[Pkg-cli-apps-commits] [SCM] monodevelop branch, master, updated. debian/3.0.2+dfsg-3-8-g4169974

Jo Shields directhex at apebox.org
Fri Jun 22 19:40:47 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 379a680a447e1715403a315e4eec365b6e0add15
Author: Jo Shields <directhex at apebox.org>
Date:   Fri Jun 22 17:10:03 2012 +0100

    Remove old patches we haven't used for ages from git.

diff --git a/debian/patches/avoid-dependency-on-Mono.Addins-0.5.patch b/debian/patches/avoid-dependency-on-Mono.Addins-0.5.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ee5bea..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/avoid-dependency-on-Mono.Addins-0.5.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-From 5a628ccfeed02aaee060ce563ff6bd2d468bfb9e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Lluis Sanchez <lluis at novell.com>
-Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2010 16:19:16 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] Avoid dependency on Mono.Addins 0.5
- .../DotNetProjectSubtypeNode.cs                    |   18 ++++++++++++++----
- 1 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/main/src/core/MonoDevelop.Core/MonoDevelop.Projects.Extensions/DotNetProjectSubtypeNode.cs b/main/src/core/MonoDevelop.Core/MonoDevelop.Projects.Extensions/DotNetProjectSubtypeNode.cs
-index adcd5ce..2ca5640 100644
---- a/src/core/MonoDevelop.Core/MonoDevelop.Projects.Extensions/DotNetProjectSubtypeNode.cs
-+++ b/src/core/MonoDevelop.Core/MonoDevelop.Projects.Extensions/DotNetProjectSubtypeNode.cs
-@@ -142,17 +142,27 @@ namespace MonoDevelop.Projects.Extensions
- 	class DotNetProjectSubtypeNodeImport: ExtensionNode
- 	{
-+		[NodeAttribute ("language")]
-+		string language;
-+		[NodeAttribute ("projects")]
-+		string projects;
- 		protected override void Read (NodeElement elem)
- 		{
- 			IsAdd = elem.NodeName == "AddImport";
- 			base.Read (elem);
- 		}
--		[NodeAttribute ("language")]
--		public string Language { get; set; }
-+		public string Language {
-+			get { return language; }
-+			set { language = value; }
-+		}
--		[NodeAttribute ("projects")]
--		public string Projects { get; set; }
-+		public string Projects {
-+			get { return projects; }
-+			set { projects = value; }
-+		}
- 		public bool IsAdd { get; private set; }
- 	}
diff --git a/debian/patches/generate_automake_1.11.2_compatible_makefiles.patch b/debian/patches/generate_automake_1.11.2_compatible_makefiles.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a5c763..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/generate_automake_1.11.2_compatible_makefiles.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
---- a/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Autotools/templates/Makefile.include
-+++ b/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Autotools/templates/Makefile.include
-@@ -62,7 +62,8 @@
- CLEANFILES += $(ASSEMBLY) $(ASSEMBLY).mdb $(BINARIES) $(build_resx_resources) $(build_satellite_assembly_list)
--pkglib_SCRIPTS = $(ASSEMBLY)
-+programfilesdir = $(pkglibdir)
-+programfiles_DATA = $(ASSEMBLY)
diff --git a/debian/patches/inject_Mono.Debugger.Soft_source.patch b/debian/patches/inject_Mono.Debugger.Soft_source.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e423b2d..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/inject_Mono.Debugger.Soft_source.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9173 +0,0 @@
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/AbsentInformationException.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/AbsentInformationException.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
-+using System;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class AbsentInformationException : Exception {
-+		public AbsentInformationException () : base ("Debug information is not available for this frame.") {
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/AppDomainCreateEvent.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/AppDomainCreateEvent.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class AppDomainCreateEvent : Event {
-+		AppDomainMirror domain;
-+		long id;
-+		internal AppDomainCreateEvent (VirtualMachine vm, int req_id, long thread_id, long id) : base (EventType.AppDomainCreate, vm, req_id, thread_id) {
-+			this.id = id;
-+		}
-+		public AppDomainMirror Domain {
-+			get {
-+				if (domain == null)
-+					domain = vm.GetDomain (id);
-+				return domain;
-+			}
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/AppDomainMirror.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/AppDomainMirror.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
-+using System;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class AppDomainMirror : Mirror
-+	{
-+		string friendly_name;
-+		AssemblyMirror entry_assembly, corlib;
-+		internal AppDomainMirror (VirtualMachine vm, long id) : base (vm, id) {
-+		}
-+		public string FriendlyName {
-+			get {
-+				if (friendly_name == null)
-+					friendly_name = vm.conn.Domain_GetName (id);
-+				return friendly_name;
-+			}
-+	    }
-+		// Not cached
-+		public AssemblyMirror[] GetAssemblies () {
-+			long[] ids = vm.conn.Domain_GetAssemblies (id);
-+			AssemblyMirror[] assemblies = new AssemblyMirror [ids.Length];
-+			// FIXME: Uniqueness
-+			for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; ++i)
-+				assemblies [i] = vm.GetAssembly (ids [i]);
-+			return assemblies;
-+	    }
-+		// This returns null when called before the first AssemblyLoad event
-+		public AssemblyMirror GetEntryAssembly () {
-+			if (entry_assembly == null) {
-+				long ass_id = vm.conn.Domain_GetEntryAssembly (id);
-+				entry_assembly = vm.GetAssembly (ass_id);
-+			}
-+			return entry_assembly;
-+	    }
-+		public AssemblyMirror Corlib {
-+			get {
-+				if (corlib == null) {
-+					long ass_id = vm.conn.Domain_GetCorlib (id);
-+					corlib = vm.GetAssembly (ass_id);
-+				}
-+				return corlib;
-+			}
-+	    }
-+		public StringMirror CreateString (string s) {
-+			if (s == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("s");
-+			return vm.GetObject<StringMirror> (vm.conn.Domain_CreateString (id, s));
-+		}
-+		public ObjectMirror CreateBoxedValue (Value value) {
-+			if (value == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("value");
-+			if (!(value is PrimitiveValue) && !(value is StructMirror))
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("Value must be a PrimitiveValue or a StructMirror", "value");
-+			if ((value is PrimitiveValue) && (value as PrimitiveValue).Value == null)
-+				return null;
-+			TypeMirror t = null;
-+			if (value is PrimitiveValue)
-+				t = GetCorrespondingType ((value as PrimitiveValue).Value.GetType ());
-+			else
-+				t = (value as StructMirror).Type;
-+			return vm.GetObject<ObjectMirror> (vm.conn.Domain_CreateBoxedValue (id, t.Id, vm.EncodeValue (value)));
-+		}
-+		TypeMirror[] primitiveTypes = new TypeMirror [32];
-+		public TypeMirror GetCorrespondingType (Type t) {
-+			if (t == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("t");
-+			TypeCode tc = Type.GetTypeCode (t);
-+			if (tc == TypeCode.Empty || tc == TypeCode.Object)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("t must be a primitive type", "t");
-+			int tc_index = (int)tc;
-+			if (primitiveTypes [tc_index] == null) {
-+				primitiveTypes [tc_index] = Corlib.GetType ("System." + t.Name, false, false);
-+				if (primitiveTypes [tc_index] == null)
-+					throw new NotImplementedException ();
-+			}
-+			return primitiveTypes [tc_index];
-+		}
-+    }
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/AppDomainUnloadEvent.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/AppDomainUnloadEvent.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class AppDomainUnloadEvent : Event {
-+		AppDomainMirror domain;
-+		long id;
-+		internal AppDomainUnloadEvent (VirtualMachine vm, int req_id, long thread_id, long id) : base (EventType.AppDomainUnload, vm, req_id, thread_id) {
-+			this.id = id;
-+		}
-+		public AppDomainMirror Domain {
-+			get {
-+				if (domain == null)
-+					domain = vm.GetDomain (id);
-+				return domain;
-+			}
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/ArrayMirror.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/ArrayMirror.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
-+using System;
-+using System.Collections;
-+using System.Collections.Generic;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class ArrayMirror : ObjectMirror, IEnumerable {
-+		public int[] lengths;
-+		public int[] lower_bounds;
-+		public int rank;
-+		internal ArrayMirror (VirtualMachine vm, long id) : base (vm, id) {
-+		}
-+		public int Length {
-+			get {
-+				GetLengths ();
-+				int length = lengths [0];
-+				for (int i = 1; i < Rank; i++) {
-+					length *= lengths [i];
-+				}
-+				return length;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public int Rank {
-+			get {
-+				GetLengths ();
-+				return rank;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public int GetLength (int dimension) {
-+			GetLengths ();
-+			if (dimension < 0 || dimension >= Rank)
-+				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("dimension");
-+			return lengths [dimension];
-+		}
-+		public int GetLowerBound (int dimension) {
-+			GetLengths ();
-+			if (dimension < 0 || dimension >= Rank)
-+				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("dimension");
-+			return lower_bounds [dimension];
-+		}
-+		void GetLengths () {
-+			if (lengths == null)
-+				lengths = vm.conn.Array_GetLength (id, out this.rank, out this.lower_bounds);
-+		}
-+		public Value this [int index] {
-+			get {
-+				// FIXME: Multiple dimensions
-+				if (index < 0 || index > Length - 1)
-+					throw new IndexOutOfRangeException ();
-+				return vm.DecodeValue (vm.conn.Array_GetValues (id, index, 1) [0]);
-+			}
-+			set {
-+				// FIXME: Multiple dimensions
-+				if (index < 0 || index > Length - 1)
-+					throw new IndexOutOfRangeException ();
-+				vm.conn.Array_SetValues (id, index, new ValueImpl [] { vm.EncodeValue (value) });
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public IList<Value> GetValues (int index, int length) {
-+			// FIXME: Multiple dimensions
-+				if (index < 0 || index > Length - length)
-+					throw new IndexOutOfRangeException ();
-+			return vm.DecodeValues (vm.conn.Array_GetValues (id, index, length));
-+		}
-+		public void SetValues (int index, Value[] values) {
-+			if (values == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("values");
-+			// FIXME: Multiple dimensions
-+			if (index < 0 || index > Length - values.Length)
-+				throw new IndexOutOfRangeException ();
-+			vm.conn.Array_SetValues (id, index, vm.EncodeValues (values));
-+		}
-+		IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator ()
-+		{
-+			return new SimpleEnumerator (this);
-+		}
-+		internal class SimpleEnumerator : IEnumerator, ICloneable
-+		{
-+			ArrayMirror arr;
-+			int pos, length;
-+			public SimpleEnumerator (ArrayMirror arr)
-+			{
-+				this.arr = arr;
-+				this.pos = -1;
-+				this.length = arr.Length;
-+			}
-+			public object Current {
-+				get {
-+					if (pos < 0 )
-+						throw new InvalidOperationException ("Enumeration has not started.");
-+					if  (pos >= length)
-+						throw new InvalidOperationException ("Enumeration has already ended");
-+					return arr [pos];
-+				}
-+			}
-+			public bool MoveNext()
-+			{
-+				if (pos < length)
-+					pos++;
-+				if(pos < length)
-+					return true;
-+				else
-+					return false;
-+			}
-+			public void Reset()
-+			{
-+				pos = -1;
-+			}
-+			public object Clone ()
-+			{
-+				return MemberwiseClone ();
-+			}
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/AssemblyLoadEvent.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/AssemblyLoadEvent.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class AssemblyLoadEvent : Event {
-+		AssemblyMirror assembly;
-+		long id;
-+		internal AssemblyLoadEvent (VirtualMachine vm, int req_id, long thread_id, long id) : base (EventType.AssemblyLoad, vm, req_id, thread_id) {
-+			this.id = id;
-+		}
-+		public AssemblyMirror Assembly {
-+			get {
-+				if (assembly == null)
-+					assembly = vm.GetAssembly (id);
-+				return assembly;
-+			}
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/AssemblyMirror.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/AssemblyMirror.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
-+using System;
-+using System.Reflection;
-+using Mono.Debugger;
-+using Mono.Cecil;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class AssemblyMirror : Mirror
-+	{
-+		string location;
-+		MethodMirror entry_point;
-+		bool entry_point_set;
-+		ModuleMirror main_module;
-+		AssemblyName aname;
-+		AssemblyDefinition meta;
-+		internal AssemblyMirror (VirtualMachine vm, long id) : base (vm, id) {
-+		}
-+		public string Location {
-+			get {
-+				if (location == null)
-+					location = vm.conn.Assembly_GetLocation (id);
-+				return location;
-+			}
-+	    }
-+		public MethodMirror EntryPoint {
-+			get {
-+				if (!entry_point_set) {
-+					long mid = vm.conn.Assembly_GetEntryPoint (id);
-+					if (mid != 0)
-+						entry_point = vm.GetMethod (mid);
-+					entry_point_set = true;
-+				}
-+				return entry_point;
-+			}
-+	    }
-+		public ModuleMirror ManifestModule {
-+			get {
-+				if (main_module == null) {
-+					main_module = vm.GetModule (vm.conn.Assembly_GetManifestModule (id));
-+				}
-+				return main_module;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public virtual AssemblyName GetName () {
-+			if (aname == null) {
-+				string name = vm.conn.Assembly_GetName (id);
-+				aname = new AssemblyName (name);
-+			}
-+			return aname;
-+		}
-+		public ObjectMirror GetAssemblyObject () {
-+			return vm.GetObject (vm.conn.Assembly_GetObject (id));
-+		}
-+		public TypeMirror GetType (string name, bool throwOnError, bool ignoreCase)
-+		{
-+			if (name == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException (name);
-+			if (name.Length == 0)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("name", "Name cannot be empty");
-+			if (throwOnError)
-+				throw new NotImplementedException ();
-+			return vm.GetType (vm.conn.Assembly_GetType (id, name, ignoreCase));
-+		}
-+		public TypeMirror GetType (String name, Boolean throwOnError)
-+		{
-+			return GetType (name, throwOnError, false);
-+		}
-+		public TypeMirror GetType (String name) {
-+			return GetType (name, false, false);
-+		}
-+		/* 
-+		 * An optional Cecil assembly which could be used to access metadata instead
-+		 * of reading it from the debuggee.
-+		 */
-+		public AssemblyDefinition Metadata {
-+			get {
-+				return meta;
-+			}
-+			set {
-+				if (value.MainModule.Name != ManifestModule.Name)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("The supplied assembly is named '" + value.MainModule.Name + "', while the assembly in the debuggee is named '" + ManifestModule.Name + "'.");
-+				if (value.MainModule.Mvid != ManifestModule.ModuleVersionId)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("The supplied assembly's main module has guid '" + value.MainModule.Mvid + ", while the assembly in the debuggee has guid '" + ManifestModule.ModuleVersionId + "'.", "value");
-+				meta = value;
-+			}
-+		}
-+    }
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/AssemblyUnloadEvent.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/AssemblyUnloadEvent.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class AssemblyUnloadEvent : Event {
-+		AssemblyMirror assembly;
-+		long id;
-+		internal AssemblyUnloadEvent (VirtualMachine vm, int req_id, long thread_id, long id) : base (EventType.AssemblyUnload, vm, req_id, thread_id) {
-+			this.id = id;
-+		}
-+		public AssemblyMirror Assembly {
-+			get {
-+				if (assembly == null)
-+					assembly = vm.GetAssembly (id);
-+				return assembly;
-+			}
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/BreakpointEvent.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/BreakpointEvent.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class BreakpointEvent : Event {
-+		MethodMirror method;
-+		long id;
-+		internal BreakpointEvent (VirtualMachine vm, int req_id, long thread_id, long id, long loc) : base (EventType.Breakpoint, vm, req_id, thread_id) {
-+			this.id = id;
-+		}
-+		public MethodMirror Method {
-+			get {
-+				if (method == null)
-+					method = vm.GetMethod (id);
-+				return method;
-+			}
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/BreakpointEventRequest.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/BreakpointEventRequest.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
-+using System;
-+using System.Collections.Generic;
-+using System.Linq;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public sealed class BreakpointEventRequest : EventRequest {
-+		MethodMirror method;
-+		long location;
-+		internal BreakpointEventRequest (VirtualMachine vm, MethodMirror method, long location) : base (vm, EventType.Breakpoint) {
-+			if (method == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("method");
-+			CheckMirror (vm, method);
-+			if (method.Locations.Count > 0 && !method.Locations.Any (l => l.ILOffset == location))
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("A breakpoint can only be set at an IL offset which is equal to the ILOffset property of one of the locations in method.Locations", "location");
-+			this.method = method;
-+			this.location = location;
-+		}
-+		public override void Enable () {
-+			var mods = new List <Modifier> ();
-+			mods.Add (new LocationModifier () { Method = method.Id, Location = location });
-+			SendReq (mods);
-+		}
-+	}
-\ No newline at end of file
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/Connection.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/Connection.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,1820 @@
-+using System;
-+using System.IO;
-+using System.Net;
-+using System.Net.Sockets;
-+using System.Threading;
-+using System.Collections.Generic;
-+using System.Text;
-+using Mono.Cecil.Metadata;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class VersionInfo {
-+		public string VMVersion {
-+			get; set;
-+		}
-+		public int MajorVersion {
-+			get; set;
-+		}
-+		public int MinorVersion {
-+			get; set;
-+		}
-+	}
-+	class DebugInfo {
-+		public int max_il_offset;
-+		public string filename;
-+		public int[] il_offsets;
-+		public int[] line_numbers;
-+	}
-+	struct FrameInfo {
-+		public long id;
-+		public long method;
-+		public int il_offset;
-+		public StackFrameFlags flags;
-+	}
-+	class TypeInfo {
-+		public string ns, name, full_name;
-+		public long assembly, module, base_type, element_type;
-+		public int token, rank, attributes;
-+		public bool is_byref, is_pointer, is_primitive, is_valuetype, is_enum;
-+		public long[] nested;
-+	}
-+	class MethodInfo {
-+		public int attributes, iattributes, token;
-+	}
-+	class MethodBodyInfo {
-+		public byte[] il;
-+	}
-+	struct ParamInfo {
-+		public int call_conv;
-+		public int param_count;
-+		public int generic_param_count;
-+		public long ret_type;
-+		public long[] param_types;
-+		public string[] param_names;
-+	}
-+	struct LocalsInfo {
-+		public long[] types;
-+		public string[] names;
-+		public int[] live_range_start;
-+		public int[] live_range_end;
-+	}
-+	struct PropInfo {
-+		public long id;
-+		public string name;
-+		public long get_method, set_method;
-+		public int attrs;
-+	}
-+	class CattrNamedArgInfo {
-+		public bool is_property;
-+		public long id;
-+		public ValueImpl value;
-+	}
-+	class CattrInfo {
-+		public long ctor_id;
-+		public ValueImpl[] ctor_args;
-+		public CattrNamedArgInfo[] named_args;
-+	}
-+	class ThreadInfo {
-+		public bool is_thread_pool;
-+	}
-+	enum ValueTypeId {
-+		VALUE_TYPE_ID_NULL = 0xf0,
-+	}
-+	enum InvokeFlags {
-+		NONE = 0x0,
-+	}
-+	class ValueImpl {
-+		public ElementType Type; /* or one of the VALUE_TYPE_ID constants */
-+		public long Objid;
-+		public object Value;
-+		public long Klass; // For ElementType.ValueType
-+		public ValueImpl[] Fields; // for ElementType.ValueType
-+		public bool IsEnum; // For ElementType.ValueType
-+		public long Id; /* For VALUE_TYPE_ID_TYPE */
-+	}
-+	class ModuleInfo {
-+		public string Name, ScopeName, FQName, Guid;
-+		public long Assembly;
-+	}		
-+	enum TokenType {
-+		STRING = 0,
-+		TYPE = 1,
-+		FIELD = 2,
-+		METHOD = 3,
-+		UNKNOWN = 4
-+	}
-+	enum StackFrameFlags {
-+	}
-+	class ResolvedToken {
-+		public TokenType Type;
-+		public string Str;
-+		public long Id;
-+	}
-+	class Modifier {
-+	}
-+	class CountModifier : Modifier {
-+		public int Count {
-+			get; set;
-+		}
-+	}
-+	class LocationModifier : Modifier {
-+		public long Method {
-+			get; set;
-+		}
-+		public long Location {
-+			get; set;
-+		}
-+	}
-+	class StepModifier : Modifier {
-+		public long Thread {
-+			get; set;
-+		}
-+		public int Depth {
-+			get; set;
-+		}
-+		public int Size {
-+			get; set;
-+		}
-+	}
-+	class ThreadModifier : Modifier {
-+		public long Thread {
-+			get; set;
-+		}
-+	}
-+	class ExceptionModifier : Modifier {
-+		public long Type {
-+			get; set;
-+		}
-+		public bool Caught {
-+			get; set;
-+		}
-+		public bool Uncaught {
-+			get; set;
-+		}
-+	}
-+	class AssemblyModifier : Modifier {
-+		public long[] Assemblies {
-+			get; set;
-+		}
-+	}
-+	class EventInfo {
-+		public EventType EventType {
-+			get; set;
-+		}
-+		public int ReqId {
-+			get; set;
-+		}
-+		public SuspendPolicy SuspendPolicy {
-+			get; set;
-+		}
-+		public long ThreadId {
-+			get; set;
-+		}
-+		public long Id {
-+			get; set;
-+		}
-+		public long Location {
-+			get; set;
-+		}
-+		public EventInfo (EventType type, int req_id) {
-+			EventType = type;
-+			ReqId = req_id;
-+		}
-+	}
-+	public enum ErrorCode {
-+		NONE = 0,
-+		NOT_SUSPENDED = 101,
-+		ERR_UNLOADED = 103,
-+	}
-+	public class ErrorHandlerEventArgs : EventArgs {
-+		public ErrorCode ErrorCode {
-+			get; set;
-+		}
-+	}
-+	/*
-+	 * Represents the connection to the debuggee
-+	 */
-+	class Connection
-+	{
-+		/*
-+		 * The protocol and the packet format is based on JDWP, the differences 
-+		 * are in the set of supported events, and the commands.
-+		 */
-+		public const string HANDSHAKE_STRING = "DWP-Handshake";
-+		public const int HEADER_LENGTH = 11;
-+		/*
-+		 * Th version of the wire-protocol implemented by the library. The library
-+		 * and the debuggee can communicate if they implement the same major version.
-+		 * If they implement a different minor version, they can communicate, but some
-+		 * features might not be available. This allows older clients to communicate
-+		 * with newer runtimes, and vice versa.
-+		 */
-+		public const int MAJOR_VERSION = 2;
-+		public const int MINOR_VERSION = 2;
-+		enum WPSuspendPolicy {
-+			NONE = 0,
-+			EVENT_THREAD = 1,
-+			ALL = 2
-+		}
-+		enum CommandSet {
-+			VM = 1,
-+			OBJECT_REF = 9,
-+			STRING_REF = 10,
-+			THREAD = 11,
-+			ARRAY_REF = 13,
-+			EVENT_REQUEST = 15,
-+			STACK_FRAME = 16,
-+			APPDOMAIN = 20,
-+			ASSEMBLY = 21,
-+			METHOD = 22,
-+			TYPE = 23,
-+			MODULE = 24,
-+			EVENT = 64
-+		}
-+		enum EventKind {
-+			VM_START = 0,
-+			VM_DEATH = 1,
-+			THREAD_START = 2,
-+			THREAD_DEATH = 3,
-+			APPDOMAIN_CREATE = 4, // Not in JDI
-+			APPDOMAIN_UNLOAD = 5, // Not in JDI
-+			METHOD_ENTRY = 6,
-+			METHOD_EXIT = 7,
-+			BREAKPOINT = 10,
-+			STEP = 11,
-+			TYPE_LOAD = 12,
-+			EXCEPTION = 13
-+		}
-+		enum ModifierKind {
-+			COUNT = 1,
-+			THREAD_ONLY = 3,
-+			STEP = 10,
-+		}
-+		enum CmdVM {
-+			VERSION = 1,
-+			ALL_THREADS = 2,
-+			SUSPEND = 3,
-+			RESUME = 4,
-+			EXIT = 5,
-+			DISPOSE = 6,
-+		}
-+		enum CmdEvent {
-+			COMPOSITE = 100
-+		}
-+		enum CmdThread {
-+			GET_FRAME_INFO = 1,
-+			GET_NAME = 2,
-+			GET_STATE = 3,
-+			GET_INFO = 4,
-+			/* FIXME: Merge into GET_INFO when the major protocol version is increased */
-+			GET_ID = 5
-+		}
-+		enum CmdEventRequest {
-+			SET = 1,
-+			CLEAR = 2,
-+		}
-+		enum CmdAppDomain {
-+			GET_CORLIB = 6,
-+		}
-+		enum CmdAssembly {
-+			GET_LOCATION = 1,
-+			GET_OBJECT = 4,
-+			GET_TYPE = 5,
-+			GET_NAME = 6
-+		}
-+		enum CmdModule {
-+			GET_INFO = 1,
-+		}
-+		enum CmdMethod {
-+			GET_NAME = 1,
-+			GET_DEBUG_INFO = 3,
-+			GET_PARAM_INFO = 4,
-+			GET_INFO = 6,
-+			GET_BODY = 7,
-+		}
-+		enum CmdType {
-+			GET_INFO = 1,
-+			GET_METHODS = 2,
-+			GET_FIELDS = 3,
-+			GET_VALUES = 4,
-+			GET_OBJECT = 5,
-+			SET_VALUES = 7,
-+			GET_CATTRS = 10,
-+			/* FIXME: Merge into GET_SOURCE_FILES when the major protocol version is increased */
-+			GET_SOURCE_FILES_2 = 13
-+		}
-+		enum CmdStackFrame {
-+			GET_VALUES = 1,
-+			GET_THIS = 2,
-+			SET_VALUES = 3
-+		}
-+		enum CmdArrayRef {
-+			GET_LENGTH = 1,
-+			GET_VALUES = 2,
-+			SET_VALUES = 3
-+		}
-+		enum CmdStringRef {
-+			GET_VALUE = 1
-+		}
-+		enum CmdObjectRef {
-+			GET_TYPE = 1,
-+			GET_VALUES = 2,
-+			IS_COLLECTED = 3,
-+			GET_ADDRESS = 4,
-+			GET_DOMAIN = 5,
-+			SET_VALUES = 6
-+		}
-+		class Header {
-+			public int id;
-+			public int command_set;
-+			public int command;
-+			public int flags;
-+		}			
-+		public static int GetPacketLength (byte[] header) {
-+			int offset = 0;
-+			return decode_int (header, ref offset);
-+		}
-+		public static bool IsReplyPacket (byte[] packet) {
-+			int offset = 8;
-+			return decode_byte (packet, ref offset) == 0x80;
-+		}
-+		public static int GetPacketId (byte[] packet) {
-+			int offset = 4;
-+			return decode_int (packet, ref offset);
-+		}
-+		static int decode_byte (byte[] packet, ref int offset) {
-+			return packet [offset++];
-+		}
-+		static int decode_short (byte[] packet, ref int offset) {
-+			int res = ((int)packet [offset] << 8) | (int)packet [offset + 1];
-+			offset += 2;
-+			return res;
-+		}
-+		static int decode_int (byte[] packet, ref int offset) {
-+			int res = ((int)packet [offset] << 24) | ((int)packet [offset + 1] << 16) | ((int)packet [offset + 2] << 8) | (int)packet [offset + 3];
-+			offset += 4;
-+			return res;
-+		}
-+		static long decode_id (byte[] packet, ref int offset) {
-+			return decode_int (packet, ref offset);
-+		}
-+		static long decode_long (byte[] packet, ref int offset) {
-+			uint high = (uint)decode_int (packet, ref offset);
-+			uint low = (uint)decode_int (packet, ref offset);
-+			return (long)(((ulong)high << 32) | (ulong)low);
-+		}
-+		public static SuspendPolicy decode_suspend_policy (int suspend_policy) {
-+			switch ((WPSuspendPolicy)suspend_policy) {
-+			case WPSuspendPolicy.NONE:
-+				return SuspendPolicy.None;
-+			case WPSuspendPolicy.EVENT_THREAD:
-+				return SuspendPolicy.EventThread;
-+			case WPSuspendPolicy.ALL:
-+				return SuspendPolicy.All;
-+			default:
-+				throw new NotImplementedException ();
-+			}
-+		}
-+		static Header decode_command_header (byte[] packet) {
-+			int offset = 0;
-+			Header res = new Header ();
-+			decode_int (packet, ref offset);
-+			res.id = decode_int (packet, ref offset);
-+			res.flags = decode_byte (packet, ref offset);
-+			res.command_set = decode_byte (packet, ref offset);
-+			res.command = decode_byte (packet, ref offset);
-+			return res;
-+		}
-+		static void encode_byte (byte[] buf, int b, ref int offset) {
-+			buf [offset] = (byte)b;
-+			offset ++;
-+		}
-+		static void encode_int (byte[] buf, int i, ref int offset) {
-+			buf [offset] = (byte)((i >> 24) & 0xff);
-+			buf [offset + 1] = (byte)((i >> 16) & 0xff);
-+			buf [offset + 2] = (byte)((i >> 8) & 0xff);
-+			buf [offset + 3] = (byte)((i >> 0) & 0xff);
-+			offset += 4;
-+		}
-+		static void encode_id (byte[] buf, long id, ref int offset) {
-+			encode_int (buf, (int)id, ref offset);
-+		}
-+		static void encode_long (byte[] buf, long l, ref int offset) {
-+			encode_int (buf, (int)((l >> 32) & 0xffffffff), ref offset);
-+			encode_int (buf, (int)(l & 0xffffffff), ref offset);
-+		}
-+		public static byte[] EncodePacket (int id, int commandSet, int command, byte[] data, int dataLen) {
-+			byte[] buf = new byte [dataLen + 11];
-+			int offset = 0;
-+			encode_int (buf, buf.Length, ref offset);
-+			encode_int (buf, id, ref offset);
-+			encode_byte (buf, 0, ref offset);
-+			encode_byte (buf, commandSet, ref offset);
-+			encode_byte (buf, command, ref offset);
-+			for (int i = 0; i < dataLen; ++i)
-+				buf [offset + i] = data [i];
-+			return buf;
-+		}
-+		class PacketReader {
-+			byte[] packet;
-+			int offset;
-+			public PacketReader (byte[] packet) {
-+				this.packet = packet;
-+				// For event packets
-+				Header header = decode_command_header (packet);
-+				CommandSet = (CommandSet)header.command_set;
-+				Command = header.command;
-+				// For reply packets
-+				offset = 0;
-+				ReadInt (); // length
-+				ReadInt (); // id
-+				ReadByte (); // flags
-+				ErrorCode = ReadShort ();
-+			}
-+			public CommandSet CommandSet {
-+				get; set;
-+			}
-+			public int Command {
-+				get; set;
-+			}
-+			public int ErrorCode {
-+				get; set;
-+			}
-+			public int Offset {
-+				get {
-+					return offset;
-+				}
-+			}
-+			public int ReadByte () {
-+				return decode_byte (packet, ref offset);
-+			}
-+			public int ReadShort () {
-+				return decode_short (packet, ref offset);
-+			}
-+			public int ReadInt () {
-+				return decode_int (packet, ref offset);
-+			}
-+			public long ReadId () {
-+				return decode_id (packet, ref offset);
-+			}
-+			public long ReadLong () {
-+				return decode_long (packet, ref offset);
-+			}
-+			public float ReadFloat () {
-+				float f = DataConverter.FloatFromBE (packet, offset);
-+				offset += 4;
-+				return f;
-+			}
-+			public double ReadDouble () {
-+				double d = DataConverter.DoubleFromBE (packet, offset);
-+				offset += 8;
-+				return d;
-+			}
-+			public string ReadString () {
-+				int len = decode_int (packet, ref offset);
-+				string res = new String (Encoding.UTF8.GetChars (packet, offset, len));
-+				offset += len;
-+				return res;
-+			}
-+			public ValueImpl ReadValue () {
-+				ElementType etype = (ElementType)ReadByte ();
-+				switch (etype) {
-+				case ElementType.Void:
-+					return new ValueImpl { Type = etype };
-+				case ElementType.I1:
-+					return new ValueImpl { Type = etype, Value = (sbyte)ReadInt () };
-+				case ElementType.U1:
-+					return new ValueImpl { Type = etype, Value = (byte)ReadInt () };
-+				case ElementType.Boolean:
-+					return new ValueImpl { Type = etype, Value = ReadInt () != 0 };
-+				case ElementType.I2:
-+					return new ValueImpl { Type = etype, Value = (short)ReadInt () };
-+				case ElementType.U2:
-+					return new ValueImpl { Type = etype, Value = (ushort)ReadInt () };
-+				case ElementType.Char:
-+					return new ValueImpl { Type = etype, Value = (char)ReadInt () };
-+				case ElementType.I4:
-+					return new ValueImpl { Type = etype, Value = ReadInt () };
-+				case ElementType.U4:
-+					return new ValueImpl { Type = etype, Value = (uint)ReadInt () };
-+				case ElementType.I8:
-+					return new ValueImpl { Type = etype, Value = ReadLong () };
-+				case ElementType.U8:
-+					return new ValueImpl { Type = etype, Value = (ulong)ReadLong () };
-+				case ElementType.R4:
-+					return new ValueImpl { Type = etype, Value = ReadFloat () };
-+				case ElementType.R8:
-+					return new ValueImpl { Type = etype, Value = ReadDouble () };
-+				case ElementType.I:
-+				case ElementType.U:
-+				case ElementType.Ptr:
-+					// FIXME: The client and the debuggee might have different word sizes
-+					return new ValueImpl { Type = etype, Value = ReadLong () };
-+				case ElementType.String:
-+				case ElementType.SzArray:
-+				case ElementType.Class:
-+				case ElementType.Array:
-+				case ElementType.Object:
-+					long objid = ReadId ();
-+					return new ValueImpl () { Type = etype, Objid = objid };
-+				case ElementType.ValueType:
-+					bool is_enum = ReadByte () == 1;
-+					long klass = ReadId ();
-+					long nfields = ReadInt ();
-+					ValueImpl[] fields = new ValueImpl [nfields];
-+					for (int i = 0; i < nfields; ++i)
-+						fields [i] = ReadValue ();
-+					return new ValueImpl () { Type = etype, Klass = klass, Fields = fields, IsEnum = is_enum };
-+				case (ElementType)ValueTypeId.VALUE_TYPE_ID_NULL:
-+					return new ValueImpl { Type = etype };
-+				case (ElementType)ValueTypeId.VALUE_TYPE_ID_TYPE:
-+					return new ValueImpl () { Type = etype, Id = ReadId () };
-+				default:
-+					throw new NotImplementedException ("Unable to handle type " + etype);
-+				}
-+			}
-+		}
-+		class PacketWriter {
-+			byte[] data;
-+			int offset;
-+			public PacketWriter () {
-+				// FIXME:
-+				data = new byte [1024];
-+				offset = 0;
-+			}
-+			public PacketWriter WriteByte (byte val) {
-+				encode_byte (data, val, ref offset);
-+				return this;
-+			}
-+			public PacketWriter WriteInt (int val) {
-+				encode_int (data, val, ref offset);
-+				return this;
-+			}
-+			public PacketWriter WriteId (long id) {
-+				encode_id (data, id, ref offset);
-+				return this;
-+			}
-+			public PacketWriter WriteLong (long val) {
-+				encode_long (data, val, ref offset);
-+				return this;
-+			}
-+			public PacketWriter WriteFloat (float f) {
-+				byte[] b = DataConverter.GetBytesBE (f);
-+				for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
-+					data [offset + i] = b [i];
-+				offset += 4;
-+				return this;
-+			}
-+			public PacketWriter WriteDouble (double d) {
-+				byte[] b = DataConverter.GetBytesBE (d);
-+				for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
-+					data [offset + i] = b [i];
-+				offset += 8;
-+				return this;
-+			}
-+			public PacketWriter WriteInts (int[] ids) {
-+				for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; ++i)
-+					WriteInt (ids [i]);
-+				return this;
-+			}
-+			public PacketWriter WriteIds (long[] ids) {
-+				for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; ++i)
-+					WriteId (ids [i]);
-+				return this;
-+			}
-+			public PacketWriter WriteString (string s) {
-+				encode_int (data, s.Length, ref offset);
-+				byte[] b = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (s);
-+				Buffer.BlockCopy (b, 0, data, offset, b.Length);
-+				offset += b.Length;
-+				return this;
-+			}
-+			public PacketWriter WriteBool (bool val) {
-+				WriteByte (val ? (byte)1 : (byte)0);
-+				return this;
-+			}
-+			public PacketWriter WriteValue (ValueImpl v) {
-+				ElementType t;
-+				if (v.Value != null)
-+					t = TypeCodeToElementType (Type.GetTypeCode (v.Value.GetType ()));
-+				else
-+					t = v.Type;
-+				WriteByte ((byte)t);
-+				switch (t) {
-+				case ElementType.Boolean:
-+					WriteInt ((bool)v.Value ? 1 : 0);
-+					break;
-+				case ElementType.Char:
-+					WriteInt ((int)(char)v.Value);
-+					break;
-+				case ElementType.I1:
-+					WriteInt ((int)(sbyte)v.Value);
-+					break;
-+				case ElementType.U1:
-+					WriteInt ((int)(byte)v.Value);
-+					break;
-+				case ElementType.I2:
-+					WriteInt ((int)(short)v.Value);
-+					break;
-+				case ElementType.U2:
-+					WriteInt ((int)(ushort)v.Value);
-+					break;
-+				case ElementType.I4:
-+					WriteInt ((int)(int)v.Value);
-+					break;
-+				case ElementType.U4:
-+					WriteInt ((int)(uint)v.Value);
-+					break;
-+				case ElementType.I8:
-+					WriteLong ((long)(long)v.Value);
-+					break;
-+				case ElementType.U8:
-+					WriteLong ((long)(ulong)v.Value);
-+					break;
-+				case ElementType.R4:
-+					WriteFloat ((float)v.Value);
-+					break;
-+				case ElementType.R8:
-+					WriteDouble ((double)v.Value);
-+					break;
-+				case ElementType.String:
-+				case ElementType.SzArray:
-+				case ElementType.Class:
-+				case ElementType.Array:
-+				case ElementType.Object:
-+					WriteId (v.Objid);
-+					break;
-+				case ElementType.ValueType:
-+					// FIXME: 
-+					if (v.IsEnum)
-+						throw new NotImplementedException ();
-+					WriteByte (0);
-+					WriteId (v.Klass);
-+					WriteInt (v.Fields.Length);
-+					for (int i = 0; i < v.Fields.Length; ++i)
-+						WriteValue (v.Fields [i]);
-+					break;
-+				case (ElementType)ValueTypeId.VALUE_TYPE_ID_NULL:
-+					break;
-+				default:
-+					throw new NotImplementedException ();
-+				}
-+				return this;
-+			}
-+			public PacketWriter WriteValues (ValueImpl[] values) {
-+				for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; ++i)
-+					WriteValue (values [i]);
-+				return this;
-+			}
-+			public byte[] Data {
-+				get {
-+					return data;
-+				}
-+			}
-+			public int Offset {
-+				get {
-+					return offset;
-+				}
-+			}
-+		}
-+		delegate void ReplyCallback (int packet_id, byte[] packet);
-+		Socket socket;
-+		bool closed;
-+		Thread receiver_thread;
-+		Dictionary<int, byte[]> reply_packets;
-+		Dictionary<int, ReplyCallback> reply_cbs;
-+		object reply_packets_monitor;
-+		public event EventHandler<ErrorHandlerEventArgs> ErrorHandler;
-+		public Connection (Socket socket) {
-+			this.socket = socket;
-+			//socket.SetSocketOption (SocketOptionLevel.IP, SocketOptionName.NoDelay, 1);
-+			closed = false;
-+			reply_packets = new Dictionary<int, byte[]> ();
-+			reply_cbs = new Dictionary<int, ReplyCallback> ();
-+			reply_packets_monitor = new Object ();
-+		}
-+		int Receive (byte[] buf, int buf_offset, int len) {
-+			int offset = 0;
-+			while (offset < len) {
-+				int n = socket.Receive (buf, buf_offset + offset, len - offset, SocketFlags.None);
-+				if (n == 0)
-+					return offset;
-+				offset += n;
-+			}
-+			return offset;
-+		}
-+		public VersionInfo Version;
-+		// Do the wire protocol handshake
-+		public void Connect () {
-+			byte[] buf = new byte [HANDSHAKE_STRING.Length];
-+			char[] cbuf = new char [buf.Length];
-+			// FIXME: Add a timeout
-+			int n = Receive (buf, 0, buf.Length);
-+			if (n == 0)
-+				throw new IOException ("DWP Handshake failed.");
-+			for (int i = 0; i < buf.Length; ++i)
-+				cbuf [i] = (char)buf [i];
-+			if (new String (cbuf) != HANDSHAKE_STRING)
-+				throw new IOException ("DWP Handshake failed.");
-+			socket.Send (buf);
-+			receiver_thread = new Thread (new ThreadStart (receiver_thread_main));
