[Pkg-cli-apps-commits] [SCM] keepass2 branch, master, updated. debian/2.15+dfsg-1-6-gbd9c0ca

Julian Taylor jtaylor.debian at googlemail.com
Tue Apr 19 18:09:29 UTC 2011

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 442da1ca16a6c94b5d0ba23d1b8fd76f81261f89
Author: Julian Taylor <jtaylor.debian at googlemail.com>
Date:   Mon Apr 18 20:11:27 2011 +0200

    add three new patches
    * 06_add-translation-search-paths.patch:
      - search in XDG directories for translation files
    * 07_fix-quicksearch-losing-results-on-defocus.patch
    * 08_work-around-quicksearch-crash.patch

diff --git a/debian/patches/06_add-translation-search-paths.patch b/debian/patches/06_add-translation-search-paths.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca7c8ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/06_add-translation-search-paths.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+From: Julian Taylor <jtaylor.debian at googlemail.com>
+Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2011 18:54:38 +0200
+Subject: add translation search paths
+ also search for translations in XDG_CONFIG_HOME and XDG_DATA_HOME
+Applied-Upstream: 2.16
+ KeePass/App/Configuration/AppConfigSerializer.cs |   24 ++++++-
+ KeePass/Forms/LanguageForm.cs                    |   70 +++++++++++++++-------
+ KeePass/Program.cs                               |   60 ++++++++++++-------
+ 3 files changed, 106 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/KeePass/App/Configuration/AppConfigSerializer.cs b/KeePass/App/Configuration/AppConfigSerializer.cs
+index 24deaa1..62f58fe 100644
+--- a/KeePass/App/Configuration/AppConfigSerializer.cs
++++ b/KeePass/App/Configuration/AppConfigSerializer.cs
+@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ namespace KeePass.App.Configuration
+ 		private static string m_strBaseName = null; // Null prop allowed
+ 		private static string m_strCreateDir = null;
++		private static string m_strCreateDirLocal = null;
+ 		private static string m_strEnforcedConfigFile = null;
+ 		private static string m_strGlobalConfigFile = null;
+ 		private static string m_strUserConfigFile = null;
+@@ -53,6 +54,15 @@ namespace KeePass.App.Configuration
+ 			}
+ 		}
++		public static string LocalAppDataDirectory
++		{
++			get
++			{
++				AppConfigSerializer.GetConfigPaths();
++				return m_strCreateDirLocal;
++			}
++		}
+ 		/// <summary>
+ 		/// Get/set the base name for the configuration. If this property is
+ 		/// <c>null</c>, the class constructs names based on the current
+@@ -67,6 +77,7 @@ namespace KeePass.App.Configuration
+ 				m_strBaseName = value;
+ 				m_strCreateDir = null;
++				m_strCreateDirLocal = null;
+ 				m_strEnforcedConfigFile = null; // Invalidate paths
+ 				m_strGlobalConfigFile = null;
+ 				m_strUserConfigFile = null;
+@@ -125,19 +136,24 @@ namespace KeePass.App.Configuration
+ 					strUserDir = UrlUtil.GetFileDirectory(UrlUtil.FileUrlToPath(
+ 						Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase), true, false);
+ 				}
++				strUserDir = UrlUtil.EnsureTerminatingSeparator(strUserDir, false);
+-				if(!strUserDir.EndsWith(new string(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, 1)) &&
+-					!strUserDir.EndsWith("\\") && !strUserDir.EndsWith("/"))
++				string strUserDirLocal;
++				try
+ 				{
+-					strUserDir += new string(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, 1);
++					strUserDirLocal = Environment.GetFolderPath(
++						Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData);
+ 				}
++				catch(Exception) { strUserDirLocal = strUserDir; }
++				strUserDirLocal = UrlUtil.EnsureTerminatingSeparator(strUserDirLocal, false);
+ 				m_strCreateDir = strUserDir + strBaseDirName;
++				m_strCreateDirLocal = strUserDirLocal + strBaseDirName;
