length) != EOF) {
-           crc = update_crc(crc, buffer, length);
-         }
-         if (crc != original_crc) error();
-      */
-      unsigned long update_crc(unsigned long crc,
-                      unsigned char *buf, int len)
-      {
-        unsigned long c = crc ^ 0xffffffffL;
-        int n;
-        if (!crc_table_computed)
-          make_crc_table();
-        for (n = 0; n < len; n++) {
-          c = crc_table[(c ^ buf[n]) & 0xff] ^ (c >> 8);
-        }
-        return c ^ 0xffffffffL;
-      }
-      /* Return the CRC of the bytes buf[0..len-1]. */
-      unsigned long crc(unsigned char *buf, int len)
-      {
-        return update_crc(0L, buf, len);
-      }
-Deutsch                      Informational                     [Page 12]
diff --git a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/doc/txtvsbin.txt b/win32/3rdparty/zlib/doc/txtvsbin.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d0f063..0000000
--- a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/doc/txtvsbin.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-A Fast Method for Identifying Plain Text Files
-Given a file coming from an unknown source, it is sometimes desirable
-to find out whether the format of that file is plain text.  Although
-this may appear like a simple task, a fully accurate detection of the
-file type requires heavy-duty semantic analysis on the file contents.
-It is, however, possible to obtain satisfactory results by employing
-various heuristics.
-Previous versions of PKZip and other zip-compatible compression tools
-were using a crude detection scheme: if more than 80% (4/5) of the bytes
-found in a certain buffer are within the range [7..127], the file is
-labeled as plain text, otherwise it is labeled as binary.  A prominent
-limitation of this scheme is the restriction to Latin-based alphabets.
-Other alphabets, like Greek, Cyrillic or Asian, make extensive use of
-the bytes within the range [128..255], and texts using these alphabets
-are most often misidentified by this scheme; in other words, the rate
-of false negatives is sometimes too high, which means that the recall
-is low.  Another weakness of this scheme is a reduced precision, due to
-the false positives that may occur when binary files containing large
-amounts of textual characters are misidentified as plain text.
-In this article we propose a new, simple detection scheme that features
-a much increased precision and a near-100% recall.  This scheme is
-designed to work on ASCII, Unicode and other ASCII-derived alphabets,
-and it handles single-byte encodings (ISO-8859, MacRoman, KOI8, etc.)
-and variable-sized encodings (ISO-2022, UTF-8, etc.).  Wider encodings
-(UCS-2/UTF-16 and UCS-4/UTF-32) are not handled, however.
-The Algorithm
-The algorithm works by dividing the set of bytecodes [0..255] into three
-- The white list of textual bytecodes:
-  9 (TAB), 10 (LF), 13 (CR), 32 (SPACE) to 255.
-- The gray list of tolerated bytecodes:
-  7 (BEL), 8 (BS), 11 (VT), 12 (FF), 26 (SUB), 27 (ESC).
-- The black list of undesired, non-textual bytecodes:
-  0 (NUL) to 6, 14 to 31.
-If a file contains at least one byte that belongs to the white list and
-no byte that belongs to the black list, then the file is categorized as
-plain text; otherwise, it is categorized as binary.  (The boundary case,
-when the file is empty, automatically falls into the latter category.)
-The idea behind this algorithm relies on two observations.
-The first observation is that, although the full range of 7-bit codes
-[0..127] is properly specified by the ASCII standard, most control
-characters in the range [0..31] are not used in practice.  The only
-widely-used, almost universally-portable control codes are 9 (TAB),
-10 (LF) and 13 (CR).  There are a few more control codes that are
-recognized on a reduced range of platforms and text viewers/editors:
-7 (BEL), 8 (BS), 11 (VT), 12 (FF), 26 (SUB) and 27 (ESC); but these
-codes are rarely (if ever) used alone, without being accompanied by
-some printable text.  Even the newer, portable text formats such as
-XML avoid using control characters outside the list mentioned here.
-The second observation is that most of the binary files tend to contain
-control characters, especially 0 (NUL).  Even though the older text
-detection schemes observe the presence of non-ASCII codes from the range
-[128..255], the precision rarely has to suffer if this upper range is
-labeled as textual, because the files that are genuinely binary tend to
-contain both control characters and codes from the upper range.  On the
-other hand, the upper range needs to be labeled as textual, because it
-is used by virtually all ASCII extensions.  In particular, this range is
-used for encoding non-Latin scripts.
-Since there is no counting involved, other than simply observing the
-presence or the absence of some byte values, the algorithm produces
-consistent results, regardless what alphabet encoding is being used.
-(If counting were involved, it could be possible to obtain different
-results on a text encoded, say, using ISO-8859-16 versus UTF-8.)
-There is an extra category of plain text files that are "polluted" with
-one or more black-listed codes, either by mistake or by peculiar design
-considerations.  In such cases, a scheme that tolerates a small fraction
-of black-listed codes would provide an increased recall (i.e. more true
-positives).  This, however, incurs a reduced precision overall, since
-false positives are more likely to appear in binary files that contain
-large chunks of textual data.  Furthermore, "polluted" plain text should
-be regarded as binary by general-purpose text detection schemes, because
-general-purpose text processing algorithms might not be applicable.
-Under this premise, it is safe to say that our detection method provides
-a near-100% recall.
-Experiments have been run on many files coming from various platforms
-and applications.  We tried plain text files, system logs, source code,
-formatted office documents, compiled object code, etc.  The results
-confirm the optimistic assumptions about the capabilities of this
-Cosmin Truta
-Last updated: 2006-May-28
diff --git a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/examples/enough.c b/win32/3rdparty/zlib/examples/enough.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c40410b..0000000
--- a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/examples/enough.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,569 +0,0 @@
-/* enough.c -- determine the maximum size of inflate's Huffman code tables over
- * all possible valid and complete Huffman codes, subject to a length limit.
- * Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Mark Adler
- * Version 1.3  17 February 2008  Mark Adler
- */
-/* Version history:
-   1.0   3 Jan 2007  First version (derived from codecount.c version 1.4)
-   1.1   4 Jan 2007  Use faster incremental table usage computation
-                     Prune examine() search on previously visited states
-   1.2   5 Jan 2007  Comments clean up
-                     As inflate does, decrease root for short codes
-                     Refuse cases where inflate would increase root
-   1.3  17 Feb 2008  Add argument for initial root table size
-                     Fix bug for initial root table size == max - 1
-                     Use a macro to compute the history index
- */
-   Examine all possible Huffman codes for a given number of symbols and a
-   maximum code length in bits to determine the maximum table size for zilb's
-   inflate.  Only complete Huffman codes are counted.
-   Two codes are considered distinct if the vectors of the number of codes per
-   length are not identical.  So permutations of the symbol assignments result
-   in the same code for the counting, as do permutations of the assignments of
-   the bit values to the codes (i.e. only canonical codes are counted).
-   We build a code from shorter to longer lengths, determining how many symbols
-   are coded at each length.  At each step, we have how many symbols remain to
-   be coded, what the last code length used was, and how many bit patterns of
-   that length remain unused. Then we add one to the code length and double the
-   number of unused patterns to graduate to the next code length.  We then
-   assign all portions of the remaining symbols to that code length that
-   preserve the properties of a correct and eventually complete code.  Those
-   properties are: we cannot use more bit patterns than are available; and when
-   all the symbols are used, there are exactly zero possible bit patterns
-   remaining.
-   The inflate Huffman decoding algorithm uses two-level lookup tables for
-   speed.  There is a single first-level table to decode codes up to root bits
-   in length (root == 9 in the current inflate implementation).  The table
-   has 1 << root entries and is indexed by the next root bits of input.  Codes
-   shorter than root bits have replicated table entries, so that the correct
-   entry is pointed to regardless of the bits that follow the short code.  If
-   the code is longer than root bits, then the table entry points to a second-
-   level table.  The size of that table is determined by the longest code with
-   that root-bit prefix.  If that longest code has length len, then the table
-   has size 1 << (len - root), to index the remaining bits in that set of
-   codes.  Each subsequent root-bit prefix then has its own sub-table.  The
-   total number of table entries required by the code is calculated
-   incrementally as the number of codes at each bit length is populated.  When
-   all of the codes are shorter than root bits, then root is reduced to the
-   longest code length, resulting in a single, smaller, one-level table.
-   The inflate algorithm also provides for small values of root (relative to
-   the log2 of the number of symbols), where the shortest code has more bits
-   than root.  In that case, root is increased to the length of the shortest
-   code.  This program, by design, does not handle that case, so it is verified
-   that the number of symbols is less than 2^(root + 1).
-   In order to speed up the examination (by about ten orders of magnitude for
-   the default arguments), the intermediate states in the build-up of a code
-   are remembered and previously visited branches are pruned.  The memory
-   required for this will increase rapidly with the total number of symbols and
-   the maximum code length in bits.  However this is a very small price to pay
-   for the vast speedup.
-   First, all of the possible Huffman codes are counted, and reachable
-   intermediate states are noted by a non-zero count in a saved-results array.
-   Second, the intermediate states that lead to (root + 1) bit or longer codes
-   are used to look at all sub-codes from those junctures for their inflate
-   memory usage.  (The amount of memory used is not affected by the number of
-   codes of root bits or less in length.)  Third, the visited states in the
-   construction of those sub-codes and the associated calculation of the table
-   size is recalled in order to avoid recalculating from the same juncture.
-   Beginning the code examination at (root + 1) bit codes, which is enabled by
-   identifying the reachable nodes, accounts for about six of the orders of
-   magnitude of improvement for the default arguments.  About another four
-   orders of magnitude come from not revisiting previous states.  Out of
-   approximately 2x10^16 possible Huffman codes, only about 2x10^6 sub-codes
-   need to be examined to cover all of the possible table memory usage cases
-   for the default arguments of 286 symbols limited to 15-bit codes.
-   Note that an unsigned long long type is used for counting.  It is quite easy
-   to exceed the capacity of an eight-byte integer with a large number of
-   symbols and a large maximum code length, so multiple-precision arithmetic
-   would need to replace the unsigned long long arithmetic in that case.  This
-   program will abort if an overflow occurs.  The big_t type identifies where
-   the counting takes place.
-   An unsigned long long type is also used for calculating the number of
-   possible codes remaining at the maximum length.  This limits the maximum
-   code length to the number of bits in a long long minus the number of bits
-   needed to represent the symbols in a flat code.  The code_t type identifies
-   where the bit pattern counting takes place.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#define local static
-/* special data types */
-typedef unsigned long long big_t;   /* type for code counting */
-typedef unsigned long long code_t;  /* type for bit pattern counting */
-struct tab {                        /* type for been here check */
-    size_t len;         /* length of bit vector in char's */
-    char *vec;          /* allocated bit vector */
-/* The array for saving results, num[], is indexed with this triplet:
-      syms: number of symbols remaining to code
-      left: number of available bit patterns at length len
-      len: number of bits in the codes currently being assigned
-   Those indices are constrained thusly when saving results:
-      syms: 3..totsym (totsym == total symbols to code)
-      left: 2..syms - 1, but only the evens (so syms == 8 -> 2, 4, 6)
-      len: 1..max - 1 (max == maximum code length in bits)
-   syms == 2 is not saved since that immediately leads to a single code.  left
-   must be even, since it represents the number of available bit patterns at
-   the current length, which is double the number at the previous length.
-   left ends at syms-1 since left == syms immediately results in a single code.
-   (left > sym is not allowed since that would result in an incomplete code.)
-   len is less than max, since the code completes immediately when len == max.
-   The offset into the array is calculated for the three indices with the
-   first one (syms) being outermost, and the last one (len) being innermost.
-   We build the array with length max-1 lists for the len index, with syms-3
-   of those for each symbol.  There are totsym-2 of those, with each one
-   varying in length as a function of sym.  See the calculation of index in
-   count() for the index, and the calculation of size in main() for the size
-   of the array.
-   For the deflate example of 286 symbols limited to 15-bit codes, the array
-   has 284,284 entries, taking up 2.17 MB for an 8-byte big_t.  More than
-   half of the space allocated for saved results is actually used -- not all
-   possible triplets are reached in the generation of valid Huffman codes.
- */
-/* The array for tracking visited states, done[], is itself indexed identically
-   to the num[] array as described above for the (syms, left, len) triplet.
-   Each element in the array is further indexed by the (mem, rem) doublet,
-   where mem is the amount of inflate table space used so far, and rem is the
-   remaining unused entries in the current inflate sub-table.  Each indexed
-   element is simply one bit indicating whether the state has been visited or
-   not.  Since the ranges for mem and rem are not known a priori, each bit
-   vector is of a variable size, and grows as needed to accommodate the visited
-   states.  mem and rem are used to calculate a single index in a triangular
-   array.  Since the range of mem is expected in the default case to be about
-   ten times larger than the range of rem, the array is skewed to reduce the
-   memory usage, with eight times the range for mem than for rem.  See the
-   calculations for offset and bit in beenhere() for the details.
-   For the deflate example of 286 symbols limited to 15-bit codes, the bit
-   vectors grow to total approximately 21 MB, in addition to the 4.3 MB done[]
-   array itself.
- */
-/* Globals to avoid propagating constants or constant pointers recursively */
-local int max;          /* maximum allowed bit length for the codes */
-local int root;         /* size of base code table in bits */
-local int large;        /* largest code table so far */
-local size_t size;      /* number of elements in num and done */
-local int *code;        /* number of symbols assigned to each bit length */
-local big_t *num;       /* saved results array for code counting */
-local struct tab *done; /* states already evaluated array */
-/* Index function for num[] and done[] */
-#define INDEX(i,j,k) (((size_t)((i-1)>>1)*((i-2)>>1)+(j>>1)-1)*(max-1)+k-1)
-/* Free allocated space.  Uses globals code, num, and done. */
-local void cleanup(void)
-    size_t n;
-    if (done != NULL) {
-        for (n = 0; n < size; n++)
-            if (done[n].len)
-                free(done[n].vec);
-        free(done);
-    }
-    if (num != NULL)
-        free(num);
-    if (code != NULL)
-        free(code);
-/* Return the number of possible Huffman codes using bit patterns of lengths
-   len through max inclusive, coding syms symbols, with left bit patterns of
-   length len unused -- return -1 if there is an overflow in the counting.
-   Keep a record of previous results in num to prevent repeating the same
-   calculation.  Uses the globals max and num. */
-local big_t count(int syms, int len, int left)
-    big_t sum;          /* number of possible codes from this juncture */
-    big_t got;          /* value returned from count() */
-    int least;          /* least number of syms to use at this juncture */
-    int most;           /* most number of syms to use at this juncture */
-    int use;            /* number of bit patterns to use in next call */
-    size_t index;       /* index of this case in *num */
-    /* see if only one possible code */
-    if (syms == left)
-        return 1;
-    /* note and verify the expected state */
-    assert(syms > left && left > 0 && len < max);
-    /* see if we've done this one already */
-    index = INDEX(syms, left, len);
-    got = num[index];
-    if (got)
-        return got;         /* we have -- return the saved result */
-    /* we need to use at least this many bit patterns so that the code won't be
-       incomplete at the next length (more bit patterns than symbols) */
-    least = (left << 1) - syms;
-    if (least < 0)
-        least = 0;
-    /* we can use at most this many bit patterns, lest there not be enough
-       available for the remaining symbols at the maximum length (if there were
-       no limit to the code length, this would become: most = left - 1) */
-    most = (((code_t)left << (max - len)) - syms) /
-            (((code_t)1 << (max - len)) - 1);
-    /* count all possible codes from this juncture and add them up */
-    sum = 0;
-    for (use = least; use <= most; use++) {
-        got = count(syms - use, len + 1, (left - use) << 1);
-        sum += got;
-        if (got == -1 || sum < got)         /* overflow */
-            return -1;
-    }
-    /* verify that all recursive calls are productive */
-    assert(sum != 0);
-    /* save the result and return it */
-    num[index] = sum;
-    return sum;
-/* Return true if we've been here before, set to true if not.  Set a bit in a
-   bit vector to indicate visiting this state.  Each (syms,len,left) state
-   has a variable size bit vector indexed by (mem,rem).  The bit vector is
-   lengthened if needed to allow setting the (mem,rem) bit. */
-local int beenhere(int syms, int len, int left, int mem, int rem)
-    size_t index;       /* index for this state's bit vector */
-    size_t offset;      /* offset in this state's bit vector */
-    int bit;            /* mask for this state's bit */
-    size_t length;      /* length of the bit vector in bytes */
-    char *vector;       /* new or enlarged bit vector */
-    /* point to vector for (syms,left,len), bit in vector for (mem,rem) */
-    index = INDEX(syms, left, len);
-    mem -= 1 << root;
-    offset = (mem >> 3) + rem;
-    offset = ((offset * (offset + 1)) >> 1) + rem;
-    bit = 1 << (mem & 7);
-    /* see if we've been here */
-    length = done[index].len;
-    if (offset < length && (done[index].vec[offset] & bit) != 0)
-        return 1;       /* done this! */
-    /* we haven't been here before -- set the bit to show we have now */
-    /* see if we need to lengthen the vector in order to set the bit */
-    if (length <= offset) {
-        /* if we have one already, enlarge it, zero out the appended space */
-        if (length) {
-            do {
-                length <<= 1;
-            } while (length <= offset);
-            vector = realloc(done[index].vec, length);
-            if (vector != NULL)
-                memset(vector + done[index].len, 0, length - done[index].len);
-        }
-        /* otherwise we need to make a new vector and zero it out */
-        else {
-            length = 1 << (len - root);
-            while (length <= offset)
-                length <<= 1;
-            vector = calloc(length, sizeof(char));
-        }
-        /* in either case, bail if we can't get the memory */
-        if (vector == NULL) {
-            fputs("abort: unable to allocate enough memory\n", stderr);
-            cleanup();
-            exit(1);
-        }
-        /* install the new vector */
-        done[index].len = length;
-        done[index].vec = vector;
-    }
-    /* set the bit */
-    done[index].vec[offset] |= bit;
-    return 0;
-/* Examine all possible codes from the given node (syms, len, left).  Compute
-   the amount of memory required to build inflate's decoding tables, where the
-   number of code structures used so far is mem, and the number remaining in
-   the current sub-table is rem.  Uses the globals max, code, root, large, and
-   done. */
-local void examine(int syms, int len, int left, int mem, int rem)
-    int least;          /* least number of syms to use at this juncture */
-    int most;           /* most number of syms to use at this juncture */
-    int use;            /* number of bit patterns to use in next call */
-    /* see if we have a complete code */
-    if (syms == left) {
-        /* set the last code entry */
-        code[len] = left;
-        /* complete computation of memory used by this code */
-        while (rem < left) {
-            left -= rem;
-            rem = 1 << (len - root);
-            mem += rem;
-        }
-        assert(rem == left);
-        /* if this is a new maximum, show the entries used and the sub-code */
-        if (mem > large) {
-            large = mem;
-            printf("max %d: ", mem);
-            for (use = root + 1; use <= max; use++)
-                if (code[use])
-                    printf("%d[%d] ", code[use], use);
-            putchar('\n');
-            fflush(stdout);
-        }
-        /* remove entries as we drop back down in the recursion */
-        code[len] = 0;
-        return;
-    }
-    /* prune the tree if we can */
-    if (beenhere(syms, len, left, mem, rem))
-        return;
-    /* we need to use at least this many bit patterns so that the code won't be
-       incomplete at the next length (more bit patterns than symbols) */
-    least = (left << 1) - syms;
-    if (least < 0)
-        least = 0;
-    /* we can use at most this many bit patterns, lest there not be enough
-       available for the remaining symbols at the maximum length (if there were
-       no limit to the code length, this would become: most = left - 1) */
-    most = (((code_t)left << (max - len)) - syms) /
-            (((code_t)1 << (max - len)) - 1);
-    /* occupy least table spaces, creating new sub-tables as needed */
-    use = least;
-    while (rem < use) {
-        use -= rem;
-        rem = 1 << (len - root);
-        mem += rem;
-    }
-    rem -= use;
-    /* examine codes from here, updating table space as we go */
-    for (use = least; use <= most; use++) {
-        code[len] = use;
-        examine(syms - use, len + 1, (left - use) << 1,
-                mem + (rem ? 1 << (len - root) : 0), rem << 1);
-        if (rem == 0) {
-            rem = 1 << (len - root);
-            mem += rem;
-        }
-        rem--;
-    }
-    /* remove entries as we drop back down in the recursion */
-    code[len] = 0;
-/* Look at all sub-codes starting with root + 1 bits.  Look at only the valid
-   intermediate code states (syms, left, len).  For each completed code,
-   calculate the amount of memory required by inflate to build the decoding
-   tables. Find the maximum amount of memory required and show the code that
-   requires that maximum.  Uses the globals max, root, and num. */
-local void enough(int syms)
-    int n;              /* number of remaing symbols for this node */
-    int left;           /* number of unused bit patterns at this length */
-    size_t index;       /* index of this case in *num */
-    /* clear code */
-    for (n = 0; n <= max; n++)
-        code[n] = 0;
-    /* look at all (root + 1) bit and longer codes */
-    large = 1 << root;              /* base table */
-    if (root < max)                 /* otherwise, there's only a base table */
-        for (n = 3; n <= syms; n++)
-            for (left = 2; left < n; left += 2)
-            {
-                /* look at all reachable (root + 1) bit nodes, and the
-                   resulting codes (complete at root + 2 or more) */
-                index = INDEX(n, left, root + 1);
-                if (root + 1 < max && num[index])       /* reachable node */
-                    examine(n, root + 1, left, 1 << root, 0);
-                /* also look at root bit codes with completions at root + 1
-                   bits (not saved in num, since complete), just in case */
-                if (num[index - 1] && n <= left << 1)
-                    examine((n - left) << 1, root + 1, (n - left) << 1,
-                            1 << root, 0);
-            }
-    /* done */
-    printf("done: maximum of %d table entries\n", large);
-   Examine and show the total number of possible Huffman codes for a given
-   maximum number of symbols, initial root table size, and maximum code length
-   in bits -- those are the command arguments in that order.  The default
-   values are 286, 9, and 15 respectively, for the deflate literal/length code.