-+			receiver_thread.Start ();
-+			Version = VM_GetVersion ();
-+			//
-+			// Tell the debuggee our protocol version, so newer debuggees can work
-+			// with older clients
-+			//
-+			//
-+			// Older debuggees might not support this request
-+			EventHandler<ErrorHandlerEventArgs> OrigErrorHandler = ErrorHandler;
-+			ErrorHandler = null;
-+			ErrorHandler += delegate (object sender, ErrorHandlerEventArgs args) {
-+				throw new NotSupportedException ();
-+			};
-+			try {
-+				VM_SetProtocolVersion (MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION);
-+			} catch (NotSupportedException) {
-+			}
-+			ErrorHandler = OrigErrorHandler;
-+		}
-+		public EndPoint EndPoint {
-+			get {
-+				return socket.RemoteEndPoint;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public byte[] ReadPacket () {
-+			// FIXME: Throw ClosedConnectionException () if the connection is closed
-+			// FIXME: Throw ClosedConnectionException () if another thread closes the connection
-+			// FIXME: Locking
-+			byte[] header = new byte [HEADER_LENGTH];
-+			int len = Receive (header, 0, header.Length);
-+			if (len == 0)
-+				return new byte [0];
-+			if (len != HEADER_LENGTH) {
-+				// FIXME:
-+				throw new IOException ("Packet of length " + len + " is read.");
-+			}
-+			int packetLength = GetPacketLength (header);
-+			if (packetLength < 11)
-+				throw new IOException ("Invalid packet length.");
-+			if (packetLength == 11) {
-+				return header;
-+			} else {
-+				byte[] buf = new byte [packetLength];
-+				for (int i = 0; i < header.Length; ++i)
-+					buf [i] = header [i];
-+				len = Receive (buf, header.Length, packetLength - header.Length);
-+				if (len != packetLength - header.Length)
-+					throw new IOException ();
-+				return buf;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public void WritePacket (byte[] packet) {
-+			// FIXME: Throw ClosedConnectionException () if the connection is closed
-+			// FIXME: Throw ClosedConnectionException () if another thread closes the connection
-+			// FIXME: Locking
-+			socket.Send (packet);
-+		}
-+		public void Close () {
-+			closed = true;
-+		}
-+		public bool IsClosed {
-+			get {
-+				return closed;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		bool disconnected;
-+		void receiver_thread_main () {
-+			while (true) {
-+				try {
-+					bool res = ReceivePacket ();
-+					if (!res)
-+						break;
-+				} catch (Exception ex) {
-+					Console.WriteLine (ex);
-+					break;
-+				}
-+			}
-+			lock (reply_packets_monitor) {
-+				disconnected = true;
-+				Monitor.PulseAll (reply_packets_monitor);
-+			}
-+			EventHandler.VMDisconnect (0, 0, null);
-+		}
-+		bool ReceivePacket () {
-+				byte[] packet = ReadPacket ();
-+				if (packet.Length == 0) {
-+					return false;
-+				}
-+				if (IsReplyPacket (packet)) {
-+					int id = GetPacketId (packet);
-+					ReplyCallback cb = null;
-+					lock (reply_packets_monitor) {
-+						reply_cbs.TryGetValue (id, out cb);
-+						if (cb == null) {
-+							reply_packets [id] = packet;
-+							Monitor.PulseAll (reply_packets_monitor);
-+						}
-+					}
-+					if (cb != null)
-+						cb.Invoke (id, packet);
-+				} else {
-+					PacketReader r = new PacketReader (packet);
-+					if (r.CommandSet == CommandSet.EVENT && r.Command == (int)CmdEvent.COMPOSITE) {
-+						int spolicy = r.ReadByte ();
-+						int nevents = r.ReadInt ();
-+						SuspendPolicy suspend_policy = decode_suspend_policy (spolicy);
-+						EventInfo[] events = new EventInfo [nevents];
-+						for (int i = 0; i < nevents; ++i) {
-+							EventKind kind = (EventKind)r.ReadByte ();
-+							int req_id = r.ReadInt ();
-+							EventType etype = (EventType)kind;
-+							if (kind == EventKind.VM_START) {
-+								long thread_id = r.ReadId ();
-+								events [i] = new EventInfo (etype, req_id) { ThreadId = thread_id };
-+								//EventHandler.VMStart (req_id, thread_id, null);
-+							} else if (kind == EventKind.VM_DEATH) {
-+								//EventHandler.VMDeath (req_id, 0, null);
-+								events [i] = new EventInfo (etype, req_id) { };
-+							} else if (kind == EventKind.THREAD_START) {
-+								long thread_id = r.ReadId ();
-+								events [i] = new EventInfo (etype, req_id) { ThreadId = thread_id, Id = thread_id };
-+								//EventHandler.ThreadStart (req_id, thread_id, thread_id);
-+							} else if (kind == EventKind.THREAD_DEATH) {
-+								long thread_id = r.ReadId ();
-+								events [i] = new EventInfo (etype, req_id) { ThreadId = thread_id, Id = thread_id };
-+								//EventHandler.ThreadDeath (req_id, thread_id, thread_id);
-+							} else if (kind == EventKind.ASSEMBLY_LOAD) {
-+								long thread_id = r.ReadId ();
-+								long id = r.ReadId ();
-+								events [i] = new EventInfo (etype, req_id) { ThreadId = thread_id, Id = id };
-+								//EventHandler.AssemblyLoad (req_id, thread_id, id);
-+							} else if (kind == EventKind.ASSEMBLY_UNLOAD) {
-+								long thread_id = r.ReadId ();
-+								long id = r.ReadId ();
-+								events [i] = new EventInfo (etype, req_id) { ThreadId = thread_id, Id = id };
-+								//EventHandler.AssemblyUnload (req_id, thread_id, id);
-+							} else if (kind == EventKind.TYPE_LOAD) {
-+								long thread_id = r.ReadId ();
-+								long id = r.ReadId ();
-+								events [i] = new EventInfo (etype, req_id) { ThreadId = thread_id, Id = id };
-+								//EventHandler.TypeLoad (req_id, thread_id, id);
-+							} else if (kind == EventKind.METHOD_ENTRY) {
-+								long thread_id = r.ReadId ();
-+								long id = r.ReadId ();
-+								events [i] = new EventInfo (etype, req_id) { ThreadId = thread_id, Id = id };
-+								//EventHandler.MethodEntry (req_id, thread_id, id);
-+							} else if (kind == EventKind.METHOD_EXIT) {
-+								long thread_id = r.ReadId ();
-+								long id = r.ReadId ();
-+								events [i] = new EventInfo (etype, req_id) { ThreadId = thread_id, Id = id };
-+								//EventHandler.MethodExit (req_id, thread_id, id);
-+							} else if (kind == EventKind.BREAKPOINT) {
-+								long thread_id = r.ReadId ();
-+								long id = r.ReadId ();
-+								long loc = r.ReadLong ();
-+								events [i] = new EventInfo (etype, req_id) { ThreadId = thread_id, Id = id, Location = loc };
-+								//EventHandler.Breakpoint (req_id, thread_id, id, loc);
-+							} else if (kind == EventKind.STEP) {
-+								long thread_id = r.ReadId ();
-+								long id = r.ReadId ();
-+								long loc = r.ReadLong ();
-+								events [i] = new EventInfo (etype, req_id) { ThreadId = thread_id, Id = id, Location = loc };
-+								//EventHandler.Step (req_id, thread_id, id, loc);
-+							} else if (kind == EventKind.EXCEPTION) {
-+								long thread_id = r.ReadId ();
-+								long id = r.ReadId ();
-+								long loc = 0; // FIXME
-+								events [i] = new EventInfo (etype, req_id) { ThreadId = thread_id, Id = id, Location = loc };
-+								//EventHandler.Exception (req_id, thread_id, id, loc);
-+							} else if (kind == EventKind.APPDOMAIN_CREATE) {
-+								long thread_id = r.ReadId ();
-+								long id = r.ReadId ();
-+								events [i] = new EventInfo (etype, req_id) { ThreadId = thread_id, Id = id };
-+								//EventHandler.AppDomainCreate (req_id, thread_id, id);
-+							} else if (kind == EventKind.APPDOMAIN_UNLOAD) {
-+								long thread_id = r.ReadId ();
-+								long id = r.ReadId ();
-+								events [i] = new EventInfo (etype, req_id) { ThreadId = thread_id, Id = id };
-+								//EventHandler.AppDomainUnload (req_id, thread_id, id);
-+							} else {
-+								throw new NotImplementedException ("Unknown event kind: " + kind);
-+							}
-+						}
-+						EventHandler.Events (suspend_policy, events);
-+					}
-+				}
-+				return true;
-+		}
-+		public IEventHandler EventHandler {
-+			get; set;
-+		}
-+		/* Send a request and call cb when a result is received */
-+		int Send (CommandSet command_set, int command, PacketWriter packet, Action<PacketReader> cb) {
-+			int id = IdGenerator;
-+			lock (reply_packets_monitor) {
-+				reply_cbs [id] = delegate (int packet_id, byte[] p) {
-+					/* Run the callback on a tp thread to avoid blocking the receive thread */
-+					PacketReader r = new PacketReader (p);
-+					cb.BeginInvoke (r, null, null);
-+				};
-+			}
-+			if (packet == null)
-+				WritePacket (EncodePacket (id, (int)command_set, command, null, 0));
-+			else
-+				WritePacket (EncodePacket (id, (int)command_set, command, packet.Data, packet.Offset));
-+			return id;
-+		}
-+		PacketReader SendReceive (CommandSet command_set, int command, PacketWriter packet) {
-+			int id = IdGenerator;
-+			if (packet == null)
-+				WritePacket (EncodePacket (id, (int)command_set, command, null, 0));
-+			else
-+				WritePacket (EncodePacket (id, (int)command_set, command, packet.Data, packet.Offset));
-+			int packetId = id;
-+			/* Wait for the reply packet */
-+			while (true) {
-+				lock (reply_packets_monitor) {
-+					if (reply_packets.ContainsKey (packetId)) {
-+						byte[] reply = reply_packets [packetId];
-+						reply_packets.Remove (packetId);
-+						PacketReader r = new PacketReader (reply);
-+						if (r.ErrorCode != 0) {
-+							if (ErrorHandler != null)
-+								ErrorHandler (this, new ErrorHandlerEventArgs () { ErrorCode = (ErrorCode)r.ErrorCode });
-+							throw new NotImplementedException ("No error handler set.");
-+						} else {
-+							return r;
-+						}
-+					} else {
-+						if (disconnected)
-+							throw new VMDisconnectedException ();
-+						Monitor.Wait (reply_packets_monitor);
-+					}
-+				}
-+			}
-+		}
-+		PacketReader SendReceive (CommandSet command_set, int command) {
-+			return SendReceive (command_set, command, null);
-+		}
-+		int packet_id_generator;
-+		int IdGenerator {
-+			get {
-+				return Interlocked.Increment (ref packet_id_generator);
-+			}
-+		}
-+		CattrInfo[] ReadCattrs (PacketReader r) {
-+			CattrInfo[] res = new CattrInfo [r.ReadInt ()];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < res.Length; ++i) {
-+				CattrInfo info = new CattrInfo ();
-+				info.ctor_id = r.ReadId ();
-+				info.ctor_args = new ValueImpl [r.ReadInt ()];
-+				for (int j = 0; j < info.ctor_args.Length; ++j) {
-+					info.ctor_args [j] = r.ReadValue ();
-+				}
-+				info.named_args = new CattrNamedArgInfo [r.ReadInt ()];
-+				for (int j = 0; j < info.named_args.Length; ++j) {
-+					CattrNamedArgInfo arg = new CattrNamedArgInfo ();
-+					int arg_type = r.ReadByte ();
-+					arg.is_property = arg_type == 0x54;
-+					arg.id = r.ReadId ();
-+					arg.value = r.ReadValue ();
-+					info.named_args [j] = arg;
-+				}
-+				res [i] = info;
-+			}
-+			return res;
-+		}
-+		static ElementType TypeCodeToElementType (TypeCode c) {
-+			switch (c) {
-+			case TypeCode.Boolean:
-+				return ElementType.Boolean;
-+			case TypeCode.Char:
-+				return ElementType.Char;
-+			case TypeCode.SByte:
-+				return ElementType.I1;
-+			case TypeCode.Byte:
-+				return ElementType.U1;
-+			case TypeCode.Int16:
-+				return ElementType.I2;
-+			case TypeCode.UInt16:
-+				return ElementType.U2;
-+			case TypeCode.Int32:
-+				return ElementType.I4;
-+			case TypeCode.UInt32:
-+				return ElementType.U4;
-+			case TypeCode.Int64:
-+				return ElementType.I8;
-+			case TypeCode.UInt64:
-+				return ElementType.U8;
-+			case TypeCode.Single:
-+				return ElementType.R4;
-+			case TypeCode.Double:
-+				return ElementType.R8;
-+			default:
-+				throw new NotImplementedException ();
-+			}
-+		}
-+		/*
-+		 * Implementation of debugger commands
-+		 */
-+		public VersionInfo VM_GetVersion () {
-+			var res = SendReceive (CommandSet.VM, (int)CmdVM.VERSION, null);
-+			VersionInfo info = new VersionInfo ();
-+			info.VMVersion = res.ReadString ();
-+			info.MajorVersion = res.ReadInt ();
-+			info.MinorVersion = res.ReadInt ();
-+			return info;
-+		}
-+		public void VM_SetProtocolVersion (int major, int minor) {
-+			SendReceive (CommandSet.VM, (int)CmdVM.SET_PROTOCOL_VERSION, new PacketWriter ().WriteInt (major).WriteInt (minor));
-+		}
-+		public long[] VM_GetThreads () {
-+			var res = SendReceive (CommandSet.VM, (int)CmdVM.ALL_THREADS, null);
-+			int len = res.ReadInt ();
-+			long[] arr = new long [len];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
-+				arr [i] = res.ReadId ();
-+			return arr;
-+		}
-+		public void VM_Suspend () {
-+			SendReceive (CommandSet.VM, (int)CmdVM.SUSPEND);
-+		}
-+		public void VM_Resume () {
-+			SendReceive (CommandSet.VM, (int)CmdVM.RESUME);
-+		}
-+		public void VM_Exit (int exitCode) {
-+			SendReceive (CommandSet.VM, (int)CmdVM.EXIT, new PacketWriter ().WriteInt (exitCode));
-+		}
-+		public void VM_Dispose () {
-+			SendReceive (CommandSet.VM, (int)CmdVM.DISPOSE);
-+		}
-+		public ValueImpl VM_InvokeMethod (long thread, long method, ValueImpl this_arg, ValueImpl[] arguments, InvokeFlags flags, out ValueImpl exc) {
-+			exc = null;
-+			PacketReader r = SendReceive (CommandSet.VM, (int)CmdVM.INVOKE_METHOD, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (thread).WriteInt ((int)flags).WriteId (method).WriteValue (this_arg).WriteInt (arguments.Length).WriteValues (arguments));
-+			if (r.ReadByte () == 0) {
-+				exc = r.ReadValue ();
-+				return null;
-+			} else {
-+				return r.ReadValue ();
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public delegate void InvokeMethodCallback (ValueImpl v, ValueImpl exc, ErrorCode error, object state);
-+		public int VM_BeginInvokeMethod (long thread, long method, ValueImpl this_arg, ValueImpl[] arguments, InvokeFlags flags, InvokeMethodCallback callback, object state) {
-+			return Send (CommandSet.VM, (int)CmdVM.INVOKE_METHOD, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (thread).WriteInt ((int)flags).WriteId (method).WriteValue (this_arg).WriteInt (arguments.Length).WriteValues (arguments), delegate (PacketReader r) {
-+					ValueImpl v, exc;
-+					if (r.ErrorCode != 0) {
-+						callback (null, null, (ErrorCode)r.ErrorCode, state);
-+					} else {
-+						if (r.ReadByte () == 0) {
-+							exc = r.ReadValue ();
-+							v = null;
-+						} else {
-+							v = r.ReadValue ();
-+							exc = null;
-+						}
-+						callback (v, exc, 0, state);
-+					}
-+				});
-+		}
-+		public void VM_AbortInvoke (long thread, int id)
-+		{
-+			SendReceive (CommandSet.VM, (int)CmdVM.ABORT_INVOKE, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (thread).WriteInt (id));
-+		}
-+		/*
-+		 * DOMAIN
-+		 */
-+		public long RootDomain {
-+			get {
-+				return SendReceive (CommandSet.APPDOMAIN, (int)CmdAppDomain.GET_ROOT_DOMAIN, null).ReadId ();
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public string Domain_GetName (long id) {
-+			return SendReceive (CommandSet.APPDOMAIN, (int)CmdAppDomain.GET_FRIENDLY_NAME, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id)).ReadString ();
-+		}
-+		public long[] Domain_GetAssemblies (long id) {
-+			var res = SendReceive (CommandSet.APPDOMAIN, (int)CmdAppDomain.GET_ASSEMBLIES, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id));
-+			int count = res.ReadInt ();
-+			long[] assemblies = new long [count];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
-+				assemblies [i] = res.ReadId ();
-+			return assemblies;
-+		}
-+		public long Domain_GetEntryAssembly (long id) {
-+			return SendReceive (CommandSet.APPDOMAIN, (int)CmdAppDomain.GET_ENTRY_ASSEMBLY, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id)).ReadId ();
-+		}
-+		public long Domain_GetCorlib (long id) {
-+			return SendReceive (CommandSet.APPDOMAIN, (int)CmdAppDomain.GET_CORLIB, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id)).ReadId ();
-+		}
-+		public long Domain_CreateString (long id, string s) {
-+			return SendReceive (CommandSet.APPDOMAIN, (int)CmdAppDomain.CREATE_STRING, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id).WriteString (s)).ReadId ();
-+		}
-+		public long Domain_CreateBoxedValue (long id, long type_id, ValueImpl v) {
-+			return SendReceive (CommandSet.APPDOMAIN, (int)CmdAppDomain.CREATE_BOXED_VALUE, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id).WriteId (type_id).WriteValue (v)).ReadId ();
-+		}
-+		/*
-+		 * METHOD
-+		 */
-+		public string Method_GetName (long id) {
-+			return SendReceive (CommandSet.METHOD, (int)CmdMethod.GET_NAME, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id)).ReadString ();
-+		}
-+		public long Method_GetDeclaringType (long id) {
-+			return SendReceive (CommandSet.METHOD, (int)CmdMethod.GET_DECLARING_TYPE, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id)).ReadId ();
-+		}
-+		public DebugInfo Method_GetDebugInfo (long id) {
-+			var res = SendReceive (CommandSet.METHOD, (int)CmdMethod.GET_DEBUG_INFO, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id));
-+			DebugInfo info = new DebugInfo ();
-+			info.max_il_offset = res.ReadInt ();
-+			info.filename = res.ReadString ();
-+			int n_il_offsets = res.ReadInt ();
-+			info.il_offsets = new int [n_il_offsets];
-+			info.line_numbers = new int [n_il_offsets];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < n_il_offsets; ++i) {
-+				info.il_offsets [i] = res.ReadInt ();
-+				info.line_numbers [i] = res.ReadInt ();
-+			}
-+			return info;
-+		}
-+		public ParamInfo Method_GetParamInfo (long id) {
-+			var res = SendReceive (CommandSet.METHOD, (int)CmdMethod.GET_PARAM_INFO, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id));
-+			ParamInfo info = new ParamInfo ();
-+			info.call_conv = res.ReadInt ();
-+			info.param_count = res.ReadInt ();
-+			info.generic_param_count = res.ReadInt ();
-+			info.ret_type = res.ReadId ();
-+			info.param_types = new long [info.param_count];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < info.param_count; ++i)
-+				info.param_types [i] = res.ReadId ();
-+			info.param_names = new string [info.param_count];			
-+			for (int i = 0; i < info.param_count; ++i)
-+				info.param_names [i] = res.ReadString ();
-+			return info;
-+		}
-+		public LocalsInfo Method_GetLocalsInfo (long id) {
-+			var res = SendReceive (CommandSet.METHOD, (int)CmdMethod.GET_LOCALS_INFO, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id));
-+			LocalsInfo info = new LocalsInfo ();
-+			int nlocals = res.ReadInt ();
-+			info.types = new long [nlocals];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < nlocals; ++i)
-+				info.types [i] = res.ReadId ();
-+			info.names = new string [nlocals];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < nlocals; ++i)
-+				info.names [i] = res.ReadString ();
-+			info.live_range_start = new int [nlocals];
-+			info.live_range_end = new int [nlocals];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < nlocals; ++i) {
-+				info.live_range_start [i] = res.ReadInt ();
-+				info.live_range_end [i] = res.ReadInt ();
-+			}
-+			return info;
-+		}
-+		public MethodInfo Method_GetInfo (long id) {
-+			var res = SendReceive (CommandSet.METHOD, (int)CmdMethod.GET_INFO, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id));
-+			MethodInfo info = new MethodInfo ();
-+			info.attributes = res.ReadInt ();
-+			info.iattributes = res.ReadInt ();
-+			info.token = res.ReadInt ();
-+			return info;
-+		}
-+		public MethodBodyInfo Method_GetBody (long id) {
-+			var res = SendReceive (CommandSet.METHOD, (int)CmdMethod.GET_BODY, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id));
-+			MethodBodyInfo info = new MethodBodyInfo ();
-+			info.il = new byte [res.ReadInt ()];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < info.il.Length; ++i)
-+				info.il [i] = (byte)res.ReadByte ();
-+			return info;
-+		}
-+		public ResolvedToken Method_ResolveToken (long id, int token) {
-+			var res = SendReceive (CommandSet.METHOD, (int)CmdMethod.RESOLVE_TOKEN, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id).WriteInt (token));
-+			TokenType type = (TokenType)res.ReadByte ();
-+			switch (type) {
-+			case TokenType.STRING:
-+				return new ResolvedToken () { Type = type, Str = res.ReadString () };
-+			case TokenType.TYPE:
-+			case TokenType.METHOD:
-+			case TokenType.FIELD:
-+				return new ResolvedToken () { Type = type, Id = res.ReadId () };
-+			case TokenType.UNKNOWN:
-+				return new ResolvedToken () { Type = type };
-+			default:
-+				throw new NotImplementedException ();
-+			}
-+		}
-+		/*
-+		 * THREAD
-+		 */
-+		public string Thread_GetName (long id) {
-+			return SendReceive (CommandSet.THREAD, (int)CmdThread.GET_NAME, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id)).ReadString ();
-+		}
-+		public FrameInfo[] Thread_GetFrameInfo (long id, int start_frame, int length) {
-+			var res = SendReceive (CommandSet.THREAD, (int)CmdThread.GET_FRAME_INFO, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id).WriteInt (start_frame).WriteInt (length));
-+			int count = res.ReadInt ();
-+			var frames = new FrameInfo [count];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
-+				frames [i].id = res.ReadInt ();
-+				frames [i].method = res.ReadId ();
-+				frames [i].il_offset = res.ReadInt ();
-+				frames [i].flags = (StackFrameFlags)res.ReadByte ();
-+			}
-+			return frames;
-+		}
-+		public int Thread_GetState (long id) {
-+			return SendReceive (CommandSet.THREAD, (int)CmdThread.GET_STATE, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id)).ReadInt ();
-+		}
-+		public ThreadInfo Thread_GetInfo (long id) {
-+			PacketReader r = SendReceive (CommandSet.THREAD, (int)CmdThread.GET_INFO, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id));
-+			ThreadInfo res = new ThreadInfo () { is_thread_pool = r.ReadByte () > 0 ? true : false };
-+			return res;
-+		}
-+		public long Thread_GetId (long id) {
-+			return SendReceive (CommandSet.THREAD, (int)CmdThread.GET_ID, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id)).ReadLong ();
-+		}
-+		/*
-+		 * MODULE
-+		 */
-+		public ModuleInfo Module_GetInfo (long id) {
-+			PacketReader r = SendReceive (CommandSet.MODULE, (int)CmdModule.GET_INFO, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id));
-+			ModuleInfo info = new ModuleInfo { Name = r.ReadString (), ScopeName = r.ReadString (), FQName = r.ReadString (), Guid = r.ReadString (), Assembly = r.ReadId () };
-+			return info;
-+		}
-+		/*
-+		 */
-+		public string Assembly_GetLocation (long id) {
-+			return SendReceive (CommandSet.ASSEMBLY, (int)CmdAssembly.GET_LOCATION, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id)).ReadString ();
-+		}
-+		public long Assembly_GetEntryPoint (long id) {
-+			return SendReceive (CommandSet.ASSEMBLY, (int)CmdAssembly.GET_ENTRY_POINT, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id)).ReadId ();
-+		}
-+		public long Assembly_GetManifestModule (long id) {
-+			return SendReceive (CommandSet.ASSEMBLY, (int)CmdAssembly.GET_MANIFEST_MODULE, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id)).ReadId ();
-+		}
-+		public long Assembly_GetObject (long id) {
-+			return SendReceive (CommandSet.ASSEMBLY, (int)CmdAssembly.GET_OBJECT, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id)).ReadId ();
-+		}
-+		public long Assembly_GetType (long id, string name, bool ignoreCase) {
-+			return SendReceive (CommandSet.ASSEMBLY, (int)CmdAssembly.GET_TYPE, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id).WriteString (name).WriteBool (ignoreCase)).ReadId ();
-+		}
-+		public string Assembly_GetName (long id) {
-+			return SendReceive (CommandSet.ASSEMBLY, (int)CmdAssembly.GET_NAME, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id)).ReadString ();
-+		}
-+		/*
-+		 * TYPE
-+		 */
-+		public TypeInfo Type_GetInfo (long id) {
-+			PacketReader r = SendReceive (CommandSet.TYPE, (int)CmdType.GET_INFO, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id));
-+			TypeInfo res = new TypeInfo ();
-+			res.ns = r.ReadString ();
-+			res.name = r.ReadString ();
-+			res.full_name = r.ReadString ();
-+			res.assembly = r.ReadId ();
-+			res.module = r.ReadId ();
-+			res.base_type = r.ReadId ();
-+			res.element_type = r.ReadId ();
-+			res.token = r.ReadInt ();
-+			res.rank = r.ReadByte ();
-+			res.attributes = r.ReadInt ();
-+			int b = r.ReadByte ();
-+			res.is_byref = (b & 1) != 0;
-+			res.is_pointer = (b & 2) != 0;
-+			res.is_primitive = (b & 4) != 0;
-+			res.is_valuetype = (b & 8) != 0;
-+			res.is_enum = (b & 16) != 0;
-+			int nested_len = r.ReadInt ();
-+			res.nested = new long [nested_len];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < nested_len; ++i)
-+				res.nested [i] = r.ReadId ();
-+			return res;
-+		}
-+		public long[] Type_GetMethods (long id) {
-+			PacketReader r = SendReceive (CommandSet.TYPE, (int)CmdType.GET_METHODS, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id));
-+			int n = r.ReadInt ();
-+			long[] res = new long [n];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
-+				res [i] = r.ReadId ();
-+			return res;
-+		}
-+		public long[] Type_GetFields (long id, out string[] names, out long[] types, out int[] attrs) {
-+			PacketReader r = SendReceive (CommandSet.TYPE, (int)CmdType.GET_FIELDS, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id));
-+			int n = r.ReadInt ();
-+			long[] res = new long [n];
-+			names = new string [n];
-+			types = new long [n];
-+			attrs = new int [n];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-+				res [i] = r.ReadId ();
-+				names [i] = r.ReadString ();
-+				types [i] = r.ReadId ();
-+				attrs [i] = r.ReadInt ();
-+			}
-+			return res;
-+		}
-+		public PropInfo[] Type_GetProperties (long id) {
-+			PacketReader r = SendReceive (CommandSet.TYPE, (int)CmdType.GET_PROPERTIES, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id));
-+			int n = r.ReadInt ();
-+			PropInfo[] res = new PropInfo [n];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-+				res [i] = new PropInfo ();
-+				res [i].id = r.ReadId ();
-+				res [i].name = r.ReadString ();
-+				res [i].get_method = r.ReadId ();
-+				res [i].set_method = r.ReadId ();
-+				res [i].attrs = r.ReadInt ();
-+			}
-+			return res;
-+		}
-+		public long Type_GetObject (long id) {
-+			return SendReceive (CommandSet.TYPE, (int)CmdType.GET_OBJECT, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id)).ReadId ();
-+		}
-+		public ValueImpl[] Type_GetValues (long id, long[] fields) {
-+			int len = fields.Length;
-+			PacketReader r = SendReceive (CommandSet.TYPE, (int)CmdType.GET_VALUES, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id).WriteInt (len).WriteIds (fields));
-+			ValueImpl[] res = new ValueImpl [len];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
-+				res [i] = r.ReadValue ();
-+			return res;
-+		}			
-+		public void Type_SetValues (long id, long[] fields, ValueImpl[] values) {
-+			SendReceive (CommandSet.TYPE, (int)CmdType.SET_VALUES, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id).WriteInt (fields.Length).WriteIds (fields).WriteValues (values));
-+		}
-+		public string[] Type_GetSourceFiles (long id, bool return_full_paths) {
-+			var r = SendReceive (CommandSet.TYPE, return_full_paths ? (int)CmdType.GET_SOURCE_FILES_2 : (int)CmdType.GET_SOURCE_FILES, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id));
-+			int len = r.ReadInt ();
-+			string[] res = new string [len];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
-+				res [i] = r.ReadString ();
-+			return res;
-+		}
-+		public bool Type_IsAssignableFrom (long id, long c_id) {
-+			return SendReceive (CommandSet.TYPE, (int)CmdType.IS_ASSIGNABLE_FROM, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id).WriteId (c_id)).ReadByte () > 0;
-+		}
-+		public CattrInfo[] Type_GetCustomAttributes (long id, long attr_type_id, bool inherit) {
-+			PacketReader r = SendReceive (CommandSet.TYPE, (int)CmdType.GET_CATTRS, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id).WriteId (attr_type_id));
-+			return ReadCattrs (r);
-+		}
-+		public CattrInfo[] Type_GetFieldCustomAttributes (long id, long field_id, long attr_type_id, bool inherit) {
-+			PacketReader r = SendReceive (CommandSet.TYPE, (int)CmdType.GET_FIELD_CATTRS, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id).WriteId (field_id).WriteId (attr_type_id));
-+			return ReadCattrs (r);
-+		}
-+		public CattrInfo[] Type_GetPropertyCustomAttributes (long id, long field_id, long attr_type_id, bool inherit) {
-+			PacketReader r = SendReceive (CommandSet.TYPE, (int)CmdType.GET_PROPERTY_CATTRS, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id).WriteId (field_id).WriteId (attr_type_id));
-+			return ReadCattrs (r);
-+		}
-+		/*
-+		 * EVENTS
-+		 */
-+		public int EnableEvent (EventType etype, SuspendPolicy suspend_policy, List<Modifier> mods) {
-+			var w = new PacketWriter ().WriteByte ((byte)etype).WriteByte ((byte)suspend_policy);
-+			if (mods != null) {
-+				if (mods.Count > 255)
-+					throw new NotImplementedException ();
-+				w.WriteByte ((byte)mods.Count);
-+				foreach (Modifier mod in mods) {
-+					if (mod is CountModifier) {
-+						w.WriteByte ((byte)ModifierKind.COUNT);
-+						w.WriteInt ((mod as CountModifier).Count);
-+					} else if (mod is LocationModifier) {
-+						w.WriteByte ((byte)ModifierKind.LOCATION_ONLY);
-+						w.WriteId ((mod as LocationModifier).Method);
-+						w.WriteLong ((mod as LocationModifier).Location);
-+					} else if (mod is StepModifier) {
-+						w.WriteByte ((byte)ModifierKind.STEP);
-+						w.WriteId ((mod as StepModifier).Thread);
-+						w.WriteInt ((mod as StepModifier).Size);
-+						w.WriteInt ((mod as StepModifier).Depth);
-+					} else if (mod is ThreadModifier) {
-+						w.WriteByte ((byte)ModifierKind.THREAD_ONLY);
-+						w.WriteId ((mod as ThreadModifier).Thread);
-+					} else if (mod is ExceptionModifier) {
-+						var em = mod as ExceptionModifier;
-+						w.WriteByte ((byte)ModifierKind.EXCEPTION_ONLY);
-+						w.WriteId (em.Type);
-+						if (Version.MajorVersion > 2 || Version.MinorVersion > 0) {
-+							/* This is only supported in protocol version 2.1 */
-+							w.WriteBool (em.Caught);
-+							w.WriteBool (em.Uncaught);
-+						} else if (!em.Caught || !em.Uncaught) {
-+							throw new NotSupportedException ("This request is not supported by the protocol version implemented by the debuggee.");
-+						}
-+					} else if (mod is AssemblyModifier) {
-+						w.WriteByte ((byte)ModifierKind.ASSEMBLY_ONLY);
-+						var amod = (mod as AssemblyModifier);
-+						w.WriteInt (amod.Assemblies.Length);
-+						foreach (var id in amod.Assemblies)
-+							w.WriteId (id);
-+					} else {
-+						throw new NotImplementedException ();
-+					}
-+				}
-+			} else {
-+				w.WriteByte (0);
-+			}
-+			return SendReceive (CommandSet.EVENT_REQUEST, (int)CmdEventRequest.SET, w).ReadInt ();
-+		}
-+		public void ClearEventRequest (EventType etype, int req_id) {
-+			SendReceive (CommandSet.EVENT_REQUEST, (int)CmdEventRequest.CLEAR, new PacketWriter ().WriteByte ((byte)etype).WriteInt (req_id));
-+		}			
-+		public void ClearAllBreakpoints () {
-+			SendReceive (CommandSet.EVENT_REQUEST, (int)CmdEventRequest.CLEAR_ALL_BREAKPOINTS, new PacketWriter ());
-+		}
-+		/*
-+		 */
-+		public ValueImpl StackFrame_GetThis (long thread_id, long id) {
-+			PacketReader r = SendReceive (CommandSet.STACK_FRAME, (int)CmdStackFrame.GET_THIS, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (thread_id).WriteId (id));
-+			return r.ReadValue ();
-+		}
-+		public ValueImpl[] StackFrame_GetValues (long thread_id, long id, int[] pos) {
-+			/* pos < 0 -> argument at pos (-pos) - 1 */
-+			/* pos >= 0 -> local at pos */
-+			int len = pos.Length;
-+			PacketReader r = SendReceive (CommandSet.STACK_FRAME, (int)CmdStackFrame.GET_VALUES, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (thread_id).WriteId (id).WriteInt (len).WriteInts (pos));
-+			ValueImpl[] res = new ValueImpl [len];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
-+				res [i] = r.ReadValue ();
-+			return res;
-+		}
-+		public void StackFrame_SetValues (long thread_id, long id, int[] pos, ValueImpl[] values) {
-+			/* pos < 0 -> argument at pos (-pos) - 1 */
-+			/* pos >= 0 -> local at pos */
-+			int len = pos.Length;
-+			SendReceive (CommandSet.STACK_FRAME, (int)CmdStackFrame.SET_VALUES, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (thread_id).WriteId (id).WriteInt (len).WriteInts (pos).WriteValues (values));
-+		}
-+		/*
-+		 * ARRAYS
-+		 */
-+		public int[] Array_GetLength (long id, out int rank, out int[] lower_bounds) {
-+			var r = SendReceive (CommandSet.ARRAY_REF, (int)CmdArrayRef.GET_LENGTH, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id));
-+			rank = r.ReadInt ();
-+			int[] res = new int [rank];
-+			lower_bounds = new int [rank];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < rank; ++i) {
-+				res [i] = r.ReadInt ();
-+				lower_bounds [i] = r.ReadInt ();
-+			}
-+			return res;
-+		}
-+		public ValueImpl[] Array_GetValues (long id, int index, int len) {
-+			var r = SendReceive (CommandSet.ARRAY_REF, (int)CmdArrayRef.GET_VALUES, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id).WriteInt (index).WriteInt (len));
-+			ValueImpl[] res = new ValueImpl [len];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
-+				res [i] = r.ReadValue ();
-+			return res;
-+		}
-+		public void Array_SetValues (long id, int index, ValueImpl[] values) {
-+			SendReceive (CommandSet.ARRAY_REF, (int)CmdArrayRef.SET_VALUES, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id).WriteInt (index).WriteInt (values.Length).WriteValues (values));
-+		}
-+		/*
-+		 * STRINGS
-+		 */
-+		public string String_GetValue (long id) {
-+			return SendReceive (CommandSet.STRING_REF, (int)CmdStringRef.GET_VALUE, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id)).ReadString ();
-+		}			
-+		/*
-+		 * OBJECTS
-+		 */
-+		public long Object_GetType (long id) {
-+			return SendReceive (CommandSet.OBJECT_REF, (int)CmdObjectRef.GET_TYPE, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id)).ReadId ();
-+		}			
-+		public long Object_GetDomain (long id) {
-+			return SendReceive (CommandSet.OBJECT_REF, (int)CmdObjectRef.GET_DOMAIN, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id)).ReadId ();
-+		}			
-+		public ValueImpl[] Object_GetValues (long id, long[] fields) {
-+			int len = fields.Length;
-+			PacketReader r = SendReceive (CommandSet.OBJECT_REF, (int)CmdObjectRef.GET_VALUES, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id).WriteInt (len).WriteIds (fields));
-+			ValueImpl[] res = new ValueImpl [len];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
-+				res [i] = r.ReadValue ();
-+			return res;
-+		}
-+		public void Object_SetValues (long id, long[] fields, ValueImpl[] values) {
-+			SendReceive (CommandSet.OBJECT_REF, (int)CmdObjectRef.SET_VALUES, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id).WriteInt (fields.Length).WriteIds (fields).WriteValues (values));
-+		}
-+		public bool Object_IsCollected (long id) {
-+			return SendReceive (CommandSet.OBJECT_REF, (int)CmdObjectRef.IS_COLLECTED, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id)).ReadInt () == 1;
-+		}			
-+		public long Object_GetAddress (long id) {
-+			return SendReceive (CommandSet.OBJECT_REF, (int)CmdObjectRef.GET_ADDRESS, new PacketWriter ().WriteId (id)).ReadLong ();
-+		}			
-+	}
-+	/* This is the interface exposed by the debugger towards the debugger agent */
-+	interface IEventHandler
-+	{
-+		void Events (SuspendPolicy suspend_policy, EventInfo[] events);
-+		void VMDisconnect (int req_id, long thread_id, string vm_uri);
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/CustomAttributeDataMirror.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/CustomAttributeDataMirror.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
-+using System;
-+using System.Collections.Generic;
-+using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
-+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-+using System.Reflection;
-+using System.Text;
-+using Mono.Cecil.Metadata;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft {
-+	public sealed class CustomAttributeDataMirror {
-+		MethodMirror ctorInfo;
-+		IList<CustomAttributeTypedArgumentMirror> ctorArgs;
-+		IList<CustomAttributeNamedArgumentMirror> namedArgs;
-+		internal CustomAttributeDataMirror (MethodMirror ctorInfo, object [] ctorArgs, object [] namedArgs)
-+		{
-+			this.ctorInfo = ctorInfo;
-+			this.ctorArgs = Array.AsReadOnly<CustomAttributeTypedArgumentMirror> 
-+				(ctorArgs != null ? UnboxValues<CustomAttributeTypedArgumentMirror> (ctorArgs) : new CustomAttributeTypedArgumentMirror [0]);
-+			this.namedArgs = Array.AsReadOnly<CustomAttributeNamedArgumentMirror> 
-+				(namedArgs != null ? UnboxValues<CustomAttributeNamedArgumentMirror> (namedArgs) : new CustomAttributeNamedArgumentMirror [0]);
-+		}
-+		[ComVisible (true)]
-+		public MethodMirror Constructor {
-+			get {
-+				return ctorInfo;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		[ComVisible (true)]
-+		public IList<CustomAttributeTypedArgumentMirror> ConstructorArguments {
-+			get {
-+				return ctorArgs;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public IList<CustomAttributeNamedArgumentMirror> NamedArguments {
-+			get {
-+				return namedArgs;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public override string ToString ()
-+		{
-+			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
-+			sb.Append ("[" + ctorInfo.DeclaringType.FullName + "(");
-+			if (ctorArgs != null) {
-+				for (int i = 0; i < ctorArgs.Count; i++) {
-+					sb.Append (ctorArgs [i].ToString ());
-+					if (i + 1 < ctorArgs.Count)
-+						sb.Append (", ");
-+				}
-+			}
-+			if (namedArgs != null) {
-+				if (namedArgs.Count > 0)
-+					sb.Append (", ");
-+				for (int j = 0; j < namedArgs.Count; j++) {
-+					sb.Append (namedArgs [j].ToString ());
-+					if (j + 1 < namedArgs.Count)
-+						sb.Append (", ");
-+				}
-+			}
-+			sb.AppendFormat (")]");
-+			return sb.ToString ();
-+		}
-+		static T [] UnboxValues<T> (object [] values)
-+		{
-+			T [] retval = new T [values.Length];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
-+				retval [i] = (T) values [i];
-+			return retval;
-+		}
-+		/* 
-+		 * Construct a normal object from the value, so accessing the cattr doesn't 
-+		 * require remoting calls.