+ 				m_strUserConfigFile = m_strCreateDir + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar +
+ 					strBaseDirName + ".config.xml";
+ 			}
+-			Debug.Assert(m_strCreateDir != null); Debug.Assert(m_strCreateDir.Length > 0);
++			Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_strCreateDir));
+ 		}
+ 		private static void EnsureAppDataDirAvailable()
+diff --git a/KeePass/Forms/LanguageForm.cs b/KeePass/Forms/LanguageForm.cs
+index 8478a23..c5c9360 100644
+--- a/KeePass/Forms/LanguageForm.cs
++++ b/KeePass/Forms/LanguageForm.cs
+@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ using System.Windows.Forms;
+ using System.IO;
+ using KeePass.App;
++using KeePass.App.Configuration;
+ using KeePass.UI;
+ using KeePass.Resources;
+ using KeePass.Util;
+@@ -68,37 +69,62 @@ namespace KeePass.Forms
+ 			lvi.SubItems.Add(AppDefs.DefaultTrlAuthor);
+ 			lvi.SubItems.Add(AppDefs.DefaultTrlContact);
++			List<string> vList = new List<string>();
++			GetAvailableTranslations(AppConfigSerializer.AppDataDirectory, vList);
++			GetAvailableTranslations(AppConfigSerializer.LocalAppDataDirectory, vList);
+ 			string strExe = WinUtil.GetExecutable();
+ 			string strPath = UrlUtil.GetFileDirectory(strExe, false, true);
+-			GetAvailableTranslations(strPath);
++			GetAvailableTranslations(strPath, vList);
+ 		}
+-		private void GetAvailableTranslations(string strPath)
++		private void GetAvailableTranslations(string strPath, List<string> vList)
+ 		{
+-			DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(strPath);
+-			FileInfo[] vFiles = di.GetFiles();
+-			foreach(FileInfo fi in vFiles)
++			try
+ 			{
+-				if(fi.FullName.ToLower().EndsWith("." + KPTranslation.FileExtension))
++				DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(strPath);
++				FileInfo[] vFiles = di.GetFiles();
++				foreach(FileInfo fi in vFiles)
+ 				{
+-					try
+-					{
+-						KPTranslation kpTrl = KPTranslation.LoadFromFile(fi.FullName);
+-						ListViewItem lvi = m_lvLanguages.Items.Add(
+-							kpTrl.Properties.NameEnglish, 0);
+-						lvi.SubItems.Add(kpTrl.Properties.ApplicationVersion);
+-						lvi.SubItems.Add(kpTrl.Properties.AuthorName);
+-						lvi.SubItems.Add(kpTrl.Properties.AuthorContact);
+-						lvi.Tag = UrlUtil.GetFileName(fi.FullName);
+-					}
+-					catch(Exception ex)
++					string strFullName = fi.FullName;
++					if(strFullName.ToLower().EndsWith("." + KPTranslation.FileExtension))
+ 					{
+-						MessageService.ShowWarning(ex.Message);
++						string strFileName = UrlUtil.GetFileName(strFullName);
++						bool bFound = false;
++						foreach(string strExisting in vList)
++						{
++							if(strExisting.Equals(strFileName, StrUtil.CaseIgnoreCmp))
++							{
++								bFound = true;
++								break;
++							}
++						}
++						if(bFound) continue;
++						try
++						{
++							KPTranslation kpTrl = KPTranslation.LoadFromFile(strFullName);
++							ListViewItem lvi = m_lvLanguages.Items.Add(
++								kpTrl.Properties.NameEnglish, 0);
++							lvi.SubItems.Add(kpTrl.Properties.ApplicationVersion);
++							lvi.SubItems.Add(kpTrl.Properties.AuthorName);
++							lvi.SubItems.Add(kpTrl.Properties.AuthorContact);
++							lvi.Tag = strFileName;
++							vList.Add(strFileName);
++						}
++						catch(Exception ex)
++						{
++							MessageService.ShowWarning(ex.Message);
++						}
+ 					}
+ 				}
+ 			}
++			catch(Exception) { } // Directory might not exist or cause access violation
+ 		}
+ 		private void OnBtnClose(object sender, EventArgs e)
+@@ -113,13 +139,13 @@ namespace KeePass.Forms
+ 			if(lvic[0].Index == 0) // First item selected = English
+ 			{
+ 				if(Program.Config.Application.LanguageFile.Length == 0)
+-					return; // Is built-English already
++					return; // Is English already
+ 				Program.Config.Application.LanguageFile = string.Empty;
