[Pkg-cli-apps-commits] [SCM] banshee annotated tag, debian/0.10.6-3, created. debian/0.10.6-3

Sebastian Dröge slomo at debian.org
Sat Mar 14 09:37:15 UTC 2009

The annotated tag, debian/0.10.6-3 has been created
        at  2fa24f7b17aeebb8e0ca857712e875bd30ad5076 (tag)
   tagging  f4048d127aa81cf24580a3ac68cd19bccb047149 (commit)
 tagged by  Chow Loong Jin
        on  Sun Dec 9 16:09:29 2007 +0000

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
moving non-group/* packages one level higher
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


Sebastian Dröge (21):
      - Added banshee
      - Changed my email address to slomo at ubuntu.com everywhere
      - changed libdbus-glib-1-dev to dbus-glib-1-dev how it's called in debian
      - Added conditional Build-Depends for dbus-glib-1-dev so it builds on Debian and ubuntu...
      - Added some versioned Build-Depends for banshee and libipoddevice
      - updated banshee, ipod-sharp, libipoddevice to new upstream version. these packages are in ubuntu breezy now versioned -0ubuntu1
      - mentioned ITP bug numbers for banshee and stuff
      - Used the correct syntax for bug-closing in the banshee, ipod-sharp, libipoddevice changelogs
      - Updated banshee to
      * updated to newest versions of banshee, ipod-sharp and libipoddevice
      * updated banshee, ipod-sharp, libipoddevice to the versions ajmitch uploaded
      * updated banshee to 0.10.2
      * some minor fixes for banshee
      * update banshee, nemerle, libipoddevice, ipod-sharp
      * Updated banshee to 0.10.5
      * Add missing files for banshee
      * tagged nemerle and banshee
      * updated banshee, ipod-sharp and libipoddevice
      * update banshee and ipod-sharp to the versions that were really uploaded
      * tag banshee 0.10.6-2 (rebuild against new libdbus-1-cil and spelling correction)
      * tagged banshee 0.10.6-3 (another dbus rebuild)



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