-+		 */
-+		static CustomAttributeTypedArgumentMirror CreateArg (VirtualMachine vm, ValueImpl vi) {
-+			object val;
-+			/* Instead of receiving a mirror of the Type object, we receive the id of the type */
-+			if (vi.Type == (ElementType)ValueTypeId.VALUE_TYPE_ID_TYPE)
-+				val = vm.GetType (vi.Id);
-+			else {
-+				Value v = vm.DecodeValue (vi);
-+				if (v is PrimitiveValue)
-+					val = (v as PrimitiveValue).Value;
-+				else if (v is StringMirror)
-+					val = (v as StringMirror).Value;
-+				else
-+					// FIXME:
-+					val = v;
-+			}
-+			return new CustomAttributeTypedArgumentMirror (null, val);
-+		}
-+		internal static CustomAttributeDataMirror[] Create (VirtualMachine vm, CattrInfo[] info) {
-+			var res = new CustomAttributeDataMirror [info.Length];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < info.Length; ++i) {
-+				CattrInfo attr = info [i];
-+				MethodMirror ctor = vm.GetMethod (attr.ctor_id);
-+				var ctor_args = new object [attr.ctor_args.Length];
-+				for (int j = 0; j < ctor_args.Length; ++j)
-+					ctor_args [j] = CreateArg (vm, attr.ctor_args [j]);
-+				var named_args = new object [attr.named_args.Length];
-+				for (int j = 0; j < named_args.Length; ++j) {
-+					CattrNamedArgInfo arg = attr.named_args [j];
-+					CustomAttributeTypedArgumentMirror val;
-+					val = CreateArg (vm, arg.value);
-+					if (arg.is_property) {
-+						foreach (var prop in ctor.DeclaringType.GetProperties ()) {
-+							if (prop.Id == arg.id)
-+								named_args [j] = new CustomAttributeNamedArgumentMirror (prop, null, val);
-+						}
-+					} else {
-+						foreach (var field in ctor.DeclaringType.GetFields ()) {
-+							if (field.Id == arg.id)
-+								named_args [j] = new CustomAttributeNamedArgumentMirror (null, field, val);
-+						}
-+					}
-+					if (named_args [j] == null)
-+						throw new NotImplementedException ();
-+				}
-+				res [i] = new CustomAttributeDataMirror (vm.GetMethod (attr.ctor_id), ctor_args, named_args);
-+			}
-+			return res;
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/CustomAttributeNamedArgumentMirror.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/CustomAttributeNamedArgumentMirror.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
-+using System;
-+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-+using System.Reflection;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft {
-+	public struct CustomAttributeNamedArgumentMirror {
-+		CustomAttributeTypedArgumentMirror arg;
-+		PropertyInfoMirror prop;
-+		FieldInfoMirror field;
-+		internal CustomAttributeNamedArgumentMirror (PropertyInfoMirror prop, FieldInfoMirror field, CustomAttributeTypedArgumentMirror arg)
-+		{
-+			this.arg = arg;
-+			this.prop = prop;
-+			this.field = field;
-+		}
-+		public PropertyInfoMirror Property {
-+			get {
-+				return prop;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public FieldInfoMirror Field {
-+			get {
-+				return field;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public CustomAttributeTypedArgumentMirror TypedValue {
-+			get {
-+				return arg;
-+			}
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/CustomAttributeTypedArgumentMirror.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/CustomAttributeTypedArgumentMirror.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
-+using System;
-+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-+using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
-+using System.Reflection;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft {
-+	public struct CustomAttributeTypedArgumentMirror {
-+		Type type;
-+		object value;
-+		internal CustomAttributeTypedArgumentMirror (Type type, object value)
-+		{
-+			this.type = type;
-+			this.value = value;
-+			if (value != null)
-+				this.type = value.GetType ();
-+			else
-+				this.type = typeof (void);
-+			// MS seems to convert arrays into a ReadOnlyCollection
-+			if (value is Array) {
-+				Array a = (Array)value;
-+				Type etype = a.GetType ().GetElementType ();
-+				CustomAttributeTypedArgumentMirror[] new_value = new CustomAttributeTypedArgumentMirror [a.GetLength (0)];
-+				for (int i = 0; i < new_value.Length; ++i)
-+					new_value [i] = new CustomAttributeTypedArgumentMirror (etype, a.GetValue (i));
-+				this.value = new ReadOnlyCollection <CustomAttributeTypedArgumentMirror> (new_value);
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public Type ArgumentType {
-+			get {
-+				return type;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public object Value {
-+			get {
-+				return value;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public override string ToString ()
-+		{
-+			string val = value != null ? value.ToString () : String.Empty;
-+			if (ArgumentType == typeof (string))
-+				return "\"" + val + "\"";
-+			if (ArgumentType == typeof (Type)) 
-+				return "typeof (" + val + ")";
-+			if (ArgumentType.IsEnum)
-+				return "(" + ArgumentType.Name + ")" + val;
-+			return val;
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/DataConverter.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/DataConverter.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,1836 @@
-+// Authors:
-+//   Miguel de Icaza (miguel at novell.com)
-+// See the following url for documentation:
-+//     http://www.mono-project.com/Mono_DataConvert
-+// Compilation Options:
-+//         Makes the class public instead of the default internal.
-+//         Exposes the public static methods.
-+// TODO:
-+//   Support for "DoubleWordsAreSwapped" for ARM devices
-+// Copyright (C) 2006 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com)
-+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-+// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-+// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-+// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
-+// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
-+// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
-+// the following conditions:
-+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-+// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-+using System;
-+using System.Collections;
-+using System.Text;
-+#pragma warning disable 3021
-+namespace Mono {
-+	unsafe public abstract class DataConverter {
-+	unsafe internal abstract class DataConverter {
-+// Disables the warning: CLS compliance checking will not be performed on
-+//  `XXXX' because it is not visible from outside this assembly
-+#pragma warning disable  3019
-+		static DataConverter SwapConv = new SwapConverter ();
-+		static DataConverter CopyConv = new CopyConverter ();
-+		public static readonly bool IsLittleEndian = BitConverter.IsLittleEndian;
-+		public abstract double GetDouble (byte [] data, int index);
-+		public abstract float  GetFloat  (byte [] data, int index);
-+		public abstract long   GetInt64  (byte [] data, int index);
-+		public abstract int    GetInt32  (byte [] data, int index);
-+		public abstract short  GetInt16  (byte [] data, int index);
-+                [CLSCompliant (false)]
-+		public abstract uint   GetUInt32 (byte [] data, int index);
-+                [CLSCompliant (false)]
-+		public abstract ushort GetUInt16 (byte [] data, int index);
-+                [CLSCompliant (false)]
-+		public abstract ulong  GetUInt64 (byte [] data, int index);
-+		public abstract void PutBytes (byte [] dest, int destIdx, double value);
-+		public abstract void PutBytes (byte [] dest, int destIdx, float value);
-+		public abstract void PutBytes (byte [] dest, int destIdx, int value);
-+		public abstract void PutBytes (byte [] dest, int destIdx, long value);
-+		public abstract void PutBytes (byte [] dest, int destIdx, short value);
-+                [CLSCompliant (false)]
-+		public abstract void PutBytes (byte [] dest, int destIdx, ushort value);
-+                [CLSCompliant (false)]
-+		public abstract void PutBytes (byte [] dest, int destIdx, uint value);
-+                [CLSCompliant (false)]
-+		public abstract void PutBytes (byte [] dest, int destIdx, ulong value);
-+		public byte[] GetBytes (double value)
-+		{
-+			byte [] ret = new byte [8];
-+			PutBytes (ret, 0, value);
-+			return ret;
-+		}
-+		public byte[] GetBytes (float value)
-+		{
-+			byte [] ret = new byte [4];
-+			PutBytes (ret, 0, value);
-+			return ret;
-+		}
-+		public byte[] GetBytes (int value)
-+		{
-+			byte [] ret = new byte [4];
-+			PutBytes (ret, 0, value);
-+			return ret;
-+		}
-+		public byte[] GetBytes (long value)
-+		{
-+			byte [] ret = new byte [8];
-+			PutBytes (ret, 0, value);
-+			return ret;
-+		}
-+		public byte[] GetBytes (short value)
-+		{
-+			byte [] ret = new byte [2];
-+			PutBytes (ret, 0, value);
-+			return ret;
-+		}
-+                [CLSCompliant (false)]
-+		public byte[] GetBytes (ushort value)
-+		{
-+			byte [] ret = new byte [2];
-+			PutBytes (ret, 0, value);
-+			return ret;
-+		}
-+                [CLSCompliant (false)]
-+		public byte[] GetBytes (uint value)
-+		{
-+			byte [] ret = new byte [4];
-+			PutBytes (ret, 0, value);
-+			return ret;
-+		}
-+                [CLSCompliant (false)]
-+		public byte[] GetBytes (ulong value)
-+		{
-+			byte [] ret = new byte [8];
-+			PutBytes (ret, 0, value);
-+			return ret;
-+		}
-+		static public DataConverter LittleEndian {
-+			get {
-+				return BitConverter.IsLittleEndian ? CopyConv : SwapConv;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		static public DataConverter BigEndian {
-+			get {
-+				return BitConverter.IsLittleEndian ? SwapConv : CopyConv;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		static public DataConverter Native {
-+			get {
-+				return CopyConv;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		static int Align (int current, int align)
-+		{
-+			return ((current + align - 1) / align) * align;
-+		}
-+		class PackContext {
-+			// Buffer
-+			public byte [] buffer;
-+			int next;
-+			public string description;
-+			public int i; // position in the description
-+			public DataConverter conv;
-+			public int repeat;
-+			//
-+			// if align == -1, auto align to the size of the byte array
-+			// if align == 0, do not do alignment
-+			// Any other values aligns to that particular size
-+			//
-+			public int align;
-+			public void Add (byte [] group)
-+			{
-+				//Console.WriteLine ("Adding {0} bytes to {1} (next={2}", group.Length,
-+				// buffer == null ? "null" : buffer.Length.ToString (), next);
-+				if (buffer == null){
-+					buffer = group;
-+					next = group.Length;
-+					return;
-+				}
-+				if (align != 0){
-+					if (align == -1)
-+						next = Align (next, group.Length);
-+					else
-+						next = Align (next, align);
-+					align = 0;
-+				}
-+				if (next + group.Length > buffer.Length){
-+					byte [] nb = new byte [System.Math.Max (next, 16) * 2 + group.Length];
-+					Array.Copy (buffer, nb, buffer.Length);
-+					Array.Copy (group, 0, nb, next, group.Length);
-+					next = next + group.Length;
-+					buffer = nb;
-+				} else {
-+					Array.Copy (group, 0, buffer, next, group.Length);
-+					next += group.Length;
-+				}
-+			}
-+			public byte [] Get ()
-+			{
-+				if (buffer == null)
-+					return new byte [0];
-+				if (buffer.Length != next){
-+					byte [] b = new byte [next];
-+					Array.Copy (buffer, b, next);
-+					return b;
-+				}
-+				return buffer;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		//
-+		// Format includes:
-+		// Control:
-+		//   ^    Switch to big endian encoding
-+		//   _    Switch to little endian encoding
-+		//   %    Switch to host (native) encoding
-+		//   !    aligns the next data type to its natural boundary (for strings this is 4).
-+		//
-+		// Types:
-+		//   s    Int16
-+		//   S    UInt16
-+		//   i    Int32
-+		//   I    UInt32
-+		//   l    Int64
-+		//   L    UInt64
-+		//   f    float
-+		//   d    double
-+		//   b    byte
-+                //   c    1-byte signed character
-+                //   C    1-byte unsigned character
-+		//   z8   string encoded as UTF8 with 1-byte null terminator
-+		//   z6   string encoded as UTF16 with 2-byte null terminator
-+		//   z7   string encoded as UTF7 with 1-byte null terminator
-+		//   zb   string encoded as BigEndianUnicode with 2-byte null terminator
-+		//   z3   string encoded as UTF32 with 4-byte null terminator
-+		//   z4   string encoded as UTF32 big endian with 4-byte null terminator
-+		//   $8   string encoded as UTF8
-+		//   $6   string encoded as UTF16
-+		//   $7   string encoded as UTF7
-+		//   $b   string encoded as BigEndianUnicode
-+		//   $3   string encoded as UTF32
-+		//   $4   string encoded as UTF-32 big endian encoding
-+		//   x    null byte
-+		//
-+		// Repeats, these are prefixes:
-+		//   N    a number between 1 and 9, indicates a repeat count (process N items
-+		//        with the following datatype
-+		//   [N]  For numbers larger than 9, use brackets, for example [20]
-+		//   *    Repeat the next data type until the arguments are exhausted
-+		//
-+		static public byte [] Pack (string description, params object [] args)
-+		{
-+			int argn = 0;
-+			PackContext b = new PackContext ();
-+			b.conv = CopyConv;
-+			b.description = description;
-+			for (b.i = 0; b.i < description.Length; ){
-+				object oarg;
-+				if (argn < args.Length)
-+					oarg = args [argn];
-+				else {
-+					if (b.repeat != 0)
-+						break;
-+					oarg = null;
-+				}
-+				int save = b.i;
-+				if (PackOne (b, oarg)){
-+					argn++;
-+					if (b.repeat > 0){
-+						if (--b.repeat > 0)
-+							b.i = save;
-+						else
-+							b.i++;
-+					} else
-+						b.i++;
-+				} else
-+					b.i++;
-+			}
-+			return b.Get ();
-+		}
-+		static public byte [] PackEnumerable (string description, IEnumerable args)
-+		{
-+			PackContext b = new PackContext ();
-+			b.conv = CopyConv;
-+			b.description = description;
-+			IEnumerator enumerator = args.GetEnumerator ();
-+			bool ok = enumerator.MoveNext ();
-+			for (b.i = 0; b.i < description.Length; ){
-+				object oarg;
-+				if (ok)
-+					oarg = enumerator.Current;
-+				else {
-+					if (b.repeat != 0)
-+						break;
-+					oarg = null;
-+				}
-+				int save = b.i;
-+				if (PackOne (b, oarg)){
-+					ok = enumerator.MoveNext ();
-+					if (b.repeat > 0){
-+						if (--b.repeat > 0)
-+							b.i = save;
-+						else
-+							b.i++;
-+					} else
-+						b.i++;
-+				} else
-+					b.i++;
-+			}
-+			return b.Get ();
-+		}
-+		//
-+		// Packs one datum `oarg' into the buffer `b', using the string format
-+		// in `description' at position `i'
-+		//
-+		// Returns: true if we must pick the next object from the list
-+		//
-+		static bool PackOne (PackContext b, object oarg)
-+		{
-+			int n;
-+			switch (b.description [b.i]){
-+			case '^':
-+				b.conv = BigEndian;
-+				return false;
-+			case '_':
-+				b.conv = LittleEndian;
-+				return false;
-+			case '%':
-+				b.conv = Native;
-+				return false;
-+			case '!':
-+				b.align = -1;
-+				return false;
-+			case 'x':
-+				b.Add (new byte [] { 0 });
-+				return false;
-+				// Type Conversions
-+			case 'i':
-+				b.Add (b.conv.GetBytes (Convert.ToInt32 (oarg)));
-+				break;
-+			case 'I':
-+				b.Add (b.conv.GetBytes (Convert.ToUInt32 (oarg)));
-+				break;
-+			case 's':
-+				b.Add (b.conv.GetBytes (Convert.ToInt16 (oarg)));
-+				break;
-+			case 'S':
-+				b.Add (b.conv.GetBytes (Convert.ToUInt16 (oarg)));
-+				break;
-+			case 'l':
-+				b.Add (b.conv.GetBytes (Convert.ToInt64 (oarg)));
-+				break;
-+			case 'L':
-+				b.Add (b.conv.GetBytes (Convert.ToUInt64 (oarg)));
-+				break;
-+			case 'f':
-+				b.Add (b.conv.GetBytes (Convert.ToSingle (oarg)));
-+				break;
-+			case 'd':
-+				b.Add (b.conv.GetBytes (Convert.ToDouble (oarg)));
-+				break;
-+			case 'b':
-+				b.Add (new byte [] { Convert.ToByte (oarg) });
-+				break;
-+			case 'c':
-+				b.Add (new byte [] { (byte) (Convert.ToSByte (oarg)) });
-+				break;
-+			case 'C':
-+				b.Add (new byte [] { Convert.ToByte (oarg) });
-+				break;
-+				// Repeat acount;
-+			case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5':
-+			case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
-+				b.repeat = ((short) b.description [b.i]) - ((short) '0');
-+				return false;
-+			case '*':
-+				b.repeat = Int32.MaxValue;
-+				return false;
-+			case '[':
-+				int count = -1, j;
-+				for (j = b.i+1; j < b.description.Length; j++){
-+					if (b.description [j] == ']')
-+						break;
-+					n = ((short) b.description [j]) - ((short) '0');
-+					if (n >= 0 && n <= 9){
-+						if (count == -1)
-+							count = n;
-+						else
-+							count = count * 10 + n;
-+					}
-+				}
-+				if (count == -1)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("invalid size specification");
-+				b.i = j;
-+				b.repeat = count;
-+				return false;
-+			case '$': case 'z':
-+				bool add_null = b.description [b.i] == 'z';
-+				b.i++;
-+				if (b.i >= b.description.Length)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("$ description needs a type specified", "description");
-+				char d = b.description [b.i];
-+				Encoding e;
-+				switch (d){
-+				case '8':
-+					e = Encoding.UTF8;
-+					n = 1;
-+					break;
-+				case '6':
-+					e = Encoding.Unicode;
-+					n = 2;
-+					break;
-+				case '7':
-+					e = Encoding.UTF7;
-+					n = 1;
-+					break;
-+				case 'b':
-+					e = Encoding.BigEndianUnicode;
-+					n = 2;
-+					break;
-+				case '3':
-+					e = Encoding.GetEncoding (12000);
-+					n = 4;
-+					break;
-+				case '4':
-+					e = Encoding.GetEncoding (12001);
-+					n = 4;
-+					break;
-+				default:
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("Invalid format for $ specifier", "description");
-+				}
-+				if (b.align == -1)
-+					b.align = 4;
-+				b.Add (e.GetBytes (Convert.ToString (oarg)));
-+				if (add_null)
-+					b.Add (new byte [n]);
-+				break;
-+			default:
-+				throw new ArgumentException (String.Format ("invalid format specified `{0}'",
-+									    b.description [b.i]));
-+			}
-+			return true;
-+		}
-+		static bool Prepare (byte [] buffer, ref int idx, int size, ref bool align)
-+		{
-+			if (align){
-+				idx = Align (idx, size);
-+				align = false;
-+			}
-+			if (idx + size > buffer.Length){
-+				idx = buffer.Length;
-+				return false;
-+			}
-+			return true;
-+		}
-+		static public IList Unpack (string description, byte [] buffer, int startIndex)
-+		{
-+			DataConverter conv = CopyConv;
-+			ArrayList result = new ArrayList ();
-+			int idx = startIndex;
-+			bool align = false;
-+			int repeat = 0, n;
-+			for (int i = 0; i < description.Length && idx < buffer.Length; ){
-+				int save = i;
-+				switch (description [i]){
-+				case '^':
-+					conv = BigEndian;
-+					break;
-+				case '_':
-+					conv = LittleEndian;
-+					break;
-+				case '%':
-+					conv = Native;
-+					break;
-+				case 'x':
-+					idx++;
-+					break;
-+				case '!':
-+					align = true;
-+					break;
-+					// Type Conversions
-+				case 'i':
-+					if (Prepare (buffer, ref idx, 4, ref align)){
-+						result.Add (conv.GetInt32 (buffer, idx));
-+						idx += 4;
-+					} 
-+					break;
-+				case 'I':
-+					if (Prepare (buffer, ref idx, 4, ref align)){
-+						result.Add (conv.GetUInt32 (buffer, idx));
-+						idx += 4;
-+					}
-+					break;
-+				case 's':
-+					if (Prepare (buffer, ref idx, 2, ref align)){
-+						result.Add (conv.GetInt16 (buffer, idx));
-+						idx += 2;
-+					}
-+					break;
-+				case 'S':
-+					if (Prepare (buffer, ref idx, 2, ref align)){
-+						result.Add (conv.GetUInt16 (buffer, idx));
-+						idx += 2;
-+					}
-+					break;
-+				case 'l':
-+					if (Prepare (buffer, ref idx, 8, ref align)){
-+						result.Add (conv.GetInt64 (buffer, idx));
-+						idx += 8;
-+					}
-+					break;
-+				case 'L':
-+					if (Prepare (buffer, ref idx, 8, ref align)){
-+						result.Add (conv.GetUInt64 (buffer, idx));
-+						idx += 8;
-+					}
-+					break;
-+				case 'f':
-+					if (Prepare (buffer, ref idx, 4, ref align)){
-+						result.Add (conv.GetDouble (buffer, idx));
-+						idx += 4;
-+					}
-+					break;
-+				case 'd':
-+					if (Prepare (buffer, ref idx, 8, ref align)){
-+						result.Add (conv.GetDouble (buffer, idx));
-+						idx += 8;
-+					}
-+					break;
-+				case 'b':
-+					if (Prepare (buffer, ref idx, 1, ref align)){
-+						result.Add (buffer [idx]);
-+						idx++;
-+					}
-+					break;
-+				case 'c': case 'C':
-+					if (Prepare (buffer, ref idx, 1, ref align)){
-+						char c;
-+						if (description [i] == 'c')
-+							c = ((char) ((sbyte)buffer [idx]));
-+						else
-+							c = ((char) ((byte)buffer [idx]));
-+						result.Add (c);
-+						idx++;
-+					}
-+					break;
-+					// Repeat acount;
-+				case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5':
-+				case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
-+					repeat = ((short) description [i]) - ((short) '0');
-+					save = i + 1;
-+					break;
-+				case '*':
-+					repeat = Int32.MaxValue;
-+					break;
-+				case '[':
-+					int count = -1, j;
-+					for (j = i+1; j < description.Length; j++){
-+						if (description [j] == ']')
-+							break;
-+						n = ((short) description [j]) - ((short) '0');
-+						if (n >= 0 && n <= 9){
-+							if (count == -1)
-+								count = n;
-+							else
-+								count = count * 10 + n;
-+						}
-+					}
-+					if (count == -1)
-+						throw new ArgumentException ("invalid size specification");
-+					i = j;
-+					repeat = count;
-+					break;
-+				case '$': case 'z':
-+					// bool with_null = description [i] == 'z';
-+					i++;
-+					if (i >= description.Length)
-+						throw new ArgumentException ("$ description needs a type specified", "description");
-+					char d = description [i];
-+					Encoding e;
-+					if (align){
-+						idx = Align (idx, 4);
-+						align = false;
-+					}
-+					if (idx >= buffer.Length)
-+						break;
-+					switch (d){
-+					case '8':
-+						e = Encoding.UTF8;
-+						n = 1;
-+						break;
-+					case '6':
-+						e = Encoding.Unicode;
-+						n = 2;
-+						break;
-+					case '7':
-+						e = Encoding.UTF7;
-+						n = 1;
-+						break;
-+					case 'b':
-+						e = Encoding.BigEndianUnicode;
-+						n = 2;
-+						break;
-+					case '3':
-+						e = Encoding.GetEncoding (12000);
-+						n = 4;
-+						break;
-+					case '4':
-+						e = Encoding.GetEncoding (12001);
-+						n = 4;
-+						break;
-+					default:
-+						throw new ArgumentException ("Invalid format for $ specifier", "description");
-+					}
-+					int k = idx;
-+					switch (n){
-+					case 1:
-+						for (; k < buffer.Length && buffer [k] != 0; k++)
-+							;
-+						result.Add (e.GetChars (buffer, idx, k-idx));
-+						if (k == buffer.Length)
-+							idx = k;
-+						else
-+							idx = k+1;
-+						break;
-+					case 2:
-+						for (; k < buffer.Length; k++){
-+							if (k+1 == buffer.Length){
-+								k++;
-+								break;
-+							}
-+							if (buffer [k] == 0 && buffer [k+1] == 0)
-+								break;
-+						}
-+						result.Add (e.GetChars (buffer, idx, k-idx));
-+						if (k == buffer.Length)
-+							idx = k;
-+						else
-+							idx = k+2;
-+						break;
-+					case 4:
-+						for (; k < buffer.Length; k++){
-+							if (k+3 >= buffer.Length){
-+								k = buffer.Length;
-+								break;
-+							}
-+							if (buffer[k]==0 && buffer[k+1] == 0 && buffer[k+2] == 0 && buffer[k+3]== 0)
-+								break;
-+						}
-+						result.Add (e.GetChars (buffer, idx, k-idx));
-+						if (k == buffer.Length)
-+							idx = k;
-+						else
-+							idx = k+4;
-+						break;
-+					}
-+					break;
-+				default:
-+					throw new ArgumentException (String.Format ("invalid format specified `{0}'",
-+										    description [i]));
-+				}
-+				if (repeat > 0){
-+					if (--repeat > 0)
-+						i = save;
-+				} else
-+					i++;
-+			}
-+			return result;
-+		}
-+		internal void Check (byte [] dest, int destIdx, int size)
-+		{
-+			if (dest == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("dest");
-+			if (destIdx < 0 || destIdx > dest.Length - size)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("destIdx");
-+		}
-+		class CopyConverter : DataConverter {
-+			public override double GetDouble (byte [] data, int index)
-+			{
-+				if (data == null)
-+					throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+				if (data.Length - index < 8)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+				if (index < 0)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+				double ret;
-+				byte *b = (byte *)&ret;
-+				for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
-+					b [i] = data [index+i];
-+				return ret;
-+			}
-+			public override ulong GetUInt64 (byte [] data, int index)
-+			{
-+				if (data == null)
-+					throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+				if (data.Length - index < 8)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+				if (index < 0)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+				ulong ret;
-+				byte *b = (byte *)&ret;
-+				for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
-+					b [i] = data [index+i];
-+				return ret;
-+			}
-+			public override long GetInt64 (byte [] data, int index)
-+			{
-+				if (data == null)
-+					throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+				if (data.Length - index < 8)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+				if (index < 0)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+				long ret;
-+				byte *b = (byte *)&ret;
-+				for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
-+					b [i] = data [index+i];
-+				return ret;
-+			}
-+			public override float GetFloat  (byte [] data, int index)
-+			{
-+				if (data == null)
-+					throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+				if (data.Length - index < 4)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+				if (index < 0)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+				float ret;
-+				byte *b = (byte *)&ret;
-+				for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-+					b [i] = data [index+i];
-+				return ret;
-+			}
-+			public override int GetInt32  (byte [] data, int index)
-+			{
-+				if (data == null)
-+					throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+				if (data.Length - index < 4)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+				if (index < 0)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+				int ret;
-+				byte *b = (byte *)&ret;
-+				for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-+					b [i] = data [index+i];
-+				return ret;
-+			}
-+			public override uint GetUInt32 (byte [] data, int index)
-+			{
-+				if (data == null)
-+					throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+				if (data.Length - index < 4)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+				if (index < 0)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+				uint ret;
-+				byte *b = (byte *)&ret;
-+				for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-+					b [i] = data [index+i];
-+				return ret;
-+			}
-+			public override short GetInt16 (byte [] data, int index)
-+			{
-+				if (data == null)
-+					throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+				if (data.Length - index < 2)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+				if (index < 0)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+				short ret;
-+				byte *b = (byte *)&ret;
-+				for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
-+					b [i] = data [index+i];
-+				return ret;
-+			}
-+			public override ushort GetUInt16 (byte [] data, int index)
-+			{
-+				if (data == null)
-+					throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+				if (data.Length - index < 2)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+				if (index < 0)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+				ushort ret;
-+				byte *b = (byte *)&ret;
-+				for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
-+					b [i] = data [index+i];
-+				return ret;
-+			}
-+			public override void PutBytes (byte [] dest, int destIdx, double value)
-+			{
-+				Check (dest, destIdx, 8);
-+				fixed (byte *target = &dest [destIdx]){
-+					long *source = (long *) &value;
-+					*((long *)target) = *source;
-+				}
-+			}
-+			public override void PutBytes (byte [] dest, int destIdx, float value)
-+			{
-+				Check (dest, destIdx, 4);
-+				fixed (byte *target = &dest [destIdx]){
-+					uint *source = (uint *) &value;
-+					*((uint *)target) = *source;
-+				}
-+			}
-+			public override void PutBytes (byte [] dest, int destIdx, int value)
-+			{
-+				Check (dest, destIdx, 4);
-+				fixed (byte *target = &dest [destIdx]){
-+					uint *source = (uint *) &value;
-+					*((uint *)target) = *source;
-+				}
-+			}
-+			public override void PutBytes (byte [] dest, int destIdx, uint value)
-+			{
-+				Check (dest, destIdx, 4);
-+				fixed (byte *target = &dest [destIdx]){
-+					uint *source = (uint *) &value;
-+					*((uint *)target) = *source;
-+				}
-+			}
-+			public override void PutBytes (byte [] dest, int destIdx, long value)
-+			{
-+				Check (dest, destIdx, 8);
-+				fixed (byte *target = &dest [destIdx]){
-+					long *source = (long *) &value;
-+					*((long*)target) = *source;
-+				}
-+			}
-+			public override void PutBytes (byte [] dest, int destIdx, ulong value)
-+			{
-+				Check (dest, destIdx, 8);
-+				fixed (byte *target = &dest [destIdx]){
-+					ulong *source = (ulong *) &value;
-+					*((ulong *) target) = *source;
-+				}
-+			}
-+			public override void PutBytes (byte [] dest, int destIdx, short value)
-+			{
-+				Check (dest, destIdx, 2);
-+				fixed (byte *target = &dest [destIdx]){
-+					ushort *source = (ushort *) &value;
-+					*((ushort *)target) = *source;
-+				}
-+			}
-+			public override void PutBytes (byte [] dest, int destIdx, ushort value)
-+			{
-+				Check (dest, destIdx, 2);
-+				fixed (byte *target = &dest [destIdx]){
-+					ushort *source = (ushort *) &value;
-+					*((ushort *)target) = *source;
-+				}
-+			}
-+		}
-+		class SwapConverter : DataConverter {
-+			public override double GetDouble (byte [] data, int index)
-+			{
-+				if (data == null)
-+					throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+				if (data.Length - index < 8)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+				if (index < 0)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+				double ret;
-+				byte *b = (byte *)&ret;
-+				for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
-+					b [7-i] = data [index+i];
-+				return ret;
-+			}
-+			public override ulong GetUInt64 (byte [] data, int index)
-+			{
-+				if (data == null)
-+					throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+				if (data.Length - index < 8)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+				if (index < 0)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+				ulong ret;
-+				byte *b = (byte *)&ret;
-+				for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
-+					b [7-i] = data [index+i];
-+				return ret;
-+			}
-+			public override long GetInt64 (byte [] data, int index)
-+			{
-+				if (data == null)
-+					throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+				if (data.Length - index < 8)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+				if (index < 0)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+				long ret;
-+				byte *b = (byte *)&ret;
-+				for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
-+					b [7-i] = data [index+i];
-+				return ret;
-+			}
-+			public override float GetFloat  (byte [] data, int index)
-+			{
-+				if (data == null)
-+					throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+				if (data.Length - index < 4)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+				if (index < 0)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+				float ret;
-+				byte *b = (byte *)&ret;
-+				for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-+					b [3-i] = data [index+i];
-+				return ret;
-+			}
-+			public override int GetInt32  (byte [] data, int index)
-+			{
-+				if (data == null)
-+					throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+				if (data.Length - index < 4)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+				if (index < 0)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+				int ret;
-+				byte *b = (byte *)&ret;
-+				for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-+					b [3-i] = data [index+i];
