[Pkg-cli-apps-commits] r4007 - in /packages/galaxium/trunk/debian: ./ changelog compat control copyright dirs galaxium.1 galaxium.1.xml menu rules watch
hanska-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
hanska-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Thu Jun 19 07:37:15 UTC 2008
Author: hanska-guest
Date: Thu Jun 19 07:37:14 2008
New Revision: 4007
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-cli-apps/?sc=1&rev=4007
[svn-inject] Applying Debian modifications to trunk
packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/ (with props)
packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/rules (with props)
Propchange: packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/
mergeWithUpstream = 1
Added: packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-cli-apps/packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/changelog?rev=4007&op=file
--- packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/changelog (added)
+++ packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/changelog Thu Jun 19 07:37:14 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,5 @@
+galaxium (0.7.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Initial release (Closes: #476959)
+ -- David Paleino <d.paleino at gmail.com> Tue, 17 Jun 2008 23:01:04 +0200
Added: packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/compat
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-cli-apps/packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/compat?rev=4007&op=file
--- packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/compat (added)
+++ packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/compat Thu Jun 19 07:37:14 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
Added: packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/control
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-cli-apps/packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/control?rev=4007&op=file
--- packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/control (added)
+++ packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/control Thu Jun 19 07:37:14 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,37 @@
+Source: galaxium
+Section: net
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: David Paleino <d.paleino at gmail.com>
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 6), mono-gmcs, libmono-dev (>= 1.2.4),
+ libgtk2.0-cil (>= 2.10.2), libgecko2.0-cil (>= 0.10),
+ libndesk-dbus1.0-cil (>= 0.4.2), libndesk-dbus-glib1.0-cil (>= 0.3),
+ libmono-addins0.2-cil (>= 0.3), libgstreamer0.10-dev (>= 0.10),
+ libglade2.0-cil (>= 2.10.2), libglib2.0-cil (>= 2.10.2),
+ libanculus0.3-cil (>= 0.3), libxul-dev, cli-common-dev (>= 0.4.4),
+ libwebkit1.0-cil, quilt
+Standards-Version: 3.8.0
+Homepage: http://galaxium.googlecode.com/
+Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/collab-maint/deb-maint/galaxium/trunk
+Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/collab-maint/deb-maint/galaxium/trunk/
+Package: galaxium
+Architecture: any
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, ${cli:Depends}
+Description: instant messenger application for the GNOME desktop
+ Galaxium is an instant messenger application designed for the GNOME desktop.
+ It will allow you to connect to MSN, Jabber, GTalk, IRC, Yahoo and AIM (and
+ ICQ in the future) through the use of addins.
+ .
+ Features:
+ - Contact List Management
+ - Personalized content (Display Pictures, Personal Messages, Custom Emoticons)
+ - Indirect File Transfers (MSN)
+ - Direct File Transfers (Jabber wo/NAT only)
+ - MSN and Jabber (+GTalk) Session Support
+ - MSN communication with Yahoo contacts
+ - MSN over HTTP protocol
+ - Adium Theme Support
+ - GStreamer Audio Support
+ - Group Chat
+ - Offline Messaging (MSN)
+ - Roaming Profiles (MSN)
Added: packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/copyright
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-cli-apps/packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/copyright?rev=4007&op=file
--- packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/copyright (added)
+++ packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/copyright Thu Jun 19 07:37:14 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,18 @@
+Source: http://ppa.launchpad.net/paulburton89/ubuntu/pool/main/g/galaxium/
+Files: debian/*
+Copyright: © 2008, David Paleino <d.paleino at gmail.com>
+License: GPL-2+
+ This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+Files: *
+Copyright: © 2003-2008, Philippe Durand <draekz at gmail.com>
+ © 2006-2008, Ben Motmans <ben.motmans at gmail.com>
+ © 2007-2008, Paul Burton <paulburton89 at gmail.com>
+License: GPL-2+
+On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General
+Public License v2 can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2'.
Added: packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/dirs
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-cli-apps/packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/dirs?rev=4007&op=file
--- packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/dirs (added)
+++ packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/dirs Thu Jun 19 07:37:14 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
Added: packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/galaxium.1
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-cli-apps/packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/galaxium.1?rev=4007&op=file
--- packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/galaxium.1 (added)
+++ packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/galaxium.1 Thu Jun 19 07:37:14 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,120 @@
+.\" Title: GALAXIUM
+.\" Author: Philippe Durand <draekz at gmail.com>
+.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.73.2 <http://docbook.sf.net/>
+.\" Date: 05/18/2008
+.\" Manual: galaxium User Manual
+.\" Source: galaxium
+.TH "GALAXIUM" "1" "05/18/2008" "galaxium" "galaxium User Manual"
+.\" disable hyphenation
+.\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only)
+.ad l
+galaxium \- graphical instant messaging program
+.HP 9
+is an instant messenger application designed for the GNOME desktop\&. It will allow you to connect to MSN, Jabber, GTalk, IRC, Yahoo and AIM (ICQ in the future) through the use of addins\&. You can communicate with your family, friends and co\-workers from around the world, using different networks!