+ 			}
+ 			else
+ 			{
+-				string strSelID = lvic[0].Tag as string;
++				string strSelID = (lvic[0].Tag as string);
+ 				if(strSelID == Program.Config.Application.LanguageFile) return;
+ 				Program.Config.Application.LanguageFile = strSelID;
+diff --git a/KeePass/Program.cs b/KeePass/Program.cs
+index c8e9ef4..9cd0417 100644
+--- a/KeePass/Program.cs
++++ b/KeePass/Program.cs
+@@ -225,28 +225,7 @@ namespace KeePass
+ 			string strHelpFile = UrlUtil.StripExtension(WinUtil.GetExecutable()) + ".chm";
+ 			AppHelp.LocalHelpFile = strHelpFile;
+-			string strLangFile = m_appConfig.Application.LanguageFile;
+-			if((strLangFile != null) && (strLangFile.Length > 0))
+-			{
+-				strLangFile = UrlUtil.GetFileDirectory(WinUtil.GetExecutable(), true,
+-					false) + strLangFile;
+-				try
+-				{
+-					m_kpTranslation = KPTranslation.LoadFromFile(strLangFile);
+-					KPRes.SetTranslatedStrings(
+-						m_kpTranslation.SafeGetStringTableDictionary(
+-						"KeePass.Resources.KPRes"));
+-					KLRes.SetTranslatedStrings(
+-						m_kpTranslation.SafeGetStringTableDictionary(
+-						"KeePassLib.Resources.KLRes"));
+-					StrUtil.RightToLeft = m_kpTranslation.Properties.RightToLeft;
+-				}
+-				catch(FileNotFoundException) { } // Ignore
+-				catch(Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); }
+-			}
++			LoadTranslation();
+ 			if(m_appConfig.Application.Start.PluginCacheClearOnce)
+ 			{
+@@ -574,5 +553,42 @@ namespace KeePass
+ 			MainCleanUp();
+ 		}
++		private static void LoadTranslation()
++		{
++			string strLangFile = m_appConfig.Application.LanguageFile;
++			if((strLangFile != null) && (strLangFile.Length > 0))
++			{
++				string[] vLangDirs = new string[]{
++					AppConfigSerializer.AppDataDirectory,
++					AppConfigSerializer.LocalAppDataDirectory,
++					UrlUtil.GetFileDirectory(WinUtil.GetExecutable(), false, false)
++				};
++				foreach(string strLangDir in vLangDirs)
++				{
++					string strLangPath = UrlUtil.EnsureTerminatingSeparator(
++						strLangDir, false) + strLangFile;
++					try
++					{
++						m_kpTranslation = KPTranslation.LoadFromFile(strLangPath);
++						KPRes.SetTranslatedStrings(
++							m_kpTranslation.SafeGetStringTableDictionary(
++							"KeePass.Resources.KPRes"));
++						KLRes.SetTranslatedStrings(
++							m_kpTranslation.SafeGetStringTableDictionary(
++							"KeePassLib.Resources.KLRes"));
++						StrUtil.RightToLeft = m_kpTranslation.Properties.RightToLeft;
++						break;
++					}
++					catch(DirectoryNotFoundException) { } // Ignore
++					catch(FileNotFoundException) { } // Ignore
++					catch(Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); }
++				}
++			}
++		}
+ 	}
+ }
diff --git a/debian/patches/07_fix-quicksearch-losing-results-on-defocus.patch b/debian/patches/07_fix-quicksearch-losing-results-on-defocus.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50484b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/07_fix-quicksearch-losing-results-on-defocus.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+From: Julian Taylor <jtaylor.debian at googlemail.com>
+Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2011 19:44:53 +0200
+Subject: fix quicksearch losing results on defocus
+Applied-Upstream: 2.16
+ KeePass/Forms/MainForm.cs |   10 ++++------
+ 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/KeePass/Forms/MainForm.cs b/KeePass/Forms/MainForm.cs
+index 441f06a..ee82a9f 100644
+--- a/KeePass/Forms/MainForm.cs
++++ b/KeePass/Forms/MainForm.cs
+@@ -999,6 +999,7 @@ namespace KeePass.Forms
+ 		private void OnQuickFindSelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ 		{
+ 			if(m_bBlockQuickFind) return;
++			m_bBlockQuickFind = true;
+ 			string strSearch = m_tbQuickFind.Text; // Text, not selected index!