-   The possible codes are counted for each number of coded symbols from two to
-   the maximum.  The counts for each of those and the total number of codes are
-   shown.  The maximum number of inflate table entires is then calculated
-   across all possible codes.  Each new maximum number of table entries and the
-   associated sub-code (starting at root + 1 == 10 bits) is shown.
-   To count and examine Huffman codes that are not length-limited, provide a
-   maximum length equal to the number of symbols minus one.
-   For the deflate literal/length code, use "enough".  For the deflate distance
-   code, use "enough 30 6".
-   This uses the %llu printf format to print big_t numbers, which assumes that
-   big_t is an unsigned long long.  If the big_t type is changed (for example
-   to a multiple precision type), the method of printing will also need to be
-   updated.
- */
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-    int syms;           /* total number of symbols to code */
-    int n;              /* number of symbols to code for this run */
-    big_t got;          /* return value of count() */
-    big_t sum;          /* accumulated number of codes over n */
-    /* set up globals for cleanup() */
-    code = NULL;
-    num = NULL;
-    done = NULL;
-    /* get arguments -- default to the deflate literal/length code */
-    syms = 286;
-        root = 9;
-    max = 15;
-    if (argc > 1) {
-        syms = atoi(argv[1]);
-        if (argc > 2) {
-            root = atoi(argv[2]);
-                        if (argc > 3)
-                                max = atoi(argv[3]);
-                }
-    }
-    if (argc > 4 || syms < 2 || root < 1 || max < 1) {
-        fputs("invalid arguments, need: [sym >= 2 [root >= 1 [max >= 1]]]\n",
-                          stderr);
-        return 1;
-    }
-    /* if not restricting the code length, the longest is syms - 1 */
-    if (max > syms - 1)
-        max = syms - 1;
-    /* determine the number of bits in a code_t */
-    n = 0;
-    while (((code_t)1 << n) != 0)
-        n++;
-    /* make sure that the calculation of most will not overflow */
-    if (max > n || syms - 2 >= (((code_t)0 - 1) >> (max - 1))) {
-        fputs("abort: code length too long for internal types\n", stderr);
-        return 1;
-    }
-    /* reject impossible code requests */
-    if (syms - 1 > ((code_t)1 << max) - 1) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "%d symbols cannot be coded in %d bits\n",
-                syms, max);
-        return 1;
-    }
-    /* allocate code vector */
-    code = calloc(max + 1, sizeof(int));
-    if (code == NULL) {
-        fputs("abort: unable to allocate enough memory\n", stderr);
-        return 1;
-    }
-    /* determine size of saved results array, checking for overflows,
-       allocate and clear the array (set all to zero with calloc()) */
-    if (syms == 2)              /* iff max == 1 */
-        num = NULL;             /* won't be saving any results */
-    else {
-        size = syms >> 1;
-        if (size > ((size_t)0 - 1) / (n = (syms - 1) >> 1) ||
-                (size *= n, size > ((size_t)0 - 1) / (n = max - 1)) ||
-                (size *= n, size > ((size_t)0 - 1) / sizeof(big_t)) ||
-                (num = calloc(size, sizeof(big_t))) == NULL) {
-            fputs("abort: unable to allocate enough memory\n", stderr);
-            cleanup();
-            return 1;
-        }
-    }
-    /* count possible codes for all numbers of symbols, add up counts */
-    sum = 0;
-    for (n = 2; n <= syms; n++) {
-        got = count(n, 1, 2);
-        sum += got;
-        if (got == -1 || sum < got) {       /* overflow */
-            fputs("abort: can't count that high!\n", stderr);
-            cleanup();
-            return 1;
-        }
-        printf("%llu %d-codes\n", got, n);
-    }
-    printf("%llu total codes for 2 to %d symbols", sum, syms);
-    if (max < syms - 1)
-        printf(" (%d-bit length limit)\n", max);
-    else
-        puts(" (no length limit)");
-    /* allocate and clear done array for beenhere() */
-    if (syms == 2)
-        done = NULL;
-    else if (size > ((size_t)0 - 1) / sizeof(struct tab) ||
-             (done = calloc(size, sizeof(struct tab))) == NULL) {
-        fputs("abort: unable to allocate enough memory\n", stderr);
-        cleanup();
-        return 1;
-    }
-    /* find and show maximum inflate table usage */
-        if (root > max)                 /* reduce root to max length */
-                root = max;
-    if (syms < ((code_t)1 << (root + 1)))
-        enough(syms);
-    else
-        puts("cannot handle minimum code lengths > root");
-    /* done */
-    cleanup();
-    return 0;
diff --git a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/gzclose.c b/win32/3rdparty/zlib/gzclose.c
deleted file mode 100644
index caeb99a..0000000
--- a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/gzclose.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-/* gzclose.c -- zlib gzclose() function
- * Copyright (C) 2004, 2010 Mark Adler
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
- */
-#include "gzguts.h"
-/* gzclose() is in a separate file so that it is linked in only if it is used.
-   That way the other gzclose functions can be used instead to avoid linking in
-   unneeded compression or decompression routines. */
-int ZEXPORT gzclose(file)
-    gzFile file;
-    gz_statep state;
-    if (file == NULL)
-        return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
-    state = (gz_statep)file;
-    return state->mode == GZ_READ ? gzclose_r(file) : gzclose_w(file);
-    return gzclose_r(file);
diff --git a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/gzguts.h b/win32/3rdparty/zlib/gzguts.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f8fb79..0000000
--- a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/gzguts.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-/* gzguts.h -- zlib internal header definitions for gz* operations
- * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2010 Mark Adler
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
- */
-#    define _LARGEFILE_SOURCE 1
-#  endif
-#    undef _FILE_OFFSET_BITS
-#  endif
-#if ((__GNUC__-0) * 10 + __GNUC_MINOR__-0 >= 33) && !defined(NO_VIZ)
-#  define ZLIB_INTERNAL __attribute__((visibility ("hidden")))
-#  define ZLIB_INTERNAL
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "zlib.h"
-#ifdef STDC
-#  include <string.h>
-#  include <stdlib.h>
-#  include <limits.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#ifdef NO_DEFLATE       /* for compatibility with old definition */
-#  define NO_GZCOMPRESS
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#  include <io.h>
-#  define vsnprintf _vsnprintf
-#ifndef local
-#  define local static
-/* compile with -Dlocal if your debugger can't find static symbols */
-/* gz* functions always use library allocation functions */
-#ifndef STDC
-  extern voidp  malloc OF((uInt size));
-  extern void   free   OF((voidpf ptr));
-/* get errno and strerror definition */
-#if defined UNDER_CE
-#  include <windows.h>
-#  define zstrerror() gz_strwinerror((DWORD)GetLastError())
-#  ifdef STDC
-#    include <errno.h>
-#    define zstrerror() strerror(errno)
-#  else
-#    define zstrerror() "stdio error (consult errno)"
-#  endif
-/* provide prototypes for these when building zlib without LFS */
-#if !defined(_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE) || _LFS64_LARGEFILE-0 == 0
-    ZEXTERN gzFile ZEXPORT gzopen64 OF((const char *, const char *));
-    ZEXTERN z_off64_t ZEXPORT gzseek64 OF((gzFile, z_off64_t, int));
-    ZEXTERN z_off64_t ZEXPORT gztell64 OF((gzFile));
-    ZEXTERN z_off64_t ZEXPORT gzoffset64 OF((gzFile));
-/* default i/o buffer size -- double this for output when reading */
-#define GZBUFSIZE 8192
-/* gzip modes, also provide a little integrity check on the passed structure */
-#define GZ_NONE 0
-#define GZ_READ 7247
-#define GZ_WRITE 31153
-#define GZ_APPEND 1     /* mode set to GZ_WRITE after the file is opened */
-/* values for gz_state how */
-#define LOOK 0      /* look for a gzip header */
-#define COPY 1      /* copy input directly */
-#define GZIP 2      /* decompress a gzip stream */
-/* internal gzip file state data structure */
-typedef struct {
-        /* used for both reading and writing */
-    int mode;               /* see gzip modes above */
-    int fd;                 /* file descriptor */
-    char *path;             /* path or fd for error messages */
-    z_off64_t pos;          /* current position in uncompressed data */
-    unsigned size;          /* buffer size, zero if not allocated yet */
-    unsigned want;          /* requested buffer size, default is GZBUFSIZE */
-    unsigned char *in;      /* input buffer */
-    unsigned char *out;     /* output buffer (double-sized when reading) */
-    unsigned char *next;    /* next output data to deliver or write */
-        /* just for reading */
-    unsigned have;          /* amount of output data unused at next */
-    int eof;                /* true if end of input file reached */
-    z_off64_t start;        /* where the gzip data started, for rewinding */
-    z_off64_t raw;          /* where the raw data started, for seeking */
-    int how;                /* 0: get header, 1: copy, 2: decompress */
-    int direct;             /* true if last read direct, false if gzip */
-        /* just for writing */
-    int level;              /* compression level */
-    int strategy;           /* compression strategy */
-        /* seek request */
-    z_off64_t skip;         /* amount to skip (already rewound if backwards) */
-    int seek;               /* true if seek request pending */
-        /* error information */
-    int err;                /* error code */
-    char *msg;              /* error message */
-        /* zlib inflate or deflate stream */
-    z_stream strm;          /* stream structure in-place (not a pointer) */
-} gz_state;
-typedef gz_state FAR *gz_statep;
-/* shared functions */
-void ZLIB_INTERNAL gz_error OF((gz_statep, int, const char *));
-#if defined UNDER_CE
-char ZLIB_INTERNAL *gz_strwinerror OF((DWORD error));
-/* GT_OFF(x), where x is an unsigned value, is true if x > maximum z_off64_t
-   value -- needed when comparing unsigned to z_off64_t, which is signed
-   (possible z_off64_t types off_t, off64_t, and long are all signed) */
-#ifdef INT_MAX
-#  define GT_OFF(x) (sizeof(int) == sizeof(z_off64_t) && (x) > INT_MAX)
-unsigned ZLIB_INTERNAL gz_intmax OF((void));
-#  define GT_OFF(x) (sizeof(int) == sizeof(z_off64_t) && (x) > gz_intmax())
diff --git a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/gzlib.c b/win32/3rdparty/zlib/gzlib.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 603e60e..0000000
--- a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/gzlib.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,537 +0,0 @@
-/* gzlib.c -- zlib functions common to reading and writing gzip files
- * Copyright (C) 2004, 2010 Mark Adler
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
- */
-#include "gzguts.h"
-#if defined(_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE) && _LFS64_LARGEFILE-0
-#  define LSEEK lseek64
-#  define LSEEK lseek
-/* Local functions */
-local void gz_reset OF((gz_statep));
-local gzFile gz_open OF((const char *, int, const char *));
-#if defined UNDER_CE
-/* Map the Windows error number in ERROR to a locale-dependent error message
-   string and return a pointer to it.  Typically, the values for ERROR come
-   from GetLastError.
-   The string pointed to shall not be modified by the application, but may be
-   overwritten by a subsequent call to gz_strwinerror
-   The gz_strwinerror function does not change the current setting of
-   GetLastError. */
-char ZLIB_INTERNAL *gz_strwinerror (error)
-     DWORD error;
-    static char buf[1024];
-    wchar_t *msgbuf;
-    DWORD lasterr = GetLastError();
-        NULL,
-        error,
-        0, /* Default language */
-        (LPVOID)&msgbuf,
-        0,
-        NULL);
-    if (chars != 0) {
-        /* If there is an \r\n appended, zap it.  */
-        if (chars >= 2
-            && msgbuf[chars - 2] == '\r' && msgbuf[chars - 1] == '\n') {
-            chars -= 2;
-            msgbuf[chars] = 0;
-        }
-        if (chars > sizeof (buf) - 1) {
-            chars = sizeof (buf) - 1;
-            msgbuf[chars] = 0;
-        }
-        wcstombs(buf, msgbuf, chars + 1);
-        LocalFree(msgbuf);
-    }
-    else {
-        sprintf(buf, "unknown win32 error (%ld)", error);
-    }
-    SetLastError(lasterr);
-    return buf;
-#endif /* UNDER_CE */
-/* Reset gzip file state */
-local void gz_reset(state)
-    gz_statep state;
-    if (state->mode == GZ_READ) {   /* for reading ... */
-        state->have = 0;            /* no output data available */
-        state->eof = 0;             /* not at end of file */
-        state->how = LOOK;          /* look for gzip header */
-        state->direct = 1;          /* default for empty file */
-    }
-    state->seek = 0;                /* no seek request pending */
-    gz_error(state, Z_OK, NULL);    /* clear error */
-    state->pos = 0;                 /* no uncompressed data yet */
-    state->strm.avail_in = 0;       /* no input data yet */
-/* Open a gzip file either by name or file descriptor. */
-local gzFile gz_open(path, fd, mode)
-    const char *path;
-    int fd;
-    const char *mode;
-    gz_statep state;
-    /* allocate gzFile structure to return */
-    state = malloc(sizeof(gz_state));
-    if (state == NULL)
-        return NULL;
-    state->size = 0;            /* no buffers allocated yet */
-    state->want = GZBUFSIZE;    /* requested buffer size */
-    state->msg = NULL;          /* no error message yet */
-    /* interpret mode */
-    state->mode = GZ_NONE;
-    state->level = Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION;
-    state->strategy = Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY;
-    while (*mode) {
-        if (*mode >= '0' && *mode <= '9')
-            state->level = *mode - '0';
-        else
-            switch (*mode) {
-            case 'r':
-                state->mode = GZ_READ;
-                break;
-            case 'w':
-                state->mode = GZ_WRITE;
-                break;
-            case 'a':
-                state->mode = GZ_APPEND;
-                break;
-            case '+':       /* can't read and write at the same time */
-                free(state);
-                return NULL;
-            case 'b':       /* ignore -- will request binary anyway */
-                break;
-            case 'f':
-                state->strategy = Z_FILTERED;
-                break;
-            case 'h':
-                state->strategy = Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY;
-                break;
-            case 'R':
-                state->strategy = Z_RLE;
-                break;
-            case 'F':
-                state->strategy = Z_FIXED;
-            default:        /* could consider as an error, but just ignore */
-                ;
-            }
-        mode++;
-    }
-    /* must provide an "r", "w", or "a" */
-    if (state->mode == GZ_NONE) {
-        free(state);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    /* save the path name for error messages */
-    state->path = malloc(strlen(path) + 1);
-    if (state->path == NULL) {
-        free(state);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    strcpy(state->path, path);
-    /* open the file with the appropriate mode (or just use fd) */
-    state->fd = fd != -1 ? fd :
-        open(path,
-            O_LARGEFILE |
-#ifdef O_BINARY
-            O_BINARY |
-            (state->mode == GZ_READ ?
-                O_RDONLY :
-                (O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | (
-                    state->mode == GZ_WRITE ?
-                        O_TRUNC :
-                        O_APPEND))),
-            0666);
-    if (state->fd == -1) {
-        free(state->path);
-        free(state);
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    if (state->mode == GZ_APPEND)
-        state->mode = GZ_WRITE;         /* simplify later checks */
-    /* save the current position for rewinding (only if reading) */
-    if (state->mode == GZ_READ) {
-        state->start = LSEEK(state->fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
-        if (state->start == -1) state->start = 0;
-    }
-    /* initialize stream */
-    gz_reset(state);
-    /* return stream */
-    return (gzFile)state;
-/* -- see zlib.h -- */
-gzFile ZEXPORT gzopen(path, mode)
-    const char *path;
-    const char *mode;
-    return gz_open(path, -1, mode);
-/* -- see zlib.h -- */
-gzFile ZEXPORT gzopen64(path, mode)
-    const char *path;
-    const char *mode;
-    return gz_open(path, -1, mode);
-/* -- see zlib.h -- */
-gzFile ZEXPORT gzdopen(fd, mode)
-    int fd;
-    const char *mode;
-    char *path;         /* identifier for error messages */
-    gzFile gz;
-    if (fd == -1 || (path = malloc(7 + 3 * sizeof(int))) == NULL)
-        return NULL;
-    sprintf(path, "<fd:%d>", fd);   /* for debugging */
-    gz = gz_open(path, fd, mode);
-    free(path);
-    return gz;
-/* -- see zlib.h -- */
-int ZEXPORT gzbuffer(file, size)
-    gzFile file;
-    unsigned size;
-    gz_statep state;
-    /* get internal structure and check integrity */
-    if (file == NULL)
-        return -1;
-    state = (gz_statep)file;
-    if (state->mode != GZ_READ && state->mode != GZ_WRITE)
-        return -1;
-    /* make sure we haven't already allocated memory */
-    if (state->size != 0)
-        return -1;
-    /* check and set requested size */
-    if (size == 0)
-        return -1;
-    state->want = size;
-    return 0;
-/* -- see zlib.h -- */
-int ZEXPORT gzrewind(file)
-    gzFile file;
-    gz_statep state;
-    /* get internal structure */
-    if (file == NULL)
-        return -1;
-    state = (gz_statep)file;
-    /* check that we're reading and that there's no error */
-    if (state->mode != GZ_READ || state->err != Z_OK)
-        return -1;
-    /* back up and start over */
-    if (LSEEK(state->fd, state->start, SEEK_SET) == -1)
-        return -1;
-    gz_reset(state);
-    return 0;
-/* -- see zlib.h -- */
-z_off64_t ZEXPORT gzseek64(file, offset, whence)
-    gzFile file;
-    z_off64_t offset;
-    int whence;
-    unsigned n;
-    z_off64_t ret;
-    gz_statep state;
-    /* get internal structure and check integrity */
-    if (file == NULL)
-        return -1;
-    state = (gz_statep)file;
-    if (state->mode != GZ_READ && state->mode != GZ_WRITE)
-        return -1;
-    /* check that there's no error */
-    if (state->err != Z_OK)
-        return -1;
-    /* can only seek from start or relative to current position */
-    if (whence != SEEK_SET && whence != SEEK_CUR)
-        return -1;
-    /* normalize offset to a SEEK_CUR specification */
-    if (whence == SEEK_SET)
-        offset -= state->pos;
-    else if (state->seek)
-        offset += state->skip;
-    state->seek = 0;
-    /* if within raw area while reading, just go there */
-    if (state->mode == GZ_READ && state->how == COPY &&
-        state->pos + offset >= state->raw) {
-        ret = LSEEK(state->fd, offset - state->have, SEEK_CUR);
-        if (ret == -1)
-            return -1;
-        state->have = 0;
-        state->eof = 0;
-        state->seek = 0;
-        gz_error(state, Z_OK, NULL);
-        state->strm.avail_in = 0;
-        state->pos += offset;
-        return state->pos;
-    }
-    /* calculate skip amount, rewinding if needed for back seek when reading */
-    if (offset < 0) {
-        if (state->mode != GZ_READ)         /* writing -- can't go backwards */
-            return -1;
-        offset += state->pos;
-        if (offset < 0)                     /* before start of file! */
-            return -1;
-        if (gzrewind(file) == -1)           /* rewind, then skip to offset */
-            return -1;
-    }
-    /* if reading, skip what's in output buffer (one less gzgetc() check) */
-    if (state->mode == GZ_READ) {
-        n = GT_OFF(state->have) || (z_off64_t)state->have > offset ?