+Some available features are:
+.RS 4
+\h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'Contact List Management
+.RS 4
+\h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'Personalized content (Display Pictures, Personal Messages, Custom Emoticons)
+.RS 4
+\h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'Indirect File Transfers (MSN)
+.RS 4
+\h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'Direct File Transfers (Jabber wo/NAT only)
+.RS 4
+\h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'MSN and Jabber (+GTalk) Session Support
+.RS 4
+\h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'MSN communication with Yahoo contacts
+.RS 4
+\h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'MSN over HTTP protocol
+.RS 4
+\h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'Adium Theme Support
+.RS 4
+\h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'GStreamer Audio Support
+.RS 4
+\h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'Group Chat
+.RS 4
+\h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'Offline Messaging (MSN)
+.RS 4
+\h'-04'\(bu\h'+03'Roaming Profiles (MSN)
+On Debian systems, please use
+\fBreportbug galaxium\fR
+from a command\-line to report any bugs you may find\&.
+can be found at
+\fBPhilippe Durand\fR <\&draekz at gmail\&.com\&>
+.sp -1n
+.IP "" 4
+Upstream author\&.
+\fBBen Motmans\fR <\&ben\&.motmans at gmail\&.com\&>
+.sp -1n
+.IP "" 4
+Upstream author\&.
+\fBPaul Burton\fR <\&paulburton89 at gmail\&.com\&>
+.sp -1n
+.IP "" 4
+Upstream author\&.
+\fBDavid Paleino\fR <\&d\&.paleino at gmail\&.com\&>
+.sp -1n
+.IP "" 4
+Wrote this manpage for the Debian system\&.
+.sp -1n
+.IP "" 4
+Maintains the Debian package\&.
+Copyright \(co 2003-2008 Philippe Durand
+Copyright \(co 2006-2008 Ben Motmans
+Copyright \(co 2007-2008 Paul Burton
+This manual page was written for the Debian system (but may be used by others)\&.
+Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2 or (at your option) any later version published by the Free Software Foundation\&.
+On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License v2 can be found in
Added: packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/galaxium.1.xml
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-cli-apps/packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/galaxium.1.xml?rev=4007&op=file
--- packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/galaxium.1.xml (added)
+++ packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/galaxium.1.xml Thu Jun 19 07:37:14 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,123 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/manpages/docbook.xsl" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
+"http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd" [
+ <!ENTITY dhsection "1">
+ <!ENTITY dhtitle "galaxium User Manual">
+ <!ENTITY dhucpackage "GALAXIUM">
+ <!ENTITY dhpackage "galaxium">
+ <refentryinfo>
+ <title>&dhtitle;</title>
+ <productname>&dhpackage;</productname>
+ <authorgroup>
+ <author>
+ <firstname>Philippe</firstname>
+ <surname>Durand</surname>
+ <contrib>Upstream author.</contrib>
+ <address>
+ <email>draekz at gmail.com</email>
+ </address>
+ </author>
+ <author>
+ <firstname>Ben</firstname>
+ <surname>Motmans</surname>
+ <contrib>Upstream author.</contrib>
+ <address>
+ <email>ben.motmans at gmail.com</email>
+ </address>
+ </author>
+ <author>
+ <firstname>Paul</firstname>
+ <surname>Burton</surname>
+ <contrib>Upstream author.</contrib>
+ <address>
+ <email>paulburton89 at gmail.com</email>
+ </address>
+ </author>
+ <author>
+ <firstname>David</firstname>
+ <surname>Paleino</surname>
+ <contrib>Wrote this manpage for the Debian system.</contrib>
+ <contrib>Maintains the Debian package.</contrib>
+ <address>
+ <email>d.paleino at gmail.com</email>
+ </address>
+ </author>
+ </authorgroup>
+ <copyright>
+ <year>2003</year>
+ <year>2004</year>
+ <year>2005</year>
+ <year>2006</year>
+ <year>2007</year>
+ <year>2008</year>
+ <holder>Philippe Durand</holder>
+ </copyright>
+ <copyright>
+ <year>2006</year>
+ <year>2007</year>
+ <year>2008</year>
+ <holder>Ben Motmans</holder>
+ </copyright>
+ <copyright>
+ <year>2007</year>
+ <year>2008</year>
+ <holder>Paul Burton</holder>
+ </copyright>
+ <legalnotice>
+ <para>This manual page was written for the Debian system
+ (but may be used by others).</para>
+ <para>Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
+ document under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
+ Version 2 or (at your option) any later version published by
+ the Free Software Foundation.</para>
+ <para>On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public
+ License v2 can be found in
+ <filename>/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2</filename>.</para>
+ </legalnotice>
+ </refentryinfo>
+ <refmeta>
+ <refentrytitle>&dhucpackage;</refentrytitle>
+ <manvolnum>&dhsection;</manvolnum>
+ </refmeta>
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>&dhpackage;</refname>
+ <refpurpose>graphical instant messaging program</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <cmdsynopsis>
+ <command>&dhpackage;</command>
+ </cmdsynopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsect1 id="description">
+ <title>DESCRIPTION</title>
+ <para><command>&dhpackage;</command> is an instant messenger application designed