-+				return ret;
-+			}
-+			public override uint GetUInt32 (byte [] data, int index)
-+			{
-+				if (data == null)
-+					throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+				if (data.Length - index < 4)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+				if (index < 0)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+				uint ret;
-+				byte *b = (byte *)&ret;
-+				for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-+					b [3-i] = data [index+i];
-+				return ret;
-+			}
-+			public override short GetInt16 (byte [] data, int index)
-+			{
-+				if (data == null)
-+					throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+				if (data.Length - index < 2)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+				if (index < 0)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+				short ret;
-+				byte *b = (byte *)&ret;
-+				for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
-+					b [1-i] = data [index+i];
-+				return ret;
-+			}
-+			public override ushort GetUInt16 (byte [] data, int index)
-+			{
-+				if (data == null)
-+					throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+				if (data.Length - index < 2)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+				if (index < 0)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+				ushort ret;
-+				byte *b = (byte *)&ret;
-+				for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
-+					b [1-i] = data [index+i];
-+				return ret;
-+			}
-+			public override void PutBytes (byte [] dest, int destIdx, double value)
-+			{
-+				Check (dest, destIdx, 8);
-+				fixed (byte *target = &dest [destIdx]){
-+					byte *source = (byte *) &value;
-+					for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
-+						target [i] = source [7-i];
-+				}
-+			}
-+			public override void PutBytes (byte [] dest, int destIdx, float value)
-+			{
-+				Check (dest, destIdx, 4);
-+				fixed (byte *target = &dest [destIdx]){
-+					byte *source = (byte *) &value;
-+					for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-+						target [i] = source [3-i];
-+				}
-+			}
-+			public override void PutBytes (byte [] dest, int destIdx, int value)
-+			{
-+				Check (dest, destIdx, 4);
-+				fixed (byte *target = &dest [destIdx]){
-+					byte *source = (byte *) &value;
-+					for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-+						target [i] = source [3-i];
-+				}
-+			}
-+			public override void PutBytes (byte [] dest, int destIdx, uint value)
-+			{
-+				Check (dest, destIdx, 4);
-+				fixed (byte *target = &dest [destIdx]){
-+					byte *source = (byte *) &value;
-+					for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-+						target [i] = source [3-i];
-+				}
-+			}
-+			public override void PutBytes (byte [] dest, int destIdx, long value)
-+			{
-+				Check (dest, destIdx, 8);
-+				fixed (byte *target = &dest [destIdx]){
-+					byte *source = (byte *) &value;
-+					for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
-+						target [i] = source [7-i];
-+				}
-+			}
-+			public override void PutBytes (byte [] dest, int destIdx, ulong value)
-+			{
-+				Check (dest, destIdx, 8);
-+				fixed (byte *target = &dest [destIdx]){
-+					byte *source = (byte *) &value;
-+					for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-+						target [i] = source [7-i];
-+				}
-+			}
-+			public override void PutBytes (byte [] dest, int destIdx, short value)
-+			{
-+				Check (dest, destIdx, 2);
-+				fixed (byte *target = &dest [destIdx]){
-+					byte *source = (byte *) &value;
-+					for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
-+						target [i] = source [1-i];
-+				}
-+			}
-+			public override void PutBytes (byte [] dest, int destIdx, ushort value)
-+			{
-+				Check (dest, destIdx, 2);
-+				fixed (byte *target = &dest [destIdx]){
-+					byte *source = (byte *) &value;
-+					for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
-+						target [i] = source [1-i];
-+				}
-+			}
-+		}
-+		static unsafe void PutBytesLE (byte *dest, byte *src, int count)
-+		{
-+			int i = 0;
-+			if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian){
-+				for (; i < count; i++)
-+					*dest++ = *src++;
-+			} else {
-+				dest += count;
-+				for (; i < count; i++)
-+					*(--dest) = *src++;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		static unsafe void PutBytesBE (byte *dest, byte *src, int count)
-+		{
-+			int i = 0;
-+			if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian){
-+				dest += count;
-+				for (; i < count; i++)
-+					*(--dest) = *src++;
-+			} else {
-+				for (; i < count; i++)
-+					*dest++ = *src++;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		static unsafe void PutBytesNative (byte *dest, byte *src, int count)
-+		{
-+			int i = 0;
-+			for (; i < count; i++)
-+				dest [i-count] = *src++;
-+		}
-+		static public unsafe double DoubleFromLE (byte[] data, int index)
-+		{
-+			if (data == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+			if (data.Length - index < 8)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			if (index < 0)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			double ret;
-+			fixed (byte *src = &data[index]){
-+				PutBytesLE ((byte *) &ret, src, 8);
-+			}
-+			return ret;
-+		}
-+		static public unsafe float FloatFromLE (byte [] data, int index)
-+		{
-+			if (data == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+			if (data.Length - index < 4)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			if (index < 0)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			float ret;
-+			fixed (byte *src = &data[index]){
-+				PutBytesLE ((byte *) &ret, src, 4);
-+			}
-+			return ret;
-+		}
-+		static public unsafe long Int64FromLE (byte [] data, int index)
-+		{
-+			if (data == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+			if (data.Length - index < 8)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			if (index < 0)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			long ret;
-+			fixed (byte *src = &data[index]){
-+				PutBytesLE ((byte *) &ret, src, 8);
-+			}
-+			return ret;
-+		}
-+		static public unsafe ulong UInt64FromLE (byte [] data, int index)
-+		{
-+			if (data == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+			if (data.Length - index < 8)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			if (index < 0)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			ulong ret;
-+			fixed (byte *src = &data[index]){
-+				PutBytesLE ((byte *) &ret, src, 8);
-+			}
-+			return ret;
-+		}
-+		static public unsafe int Int32FromLE (byte [] data, int index)
-+		{
-+			if (data == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+			if (data.Length - index < 4)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			if (index < 0)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			int ret;
-+			fixed (byte *src = &data[index]){
-+				PutBytesLE ((byte *) &ret, src, 4);
-+			}
-+			return ret;
-+		}
-+		static public unsafe uint UInt32FromLE (byte [] data, int index)
-+		{
-+			if (data == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+			if (data.Length - index < 4)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			if (index < 0)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			uint ret;
-+			fixed (byte *src = &data[index]){
-+				PutBytesLE ((byte *) &ret, src, 4);
-+			}
-+			return ret;
-+		}
-+		static public unsafe short Int16FromLE (byte [] data, int index)
-+		{
-+			if (data == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+			if (data.Length - index < 2)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			if (index < 0)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			short ret;
-+			fixed (byte *src = &data[index]){
-+				PutBytesLE ((byte *) &ret, src, 2);
-+			}
-+			return ret;
-+		}
-+		static public unsafe ushort UInt16FromLE (byte [] data, int index)
-+		{
-+			if (data == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+			if (data.Length - index < 2)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			if (index < 0)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			ushort ret;
-+			fixed (byte *src = &data[index]){
-+				PutBytesLE ((byte *) &ret, src, 2);
-+			}
-+			return ret;
-+		}
-+		static public unsafe double DoubleFromBE (byte[] data, int index)
-+		{
-+			if (data == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+			if (data.Length - index < 8)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			if (index < 0)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			double ret;
-+			fixed (byte *src = &data[index]){
-+				PutBytesBE ((byte *) &ret, src, 8);
-+			}
-+			return ret;
-+		}
-+		static public unsafe float FloatFromBE (byte [] data, int index)
-+		{
-+			if (data == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+			if (data.Length - index < 4)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			if (index < 0)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			float ret;
-+			fixed (byte *src = &data[index]){
-+				PutBytesBE ((byte *) &ret, src, 4);
-+			}
-+			return ret;
-+		}
-+		static public unsafe long Int64FromBE (byte [] data, int index)
-+		{
-+			if (data == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+			if (data.Length - index < 8)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			if (index < 0)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			long ret;
-+			fixed (byte *src = &data[index]){
-+				PutBytesBE ((byte *) &ret, src, 8);
-+			}
-+			return ret;
-+		}
-+		static public unsafe ulong UInt64FromBE (byte [] data, int index)
-+		{
-+			if (data == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+			if (data.Length - index < 8)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			if (index < 0)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			ulong ret;
-+			fixed (byte *src = &data[index]){
-+				PutBytesBE ((byte *) &ret, src, 8);
-+			}
-+			return ret;
-+		}
-+		static public unsafe int Int32FromBE (byte [] data, int index)
-+		{
-+			if (data == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+			if (data.Length - index < 4)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			if (index < 0)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			int ret;
-+			fixed (byte *src = &data[index]){
-+				PutBytesBE ((byte *) &ret, src, 4);
-+			}
-+			return ret;
-+		}
-+		static public unsafe uint UInt32FromBE (byte [] data, int index)
-+		{
-+			if (data == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+			if (data.Length - index < 4)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			if (index < 0)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			uint ret;
-+			fixed (byte *src = &data[index]){
-+				PutBytesBE ((byte *) &ret, src, 4);
-+			}
-+			return ret;
-+		}
-+		static public unsafe short Int16FromBE (byte [] data, int index)
-+		{
-+			if (data == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+			if (data.Length - index < 2)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			if (index < 0)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			short ret;
-+			fixed (byte *src = &data[index]){
-+				PutBytesBE ((byte *) &ret, src, 2);
-+			}
-+			return ret;
-+		}
-+		static public unsafe ushort UInt16FromBE (byte [] data, int index)
-+		{
-+			if (data == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+			if (data.Length - index < 2)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			if (index < 0)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			ushort ret;
-+			fixed (byte *src = &data[index]){
-+				PutBytesBE ((byte *) &ret, src, 2);
-+			}
-+			return ret;
-+		}
-+		static public unsafe double DoubleFromNative (byte[] data, int index)
-+		{
-+			if (data == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+			if (data.Length - index < 8)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			if (index < 0)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			double ret;
-+			fixed (byte *src = &data[index]){
-+				PutBytesNative ((byte *) &ret, src, 8);
-+			}
-+			return ret;
-+		}
-+		static public unsafe float FloatFromNative (byte [] data, int index)
-+		{
-+			if (data == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+			if (data.Length - index < 4)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			if (index < 0)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			float ret;
-+			fixed (byte *src = &data[index]){
-+				PutBytesNative ((byte *) &ret, src, 4);
-+			}
-+			return ret;
-+		}
-+		static public unsafe long Int64FromNative (byte [] data, int index)
-+		{
-+			if (data == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+			if (data.Length - index < 8)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			if (index < 0)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			long ret;
-+			fixed (byte *src = &data[index]){
-+				PutBytesNative ((byte *) &ret, src, 8);
-+			}
-+			return ret;
-+		}
-+		static public unsafe ulong UInt64FromNative (byte [] data, int index)
-+		{
-+			if (data == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+			if (data.Length - index < 8)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			if (index < 0)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			ulong ret;
-+			fixed (byte *src = &data[index]){
-+				PutBytesNative ((byte *) &ret, src, 8);
-+			}
-+			return ret;
-+		}
-+		static public unsafe int Int32FromNative (byte [] data, int index)
-+		{
-+			if (data == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+			if (data.Length - index < 4)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			if (index < 0)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			int ret;
-+			fixed (byte *src = &data[index]){
-+				PutBytesNative ((byte *) &ret, src, 4);
-+			}
-+			return ret;
-+		}
-+		static public unsafe uint UInt32FromNative (byte [] data, int index)
-+		{
-+			if (data == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+			if (data.Length - index < 4)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			if (index < 0)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			uint ret;
-+			fixed (byte *src = &data[index]){
-+				PutBytesNative ((byte *) &ret, src, 4);
-+			}
-+			return ret;
-+		}
-+		static public unsafe short Int16FromNative (byte [] data, int index)
-+		{
-+			if (data == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+			if (data.Length - index < 2)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			if (index < 0)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			short ret;
-+			fixed (byte *src = &data[index]){
-+				PutBytesNative ((byte *) &ret, src, 2);
-+			}
-+			return ret;
-+		}
-+		static public unsafe ushort UInt16FromNative (byte [] data, int index)
-+		{
-+			if (data == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("data");
-+			if (data.Length - index < 2)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			if (index < 0)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("index");
-+			ushort ret;
-+			fixed (byte *src = &data[index]){
-+				PutBytesNative ((byte *) &ret, src, 2);
-+			}
-+			return ret;
-+		}
-+                unsafe static byte[] GetBytesPtr (byte *ptr, int count)
-+                {
-+                        byte [] ret = new byte [count];
-+                        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-+                                ret [i] = ptr [i];
-+                        }
-+                        return ret;
-+                }
-+                unsafe static byte[] GetBytesSwap (bool swap, byte *ptr, int count)
-+                {
-+                        byte [] ret = new byte [count];
-+			if (swap){
-+				int t = count-1;
-+				for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-+					ret [t-i] = ptr [i];
-+				}
-+			} else {
-+				for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-+					ret [i] = ptr [i];
-+				}
-+			}
-+                        return ret;
-+                }
-+                unsafe public static byte[] GetBytesNative (bool value)
-+                {
-+                        return GetBytesPtr ((byte *) &value, 1);
-+                }
-+                unsafe public static byte[] GetBytesNative (char value)
-+                {
-+                        return GetBytesPtr ((byte *) &value, 2);
-+                }
-+                unsafe public static byte[] GetBytesNative (short value)
-+                {
-+                        return GetBytesPtr ((byte *) &value, 2);
-+                }
-+                unsafe public static byte[] GetBytesNative (int value)
-+                {
-+                        return GetBytesPtr ((byte *) &value, 4);
-+                }
-+                unsafe public static byte[] GetBytesNative (long value)
-+                {
-+                        return GetBytesPtr ((byte *) &value, 8);
-+                }
-+                [CLSCompliant (false)]
-+                unsafe public static byte[] GetBytesNative (ushort value)
-+                {
-+                        return GetBytesPtr ((byte *) &value, 2);
-+                }
-+                [CLSCompliant (false)]
-+                unsafe public static byte[] GetBytesNative (uint value)
-+                {
-+                        return GetBytesPtr ((byte *) &value, 4);
-+                }
-+                [CLSCompliant (false)]
-+                unsafe public static byte[] GetBytesNative (ulong value)
-+                {
-+                        return GetBytesPtr ((byte *) &value, 8);
-+                }
-+                unsafe public static byte[] GetBytesNative (float value)
-+                {
-+                        return GetBytesPtr ((byte *) &value, 4);
-+                }
-+                unsafe public static byte[] GetBytesNative (double value)
-+                {
-+			return GetBytesPtr ((byte *) &value, 8);
-+                }
-+                unsafe public static byte[] GetBytesLE (bool value)
-+                {
-+                        return GetBytesSwap (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian, (byte *) &value, 1);
-+                }
-+                unsafe public static byte[] GetBytesLE (char value)
-+                {
-+                        return GetBytesSwap (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian, (byte *) &value, 2);
-+                }
-+                unsafe public static byte[] GetBytesLE (short value)
-+                {
-+                        return GetBytesSwap (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian, (byte *) &value, 2);
-+                }
-+                unsafe public static byte[] GetBytesLE (int value)
-+                {
-+                        return GetBytesSwap (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian, (byte *) &value, 4);
-+                }
-+                unsafe public static byte[] GetBytesLE (long value)
-+                {
-+                        return GetBytesSwap (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian, (byte *) &value, 8);
-+                }
-+                [CLSCompliant (false)]
-+                unsafe public static byte[] GetBytesLE (ushort value)
-+                {
-+                        return GetBytesSwap (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian, (byte *) &value, 2);
-+                }
-+                [CLSCompliant (false)]
-+                unsafe public static byte[] GetBytesLE (uint value)
-+                {
-+                        return GetBytesSwap (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian, (byte *) &value, 4);
-+                }
-+                [CLSCompliant (false)]
-+                unsafe public static byte[] GetBytesLE (ulong value)
-+                {
-+                        return GetBytesSwap (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian, (byte *) &value, 8);
-+                }
-+                unsafe public static byte[] GetBytesLE (float value)
-+                {
-+                        return GetBytesSwap (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian, (byte *) &value, 4);
-+                }
-+                unsafe public static byte[] GetBytesLE (double value)
-+                {
-+			return GetBytesSwap (!BitConverter.IsLittleEndian, (byte *) &value, 8);
-+                }
-+                unsafe public static byte[] GetBytesBE (bool value)
-+                {
-+                        return GetBytesSwap (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian, (byte *) &value, 1);
-+                }
-+                unsafe public static byte[] GetBytesBE (char value)
-+                {
-+                        return GetBytesSwap (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian, (byte *) &value, 2);
-+                }
-+                unsafe public static byte[] GetBytesBE (short value)
-+                {
-+                        return GetBytesSwap (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian, (byte *) &value, 2);
-+                }
-+                unsafe public static byte[] GetBytesBE (int value)
-+                {
-+                        return GetBytesSwap (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian, (byte *) &value, 4);
-+                }
-+                unsafe public static byte[] GetBytesBE (long value)
-+                {
-+                        return GetBytesSwap (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian, (byte *) &value, 8);
-+                }
-+                [CLSCompliant (false)]
-+                unsafe public static byte[] GetBytesBE (ushort value)
-+                {
-+                        return GetBytesSwap (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian, (byte *) &value, 2);
-+                }
-+                [CLSCompliant (false)]
-+                unsafe public static byte[] GetBytesBE (uint value)
-+                {
-+                        return GetBytesSwap (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian, (byte *) &value, 4);
-+                }
-+                [CLSCompliant (false)]
-+                unsafe public static byte[] GetBytesBE (ulong value)
-+                {
-+                        return GetBytesSwap (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian, (byte *) &value, 8);
-+                }
-+                unsafe public static byte[] GetBytesBE (float value)
-+                {
-+                        return GetBytesSwap (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian, (byte *) &value, 4);
-+                }
-+                unsafe public static byte[] GetBytesBE (double value)
-+                {
-+			return GetBytesSwap (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian, (byte *) &value, 8);
-+                }
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/EnumMirror.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/EnumMirror.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
-+using System;
-+using System.Collections.Generic;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	/*
-+	 * Represents an enum value in the debuggee
-+	 */
-+	public class EnumMirror : StructMirror {
-+		internal EnumMirror (VirtualMachine vm, TypeMirror type, Value[] fields) : base (vm, type, fields) {
-+		}
-+		internal EnumMirror (VirtualMachine vm, TypeMirror type, PrimitiveValue value) : base (vm, type, new Value[] { value }) {
-+			if (type == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("type");
-+			if (value == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("value");
-+			if (!type.IsEnum)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("type must be an enum type", "type");
-+			TypeMirror t = type.EnumUnderlyingType;
-+			if (value.Value == null || !value.Value.GetType ().IsPrimitive || t != vm.RootDomain.GetCorrespondingType (value.Value.GetType ()))
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("Value '" + value.Value + "' does not match the type of the enum.");
-+		}
-+		public object Value {
-+			get {
-+				return ((PrimitiveValue)Fields [0]).Value;
-+			}
-+			set {
-+				SetField (0, vm.CreateValue (value));
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public string StringValue {
-+			get {
-+				foreach (FieldInfoMirror f in Type.GetFields ()) {
-+					if (f.IsStatic) {
-+						object v = (Type.GetValue (f) as EnumMirror).Value;
-+						if (f.IsStatic && v.Equals (Value))
-+							return f.Name;
-+					}
-+				}
-+				return Value.ToString ();
-+			}
-+		}
-+	}
-\ No newline at end of file
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/Event.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/Event.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public abstract class Event {
-+		protected VirtualMachine vm;
-+		EventType evtype;
-+		ThreadMirror thread;
-+		int req_id;
-+		long thread_id;
-+		internal Event (EventType evtype, VirtualMachine vm, int req_id, long thread_id) {
-+			this.evtype = evtype;
-+			this.vm = vm;
-+			this.req_id = req_id;
-+			this.thread_id = thread_id;
-+		}
-+		internal Event (EventType evtype, VirtualMachine vm) {
-+			this.evtype = evtype;
-+			this.vm = vm;
-+			this.thread_id = -1;
-+		}
-+		public EventType EventType {
-+			get {
-+				return evtype;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public override string ToString () {
-+			return evtype.ToString ();
-+		}
-+		public ThreadMirror Thread {
-+			get {
-+				if (thread_id == -1)
-+					return null;
-+				if (thread == null)
-+					thread = vm.GetThread (thread_id);
-+				return thread;
-+			}
-+	    }
-+		public EventRequest Request {
-+			get {
-+				return vm.GetRequest (req_id);
-+			}
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/EventQueueImpl.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/EventQueueImpl.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
-+#if FALSE
-+using System;
-+using System.Collections;
-+using System.Collections.Generic;
-+using System.IO;
-+using System.Threading;
-+using Mono.Debugger;
-+using Mono.Debugger.Requests;
-+using Mono.Debugger.Events;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	class EventQueueImpl : MirrorImpl, EventQueue
-+	{
-+		bool disconnected;
-+		Dictionary<int, byte[]> reply_packets;
-+		Thread receiver_thread;
-+		Queue queue;
-+		object queue_monitor;
-+		object reply_packets_monitor;
-+		public EventQueueImpl (VirtualMachineImpl vm) : base (vm) {
-+			reply_packets = new Dictionary<int, byte[]> ();
-+			reply_packets_monitor = new Object ();
-+			queue = new Queue ();
-+			queue_monitor = new Object ();
-+			receiver_thread = new Thread (new ThreadStart (receiver_thread_main));
-+			receiver_thread.Start ();
-+		}
-+		public EventSet Remove () {
-+			if (disconnected)
-+				// FIXME: VMDisconnectedException
-+				throw new IOException ();
-+			lock (queue_monitor) {
-+				if (queue.Count == 0)
-+					Monitor.Wait (queue_monitor);
-+				return (EventSet)queue.Dequeue ();
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public EventSet Remove (int timeout) {
-+			throw new NotImplementedException ();
-+		}
-+		Event DecodeEventInfo (WireProtocol.EventInfo info) {
-+			EventRequest req = FindRequest (info.requestId);
-+			if (info.eventKind == WireProtocol.EVENT_VM_START) {
-+				WireProtocol.VMStartEventInfo einfo = (WireProtocol.VMStartEventInfo)info;
-+				return new VMStartEventImpl (vm, req, new ThreadReferenceImpl (vm, einfo.thread), new AppDomainMirrorImpl (vm, einfo.domain));
-+			} else if (info.eventKind == WireProtocol.EVENT_VM_DEATH) {
-+				return new VMDeathEventImpl (vm, req);
-+			} else if (info.eventKind == WireProtocol.EVENT_THREAD_START) {
-+				WireProtocol.ThreadStartEventInfo einfo = (WireProtocol.ThreadStartEventInfo)info;
-+				return new ThreadStartEventImpl (vm, req, new ThreadReferenceImpl (vm, einfo.thread));
-+			} else if (info.eventKind == WireProtocol.EVENT_THREAD_DEATH) {
-+				WireProtocol.ThreadDeathEventInfo einfo = (WireProtocol.ThreadDeathEventInfo)info;
-+				return new ThreadDeathEventImpl (vm, req, new ThreadReferenceImpl (vm, einfo.thread));
-+			} else {
-+				throw new NotImplementedException ();
-+			}
-+		}
-+		EventRequest FindRequest (int requestId) {
-+			if (requestId == 0)
-+				return null;
-+			else
-+				return ((EventRequestManagerImpl)vm.EventRequestManager).FindRequest (requestId);
-+		}
-+		// Wait for the reply for a command packet
-+		public byte[] WaitForReply (int packetId) {
-+			while (true) {
-+				lock (reply_packets_monitor) {
-+					if (reply_packets.ContainsKey (packetId)) {
-+						byte[] reply = reply_packets [packetId];
-+						reply_packets.Remove (packetId);
-+						return reply;
-+					} else {
-+						Monitor.Wait (reply_packets_monitor);
-+					}
-+				}
-+			}
-+		}
-+		void add_event_set (EventSet set) {
-+			lock (queue_monitor) {
-+				queue.Enqueue (set);
-+				Monitor.Pulse (queue_monitor);
-+			}
-+		}
-+		void receiver_thread_main () {
-+			Connection conn = vm.Connection;
-+			while (true) {
-+				byte[] packet = conn.ReadPacket ();
-+				if (packet.Length == 0) {
-+					disconnected = true;
-+					VMDisconnectEventImpl ev = new VMDisconnectEventImpl (vm, null);
-+					add_event_set (new EventSetImpl (vm, new Event [] { ev }, SuspendPolicy.SuspendNone));
-+					break;
-+				}
-+				if (WireProtocol.IsReplyPacket (packet)) {
-+					/* Reply packet */
-+					int id = WireProtocol.GetPacketId (packet);
-+					lock (reply_packets_monitor) {
-+						reply_packets [id] = packet;
-+						Monitor.PulseAll (reply_packets_monitor);
-+					}
-+				} else {
-+					WireProtocol.Packet decoded = WireProtocol.DecodePacket (packet);
-+					if (decoded is WireProtocol.Event.CompositePacket) {
-+						WireProtocol.Event.CompositePacket p = (WireProtocol.Event.CompositePacket)decoded;
-+						Event[] events = new Event [p.events.Length];
-+						for (int i = 0; i < p.events.Length; ++i) {
-+							events [i] = DecodeEventInfo (p.events [i]);
-+						}
-+						add_event_set (new EventSetImpl (vm, events, p.suspendPolicy));
-+					}
-+				}
-+			}
-+		}
-+    }
-\ No newline at end of file
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/EventRequest.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/EventRequest.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
-+using System;
-+using System.Collections.Generic;
-+using System.Linq;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public abstract class EventRequest {
-+		protected int id;
-+		protected EventType etype;
-+		protected bool enabled;
-+		protected VirtualMachine vm;
-+		protected SuspendPolicy suspend;
-+		protected int count;
-+		protected ThreadMirror thread;
-+		protected IList<AssemblyMirror> assembly_filter;
-+		internal EventRequest (VirtualMachine vm, EventType etype) {
-+			this.vm = vm;
-+			this.etype = etype;
-+			this.suspend = SuspendPolicy.All;
-+		}
-+		internal EventRequest (EventType etype, int id) {
-+			this.id = id;
-+			this.etype = etype;
-+		}
-+		internal int Id {
-+			get {
-+				return id;
-+			}
-+			set {
-+				id = value;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public EventType EventType {
-+			get {
-+				return etype;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool Enabled {
-+			get {
-+				return enabled;
-+			}
-+			set {
-+				if (value != enabled) {
-+					if (value)
-+						Enable ();
-+					else
-+						Disable ();
-+				}
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public int Count {
-+			get {
-+				return count;
-+			}
-+			set {
-+				CheckDisabled ();
-+				count = value;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public ThreadMirror Thread {
-+			get {
-+				return thread;
-+			}
-+			set {
-+				CheckDisabled ();
-+				if (value != null && value.VirtualMachine != vm)
-+					throw new VMMismatchException ();
-+				thread = value;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public IList<AssemblyMirror> AssemblyFilter {
-+			get {
-+				return assembly_filter;
-+			}
-+			set {
-+				CheckDisabled ();
-+				if (value != null) {
-+					foreach (var ass in value)
-+						if (ass == null)
-+							throw new ArgumentException ("one of the elements of the array is null.");
-+				}
-+				assembly_filter = value;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		/*
-+		 * Every time an EventRequest object is enabled, a new JDWP event request
-+		 * is created, and the event request's id changes.