-            (unsigned)offset : state->have;
-        state->have -= n;
-        state->next += n;
-        state->pos += n;
-        offset -= n;
-    }
-    /* request skip (if not zero) */
-    if (offset) {
-        state->seek = 1;
-        state->skip = offset;
-    }
-    return state->pos + offset;
-/* -- see zlib.h -- */
-z_off_t ZEXPORT gzseek(file, offset, whence)
-    gzFile file;
-    z_off_t offset;
-    int whence;
-    z_off64_t ret;
-    ret = gzseek64(file, (z_off64_t)offset, whence);
-    return ret == (z_off_t)ret ? (z_off_t)ret : -1;
-/* -- see zlib.h -- */
-z_off64_t ZEXPORT gztell64(file)
-    gzFile file;
-    gz_statep state;
-    /* get internal structure and check integrity */
-    if (file == NULL)
-        return -1;
-    state = (gz_statep)file;
-    if (state->mode != GZ_READ && state->mode != GZ_WRITE)
-        return -1;
-    /* return position */
-    return state->pos + (state->seek ? state->skip : 0);
-/* -- see zlib.h -- */
-z_off_t ZEXPORT gztell(file)
-    gzFile file;
-    z_off64_t ret;
-    ret = gztell64(file);
-    return ret == (z_off_t)ret ? (z_off_t)ret : -1;
-/* -- see zlib.h -- */
-z_off64_t ZEXPORT gzoffset64(file)
-    gzFile file;
-    z_off64_t offset;
-    gz_statep state;
-    /* get internal structure and check integrity */
-    if (file == NULL)
-        return -1;
-    state = (gz_statep)file;
-    if (state->mode != GZ_READ && state->mode != GZ_WRITE)
-        return -1;
-    /* compute and return effective offset in file */
-    offset = LSEEK(state->fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
-    if (offset == -1)
-        return -1;
-    if (state->mode == GZ_READ)             /* reading */
-        offset -= state->strm.avail_in;     /* don't count buffered input */
-    return offset;
-/* -- see zlib.h -- */
-z_off_t ZEXPORT gzoffset(file)
-    gzFile file;
-    z_off64_t ret;
-    ret = gzoffset64(file);
-    return ret == (z_off_t)ret ? (z_off_t)ret : -1;
-/* -- see zlib.h -- */
-int ZEXPORT gzeof(file)
-    gzFile file;
-    gz_statep state;
-    /* get internal structure and check integrity */
-    if (file == NULL)
-        return 0;
-    state = (gz_statep)file;
-    if (state->mode != GZ_READ && state->mode != GZ_WRITE)
-        return 0;
-    /* return end-of-file state */
-    return state->mode == GZ_READ ?
-        (state->eof && state->strm.avail_in == 0 && state->have == 0) : 0;
-/* -- see zlib.h -- */
-const char * ZEXPORT gzerror(file, errnum)
-    gzFile file;
-    int *errnum;
-    gz_statep state;
-    /* get internal structure and check integrity */
-    if (file == NULL)
-        return NULL;
-    state = (gz_statep)file;
-    if (state->mode != GZ_READ && state->mode != GZ_WRITE)
-        return NULL;
-    /* return error information */
-    if (errnum != NULL)
-        *errnum = state->err;
-    return state->msg == NULL ? "" : state->msg;
-/* -- see zlib.h -- */
-void ZEXPORT gzclearerr(file)
-    gzFile file;
-    gz_statep state;
-    /* get internal structure and check integrity */
-    if (file == NULL)
-        return;
-    state = (gz_statep)file;
-    if (state->mode != GZ_READ && state->mode != GZ_WRITE)
-        return;
-    /* clear error and end-of-file */
-    if (state->mode == GZ_READ)
-        state->eof = 0;
-    gz_error(state, Z_OK, NULL);
-/* Create an error message in allocated memory and set state->err and
-   state->msg accordingly.  Free any previous error message already there.  Do
-   not try to free or allocate space if the error is Z_MEM_ERROR (out of
-   memory).  Simply save the error message as a static string.  If there is an
-   allocation failure constructing the error message, then convert the error to
-   out of memory. */
-void ZLIB_INTERNAL gz_error(state, err, msg)
-    gz_statep state;
-    int err;
-    const char *msg;
-    /* free previously allocated message and clear */
-    if (state->msg != NULL) {
-        if (state->err != Z_MEM_ERROR)
-            free(state->msg);
-        state->msg = NULL;
-    }
-    /* set error code, and if no message, then done */
-    state->err = err;
-    if (msg == NULL)
-        return;
-    /* for an out of memory error, save as static string */
-    if (err == Z_MEM_ERROR) {
-        state->msg = (char *)msg;
-        return;
-    }
-    /* construct error message with path */
-    if ((state->msg = malloc(strlen(state->path) + strlen(msg) + 3)) == NULL) {
-        state->err = Z_MEM_ERROR;
-        state->msg = (char *)"out of memory";
-        return;
-    }
-    strcpy(state->msg, state->path);
-    strcat(state->msg, ": ");
-    strcat(state->msg, msg);
-    return;
-#ifndef INT_MAX
-/* portably return maximum value for an int (when limits.h presumed not
-   available) -- we need to do this to cover cases where 2's complement not
-   used, since C standard permits 1's complement and sign-bit representations,
-   otherwise we could just use ((unsigned)-1) >> 1 */
-unsigned ZLIB_INTERNAL gz_intmax()
-    unsigned p, q;
-    p = 1;
-    do {
-        q = p;
-        p <<= 1;
-        p++;
-    } while (p > q);
-    return q >> 1;
diff --git a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/gzread.c b/win32/3rdparty/zlib/gzread.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 548201a..0000000
--- a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/gzread.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,653 +0,0 @@
-/* gzread.c -- zlib functions for reading gzip files
- * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2010 Mark Adler
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
- */
-#include "gzguts.h"
-/* Local functions */
-local int gz_load OF((gz_statep, unsigned char *, unsigned, unsigned *));
-local int gz_avail OF((gz_statep));
-local int gz_next4 OF((gz_statep, unsigned long *));
-local int gz_head OF((gz_statep));
-local int gz_decomp OF((gz_statep));
-local int gz_make OF((gz_statep));
-local int gz_skip OF((gz_statep, z_off64_t));
-/* Use read() to load a buffer -- return -1 on error, otherwise 0.  Read from
-   state->fd, and update state->eof, state->err, and state->msg as appropriate.
-   This function needs to loop on read(), since read() is not guaranteed to
-   read the number of bytes requested, depending on the type of descriptor. */
-local int gz_load(state, buf, len, have)
-    gz_statep state;
-    unsigned char *buf;
-    unsigned len;
-    unsigned *have;
-    int ret;
-    *have = 0;
-    do {
-        ret = read(state->fd, buf + *have, len - *have);
-        if (ret <= 0)
-            break;
-        *have += ret;
-    } while (*have < len);
-    if (ret < 0) {
-        gz_error(state, Z_ERRNO, zstrerror());
-        return -1;
-    }
-    if (ret == 0)
-        state->eof = 1;
-    return 0;
-/* Load up input buffer and set eof flag if last data loaded -- return -1 on
-   error, 0 otherwise.  Note that the eof flag is set when the end of the input
-   file is reached, even though there may be unused data in the buffer.  Once
-   that data has been used, no more attempts will be made to read the file.
-   gz_avail() assumes that strm->avail_in == 0. */
-local int gz_avail(state)
-    gz_statep state;
-    z_streamp strm = &(state->strm);
-    if (state->err != Z_OK)
-        return -1;
-    if (state->eof == 0) {
-        if (gz_load(state, state->in, state->size,
-                (unsigned *)&(strm->avail_in)) == -1)
-            return -1;
-        strm->next_in = state->in;
-    }
-    return 0;
-/* Get next byte from input, or -1 if end or error. */
-#define NEXT() ((strm->avail_in == 0 && gz_avail(state) == -1) ? -1 : \
-                (strm->avail_in == 0 ? -1 : \
-                 (strm->avail_in--, *(strm->next_in)++)))
-/* Get a four-byte little-endian integer and return 0 on success and the value
-   in *ret.  Otherwise -1 is returned and *ret is not modified. */
-local int gz_next4(state, ret)
-    gz_statep state;
-    unsigned long *ret;
-    int ch;
-    unsigned long val;
-    z_streamp strm = &(state->strm);
-    val = NEXT();
-    val += (unsigned)NEXT() << 8;
-    val += (unsigned long)NEXT() << 16;
-    ch = NEXT();
-    if (ch == -1)
-        return -1;
-    val += (unsigned long)ch << 24;
-    *ret = val;
-    return 0;
-/* Look for gzip header, set up for inflate or copy.  state->have must be zero.
-   If this is the first time in, allocate required memory.  state->how will be
-   left unchanged if there is no more input data available, will be set to COPY
-   if there is no gzip header and direct copying will be performed, or it will
-   be set to GZIP for decompression, and the gzip header will be skipped so
-   that the next available input data is the raw deflate stream.  If direct
-   copying, then leftover input data from the input buffer will be copied to
-   the output buffer.  In that case, all further file reads will be directly to
-   either the output buffer or a user buffer.  If decompressing, the inflate
-   state and the check value will be initialized.  gz_head() will return 0 on
-   success or -1 on failure.  Failures may include read errors or gzip header
-   errors.  */
-local int gz_head(state)
-    gz_statep state;
-    z_streamp strm = &(state->strm);
-    int flags;
-    unsigned len;
-    /* allocate read buffers and inflate memory */
-    if (state->size == 0) {
-        /* allocate buffers */
-        state->in = malloc(state->want);
-        state->out = malloc(state->want << 1);
-        if (state->in == NULL || state->out == NULL) {
-            if (state->out != NULL)
-                free(state->out);
-            if (state->in != NULL)
-                free(state->in);
-            gz_error(state, Z_MEM_ERROR, "out of memory");
-            return -1;
-        }
-        state->size = state->want;
-        /* allocate inflate memory */
-        state->strm.zalloc = Z_NULL;
-        state->strm.zfree = Z_NULL;
-        state->strm.opaque = Z_NULL;
-        state->strm.avail_in = 0;
-        state->strm.next_in = Z_NULL;
-        if (inflateInit2(&(state->strm), -15) != Z_OK) {    /* raw inflate */
-            free(state->out);
-            free(state->in);
-            state->size = 0;
-            gz_error(state, Z_MEM_ERROR, "out of memory");
-            return -1;
-        }
-    }
-    /* get some data in the input buffer */
-    if (strm->avail_in == 0) {
-        if (gz_avail(state) == -1)
-            return -1;
-        if (strm->avail_in == 0)
-            return 0;
-    }
-    /* look for the gzip magic header bytes 31 and 139 */
-    if (strm->next_in[0] == 31) {
-        strm->avail_in--;
-        strm->next_in++;
-        if (strm->avail_in == 0 && gz_avail(state) == -1)
-            return -1;
-        if (strm->avail_in && strm->next_in[0] == 139) {
-            /* we have a gzip header, woo hoo! */
-            strm->avail_in--;
-            strm->next_in++;
-            /* skip rest of header */
-            if (NEXT() != 8) {      /* compression method */
-                gz_error(state, Z_DATA_ERROR, "unknown compression method");
-                return -1;
-            }
-            flags = NEXT();
-            if (flags & 0xe0) {     /* reserved flag bits */
-                gz_error(state, Z_DATA_ERROR, "unknown header flags set");
-                return -1;
-            }
-            NEXT();                 /* modification time */
-            NEXT();
-            NEXT();
-            NEXT();
-            NEXT();                 /* extra flags */
-            NEXT();                 /* operating system */
-            if (flags & 4) {        /* extra field */
-                len = (unsigned)NEXT();
-                len += (unsigned)NEXT() << 8;
-                while (len--)
-                    if (NEXT() < 0)
-                        break;
-            }
-            if (flags & 8)          /* file name */
-                while (NEXT() > 0)
-                    ;
-            if (flags & 16)         /* comment */
-                while (NEXT() > 0)
-                    ;
-            if (flags & 2) {        /* header crc */
-                NEXT();
-                NEXT();
-            }
-            /* an unexpected end of file is not checked for here -- it will be
-               noticed on the first request for uncompressed data */
-            /* set up for decompression */
-            inflateReset(strm);
-            strm->adler = crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);
-            state->how = GZIP;
-            state->direct = 0;
-            return 0;
-        }
-        else {
-            /* not a gzip file -- save first byte (31) and fall to raw i/o */
-            state->out[0] = 31;
-            state->have = 1;
-        }
-    }
-    /* doing raw i/o, save start of raw data for seeking, copy any leftover
-       input to output -- this assumes that the output buffer is larger than
-       the input buffer, which also assures space for gzungetc() */
-    state->raw = state->pos;
-    state->next = state->out;
-    if (strm->avail_in) {
-        memcpy(state->next + state->have, strm->next_in, strm->avail_in);
-        state->have += strm->avail_in;
-        strm->avail_in = 0;
-    }
-    state->how = COPY;
-    state->direct = 1;
-    return 0;
-/* Decompress from input to the provided next_out and avail_out in the state.
-   If the end of the compressed data is reached, then verify the gzip trailer
-   check value and length (modulo 2^32).  state->have and state->next are set
-   to point to the just decompressed data, and the crc is updated.  If the
-   trailer is verified, state->how is reset to LOOK to look for the next gzip
-   stream or raw data, once state->have is depleted.  Returns 0 on success, -1
-   on failure.  Failures may include invalid compressed data or a failed gzip
-   trailer verification. */
-local int gz_decomp(state)
-    gz_statep state;
-    int ret;
-    unsigned had;
-    unsigned long crc, len;
-    z_streamp strm = &(state->strm);
-    /* fill output buffer up to end of deflate stream */
-    had = strm->avail_out;
-    do {
-        /* get more input for inflate() */
-        if (strm->avail_in == 0 && gz_avail(state) == -1)
-            return -1;
-        if (strm->avail_in == 0) {
-            gz_error(state, Z_DATA_ERROR, "unexpected end of file");
-            return -1;
-        }
-        /* decompress and handle errors */
-        ret = inflate(strm, Z_NO_FLUSH);
-        if (ret == Z_STREAM_ERROR || ret == Z_NEED_DICT) {
-            gz_error(state, Z_STREAM_ERROR,
-                      "internal error: inflate stream corrupt");
-            return -1;
-        }
-        if (ret == Z_MEM_ERROR) {
-            gz_error(state, Z_MEM_ERROR, "out of memory");
-            return -1;
-        }
-        if (ret == Z_DATA_ERROR) {              /* deflate stream invalid */
-            gz_error(state, Z_DATA_ERROR,
-                      strm->msg == NULL ? "compressed data error" : strm->msg);
-            return -1;
-        }
-    } while (strm->avail_out && ret != Z_STREAM_END);
-    /* update available output and crc check value */
-    state->have = had - strm->avail_out;
-    state->next = strm->next_out - state->have;
-    strm->adler = crc32(strm->adler, state->next, state->have);
-    /* check gzip trailer if at end of deflate stream */
-    if (ret == Z_STREAM_END) {
-        if (gz_next4(state, &crc) == -1 || gz_next4(state, &len) == -1) {
-            gz_error(state, Z_DATA_ERROR, "unexpected end of file");
-            return -1;
-        }
-        if (crc != strm->adler) {
-            gz_error(state, Z_DATA_ERROR, "incorrect data check");
-            return -1;
-        }
-        if (len != (strm->total_out & 0xffffffffL)) {
-            gz_error(state, Z_DATA_ERROR, "incorrect length check");
-            return -1;
-        }
-        state->how = LOOK;      /* ready for next stream, once have is 0 (leave
-                                   state->direct unchanged to remember how) */
-    }
-    /* good decompression */
-    return 0;
-/* Make data and put in the output buffer.  Assumes that state->have == 0.
-   Data is either copied from the input file or decompressed from the input
-   file depending on state->how.  If state->how is LOOK, then a gzip header is
-   looked for (and skipped if found) to determine wither to copy or decompress.
-   Returns -1 on error, otherwise 0.  gz_make() will leave state->have as COPY
-   or GZIP unless the end of the input file has been reached and all data has
-   been processed.  */
-local int gz_make(state)
-    gz_statep state;
-    z_streamp strm = &(state->strm);
-    if (state->how == LOOK) {           /* look for gzip header */
-        if (gz_head(state) == -1)
-            return -1;
-        if (state->have)                /* got some data from gz_head() */
-            return 0;
-    }
-    if (state->how == COPY) {           /* straight copy */
-        if (gz_load(state, state->out, state->size << 1, &(state->have)) == -1)
-            return -1;
-        state->next = state->out;
-    }
-    else if (state->how == GZIP) {      /* decompress */
-        strm->avail_out = state->size << 1;
-        strm->next_out = state->out;
-        if (gz_decomp(state) == -1)
-            return -1;
-    }
-    return 0;
-/* Skip len uncompressed bytes of output.  Return -1 on error, 0 on success. */
-local int gz_skip(state, len)
-    gz_statep state;
-    z_off64_t len;
-    unsigned n;
-    /* skip over len bytes or reach end-of-file, whichever comes first */
-    while (len)
-        /* skip over whatever is in output buffer */
-        if (state->have) {
-            n = GT_OFF(state->have) || (z_off64_t)state->have > len ?