+ 			string strGroupName = KPRes.SearchGroupName + " (\"" + strSearch + "\" ";
+@@ -1031,12 +1032,9 @@ namespace KeePass.Forms
+ 			m_tbQuickFind.Items.Insert(0, strSearch);
+-			if(bDoSetText)
+-			{
+-				m_bBlockQuickFind = true;
+-				m_tbQuickFind.Text = strSearch;
+-				m_bBlockQuickFind = false;
+-			}
++			if(bDoSetText) m_tbQuickFind.Text = strSearch;
++			m_bBlockQuickFind = false;
+ 		}
+ 		private void OnQuickFindKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
diff --git a/debian/patches/08_work-around-quicksearch-crash.patch b/debian/patches/08_work-around-quicksearch-crash.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1bbe7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/08_work-around-quicksearch-crash.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+From: Julian Taylor <jtaylor.debian at googlemail.com>
+Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 19:44:11 +0200
+Subject: work around quicksearch crash
+Bug: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3286048&group_id=95013&atid=609908
+Applied-Upstream: 2.16
+ KeePass/Forms/MainForm.cs           |    8 +++-----
+ KeePass/Forms/MainForm_Functions.cs |   10 +++++++++-
+ 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/KeePass/Forms/MainForm.cs b/KeePass/Forms/MainForm.cs
+index ee82a9f..e0e1bcb 100644
+--- a/KeePass/Forms/MainForm.cs
++++ b/KeePass/Forms/MainForm.cs
+@@ -1021,18 +1021,16 @@ namespace KeePass.Forms
+ 			}
+ 			// Update the history items in the combobox
+-			bool bDoSetText = false;
+ 			if(nExistsAlready >= 0)
+-			{
+ 				m_tbQuickFind.Items.RemoveAt(nExistsAlready);
+-				bDoSetText = true;
+-			}
+ 			else if(m_tbQuickFind.Items.Count >= 8)
+ 				m_tbQuickFind.Items.RemoveAt(m_tbQuickFind.Items.Count - 1);
+ 			m_tbQuickFind.Items.Insert(0, strSearch);
+-			if(bDoSetText) m_tbQuickFind.Text = strSearch;
++			// if(bDoSetText) m_tbQuickFind.Text = strSearch;
++			m_tbQuickFind.SelectedIndex = 0;
++			m_tbQuickFind.Select(0, strSearch.Length);
+ 			m_bBlockQuickFind = false;
+ 		}
+diff --git a/KeePass/Forms/MainForm_Functions.cs b/KeePass/Forms/MainForm_Functions.cs
+index 708f815..8f21a4f 100644
+--- a/KeePass/Forms/MainForm_Functions.cs
++++ b/KeePass/Forms/MainForm_Functions.cs
+@@ -1074,7 +1074,15 @@ namespace KeePass.Forms
+ 				}
+ 			}
+-			if(lviFocused != null) m_lvEntries.FocusedItem = lviFocused;
++			if(lviFocused != null)
++			{
++				try { m_lvEntries.FocusedItem = lviFocused; } // .NET
++				catch(Exception)
++				{
++					try { lviFocused.Focused = true; } // Mono
++					catch(Exception) { Debug.Assert(false); }
++				}
++			}
+ 			View view = m_lvEntries.View;
+ 			if(m_bSimpleTanView)
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 48636c6..46b1027 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -3,3 +3,6 @@


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