-+		 */
-+		internal void SendReq (List<Modifier> mods) {
-+			if (!enabled) {
-+				if (Count > 0)
-+					mods.Add (new CountModifier () { Count = Count });
-+				if (Thread != null)
-+					mods.Add (new ThreadModifier () { Thread = Thread.Id });
-+				if (AssemblyFilter != null)
-+					mods.Add (new AssemblyModifier () { Assemblies = AssemblyFilter.Select (x => x.Id ).ToArray () });
-+				id = vm.conn.EnableEvent (EventType, suspend, mods);
-+				SetEnabled (id);
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public virtual void Enable () {
-+			SendReq (new List<Modifier> ());
-+		}
-+		public void Disable () {
-+			if (enabled) {
-+				vm.conn.ClearEventRequest (etype, id);
-+				enabled = false;
-+				// FIXME: This causes problems because Events can still reference
-+				// the old id
-+				//vm.RemoveRequest (this, id);
-+				id = -1;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		protected void SetEnabled (int id) {
-+			this.id = id;
-+			enabled = true;
-+			vm.AddRequest (this, id);
-+		}
-+		protected void CheckDisabled () {
-+			if (Enabled)
-+				throw new InvalidOperationException ("Request objects can only be modified while they are disabled.");
-+		}
-+		protected void CheckMirror (VirtualMachine vm, Mirror m) {
-+			if (vm != m.VirtualMachine)
-+				throw new VMMismatchException ();
-+		}
-+	}
-\ No newline at end of file
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/EventType.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/EventType.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	// Keep it in sync with debugger-agent.h
-+	public enum EventType {
-+		VMStart = 0,
-+		VMDeath = 1,
-+		ThreadStart = 2,
-+		ThreadDeath = 3,
-+		AppDomainCreate = 4,
-+		AppDomainUnload = 5,
-+		MethodEntry = 6,
-+		MethodExit = 7,
-+		AssemblyLoad = 8,
-+		AssemblyUnload = 9,
-+		Breakpoint = 10,
-+		Step = 11,
-+		TypeLoad = 12,
-+		Exception = 13,
-+		// Not part of the wire protocol
-+		VMDisconnect = 99
-+	}
-\ No newline at end of file
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/ExceptionEvent.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/ExceptionEvent.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class ExceptionEvent : Event {
-+		ObjectMirror exc;
-+		long exc_id;
-+		internal ExceptionEvent (VirtualMachine vm, int req_id, long thread_id, long exc_id, long loc) : base (EventType.Exception, vm, req_id, thread_id) {
-+			this.exc_id = exc_id;
-+		}
-+		public ObjectMirror Exception {
-+			get {
-+				if (exc == null)
-+					exc = vm.GetObject (exc_id);
-+				return exc;
-+			}
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/ExceptionEventRequest.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/ExceptionEventRequest.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
-+using System;
-+using System.Collections.Generic;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public sealed class ExceptionEventRequest : EventRequest {
-+		TypeMirror exc_type;
-+		bool caught, uncaught;
-+		internal ExceptionEventRequest (VirtualMachine vm, TypeMirror exc_type, bool caught, bool uncaught) : base (vm, EventType.Exception) {
-+			if (exc_type != null) {
-+				CheckMirror (vm, exc_type);
-+				TypeMirror exception_type = vm.RootDomain.Corlib.GetType ("System.Exception", false, false);
-+				if (!exception_type.IsAssignableFrom (exc_type))
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("The exception type does not inherit from System.Exception", "exc_type");
-+			}
-+			this.exc_type = exc_type;
-+			this.caught = caught;
-+			this.uncaught = uncaught;
-+		}
-+		public TypeMirror ExceptionType {
-+			get {
-+				return exc_type;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public override void Enable () {
-+			var mods = new List <Modifier> ();
-+			mods.Add (new ExceptionModifier () { Type = exc_type != null ? exc_type.Id : 0, Caught = caught, Uncaught = uncaught });
-+			SendReq (mods);
-+		}
-+	}
-\ No newline at end of file
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/FieldInfoMirror.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/FieldInfoMirror.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
-+using System;
-+using System.Collections.Generic;
-+using System.Text;
-+using System.Reflection;
-+using C = Mono.Cecil;
-+using Mono.Cecil.Metadata;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class FieldInfoMirror : Mirror {
-+		TypeMirror parent;
-+		string name;
-+		TypeMirror type;
-+		FieldAttributes attrs;
-+		CustomAttributeDataMirror[] cattrs;
-+		public FieldInfoMirror (TypeMirror parent, long id, string name, TypeMirror type, FieldAttributes attrs) : base (parent.VirtualMachine, id) {
-+			this.parent = parent;
-+			this.name = name;
-+			this.type = type;
-+			this.attrs = attrs;
-+		}
-+		public TypeMirror DeclaringType {
-+			get {
-+				return parent;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public string Name {
-+			get {
-+				return name;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public TypeMirror FieldType {
-+			get {
-+				return type;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public FieldAttributes Attributes {
-+			get {
-+				return attrs;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsLiteral
-+		{
-+			get {return (Attributes & FieldAttributes.Literal) != 0;}
-+		} 
-+		public bool IsStatic
-+		{
-+			get {return (Attributes & FieldAttributes.Static) != 0;}
-+		} 
-+		public bool IsInitOnly
-+		{
-+			get {return (Attributes & FieldAttributes.InitOnly) != 0;}
-+		}
-+		public Boolean IsPublic
-+		{ 
-+			get
-+			{
-+				return (Attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.Public;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public Boolean IsPrivate
-+		{
-+			get
-+			{
-+				return (Attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.Private;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public Boolean IsFamily
-+		{
-+			get
-+			{
-+				return (Attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.Family;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public Boolean IsAssembly
-+		{
-+			get
-+			{
-+				return (Attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.Assembly;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public Boolean IsFamilyAndAssembly
-+		{
-+			get {
-+				return (Attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.FamANDAssem;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public Boolean IsFamilyOrAssembly
-+		{
-+			get
-+			{
-+				return (Attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) == FieldAttributes.FamORAssem;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public Boolean IsPinvokeImpl
-+		{
-+			get
-+			{
-+				return (Attributes & FieldAttributes.PinvokeImpl) == FieldAttributes.PinvokeImpl;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public Boolean IsSpecialName
-+		{
-+			get
-+			{
-+				return (Attributes & FieldAttributes.SpecialName) == FieldAttributes.SpecialName;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public Boolean IsNotSerialized
-+		{
-+			get
-+			{
-+				return (Attributes & FieldAttributes.NotSerialized) == FieldAttributes.NotSerialized;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public CustomAttributeDataMirror[] GetCustomAttributes (bool inherit) {
-+			return GetCAttrs (null, inherit);
-+		}
-+		public CustomAttributeDataMirror[] GetCustomAttributes (TypeMirror attributeType, bool inherit) {
-+			if (attributeType == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("attributeType");
-+			return GetCAttrs (attributeType, inherit);
-+		}
-+		CustomAttributeDataMirror[] GetCAttrs (TypeMirror type, bool inherit) {
-+			// FIXME: Handle inherit
-+			if (cattrs == null) {
-+				CattrInfo[] info = vm.conn.Type_GetFieldCustomAttributes (DeclaringType.Id, id, 0, false);
-+				cattrs = CustomAttributeDataMirror.Create (vm, info);
-+			}
-+			var res = new List<CustomAttributeDataMirror> ();
-+			foreach (var attr in cattrs)
-+				if (type == null || attr.Constructor.DeclaringType == type)
-+					res.Add (attr);
-+			return res.ToArray ();
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/IInvokeAsyncResult.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/IInvokeAsyncResult.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
-+using System;
-+using System.Collections.Generic;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public interface IInvokeAsyncResult : IAsyncResult
-+	{
-+		void Abort ();
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/ILInstruction.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/ILInstruction.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
-+using System;
-+using System.Collections.Generic;
-+using System.Text;
-+using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
-+using Mono.Cecil.Metadata;
-+using System.IO;
-+using System.Reflection;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	/*
-+	 * This is similar to the Instruction class in Cecil, we can't use that
-+	 * as its constructor is internal.
-+	 */
-+	public class ILInstruction
-+	{
-+		int offset;
-+		OpCode opcode;
-+		object operand;
-+		ILInstruction prev, next;
-+		internal ILInstruction (int offset, OpCode opcode, object operand) {
-+			this.offset = offset;
-+			this.opcode = opcode;
-+			this.operand = operand;
-+		}
-+		public int Offset {
-+			get {
-+				return offset;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public OpCode OpCode {
-+			get {
-+				return opcode;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public Object Operand {
-+			get {
-+				return operand;
-+			}
-+			set {
-+				operand = value;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public ILInstruction Next {
-+			get {
-+				return next;
-+			}
-+			set {
-+				next = value;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public ILInstruction Previous {
-+			get {
-+				return prev;
-+			}
-+			set {
-+				prev = value;
-+			}
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/IMirror.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/IMirror.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
-+using System;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	/*
-+	 * A Mirror represents a runtime object in the remote virtual machine. Calling
-+	 * methods/properties of mirror objects potentially involves a remoting call, 
-+	 * which
-+	 * has some overhead, and may also fail. Values of properties which are 
-+	 * constant (like Type.Name) are cached locally, so only the first call is 
-+	 * affected.
-+	 * FIXME: Thread safety in the api ? 
-+	 */
-+	public interface IMirror
-+	{
-+		VirtualMachine VirtualMachine {
-+			get;
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/ITargetProcess.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/ITargetProcess.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
-+using System;
-+using System.Diagnostics;
-+using System.IO;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public interface ITargetProcess
-+	{
-+		event System.EventHandler Exited;
-+		StreamReader StandardOutput { get; }
-+		StreamReader StandardError { get; }
-+		bool HasExited { get; }
-+		void Kill ();
-+		int Id { get; }
-+		string ProcessName { get; }
-+	}
-+	internal class ProcessWrapper: ITargetProcess
-+	{
-+		Process process;
-+		public ProcessWrapper (Process process)
-+		{
-+			this.process = process;
-+		}
-+		public Process Process {
-+			get { return process; }
-+		}
-+		public event System.EventHandler Exited {
-+			add { process.Exited += value; }
-+			remove { process.Exited -= value; }
-+		}
-+		public StreamReader StandardOutput {
-+			get {
-+				return process.StandardOutput;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public StreamReader StandardError {
-+			get {
-+				return process.StandardError;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool HasExited {
-+			get {
-+				return process.HasExited;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public void Kill ()
-+		{
-+			process.Kill ();
-+		}
-+		public int Id {
-+			get {
-+				return process.Id;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public string ProcessName {
-+			get {
-+				return process.ProcessName;
-+			}
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/InvalidStackFrameException.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/InvalidStackFrameException.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
-+using System;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class InvalidStackFrameException : Exception {
-+		public InvalidStackFrameException () : base ("The requested operation cannot be completed because the specified stack frame is no longer valid.") {
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/InvocationException.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/InvocationException.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
-+using System;
-+using System.Collections.Generic;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class InvocationException : Exception {
-+		ObjectMirror exception;
-+		public InvocationException (ObjectMirror exception) {
-+			this.exception = exception;
-+		}
-+		public ObjectMirror Exception {
-+			get {
-+				return exception;
-+			}
-+		}
-+	}
-\ No newline at end of file
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/InvokeOptions.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/InvokeOptions.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
-+using System;
-+using System.Collections.Generic;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	[Flags]
-+	public enum InvokeOptions {
-+		None = 0,
-+		/*
-+		 * Disable breakpoints on the thread doing the invoke
-+		 */
-+		DisableBreakpoints = 1,
-+		/*
-+		 * Only resume the target thread during the invoke
-+		 */
-+		SingleThreaded = 2
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/LocalVariable.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/LocalVariable.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
-+using System;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class LocalVariable : Mirror {
-+		MethodMirror method;
-+		string name;
-+		int index;
-+		long type_id;
-+		TypeMirror t;
-+		bool is_arg;
-+		int live_range_start, live_range_end;
-+	    internal LocalVariable (VirtualMachine vm, MethodMirror method, int index, long type_id, string name, int live_range_start, int live_range_end, bool is_arg) : base (vm, 0) {
-+			this.method = method;
-+			this.index = index;
-+			this.name = name;
-+			this.type_id = type_id;
-+			this.is_arg = is_arg;
-+			this.live_range_start = live_range_start;
-+			this.live_range_end = live_range_end;
-+		}
-+		public string Name {
-+			get {
-+				return name;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public int Index {
-+			get {
-+				return index;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public TypeMirror Type {
-+			get {
-+				if (t == null)
-+					t = vm.GetType (type_id);
-+				return t;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsArg {
-+			get {
-+				return is_arg;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public MethodMirror Method {
-+			get {
-+				return method;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		internal int LiveRangeStart {
-+			get {
-+				return live_range_start;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		internal int LiveRangeEnd {
-+			get {
-+				return live_range_end;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		internal int GetValueIndex {
-+			get {
-+				if (IsArg)
-+					return (-Index) - 1;
-+				else
-+					return Index;
-+			}
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/Location.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/Location.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
-+using System;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class Location : Mirror
-+	{
-+		MethodMirror method;
-+		//long native_addr;
-+		int il_offset;
-+		string source_file;
-+		int line_number;
-+		//int column_number;
-+		internal Location (VirtualMachine vm, MethodMirror method, long native_addr, int il_offset, string source_file, int line_number, int column_number) : base (vm, 0) {
-+			this.method = method;
-+			//this.native_addr = native_addr;
-+			this.il_offset = il_offset;
-+			this.source_file = source_file;
-+			this.line_number = line_number;
-+			//this.column_number = column_number;
-+		}
-+		public MethodMirror Method {
-+			get {
-+				return method;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public int ILOffset {
-+			get {
-+				return il_offset;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public string SourceFile {
-+			get {
-+				return source_file;
-+			}
-+	    }
-+		public int LineNumber {
-+			get {
-+				return line_number;
-+			}
-+	    }
-+		public override string ToString () {
-+			return String.Format ("{0}+0x{1:x} at {2}:{3}", Method.FullName, ILOffset, SourceFile, LineNumber);
-+		}
-+    }
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/MethodBodyMirror.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/MethodBodyMirror.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
-+using System;
-+using System.Collections.Generic;
-+using System.Text;
-+using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
-+using Mono.Cecil.Metadata;
-+using System.IO;
-+using System.Reflection;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class MethodBodyMirror : Mirror
-+	{
-+		MethodMirror method;
-+		byte[] il;
-+		internal MethodBodyMirror (VirtualMachine vm, MethodMirror method, byte[] il) : base (vm, 0) {
-+			this.method = method;
-+			this.il = il;
-+		}
-+		public MethodMirror Method {
-+			get {
-+				return method;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public byte[] GetILAsByteArray () {
-+			return il;
-+		}
-+		public List<ILInstruction> Instructions {
-+			get {
-+				return ReadCilBody (new BinaryReader (new MemoryStream (il)), il.Length);
-+			}
-+		}
-+		static bool opcodes_inited;
-+		static OpCode [] OneByteOpCode = new OpCode [0xe0 + 1];
-+		static OpCode [] TwoBytesOpCode = new OpCode [0x1e + 1];
-+		// Adapted from Cecil
-+	    List<ILInstruction> ReadCilBody (BinaryReader br, int code_size)
-+		{
-+			long start = br.BaseStream.Position;
-+			ILInstruction last = null;
-+			//GenericContext context = new GenericContext (body.Method);
-+			List<ILInstruction> code = new List<ILInstruction> ();
-+			var by_offset = new Dictionary<int, ILInstruction> ();
-+			if (!opcodes_inited) {
-+				foreach (FieldInfo fi in typeof (OpCodes).GetFields (BindingFlags.Static|BindingFlags.Public)) {
-+					var val = (OpCode)fi.GetValue (null);
-+					if (val.Op1 == 0xff)
-+						OneByteOpCode [val.Op2] = val;
-+					else
-+						TwoBytesOpCode [val.Op2] = val;
-+				}
-+				opcodes_inited = true;
-+			}
-+			while (br.BaseStream.Position < start + code_size) {
-+				OpCode op;
-+				long offset = br.BaseStream.Position - start;
-+				int cursor = br.ReadByte ();
-+				int token;
-+				ResolvedToken t;
-+				if (cursor == 0xfe)
-+					op = TwoBytesOpCode [br.ReadByte ()];
-+				else
-+					op = OneByteOpCode [cursor];
-+				ILInstruction instr = new ILInstruction ((int)offset, op, null);
-+				by_offset [instr.Offset] = instr;
-+				switch (op.OperandType) {
-+				case OperandType.InlineNone :
-+					break;
-+				case OperandType.InlineSwitch :
-+					uint length = br.ReadUInt32 ();
-+					int [] branches = new int [length];
-+					int [] buf = new int [length];
-+					for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
-+						buf [i] = br.ReadInt32 ();
-+					for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
-+						branches [i] = Convert.ToInt32 (br.BaseStream.Position - start + buf [i]);
-+					instr.Operand = branches;
-+					break;
-+				case OperandType.ShortInlineBrTarget :
-+					sbyte sbrtgt = br.ReadSByte ();
-+					instr.Operand = Convert.ToInt32 (br.BaseStream.Position - start + sbrtgt);
-+					break;
-+				case OperandType.InlineBrTarget :
-+					int brtgt = br.ReadInt32 ();
-+					instr.Operand = Convert.ToInt32 (br.BaseStream.Position - start + brtgt);
-+					break;
-+				case OperandType.ShortInlineI :
-+					if (op == OpCodes.Ldc_I4_S)
-+						instr.Operand = br.ReadSByte ();
-+					else
-+						instr.Operand = br.ReadByte ();
-+					break;
-+				case OperandType.ShortInlineVar :
-+					br.ReadByte ();
-+					//instr.Operand = GetVariable (body, br.ReadByte ());
-+					break;
-+				case OperandType.ShortInlineParam :
-+					br.ReadByte ();
-+					//instr.Operand = GetParameter (body, br.ReadByte ());
-+					break;
-+				case OperandType.InlineSig :
-+					br.ReadInt32 ();
-+					//instr.Operand = GetCallSiteAt (br.ReadInt32 (), context);
-+					break;
-+				case OperandType.InlineI :
-+					br.ReadInt32 ();
-+					//instr.Operand = br.ReadInt32 ();
-+					break;
-+				case OperandType.InlineVar :
-+					br.ReadInt16 ();
-+					//instr.Operand = GetVariable (body, br.ReadInt16 ());
-+					break;
-+				case OperandType.InlineParam :
-+					br.ReadInt16 ();
-+					//instr.Operand = GetParameter (body, br.ReadInt16 ());
-+					break;
-+				case OperandType.InlineI8 :
-+					instr.Operand = br.ReadInt64 ();
-+					break;
-+				case OperandType.ShortInlineR :
-+					instr.Operand = br.ReadSingle ();
-+					break;
-+				case OperandType.InlineR :
-+					instr.Operand = br.ReadDouble ();
-+					break;
-+				case OperandType.InlineString :
-+					token = br.ReadInt32 ();
-+					t = vm.conn.Method_ResolveToken (Method.Id, token);
-+					if (t.Type == TokenType.STRING)
-+						instr.Operand = t.Str;
-+					break;
-+				case OperandType.InlineField :
-+				case OperandType.InlineMethod :
-+				case OperandType.InlineType :
-+				case OperandType.InlineTok :
-+					token = br.ReadInt32 ();
-+					t = vm.conn.Method_ResolveToken (Method.Id, token);
-+					switch (t.Type) {
-+					case TokenType.TYPE:
-+						instr.Operand = vm.GetType (t.Id);
-+						break;
-+					case TokenType.FIELD:
-+						// FIXME: No vm.GetField ()
-+						//instr.Operand = vm.GetField (t.Id);
-+						break;
-+					case TokenType.METHOD:
-+						instr.Operand = vm.GetMethod (t.Id);
-+						break;
-+					case TokenType.UNKNOWN:
-+						break;
-+					default:
-+						throw new NotImplementedException ("Unknown token type: " + t.Type);
-+					}
-+					break;
-+				}
-+				if (last != null) {
-+					last.Next = instr;
-+					instr.Previous = last;
-+				}
-+				last = instr;
-+				code.Add (instr);
-+			}
-+			// resolve branches
-+			foreach (ILInstruction i in code) {
-+				switch (i.OpCode.OperandType) {
-+				case OperandType.ShortInlineBrTarget:
-+				case OperandType.InlineBrTarget:
-+					i.Operand = by_offset [(int)i.Operand];
-+					break;
-+				case OperandType.InlineSwitch:
-+					int [] lbls = (int []) i.Operand;
-+					ILInstruction [] instrs = new ILInstruction [lbls.Length];
-+					for (int j = 0; j < lbls.Length; j++)
-+						instrs [j] = by_offset [lbls [j]];
-+					i.Operand = instrs;
-+					break;
-+				}
-+			}
-+			return code;
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/MethodEntryEvent.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/MethodEntryEvent.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class MethodEntryEvent : Event {
-+		MethodMirror method;
-+		long id;
-+		internal MethodEntryEvent (VirtualMachine vm, int req_id, long thread_id, long id) : base (EventType.MethodEntry, vm, req_id, thread_id) {
-+			this.id = id;
-+		}
-+		public MethodMirror Method {
-+			get {
-+				if (method == null)
-+					method = vm.GetMethod (id);
-+				return method;
-+			}
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/MethodEntryEventRequest.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/MethodEntryEventRequest.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
-+using System;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public sealed class MethodEntryEventRequest : EventRequest {
-+		internal MethodEntryEventRequest (VirtualMachine vm) : base (vm, EventType.MethodEntry) {
-+		}
-+	}
-\ No newline at end of file
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/MethodExitEvent.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/MethodExitEvent.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class MethodExitEvent : Event {
-+		MethodMirror method;
-+		long id;
-+		internal MethodExitEvent (VirtualMachine vm, int req_id, long thread_id, long id) : base (EventType.MethodExit, vm, req_id, thread_id) {
-+			this.id = id;
-+		}
-+		public MethodMirror Method {
-+			get {
-+				if (method == null)
-+					method = vm.GetMethod (id);
-+				return method;
-+			}
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/MethodExitEventRequest.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/MethodExitEventRequest.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
-+using System;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public sealed class MethodExitEventRequest : EventRequest {
-+		internal MethodExitEventRequest (VirtualMachine vm) : base (vm, EventType.MethodExit) {
-+		}
-+	}
-\ No newline at end of file
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/MethodMirror.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/MethodMirror.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
-+using System;
-+using System.Collections.Generic;
-+using System.Text;
-+using System.Reflection;
-+using C = Mono.Cecil;
-+using Mono.Cecil.Metadata;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class MethodMirror : Mirror
-+	{
-+		string name;
-+		MethodInfo info;
-+		TypeMirror declaring_type;
-+		DebugInfo debug_info;
-+		C.MethodDefinition meta;
-+		ParameterInfoMirror[] param_info;
-+		ParameterInfoMirror ret_param;
-+		LocalVariable[] locals;
-+		IList<Location> locations;
-+		MethodBodyMirror body;
-+		internal MethodMirror (VirtualMachine vm, long id) : base (vm, id) {
-+		}
-+		public string Name {
-+			get {
-+				if (name == null)
-+					name = vm.conn.Method_GetName (id);
-+				return name;
-+			}
-+	    }
-+		public TypeMirror DeclaringType {
-+			get {
-+				if (declaring_type == null)
-+					declaring_type = vm.GetType (vm.conn.Method_GetDeclaringType (id));
-+				return declaring_type;
-+			}
-+	    }
-+		public TypeMirror ReturnType {
-+			get {
-+				return ReturnParameter.ParameterType;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		// FIXME:
-+		public string FullName {
-+			get {
-+				string type_namespace = DeclaringType.Namespace;
-+				string type_name = DeclaringType.Name;
-+				StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ();
-+				sb.Append (ReturnType.Name);
-+				sb.Append (' ');
-+				if (type_namespace == String.Empty)
-+					sb.Append (type_name + ":" + Name + " ()");
-+				else
-+					sb.Append (type_namespace + "." + type_name + ":" + Name + " ()");
-+				return sb.ToString ();
-+			}
-+	    }
-+		void GetInfo () {
-+			if (info == null)
-+				info = vm.conn.Method_GetInfo (id);
-+		}
-+		public int MetadataToken {
-+			get {
-+				GetInfo ();
-+				return info.token;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public MethodAttributes Attributes {
-+			get {
-+				GetInfo ();
-+				return (MethodAttributes)info.attributes;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsPublic { 
-+			get {
-+				return (Attributes & MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask) == MethodAttributes.Public;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsPrivate {
-+			get {
-+				return (Attributes & MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask) == MethodAttributes.Private;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsFamily {
-+			get {
-+				return (Attributes & MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask) == MethodAttributes.Family;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsAssembly {
-+			get {
-+				return (Attributes & MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask) == MethodAttributes.Assembly;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsFamilyAndAssembly {
-+			get {
-+				return (Attributes & MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask) == MethodAttributes.FamANDAssem;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsFamilyOrAssembly {
-+			get {
-+				return (Attributes & MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask) == MethodAttributes.FamORAssem;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsStatic {
-+			get {
-+				return (Attributes & MethodAttributes.Static) != 0;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsFinal {
-+			get {
-+				return (Attributes & MethodAttributes.Final) != 0;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsVirtual {
-+			get {
-+				return (Attributes & MethodAttributes.Virtual) != 0;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsHideBySig {
-+			get {
-+				return (Attributes & MethodAttributes.HideBySig) != 0;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsAbstract {
-+			get {
-+				return (Attributes & MethodAttributes.Abstract) != 0;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsSpecialName {
-+			get {
-+				return (Attributes & MethodAttributes.SpecialName) != 0;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsConstructor {
-+			get {
-+				int attr = (int)Attributes;
-+				return ((attr & (int)MethodAttributes.RTSpecialName) != 0
-+					&& (Name == ".ctor"));
-+			}
-+		}
-+	    public ParameterInfoMirror[] GetParameters () {
-+			if (param_info == null) {
-+				var pi = vm.conn.Method_GetParamInfo (id);
-+				param_info = new ParameterInfoMirror [pi.param_count];
-+				// Return
-+				ret_param = new ParameterInfoMirror (this, -1, vm.GetType (pi.ret_type), null, ParameterAttributes.Retval);
-+				// FIXME: this
-+				// FIXME: Attributes
-+				for (int i = 0; i < pi.param_count; ++i) {
-+					param_info [i] = new ParameterInfoMirror (this, i, vm.GetType (pi.param_types [i]), pi.param_names [i], 0);
-+				}
-+			}
-+			return param_info;
-+		}
-+	    public ParameterInfoMirror ReturnParameter {
-+			get {
-+				if (ret_param == null)
-+					GetParameters ();
-+				return ret_param;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public LocalVariable[] GetLocals () {
-+			if (locals == null) {
-+				var li = vm.conn.Method_GetLocalsInfo (id);
-+				// Add the arguments as well
-+				var pi = vm.conn.Method_GetParamInfo (id);
-+				locals = new LocalVariable [pi.param_count + li.names.Length];
-+				for (int i = 0; i < pi.param_count; ++i)
-+					locals [i] = new LocalVariable (vm, this, i, pi.param_types [i], pi.param_names [i], -1, -1, true);
-+				for (int i = 0; i < li.names.Length; ++i)
-+					locals [i + pi.param_count] = new LocalVariable (vm, this, i, li.types [i], li.names [i], li.live_range_start [i], li.live_range_end [i], false);
-+			}
-+			return locals;
-+		}
-+		public LocalVariable GetLocal (string name) {
-+			if (name == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("name");
-+			GetLocals ();
-+			LocalVariable res = null;
-+			for (int i = 0; i < locals.Length; ++i) {
-+				if (locals [i].Name == name) {
-+					if (res != null)
-+						throw new AmbiguousMatchException ("More that one local has the name '" + name + "'.");
-+					res = locals [i];
-+				}
-+			}
-+			return res;
-+		}
-+		public MethodBodyMirror GetMethodBody () {
-+			if (body == null) {
-+				MethodBodyInfo info = vm.conn.Method_GetBody (id);
-+				body = new MethodBodyMirror (vm, this, info.il);
-+			}
-+			return body;
-+		}
-+		public IList<int> ILOffsets {
-+			get {
-+				if (debug_info == null)
-+					debug_info = vm.conn.Method_GetDebugInfo (id);
-+				return Array.AsReadOnly (debug_info.il_offsets);
-+			}
-+	    }
-+		public IList<int> LineNumbers {
-+			get {
-+				if (debug_info == null)
-+					debug_info = vm.conn.Method_GetDebugInfo (id);
-+				return Array.AsReadOnly (debug_info.line_numbers);
-+			}
-+	    }
-+		public string SourceFile {
-+			get {
-+				if (debug_info == null)
-+					debug_info = vm.conn.Method_GetDebugInfo (id);
-+				return debug_info.filename;
-+			}
-+	    }
-+		public IList<Location> Locations {
-+			get {
-+				if (locations == null) {
-+					var il_offsets = ILOffsets;
-+					var line_numbers = LineNumbers;
-+					IList<Location> res = new Location [ILOffsets.Count];
-+					for (int i = 0; i < il_offsets.Count; ++i)
-+						res [i] = new Location (vm, this, -1, il_offsets [i], SourceFile, line_numbers [i], 0);
-+					locations = res;
-+				}
-+				return locations;
-+			}
-+		}				
-+		internal int il_offset_to_line_number (int il_offset) {
-+			if (debug_info == null)
-+				debug_info = vm.conn.Method_GetDebugInfo (id);
-+			// FIXME: Optimize this
-+			for (int i = debug_info.il_offsets.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
-+				if (debug_info.il_offsets [i] <= il_offset)
-+					return debug_info.line_numbers [i];
-+			}
-+			return -1;
-+	    }
-+		public Location LocationAtILOffset (int il_offset) {
-+			IList<Location> locs = Locations;
-+			// FIXME: Optimize this
-+			for (int i = locs.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
-+				if (locs [i].ILOffset <= il_offset)
-+					return locs [i];
-+			}
-+			return null;
-+		}
-+		public C.MethodDefinition Metadata {
-+			get {
-+				if (meta == null)
-+					meta = (C.MethodDefinition)DeclaringType.Assembly.Metadata.MainModule.LookupByToken (new MetadataToken (MetadataToken));
-+				return meta;
-+			}
-+		}
-+    }
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/Mirror.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/Mirror.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
-+using System;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public abstract class Mirror : IMirror
-+	{
-+		protected VirtualMachine vm;
-+		protected long id; // The id used in the protocol
-+		internal Mirror (VirtualMachine vm, long id) {
-+			this.vm = vm;
-+			this.id = id;
-+		}
-+		internal Mirror () {
-+		}
-+		public VirtualMachine VirtualMachine {
-+			get {
-+				return vm;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		internal long Id {
-+			get {
-+				return id;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		protected void SetVirtualMachine (VirtualMachine vm) {
-+			this.vm = vm;
-+		}
-+		protected void CheckMirror (Mirror m) {
-+			if (vm != m.VirtualMachine)
-+				throw new VMMismatchException ();
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/ModuleMirror.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/ModuleMirror.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
-+using System;
-+using Mono.Debugger;
-+using Mono.Cecil;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class ModuleMirror : Mirror
-+	{
-+		ModuleInfo info;
-+		Guid guid;
-+		AssemblyMirror assembly;
-+		internal ModuleMirror (VirtualMachine vm, long id) : base (vm, id) {
-+		}
-+		void ReadInfo () {
-+			if (info == null)
-+				info = vm.conn.Module_GetInfo (id);
-+		}
-+		public string Name {
-+			get {
-+				ReadInfo ();
-+				return info.Name;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public string ScopeName {
-+			get {
-+				ReadInfo ();
-+				return info.ScopeName;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public string FullyQualifiedName {
-+			get {
-+				ReadInfo ();
-+				return info.FQName;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public Guid ModuleVersionId {
-+			get {
-+				if (guid == Guid.Empty) {
-+					ReadInfo ();
-+					guid = new Guid (info.Guid);
-+				}
-+				return guid;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public AssemblyMirror Assembly {
-+			get {
-+				if (assembly == null) {
-+					ReadInfo ();
-+					if (info.Assembly == 0)
-+						return null;
-+					assembly = vm.GetAssembly (info.Assembly);
-+				}
-+				return assembly;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		// FIXME: Add function to query the guid, check in Metadata
-+    }
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/ObjectCollectedException.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/ObjectCollectedException.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
-+using System;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class ObjectCollectedException : Exception {
-+		public ObjectCollectedException () : base ("The requested operation cannot be completed because the object has been garbage collected.") {
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/ObjectMirror.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/ObjectMirror.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
-+using System;
-+using System.Collections.Generic;
-+using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging;
-+using System.Threading;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class ObjectMirror : Value {
-+		internal ObjectMirror (VirtualMachine vm, long id) : base (vm, id) {
-+		}
-+		public TypeMirror Type {
-+			get {
-+				return vm.GetType (vm.conn.Object_GetType (id));
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public AppDomainMirror Domain {
-+			get {
-+				return vm.GetDomain (vm.conn.Object_GetDomain (id));
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsCollected {
-+			get {
-+				return vm.conn.Object_IsCollected (id);
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public Value GetValue (FieldInfoMirror field) {
-+			return GetValues (new FieldInfoMirror [] { field }) [0];
-+		}
-+		public Value[] GetValues (IList<FieldInfoMirror> fields) {
-+			if (fields == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("fields");
-+			foreach (FieldInfoMirror f in fields) {
-+				if (f == null)
-+					throw new ArgumentNullException ("field");
-+				CheckMirror (f);
-+			}
-+			long[] ids = new long [fields.Count];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; ++i)
-+				ids [i] = fields [i].Id;
-+			try {
-+				return vm.DecodeValues (vm.conn.Object_GetValues (id, ids));
-+			} catch (CommandException ex) {
-+				if (ex.ErrorCode == ErrorCode.INVALID_FIELDID)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("One of the fields is not valid for this type.", "fields");
-+				else
-+					throw;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public void SetValues (IList<FieldInfoMirror> fields, Value[] values) {
-+			if (fields == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("fields");
-+			if (values == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("values");
-+			foreach (FieldInfoMirror f in fields) {
-+				if (f == null)
-+					throw new ArgumentNullException ("field");
-+				CheckMirror (f);
-+			}
-+			foreach (Value v in values) {
-+				if (v == null)
-+					throw new ArgumentNullException ("values");
-+				CheckMirror (v);
-+			}
-+			long[] ids = new long [fields.Count];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; ++i)
-+				ids [i] = fields [i].Id;
-+			try {
-+				vm.conn.Object_SetValues (id, ids, vm.EncodeValues (values));
-+			} catch (CommandException ex) {
-+				if (ex.ErrorCode == ErrorCode.INVALID_FIELDID)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("One of the fields is not valid for this type.", "fields");
-+				else if (ex.ErrorCode == ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("One of the values is not valid for its field.", "values");
-+				else
-+					throw;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public void SetValue (FieldInfoMirror field, Value value) {
-+			SetValues (new FieldInfoMirror [] { field }, new Value [] { value });
-+		}
-+		/*
-+		 * The current address of the object. It can change during garbage 
-+		 * collections. Use a long since the debuggee might have a different 
-+		 * pointer size. 