-                (unsigned)len : state->have;
-            state->have -= n;
-            state->next += n;
-            state->pos += n;
-            len -= n;
-        }
-        /* output buffer empty -- return if we're at the end of the input */
-        else if (state->eof && state->strm.avail_in == 0)
-            break;
-        /* need more data to skip -- load up output buffer */
-        else {
-            /* get more output, looking for header if required */
-            if (gz_make(state) == -1)
-                return -1;
-        }
-    return 0;
-/* -- see zlib.h -- */
-int ZEXPORT gzread(file, buf, len)
-    gzFile file;
-    voidp buf;
-    unsigned len;
-    unsigned got, n;
-    gz_statep state;
-    z_streamp strm;
-    /* get internal structure */
-    if (file == NULL)
-        return -1;
-    state = (gz_statep)file;
-    strm = &(state->strm);
-    /* check that we're reading and that there's no error */
-    if (state->mode != GZ_READ || state->err != Z_OK)
-        return -1;
-    /* since an int is returned, make sure len fits in one, otherwise return
-       with an error (this avoids the flaw in the interface) */
-    if ((int)len < 0) {
-        gz_error(state, Z_BUF_ERROR, "requested length does not fit in int");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    /* if len is zero, avoid unnecessary operations */
-    if (len == 0)
-        return 0;
-    /* process a skip request */
-    if (state->seek) {
-        state->seek = 0;
-        if (gz_skip(state, state->skip) == -1)
-            return -1;
-    }
-    /* get len bytes to buf, or less than len if at the end */
-    got = 0;
-    do {
-        /* first just try copying data from the output buffer */
-        if (state->have) {
-            n = state->have > len ? len : state->have;
-            memcpy(buf, state->next, n);
-            state->next += n;
-            state->have -= n;
-        }
-        /* output buffer empty -- return if we're at the end of the input */
-        else if (state->eof && strm->avail_in == 0)
-            break;
-        /* need output data -- for small len or new stream load up our output
-           buffer */
-        else if (state->how == LOOK || len < (state->size << 1)) {
-            /* get more output, looking for header if required */
-            if (gz_make(state) == -1)
-                return -1;
-            continue;       /* no progress yet -- go back to memcpy() above */
-            /* the copy above assures that we will leave with space in the
-               output buffer, allowing at least one gzungetc() to succeed */
-        }
-        /* large len -- read directly into user buffer */
-        else if (state->how == COPY) {      /* read directly */
-            if (gz_load(state, buf, len, &n) == -1)
-                return -1;
-        }
-        /* large len -- decompress directly into user buffer */
-        else {  /* state->how == GZIP */
-            strm->avail_out = len;
-            strm->next_out = buf;
-            if (gz_decomp(state) == -1)
-                return -1;
-            n = state->have;
-            state->have = 0;
-        }
-        /* update progress */
-        len -= n;
-        buf = (char *)buf + n;
-        got += n;
-        state->pos += n;
-    } while (len);
-    /* return number of bytes read into user buffer (will fit in int) */
-    return (int)got;
-/* -- see zlib.h -- */
-int ZEXPORT gzgetc(file)
-    gzFile file;
-    int ret;
-    unsigned char buf[1];
-    gz_statep state;
-    /* get internal structure */
-    if (file == NULL)
-        return -1;
-    state = (gz_statep)file;
-    /* check that we're reading and that there's no error */
-    if (state->mode != GZ_READ || state->err != Z_OK)
-        return -1;
-    /* try output buffer (no need to check for skip request) */
-    if (state->have) {
-        state->have--;
-        state->pos++;
-        return *(state->next)++;
-    }
-    /* nothing there -- try gzread() */
-    ret = gzread(file, buf, 1);
-    return ret < 1 ? -1 : buf[0];
-/* -- see zlib.h -- */
-int ZEXPORT gzungetc(c, file)
-    int c;
-    gzFile file;
-    gz_statep state;
-    /* get internal structure */
-    if (file == NULL)
-        return -1;
-    state = (gz_statep)file;
-    /* check that we're reading and that there's no error */
-    if (state->mode != GZ_READ || state->err != Z_OK)
-        return -1;
-    /* process a skip request */
-    if (state->seek) {
-        state->seek = 0;
-        if (gz_skip(state, state->skip) == -1)
-            return -1;
-    }
-    /* can't push EOF */
-    if (c < 0)
-        return -1;
-    /* if output buffer empty, put byte at end (allows more pushing) */
-    if (state->have == 0) {
-        state->have = 1;
-        state->next = state->out + (state->size << 1) - 1;
-        state->next[0] = c;
-        state->pos--;
-        return c;
-    }
-    /* if no room, give up (must have already done a gzungetc()) */
-    if (state->have == (state->size << 1)) {
-        gz_error(state, Z_BUF_ERROR, "out of room to push characters");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    /* slide output data if needed and insert byte before existing data */
-    if (state->next == state->out) {
-        unsigned char *src = state->out + state->have;
-        unsigned char *dest = state->out + (state->size << 1);
-        while (src > state->out)
-            *--dest = *--src;
-        state->next = dest;
-    }
-    state->have++;
-    state->next--;
-    state->next[0] = c;
-    state->pos--;
-    return c;
-/* -- see zlib.h -- */
-char * ZEXPORT gzgets(file, buf, len)
-    gzFile file;
-    char *buf;
-    int len;
-    unsigned left, n;
-    char *str;
-    unsigned char *eol;
-    gz_statep state;
-    /* check parameters and get internal structure */
-    if (file == NULL || buf == NULL || len < 1)
-        return NULL;
-    state = (gz_statep)file;
-    /* check that we're reading and that there's no error */
-    if (state->mode != GZ_READ || state->err != Z_OK)
-        return NULL;
-    /* process a skip request */
-    if (state->seek) {
-        state->seek = 0;
-        if (gz_skip(state, state->skip) == -1)
-            return NULL;
-    }
-    /* copy output bytes up to new line or len - 1, whichever comes first --
-       append a terminating zero to the string (we don't check for a zero in
-       the contents, let the user worry about that) */
-    str = buf;
-    left = (unsigned)len - 1;
-    if (left) do {
-        /* assure that something is in the output buffer */
-        if (state->have == 0) {
-            if (gz_make(state) == -1)
-                return NULL;            /* error */
-            if (state->have == 0) {     /* end of file */
-                if (buf == str)         /* got bupkus */
-                    return NULL;
-                break;                  /* got something -- return it */
-            }
-        }
-        /* look for end-of-line in current output buffer */
-        n = state->have > left ? left : state->have;
-        eol = memchr(state->next, '\n', n);
-        if (eol != NULL)
-            n = (unsigned)(eol - state->next) + 1;
-        /* copy through end-of-line, or remainder if not found */
-        memcpy(buf, state->next, n);
-        state->have -= n;
-        state->next += n;
-        state->pos += n;
-        left -= n;
-        buf += n;
-    } while (left && eol == NULL);
-    /* found end-of-line or out of space -- terminate string and return it */
-    buf[0] = 0;
-    return str;
-/* -- see zlib.h -- */
-int ZEXPORT gzdirect(file)
-    gzFile file;
-    gz_statep state;
-    /* get internal structure */
-    if (file == NULL)
-        return 0;
-    state = (gz_statep)file;
-    /* check that we're reading */
-    if (state->mode != GZ_READ)
-        return 0;
-    /* if the state is not known, but we can find out, then do so (this is
-       mainly for right after a gzopen() or gzdopen()) */
-    if (state->how == LOOK && state->have == 0)
-        (void)gz_head(state);
-    /* return 1 if reading direct, 0 if decompressing a gzip stream */
-    return state->direct;
-/* -- see zlib.h -- */
-int ZEXPORT gzclose_r(file)
-    gzFile file;
-    int ret;
-    gz_statep state;
-    /* get internal structure */
-    if (file == NULL)
-        return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
-    state = (gz_statep)file;
-    /* check that we're reading */
-    if (state->mode != GZ_READ)
-        return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
-    /* free memory and close file */
-    if (state->size) {
-        inflateEnd(&(state->strm));
-        free(state->out);
-        free(state->in);
-    }
-    gz_error(state, Z_OK, NULL);
-    free(state->path);
-    ret = close(state->fd);
-    free(state);
-    return ret ? Z_ERRNO : Z_OK;
diff --git a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/gzwrite.c b/win32/3rdparty/zlib/gzwrite.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e8defc6..0000000
--- a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/gzwrite.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,531 +0,0 @@
-/* gzwrite.c -- zlib functions for writing gzip files
- * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2010 Mark Adler
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
- */
-#include "gzguts.h"
-/* Local functions */
-local int gz_init OF((gz_statep));
-local int gz_comp OF((gz_statep, int));
-local int gz_zero OF((gz_statep, z_off64_t));
-/* Initialize state for writing a gzip file.  Mark initialization by setting
-   state->size to non-zero.  Return -1 on failure or 0 on success. */
-local int gz_init(state)
-    gz_statep state;
-    int ret;
-    z_streamp strm = &(state->strm);
-    /* allocate input and output buffers */
-    state->in = malloc(state->want);
-    state->out = malloc(state->want);
-    if (state->in == NULL || state->out == NULL) {
-        if (state->out != NULL)
-            free(state->out);
-        if (state->in != NULL)
-            free(state->in);
-        gz_error(state, Z_MEM_ERROR, "out of memory");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    /* allocate deflate memory, set up for gzip compression */
-    strm->zalloc = Z_NULL;
-    strm->zfree = Z_NULL;
-    strm->opaque = Z_NULL;
-    ret = deflateInit2(strm, state->level, Z_DEFLATED,
-                       15 + 16, 8, state->strategy);
-    if (ret != Z_OK) {
-        free(state->in);
-        gz_error(state, Z_MEM_ERROR, "out of memory");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    /* mark state as initialized */
-    state->size = state->want;
-    /* initialize write buffer */
-    strm->avail_out = state->size;
-    strm->next_out = state->out;
-    state->next = strm->next_out;
-    return 0;
-/* Compress whatever is at avail_in and next_in and write to the output file.
-   Return -1 if there is an error writing to the output file, otherwise 0.
-   flush is assumed to be a valid deflate() flush value.  If flush is Z_FINISH,
-   then the deflate() state is reset to start a new gzip stream. */
-local int gz_comp(state, flush)
-    gz_statep state;
-    int flush;
-    int ret, got;
-    unsigned have;
-    z_streamp strm = &(state->strm);
-    /* allocate memory if this is the first time through */
-    if (state->size == 0 && gz_init(state) == -1)
-        return -1;
-    /* run deflate() on provided input until it produces no more output */
-    ret = Z_OK;
-    do {
-        /* write out current buffer contents if full, or if flushing, but if
-           doing Z_FINISH then don't write until we get to Z_STREAM_END */
-        if (strm->avail_out == 0 || (flush != Z_NO_FLUSH &&
-            (flush != Z_FINISH || ret == Z_STREAM_END))) {
-            have = (unsigned)(strm->next_out - state->next);
-            if (have && ((got = write(state->fd, state->next, have)) < 0 ||
-                         (unsigned)got != have)) {
-                gz_error(state, Z_ERRNO, zstrerror());
-                return -1;
-            }
-            if (strm->avail_out == 0) {
-                strm->avail_out = state->size;
-                strm->next_out = state->out;
-            }
-            state->next = strm->next_out;
-        }
-        /* compress */
-        have = strm->avail_out;
-        ret = deflate(strm, flush);
-        if (ret == Z_STREAM_ERROR) {
-            gz_error(state, Z_STREAM_ERROR,
-                      "internal error: deflate stream corrupt");
-            return -1;
-        }
-        have -= strm->avail_out;
-    } while (have);
-    /* if that completed a deflate stream, allow another to start */
-    if (flush == Z_FINISH)
-        deflateReset(strm);
-    /* all done, no errors */
-    return 0;
-/* Compress len zeros to output.  Return -1 on error, 0 on success. */
-local int gz_zero(state, len)
-    gz_statep state;
-    z_off64_t len;
-    int first;
-    unsigned n;
-    z_streamp strm = &(state->strm);
-    /* consume whatever's left in the input buffer */
-    if (strm->avail_in && gz_comp(state, Z_NO_FLUSH) == -1)
-        return -1;
-    /* compress len zeros (len guaranteed > 0) */
-    first = 1;
-    while (len) {
-        n = GT_OFF(state->size) || (z_off64_t)state->size > len ?
-            (unsigned)len : state->size;
-        if (first) {
-            memset(state->in, 0, n);
-            first = 0;
-        }
-        strm->avail_in = n;
-        strm->next_in = state->in;
-        state->pos += n;
-        if (gz_comp(state, Z_NO_FLUSH) == -1)
-            return -1;
-        len -= n;
-    }
-    return 0;
-/* -- see zlib.h -- */
-int ZEXPORT gzwrite(file, buf, len)
-    gzFile file;
-    voidpc buf;
-    unsigned len;
-    unsigned put = len;
-    unsigned n;
-    gz_statep state;
-    z_streamp strm;
-    /* get internal structure */
-    if (file == NULL)
-        return 0;
-    state = (gz_statep)file;
-    strm = &(state->strm);
-    /* check that we're writing and that there's no error */
-    if (state->mode != GZ_WRITE || state->err != Z_OK)
-        return 0;
-    /* since an int is returned, make sure len fits in one, otherwise return
-       with an error (this avoids the flaw in the interface) */
-    if ((int)len < 0) {
-        gz_error(state, Z_BUF_ERROR, "requested length does not fit in int");
-        return 0;
-    }
-    /* if len is zero, avoid unnecessary operations */
-    if (len == 0)
-        return 0;
-    /* allocate memory if this is the first time through */
-    if (state->size == 0 && gz_init(state) == -1)
-        return 0;
-    /* check for seek request */
-    if (state->seek) {
-        state->seek = 0;
-        if (gz_zero(state, state->skip) == -1)
-            return 0;
-    }
-    /* for small len, copy to input buffer, otherwise compress directly */
-    if (len < state->size) {
-        /* copy to input buffer, compress when full */
-        do {
-            if (strm->avail_in == 0)
-                strm->next_in = state->in;
-            n = state->size - strm->avail_in;
-            if (n > len)
-                n = len;
-            memcpy(strm->next_in + strm->avail_in, buf, n);
-            strm->avail_in += n;
-            state->pos += n;
-            buf = (char *)buf + n;
-            len -= n;
-            if (len && gz_comp(state, Z_NO_FLUSH) == -1)
-                return 0;
-        } while (len);
-    }
-    else {
-        /* consume whatever's left in the input buffer */
-        if (strm->avail_in && gz_comp(state, Z_NO_FLUSH) == -1)
-            return 0;
-        /* directly compress user buffer to file */
-        strm->avail_in = len;
-        strm->next_in = (voidp)buf;
-        state->pos += len;
-        if (gz_comp(state, Z_NO_FLUSH) == -1)
-            return 0;
-    }
-    /* input was all buffered or compressed (put will fit in int) */
-    return (int)put;
-/* -- see zlib.h -- */
-int ZEXPORT gzputc(file, c)
-    gzFile file;
-    int c;
-    unsigned char buf[1];
-    gz_statep state;
-    z_streamp strm;
-    /* get internal structure */
-    if (file == NULL)
-        return -1;
-    state = (gz_statep)file;
-    strm = &(state->strm);
-    /* check that we're writing and that there's no error */
-    if (state->mode != GZ_WRITE || state->err != Z_OK)
-        return -1;
-    /* check for seek request */
-    if (state->seek) {
-        state->seek = 0;
-        if (gz_zero(state, state->skip) == -1)
-            return -1;
-    }
-    /* try writing to input buffer for speed (state->size == 0 if buffer not
-       initialized) */
-    if (strm->avail_in < state->size) {
-        if (strm->avail_in == 0)
-            strm->next_in = state->in;
-        strm->next_in[strm->avail_in++] = c;
-        state->pos++;
-        return c;
-    }
-    /* no room in buffer or not initialized, use gz_write() */
-    buf[0] = c;
-    if (gzwrite(file, buf, 1) != 1)
-        return -1;
-    return c;
-/* -- see zlib.h -- */
-int ZEXPORT gzputs(file, str)
-    gzFile file;
-    const char *str;
-    int ret;
-    unsigned len;
-    /* write string */
-    len = (unsigned)strlen(str);
-    ret = gzwrite(file, str, len);
-    return ret == 0 && len != 0 ? -1 : ret;
-#ifdef STDC
-#include <stdarg.h>
-/* -- see zlib.h -- */
-int ZEXPORTVA gzprintf (gzFile file, const char *format, ...)
-    int size, len;
-    gz_statep state;
-    z_streamp strm;
-    va_list va;
-    /* get internal structure */
-    if (file == NULL)
-        return -1;
-    state = (gz_statep)file;
-    strm = &(state->strm);
-    /* check that we're writing and that there's no error */
-    if (state->mode != GZ_WRITE || state->err != Z_OK)
-        return 0;
-    /* make sure we have some buffer space */
-    if (state->size == 0 && gz_init(state) == -1)
-        return 0;
-    /* check for seek request */
-    if (state->seek) {
-        state->seek = 0;
-        if (gz_zero(state, state->skip) == -1)
-            return 0;
-    }
-    /* consume whatever's left in the input buffer */
-    if (strm->avail_in && gz_comp(state, Z_NO_FLUSH) == -1)
-        return 0;
-    /* do the printf() into the input buffer, put length in len */
-    size = (int)(state->size);
-    state->in[size - 1] = 0;
-    va_start(va, format);
-#ifdef NO_vsnprintf
-#  ifdef HAS_vsprintf_void
-    (void)vsprintf(state->in, format, va);
-    va_end(va);
-    for (len = 0; len < size; len++)
-        if (state->in[len] == 0) break;
-#  else
-    len = vsprintf(state->in, format, va);
-    va_end(va);
-#  endif
-#  ifdef HAS_vsnprintf_void
-    (void)vsnprintf(state->in, size, format, va);
-    va_end(va);
-    len = strlen(state->in);
-#  else
-    len = vsnprintf((char *)(state->in), size, format, va);
-    va_end(va);
-#  endif
-    /* check that printf() results fit in buffer */
-    if (len <= 0 || len >= (int)size || state->in[size - 1] != 0)
-        return 0;
-    /* update buffer and position, defer compression until needed */
-    strm->avail_in = (unsigned)len;
-    strm->next_in = state->in;
-    state->pos += len;
-    return len;
-#else /* !STDC */
-/* -- see zlib.h -- */
-int ZEXPORTVA gzprintf (file, format, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10,
-                       a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20)
-    gzFile file;
-    const char *format;
-    int a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10,
-        a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20;
-    int size, len;
-    gz_statep state;
-    z_streamp strm;
-    /* get internal structure */
-    if (file == NULL)
-        return -1;
-    state = (gz_statep)file;
-    strm = &(state->strm);
-    /* check that we're writing and that there's no error */
-    if (state->mode != GZ_WRITE || state->err != Z_OK)
-        return 0;
-    /* make sure we have some buffer space */
-    if (state->size == 0 && gz_init(state) == -1)
-        return 0;
-    /* check for seek request */
-    if (state->seek) {
-        state->seek = 0;
-        if (gz_zero(state, state->skip) == -1)
-            return 0;
-    }
-    /* consume whatever's left in the input buffer */
-    if (strm->avail_in && gz_comp(state, Z_NO_FLUSH) == -1)
-        return 0;
-    /* do the printf() into the input buffer, put length in len */
-    size = (int)(state->size);
-    state->in[size - 1] = 0;
-#ifdef NO_snprintf
-#  ifdef HAS_sprintf_void
-    sprintf(state->in, format, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8,
-            a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20);
-    for (len = 0; len < size; len++)
-        if (state->in[len] == 0) break;
-#  else
-    len = sprintf(state->in, format, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8,
-                a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20);
-#  endif
-#  ifdef HAS_snprintf_void
-    snprintf(state->in, size, format, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8,
-             a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20);
-    len = strlen(state->in);
-#  else
-    len = snprintf(state->in, size, format, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8,
-                 a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20);
-#  endif
-    /* check that printf() results fit in buffer */
-    if (len <= 0 || len >= (int)size || state->in[size - 1] != 0)
-        return 0;
-    /* update buffer and position, defer compression until needed */
-    strm->avail_in = (unsigned)len;
-    strm->next_in = state->in;
-    state->pos += len;
-    return len;
-/* -- see zlib.h -- */
-int ZEXPORT gzflush(file, flush)
-    gzFile file;
-    int flush;
-    gz_statep state;
-    /* get internal structure */
-    if (file == NULL)
-        return -1;
-    state = (gz_statep)file;
-    /* check that we're writing and that there's no error */
-    if (state->mode != GZ_WRITE || state->err != Z_OK)
-        return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
-    /* check flush parameter */
-    if (flush < 0 || flush > Z_FINISH)
-        return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
-    /* check for seek request */
-    if (state->seek) {
-        state->seek = 0;
-        if (gz_zero(state, state->skip) == -1)
-            return -1;
-    }
-    /* compress remaining data with requested flush */
-    gz_comp(state, flush);
-    return state->err;
-/* -- see zlib.h -- */
-int ZEXPORT gzsetparams(file, level, strategy)
-    gzFile file;
-    int level;
-    int strategy;
-    gz_statep state;
-    z_streamp strm;
-    /* get internal structure */
-    if (file == NULL)
-        return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
-    state = (gz_statep)file;
-    strm = &(state->strm);
-    /* check that we're writing and that there's no error */
-    if (state->mode != GZ_WRITE || state->err != Z_OK)
-        return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
-    /* if no change is requested, then do nothing */
-    if (level == state->level && strategy == state->strategy)
-        return Z_OK;
-    /* check for seek request */
-    if (state->seek) {
-        state->seek = 0;
-        if (gz_zero(state, state->skip) == -1)
-            return -1;
-    }
-    /* change compression parameters for subsequent input */
-    if (state->size) {
-        /* flush previous input with previous parameters before changing */
-        if (strm->avail_in && gz_comp(state, Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH) == -1)
-            return state->err;
-        deflateParams(strm, level, strategy);
-    }
-    state->level = level;
-    state->strategy = strategy;
-    return Z_OK;
-/* -- see zlib.h -- */
-int ZEXPORT gzclose_w(file)
-    gzFile file;
-    int ret = 0;
-    gz_statep state;
-    /* get internal structure */
-    if (file == NULL)
-        return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
-    state = (gz_statep)file;
-    /* check that we're writing */
-    if (state->mode != GZ_WRITE)
-        return Z_STREAM_ERROR;
-    /* check for seek request */
-    if (state->seek) {
-        state->seek = 0;
-        ret += gz_zero(state, state->skip);
-    }
-    /* flush, free memory, and close file */
-    ret += gz_comp(state, Z_FINISH);
-    (void)deflateEnd(&(state->strm));
-    free(state->out);
-    free(state->in);
-    gz_error(state, Z_OK, NULL);
-    free(state->path);
-    ret += close(state->fd);
-    free(state);
-    return ret ? Z_ERRNO : Z_OK;
diff --git a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/nintendods/README b/win32/3rdparty/zlib/nintendods/README
deleted file mode 100644
index ba7a37d..0000000
--- a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/nintendods/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-This Makefile requires devkitARM (http://www.devkitpro.org/category/devkitarm/) and works inside "contrib/nds". It is based on a devkitARM template.