+ for the GNOME desktop. It will allow you to connect to MSN, Jabber, GTalk, IRC,
+ Yahoo and AIM (ICQ in the future) through the use of addins. You can communicate
+ with your family, friends and co-workers from around the world, using different networks!</para>
+ <para>Some available features are:</para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem><para>Contact List Management</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Personalized content (Display Pictures, Personal Messages, Custom Emoticons)</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Indirect File Transfers (MSN)</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Direct File Transfers (Jabber wo/NAT only)</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>MSN and Jabber (+GTalk) Session Support</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>MSN communication with Yahoo contacts</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>MSN over HTTP protocol</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Adium Theme Support</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>GStreamer Audio Support</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Group Chat</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Offline Messaging (MSN)</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Roaming Profiles (MSN)</para></listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1 id="bugs">
+ <title>BUGS</title>
+ <para>On Debian systems, please use <command>reportbug galaxium</command> from
+ a command-line to report any bugs you may find.</para>
+ <para>Upstream's <acronym>BTS</acronym> can be found at <ulink url="http://code.google.com/p/galaxium/issues/list"/>.</para>
+ </refsect1>
Added: packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/menu
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-cli-apps/packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/menu?rev=4007&op=file
--- packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/menu (added)
+++ packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/menu Thu Jun 19 07:37:14 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,5 @@
+ needs="X11"\
+ section="Applications/Network/Communication"\
+ title="Galaxium Instant Messenger" \
+ command="/usr/bin/galaxium"
Added: packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/rules
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-cli-apps/packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/rules?rev=4007&op=file
--- packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/rules (added)
+++ packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/rules Thu Jun 19 07:37:14 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,90 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+# -*- makefile -*-
+# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
+#export DH_VERBOSE=1
+include /usr/share/quilt/quilt.make
+CFLAGS = -Wall -g
+ifneq (,$(findstring noopt,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
+ CFLAGS += -O0
+ CFLAGS += -O2
+XP=xsltproc -o debian/ --param man.charmap.use.subset "0" \
+ --param make.year.ranges "1" \
+ --param make.single.year.ranges "1"
+manpages: galaxium.1
+galaxium.1: debian/galaxium.1.xml
+ $(XP) $<
+configure: configure-stamp
+configure-stamp: $(QUILT_STAMPFN)
+ dh_testdir
+ #--enable-irc --enable-aim --enable-yahoo
+ sh autogen.sh --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --enable-adium \
+ CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" LDFLAGS="-Wl,-z,defs"
+ touch $@
+build: build-stamp
+build-stamp: configure-stamp
+ dh_testdir
+ $(MAKE)
+ touch $@
+clean: realclean unpatch
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ rm -f build-stamp configure-stamp
+ [ ! -f Makefile ] || $(MAKE) distclean
+ -rm -rf auom4te.cache/
+ -rm -rf aclocal.m4 configure install-sh missing
+ find $(CURDIR) -name "Makefile.in" -delete
+ find $(CURDIR) -name "*.o" -delete
+ find $(CURDIR)/build -name "*.dll" -delete
+ dh_clean
+install: build
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ dh_clean -k
+ dh_installdirs
+ $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/galaxium install
+ -rm -rf $(CURDIR)/debian/galaxium/usr/lib/pkgconfig
+binary-indep: build install
+binary-arch: build install
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ dh_installchangelogs
+ dh_installdocs
+ dh_installmenu
+ dh_installman
+ dh_link
+ dh_strip
+ dh_clistrip
+ dh_compress
+ dh_fixperms
+ dh_clifixperms
+ dh_makeclilibs
+ dh_clideps
+ dh_installdeb
+ dh_shlibdeps
+ dh_gencontrol
+ dh_md5sums
+ dh_builddeb
+binary: binary-indep binary-arch
+.PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary install configure
Propchange: packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/rules
svn:executable = *
Added: packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/watch
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-cli-apps/packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/watch?rev=4007&op=file
--- packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/watch (added)
+++ packages/galaxium/trunk/debian/watch Thu Jun 19 07:37:14 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+http://code.google.com/p/galaxium/downloads/list http://galaxium.googlecode.com/files/galaxium_(\d+.*)\.tar\.gz
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