-+		 */
-+		public long Address {
-+			get {
-+				return vm.conn.Object_GetAddress (id);
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public Value InvokeMethod (ThreadMirror thread, MethodMirror method, IList<Value> arguments) {
-+			return InvokeMethod (vm, thread, method, this, arguments, InvokeOptions.None);
-+		}
-+		public Value InvokeMethod (ThreadMirror thread, MethodMirror method, IList<Value> arguments, InvokeOptions options) {
-+			return InvokeMethod (vm, thread, method, this, arguments, options);
-+		}
-+		[Obsolete ("Use the overload without the 'vm' argument")]
-+		public IAsyncResult BeginInvokeMethod (VirtualMachine vm, ThreadMirror thread, MethodMirror method, IList<Value> arguments, InvokeOptions options, AsyncCallback callback, object state) {
-+			return BeginInvokeMethod (vm, thread, method, this, arguments, options, callback, state);
-+		}
-+		public IAsyncResult BeginInvokeMethod (ThreadMirror thread, MethodMirror method, IList<Value> arguments, InvokeOptions options, AsyncCallback callback, object state) {
-+			return BeginInvokeMethod (vm, thread, method, this, arguments, options, callback, state);
-+		}
-+		public Value EndInvokeMethod (IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
-+			return EndInvokeMethodInternal (asyncResult);
-+		}
-+		/*
-+		 * Common implementation for invokes
-+		 */
-+		class InvokeAsyncResult : IInvokeAsyncResult {
-+			public object AsyncState {
-+				get; set;
-+			}
-+			public WaitHandle AsyncWaitHandle {
-+				get; set;
-+			}
-+			public bool CompletedSynchronously {
-+				get {
-+					return false;
-+				}
-+			}
-+			public bool IsCompleted {
-+				get; set;
-+			}
-+			public AsyncCallback Callback {
-+				get; set;
-+			}
-+			public ErrorCode ErrorCode {
-+				get; set;
-+			}
-+			public VirtualMachine VM {
-+				get; set;
-+			}
-+			public ThreadMirror Thread {
-+				get; set;
-+			}
-+			public ValueImpl Value {
-+				get; set;
-+			}
-+			public ValueImpl Exception {
-+				get; set;
-+			}
-+			public int ID {
-+				get; set;
-+			}
-+			public void Abort ()
-+			{
-+				if (ID == 0) // Ooops
-+					return;
-+				ObjectMirror.AbortInvoke (VM, Thread, ID);
-+			}
-+		}
-+		internal static IInvokeAsyncResult BeginInvokeMethod (VirtualMachine vm, ThreadMirror thread, MethodMirror method, Value this_obj, IList<Value> arguments, InvokeOptions options, AsyncCallback callback, object state) {
-+			if (thread == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("thread");
-+			if (method == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("method");
-+			if (arguments == null)
-+				arguments = new Value [0];
-+			InvokeFlags f = InvokeFlags.NONE;
-+			if ((options & InvokeOptions.DisableBreakpoints) != 0)
-+				f |= InvokeFlags.DISABLE_BREAKPOINTS;
-+			if ((options & InvokeOptions.SingleThreaded) != 0)
-+				f |= InvokeFlags.SINGLE_THREADED;
-+			InvokeAsyncResult r = new InvokeAsyncResult { AsyncState = state, AsyncWaitHandle = new ManualResetEvent (false), VM = vm, Thread = thread, Callback = callback };
-+			r.ID = vm.conn.VM_BeginInvokeMethod (thread.Id, method.Id, this_obj != null ? vm.EncodeValue (this_obj) : vm.EncodeValue (vm.CreateValue (null)), vm.EncodeValues (arguments), f, InvokeCB, r);
-+			return r;
-+		}
-+		// This is called when the result of an invoke is received
-+		static void InvokeCB (ValueImpl v, ValueImpl exc, ErrorCode error, object state) {
-+			InvokeAsyncResult r = (InvokeAsyncResult)state;
-+			if (error != 0) {
-+				r.ErrorCode = error;
-+			} else {
-+				r.Value = v;
-+				r.Exception = exc;
-+			}
-+			r.IsCompleted = true;
-+			((ManualResetEvent)r.AsyncWaitHandle).Set ();
-+			if (r.Callback != null)
-+				r.Callback.BeginInvoke (r, null, null);
-+		}
-+	    internal static Value EndInvokeMethodInternal (IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
-+			if (asyncResult == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("asyncResult");
-+			InvokeAsyncResult r = (InvokeAsyncResult)asyncResult;
-+			if (!r.IsCompleted)
-+				r.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne ();
-+			if (r.ErrorCode != 0) {
-+				try {
-+					r.VM.ErrorHandler (null, new ErrorHandlerEventArgs () { ErrorCode = r.ErrorCode });
-+				} catch (CommandException ex) {
-+					if (ex.ErrorCode == ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
-+						throw new ArgumentException ("Incorrect number or types of arguments", "arguments");
-+					else
-+						throw;
-+				}
-+				throw new NotImplementedException ();
-+			} else {
-+				if (r.Exception != null)
-+					throw new InvocationException ((ObjectMirror)r.VM.DecodeValue (r.Exception));
-+				else
-+					return r.VM.DecodeValue (r.Value);
-+			}
-+		}
-+		internal static Value InvokeMethod (VirtualMachine vm, ThreadMirror thread, MethodMirror method, Value this_obj, IList<Value> arguments, InvokeOptions options) {
-+			return EndInvokeMethodInternal (BeginInvokeMethod (vm, thread, method, this_obj, arguments, options, null, null));
-+		}
-+		internal static void AbortInvoke (VirtualMachine vm, ThreadMirror thread, int id)
-+		{
-+			vm.conn.VM_AbortInvoke (thread.Id, id);
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/ParameterInfoMirror.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/ParameterInfoMirror.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
-+using System;
-+using System.Collections.Generic;
-+using System.Text;
-+using System.Reflection;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class ParameterInfoMirror : Mirror {
-+		MethodMirror method;
-+		TypeMirror type;
-+		string name;
-+		int pos;
-+		ParameterAttributes attrs;
-+		internal ParameterInfoMirror (MethodMirror method, int pos, TypeMirror type, string name, ParameterAttributes attrs) : base (method.VirtualMachine, 0) {
-+			this.method = method;
-+			this.pos = pos;
-+			this.type = type;
-+			this.name = name;
-+			this.attrs = attrs;
-+		}
-+		public TypeMirror ParameterType {
-+			get {
-+				return type;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public MethodMirror Method {
-+			get {
-+				return method;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public string Name {
-+			get {
-+				return name;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public int Position {
-+			get {
-+				return pos;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public ParameterAttributes Attributes {
-+			get {
-+				return attrs;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsRetval {
-+			get {
-+				return (Attributes & ParameterAttributes.Retval) != 0;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public override string ToString () {
-+			return String.Format ("ParameterInfo ({0})", Name);
-+		}
-+	}
-\ No newline at end of file
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/PrimitiveValue.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/PrimitiveValue.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
-+using System;
-+using System.Collections.Generic;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	/*
-+	 * Represents a value of a primitive type in the debuggee
-+	 */
-+	public class PrimitiveValue : Value {
-+		object value;
-+		public PrimitiveValue (VirtualMachine vm, object value) : base (vm, 0) {
-+			this.value = value;
-+		}
-+		public object Value {
-+			get {
-+				return value;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public override bool Equals (object obj) {
-+			if (value == obj)
-+				return true;
-+			if (obj != null && obj is PrimitiveValue)
-+				return value == (obj as PrimitiveValue).Value;
-+			return base.Equals (obj);
-+		}
-+		public override int GetHashCode () {
-+			return base.GetHashCode ();
-+		}
-+		public override string ToString () {
-+			return "PrimitiveValue<" + Value + ">";
-+		}
-+	}
-\ No newline at end of file
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/PropertyInfoMirror.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/PropertyInfoMirror.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
-+using System;
-+using System.Collections.Generic;
-+using System.Text;
-+using System.Reflection;
-+using C = Mono.Cecil;
-+using Mono.Cecil.Metadata;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class PropertyInfoMirror : Mirror {
-+		TypeMirror parent;
-+		string name;
-+		PropertyAttributes attrs;
-+		MethodMirror get_method, set_method;
-+		CustomAttributeDataMirror[] cattrs;
-+		public PropertyInfoMirror (TypeMirror parent, long id, string name, MethodMirror get_method, MethodMirror set_method, PropertyAttributes attrs) : base (parent.VirtualMachine, id) {
-+			this.parent = parent;
-+			this.name = name;
-+			this.attrs = attrs;
-+			this.get_method = get_method;
-+			this.set_method = set_method;
-+		}
-+		public TypeMirror DeclaringType {
-+			get {
-+				return parent;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public string Name {
-+			get {
-+				return name;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public TypeMirror PropertyType {
-+			get {
-+				if (get_method != null)
-+					return get_method.ReturnType;
-+				else {
-+					ParameterInfoMirror[] parameters = set_method.GetParameters ();
-+					return parameters [parameters.Length - 1].ParameterType;
-+				}
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public PropertyAttributes Attributes {
-+			get {
-+				return attrs;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsSpecialName {
-+			get {return (Attributes & PropertyAttributes.SpecialName) != 0;}
-+		}
-+		public MethodMirror GetGetMethod ()
-+		{
-+			return GetGetMethod (false);
-+		}
-+		public MethodMirror GetGetMethod (bool nonPublic)
-+		{
-+			if (get_method != null && (nonPublic || get_method.IsPublic))
-+				return get_method;
-+			else
-+				return null;
-+		}
-+		public MethodMirror GetSetMethod ()
-+		{
-+			return GetSetMethod (false);
-+		}
-+		public MethodMirror GetSetMethod (bool nonPublic)
-+		{
-+			if (set_method != null && (nonPublic || set_method.IsPublic))
-+				return set_method;
-+			else
-+				return null;
-+		}
-+		public ParameterInfoMirror[] GetIndexParameters()
-+		{
-+			if (get_method != null)
-+				return get_method.GetParameters ();
-+			return new ParameterInfoMirror [0];
-+		}
-+		public CustomAttributeDataMirror[] GetCustomAttributes (bool inherit) {
-+			return GetCAttrs (null, inherit);
-+		}
-+		public CustomAttributeDataMirror[] GetCustomAttributes (TypeMirror attributeType, bool inherit) {
-+			if (attributeType == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("attributeType");
-+			return GetCAttrs (attributeType, inherit);
-+		}
-+		CustomAttributeDataMirror[] GetCAttrs (TypeMirror type, bool inherit) {
-+			// FIXME: Handle inherit
-+			if (cattrs == null) {
-+				CattrInfo[] info = vm.conn.Type_GetPropertyCustomAttributes (DeclaringType.Id, id, 0, false);
-+				cattrs = CustomAttributeDataMirror.Create (vm, info);
-+			}
-+			var res = new List<CustomAttributeDataMirror> ();
-+			foreach (var attr in cattrs)
-+				if (type == null || attr.Constructor.DeclaringType == type)
-+					res.Add (attr);
-+			return res.ToArray ();
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/StackFrame.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/StackFrame.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
-+using System;
-+using System.Collections.Generic;
-+using System.Linq;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class StackFrame : Mirror
-+	{
-+		ThreadMirror thread;
-+		MethodMirror method;
-+		int il_offset;
-+		Location location;
-+		StackFrameFlags flags;
-+		/*
-+		 * FIXME: Decide on the way to request/handle debugging information:
-+		 * - request the info in bulk for all frames/on demand for individual frames
-+		 * - request the info from the runtime/request only the il offset, and compute
-+		 *   everything else based on this info using the method debug info.
-+		 */
-+		internal StackFrame (VirtualMachine vm, long id, ThreadMirror thread, MethodMirror method, int il_offset, StackFrameFlags flags) : base (vm, id) {
-+			this.thread = thread;
-+			this.method = method;
-+			this.il_offset = il_offset;
-+			this.flags = flags;
-+		}
-+		public ThreadMirror Thread {
-+			get {
-+				return thread;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public MethodMirror Method {
-+			get {
-+				return method;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public Location Location {
-+			get {
-+				if (location == null) {
-+					int line_number;
-+					if (il_offset == -1)
-+						line_number = -1;
-+					else
-+						line_number = method.il_offset_to_line_number (il_offset);
-+					location = new Location (vm, Method, 0, il_offset, method.SourceFile, line_number, 0);
-+				}
-+				return location;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public string FileName {
-+			get {
-+				return Location.SourceFile;
-+			}
-+	    }
-+		public int ILOffset {
-+			get {
-+				return Location.ILOffset;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public int LineNumber {
-+			get {
-+				return Location.LineNumber;
-+			}
-+	    }
-+		public bool IsDebuggerInvoke {
-+			get {
-+				return (flags & StackFrameFlags.DEBUGGER_INVOKE) != 0;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public Value GetValue (ParameterInfoMirror param) {
-+			if (param == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("param");
-+			if (param.Method != Method)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("Parameter doesn't belong to this frame's method.");
-+			if (param.IsRetval)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("Parameter represents the method return value.");
-+			// FIXME: Liveness
-+			// FIXME: Allow returning the frame return value if possible
-+			return vm.DecodeValue (vm.conn.StackFrame_GetValues (thread.Id, Id, new int [] { (- param.Position) - 1 })[0]);
-+		}
-+		public Value GetValue (LocalVariable var) {
-+			if (var == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("var");
-+			if (var.Method != Method)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("Local variable doesn't belong to this frame's method.");
-+			// FIXME: Liveness
-+			// FIXME: Check for return value
-+			// FIXME: Allow returning the frame return value if possible
-+			return vm.DecodeValue (vm.conn.StackFrame_GetValues (thread.Id, Id, new int [] { var.GetValueIndex } )[0]);
-+		}
-+		public Value[] GetValues (LocalVariable[] vars) {
-+			if (vars == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("vars");
-+			for (int i = 0; i < vars.Length; ++i) {
-+				if (vars [i] == null)
-+					throw new ArgumentNullException ("vars");
-+				if (vars [i].Method != Method)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("Local variable doesn't belong to this frame's method.");
-+			}
-+			int[] pos = new int [vars.Length];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < vars.Length; ++i)
-+				pos [i] = vars [i].GetValueIndex;
-+			return vm.DecodeValues (vm.conn.StackFrame_GetValues (thread.Id, Id, pos));
-+		}
-+		public Value GetArgument (int pos) {
-+			return GetValue (Method.GetParameters () [pos]);
-+		}
-+		public Value GetThis () {
-+			return vm.DecodeValue (vm.conn.StackFrame_GetThis (thread.Id, Id));
-+		}
-+		public void SetValue (LocalVariable var, Value value) {
-+			if (var == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("var");
-+			if (var.Method != Method)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("Local variable doesn't belong to this frame's method.");
-+			if (value == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("value");
-+			CheckMirror (value);
-+			// FIXME: Liveness
-+			// FIXME: Check for return value
-+			try {
-+				vm.conn.StackFrame_SetValues (thread.Id, Id, new int [] { var.GetValueIndex }, new ValueImpl [] { vm.EncodeValue (value) });
-+			} catch (CommandException ex) {
-+				if (ex.ErrorCode == ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("Value does not match the type of the local variable.");
-+				else
-+					throw;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public void SetValue (ParameterInfoMirror param, Value value) {
-+			if (param == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("param");
-+			if (param.Method != Method)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("Parameter doesn't belong to this frame's method.");
-+			if (param.IsRetval)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("Parameter represents the method return value.");
-+			if (value == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("value");
-+			CheckMirror (value);
-+			// FIXME: Liveness
-+			// FIXME: Allow setting the frame return value if possible
-+			try {
-+				vm.conn.StackFrame_SetValues (thread.Id, Id, new int [] { (- param.Position) - 1 }, new ValueImpl [] { vm.EncodeValue (value) });
-+			} catch (CommandException ex) {
-+				if (ex.ErrorCode == ErrorCode.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("Value does not match the type of the variable.");
-+				else
-+					throw;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public IList<LocalVariable> GetVisibleVariables () {
-+			if (Location.ILOffset == -1)
-+				throw new AbsentInformationException ();
-+			return Method.GetLocals ().Where (l => l.LiveRangeStart <= location.ILOffset && l.LiveRangeEnd >= location.ILOffset).ToList ();
-+		}
-+		public LocalVariable GetVisibleVariableByName (string name) {
-+			if (name == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("name");
-+			if (Location.ILOffset == -1)
-+				throw new AbsentInformationException ();
-+			return Method.GetLocals ().Where (l => l.LiveRangeStart <= location.ILOffset && l.LiveRangeEnd >= location.ILOffset && l.Name == name).FirstOrDefault ();
-+		}
-+    }
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/StepEvent.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/StepEvent.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class StepEvent : Event {
-+		MethodMirror method;
-+		long id, loc;
-+		internal StepEvent (VirtualMachine vm, int req_id, long thread_id, long id, long loc) : base (EventType.Step, vm, req_id, thread_id) {
-+			this.id = id;
-+			this.loc = loc;
-+		}
-+		public MethodMirror Method {
-+			get {
-+				if (method == null)
-+					method = vm.GetMethod (id);
-+				return method;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public long Location {
-+			get {
-+				return loc;
-+			}
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/StepEventRequest.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/StepEventRequest.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
-+using System;
-+using System.Collections.Generic;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public enum StepDepth {
-+		Into = 0,
-+		Over = 1,
-+		Out = 2
-+	}
-+	public enum StepSize {
-+		Min = 0,
-+		Line = 1
-+	}
-+	public sealed class StepEventRequest : EventRequest {
-+		ThreadMirror step_thread;
-+		StepDepth depth;
-+		StepSize size;
-+		internal StepEventRequest (VirtualMachine vm, ThreadMirror thread) : base (vm, EventType.Step) {
-+			if (thread == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("thread");
-+			CheckMirror (vm, thread);
-+			this.step_thread = thread;
-+			Depth = StepDepth.Into;
-+			Size = StepSize.Min;
-+		}
-+		public override void Enable () {
-+			var mods = new List <Modifier> ();
-+			mods.Add (new StepModifier () { Thread = step_thread.Id, Depth = (int)Depth, Size = (int)Size });
-+			SendReq (mods);
-+		}
-+		public new ThreadMirror Thread {
-+			get {
-+				return step_thread;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public StepDepth Depth {
-+			get {
-+				return depth;
-+			}
-+			set {
-+				CheckDisabled ();
-+				depth = value;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public StepSize Size {
-+			get {
-+				return size;
-+			}
-+			set {
-+				CheckDisabled ();
-+				size = value;
-+			}
-+		}
-+	}
-\ No newline at end of file
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/StringMirror.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/StringMirror.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
-+using System;
-+using System.Collections;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class StringMirror : ObjectMirror {
-+		internal StringMirror (VirtualMachine vm, long id) : base (vm, id) {
-+		}
-+		public string Value {
-+			get {
-+				return vm.conn.String_GetValue (id);
-+			}
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/StructMirror.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/StructMirror.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
-+using System;
-+using System.Collections.Generic;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	/*
-+	 * Represents a valuetype value in the debuggee
-+	 */
-+	public class StructMirror : Value {
-+		TypeMirror type;
-+		Value[] fields;
-+		internal StructMirror (VirtualMachine vm, TypeMirror type, Value[] fields) : base (vm, 0) {
-+			this.type = type;
-+			this.fields = fields;
-+		}
-+		public TypeMirror Type {
-+			get {
-+				return type;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public Value[] Fields {
-+			get {
-+				return fields;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public Value this [String field] {
-+			get {
-+				FieldInfoMirror[] field_info = Type.GetFields ();
-+				int nf = 0;
-+				for (int i = 0; i < field_info.Length; ++i) {
-+					if (!field_info [i].IsStatic) {
-+						if (field_info [i].Name == field)
-+							return Fields [nf];
-+						nf++;
-+					}
-+				}
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("Unknown struct field '" + field + "'.", "field");
-+			}
-+		}
-+		internal void SetField (int index, Value value) {
-+			fields [index] = value;
-+		}
-+		public Value InvokeMethod (ThreadMirror thread, MethodMirror method, IList<Value> arguments) {
-+			return ObjectMirror.InvokeMethod (vm, thread, method, this, arguments, InvokeOptions.None);
-+		}
-+		public Value InvokeMethod (ThreadMirror thread, MethodMirror method, IList<Value> arguments, InvokeOptions options) {
-+			return ObjectMirror.InvokeMethod (vm, thread, method, this, arguments, options);
-+		}
-+		[Obsolete ("Use the overload without the 'vm' argument")]
-+		public IAsyncResult BeginInvokeMethod (VirtualMachine vm, ThreadMirror thread, MethodMirror method, IList<Value> arguments, InvokeOptions options, AsyncCallback callback, object state) {
-+			return ObjectMirror.BeginInvokeMethod (vm, thread, method, this, arguments, options, callback, state);
-+		}
-+		public IAsyncResult BeginInvokeMethod (ThreadMirror thread, MethodMirror method, IList<Value> arguments, InvokeOptions options, AsyncCallback callback, object state) {
-+			return ObjectMirror.BeginInvokeMethod (vm, thread, method, this, arguments, options, callback, state);
-+		}
-+		public Value EndInvokeMethod (IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
-+			return ObjectMirror.EndInvokeMethodInternal (asyncResult);
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/SuspendPolicy.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/SuspendPolicy.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	// Keep it in sync with debugger-agent.h
-+	public enum SuspendPolicy {
-+		None = 0,
-+		EventThread = 1,
-+		All = 2
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/ThreadDeathEvent.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/ThreadDeathEvent.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class ThreadDeathEvent : Event {
-+		internal ThreadDeathEvent (VirtualMachine vm, int req_id, long id) : base (EventType.ThreadDeath, vm, req_id, id) {
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/ThreadMirror.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/ThreadMirror.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
-+using System;
-+using System.Threading;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class ThreadMirror : ObjectMirror
-+	{
-+		string name;
-+		internal ThreadMirror (VirtualMachine vm, long id) : base (vm, id) {
-+		}
-+		// FIXME: Cache, invalidate when the thread/runtime is resumed
-+		public StackFrame[] GetFrames () {
-+			FrameInfo[] frame_info = vm.conn.Thread_GetFrameInfo (id, 0, -1);
-+			StackFrame[] frames = new StackFrame [frame_info.Length];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < frame_info.Length; ++i) {
-+				FrameInfo info = (FrameInfo)frame_info [i];
-+				MethodMirror method = vm.GetMethod (info.method);
-+				frames [i] = new StackFrame (vm, info.id, this, method, info.il_offset, info.flags);
-+			}
-+			return frames;
-+	    }
-+		public string Name {
-+			get {
-+				if (name == null)
-+					name = vm.conn.Thread_GetName (id);
-+				return name;
-+			}
-+	    }
-+		public new long Id {
-+			get {
-+				return id;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public ThreadState ThreadState {
-+			get {
-+				return (ThreadState)vm.conn.Thread_GetState (id);
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsThreadPoolThread {
-+			get {
-+				ThreadInfo info = vm.conn.Thread_GetInfo (id);
-+				return info.is_thread_pool;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		/*
-+		 * Return a unique identifier for this thread, multiple ThreadMirror objects
-+		 * may have the same ThreadId because of appdomains.
-+		 */
-+		public long ThreadId {
-+			get {
-+				return vm.conn.Thread_GetId (id);
-+			}
-+		}
-+    }
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/ThreadStartEvent.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/ThreadStartEvent.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class ThreadStartEvent : Event {
-+		internal ThreadStartEvent (VirtualMachine vm, int req_id, long id) : base (EventType.ThreadStart, vm, req_id, id) {
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/TypeLoadEvent.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/TypeLoadEvent.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class TypeLoadEvent : Event {
-+		TypeMirror type;
-+		long id;
-+		internal TypeLoadEvent (VirtualMachine vm, int req_id, long thread_id, long id) : base (EventType.TypeLoad, vm, req_id, thread_id) {
-+			this.id = id;
-+		}
-+		public TypeMirror Type {
-+			get {
-+				if (type == null)
-+					type = vm.GetType (id);
-+				return type;
-+			}
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/TypeMirror.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/TypeMirror.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,650 @@
-+using System;
-+using System.Collections.Generic;
-+using System.Reflection;
-+using C = Mono.Cecil;
-+using Mono.Cecil.Metadata;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	/*
-+	 * Represents a type in the remote virtual machine.
-+	 * It might be better to make this a subclass of Type, but that could be
-+	 * difficult as some of our methods like GetMethods () return Mirror objects.
-+	 */
-+	public class TypeMirror : Mirror
-+	{
-+		MethodMirror[] methods;
-+		AssemblyMirror ass;
-+		ModuleMirror module;
-+		C.TypeDefinition meta;
-+		FieldInfoMirror[] fields;
-+		PropertyInfoMirror[] properties;
-+		TypeInfo info;
-+		TypeMirror base_type, element_type;
-+		TypeMirror[] nested;
-+		CustomAttributeDataMirror[] cattrs;
-+		internal const BindingFlags DefaultBindingFlags =
-+		BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance;
-+		internal TypeMirror (VirtualMachine vm, long id) : base (vm, id) {
-+		}
-+		public string Name {
-+			get {
-+				return GetInfo ().name;
-+			}
-+	    }
-+		public string Namespace {
-+			get {
-+				return GetInfo ().ns;
-+			}
-+	    }
-+		public AssemblyMirror Assembly {
-+			get {
-+				if (ass == null) {
-+					ass = vm.GetAssembly (GetInfo ().assembly);
-+				}
-+				return ass;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public ModuleMirror Module {
-+			get {
-+				if (module == null) {
-+					module = vm.GetModule (GetInfo ().module);
-+				}										   
-+				return module;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public int MetadataToken {
-+			get {
-+				return GetInfo ().token;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public TypeAttributes Attributes {
-+			get {
-+				return (TypeAttributes)GetInfo ().attributes;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public TypeMirror BaseType {
-+			get {
-+				// FIXME: base_type could be null for object/interfaces
-+				if (base_type == null) {
-+					base_type = vm.GetType (GetInfo ().base_type);
-+				}
-+				return base_type;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public int GetArrayRank () {
-+			GetInfo ();
-+			if (info.rank == 0)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("Type must be an array type.");
-+			return info.rank;
-+		}
-+		public bool IsAbstract {
-+			get {
-+				return (Attributes & TypeAttributes.Abstract) != 0;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsAnsiClass {
-+			get {
-+				return (Attributes & TypeAttributes.StringFormatMask)
-+				== TypeAttributes.AnsiClass;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsArray {
-+			get {
-+				return IsArrayImpl ();
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsAutoClass {
-+			get {
-+				return (Attributes & TypeAttributes.StringFormatMask) == TypeAttributes.AutoClass;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsAutoLayout {
-+			get {
-+				return (Attributes & TypeAttributes.LayoutMask) == TypeAttributes.AutoLayout;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsByRef {
-+			get {
-+				return IsByRefImpl ();
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsClass {
-+			get {
-+				if (IsInterface)
-+					return false;
-+				return !IsValueType;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsCOMObject {
-+			get {
-+				return IsCOMObjectImpl ();
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsContextful {
-+			get {
-+				return IsContextfulImpl ();
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsEnum {
-+			get {
-+				return GetInfo ().is_enum;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsExplicitLayout {
-+			get {
-+				return (Attributes & TypeAttributes.LayoutMask) == TypeAttributes.ExplicitLayout;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsImport {
-+			get {
-+				return (Attributes & TypeAttributes.Import) != 0;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsInterface {
-+			get {
-+				return (Attributes & TypeAttributes.ClassSemanticsMask) == TypeAttributes.Interface;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsLayoutSequential {
-+			get {
-+				return (Attributes & TypeAttributes.LayoutMask) == TypeAttributes.SequentialLayout;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsMarshalByRef {
-+			get {
-+				return IsMarshalByRefImpl ();
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsNestedAssembly {
-+			get {
-+				return (Attributes & TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask) == TypeAttributes.NestedAssembly;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsNestedFamANDAssem {
-+			get {
-+				return (Attributes & TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask) == TypeAttributes.NestedFamANDAssem;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsNestedFamily {
-+			get {
-+				return (Attributes & TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask) == TypeAttributes.NestedFamily;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsNestedFamORAssem {
-+			get {
-+				return (Attributes & TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask) == TypeAttributes.NestedFamORAssem;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsNestedPrivate {
-+			get {
-+				return (Attributes & TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask) == TypeAttributes.NestedPrivate;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsNestedPublic {
-+			get {
-+				return (Attributes & TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask) == TypeAttributes.NestedPublic;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsNotPublic {
-+			get {
-+				return (Attributes & TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask) == TypeAttributes.NotPublic;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsPointer {
-+			get {
-+				return IsPointerImpl ();
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsPrimitive {
-+			get {
-+				return IsPrimitiveImpl ();
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsPublic {
-+			get {
-+				return (Attributes & TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask) == TypeAttributes.Public;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsSealed {
-+			get {
-+				return (Attributes & TypeAttributes.Sealed) != 0;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsSerializable {
-+			get {
-+				if ((Attributes & TypeAttributes.Serializable) != 0)
-+					return true;
-+				// FIXME:
-+				return false;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsSpecialName {
-+			get {
-+				return (Attributes & TypeAttributes.SpecialName) != 0;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsUnicodeClass {
-+			get {
-+				return (Attributes & TypeAttributes.StringFormatMask) == TypeAttributes.UnicodeClass;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool IsValueType {
-+			get {
-+				return IsValueTypeImpl ();
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public bool HasElementType {
-+			get {
-+				return HasElementTypeImpl ();
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public TypeMirror GetElementType () {
-+			GetInfo ();
-+			if (element_type == null && info.element_type != 0)
-+				element_type = vm.GetType (info.element_type);
-+			return element_type;
-+		}
-+		public string FullName {
-+			get {
-+				return GetInfo ().full_name;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public string CSharpName {
-+			get {
-+				if (IsArray) {
-+					if (GetArrayRank () == 1)
-+						return GetElementType ().CSharpName + "[]";
-+					else {
-+						string ranks = "";
-+						for (int i = 0; i < GetArrayRank (); ++i)
-+							ranks += ',';
-+						return GetElementType ().CSharpName + "[" + ranks + "]";
-+					}
-+				}
-+				if (IsPrimitive) {
-+					switch (Name) {
-+					case "Byte":
-+						return "byte";
-+					case "Int32":
-+						return "int";
-+					case "Boolean":
-+						return "bool";
-+					default:
-+						return FullName;
-+					}
-+				}
-+				// FIXME: Only do this for real corlib types
-+				if (Namespace == "System") {
-+					string s = Name;
-+					switch (s) {
-+					case "String":
-+						return "string";
-+					default:
-+						return FullName;
-+					}
-+				} else {
-+					return FullName;
-+				}
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public MethodMirror[] GetMethods () {
-+			if (methods == null) {
-+				long[] ids = vm.conn.Type_GetMethods (id);
-+				MethodMirror[] m = new MethodMirror [ids.Length];
-+				for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; ++i) {
-+					m [i] = vm.GetMethod (ids [i]);
-+				}
-+				methods = m;
-+			}
-+			return methods;
-+		}
-+		// FIXME: Sync this with Type
-+		public MethodMirror GetMethod (string name) {
-+			foreach (var m in GetMethods ())
-+				if (m.Name == name)
-+					return m;
-+			return null;
-+		}
-+		public FieldInfoMirror[] GetFields () {
-+			if (fields != null)
-+				return fields;
-+			string[] names;
-+			long[] types;
-+			int[] attrs;
-+			long[] ids = vm.conn.Type_GetFields (id, out names, out types, out attrs);
-+			FieldInfoMirror[] res = new FieldInfoMirror [ids.Length];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < res.Length; ++i)
-+				res [i] = new FieldInfoMirror (this, ids [i], names [i], vm.GetType (types [i]), (FieldAttributes)attrs [i]);
-+			fields = res;
-+			return fields;
-+		}
-+		public FieldInfoMirror GetField (string name) {
-+			if (name == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("name");
-+			foreach (var f in GetFields ())
-+				if (f.Name == name)
-+					return f;
-+			return null;
-+		}
-+		public TypeMirror[] GetNestedTypes ()
-+		{
-+			return GetNestedTypes (DefaultBindingFlags);
-+		}
-+		public TypeMirror[] GetNestedTypes (BindingFlags bindingAttr) {
-+			if (nested != null)
-+				return nested;
-+			// FIXME: bindingAttr
-+			GetInfo ();
-+			var arr = new TypeMirror [info.nested.Length];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; ++i)
-+				arr [i] = vm.GetType (info.nested [i]);
-+			nested = arr;
-+			return nested;
-+		}
-+		public PropertyInfoMirror[] GetProperties () {
-+			return GetProperties (DefaultBindingFlags);
-+		}
-+		public PropertyInfoMirror[] GetProperties (BindingFlags bindingAttr) {
-+			if (properties != null)
-+				return properties;
-+			PropInfo[] info = vm.conn.Type_GetProperties (id);
-+			PropertyInfoMirror[] res = new PropertyInfoMirror [info.Length];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < res.Length; ++i)
-+				res [i] = new PropertyInfoMirror (this, info [i].id, info [i].name, vm.GetMethod (info [i].get_method), vm.GetMethod (info [i].set_method), (PropertyAttributes)info [i].attrs);
-+			properties = res;
-+			return properties;
-+		}
-+		public PropertyInfoMirror GetProperty (string name) {
-+			if (name == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("name");
-+			foreach (var p in GetProperties ())
-+				if (p.Name == name)
-+					return p;
-+			return null;
-+		}
-+		public virtual bool IsAssignableFrom (TypeMirror c) {
-+			if (c == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("c");
-+			CheckMirror (c);
-+			// This is complex so do it in the debuggee
-+			return vm.conn.Type_IsAssignableFrom (id, c.Id);
-+		}
-+		public Value GetValue (FieldInfoMirror field) {
-+			return GetValues (new FieldInfoMirror [] { field }) [0];
-+		}
-+		public Value[] GetValues (IList<FieldInfoMirror> fields) {
-+			if (fields == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("fields");
-+			foreach (FieldInfoMirror f in fields) {
-+				if (f == null)
-+					throw new ArgumentNullException ("field");
-+				CheckMirror (f);
-+			}
-+			long[] ids = new long [fields.Count];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; ++i)
-+				ids [i] = fields [i].Id;
-+			try {
-+				return vm.DecodeValues (vm.conn.Type_GetValues (id, ids));
-+			} catch (CommandException ex) {
-+				if (ex.ErrorCode == ErrorCode.INVALID_FIELDID)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("One of the fields is not valid for this type.", "fields");
-+				else
-+					throw;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public void SetValues (IList<FieldInfoMirror> fields, Value[] values) {
-+			if (fields == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("fields");
-+			if (values == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("values");
-+			foreach (FieldInfoMirror f in fields) {
-+				if (f == null)
-+					throw new ArgumentNullException ("field");
-+				CheckMirror (f);
-+			}
-+			foreach (Value v in values) {
-+				if (v == null)
-+					throw new ArgumentNullException ("values");
-+				CheckMirror (v);
-+			}
-+			long[] ids = new long [fields.Count];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; ++i)
-+				ids [i] = fields [i].Id;
-+			try {
-+				vm.conn.Type_SetValues (id, ids, vm.EncodeValues (values));
-+			} catch (CommandException ex) {
-+				if (ex.ErrorCode == ErrorCode.INVALID_FIELDID)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("One of the fields is not valid for this type.", "fields");
-+				else
-+					throw;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public void SetValue (FieldInfoMirror field, Value value) {
-+			SetValues (new FieldInfoMirror [] { field }, new Value [] { value });
-+		}
-+		public ObjectMirror GetTypeObject () {
-+			return vm.GetObject (vm.conn.Type_GetObject (id));
-+		}
-+		/*
-+		 * Return a list of source files without path info, where methods of 
-+		 * this type are defined. Return an empty list if the information is not 
-+		 * available. 
-+		 * This can be used by a debugger to find out which types occur in a 
-+		 * given source file, to filter the list of methods whose locations
-+		 * have to be checked when placing breakpoints.
-+		 */
-+		public string[] GetSourceFiles () {
-+			return GetSourceFiles (false);
-+		}
-+		public string[] GetSourceFiles (bool return_full_paths) {
-+			return vm.conn.Type_GetSourceFiles (id, return_full_paths);
-+		}
-+		public C.TypeDefinition Metadata {
-+			get {
-+				if (meta == null) {
-+					if (Assembly.Metadata == null || MetadataToken == 0)
-+						return null;
-+					meta = (C.TypeDefinition)Assembly.Metadata.MainModule.LookupByToken (new MetadataToken (MetadataToken));
-+				}
-+				return meta;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		TypeInfo GetInfo () {
-+			if (info == null)
-+				info = vm.conn.Type_GetInfo (id);
-+			return info;
-+		}
-+		protected virtual TypeAttributes GetAttributeFlagsImpl () {
-+			return (TypeAttributes)GetInfo ().attributes;
-+		}
-+		protected virtual bool HasElementTypeImpl () {
-+			return IsArray || IsByRef || IsPointer;
-+		}
-+		protected virtual bool IsArrayImpl () {
-+			return GetInfo ().rank > 0;
-+		}
-+		protected virtual bool IsByRefImpl () {
-+			return GetInfo ().is_byref;
-+		}
-+		protected virtual bool IsCOMObjectImpl () {
-+			return false;
-+		}
-+		protected virtual bool IsPointerImpl () {
-+			return GetInfo ().is_pointer;
-+		}
-+		protected virtual bool IsPrimitiveImpl () {
-+			return GetInfo ().is_primitive;
-+		}
-+		protected virtual bool IsValueTypeImpl ()
-+		{
-+			return GetInfo ().is_valuetype;
-+		}
-+		protected virtual bool IsContextfulImpl ()
-+		{
-+			// FIXME:
-+			return false;
-+		}
-+		protected virtual bool IsMarshalByRefImpl ()
-+		{
-+			// FIXME:
-+			return false;
-+		}
-+		// Same as Enum.GetUnderlyingType ()
-+		public TypeMirror EnumUnderlyingType {
-+			get {
-+				if (!IsEnum)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("Type is not an enum type.");
-+				foreach (FieldInfoMirror f in GetFields ()) {
-+					if (!f.IsStatic)
-+						return f.FieldType;
-+				}
-+				throw new NotImplementedException ();
-+			}
-+		}
-+		/*
-+		 * Creating the custom attributes themselves could modify the behavior of the
-+		 * debuggee, so we return objects similar to the CustomAttributeData objects
-+		 * used by the reflection-only functionality on .net.