-Eduardo Costa <eduardo.m.costa at gmail.com>
-January 3, 2009
diff --git a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/treebuild.xml b/win32/3rdparty/zlib/treebuild.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b8f542..0000000
--- a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/treebuild.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" ?>
-<package name="zlib" version="1.2.5">
-    <library name="zlib" dlversion="1.2.5" dlname="z">
-	<property name="description"> zip compression library </property>
-	<property name="include-target-dir" value="$(@PACKAGE/install-includedir)" />
-	<!-- fixme: not implemented yet -->
-	<property name="compiler/c/inline" value="yes" />
-	<include-file name="zlib.h" scope="public" mode="644" />
-	<include-file name="zconf.h" scope="public" mode="644" />
-	<source name="adler32.c">
-	    <depend name="zlib.h" />
-	    <depend name="zconf.h" />
-	</source>
-	<source name="compress.c">
-	    <depend name="zlib.h" />
-	    <depend name="zconf.h" />
-	</source>
-	<source name="crc32.c">
-	    <depend name="zlib.h" />
-	    <depend name="zconf.h" />
-	    <depend name="crc32.h" />
-	</source>
-	<source name="gzclose.c">
-	    <depend name="zlib.h" />
-	    <depend name="zconf.h" />
-	    <depend name="gzguts.h" />
-	</source>
-	<source name="gzlib.c">
-	    <depend name="zlib.h" />
-	    <depend name="zconf.h" />
-	    <depend name="gzguts.h" />
-	</source>
-	<source name="gzread.c">
-	    <depend name="zlib.h" />
-	    <depend name="zconf.h" />
-	    <depend name="gzguts.h" />
-	</source>
-	<source name="gzwrite.c">
-	    <depend name="zlib.h" />
-	    <depend name="zconf.h" />
-	    <depend name="gzguts.h" />
-	</source>
-	<source name="uncompr.c">
-	    <depend name="zlib.h" />
-	    <depend name="zconf.h" />
-	</source>
-	<source name="deflate.c">
-	    <depend name="zlib.h" />
-	    <depend name="zconf.h" />
-	    <depend name="zutil.h" />
-	    <depend name="deflate.h" />
-	</source>
-	<source name="trees.c">
-	    <depend name="zlib.h" />
-	    <depend name="zconf.h" />
-	    <depend name="zutil.h" />
-	    <depend name="deflate.h" />
-	    <depend name="trees.h" />
-	</source>
-	<source name="zutil.c">
-	    <depend name="zlib.h" />
-	    <depend name="zconf.h" />
-	    <depend name="zutil.h" />
-	</source>
-	<source name="inflate.c">
-	    <depend name="zlib.h" />
-	    <depend name="zconf.h" />
-	    <depend name="zutil.h" />
-	    <depend name="inftrees.h" />
-	    <depend name="inflate.h" />
-	    <depend name="inffast.h" />
-	</source>
-	<source name="infback.c">
-	    <depend name="zlib.h" />
-	    <depend name="zconf.h" />
-	    <depend name="zutil.h" />
-	    <depend name="inftrees.h" />
-	    <depend name="inflate.h" />
-	    <depend name="inffast.h" />
-	</source>
-	<source name="inftrees.c">
-	    <depend name="zlib.h" />
-	    <depend name="zconf.h" />
-	    <depend name="zutil.h" />
-	    <depend name="inftrees.h" />
-	</source>
-	<source name="inffast.c">
-	    <depend name="zlib.h" />
-	    <depend name="zconf.h" />
-	    <depend name="zutil.h" />
-	    <depend name="inftrees.h" />
-	    <depend name="inflate.h" />
-	    <depend name="inffast.h" />
-	</source>
-    </library>
-#CFLAGS=-O3 -Wall -Wwrite-strings -Wpointer-arith -Wconversion \
-#           -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes
-# OBJA =
-# to use the asm code: make OBJA=match.o
-match.o: match.S
-	$(CPP) match.S > _match.s
-	$(CC) -c _match.s
-	mv _match.o match.o
-	rm -f _match.s
diff --git a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/watcom/watcom_f.mak b/win32/3rdparty/zlib/watcom/watcom_f.mak
deleted file mode 100644
index 37f4d74..0000000
--- a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/watcom/watcom_f.mak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for zlib
-# OpenWatcom flat model
-# Last updated: 28-Dec-2005
-# To use, do "wmake -f watcom_f.mak"
-C_SOURCE =  adler32.c  compress.c crc32.c   deflate.c    &
-	    gzclose.c  gzlib.c    gzread.c  gzwrite.c    &
-            infback.c  inffast.c  inflate.c inftrees.c   &
-            trees.c    uncompr.c  zutil.c
-OBJS =      adler32.obj  compress.obj crc32.obj   deflate.obj    &
-	    gzclose.obj  gzlib.obj    gzread.obj  gzwrite.obj    &
-            infback.obj  inffast.obj  inflate.obj inftrees.obj   &
-            trees.obj    uncompr.obj  zutil.obj
-CC       = wcc386
-LINKER   = wcl386
-CFLAGS   = -zq -mf -3r -fp3 -s -bt=dos -oilrtfm -fr=nul -wx
-ZLIB_LIB = zlib_f.lib
-        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $[@
-all: $(ZLIB_LIB) example.exe minigzip.exe
-	wlib -b -c $(ZLIB_LIB) -+adler32.obj  -+compress.obj -+crc32.obj
-	wlib -b -c $(ZLIB_LIB) -+gzclose.obj  -+gzlib.obj    -+gzread.obj   -+gzwrite.obj
-        wlib -b -c $(ZLIB_LIB) -+deflate.obj  -+infback.obj
-        wlib -b -c $(ZLIB_LIB) -+inffast.obj  -+inflate.obj  -+inftrees.obj
-        wlib -b -c $(ZLIB_LIB) -+trees.obj    -+uncompr.obj  -+zutil.obj
-example.exe: $(ZLIB_LIB) example.obj
-	$(LINKER) -ldos32a -fe=example.exe example.obj $(ZLIB_LIB)
-minigzip.exe: $(ZLIB_LIB) minigzip.obj
-	$(LINKER) -ldos32a -fe=minigzip.exe minigzip.obj $(ZLIB_LIB)
-clean: .SYMBOLIC
-          del *.obj
-          del $(ZLIB_LIB)
-          @echo Cleaning done
diff --git a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/watcom/watcom_l.mak b/win32/3rdparty/zlib/watcom/watcom_l.mak
deleted file mode 100644
index 193eed7..0000000
--- a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/watcom/watcom_l.mak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for zlib
-# OpenWatcom large model
-# Last updated: 28-Dec-2005
-# To use, do "wmake -f watcom_l.mak"
-C_SOURCE =  adler32.c  compress.c crc32.c   deflate.c    &
-	    gzclose.c  gzlib.c    gzread.c  gzwrite.c    &
-            infback.c  inffast.c  inflate.c inftrees.c   &
-            trees.c    uncompr.c  zutil.c
-OBJS =      adler32.obj  compress.obj crc32.obj   deflate.obj    &
-	    gzclose.obj  gzlib.obj    gzread.obj  gzwrite.obj    &
-            infback.obj  inffast.obj  inflate.obj inftrees.obj   &
-            trees.obj    uncompr.obj  zutil.obj
-CC       = wcc
-LINKER   = wcl
-CFLAGS   = -zq -ml -s -bt=dos -oilrtfm -fr=nul -wx
-ZLIB_LIB = zlib_l.lib
-        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $[@
-all: $(ZLIB_LIB) example.exe minigzip.exe
-	wlib -b -c $(ZLIB_LIB) -+adler32.obj  -+compress.obj -+crc32.obj
-	wlib -b -c $(ZLIB_LIB) -+gzclose.obj  -+gzlib.obj    -+gzread.obj   -+gzwrite.obj
-        wlib -b -c $(ZLIB_LIB) -+deflate.obj  -+infback.obj
-        wlib -b -c $(ZLIB_LIB) -+inffast.obj  -+inflate.obj  -+inftrees.obj
-        wlib -b -c $(ZLIB_LIB) -+trees.obj    -+uncompr.obj  -+zutil.obj
-example.exe: $(ZLIB_LIB) example.obj
-	$(LINKER) -fe=example.exe example.obj $(ZLIB_LIB)
-minigzip.exe: $(ZLIB_LIB) minigzip.obj
-	$(LINKER) -fe=minigzip.exe minigzip.obj $(ZLIB_LIB)
-clean: .SYMBOLIC
-          del *.obj
-          del $(ZLIB_LIB)
-          @echo Cleaning done
diff --git a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/win32/README-WIN32.txt b/win32/3rdparty/zlib/win32/README-WIN32.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e4c093..0000000
--- a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/win32/README-WIN32.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-zlib 1.2.4 is a general purpose data compression library.  All the code is
-thread safe.  The data format used by the zlib library is described by RFCs
-(Request for Comments) 1950 to 1952 in the files
-http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1950.txt (zlib format), rfc1951.txt (deflate format)
-and rfc1952.txt (gzip format).
-All functions of the compression library are documented in the file zlib.h
-(volunteer to write man pages welcome, contact zlib at gzip.org).  Two compiled
-examples are distributed in this package, example and minigzip.  The example_d
-and minigzip_d flavors validate that the zlib1.dll file is working correctly.
-Questions about zlib should be sent to <zlib at gzip.org>.  The zlib home page
-is http://zlib.net/ .  Before reporting a problem, please check this site to
-verify that you have the latest version of zlib; otherwise get the latest
-version and check whether the problem still exists or not.
-PLEASE read DLL_FAQ.txt, and the the zlib FAQ http://zlib.net/zlib_faq.html
-before asking for help.
-The package zlib-1.2.4-win32-x86.zip contains the following files:
-  README-WIN32.txt This document
-  ChangeLog        Changes since previous zlib packages
-  DLL_FAQ.txt      Frequently asked questions about zlib1.dll
-  zlib.3.pdf       Documentation of this library in Adobe Acrobat format
-  example.exe      A statically-bound example (using zlib.lib, not the dll)
-  example.pdb      Symbolic information for debugging example.exe
-  example_d.exe    A zlib1.dll bound example (using zdll.lib)
-  example_d.pdb    Symbolic information for debugging example_d.exe
-  minigzip.exe     A statically-bound test program (using zlib.lib, not the dll)
-  minigzip.pdb     Symbolic information for debugging minigzip.exe
-  minigzip_d.exe   A zlib1.dll bound test program (using zdll.lib)
-  minigzip_d.pdb   Symbolic information for debugging minigzip_d.exe
-  zlib.h           Install these files into the compilers' INCLUDE path to
-  zconf.h          compile programs which use zlib.lib or zdll.lib
-  zdll.lib         Install these files into the compilers' LIB path if linking
-  zdll.exp         a compiled program to the zlib1.dll binary
-  zlib.lib         Install these files into the compilers' LIB path to link zlib
-  zlib.pdb         into compiled programs, without zlib1.dll runtime dependency
-                   (zlib.pdb provides debugging info to the compile time linker)
-  zlib1.dll        Install this binary shared library into the system PATH, or
-                   the program's runtime directory (where the .exe resides)
-  zlib1.pdb        Install in the same directory as zlib1.dll, in order to debug
-                   an application crash using WinDbg or similar tools.
-All .pdb files above are entirely optional, but are very useful to a developer
-attempting to diagnose program misbehavior or a crash.  Many additional
-important files for developers can be found in the zlib124.zip source package
-available from http://zlib.net/ - review that package's README file for details.
-The deflate format used by zlib was defined by Phil Katz.  The deflate and
-zlib specifications were written by L.  Peter Deutsch.  Thanks to all the
-people who reported problems and suggested various improvements in zlib; they
-are too numerous to cite here.
-Copyright notice:
-  (C) 1995-2010 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler
-  This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
-  warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
-  arising from the use of this software.
-  Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
-  including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
-  freely, subject to the following restrictions:
-  1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
-     claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
-     in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
-     appreciated but is not required.
-  2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
-     misrepresented as being the original software.
-  3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
-  Jean-loup Gailly        Mark Adler
-  jloup at gzip.org          madler at alumni.caltech.edu
-If you use the zlib library in a product, we would appreciate *not* receiving
-lengthy legal documents to sign.  The sources are provided for free but without
-warranty of any kind.  The library has been entirely written by Jean-loup
-Gailly and Mark Adler; it does not include third-party code.
-If you redistribute modified sources, we would appreciate that you include in
-the file ChangeLog history information documenting your changes.  Please read
-the FAQ for more information on the distribution of modified source versions.
diff --git a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/zconf.h.cmakein b/win32/3rdparty/zlib/zconf.h.cmakein
deleted file mode 100644
index a2f71b1..0000000
--- a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/zconf.h.cmakein
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,430 +0,0 @@
-/* zconf.h -- configuration of the zlib compression library
- * Copyright (C) 1995-2010 Jean-loup Gailly.
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
- */
-/* @(#) $Id$ */
-#ifndef ZCONF_H
-#define ZCONF_H
-#cmakedefine Z_PREFIX
-#cmakedefine Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H
- * If you *really* need a unique prefix for all types and library functions,
- * compile with -DZ_PREFIX. The "standard" zlib should be compiled without it.
- * Even better than compiling with -DZ_PREFIX would be to use configure to set
- * this permanently in zconf.h using "./configure --zprefix".
- */
-#ifdef Z_PREFIX     /* may be set to #if 1 by ./configure */
-/* all linked symbols */
-#  define _dist_code            z__dist_code
-#  define _length_code          z__length_code
-#  define _tr_align             z__tr_align
-#  define _tr_flush_block       z__tr_flush_block
-#  define _tr_init              z__tr_init
-#  define _tr_stored_block      z__tr_stored_block
-#  define _tr_tally             z__tr_tally
-#  define adler32               z_adler32
-#  define adler32_combine       z_adler32_combine
-#  define adler32_combine64     z_adler32_combine64
-#  define compress              z_compress
-#  define compress2             z_compress2
-#  define compressBound         z_compressBound
-#  define crc32                 z_crc32
-#  define crc32_combine         z_crc32_combine
-#  define crc32_combine64       z_crc32_combine64
-#  define deflate               z_deflate
-#  define deflateBound          z_deflateBound
-#  define deflateCopy           z_deflateCopy
-#  define deflateEnd            z_deflateEnd
-#  define deflateInit2_         z_deflateInit2_
-#  define deflateInit_          z_deflateInit_
-#  define deflateParams         z_deflateParams
-#  define deflatePrime          z_deflatePrime
-#  define deflateReset          z_deflateReset
-#  define deflateSetDictionary  z_deflateSetDictionary
-#  define deflateSetHeader      z_deflateSetHeader
-#  define deflateTune           z_deflateTune
-#  define deflate_copyright     z_deflate_copyright
-#  define get_crc_table         z_get_crc_table
-#  define gz_error              z_gz_error
-#  define gz_intmax             z_gz_intmax
-#  define gz_strwinerror        z_gz_strwinerror
-#  define gzbuffer              z_gzbuffer
-#  define gzclearerr            z_gzclearerr
-#  define gzclose               z_gzclose
-#  define gzclose_r             z_gzclose_r
-#  define gzclose_w             z_gzclose_w
-#  define gzdirect              z_gzdirect
-#  define gzdopen               z_gzdopen
-#  define gzeof                 z_gzeof
-#  define gzerror               z_gzerror
-#  define gzflush               z_gzflush
-#  define gzgetc                z_gzgetc
-#  define gzgets                z_gzgets
-#  define gzoffset              z_gzoffset
-#  define gzoffset64            z_gzoffset64
-#  define gzopen                z_gzopen
-#  define gzopen64              z_gzopen64
-#  define gzprintf              z_gzprintf
-#  define gzputc                z_gzputc
-#  define gzputs                z_gzputs
-#  define gzread                z_gzread
-#  define gzrewind              z_gzrewind
-#  define gzseek                z_gzseek
-#  define gzseek64              z_gzseek64
-#  define gzsetparams           z_gzsetparams
-#  define gztell                z_gztell
-#  define gztell64              z_gztell64
-#  define gzungetc              z_gzungetc
-#  define gzwrite               z_gzwrite
-#  define inflate               z_inflate
-#  define inflateBack           z_inflateBack
-#  define inflateBackEnd        z_inflateBackEnd
-#  define inflateBackInit_      z_inflateBackInit_
-#  define inflateCopy           z_inflateCopy
-#  define inflateEnd            z_inflateEnd
-#  define inflateGetHeader      z_inflateGetHeader
-#  define inflateInit2_         z_inflateInit2_
-#  define inflateInit_          z_inflateInit_
-#  define inflateMark           z_inflateMark
-#  define inflatePrime          z_inflatePrime
-#  define inflateReset          z_inflateReset
-#  define inflateReset2         z_inflateReset2
-#  define inflateSetDictionary  z_inflateSetDictionary
-#  define inflateSync           z_inflateSync
-#  define inflateSyncPoint      z_inflateSyncPoint
-#  define inflateUndermine      z_inflateUndermine
-#  define inflate_copyright     z_inflate_copyright
-#  define inflate_fast          z_inflate_fast
-#  define inflate_table         z_inflate_table
-#  define uncompress            z_uncompress
-#  define zError                z_zError
-#  define zcalloc               z_zcalloc
-#  define zcfree                z_zcfree
-#  define zlibCompileFlags      z_zlibCompileFlags
-#  define zlibVersion           z_zlibVersion
-/* all zlib typedefs in zlib.h and zconf.h */
-#  define Byte                  z_Byte
-#  define Bytef                 z_Bytef
-#  define alloc_func            z_alloc_func
-#  define charf                 z_charf
-#  define free_func             z_free_func
-#  define gzFile                z_gzFile
-#  define gz_header             z_gz_header
-#  define gz_headerp            z_gz_headerp
-#  define in_func               z_in_func
-#  define intf                  z_intf
-#  define out_func              z_out_func
-#  define uInt                  z_uInt
-#  define uIntf                 z_uIntf
-#  define uLong                 z_uLong
-#  define uLongf                z_uLongf
-#  define voidp                 z_voidp
-#  define voidpc                z_voidpc
-#  define voidpf                z_voidpf
-/* all zlib structs in zlib.h and zconf.h */
-#  define gz_header_s           z_gz_header_s
-#  define internal_state        z_internal_state
-#if defined(__MSDOS__) && !defined(MSDOS)
-#  define MSDOS
-#if (defined(OS_2) || defined(__OS2__)) && !defined(OS2)
-#  define OS2
-#if defined(_WINDOWS) && !defined(WINDOWS)
-#  define WINDOWS
-#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN32_WCE) || defined(__WIN32__)
-#  ifndef WIN32
-#    define WIN32
-#  endif
-#if (defined(MSDOS) || defined(OS2) || defined(WINDOWS)) && !defined(WIN32)
-#  if !defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__FLAT__) && !defined(__386__)
-#    ifndef SYS16BIT
-#      define SYS16BIT
-#    endif
-#  endif
- * Compile with -DMAXSEG_64K if the alloc function cannot allocate more
- * than 64k bytes at a time (needed on systems with 16-bit int).