-+		 */
-+		public CustomAttributeDataMirror[] GetCustomAttributes (bool inherit) {
-+			return GetCAttrs (null, inherit);
-+		}
-+		public CustomAttributeDataMirror[] GetCustomAttributes (TypeMirror attributeType, bool inherit) {
-+			if (attributeType == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("attributeType");
-+			return GetCAttrs (attributeType, inherit);
-+		}
-+		CustomAttributeDataMirror[] GetCAttrs (TypeMirror type, bool inherit) {
-+			// FIXME: Handle inherit
-+			if (cattrs == null) {
-+				CattrInfo[] info = vm.conn.Type_GetCustomAttributes (id, 0, false);
-+				cattrs = CustomAttributeDataMirror.Create (vm, info);
-+			}
-+			var res = new List<CustomAttributeDataMirror> ();
-+			foreach (var attr in cattrs)
-+				if (type == null || attr.Constructor.DeclaringType == type)
-+					res.Add (attr);
-+			return res.ToArray ();
-+		}
-+		public Value InvokeMethod (ThreadMirror thread, MethodMirror method, IList<Value> arguments) {
-+			return ObjectMirror.InvokeMethod (vm, thread, method, null, arguments, InvokeOptions.None);
-+		}
-+		public Value InvokeMethod (ThreadMirror thread, MethodMirror method, IList<Value> arguments, InvokeOptions options) {
-+			return ObjectMirror.InvokeMethod (vm, thread, method, null, arguments, options);
-+		}
-+		[Obsolete ("Use the overload without the 'vm' argument")]
-+		public IAsyncResult BeginInvokeMethod (VirtualMachine vm, ThreadMirror thread, MethodMirror method, IList<Value> arguments, InvokeOptions options, AsyncCallback callback, object state) {
-+			return ObjectMirror.BeginInvokeMethod (vm, thread, method, null, arguments, options, callback, state);
-+		}
-+		public IAsyncResult BeginInvokeMethod (ThreadMirror thread, MethodMirror method, IList<Value> arguments, InvokeOptions options, AsyncCallback callback, object state) {
-+			return ObjectMirror.BeginInvokeMethod (vm, thread, method, null, arguments, options, callback, state);
-+		}
-+		public Value EndInvokeMethod (IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
-+			return ObjectMirror.EndInvokeMethodInternal (asyncResult);
-+		}
-+		public Value NewInstance (ThreadMirror thread, MethodMirror method, IList<Value> arguments) {
-+			return ObjectMirror.InvokeMethod (vm, thread, method, null, arguments, InvokeOptions.None);
-+		}			
-+		public Value NewInstance (ThreadMirror thread, MethodMirror method, IList<Value> arguments, InvokeOptions options) {
-+			return ObjectMirror.InvokeMethod (vm, thread, method, null, arguments, options);
-+		}			
-+    }
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/VMDeathEvent.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/VMDeathEvent.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
-+using System;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class VMDeathEvent : Event
-+	{
-+		public VMDeathEvent (VirtualMachine vm, int req_id) : base (EventType.VMDeath, vm, req_id, -1) {
-+		}
-+    }
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/VMDisconnectEvent.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/VMDisconnectEvent.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
-+using System;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class VMDisconnectEvent : Event
-+	{
-+		public VMDisconnectEvent (VirtualMachine vm, int req_id) : base (EventType.VMDisconnect, vm, req_id, -1) {
-+		}
-+    }
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/VMDisconnectedException.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/VMDisconnectedException.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
-+using System;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class VMDisconnectedException : Exception {
-+		public VMDisconnectedException () : base () {
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/VMMismatchException.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/VMMismatchException.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
-+using System;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class VMMismatchException : Exception
-+	{
-+		public VMMismatchException () : base () {
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/VMStartEvent.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/VMStartEvent.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
-+using System;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class VMStartEvent : Event
-+	{
-+		public VMStartEvent (VirtualMachine vm, int req_id, long thread_id) : base (EventType.VMStart, vm, req_id, thread_id) {
-+		}
-+    }
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/Value.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/Value.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
-+using System;
-+using System.Collections.Generic;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public abstract class Value : Mirror {
-+		// FIXME: Add a 'Value' field
-+		internal Value (VirtualMachine vm, long id) : base (vm, id) {
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/VirtualMachine.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/VirtualMachine.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,599 @@
-+using System;
-+using System.IO;
-+using System.Threading;
-+using System.Net;
-+using System.Diagnostics;
-+using System.Collections;
-+using System.Collections.Generic;
-+using Mono.Cecil.Metadata;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class VirtualMachine : Mirror
-+	{
-+		Queue queue;
-+		object queue_monitor;
-+		object startup_monitor;
-+		AppDomainMirror root_domain;
-+		Dictionary<int, EventRequest> requests;
-+		ITargetProcess process;
-+		internal Connection conn;
-+		VersionInfo version;
-+		internal VirtualMachine (ITargetProcess process, Connection conn) : base () {
-+			SetVirtualMachine (this);
-+			queue = new Queue ();
-+			queue_monitor = new Object ();
-+			startup_monitor = new Object ();
-+			requests = new Dictionary <int, EventRequest> ();
-+			this.conn = conn;
-+			this.process = process;
-+			conn.ErrorHandler += ErrorHandler;
-+		}
-+		// The standard output of the process is available normally through Process
-+		public StreamReader StandardOutput { get; set; }
-+		public StreamReader StandardError { get; set; }
-+		public Process Process {
-+			get {
-+				ProcessWrapper pw = process as ProcessWrapper;
-+				if (pw == null)
-+				    throw new InvalidOperationException ("Process instance not available");
-+				return pw.Process;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public ITargetProcess TargetProcess {
-+			get {
-+				return process;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public AppDomainMirror RootDomain {
-+			get {
-+				return root_domain;
-+			}
-+	    }
-+		public EndPoint EndPoint {
-+			get {
-+				return conn.EndPoint;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public VersionInfo Version {
-+			get {
-+				return version;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		EventSet current_es;
-+		int current_es_index;
-+		public Event GetNextEvent () {
-+			lock (queue_monitor) {
-+				if (current_es == null || current_es_index == current_es.Events.Length) {
-+					if (queue.Count == 0)
-+						Monitor.Wait (queue_monitor);
-+					current_es = (EventSet)queue.Dequeue ();
-+					current_es_index = 0;
-+				}
-+				return current_es.Events [current_es_index ++];
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public Event GetNextEvent (int timeout) {
-+			throw new NotImplementedException ();
-+		}
-+		public EventSet GetNextEventSet () {
-+			lock (queue_monitor) {
-+				if (queue.Count == 0)
-+					Monitor.Wait (queue_monitor);
-+				current_es = null;
-+				current_es_index = 0;
-+				return (EventSet)queue.Dequeue ();
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public T GetNextEvent<T> () where T : Event {
-+			return GetNextEvent () as T;
-+		}
-+		public void Suspend () {
-+			conn.VM_Suspend ();
-+	    }
-+		public void Resume () {
-+			try {
-+				conn.VM_Resume ();
-+			} catch (CommandException ex) {
-+				if (ex.ErrorCode == ErrorCode.NOT_SUSPENDED)
-+					throw new InvalidOperationException ("The vm is not suspended.");
-+				else
-+					throw;
-+			}
-+	    }
-+		public void Exit (int exitCode) {
-+			conn.VM_Exit (exitCode);
-+		}
-+		public void Dispose () {
-+			conn.VM_Dispose ();
-+			conn.Close ();
-+			notify_vm_event (EventType.VMDisconnect, SuspendPolicy.None, 0, 0, null);
-+		}
-+		public IList<ThreadMirror> GetThreads () {
-+			long[] ids = vm.conn.VM_GetThreads ();
-+			ThreadMirror[] res = new ThreadMirror [ids.Length];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; ++i)
-+				res [i] = GetThread (ids [i]);
-+			return res;
-+		}
-+		// Same as the mirrorOf methods in JDI
-+		public PrimitiveValue CreateValue (object value) {
-+			if (value == null)
-+				return new PrimitiveValue (vm, null);
-+			if (!value.GetType ().IsPrimitive)
-+				throw new ArgumentException ("value must be of a primitive type instead of '" + value.GetType () + "'", "value");
-+			return new PrimitiveValue (vm, value);
-+		}
-+		public EnumMirror CreateEnumMirror (TypeMirror type, PrimitiveValue value) {
-+			return new EnumMirror (this, type, value);
-+		}
-+		//
-+		// Methods to create event request objects
-+		//
-+		public BreakpointEventRequest CreateBreakpointRequest (MethodMirror method, long il_offset) {
-+			return new BreakpointEventRequest (this, method, il_offset);
-+		}
-+		public BreakpointEventRequest CreateBreakpointRequest (Location loc) {
-+			if (loc == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("loc");
-+			CheckMirror (loc);
-+			return new BreakpointEventRequest (this, loc.Method, loc.ILOffset);
-+		}
-+		public StepEventRequest CreateStepRequest (ThreadMirror thread) {
-+			return new StepEventRequest (this, thread);
-+		}
-+		public MethodEntryEventRequest CreateMethodEntryRequest () {
-+			return new MethodEntryEventRequest (this);
-+		}
-+		public MethodExitEventRequest CreateMethodExitRequest () {
-+			return new MethodExitEventRequest (this);
-+		}
-+		public ExceptionEventRequest CreateExceptionRequest (TypeMirror exc_type) {
-+			return new ExceptionEventRequest (this, exc_type, true, true);
-+		}
-+		public ExceptionEventRequest CreateExceptionRequest (TypeMirror exc_type, bool caught, bool uncaught) {
-+			return new ExceptionEventRequest (this, exc_type, caught, uncaught);
-+		}
-+		public void EnableEvents (params EventType[] events) {
-+			foreach (EventType etype in events) {
-+				if (etype == EventType.Breakpoint)
-+					throw new ArgumentException ("Breakpoint events cannot be requested using EnableEvents", "events");
-+				conn.EnableEvent (etype, SuspendPolicy.All, null);
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public BreakpointEventRequest SetBreakpoint (MethodMirror method, long il_offset) {
-+			BreakpointEventRequest req = CreateBreakpointRequest (method, il_offset);
-+			req.Enable ();
-+			return req;
-+		}
-+		public void ClearAllBreakpoints () {
-+			conn.ClearAllBreakpoints ();
-+		}
-+		internal void queue_event_set (EventSet es) {
-+			lock (queue_monitor) {
-+				queue.Enqueue (es);
-+				Monitor.Pulse (queue_monitor);
-+			}
-+		}
-+		internal void ErrorHandler (object sender, ErrorHandlerEventArgs args) {
-+			switch (args.ErrorCode) {
-+			case ErrorCode.INVALID_OBJECT:
-+				throw new ObjectCollectedException ();
-+			case ErrorCode.INVALID_FRAMEID:
-+				throw new InvalidStackFrameException ();
-+			case ErrorCode.NOT_SUSPENDED:
-+				throw new InvalidOperationException ("The vm is not suspended.");
-+			case ErrorCode.NOT_IMPLEMENTED:
-+				throw new NotSupportedException ("This request is not supported by the protocol version implemented by the debuggee.");
-+			case ErrorCode.ABSENT_INFORMATION:
-+				throw new AbsentInformationException ();
-+			default:
-+				throw new CommandException (args.ErrorCode);
-+			}
-+		}
-+		/* Wait for the debuggee to start up and connect to it */
-+		internal void connect () {
-+			conn.Connect ();
-+			// Test the connection
-+			version = conn.Version;
-+			if (version.MajorVersion != Connection.MAJOR_VERSION)
-+				throw new NotSupportedException (String.Format ("The debuggee implements protocol version {0}.{1}, while {2}.{3} is required.", version.MajorVersion, version.MinorVersion, Connection.MAJOR_VERSION, Connection.MINOR_VERSION));
-+			long root_domain_id = conn.RootDomain;
-+			root_domain = GetDomain (root_domain_id);
-+		}
-+		internal void notify_vm_event (EventType evtype, SuspendPolicy spolicy, int req_id, long thread_id, string vm_uri) {
-+			//Console.WriteLine ("Event: " + evtype + "(" + vm_uri + ")");
-+			switch (evtype) {
-+			case EventType.VMStart:
-+				/* Notify the main thread that the debuggee started up */
-+				lock (startup_monitor) {
-+					Monitor.Pulse (startup_monitor);
-+				}
-+				queue_event_set (new EventSet (this, spolicy, new Event[] { new VMStartEvent (vm, req_id, thread_id) }));
-+				break;
-+			case EventType.VMDeath:
-+				queue_event_set (new EventSet (this, spolicy, new Event[] { new VMDeathEvent (vm, req_id) }));
-+				break;
-+			case EventType.VMDisconnect:
-+				queue_event_set (new EventSet (this, spolicy, new Event[] { new VMDisconnectEvent (vm, req_id) }));
-+				break;
-+			default:
-+				throw new Exception ();
-+			}
-+		}
-+		//
-+		// Methods to create instances of mirror objects
-+		//
-+		/*
-+		class MirrorCache<T> {
-+			static Dictionary <long, T> mirrors;
-+			static object mirror_lock = new object ();
-+			internal static T GetMirror (VirtualMachine vm, long id) {
-+				lock (mirror_lock) {
-+				if (mirrors == null)
-+					mirrors = new Dictionary <long, T> ();
-+				T obj;
-+				if (!mirrors.TryGetValue (id, out obj)) {
-+					obj = CreateMirror (vm, id);
-+					mirrors [id] = obj;
-+				}
-+				return obj;
-+				}
-+			}
-+			internal static T CreateMirror (VirtualMachine vm, long id) {
-+			}
-+		}
-+		*/
-+		// FIXME: When to remove items from the cache ?
-+		Dictionary <long, MethodMirror> methods;
-+		object methods_lock = new object ();
-+		internal MethodMirror GetMethod (long id) {
-+			lock (methods_lock) {
-+				if (methods == null)
-+					methods = new Dictionary <long, MethodMirror> ();
-+				MethodMirror obj;
-+				if (id == 0)
-+					return null;
-+				if (!methods.TryGetValue (id, out obj)) {
-+					obj = new MethodMirror (this, id);
-+					methods [id] = obj;
-+				}
-+				return obj;
-+			}
-+	    }
-+		Dictionary <long, AssemblyMirror> assemblies;
-+		object assemblies_lock = new object ();
-+		internal AssemblyMirror GetAssembly (long id) {
-+			lock (assemblies_lock) {
-+				if (assemblies == null)
-+					assemblies = new Dictionary <long, AssemblyMirror> ();
-+				AssemblyMirror obj;
-+				if (id == 0)
-+					return null;
-+				if (!assemblies.TryGetValue (id, out obj)) {
-+					obj = new AssemblyMirror (this, id);
-+					assemblies [id] = obj;
-+				}
-+				return obj;
-+			}
-+	    }
-+		Dictionary <long, ModuleMirror> modules;
-+		object modules_lock = new object ();
-+		internal ModuleMirror GetModule (long id) {
-+			lock (modules_lock) {
-+				if (modules == null)
-+					modules = new Dictionary <long, ModuleMirror> ();
-+				ModuleMirror obj;
-+				if (id == 0)
-+					return null;
-+				if (!modules.TryGetValue (id, out obj)) {
-+					obj = new ModuleMirror (this, id);
-+					modules [id] = obj;
-+				}
-+				return obj;
-+			}
-+	    }
-+		Dictionary <long, AppDomainMirror> domains;
-+		object domains_lock = new object ();
-+		internal AppDomainMirror GetDomain (long id) {
-+			lock (domains_lock) {
-+				if (domains == null)
-+					domains = new Dictionary <long, AppDomainMirror> ();
-+				AppDomainMirror obj;
-+				if (id == 0)
-+					return null;
-+				if (!domains.TryGetValue (id, out obj)) {
-+					obj = new AppDomainMirror (this, id);
-+					domains [id] = obj;
-+				}
-+				return obj;
-+			}
-+	    }
-+		Dictionary <long, TypeMirror> types;
-+		object types_lock = new object ();
-+		internal TypeMirror GetType (long id) {
-+			lock (types_lock) {
-+				if (types == null)
-+					types = new Dictionary <long, TypeMirror> ();
-+				TypeMirror obj;
-+				if (id == 0)
-+					return null;
-+				if (!types.TryGetValue (id, out obj)) {
-+					obj = new TypeMirror (this, id);
-+					types [id] = obj;
-+				}
-+				return obj;
-+			}
-+	    }
-+		Dictionary <long, ObjectMirror> objects;
-+		object objects_lock = new object ();
-+		internal T GetObject<T> (long id, long domain_id, long type_id) where T : ObjectMirror {
-+			lock (objects_lock) {
-+				if (objects == null)
-+					objects = new Dictionary <long, ObjectMirror> ();
-+				ObjectMirror obj;
-+				if (!objects.TryGetValue (id, out obj)) {
-+					/*
-+					 * Obtain the domain/type of the object to determine the type of
-+					 * object we need to create.
-+					 */
-+					if (domain_id == 0)
-+						domain_id = conn.Object_GetDomain (id);
-+					AppDomainMirror d = GetDomain (domain_id);
-+					if (type_id == 0)
-+						type_id = conn.Object_GetType (id);
-+					TypeMirror t = GetType (type_id);
-+					if (t.Assembly == d.Corlib && t.Namespace == "System.Threading" && t.Name == "Thread")
-+						obj = new ThreadMirror (this, id);
-+					else if (t.Assembly == d.Corlib && t.Namespace == "System" && t.Name == "String")
-+						obj = new StringMirror (this, id);
-+					else if (typeof (T) == typeof (ArrayMirror))
-+						obj = new ArrayMirror (this, id);
-+					else
-+						obj = new ObjectMirror (this, id);
-+					objects [id] = obj;
-+				}
-+				return (T)obj;
-+			}
-+	    }
-+		internal T GetObject<T> (long id) where T : ObjectMirror {
-+			return GetObject<T> (id, 0, 0);
-+		}
-+		internal ObjectMirror GetObject (long objid) {
-+			return GetObject<ObjectMirror> (objid);
-+		}
-+		internal ThreadMirror GetThread (long id) {
-+			return GetObject <ThreadMirror> (id);
-+		}
-+		object requests_lock = new object ();
-+		internal void AddRequest (EventRequest req, int id) {
-+			lock (requests_lock) {
-+				requests [id] = req;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		internal void RemoveRequest (EventRequest req, int id) {
-+			lock (requests_lock) {
-+				requests.Remove (id);
-+			}
-+		}
-+		internal EventRequest GetRequest (int id) {
-+			lock (requests_lock) {
-+				return requests [id];
-+			}
-+		}
-+		internal Value DecodeValue (ValueImpl v) {
-+			if (v.Value != null)
-+				return new PrimitiveValue (this, v.Value);
-+			switch (v.Type) {
-+			case ElementType.Void:
-+				return null;
-+			case ElementType.SzArray:
-+			case ElementType.Array:
-+				return GetObject<ArrayMirror> (v.Objid);
-+			case ElementType.String:
-+				return GetObject<StringMirror> (v.Objid);
-+			case ElementType.Class:
-+			case ElementType.Object:
-+				return GetObject (v.Objid);
-+			case ElementType.ValueType:
-+				if (v.IsEnum)
-+					return new EnumMirror (this, GetType (v.Klass), DecodeValues (v.Fields));
-+				else
-+					return new StructMirror (this, GetType (v.Klass), DecodeValues (v.Fields));
-+			case (ElementType)ValueTypeId.VALUE_TYPE_ID_NULL:
-+				return new PrimitiveValue (this, null);
-+			default:
-+				throw new NotImplementedException ("" + v.Type);
-+			}
-+		}
-+		internal Value[] DecodeValues (ValueImpl[] values) {
-+			Value[] res = new Value [values.Length];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; ++i)
-+				res [i] = DecodeValue (values [i]);
-+			return res;
-+		}
-+		internal ValueImpl EncodeValue (Value v) {
-+			if (v is PrimitiveValue) {
-+				object val = (v as PrimitiveValue).Value;
-+				if (val == null)
-+					return new ValueImpl { Type = (ElementType)ValueTypeId.VALUE_TYPE_ID_NULL, Objid = 0 };
-+				else
-+					return new ValueImpl { Value = val };
-+			} else if (v is ObjectMirror) {
-+				return new ValueImpl { Type = ElementType.Object, Objid = (v as ObjectMirror).Id };
-+			} else if (v is StructMirror) {
-+				return new ValueImpl { Type = ElementType.ValueType, Klass = (v as StructMirror).Type.Id, Fields = EncodeValues ((v as StructMirror).Fields) };
-+			} else {
-+				throw new NotSupportedException ();
-+			}
-+		}
-+		internal ValueImpl[] EncodeValues (IList<Value> values) {
-+			ValueImpl[] res = new ValueImpl [values.Count];
-+			for (int i = 0; i < values.Count; ++i)
-+				res [i] = EncodeValue (values [i]);
-+			return res;
-+		}
-+    }
-+	class EventHandler : MarshalByRefObject, IEventHandler
-+	{		
-+		VirtualMachine vm;
-+		public EventHandler (VirtualMachine vm) {
-+			this.vm = vm;
-+		}
-+		public void Events (SuspendPolicy suspend_policy, EventInfo[] events) {
-+			var l = new List<Event> ();
-+			for (int i = 0; i < events.Length; ++i) {
-+				EventInfo ei = events [i];
-+				int req_id = ei.ReqId;
-+				long thread_id = ei.ThreadId;
-+				long id = ei.Id;
-+				long loc = ei.Location;
-+				switch (ei.EventType) {
-+				case EventType.VMStart:
-+					vm.notify_vm_event (EventType.VMStart, suspend_policy, req_id, thread_id, null);
-+					break;
-+				case EventType.VMDeath:
-+					vm.notify_vm_event (EventType.VMDeath, suspend_policy, req_id, thread_id, null);
-+					break;
-+				case EventType.ThreadStart:
-+					l.Add (new ThreadStartEvent (vm, req_id, id));
-+					break;
-+				case EventType.ThreadDeath:
-+					l.Add (new ThreadDeathEvent (vm, req_id, id));
-+					break;
-+				case EventType.AssemblyLoad:
-+					l.Add (new AssemblyLoadEvent (vm, req_id, thread_id, id));
-+					break;
-+				case EventType.AssemblyUnload:
-+					l.Add (new AssemblyUnloadEvent (vm, req_id, thread_id, id));
-+					break;
-+				case EventType.TypeLoad:
-+					l.Add (new TypeLoadEvent (vm, req_id, thread_id, id));
-+					break;
-+				case EventType.MethodEntry:
-+					l.Add (new MethodEntryEvent (vm, req_id, thread_id, id));
-+					break;
-+				case EventType.MethodExit:
-+					l.Add (new MethodExitEvent (vm, req_id, thread_id, id));
-+					break;
-+				case EventType.Breakpoint:
-+					l.Add (new BreakpointEvent (vm, req_id, thread_id, id, loc));
-+					break;
-+				case EventType.Step:
-+					l.Add (new StepEvent (vm, req_id, thread_id, id, loc));
-+					break;
-+				case EventType.Exception:
-+					l.Add (new ExceptionEvent (vm, req_id, thread_id, id, loc));
-+					break;
-+				case EventType.AppDomainCreate:
-+					l.Add (new AppDomainCreateEvent (vm, req_id, thread_id, id));
-+					break;
-+				case EventType.AppDomainUnload:
-+					l.Add (new AppDomainUnloadEvent (vm, req_id, thread_id, id));
-+					break;
-+				default:
-+					break;
-+				}
-+			}
-+			if (l.Count > 0)
-+				vm.queue_event_set (new EventSet (vm, suspend_policy, l.ToArray ()));
-+		}
-+		public void VMDisconnect (int req_id, long thread_id, string vm_uri) {
-+			vm.notify_vm_event (EventType.VMDisconnect, SuspendPolicy.None, req_id, thread_id, vm_uri);
-+        }
-+    }
-+	internal class CommandException : Exception {
-+		public CommandException (ErrorCode error_code) : base ("Debuggee returned error code " + error_code + ".") {
-+			ErrorCode = error_code;
-+		}
-+		public ErrorCode ErrorCode {
-+			get; set;
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/VirtualMachineManager.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/VirtualMachineManager.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
-+using System;
-+using System.Collections.Generic;
-+using System.Diagnostics;
-+using System.IO;
-+using System.Net;
-+using System.Net.Sockets;
-+using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class LaunchOptions {
-+		public string AgentArgs {
-+			get; set;
-+		}
-+		public bool Valgrind {
-+			get; set;
-+		}
-+		public ProcessLauncher CustomProcessLauncher {
-+			get; set;
-+		}
-+		public TargetProcessLauncher CustomTargetProcessLauncher {
-+			get; set;
-+		}
-+		public delegate Process ProcessLauncher (ProcessStartInfo info);
-+		public delegate ITargetProcess TargetProcessLauncher (ProcessStartInfo info);
-+	}
-+	public class VirtualMachineManager
-+	{
-+		private delegate VirtualMachine LaunchCallback (ITargetProcess p, ProcessStartInfo info, Socket socket);
-+		private delegate VirtualMachine ListenCallback (Socket dbg_sock, Socket con_sock); 
-+		private delegate VirtualMachine ConnectCallback (Socket dbg_sock, Socket con_sock, IPEndPoint dbg_ep, IPEndPoint con_ep); 
-+		internal VirtualMachineManager () {
-+		}
-+		public static VirtualMachine LaunchInternal (Process p, ProcessStartInfo info, Socket socket)
-+		{
-+			return LaunchInternal (new ProcessWrapper (p), info, socket);
-+		}
-+		public static VirtualMachine LaunchInternal (ITargetProcess p, ProcessStartInfo info, Socket socket) {
-+			Socket accepted = null;
-+			try {
-+				accepted = socket.Accept ();
-+			} catch (Exception) {
-+				throw;
-+			}
-+			Connection conn = new Connection (accepted);
-+			VirtualMachine vm = new VirtualMachine (p, conn);
-+			if (info.RedirectStandardOutput)
-+				vm.StandardOutput = p.StandardOutput;
-+			if (info.RedirectStandardError)
-+				vm.StandardError = p.StandardError;
-+			conn.EventHandler = new EventHandler (vm);
-+			vm.connect ();
-+			return vm;
-+		}
-+		public static IAsyncResult BeginLaunch (ProcessStartInfo info, AsyncCallback callback, LaunchOptions options = null) {
-+			if (info == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("info");
-+			Socket socket = new Socket (AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
-+			socket.Bind (new IPEndPoint (IPAddress.Loopback, 0));
-+			socket.Listen (1000);
-+			IPEndPoint ep = (IPEndPoint) socket.LocalEndPoint;
-+			// We need to inject our arguments into the psi
-+			info.Arguments = string.Format ("{0} --debug --debugger-agent=transport=dt_socket,address={1}:{2}{3} {4}", 
-+								options == null || !options.Valgrind ? "" : info.FileName,
-+								ep.Address,
-+								ep.Port,
-+								options == null || options.AgentArgs == null ? "" : "," + options.AgentArgs,
-+								info.Arguments);
-+			if (options != null && options.Valgrind)
-+				info.FileName = "valgrind";
-+			ITargetProcess p;
-+			if (options != null && options.CustomProcessLauncher != null)
-+				p = new ProcessWrapper (options.CustomProcessLauncher (info));
-+			else if (options != null && options.CustomTargetProcessLauncher != null)
-+				p = options.CustomTargetProcessLauncher (info);
-+			else
-+				p = new ProcessWrapper (Process.Start (info));
-+			p.Exited += delegate (object sender, EventArgs eargs) {
-+				socket.Close ();
-+			};
-+			LaunchCallback c = new LaunchCallback (LaunchInternal);
-+			return c.BeginInvoke (p, info, socket, callback, socket);
-+		}
-+		public static VirtualMachine EndLaunch (IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
-+			if (asyncResult == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("asyncResult");
-+			if (!asyncResult.IsCompleted)
-+				asyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne ();
-+			AsyncResult async = (AsyncResult) asyncResult;
-+			LaunchCallback cb = (LaunchCallback) async.AsyncDelegate;
-+			return cb.EndInvoke (asyncResult);
-+		}
-+		public static VirtualMachine Launch (ProcessStartInfo info, LaunchOptions options = null) {
-+			return EndLaunch (BeginLaunch (info, null, options));
-+		}
-+		public static VirtualMachine Launch (string[] args, LaunchOptions options = null) {
-+			ProcessStartInfo pi = new ProcessStartInfo ("mono");
-+			pi.Arguments = String.Join (" ", args);
-+			return Launch (pi, options);
-+		}
-+		public static VirtualMachine ListenInternal (Socket dbg_sock, Socket con_sock) {
-+			Socket con_acc = null;
-+			Socket dbg_acc = null;
-+			if (con_sock != null) {
-+				try {
-+					con_acc = con_sock.Accept ();
-+				} catch (Exception) {
-+					try {
-+						dbg_sock.Close ();
-+					} catch {}
-+					throw;
-+				}
-+			}
-+			try {
-+				dbg_acc = dbg_sock.Accept ();
-+			} catch (Exception) {
-+				if (con_sock != null) {
-+					try {
-+						con_sock.Close ();
-+						con_acc.Close ();
-+					} catch {}
-+				}
-+				throw;
-+			}
-+			if (con_sock != null) {
-+				con_sock.Disconnect (false);
-+				con_sock.Close ();
-+			}
-+			if (dbg_sock.Connected)
-+				dbg_sock.Disconnect (false);
-+			dbg_sock.Close ();
-+			Connection conn = new Connection (dbg_acc);
-+			VirtualMachine vm = new VirtualMachine (null, conn);
-+			if (con_acc != null) {
-+				vm.StandardOutput = new StreamReader (new NetworkStream (con_acc));
-+				vm.StandardError = null;
-+			}
-+			conn.EventHandler = new EventHandler (vm);
-+			vm.connect ();
-+			return vm;
-+		}
-+		public static IAsyncResult BeginListen (IPEndPoint dbg_ep, AsyncCallback callback) {
-+			return BeginListen (dbg_ep, null, callback);
-+		}
-+		public static IAsyncResult BeginListen (IPEndPoint dbg_ep, IPEndPoint con_ep, AsyncCallback callback) {
-+			Socket dbg_sock = null;
-+			Socket con_sock = null;
-+			dbg_sock = new Socket (AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
-+			dbg_sock.Bind (dbg_ep);
-+			dbg_sock.Listen (1000);
-+			if (con_ep != null) {
-+				con_sock = new Socket (AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
-+				con_sock.Bind (con_ep);
-+				con_sock.Listen (1000);
-+			}
-+			ListenCallback c = new ListenCallback (ListenInternal);
-+			return c.BeginInvoke (dbg_sock, con_sock, callback, con_sock ?? dbg_sock);
-+		}
-+		public static VirtualMachine EndListen (IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
-+			if (asyncResult == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("asyncResult");
-+			if (!asyncResult.IsCompleted)
-+				asyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne ();
-+			AsyncResult async = (AsyncResult) asyncResult;
-+			ListenCallback cb = (ListenCallback) async.AsyncDelegate;
-+			return cb.EndInvoke (asyncResult);
-+		}
-+		public static VirtualMachine Listen (IPEndPoint dbg_ep, IPEndPoint con_ep = null) { 
-+			return EndListen (BeginListen (dbg_ep, con_ep, null));
-+		}
-+		/*
-+		 * Connect to a virtual machine listening at the specified address.
-+		 */
-+		public static VirtualMachine Connect (IPEndPoint endpoint) {
-+			return Connect (endpoint, null);
-+		}
-+		public static VirtualMachine Connect (IPEndPoint endpoint, IPEndPoint consoleEndpoint) { 
-+			if (endpoint == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("endpoint");
-+			return EndConnect (BeginConnect (endpoint, consoleEndpoint, null));
-+		}
-+		public static VirtualMachine ConnectInternal (Socket dbg_sock, Socket con_sock, IPEndPoint dbg_ep, IPEndPoint con_ep) {
-+			if (con_sock != null) {
-+				try {
-+					con_sock.Connect (con_ep);
-+				} catch (Exception) {
-+					try {
-+						dbg_sock.Close ();
-+					} catch {}
-+					throw;
-+				}
-+			}
-+			try {
-+				dbg_sock.Connect (dbg_ep);
-+			} catch (Exception) {
-+				if (con_sock != null) {
-+					try {
-+						con_sock.Close ();
-+					} catch {}
-+				}
-+				throw;
-+			}
-+			Connection conn = new Connection (dbg_sock);
-+			VirtualMachine vm = new VirtualMachine (null, conn);
-+			if (con_sock != null) {
-+				vm.StandardOutput = new StreamReader (new NetworkStream (con_sock));
-+				vm.StandardError = null;
-+			}
-+			conn.EventHandler = new EventHandler (vm);
-+			vm.connect ();
-+			return vm;
-+		}
-+		public static IAsyncResult BeginConnect (IPEndPoint dbg_ep, AsyncCallback callback) {
-+			return BeginConnect (dbg_ep, null, callback);
-+		}
-+		public static IAsyncResult BeginConnect (IPEndPoint dbg_ep, IPEndPoint con_ep, AsyncCallback callback) {
-+			Socket dbg_sock = null;
-+			Socket con_sock = null;
-+			dbg_sock = new Socket (AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
-+			if (con_ep != null) {
-+				con_sock = new Socket (AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
-+			}
-+			ConnectCallback c = new ConnectCallback (ConnectInternal);
-+			return c.BeginInvoke (dbg_sock, con_sock, dbg_ep, con_ep, callback, con_sock ?? dbg_sock);
-+		}
-+		public static VirtualMachine EndConnect (IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
-+			if (asyncResult == null)
-+				throw new ArgumentNullException ("asyncResult");
-+			if (!asyncResult.IsCompleted)
-+				asyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne ();
-+			AsyncResult async = (AsyncResult) asyncResult;
-+			ConnectCallback cb = (ConnectCallback) async.AsyncDelegate;
-+			return cb.EndInvoke (asyncResult);
-+		}
-+		public static void CancelConnection (IAsyncResult asyncResult)
-+		{
-+			((Socket)asyncResult.AsyncState).Close ();
-+		}
-+	}
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Makefile.am
---- monodevelop.git.orig/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Makefile.am	2010-12-18 11:46:35.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Makefile.am	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-+	Mono.Debugger.Soft \
- 	Mono.Debugging.Soft \
- 	MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft \
- 	MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft.AspNet \
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/Makefile.am
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/Makefile.am	2010-12-18 11:49:32.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
-+ADDIN_BUILD = $(top_builddir)/build/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft
-+ASSEMBLY = $(ADDIN_BUILD)/Mono.Debugger.Soft.dll
-+CECIL_ASM_SRC = /usr/lib/mono-cecil/Mono.Cecil.dll
-+CECIL_ASM = $(ADDIN_BUILD)/Mono.Cecil.dll
-+REFS =  \
-+	-r:System \
-+	-r:System.Core \
-+	-r:/usr/lib/mono-cecil/Mono.Cecil.dll
-+FILES =  \
-+	AbsentInformationException.cs \
-+	AppDomainCreateEvent.cs \
-+	AppDomainMirror.cs \
-+	AppDomainUnloadEvent.cs \
-+	ArrayMirror.cs \
-+	AssemblyLoadEvent.cs \
-+	AssemblyMirror.cs \
-+	AssemblyUnloadEvent.cs \
-+	BreakpointEvent.cs \
-+	BreakpointEventRequest.cs \
-+	Connection.cs \
-+	CustomAttributeDataMirror.cs \
-+	CustomAttributeNamedArgumentMirror.cs \
-+	CustomAttributeTypedArgumentMirror.cs \
-+	DataConverter.cs \
-+	EnumMirror.cs \
-+	Event.cs \
-+	EventQueueImpl.cs \
-+	EventRequest.cs \
-+	EventType.cs \
-+	EventSet.cs \
-+	ExceptionEvent.cs \
-+	ExceptionEventRequest.cs \
-+	FieldInfoMirror.cs \
-+	IInvokeAsyncResult.cs \
-+	ILInstruction.cs \
-+	IMirror.cs \
-+	InvalidStackFrameException.cs \
-+	InvocationException.cs \
-+	InvokeOptions.cs \
-+	ITargetProcess.cs \
-+	LocalVariable.cs \
-+	Location.cs \
-+	MethodBodyMirror.cs \
-+	MethodEntryEvent.cs \
-+	MethodEntryEventRequest.cs \
-+	MethodExitEvent.cs \
-+	MethodExitEventRequest.cs \
-+	MethodMirror.cs \
-+	Mirror.cs \
-+	ModuleMirror.cs \
-+	ObjectCollectedException.cs \
-+	ObjectMirror.cs \
-+	ParameterInfoMirror.cs \
-+	PrimitiveValue.cs \
-+	PropertyInfoMirror.cs \
-+	StackFrame.cs \
-+	StepEvent.cs \
-+	StepEventRequest.cs \
-+	StringMirror.cs \
-+	StructMirror.cs \
-+	SuspendPolicy.cs \
-+	ThreadDeathEvent.cs \
-+	ThreadMirror.cs \
-+	ThreadStartEvent.cs \
-+	TypeLoadEvent.cs \
-+	TypeMirror.cs \
-+	Value.cs \
-+	VirtualMachine.cs \
-+	VirtualMachineManager.cs \
-+	VMDeathEvent.cs \
-+	VMDisconnectedException.cs \
-+	VMDisconnectEvent.cs \
-+	VMMismatchException.cs \
-+	VMStartEvent.cs
-+RES =
-+$(ASSEMBLY): $(build_sources) $(build_resources) $(DEPS) $(CECIL_ASM)
-+	mkdir -p $(ADDIN_BUILD)
-+	$(CSC) $(CSC_FLAGS) -debug -out:$@ -keyfile:$(SIGNING_KEY) -target:library $(REFS) $(build_deps) \
-+		$(build_resources:%=/resource:%) $(build_sources)
-+	mkdir -p $(ADDIN_BUILD)
-+	cp $^ $@
-+check: all
-+assemblydir = $(MD_ADDIN_DIR)/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft
-+assembly_DATA = $(ASSEMBLY) $(ASSEMBLY).mdb $(CECIL_ASM)
-+include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.include
-Index: monodevelop.git/configure.in
---- monodevelop.git.orig/configure.in	2010-12-18 11:46:35.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/configure.in	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -373,6 +373,7 @@
- src/addins/MonoDevelop.Refactoring/Makefile
- src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger/Makefile
- src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Makefile
- src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugging.Soft/Makefile
- src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Makefile
- src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft.AspNet/Makefile
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugging.Soft/Makefile.am
---- monodevelop.git.orig/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugging.Soft/Makefile.am	2010-12-18 11:46:35.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugging.Soft/Makefile.am	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -2,16 +2,13 @@
- ASSEMBLY = $(ADDIN_BUILD)/Mono.Debugging.Soft.dll
- DBG_ASM = $(ADDIN_BUILD)/Mono.Debugger.Soft.dll
--DBG_ASM_SRC = $(top_srcdir)/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugging.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft.dll
--DBG_MDB = $(DBG_ASM).mdb
- SIGNING_KEY=$(top_srcdir)/src/core/Mono.Debugging/mono.debugging.snk
- DEPS = $(top_builddir)/build/bin/Mono.Debugging.dll
- REFS =  \
--	-r:$(top_srcdir)/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugging.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft.dll \
-+	-r:$(DBG_ASM) \
- 	-r:System \
- 	-r:System.Core
-@@ -32,28 +29,20 @@
--$(ASSEMBLY): $(build_sources) $(build_resources) $(DEPS) $(DBG_ASM) $(DBG_MDB)
-+$(ASSEMBLY): $(build_sources) $(build_resources) $(DEPS) $(DBG_ASM)
- 	mkdir -p $(ADDIN_BUILD)
- 	$(CSC) $(CSC_FLAGS) -debug -out:$@ -keyfile:$(SIGNING_KEY) -target:library $(REFS) $(build_deps) \
- 		$(build_resources:%=/resource:%) $(build_sources)
--	mkdir -p $(ADDIN_BUILD)
--	cp $^ $@ 
--	mkdir -p $(ADDIN_BUILD)
--	cp $^ $@
- check: all
- assemblydir = $(MD_ADDIN_DIR)/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft
--assembly_DATA = $(ASSEMBLY) $(ASSEMBLY).mdb $(DBG_ASM) $(DBG_MDB)
-+assembly_DATA = $(ASSEMBLY) $(ASSEMBLY).mdb
- include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.include
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Makefile.am
---- monodevelop.git.orig/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Makefile.am	2010-12-18 11:46:35.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Makefile.am	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
- REFS =  \
--	-r:$(top_srcdir)/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugging.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft.dll \
-+	-r:$(top_builddir)/build/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft.dll \
- 	-r:System \
- 	-r:System.Core
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft.AspNet/Makefile.am
---- monodevelop.git.orig/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft.AspNet/Makefile.am	2010-12-18 11:46:35.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft.AspNet/Makefile.am	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
- REFS =  \
--	-r:$(top_srcdir)/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugging.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft.dll \
-+	-r:$(top_builddir)/build/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft.dll \
- 	-r:System \
- 	-r:System.Core
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft.Moonlight/Makefile.am
---- monodevelop.git.orig/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft.Moonlight/Makefile.am	2010-12-18 11:46:35.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft.Moonlight/Makefile.am	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
- REFS =  \
--	-r:$(top_srcdir)/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugging.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft.dll \
-+	-r:$(top_builddir)/build/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft.dll \
- 	-r:System \
- 	-r:System.Core
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/EventSet.cs
---- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft/EventSet.cs	2010-12-18 11:49:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
-+using System;
-+namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft
-+	public class EventSet {
-+		protected VirtualMachine vm;
-+		SuspendPolicy suspend_policy;
-+		Event[] events;
-+		internal EventSet (VirtualMachine vm, SuspendPolicy suspend_policy, Event[] events) {
-+			this.vm = vm;
-+			this.suspend_policy = suspend_policy;
-+			this.events = events;
-+		}
-+		public SuspendPolicy SuspendPolicy {
-+			get {
-+				return suspend_policy;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public Event[] Events {
-+			get {
-+				return events;
-+			}
-+		}
-+		public Event this [int index] {
-+			get {
-+				return Events [index];
-+			}
-+		}
-+	}
diff --git a/debian/patches/make_4.0_default_framework.patch b/debian/patches/make_4.0_default_framework.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 022be49..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/make_4.0_default_framework.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-Index: monodevelop/src/core/MonoDevelop.Core/MonoDevelop.Projects.Formats.MSBuild/MSBuildProjectService.cs
---- monodevelop.orig/src/core/MonoDevelop.Core/MonoDevelop.Projects.Formats.MSBuild/MSBuildProjectService.cs	2011-11-08 00:33:54.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop/src/core/MonoDevelop.Core/MonoDevelop.Projects.Formats.MSBuild/MSBuildProjectService.cs	2011-11-08 00:43:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@
- 		//NOTE: default toolsversion should match the default format.