- */
-#ifdef SYS16BIT
-#  define MAXSEG_64K
-#ifdef MSDOS
-#  define UNALIGNED_OK
-#ifdef __STDC_VERSION__
-#  ifndef STDC
-#    define STDC
-#  endif
-#  if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
-#    ifndef STDC99
-#      define STDC99
-#    endif
-#  endif
-#if !defined(STDC) && (defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus))
-#  define STDC
-#if !defined(STDC) && (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__BORLANDC__))
-#  define STDC
-#if !defined(STDC) && (defined(MSDOS) || defined(WINDOWS) || defined(WIN32))
-#  define STDC
-#if !defined(STDC) && (defined(OS2) || defined(__HOS_AIX__))
-#  define STDC
-#if defined(__OS400__) && !defined(STDC)    /* iSeries (formerly AS/400). */
-#  define STDC
-#ifndef STDC
-#  ifndef const /* cannot use !defined(STDC) && !defined(const) on Mac */
-#    define const       /* note: need a more gentle solution here */
-#  endif
-/* Some Mac compilers merge all .h files incorrectly: */
-#if defined(__MWERKS__)||defined(applec)||defined(THINK_C)||defined(__SC__)
-#  define NO_DUMMY_DECL
-/* Maximum value for memLevel in deflateInit2 */
-#ifndef MAX_MEM_LEVEL
-#  ifdef MAXSEG_64K
-#    define MAX_MEM_LEVEL 8
-#  else
-#    define MAX_MEM_LEVEL 9
-#  endif
-/* Maximum value for windowBits in deflateInit2 and inflateInit2.
- * WARNING: reducing MAX_WBITS makes minigzip unable to extract .gz files
- * created by gzip. (Files created by minigzip can still be extracted by
- * gzip.)
- */
-#ifndef MAX_WBITS
-#  define MAX_WBITS   15 /* 32K LZ77 window */
-/* The memory requirements for deflate are (in bytes):
-            (1 << (windowBits+2)) +  (1 << (memLevel+9))
- that is: 128K for windowBits=15  +  128K for memLevel = 8  (default values)
- plus a few kilobytes for small objects. For example, if you want to reduce
- the default memory requirements from 256K to 128K, compile with
- Of course this will generally degrade compression (there's no free lunch).
-   The memory requirements for inflate are (in bytes) 1 << windowBits
- that is, 32K for windowBits=15 (default value) plus a few kilobytes
- for small objects.
-                        /* Type declarations */
-#ifndef OF /* function prototypes */
-#  ifdef STDC
-#    define OF(args)  args
-#  else
-#    define OF(args)  ()
-#  endif
-/* The following definitions for FAR are needed only for MSDOS mixed
- * model programming (small or medium model with some far allocations).
- * This was tested only with MSC; for other MSDOS compilers you may have
- * to define NO_MEMCPY in zutil.h.  If you don't need the mixed model,
- * just define FAR to be empty.
- */
-#ifdef SYS16BIT
-#  if defined(M_I86SM) || defined(M_I86MM)
-     /* MSC small or medium model */
-#    define SMALL_MEDIUM
-#    ifdef _MSC_VER
-#      define FAR _far
-#    else
-#      define FAR far
-#    endif
-#  endif
-#  if (defined(__SMALL__) || defined(__MEDIUM__))
-     /* Turbo C small or medium model */
-#    define SMALL_MEDIUM
-#    ifdef __BORLANDC__
-#      define FAR _far
-#    else
-#      define FAR far
-#    endif
-#  endif
-#if defined(WINDOWS) || defined(WIN32)
-   /* If building or using zlib as a DLL, define ZLIB_DLL.
-    * This is not mandatory, but it offers a little performance increase.
-    */
-#  ifdef ZLIB_DLL
-#    if defined(WIN32) && (!defined(__BORLANDC__) || (__BORLANDC__ >= 0x500))
-#      ifdef ZLIB_INTERNAL
-#        define ZEXTERN extern __declspec(dllexport)
-#      else
-#        define ZEXTERN extern __declspec(dllimport)
-#      endif
-#    endif
-#  endif  /* ZLIB_DLL */
-   /* If building or using zlib with the WINAPI/WINAPIV calling convention,
-    * define ZLIB_WINAPI.
-    * Caution: the standard ZLIB1.DLL is NOT compiled using ZLIB_WINAPI.
-    */
-#  ifdef ZLIB_WINAPI
-#    ifdef FAR
-#      undef FAR
-#    endif
-#    include <windows.h>
-     /* No need for _export, use ZLIB.DEF instead. */
-     /* For complete Windows compatibility, use WINAPI, not __stdcall. */
-#    define ZEXPORT WINAPI
-#    ifdef WIN32
-#      define ZEXPORTVA WINAPIV
-#    else
-#      define ZEXPORTVA FAR CDECL
-#    endif
-#  endif
-#if defined (__BEOS__)
-#  ifdef ZLIB_DLL
-#    ifdef ZLIB_INTERNAL
-#      define ZEXPORT   __declspec(dllexport)
-#      define ZEXPORTVA __declspec(dllexport)
-#    else
-#      define ZEXPORT   __declspec(dllimport)
-#      define ZEXPORTVA __declspec(dllimport)
-#    endif
-#  endif
-#ifndef ZEXTERN
-#  define ZEXTERN extern
-#ifndef ZEXPORT
-#  define ZEXPORT
-#ifndef ZEXPORTVA
-#  define ZEXPORTVA
-#ifndef FAR
-#  define FAR
-#if !defined(__MACTYPES__)
-typedef unsigned char  Byte;  /* 8 bits */
-typedef unsigned int   uInt;  /* 16 bits or more */
-typedef unsigned long  uLong; /* 32 bits or more */
-   /* Borland C/C++ and some old MSC versions ignore FAR inside typedef */
-#  define Bytef Byte FAR
-   typedef Byte  FAR Bytef;
-typedef char  FAR charf;
-typedef int   FAR intf;
-typedef uInt  FAR uIntf;
-typedef uLong FAR uLongf;
-#ifdef STDC
-   typedef void const *voidpc;
-   typedef void FAR   *voidpf;
-   typedef void       *voidp;
-   typedef Byte const *voidpc;
-   typedef Byte FAR   *voidpf;
-   typedef Byte       *voidp;
-#ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H    /* may be set to #if 1 by ./configure */
-#  define Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H
-#ifdef STDC
-#  include <sys/types.h>    /* for off_t */
-/* a little trick to accommodate both "#define _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE" and
- * "#define _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE 1" as requesting 64-bit operations, (even
- * though the former does not conform to the LFS document), but considering
- * both "#undef _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE" and "#define _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE 0" as
- * equivalently requesting no 64-bit operations
- */
-#if -_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE - -1 == 1
-#if defined(Z_HAVE_UNISTD_H) || defined(_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE)
-#  include <unistd.h>       /* for SEEK_* and off_t */
-#  ifdef VMS
-#    include <unixio.h>     /* for off_t */
-#  endif
-#  ifndef z_off_t
-#    define z_off_t off_t
-#  endif
-#ifndef SEEK_SET
-#  define SEEK_SET        0       /* Seek from beginning of file.  */
-#  define SEEK_CUR        1       /* Seek from current position.  */
-#  define SEEK_END        2       /* Set file pointer to EOF plus "offset" */
-#ifndef z_off_t
-#  define z_off_t long
-#if defined(_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE) && _LFS64_LARGEFILE-0
-#  define z_off64_t off64_t
-#  define z_off64_t z_off_t
-#if defined(__OS400__)
-#  define NO_vsnprintf
-#if defined(__MVS__)
-#  define NO_vsnprintf
-/* MVS linker does not support external names larger than 8 bytes */
-#if defined(__MVS__)
-  #pragma map(deflateInit_,"DEIN")
-  #pragma map(deflateInit2_,"DEIN2")
-  #pragma map(deflateEnd,"DEEND")
-  #pragma map(deflateBound,"DEBND")
-  #pragma map(inflateInit_,"ININ")
-  #pragma map(inflateInit2_,"ININ2")
-  #pragma map(inflateEnd,"INEND")
-  #pragma map(inflateSync,"INSY")
-  #pragma map(inflateSetDictionary,"INSEDI")
-  #pragma map(compressBound,"CMBND")
-  #pragma map(inflate_table,"INTABL")
-  #pragma map(inflate_fast,"INFA")
-  #pragma map(inflate_copyright,"INCOPY")
-#endif /* ZCONF_H */
diff --git a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/zlib.map b/win32/3rdparty/zlib/zlib.map
deleted file mode 100644
index f282d36..0000000
--- a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/zlib.map
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-ZLIB_1.2.0 {
-  global:
-    compressBound;
-    deflateBound;
-    inflateBack;
-    inflateBackEnd;
-    inflateBackInit_;
-    inflateCopy;
-  local:
-    deflate_copyright;
-    inflate_copyright;
-    inflate_fast;
-    inflate_table;
-    zcalloc;
-    zcfree;
-    z_errmsg;
-    gz_error;
-    gz_intmax;
-    _*;
-ZLIB_1.2.0.2 {
-    gzclearerr;
-    gzungetc;
-    zlibCompileFlags;
-} ZLIB_1.2.0;
-ZLIB_1.2.0.8 {
-    deflatePrime;
-} ZLIB_1.2.0.2;
-ZLIB_1.2.2 {
-    adler32_combine;
-    crc32_combine;
-    deflateSetHeader;
-    inflateGetHeader;
-} ZLIB_1.2.0.8;
-ZLIB_1.2.2.3 {
-    deflateTune;
-    gzdirect;
-} ZLIB_1.2.2;
-ZLIB_1.2.2.4 {
-    inflatePrime;
-} ZLIB_1.2.2.3;
-ZLIB_1.2.3.3 {
-    adler32_combine64;
-    crc32_combine64;
-    gzopen64;
-    gzseek64;
-    gztell64;
-    inflateUndermine;
-} ZLIB_1.2.2.4;
-ZLIB_1.2.3.4 {
-    inflateReset2;
-    inflateMark;
-} ZLIB_1.2.3.3;
-ZLIB_1.2.3.5 {
-    gzbuffer;
-    gzoffset;
-    gzoffset64;
-    gzclose_r;
-    gzclose_w;
-} ZLIB_1.2.3.4;
diff --git a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/zlib.pc.in b/win32/3rdparty/zlib/zlib.pc.in
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e5acf9..0000000
--- a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/zlib.pc.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-Name: zlib
-Description: zlib compression library
-Version: @VERSION@
-Libs: -L${libdir} -L${sharedlibdir} -lz
-Cflags: -I${includedir}
diff --git a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/zlib2ansi b/win32/3rdparty/zlib/zlib2ansi
deleted file mode 100644
index 15e3e16..0000000
--- a/win32/3rdparty/zlib/zlib2ansi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-# Transform K&R C function definitions into ANSI equivalent.
-# Author: Paul Marquess
-# Version: 1.0
-# Date: 3 October 2006
-# Asumes no function pointer parameters. unless they are typedefed.
-# Assumes no literal strings that look like function definitions
-# Assumes functions start at the beginning of a line
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-local $/;
-$_ = <>;
-my $sp = qr{ \s* (?: /\* .*? \*/ )? \s* }x; # assume no nested comments
-my $d1    = qr{ $sp (?: [\w\*\s]+ $sp)* $sp \w+ $sp [\[\]\s]* $sp }x ;
-my $decl  = qr{ $sp (?: \w+ $sp )+ $d1 }xo ;
-my $dList = qr{ $sp $decl (?: $sp , $d1 )* $sp ; $sp }xo ;
-while (s/^
-            (                  # Start $1
-                (              #   Start $2
-                    .*?        #     Minimal eat content
-                    ( ^ \w [\w\s\*]+ )    #     $3 -- function name
-                    \s*        #     optional whitespace
-                )              # $2 - Matched up to before parameter list
-                \( \s*         # Literal "(" + optional whitespace
-                ( [^\)]+ )     # $4 - one or more anythings except ")"
-                \s* \)         # optional whitespace surrounding a Literal ")"
-                ( (?: $dList )+ ) # $5
-                $sp ^ {        # literal "{" at start of line
-            )                  # Remember to $1
-        //xsom
-      )
-    my $all = $1 ;
-    my $prefix = $2;
-    my $param_list = $4 ;
-    my $params = $5;
-    StripComments($params);
-    StripComments($param_list);
-    $param_list =~ s/^\s+//;
-    $param_list =~ s/\s+$//;
-    my $i = 0 ;
-    my %pList = map { $_ => $i++ }
-                split /\s*,\s*/, $param_list;
-    my $pMatch = '(\b' . join('|', keys %pList) . '\b)\W*$' ;
-    my @params = split /\s*;\s*/, $params;
-    my @outParams = ();
-    foreach my $p (@params)
-    {
-        if ($p =~ /,/)
-        {
-            my @bits = split /\s*,\s*/, $p;
-            my $first = shift @bits;
-            $first =~ s/^\s*//;
-            push @outParams, $first;
-            $first =~ /^(\w+\s*)/;
-            my $type = $1 ;
-            push @outParams, map { $type . $_ } @bits;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            $p =~ s/^\s+//;
-            push @outParams, $p;
-        }
-    }
-    my %tmp = map { /$pMatch/;  $_ => $pList{$1}  }
-              @outParams ;
-    @outParams = map  { "    $_" }
-                 sort { $tmp{$a} <=> $tmp{$b} }
-                 @outParams ;
-    print $prefix ;
-    print "(\n" . join(",\n", @outParams) . ")\n";
-    print "{" ;
-# Output any trailing code.
-print ;
-exit 0;
-sub StripComments
-  no warnings;
-  # Strip C & C++ coments
-  # From the perlfaq
-  $_[0] =~
-    s{
-       /\*         ##  Start of /* ... */ comment
-       [^*]*\*+    ##  Non-* followed by 1-or-more *'s
-       (
-         [^/*][^*]*\*+
-       )*          ##  0-or-more things which don't start with /
-                   ##    but do end with '*'
-       /           ##  End of /* ... */ comment
-     |         ##     OR  C++ Comment
-       //          ## Start of C++ comment //
-       [^\n]*      ## followed by 0-or-more non end of line characters
-     |         ##     OR  various things which aren't comments:
-       (
-         "           ##  Start of " ... " string
-         (
-           \\.           ##  Escaped char
-         |               ##    OR
-           [^"\\]        ##  Non "\
-         )*
-         "           ##  End of " ... " string
-       |         ##     OR
-         '           ##  Start of ' ... ' string
-         (
-           \\.           ##  Escaped char
-         |               ##    OR
-           [^'\\]        ##  Non '\
-         )*
-         '           ##  End of ' ... ' string
-       |         ##     OR
-         .           ##  Anything other char
-         [^/"'\\]*   ##  Chars which doesn't start a comment, string or escape
-       )
-     }{$2}gxs;
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@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
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-    <ClCompile Include="clamav-for-windows\main.c">
-      <Filter>Source Files</Filter>
-    </ClCompile>
-    <ClCompile Include="clamav-for-windows\iface_errors.c">
-      <Filter>Source Files</Filter>
-    </ClCompile>
-    <ClCompile Include="clamav-for-windows\interface.c">
-      <Filter>Source Files</Filter>
-    </ClCompile>
-    <ClCompile Include="..\shared\output.c">
-      <Filter>Source Files\shared</Filter>
-    </ClCompile>
-  </ItemGroup>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/win32/clamav-for-windows/clscanapi.h b/win32/clamav-for-windows/clscanapi.h
deleted file mode 100644
index dca8341..0000000
--- a/win32/clamav-for-windows/clscanapi.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2010 Sourcefire, Inc.
- * Authors: aCaB <acab at clamav.net>
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
- * USA
- */
-#ifndef _CLSCANAPI_H
-#define _CLSCANAPI_H
-                                   CLAMAPI interface
-/* CLAMAPI calling convention. Please do not touch */
-#define CALL_CONVENTION __cdecl
-#ifndef CLAMAPI
-#define CLAMAPI
-/* CLAMAPI - return codes */
-/* Always check for the return value of CLAMAPI's 
- * Possible values are:
- * - return_value == CLAMAPI_SUCCESS: API succeded
- * - return_value != CLAMAPI_SUCCESS: API failed (call Scan_GetErrorMsg(return_value) to retrieve the error message)
- */
-/* List of options settable via Scan_SetOption and retrievable via Scan_GetOption (see below)
- * All the options have a corresponding unsigned int value (0 = option disabled / non 0 = option enabled)
- */
-    CLAM_OPTION_SCAN_ARCHIVE,	/* Enable/disable scanning of archive files (zip, arj, rar, cab, etc.) */
-    CLAM_OPTION_SCAN_MAIL,	/* Enable/disable scanning of archive mail files (mbox, eml) */
-    CLAM_OPTION_SCAN_OLE2,	/* Enable/disable scanning of OLE2 files (mostly msi and doc) */
-    CLAM_OPTION_SCAN_HTML,	/* Enable/disable scanning of html files */
-    CLAM_OPTION_SCAN_PE,	/* Enable/disable scanning of archive PE (aka windows) executables */
-    CLAM_OPTION_SCAN_ALGORITHMIC, /* Enable/disable scanning for certain viruses and exploits */
-    CLAM_OPTION_SCAN_ELF,	/* Enable/disable scanning of archive ELF (aka linux) executables */ /* FIXME: is this needed */
-    CLAM_OPTION_SCAN_PDF	/* Enable/disable scanning of Adobe PDF files */
-/* NOTE: by default (i.e. before calling Scan_SetOption) ALL the options are ENABLED! */
-/* Define the scan phase to which the returned results refer to */
-typedef enum _CLAM_SCAN_PHASE {
-    SCAN_PHASE_INITIAL,	 /* ight before ClamAV starts scanning the entry (outer) file - in scan callback mode only */
-    SCAN_PHASE_PRESCAN,	 /* Right before ClamAV starts scanning the current file - in scan callback mode only */
-    SCAN_PHASE_POSTSCAN, /* After ClamAV has scanned the current file - in scan callback mode only */
-    SCAN_PHASE_FINAL	 /* After ClamAV has scanned the entry (outer) file (callback) and upon returning from ScanObject */
-/* Value returned by ScanObject */
-#define CLAM_CLEAN 0
-#define CLAM_INFECTED 1
-/* The CLAM_SCAN_INFO structure is used:
- * - to return scan results
- * - to pass progress data and results to the scan callback
- */
-typedef struct _CLAM_SCAN_INFO {
-    /** The size of this structure: to be set to sizeof(CLAM_SCAN_INFO) **/
-    /* Presence: ALWAYS */
-    int cbSize;
-    /** A single field that can store information regarding packers, installers, compound objects etc **/
-    int flags;
-    /** The phase to which the results refer to **/
-    /* Presence: ALWAYS */
-    CLAM_SCAN_PHASE scanPhase;
-    /** Error condition **/
-    /* Possible values: CLAMAPI_SUCCESS if no error; call Scan_GetErrorMsg(errorCode)
-     * to retrieve the error message */
-    /* Presence: ALWAYS */
-    int errorCode;
-    /** The type of threat (e.g. "Adware", "Trojan", etc.) **/
-    /* For clean files this is set to NULL */
-    const wchar_t *pThreatType;
-    /** The name of threat (i.e. virus name) **/
-    /* For clean files this is set to NULL */
-    const wchar_t *pThreatName;
-    /** The handle of the file being processed **/
-    /* Note #1: the handle MUST NOT BE CLOSED by the callback
-     * Note #2: the handle has got GENERIC_READ	access
-     * Note #3: the file pointer is guaranteed to be set at the begin of
-     *          the file and its position needs not to be reset
-     * Note #4: the file may already be mapped into memory, entirely or just partially */
-    HANDLE object;
-    /** The path of inner file relative to file being scanned **/
-    /* This applies only to archive for which internal names can be retrieved and is NULL otherwise */
-    /* Presence: ALWAYS */
-    const wchar_t *pInnerObjectPath;
-/* NOTE: all the objects within the above structure are guaranteed to be available and
- *       valid until the callback returns (SCAN_PHASE_PRESCAN and SCAN_PHASE_POSTSCAN) or
- *       Scan_DeleteScanInfo is called (SCAN_PHASE_FINAL) */
-/* List of CLAM_SCAN_INFO items */
-/* Typical use: If no callback is registered and an archive file is scanned, this list corresponds to each infected file found */
-typedef struct _CLAM_SCAN_INFO_LIST
-    /* Number of CLAM_SCAN_INFO structures present */
-    int cbCount;
-    /* Pointer to first CLAM_SCAN_INFO structure */
-    PCLAM_SCAN_INFO pInfoList;
-                                  CLAMAPI scan callback
-/* The following actions can be requested by the scan callback */
-typedef enum _CLAM_ACTION {
-    CLAM_ACTION_CONTINUE, /* Keep on scanning */
-    CLAM_ACTION_SKIP,     /* Skip the current file */
-    CLAM_ACTION_ABORT     /* Early terminate the scan process */
- * Callback that can be registered to be invoked by the scan engine on each inner file.
- * Parameters: 
- * INPUT @param pObjectInfo : all relevant information of the file being scanned
- * OUTPUT @param scanAction : action to be taken as determined by callback
- * INPUT @param context : any context to be passed to scan callback
- */
-typedef void (CALL_CONVENTION *CLAM_SCAN_CALLBACK)(const CLAM_SCAN_INFO *pObjectInfo, CLAM_ACTION *scanAction, void *context);
-                                    CLAMAPI functions
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-// In future this can be extended to C++ style interface
-// CCLAMScanner refers to Scanner instance
-#define CClamAVScanner void
- * Load scan engine defs
- * Parameters: 
- * INPUT @param pEnginesFolder : path where defs are located
- * INPUT @param pTempRoot : path in which temporary files must be created
- * INPUT @param pLicenseKey : license key blob
- * INPUT @param bLoadMinDefs : load minimal defs
- */
-int CLAMAPI Scan_Initialize(const wchar_t *pEnginesFolder, const wchar_t *pTempRoot, const wchar_t *pLicenseKey, BOOL bLoadMinDefs);
- * Unload scan engine defs, which were loaded using Scan_Initialize
- * Parameters: None
- */
-int CLAMAPI Scan_Uninitialize();
- * Create scan engine instance. 
- * The engine instances should have the ability to be shared across threads
- * If synchronization is not done internally, it should be identified as such
- * OUTPUT @param ppScanner : location to hold opaque object
- */
-int CLAMAPI Scan_CreateInstance(CClamAVScanner **ppScanner);
- * Destroy scan engine instance. 
- * INPUT @param pScanner : opaque object
- */
-int CLAMAPI Scan_DestroyInstance(CClamAVScanner *pScanner);
- * Set callback that is invoked when file is being scanned
- * For archive, installers, compound files the callback should be invoked for each file. Each file can cause the callback to be invoked more than once.
- * INPUT @param pScanner : opaque object
- * INPUT @param pfnCallback : callback function
- * INPUT @param pContext : context to be passed to callback function
- */
-int CLAMAPI Scan_SetScanCallback(CClamAVScanner *pScanner, CLAM_SCAN_CALLBACK pfnCallback, void *pContext);
- * Scan object using path
- * INPUT @param pScanner : opaque object
- * INPUT @param pObjectPath : path to object
- * OUTPUT @param pScanStatus : indicates status of scan (CLAM_CLEAN or CLAM_INFECTED)
- * OUTPUT @param pInfoList : list containing additional information about file that was scanned (ONLY valid in *pScanStatus == CLAM_INFECTED)
- */
-int CLAMAPI Scan_ScanObject(CClamAVScanner *pScanner, const wchar_t *pObjectPath, int *pScanStatus, PCLAM_SCAN_INFO_LIST *pInfoList);
- * Scan object using object handle
- * INPUT @param pScanner : opaque object
- * INPUT @param object : handle to object
- * OUTPUT @param pScanStatus : indicates status of scan
- * OUTPUT @param pInfoList : list containing additional information about file that was scanned (ONLY valid in *pScanStatus == CLAM_INFECTED)
- */
-int CLAMAPI Scan_ScanObjectByHandle(CClamAVScanner *pScanner, HANDLE object, int *pScanStatus, PCLAM_SCAN_INFO_LIST *pInfoList);
- * Destroy memory allocated when malicious objects are found during scan
- * INPUT @param pScanner : opaque object
- * INPUT/OUTPUT @param pInfoList : list to be freed
- */
-int CLAMAPI Scan_DeleteScanInfo(CClamAVScanner *pScanner, PCLAM_SCAN_INFO_LIST pInfoList);
- * Get integer based scanning options
- * ex: License Expiration Time, Count of DB signatures, Last updated time for DB, Major, Minor version of scan library
- * INPUT @param scanner : opaque object
- * INPUT @param option : option enum
- * INPUT @param value : location to store value
- * INPUT @param inputLength : size of input buffer
- * OUTPUT @param outLength : mimimum size require to store data
- */
-int CLAMAPI Scan_GetOption(CClamAVScanner *pScanner, int option, void *value, unsigned long inputLength, unsigned long *outLength);
- * Set integer based scanning options
- * ex: scan Archives, scan packed samples, scan e-mail databases, scan installers
- * INPUT @param pScanner : opaque object
- * INPUT @param option : option enum
- * INPUT @param value : location to store value
- * INPUT @param inputLength : size of input value
- */
-int CLAMAPI Scan_SetOption(CClamAVScanner *pScanner, int option, void *value, unsigned long inputLength);
- * Convert a ClamAV error code into a string
- * INPUT @param errorCode
- * NOTE: the returned string is not to be freed!
- */
-CLAMAPI const wchar_t * Scan_GetErrorMsg(int errorCode);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-}; /* extern "C" */
-#endif /* _CLSCANAPI_H */
diff --git a/win32/clamav-for-windows/iface_errors.c b/win32/clamav-for-windows/iface_errors.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ea86deb..0000000
--- a/win32/clamav-for-windows/iface_errors.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2010 Sourcefire, Inc.
- * Authors: aCaB <acab at clamav.net>
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
- * USA
- */
-#include "clamav-config.h"
-#include "clamav.h"
-#include "clscanapi.h"
-#include "iface_errors.h"
-#include "shared/output.h"
-wchar_t **clerrors;
-int init_errors(void) {
-    int i;
-    logg("in init_errors\n");
-    clerrors = calloc(CL_ELAST_ERROR, sizeof(*clerrors));
-    if(!clerrors) {
-	logg("init_errors: failed to allocate the error array, aborting\n");
-	return 1;
-    }
-    for(i=0; i<CL_ELAST_ERROR; i++) {
-	const char *cerr = cl_strerror(i);
-	wchar_t *werr;
-	int len;
-	if(!cerr)
-	    continue;
-	len = strlen(cerr)+1;
-	werr = (wchar_t *)malloc(len * sizeof(wchar_t));
-	if(!werr) {
-	    free_errors();
-	    logg("init_errors: failed to allocate string buffer, aborting\n");
-	    return 1;
-	}
-	if(!MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, cerr, -1, werr, len)) {
-	    free_errors();
-	    logg("init_errors: failed to convert ascii error <%s> to wide, aborting\n", cerr);
-	    return 1;
-	}
-	logg("*init_errors: error %d is %S\n", i, werr);
-	clerrors[i] = werr;
-    }
-    return 0;
-void free_errors(void) {
-    int i;
-    for(i=0; i<CL_ELAST_ERROR; i++)
-	if(clerrors[i])
-	    free(clerrors[i]);
-    free(clerrors);
-CLAMAPI const wchar_t * Scan_GetErrorMsg(int errorCode) {
-    if(errorCode>=0 && errorCode<CL_ELAST_ERROR && clerrors[errorCode])
-	return clerrors[errorCode];
-    logg("Scan_GetErrorMsg called with invalid errorCode %d\n", errorCode);
-    return L"GetErrorMsg called with an invalid error code";
diff --git a/win32/clamav-for-windows/iface_errors.h b/win32/clamav-for-windows/iface_errors.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0babba3..0000000
--- a/win32/clamav-for-windows/iface_errors.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2010 Sourcefire, Inc.
- * Authors: aCaB <acab at clamav.net>
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
- * USA
- */
-int init_errors(void);
-void free_errors(void);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/win32/clamav-for-windows/interface.c b/win32/clamav-for-windows/interface.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fbbae88..0000000
--- a/win32/clamav-for-windows/interface.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,737 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2010 Sourcefire, Inc.
- * Authors: aCaB <acab at clamav.net>
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
- * USA
- */
-#include "clamav-config.h"
-#include "clamav.h"
-#include "shared/output.h"
-#include "clscanapi.h"
-#include "interface.h"
-#define FMT(s) "!"__FUNCTION__": "s"\n"
-#define FAIL(errcode, fmt, ...) do { logg(FMT(fmt), __VA_ARGS__); return (errcode); } while(0)
-#define WIN() do { logg("~%s completed successfully\n", __FUNCTION__); return CLAMAPI_SUCCESS; } while(0)
-#define INFN() do { logg("in %s\n", __FUNCTION__); } while(0)
-#define MAX_VIRNAME_LEN 1024
-HANDLE engine_event; /* engine unused event */
-HANDLE engine_mutex;
-/* protects the following items */
-struct cl_engine *engine = NULL;
-struct cl_stat dbstat;
-char dbdir[PATH_MAX];
-/* end of protected items */
-typedef struct {
-    void *scancb_ctx;
-    unsigned int scanopts;
-} instance;
-struct {
-    instance *inst;
-    unsigned int refcnt;
-} *instances = NULL;
-unsigned int ninsts_total = 0;
-unsigned int ninsts_avail = 0;
-HANDLE instance_mutex;
-BOOL minimal_definitions = FALSE;
-#define lock_engine()(WaitForSingleObject(engine_mutex, INFINITE) == WAIT_FAILED)
-#define unlock_engine() do {ReleaseMutex(engine_mutex);} while(0)
-#define lock_instances()(WaitForSingleObject(instance_mutex, INFINITE) == WAIT_FAILED)
-#define unlock_instances() do {ReleaseMutex(instance_mutex);} while(0)
-cl_error_t prescan_cb(int fd, void *context);
-cl_error_t postscan_cb(int fd, int result, const char *virname, void *context);
-static wchar_t *threat_type(const char *virname) {
-    if(!virname)
-	return NULL;
-    if(!strncmp(virname, "Trojan", 6))
-	return L"Trojan";
-    if(!strncmp(virname, "Worm", 4))
-	return L"Worm";
-    if(!strncmp(virname, "Exploit", 7))
-	return L"Exploit";
-    if(!strncmp(virname, "Adware", 6))
-	return L"Adware";
-    return L"Malware";
-static int add_instance(instance *inst) {
-    unsigned int i;
-    INFN();
-    if(lock_instances()) {
-	logg("!add_instance: failed to lock instances\n");
-	return 1;
-    }
-    if(!ninsts_avail) {
-	void *freeme, *new_instances = calloc(ninsts_total + 256, sizeof(*instances));
-	if(!new_instances) {
-	    unlock_instances();
-	    logg("!add_instance: failed to grow instances\n");
-	    return 1;
-	}
-	freeme = instances;
-	if(instances && ninsts_total)
-	    memcpy(new_instances, instances, ninsts_total * sizeof(*instances));
-	ninsts_total += 256;
-	ninsts_avail += 256;
-	instances = new_instances;
-	if(freeme)
-	    free(freeme);
-	logg("add_instance: instances grown to %u\n", ninsts_total);
-    }
-    for(i=0; i<ninsts_total; i++) {
-	if(instances[i].inst)
-	    continue;
-	instances[i].inst = inst;
-	instances[i].refcnt = 0;
-	ninsts_avail--;
-	unlock_instances();
-	ResetEvent(engine_event);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    logg("!add_instances: you should not be reading this\n");
-    unlock_instances();
-    return 1;
-static int del_instance(instance *inst) {
-    unsigned int i;
-    INFN();
-    if(lock_instances()) {
-	logg("!del_instance: failed to lock instances\n");
-	return 1;
-    }
-    for(i=0; i<ninsts_total; i++) {
-	if(instances[i].inst != inst)
-	    continue;
-	if(instances[i].refcnt) {
-	    logg("!del_instance: attempted to free instance with %d active scanners\n", instances[i].refcnt);
-	    unlock_instances();
-	    return 1;
-	}
-	instances[i].inst = NULL;
-	instances[i].refcnt = 0;
-	ninsts_avail++;
-	if(ninsts_avail == ninsts_total)
-	    ResetEvent(engine_event);
-	unlock_instances();
-	return 0;
-    }
-    logg("!del_instances: instance not found\n");
-    unlock_instances();
-    return 1;
-/* To be called with the instances locked */
-static int is_instance(instance *inst) {
-    unsigned int i;
-    INFN();
-    for(i=0; i<ninsts_total; i++)
-	if(instances[i].inst == inst)
-	    return 1;
-    logg("^is_instance: lookup failed for instance %p\n", inst);
-    return 0;
-BOOL interface_setup(void) {
-    if(!(engine_mutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL)))
-	return FALSE;
-    if(!(engine_event = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, TRUE, NULL))) {
-	CloseHandle(engine_mutex);
-	return FALSE;
-    }
-    if(!(instance_mutex = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL))) {
-	CloseHandle(engine_mutex);
-	CloseHandle(engine_event);
-	return FALSE;
-    }
-    return TRUE;
-static int sigload_callback(const char *type, const char *name, void *context) {
-    if(minimal_definitions && strcmp(type, "fp"))
-	return 1;
-    return 0;
-/* Must be called with engine_mutex locked ! */
-static int load_db(void) {
-    int ret;
-    unsigned int signo = 0;
-    INFN();
-    cl_engine_set_clcb_sigload(engine, sigload_callback, NULL);
-    if((ret = cl_load(dbdir, engine, &signo, CL_DB_STDOPT & ~CL_DB_PHISHING & ~CL_DB_PHISHING_URLS & CL_DB_OFFICIAL_ONLY)) != CL_SUCCESS) {
-	engine = NULL;
-	FAIL(ret, "Failed to load database: %s", cl_strerror(ret));
-    }
-    if((ret = cl_engine_compile(engine))) {
-	cl_engine_free(engine);
-	engine = NULL;
-	FAIL(ret, "Failed to compile engine: %s", cl_strerror(ret));
-    }
-    logg("load_db: loaded %d signatures\n", signo);
-    memset(&dbstat, 0, sizeof(dbstat));
-    cl_statinidir(dbdir, &dbstat);
-    WIN();
-DWORD WINAPI reload(void *param) {
-    return 0; /* FIXME */
-    while(1) {
-	Sleep(1000*60);
-	if(WaitForSingleObject(engine_event, INFINITE) == WAIT_FAILED) {
-	    logg("!reload: failed to wait on reload event");
-	    continue;
-	}
-	while(1) {
-	    if(lock_engine()) {
-		logg("!reload: failed to lock engine");
-		break;
-	    }
-	    if(!engine || !cl_statchkdir(&dbstat)) {
-		unlock_engine();
-		break;
-	    }
-	    if(lock_instances()) {
-		unlock_engine();
-		logg("!reload: failed to lock instances\n");
-		break;
-	    }
-	    if(ninsts_avail != ninsts_total) {
-		unlock_engine();
-		unlock_instances();
-		Sleep(5000);
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    cl_engine_free(engine);
-	    load_db();
-	    unlock_engine();
-	    unlock_instances();
-	    break;
-	}
-    }
-static void free_engine_and_unlock(void) {
-    cl_engine_free(engine);
-    engine = NULL;
-    unlock_engine();
-int CLAMAPI Scan_Initialize(const wchar_t *pEnginesFolder, const wchar_t *pTempRoot, const wchar_t *pLicenseKey, BOOL bLoadMinDefs) {
-    char tmpdir[PATH_MAX];
-    BOOL cant_convert;
-    int ret;
-    logg("in Scan_Initialize(pEnginesFolder = %S, pTempRoot = %S)\n", pEnginesFolder, pTempRoot);
-    if(!pEnginesFolder)
-	FAIL(CL_ENULLARG, "pEnginesFolder is NULL");
-    if(!pTempRoot)
-	FAIL(CL_ENULLARG, "pTempRoot is NULL");
-    if(lock_engine())
-	FAIL(CL_EMEM, "failed to lock engine");
-    if(engine) {
-	unlock_engine();
-	FAIL(CL_EARG, "Already initialized");
-    }
-    if(!(engine = cl_engine_new())) {
-	unlock_engine();
-	FAIL(CL_EMEM, "Not enough memory for a new engine");
-    }
-    cl_engine_set_clcb_pre_scan(engine, prescan_cb);
-    cl_engine_set_clcb_post_scan(engine, postscan_cb);
-    minimal_definitions = bLoadMinDefs;
-    if(bLoadMinDefs)
-    if(!WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS, pTempRoot, -1, tmpdir, sizeof(tmpdir), NULL, &cant_convert) || cant_convert) {
-	free_engine_and_unlock();
-	FAIL(CL_EARG, "Can't translate pTempRoot");
-    }
-    if((ret = cl_engine_set_str(engine, CL_ENGINE_TMPDIR, tmpdir))) {
-	free_engine_and_unlock();
-	FAIL(ret, "Failed to set engine tempdir: %s", cl_strerror(ret));
-    }
-    if(!WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS, pEnginesFolder, -1, dbdir, sizeof(dbdir), NULL, &cant_convert) || cant_convert) {
-	free_engine_and_unlock();
-	FAIL(CL_EARG, "Can't translate pEnginesFolder");
-    }
-    ret = load_db();
-    unlock_engine();
-    logg("Scan_Initialize: returning %d\n", ret);
-    return ret;
-int CLAMAPI Scan_Uninitialize(void) {
- //   int rett;
- //   __asm {
-	//MOV eax, [ebp + 4]
-	//mov rett, eax
- //   }
- //   logg("%x", rett);
-    INFN();
-    if(lock_engine())
-	FAIL(CL_EMEM, "failed to lock engine");
-    if(!engine) {
-	unlock_engine();
-	FAIL(CL_EARG, "attempted to uninit a NULL engine");
-    }
-   if(lock_instances()) {
-	unlock_engine();
-	FAIL(CL_EMEM, "failed to lock instances");
-    }
-    if(ninsts_avail != ninsts_total) {
-	volatile unsigned int refcnt = ninsts_total - ninsts_avail;
-	unlock_instances();
-	unlock_engine();
-	FAIL(CL_EARG, "Attempted to uninit the engine with %u active instances", refcnt);
-    }
-    unlock_instances();
-    free_engine_and_unlock();
-    WIN();
-int CLAMAPI Scan_CreateInstance(CClamAVScanner **ppScanner) {
-    instance *inst;
-    INFN();
-    if(!ppScanner)
-    inst = calloc(1, sizeof(*inst));
-    if(!inst)
-	FAIL(CL_EMEM, "CreateInstance: OOM");
-    if(lock_engine()) {
-	free(inst);
-	FAIL(CL_EMEM, "Failed to lock engine");
-    }
-    if(!engine) {
-	free(inst);
-	unlock_engine();
-	FAIL(CL_ENULLARG, "Create instance called with no engine");
-    }
-    if(add_instance(inst)) {
-	free(inst);
-	unlock_engine();
-	FAIL(CL_EMEM, "add_instance failed");
-    }
-    unlock_engine();
-    inst->scanopts = CL_SCAN_STDOPT;
-    *ppScanner = (CClamAVScanner *)inst;
-    logg("Created new instance %p\n", inst);
-    WIN();
-int CLAMAPI Scan_DestroyInstance(CClamAVScanner *pScanner) {
-    INFN();
-    if(!pScanner)
-    if(del_instance((instance *)pScanner))
-	FAIL(CL_EMEM, "del_instance failed for %p", pScanner);
-    free(pScanner);
-    logg("in Scan_DestroyInstance: Instance %p destroyed\n", pScanner);
-    WIN();
-int CLAMAPI Scan_SetScanCallback(CClamAVScanner *pScanner, CLAM_SCAN_CALLBACK pfnCallback, void *pContext) {
-    instance *inst;
-    logg("in SetScanCallback(pScanner = %p, pfnCallback = %p, pContext = %p)\n", pScanner, pfnCallback, pContext);
-    if(!pScanner)
-    if(lock_instances())
-	FAIL(CL_EMEM, "failed to lock instances for instance %p", pScanner);
-    inst = (instance *)pScanner;
-    if(is_instance(inst)) {
-	inst->scancb = pfnCallback;
-	inst->scancb_ctx = pContext;
-	unlock_instances();
-	WIN();
-    }
-    unlock_instances();
-    FAIL(CL_EARG, "invalid instance %p", inst);
-int CLAMAPI Scan_SetOption(CClamAVScanner *pScanner, int option, void *value, unsigned long inputLength) {
-    instance *inst;
-    unsigned int whichopt, newval;
-    INFN();
-    if(!pScanner)
-    if(!value)
-    if(lock_instances())
-	FAIL(CL_EMEM, "failed to lock instances");
-    inst = (instance *)pScanner;
-    if(!is_instance(inst)) {
-	unlock_instances();
-	FAIL(CL_EARG, "invalid instance %p", inst);
-    }
-    newval = *(unsigned int *)value;
-    switch(option) {
-	    logg("CLAM_OPTION_SCAN_ARCHIVE: %s on instance %p\n", newval ? "enabled" : "disabled", inst);
-	    whichopt = CL_SCAN_ARCHIVE;
-	    break;
-	    logg("CLAM_OPTION_SCAN_MAIL: %s on instance %p\n", newval ? "enabled" : "disabled", inst);
-	    whichopt = CL_SCAN_MAIL;
-	    break;
-	    logg("CLAM_OPTION_SCAN_OLE2: %s on instance %p\n", newval ? "enabled" : "disabled", inst);
-	    whichopt = CL_SCAN_OLE2;
-	    break;
-	    logg("CLAM_OPTION_SCAN_HTML: %s on instance %p\n", newval ? "enabled" : "disabled", inst);
-	    whichopt = CL_SCAN_HTML;
-	    break;
-	    logg("CLAM_OPTION_SCAN_PE: %s on instance %p\n", newval ? "enabled" : "disabled", inst);
-	    whichopt = CL_SCAN_PE;
-	    break;
-	    logg("CLAM_OPTION_SCAN_PDF: %s on instance %p\n", newval ? "enabled" : "disabled", inst);
-	    whichopt = CL_SCAN_PDF;
-	    break;
-	    logg("CLAM_OPTION_SCAN_ALGORITHMIC: %s on instance %p\n", newval ? "enabled" : "disabled", inst);
-	    whichopt = CL_SCAN_ALGORITHMIC;
-	    break;
-	    logg("CLAM_OPTION_SCAN_ELF: %s on instance %p\n", newval ? "enabled" : "disabled", inst);
-	    whichopt = CL_SCAN_ELF;
-	    break;
-	default:
-	    unlock_instances();
-	    FAIL(CL_EARG, "Unsupported option: %d", option);
-    }
-    if(!newval)
-	inst->scanopts &= ~whichopt;
-    else
-	inst->scanopts |= whichopt;
-    unlock_instances();
-    WIN();
-int CLAMAPI Scan_GetOption(CClamAVScanner *pScanner, int option, void *value, unsigned long inputLength, unsigned long *outLength) {
-    instance *inst;
-    unsigned int whichopt;
-    INFN();
-    if(!pScanner)
-    if(!value || !inputLength)
-    if(lock_instances())
-	FAIL(CL_EMEM, "failed to lock instances");
-    inst = (instance *)pScanner;
-    if(!is_instance(inst)) {
-	unlock_instances();
-	FAIL(CL_EARG, "invalid instance %p", inst);
-    }
-    switch(option) {
-	    whichopt = CL_SCAN_ARCHIVE;
-	    break;
-	    whichopt = CL_SCAN_MAIL;
-	    break;
-	    whichopt = CL_SCAN_OLE2;
-	    break;
-	    whichopt = CL_SCAN_HTML;
-	    break;
-	    whichopt = CL_SCAN_PE;
-	    break;
-	    whichopt = CL_SCAN_PDF;
-	    break;
-	    whichopt = CL_SCAN_ALGORITHMIC;
-	    break;
-	    whichopt = CL_SCAN_ELF;
-	    break;
-	default:
-	    unlock_instances();
-	    FAIL(CL_EARG, "Unsupported option: %d", option);
-    }
-    *(unsigned int *)value = (inst->scanopts & whichopt) != 0;
-    unlock_instances();
-    WIN();
-int CLAMAPI Scan_ScanObject(CClamAVScanner *pScanner, const wchar_t *pObjectPath, int *pScanStatus, PCLAM_SCAN_INFO_LIST *pInfoList) {
-    HANDLE fhdl;
-    int res;
-    instance *inst = (instance *)pScanner;
-    logg("in Scan_ScanObject(pScanner = %p, pObjectPath = %S)\n", pScanner, pObjectPath);
-	FAIL(CL_EOPEN, "open() failed");
-    logg("Scan_ScanObject (instance %p) invoking Scan_ScanObjectByHandle for handle %p (%S)\n", pScanner, fhdl, pObjectPath);
-    res = Scan_ScanObjectByHandle(pScanner, fhdl, pScanStatus, pInfoList);
-    logg("Scan_ScanObject (instance %p) invoking Scan_ScanObjectByHandle returned %d\n", pScanner, res);
-    CloseHandle(fhdl);
-    return res;
-struct scan_ctx {
-    int entryfd;
-    instance *inst;
-int CLAMAPI Scan_ScanObjectByHandle(CClamAVScanner *pScanner, HANDLE object, int *pScanStatus, PCLAM_SCAN_INFO_LIST *pInfoList) {
-    instance *inst;
-    HANDLE duphdl, self;
-    char *virname;
-    int fd, res;
-    unsigned int i;
-    struct scan_ctx sctx;
-    DWORD perf;
-    logg("in Scan_ScanObjectByHandle(pScanner = %p, HANDLE = %p, pScanStatus = %p, pInfoList = %p)\n", pScanner, object, pScanStatus, pInfoList);
-    if(!pScanner)
-    if(!pScanStatus)
-	FAIL(CL_ENULLARG, "NULL pScanStatus on instance %p", pScanner);
-    self = GetCurrentProcess();
-    if(!DuplicateHandle(self, object, self, &duphdl, GENERIC_READ, FALSE, 0))
-	FAIL(CL_EDUP, "Duplicate handle failed for instance %p", pScanner);
-    if((fd = _open_osfhandle((intptr_t)duphdl, _O_RDONLY)) == -1) {
-	CloseHandle(duphdl);
-	FAIL(CL_EOPEN, "Open handle failed for instance %p", pScanner);
-    }
-    if(lock_instances()) {
-	close(fd);
-	FAIL(CL_EMEM, "failed to lock instances for instance %p", pScanner);
-    }
-    inst = (instance *)pScanner;
-    for(i=0; i<ninsts_total; i++) {
-	if(instances[i].inst == inst)
-	    break;
-    }
-    if(i == ninsts_total) {
-	unlock_instances();
-	close(fd);
-	FAIL(CL_EARG, "invalid instance %p", inst);
-    }
-    instances[i].refcnt++;
-    unlock_instances();
-    sctx.entryfd = fd;
-    sctx.inst = inst;
-    logg("Scan_ScanObjectByHandle (instance %p) invoking cl_scandesc with clamav context %p\n", inst, &sctx);
-    perf = GetTickCount();
-    res = cl_scandesc_callback(fd, &virname, NULL, engine, inst->scanopts, &sctx);
-    perf = GetTickCount() - perf;
-    close(fd);
-    logg("Scan_ScanObjectByHandle (instance %p): cl_scandesc returned %d in %u ms\n", inst, res, perf);
-    if(lock_instances())
-	FAIL(CL_EMEM, "failed to lock instances for instance %p", pScanner);
-    instances[i].refcnt--;
-    unlock_instances();
-    if(res == CL_VIRUS) {
-	logg("Scan_ScanObjectByHandle (instance %p): file is INFECTED with %s\n", inst, virname);
-	if(pInfoList) {
-	    CLAM_SCAN_INFO_LIST *infolist = calloc(1, sizeof(CLAM_SCAN_INFO_LIST) + sizeof(CLAM_SCAN_INFO) + MAX_VIRNAME_LEN * 2);
-	    PCLAM_SCAN_INFO scaninfo;
-	    wchar_t *wvirname;
-	    if(!infolist)
-		FAIL(CL_EMEM, "ScanByHandle (instance %p): OOM while allocating result list", inst);
-	    scaninfo = (PCLAM_SCAN_INFO)(infolist + 1);
-	    infolist->cbCount = 1;
-	    scaninfo->cbSize = sizeof(*scaninfo);
-	    scaninfo->scanPhase = SCAN_PHASE_FINAL;
-	    scaninfo->errorCode = CLAMAPI_SUCCESS;
-	    scaninfo->pThreatType = threat_type(virname);
-	    wvirname = (wchar_t *)(scaninfo + 1);
-	    scaninfo->pThreatName = wvirname;
-	    if(!MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, virname, -1, wvirname, MAX_VIRNAME_LEN))
-		scaninfo->pThreatName = L"INFECTED";
-	    *pInfoList = infolist;
-	    logg("Scan_ScanObjectByHandle (instance %p): created result list %p\n", inst, infolist);
-	}
-	*pScanStatus = CLAM_INFECTED;
-    } else if(res == CL_CLEAN) {
-	logg("Scan_ScanObjectByHandle (instance %p): file is CLEAN\n", inst);
-        if(pInfoList) *pInfoList = NULL;
-	*pScanStatus = CLAM_CLEAN;
-    } else {
-	FAIL(res, "Scan failed for instance %p: %s", inst, cl_strerror(res));
-    }
-    WIN();
-int CLAMAPI Scan_DeleteScanInfo(CClamAVScanner *pScanner, PCLAM_SCAN_INFO_LIST pInfoList) {
-    logg("in Scan_DeleteScanInfo(pScanner = %p, pInfoList = %p)\n", pScanner, pInfoList);
-    if(!pScanner)
-    if(!pInfoList)
-    /* FIXME checking this is pointelss as the infolist is independent from pscanner */
- //   if(lock_instances())
-	//FAIL(CL_EMEM, "failed to lock instances");
- //   inst = (instance *)pScanner;
- //   if(!is_instance(inst)) {
-	//unlock_instances();
-	//FAIL(CL_EARG, "invalid instance");
- //   }
- //   unlock_instances();
-    free(pInfoList);
-    WIN();
-cl_error_t prescan_cb(int fd, void *context) {
-    struct scan_ctx *sctx = (struct scan_ctx *)context;
-    instance *inst;
-    CLAM_ACTION act;
-    HANDLE fdhdl;
-    DWORD perf;
-    LONG lo = 0, hi = 0, hi2 = 0;
-    if(!context) {
-	logg("!prescan_cb called with NULL clamav context\n");
-	return CL_CLEAN;
-    }
-    inst = sctx->inst;
-    logg("in prescan_cb with clamav context %p, instance %p, fd %d)\n", context, inst, fd);
-    si.cbSize = sizeof(si);
-    si.flags = 0;
-    si.scanPhase = (fd == sctx->entryfd) ? SCAN_PHASE_INITIAL : SCAN_PHASE_PRESCAN;
-    si.errorCode = CLAMAPI_SUCCESS;
-    si.pThreatType = NULL;
-    si.pThreatName = NULL;
-    fdhdl = si.object = (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(fd);
-    si.pInnerObjectPath = NULL;
-    lo = SetFilePointer(fdhdl, 0, &hi, FILE_CURRENT);
-    SetFilePointer(fdhdl, 0, &hi2, FILE_BEGIN);
-    logg("prescan_cb (clamav context %p, instance %p) invoking callback %p with context %p\n", context, inst, inst->scancb, inst->scancb_ctx);
-    perf = GetTickCount();
-    inst->scancb(&si, &act, inst->scancb_ctx);
-    perf = GetTickCount() - perf;
-    logg("prescan_cb (clamav context %p, instance %p) callback completed in %u ms\n", context, inst, act);
-    SetFilePointer(fdhdl, lo, &hi, FILE_BEGIN);
-    switch(act) {
-	    logg("prescan_cb (clamav context %p, instance %p) cb result: SKIP\n", context, inst);
-	    return CL_BREAK;
-	    logg("prescan_cb (clamav context %p, instance %p) cb result: ABORT\n", context, inst);
-	    return CL_VIRUS;
-	    logg("prescan_cb (clamav context %p, instance %p) cb result: CONTINUE\n", context, inst);
-	    return CL_CLEAN;
-	default:
-	    logg("^prescan_cb (clamav context %p, instance %p) cb result: INVALID result %d, assuming continue\n", context, inst, act);
-	    return CL_CLEAN;
-    }
-cl_error_t postscan_cb(int fd, int result, const char *virname, void *context) {
-    struct scan_ctx *sctx = (struct scan_ctx *)context;
-    instance *inst;
-    CLAM_ACTION act;
-    HANDLE fdhdl;
-    DWORD perf;
-    wchar_t wvirname[MAX_VIRNAME_LEN];
-    LONG lo = 0, hi = 0, hi2 = 0;
-    if(!context) {
-	logg("!postscan_cb called with NULL clamav context\n");
-	return CL_CLEAN;
-    }
-    inst = sctx->inst;
-    si.cbSize = sizeof(si);
-    si.flags = 0;
-    si.scanPhase = (fd == sctx->entryfd) ? SCAN_PHASE_FINAL : SCAN_PHASE_POSTSCAN;
-    si.errorCode = CLAMAPI_SUCCESS;
-    if(result == CL_VIRUS) {
-	if(MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, virname, -1, wvirname, MAX_VIRNAME_LEN))
-	    si.pThreatName = wvirname;
-	else
-	    si.pThreatName = L"INFECTED";
-    } else
-	    si.pThreatName = NULL;
-    logg("in postscan_cb with clamav context %p, instance %p, fd %d, result %d, virusname %S)\n", context, inst, fd, result, si.pThreatName);
-    si.pThreatType = threat_type(virname);
-    fdhdl = si.object = (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(fd);
-    si.pInnerObjectPath = NULL;
-    lo = SetFilePointer(fdhdl, 0, &hi, FILE_CURRENT);
-    SetFilePointer(fdhdl, 0, &hi2, FILE_BEGIN);
-    logg("postscan_cb (clamav context %p, instance %p) invoking callback %p with context %p\n", context, inst, inst->scancb, inst->scancb_ctx);
-    perf = GetTickCount();
-    inst->scancb(&si, &act, inst->scancb_ctx);
-    perf = GetTickCount() - perf;
-    logg("prescan_cb (clamav context %p, instance %p) callback completed in %u ms\n", context, inst, act);
-    SetFilePointer(fdhdl, lo, &hi, FILE_BEGIN);
-    switch(act) {
-	    logg("postscan_cb (clamav context %p, instance %p) cb result: SKIP\n", context, inst);
-	    return CL_BREAK;
-	    logg("postscan_cb (clamav context %p, instance %p) cb result: ABORT\n", context, inst);
-	    return CL_VIRUS;
-	    logg("postscan_cb (clamav context %p, instance %p) cb result: CONTINUE\n", context, inst);
-	    return CL_CLEAN;
-	default:
-	    logg("^postscan_cb (clamav context %p, instance %p) cb result: INVALID result %d, assuming continue\n", context, inst, act);
-	    return CL_CLEAN;
-    }
diff --git a/win32/clamav-for-windows/interface.h b/win32/clamav-for-windows/interface.h
deleted file mode 100644
index da1ec2c..0000000
--- a/win32/clamav-for-windows/interface.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2010 Sourcefire, Inc.
- * Authors: aCaB <acab at clamav.net>
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
- * USA
- */
-#ifndef __INTERFACE_H
-#define __INTERFACE_H
-BOOL interface_setup(void);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/win32/clamav-for-windows/main.c b/win32/clamav-for-windows/main.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ae8c8c3..0000000
--- a/win32/clamav-for-windows/main.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2010 Sourcefire, Inc.
- * Authors: aCaB <acab at clamav.net>
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
- * USA
- */
-#include "clamav-config.h"
-#include "clamav.h"
-#include "shared/output.h"
-#include "interface.h"
-#include "iface_errors.h"
-EXTERN_C IMAGE_DOS_HEADER __ImageBase; /* Reloc safe! */
-BOOL init() {
-    char whereami[PATH_MAX], *slash;
-    int ret;
-    ret = GetModuleFileName((HINSTANCE)&__ImageBase, whereami, sizeof(whereami) -1);
-    if(!ret || ret == sizeof(whereami) -1)
-	return FALSE;
-    whereami[sizeof(whereami)-1] = '\0';
-    slash = strrchr(whereami, '\\');
-    if(!slash)
-	return FALSE;
-    slash++;
-    *slash='\0';
-    SetDllDirectory(whereami);
-    __try {
-	ret = cl_init(CL_INIT_DEFAULT);
-    }
-    __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { ret = 1; }
-    SetDllDirectory(NULL);
-    if(ret)
-	return FALSE;
-    strncpy(slash, "clamav.log", sizeof(whereami) - (slash - whereami));
-    whereami[sizeof(whereami)-1] = '\0';
-    logg_verbose = 1;
-    logg_nowarn = 0;
-    logg_lock = 0;
-    logg_time = 1;
-    logg_size = -1;
-    logg_file = strdup(whereami);
-    if(!logg_file)
-	return FALSE;
-    if(logg("ClamAV core initialized\n"))
-	return FALSE;
-    if(init_errors()) {
-	logg("!Failed to initialize errors\n");
-	return FALSE;
-    }
-    ret = interface_setup();
-    logg("ClamAV module %s\n", ret == TRUE ? "initialized" : "failed! Aborting...");
-    return ret;
-BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE hModule, DWORD  ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved) {
-	switch (ul_reason_for_call)
-	{
-	    return init();
-	    break;
-	    logg("ClamAV module shutting down\n");
-	}
-	return TRUE;
diff --git a/win32/clambc.vcxproj b/win32/clambc.vcxproj
deleted file mode 100644
index e0cb1e7..0000000
--- a/win32/clambc.vcxproj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
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\ No newline at end of file

Debian repository for ClamAV

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