- 		// remember to update the builder process' app.config too
--		public const string DefaultFormat = "MSBuild08";
--		const string REFERENCED_MSBUILD_TOOLS = "3.5";
--		const string REFERENCED_MSBUILD_UTILS = "Microsoft.Build.Utilities.v3.5";
-+		public const string DefaultFormat = "MSBuild10";
-+		const string REFERENCED_MSBUILD_TOOLS = "4.0";
-+		const string REFERENCED_MSBUILD_UTILS = "Microsoft.Build.Utilities.v4.0";
- 		internal const string DefaultToolsVersion = REFERENCED_MSBUILD_TOOLS;
- 		static DataContext dataContext;
-Index: monodevelop/src/core/MonoDevelop.Projects.Formats.MSBuild/app.config
---- monodevelop.orig/src/core/MonoDevelop.Projects.Formats.MSBuild/app.config	2011-11-08 00:32:44.000000000 +0000
-+++ monodevelop/src/core/MonoDevelop.Projects.Formats.MSBuild/app.config	2011-11-08 00:43:17.000000000 +0000
-@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@
- 		<assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
- 			<dependentAssembly>
- 				<assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.Build.Framework" publicKeyToken="b03f5f7f11d50a3a" culture="neutral" />
--				<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
-+				<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
- 			</dependentAssembly>
- 			<dependentAssembly>
- 				<assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.Build.Engine" publicKeyToken="b03f5f7f11d50a3a" culture="neutral" />
--				<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
-+				<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
- 			</dependentAssembly>
- 		</assemblyBinding>
- 	</runtime>
diff --git a/debian/patches/monodevelop_fix_addin_highlights_r130904.patch b/debian/patches/monodevelop_fix_addin_highlights_r130904.patch
deleted file mode 100755
index e55e53e..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/monodevelop_fix_addin_highlights_r130904.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-Index: 2.0/src/addins/MonoDevelop.SourceEditor2/MonoDevelop.SourceEditor.Extension/TemplateCodon.cs
-Description: Backport from 2.0 branch to fix highlights (and possible resource leakage in addin highlighing)
-Patch created by Jo Shields <directhex at apebox.org>
---- 2.0/src/addins/MonoDevelop.SourceEditor2/MonoDevelop.SourceEditor.Extension/TemplateCodon.cs	(revision 130903)
-+++ 2.0/src/addins/MonoDevelop.SourceEditor2/MonoDevelop.SourceEditor.Extension/TemplateCodon.cs	(revision 130904)
-@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
- 			resource = file = null;
- 		}
--		public XmlTextReader Open ()
-+		public XmlReader Open ()
- 		{
- 			Stream stream;
- 			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (file)) {
-@@ -59,9 +59,9 @@
- 				throw new InvalidOperationException ("Template file or resource not provided");
- 			}
--			using (stream) {
--				return new XmlTextReader (stream);
--			}
-+			XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings ();
-+			settings.CloseInput = true;
-+			return XmlTextReader.Create (stream, settings);
- 		}
- 	}
- }
-Index: 2.0/src/addins/Mono.Texteditor/Mono.TextEditor.Highlighting/SyntaxModeService.cs
---- 2.0/src/addins/Mono.Texteditor/Mono.TextEditor.Highlighting/SyntaxModeService.cs	(revision 130903)
-+++ 2.0/src/addins/Mono.Texteditor/Mono.TextEditor.Highlighting/SyntaxModeService.cs	(revision 130904)
-@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
- 		{
- 			if (!styleLookup.ContainsKey (name))
- 				throw new System.ArgumentException ("Style " + name + " not found", "name");
--			XmlTextReader reader = styleLookup [name].Open ();
-+			XmlReader reader = styleLookup [name].Open ();
- 			try {
- 				styles [name] = Style.LoadFrom (reader);
- 			} finally {
-@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
- 		{
- 			if (!syntaxModeLookup.ContainsKey (mimeType))
- 				throw new System.ArgumentException ("Syntax mode for mime:" + mimeType + " not found", "mimeType");
--			XmlTextReader reader = syntaxModeLookup [mimeType].Open ();
-+			XmlReader reader = syntaxModeLookup [mimeType].Open ();
- 			try {
- 				SyntaxMode mode = SyntaxMode.Read (reader);
- 				foreach (string mime in mode.MimeType.Split (';')) {
-@@ -463,7 +463,7 @@
- 			queueSignal.Set ();
- 		}
--		static string Scan (XmlTextReader reader, string attribute)
-+		static string Scan (XmlReader reader, string attribute)
- 		{
- 			while (reader.Read () && !reader.IsStartElement ()) 
- 				;
-@@ -524,25 +524,29 @@
- 				if (!resource.EndsWith (".xml")) 
- 					continue;
- 				if (resource.EndsWith ("SyntaxMode.xml")) {
--					XmlTextReader reader =  new XmlTextReader (assembly.GetManifestResourceStream (resource));
--					string mimeTypes = Scan (reader, SyntaxMode.MimeTypesAttribute);
--					ResourceXmlProvider provider = new ResourceXmlProvider (assembly, resource);
--					foreach (string mimeType in mimeTypes.Split (';')) {
--						syntaxModeLookup [mimeType] = provider;
-+					using (Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream (resource)) {
-+						XmlTextReader reader =  new XmlTextReader (stream);
-+						string mimeTypes = Scan (reader, SyntaxMode.MimeTypesAttribute);
-+						ResourceXmlProvider provider = new ResourceXmlProvider (assembly, resource);
-+						foreach (string mimeType in mimeTypes.Split (';')) {
-+							syntaxModeLookup [mimeType] = provider;
-+						}
-+						reader.Close ();
- 					}
--					reader.Close ();
- 				} else if (resource.EndsWith ("Style.xml")) {
--					XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader (assembly.GetManifestResourceStream (resource));
--					string styleName = Scan (reader, Style.NameAttribute);
--					styleLookup [styleName] = new ResourceXmlProvider (assembly, resource);
--					reader.Close ();
-+					using (Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream (resource)) {
-+						XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader (stream);
-+						string styleName = Scan (reader, Style.NameAttribute);
-+						styleLookup [styleName] = new ResourceXmlProvider (assembly, resource);
-+						reader.Close ();
-+					}
- 				}
- 			}
- 		}
- 		public static void AddSyntaxMode (IXmlProvider provider)
- 		{
--			using (XmlTextReader reader = provider.Open ()) {
-+			using (XmlReader reader = provider.Open ()) {
- 				string mimeTypes = Scan (reader, SyntaxMode.MimeTypesAttribute);
- 				foreach (string mimeType in mimeTypes.Split (';')) {
- 					syntaxModeLookup [mimeType] = provider;
-@@ -552,7 +556,7 @@
- 		public static void RemoveSyntaxMode (IXmlProvider provider)
- 		{
--			using (XmlTextReader reader = provider.Open ()) {
-+			using (XmlReader reader = provider.Open ()) {
- 				string mimeTypes = Scan (reader, SyntaxMode.MimeTypesAttribute);
- 				foreach (string mimeType in mimeTypes.Split (';')) {
- 					syntaxModeLookup.Remove (mimeType);
-@@ -562,14 +566,14 @@
- 		public static void AddStyle (IXmlProvider provider)
- 		{
--			using (XmlTextReader reader = provider.Open ()) {
-+			using (XmlReader reader = provider.Open ()) {
- 				string styleName = Scan (reader, Style.NameAttribute);
- 				styleLookup [styleName] = provider;
- 			}
- 		}
- 		public static void RemoveStyle (IXmlProvider provider)
- 		{
--			using (XmlTextReader reader = provider.Open ()) {
-+			using (XmlReader reader = provider.Open ()) {
- 				string styleName = Scan (reader, Style.NameAttribute);
- 				styleLookup.Remove (styleName);
- 			}
-Index: 2.0/src/addins/Mono.Texteditor/Mono.TextEditor.Highlighting/IXmlProvider.cs
---- 2.0/src/addins/Mono.Texteditor/Mono.TextEditor.Highlighting/IXmlProvider.cs	(revision 130903)
-+++ 2.0/src/addins/Mono.Texteditor/Mono.TextEditor.Highlighting/IXmlProvider.cs	(revision 130904)
-@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
- {
- 	public interface IXmlProvider
- 	{
--		XmlTextReader Open ();
-+		XmlReader Open ();
- 	}
- 	public class ResourceXmlProvider : IXmlProvider
-@@ -58,9 +58,11 @@
- 			this.manifestResourceName = manifestResourceName;
- 		}
--		public XmlTextReader Open ()
-+		public XmlReader Open ()
- 		{
--			return new XmlTextReader (this.assembly.GetManifestResourceStream (this.ManifestResourceName));
-+			XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings ();
-+			settings.CloseInput = true;
-+			return XmlTextReader.Create (this.assembly.GetManifestResourceStream (this.ManifestResourceName), settings);
- 		}
- 	}
-@@ -79,7 +81,7 @@
- 			this.url = url;
- 		}
--		public XmlTextReader Open ()
-+		public XmlReader Open ()
- 		{
- 			return new XmlTextReader (url);
- 		}
diff --git a/debian/patches/port_to_nunit_2.5.patch b/debian/patches/port_to_nunit_2.5.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c7e1597..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/port_to_nunit_2.5.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
---- a/src/addins/NUnit/NUnitRunner/NUnitTestRunner.cs
-+++ b/src/addins/NUnit/NUnitRunner/NUnitTestRunner.cs
-@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
- 		public bool Pass (ITest test)
- 		{
--			if ((test is global::NUnit.Core.TestCase) && test.TestName.FullName == name)
-+			if ((test is global::NUnit.Core.Test) && test.TestName.FullName == name)
- 				return true;
- 			if (test.Tests != null) {
- 				foreach (ITest ct in test.Tests) {
---- a/src/addins/NUnit/Services/ExternalTestRunner.cs
-+++ b/src/addins/NUnit/Services/ExternalTestRunner.cs
-@@ -46,27 +46,28 @@
- {
- 	class ExternalTestRunner: RemoteProcessObject
- 	{
--		NUnitTestRunner runner;
--		public ExternalTestRunner ( )
--		{
--			// In some cases MS.NET can't properly resolve assemblies even if they
--			// are already loaded. For example, when deserializing objects from remoting.
--			AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += delegate (object s, ResolveEventArgs args) {
--				foreach (Assembly am in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies ()) {
--					if (am.GetName ().FullName == args.Name)
--						return am;
--				}
--				return null;
-+		NUnitTestRunner runner;
-+		public ExternalTestRunner ( )
-+		{
-+			// In some cases MS.NET can't properly resolve assemblies even if they
-+			// are already loaded. For example, when deserializing objects from remoting.
-+			AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += delegate (object s, ResolveEventArgs args) {
-+				foreach (Assembly am in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies ()) {
-+					if (am.GetName ().FullName == args.Name)
-+						return am;
-+				}
-+				return null;
- 			};
--			// Preload the runner assembly. Required because TestNameFilter is implemented there
-+			// Preload the runner assembly. Required because TestNameFilter is implemented there
- 			string asm = Path.Combine (Path.GetDirectoryName (GetType ().Assembly.Location), "NUnitRunner.dll");
- 			Assembly.LoadFrom (asm);
-+                        ServiceManager.Services.AddService( new ProjectService() );
- 		}
- 		public UnitTestResult Run (IRemoteEventListener listener, ITestFilter filter, string path, string suiteName, List<string> supportAssemblies)
--		{
-+		{
- 			NUnitTestRunner runner = GetRunner (path);
- 			EventListenerWrapper listenerWrapper = listener != null ? new EventListenerWrapper (listener) : null;
-@@ -81,7 +82,7 @@
- 		}
- 		NUnitTestRunner GetRunner (string assemblyPath)
--		{
-+		{
- 			TestPackage package = new TestPackage (assemblyPath);
- 			package.Settings ["ShadowCopyFiles"] = false;
- 			DomainManager dm = new DomainManager ();
-@@ -116,7 +117,7 @@
- 		{
- 		}
--		public void SuiteFinished (TestSuiteResult result)
-+		public void SuiteFinished (TestResult result)
- 		{
- 			testSuites.Pop ();
- 			wrapped.SuiteFinished (GetTestName (result.Test), GetLocalTestResult (result));
-@@ -129,7 +130,7 @@
- 			wrapped.SuiteStarted (GetTestName (suite));
- 		}
--		public void TestFinished (TestCaseResult result)
-+		public void TestFinished (TestResult result)
- 		{
- 			wrapped.TestFinished (GetTestName (result.Test), GetLocalTestResult (result));
- 		}
-@@ -187,42 +188,42 @@
- 		{
- 			UnitTestResult res = new UnitTestResult ();
- 			res.Message = t.Message;
--			if (t is TestSuiteResult) {
-+			if (t.IsFailure || t.IsError) {
-+				res.Status = ResultStatus.Failure;
-+				res.TotalFailures = 1;
-+			}
-+			else if (!t.Executed) {
-+				res.Status = ResultStatus.Ignored;
-+				res.TotalIgnored = 1;
-+			}
-+			else {
-+				res.Status = ResultStatus.Success;
-+				res.TotalSuccess = 1;
-+			}
-+			if (t.Results != null) {
- 				int s=0, f=0, i=0;
--				CountResults ((TestSuiteResult)t, ref s, ref f, ref i);
--				res.TotalFailures = f;
--				res.TotalSuccess = s;
--				res.TotalIgnored = i;
-+				CountResults ((TestResult)t, ref s, ref f, ref i);
-+				res.TotalFailures += f;
-+				res.TotalSuccess += s;
-+				res.TotalIgnored += i;
- 				if (f > 0)
- 					res.Status |= ResultStatus.Failure;
- 				if (s > 0)
- 					res.Status |= ResultStatus.Success;
- 				if (i > 0)
- 					res.Status |= ResultStatus.Ignored;
--			} else {
--				if (t.IsFailure) {
--					res.Status = ResultStatus.Failure;
--					res.TotalFailures = 1;
--				}
--				else if (!t.Executed) {
--					res.Status = ResultStatus.Ignored;
--					res.TotalIgnored = 1;
--				}
--				else {
--					res.Status = ResultStatus.Success;
--					res.TotalSuccess = 1;
--				}
-+                        }
--				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (res.Message)) {
--					if (t.IsFailure)
--						res.Message = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Test failed");
--					else if (!t.Executed)
--						res.Message = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Test ignored");
--					else {
--						res.Message = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Test successful") + "\n\n";
--						res.Message += GettextCatalog.GetString ("Execution time: {0:0.00}ms", t.Time);
--					}
-+			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (res.Message)) {
-+				if (t.IsFailure || t.IsError)
-+					res.Message = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Test failed");
-+				else if (!t.Executed)
-+					res.Message = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Test ignored");
-+				else {
-+					res.Message = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Test successful") + "\n\n";
-+					res.Message += GettextCatalog.GetString ("Execution time: {0:0.00}ms", t.Time);
- 				}
- 			}
- 			res.StackTrace = t.StackTrace;
-@@ -238,21 +239,21 @@
- 			return res;
- 		}		
--		void CountResults (TestSuiteResult ts, ref int s, ref int f, ref int i)
-+		void CountResults (TestResult ts, ref int s, ref int f, ref int i)
- 		{
- 			if (ts.Results == null)
- 				return;
- 			foreach (TestResult t in ts.Results) {
--				if (t is TestCaseResult) {
--					if (t.IsFailure)
-+				if (t is TestResult) {
-+					if (t.IsFailure || t.IsError)
- 						f++;
- 					else if (!t.Executed)
- 						i++;
- 					else
- 						s++;
--				} else if (t is TestSuiteResult) {
--					CountResults ((TestSuiteResult) t, ref s, ref f, ref i);
-+				} else if (t is TestResult) {
-+					CountResults ((TestResult) t, ref s, ref f, ref i);
- 				}
- 			}
- 		}
diff --git a/debian/patches/remove_support_for_moonlight.patch b/debian/patches/remove_support_for_moonlight.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 60240fc..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/remove_support_for_moonlight.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
---- a/monodevelop-core-addins.pc.in
-+++ b/monodevelop-core-addins.pc.in
-@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@
- Name: MonoDevelop Core Add-ins
- Description: MonoDevelop Core Add-ins
- Version: @VERSION@
--Libs: -r:${libdir}/AddIns/VersionControl/MonoDevelop.VersionControl.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/NUnit/MonoDevelop.NUnit.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.XmlEditor/MonoDevelop.XmlEditor.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.AspNet/MonoDevelop.AspNet.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Gettext/MonoDevelop.Gettext.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Deployment/MonoDevelop.Deployment.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Deployment/MonoDevelop.Deployment.Linux.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/MonoDevelop.GtkCore.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.DesignerSupport/MonoDevelop.DesignerSupport.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/BackendBindings/MonoDevelop.VBNetBinding.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/BackendBindings/MonoDevelop.CBinding.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/BackendBindings/MonoDevelop.CSharpBinding.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Autotools/MonoDevelop.Autotools.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.SourceEditor2.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Debugger/MonoDevelop.Debugger.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Refactoring/MonoDevelop.Refactoring.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Moonlight/MonoDevelop.Moonlight.dll  -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugging.Soft.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft.dll
-+Libs: -r:${libdir}/AddIns/VersionControl/MonoDevelop.VersionControl.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/NUnit/MonoDevelop.NUnit.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.XmlEditor/MonoDevelop.XmlEditor.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.AspNet/MonoDevelop.AspNet.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Gettext/MonoDevelop.Gettext.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Deployment/MonoDevelop.Deployment.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Deployment/MonoDevelop.Deployment.Linux.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/MonoDevelop.GtkCore.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.DesignerSupport/MonoDevelop.DesignerSupport.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/BackendBindings/MonoDevelop.VBNetBinding.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/BackendBindings/MonoDevelop.CBinding.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/BackendBindings/MonoDevelop.CSharpBinding.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Autotools/MonoDevelop.Autotools.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.SourceEditor2.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Debugger/MonoDevelop.Debugger.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Refactoring/MonoDevelop.Refactoring.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugging.Soft.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft.dll
---- a/src/addins/Makefile.am
-+++ b/src/addins/Makefile.am
-@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
- 	MonoDevelop.RegexToolkit \
- 	CBinding \
- 	MonoDevelop.AssemblyBrowser \
--	MonoDevelop.Moonlight \
- 	MonoDevelop.CodeMetrics \
- 	MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft \
- 	WindowsPlatform \
---- a/configure.in
-+++ b/configure.in
-@@ -331,7 +331,6 @@
- src/addins/WindowsPlatform/Makefile
- src/addins/MonoDevelop.AssemblyBrowser/Makefile
- src/addins/MonoDevelop.SourceEditor2/Makefile
- src/addins/MonoDevelop.XmlEditor/Makefile
- src/addins/MonoDevelop.CodeMetrics/Makefile
- src/addins/MonoDevelop.Refactoring/Makefile
-@@ -340,7 +339,6 @@
- src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugging.Soft/Makefile
- src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Makefile
- src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft.AspNet/Makefile
- src/addins/MonoDevelop.HexEditor/Makefile
- src/addins/MonoDevelop.DocFood/Makefile
- src/addins/MonoDevelop.MacDev/Makefile
---- a/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Makefile.am
-+++ b/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Makefile.am
-@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
- 	Mono.Debugging.Soft \
- 	MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft \
--	MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft.AspNet \
--	MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft.Moonlight
-+	MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft.AspNet
diff --git a/debian/patches/remove_support_for_soft_debugger.patch b/debian/patches/remove_support_for_soft_debugger.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 34cb927..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/remove_support_for_soft_debugger.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-Index: monodevelop-2.2+dfsg/src/addins/Makefile.am
---- monodevelop-2.2+dfsg.orig/src/addins/Makefile.am	2009-09-11 00:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ monodevelop-2.2+dfsg/src/addins/Makefile.am	2010-02-02 11:34:05.013657615 +0000
-@@ -1,33 +1,32 @@
--	MacPlatform \
--	GnomePlatform \
--	MonoDevelop.DesignerSupport \
--	MonoDevelop.Debugger \
--	Deployment \
--	VersionControl/Diff \
--	MonoDevelop.Refactoring \
--	MonoDevelop.SourceEditor2 \
--	VersionControl \
--	MonoDevelop.Autotools \
--	MonoDevelop.Gettext \
--	CSharpBinding \
--	ILAsmBinding \
--	NUnit \
--	MonoDeveloperExtensions \
--	VBNetBinding \
--	prj2make-sharp-lib \
--	WelcomePage \
--	MonoDevelop.GtkCore \
--	ChangeLogAddIn \
--	MonoDevelop.XmlEditor \
--	TextTemplating \
--	AspNet \
--	MonoDevelop.WebReferences \
--	MonoDevelop.RegexToolkit \
--	CBinding \
--	MonoDevelop.AssemblyBrowser \
--	MonoDevelop.Moonlight \
--	MonoDevelop.CodeMetrics \
--	MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft \
--	WindowsPlatform
-+	MacPlatform \
-+	GnomePlatform \
-+	MonoDevelop.DesignerSupport \
-+	MonoDevelop.Debugger \
-+	Deployment \
-+	VersionControl/Diff \
-+	MonoDevelop.Refactoring \
-+	MonoDevelop.SourceEditor2 \
-+	VersionControl \
-+	MonoDevelop.Autotools \
-+	MonoDevelop.Gettext \
-+	CSharpBinding \
-+	ILAsmBinding \
-+	NUnit \
-+	MonoDeveloperExtensions \
-+	VBNetBinding \
-+	prj2make-sharp-lib \
-+	WelcomePage \
-+	MonoDevelop.GtkCore \
-+	ChangeLogAddIn \
-+	MonoDevelop.XmlEditor \
-+	TextTemplating \
-+	AspNet \
-+	MonoDevelop.WebReferences \
-+	MonoDevelop.RegexToolkit \
-+	CBinding \
-+	MonoDevelop.AssemblyBrowser \
-+	MonoDevelop.Moonlight \
-+	MonoDevelop.CodeMetrics \
-+	WindowsPlatform
-Index: monodevelop-2.2+dfsg/monodevelop-core-addins.pc.in
---- monodevelop-2.2+dfsg.orig/monodevelop-core-addins.pc.in	2009-09-11 00:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ monodevelop-2.2+dfsg/monodevelop-core-addins.pc.in	2010-02-02 11:34:58.741133807 +0000
-@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@
- Name: MonoDevelop Core Add-ins
- Description: MonoDevelop Core Add-ins
- Version: @VERSION@
--Libs: -r:${libdir}/AddIns/VersionControl/MonoDevelop.VersionControl.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/NUnit/MonoDevelop.NUnit.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.XmlEditor/MonoDevelop.XmlEditor.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.AspNet/MonoDevelop.AspNet.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Gettext/MonoDevelop.Gettext.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Deployment/MonoDevelop.Deployment.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Deployment/MonoDevelop.Deployment.Linux.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/MonoDevelop.GtkCore.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.DesignerSupport/MonoDevelop.DesignerSupport.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/BackendBindings/MonoDevelop.VBNetBinding.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/BackendBindings/MonoDevelop.CBinding.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/BackendBindings/MonoDevelop.CSharpBinding.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Autotools/MonoDevelop.Autotools.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.SourceEditor2.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Debugger/MonoDevelop.Debugger.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Refactoring/MonoDevelop.Refactoring.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Moonlight/MonoDevelop.Moonlight.dll  -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft.dll
-+Libs: -r:${libdir}/AddIns/VersionControl/MonoDevelop.VersionControl.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/NUnit/MonoDevelop.NUnit.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.XmlEditor/MonoDevelop.XmlEditor.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.AspNet/MonoDevelop.AspNet.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Gettext/MonoDevelop.Gettext.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Deployment/MonoDevelop.Deployment.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Deployment/MonoDevelop.Deployment.Linux.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/MonoDevelop.GtkCore.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.DesignerSupport/MonoDevelop.DesignerSupport.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/BackendBindings/MonoDevelop.VBNetBinding.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/BackendBindings/MonoDevelop.CBinding.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/BackendBindings/MonoDevelop.CSharpBinding.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Autotools/MonoDevelop.Autotools.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.SourceEditor2.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Debugger/MonoDevelop.Debugger.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Refactoring/MonoDevelop.Refactoring.dll -r:${libdir}/AddIns/MonoDevelop.Moonlight/MonoDevelop.Moonlight.dll
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 0d6e4f6..6b78060 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1,20 +1,7 @@
-#stetic_widget_corruption_r144546.patch -p3
diff --git a/debian/patches/stetic_widget_corruption_r144546.patch b/debian/patches/stetic_widget_corruption_r144546.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index def76c7..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/stetic_widget_corruption_r144546.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-Author: lluis
-Date: 2009-10-21 12:21:58 -0400 (Wed, 21 Oct 2009)
-New Revision: 144546
-   trunk/monodevelop/main/src/addins/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/ChangeLog
-   trunk/monodevelop/main/src/addins/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/MonoDevelop.GtkCore.GuiBuilder/GuiBuilderProject.cs
-   trunk/monodevelop/main/src/addins/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/MonoDevelop.GtkCore.csproj
-   trunk/monodevelop/main/src/addins/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/gtk-gui/MonoDevelop.GtkCore.Dialogs.GtkDesignerOptionsPanelWidget.cs
-   trunk/monodevelop/main/src/addins/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/gtk-gui/generated.cs
-   trunk/monodevelop/main/src/addins/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/libstetic/ChangeLog
-   trunk/monodevelop/main/src/addins/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/libstetic/wrapper/Container.cs
-   trunk/monodevelop/main/src/addins/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/libstetic/wrapper/Widget.cs
-   trunk/monodevelop/main/src/addins/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/libsteticui/ChangeLog
-   trunk/monodevelop/main/src/addins/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/libsteticui/libsteticui.csproj
-* gtk-gui/generated.cs:
-* MonoDevelop.GtkCore.csproj:
-* libsteticui/libsteticui.csproj:
-* gtk-gui/MonoDevelop.GtkCore.Dialogs.GtkDesignerOptionsPanelWidget.cs:
-  Flush.
-* libstetic/wrapper/Widget.cs: Don't fire the name changed event while
-  loading.
-* libstetic/wrapper/Container.cs: Set the loading flag when loading.
-* MonoDevelop.GtkCore.GuiBuilder/GuiBuilderProject.cs: Use typed
-  collection instead of ArrayList.
-Modified: trunk/monodevelop/main/src/addins/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/MonoDevelop.GtkCore.GuiBuilder/GuiBuilderProject.cs
-Author: lluis
-Date: 2009-10-21 12:21:58 -0400 (Wed, 21 Oct 2009)
-New Revision: 144546
-   trunk/monodevelop/main/src/addins/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/ChangeLog
-   trunk/monodevelop/main/src/addins/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/MonoDevelop.GtkCore.GuiBuilder/GuiBuilderProject.cs
-   trunk/monodevelop/main/src/addins/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/MonoDevelop.GtkCore.csproj
-   trunk/monodevelop/main/src/addins/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/gtk-gui/MonoDevelop.GtkCore.Dialogs.GtkDesignerOptionsPanelWidget.cs
-   trunk/monodevelop/main/src/addins/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/gtk-gui/generated.cs
-   trunk/monodevelop/main/src/addins/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/libstetic/ChangeLog
-   trunk/monodevelop/main/src/addins/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/libstetic/wrapper/Container.cs
-   trunk/monodevelop/main/src/addins/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/libstetic/wrapper/Widget.cs
-   trunk/monodevelop/main/src/addins/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/libsteticui/ChangeLog
-   trunk/monodevelop/main/src/addins/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/libsteticui/libsteticui.csproj
-* gtk-gui/generated.cs:
-* MonoDevelop.GtkCore.csproj:
-* libsteticui/libsteticui.csproj:
-* gtk-gui/MonoDevelop.GtkCore.Dialogs.GtkDesignerOptionsPanelWidget.cs:
-  Flush.
-* libstetic/wrapper/Widget.cs: Don't fire the name changed event while
-  loading.
-* libstetic/wrapper/Container.cs: Set the loading flag when loading.
-* MonoDevelop.GtkCore.GuiBuilder/GuiBuilderProject.cs: Use typed
-  collection instead of ArrayList.
-Modified: trunk/monodevelop/main/src/addins/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/MonoDevelop.GtkCore.GuiBuilder/GuiBuilderProject.cs
---- trunk/monodevelop/main/src/addins/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/MonoDevelop.GtkCore.GuiBuilder/GuiBuilderProject.cs	2009-10-21 14:26:30 UTC (rev 144545)
-+++ trunk/monodevelop/main/src/addins/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/MonoDevelop.GtkCore.GuiBuilder/GuiBuilderProject.cs	2009-10-21 16:21:58 UTC (rev 144546)
-@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
- 	{
- 		internal object MemoryProbe = Counters.GuiProjectsInMemory.CreateMemoryProbe ();
--		ArrayList formInfos;
-+		List<GuiBuilderWindow> formInfos;
- 		Stetic.Project gproject;
- 		DotNetProject project;
- 		string fileName;
-@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
- 				return;
- 			gproject = GuiBuilderService.SteticApp.CreateProject ();
--			formInfos = new ArrayList ();
-+			formInfos = new List<GuiBuilderWindow> ();
- 			if (!System.IO.File.Exists (fileName)) {
- 				// Regenerate the gtk-gui folder if the stetic project
-@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
- 			}
- 		}
--		public ICollection Windows {
-+		public ICollection<GuiBuilderWindow> Windows {
- 			get {
- 				Load ();
- 				return formInfos; 
-Modified: trunk/monodevelop/main/src/addins/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/libstetic/wrapper/Container.cs
---- trunk/monodevelop/main/src/addins/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/libstetic/wrapper/Container.cs	2009-10-21 14:26:30 UTC (rev 144545)
-+++ trunk/monodevelop/main/src/addins/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/libstetic/wrapper/Container.cs	2009-10-21 16:21:58 UTC (rev 144546)
-@@ -302,10 +302,15 @@
- 				}
- 			}
--			ReadActionGroups (reader, elem);
--			ReadProperties (reader, elem);
--			ReadChildren (reader, elem);
--			DoSync ();
-+			try {
-+				Loading = true;
-+				ReadActionGroups (reader, elem);
-+				ReadProperties (reader, elem);
-+				ReadChildren (reader, elem);
-+				DoSync ();
-+			} finally {
-+				Loading = false;
-+			}
- 		}
- 		protected virtual void ReadChildren (ObjectReader reader, XmlElement elem)
-Modified: trunk/monodevelop/main/src/addins/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/libstetic/wrapper/Widget.cs
---- trunk/monodevelop/main/src/addins/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/libstetic/wrapper/Widget.cs	2009-10-21 14:26:30 UTC (rev 144545)
-+++ trunk/monodevelop/main/src/addins/MonoDevelop.GtkCore/libstetic/wrapper/Widget.cs	2009-10-21 16:21:58 UTC (rev 144546)
-@@ -883,7 +883,8 @@
- 					string on = oldName;
- 					oldName = Wrapped.Name;
--					OnNameChanged (new WidgetNameChangedArgs (this, on, Wrapped.Name));
-+					if (!Loading)
-+						OnNameChanged (new WidgetNameChangedArgs (this, on, Wrapped.Name));
- 					// Keep the member name in sync with the widget name
- 					if (on == MemberName)
-@@ -895,7 +896,8 @@
- 					base.EmitNotify (propertyName);
- 					string on = oldMemberName;
- 					oldMemberName = MemberName;
--					OnMemberNameChanged (new WidgetNameChangedArgs (this, on, MemberName));
-+					if (!Loading)
-+						OnMemberNameChanged (new WidgetNameChangedArgs (this, on, MemberName));
- 				}
- 			}
- 			else {
diff --git a/debian/patches/use_csc.patch b/debian/patches/use_csc.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index bdf1ab3..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/use_csc.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
---- a/contrib/Mono.Cecil/Makefile.am
-+++ b/contrib/Mono.Cecil/Makefile.am
-@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
- BINDIR=$(top_builddir)/build/bin
- all: $(CECIL) $(CECIL_MDB)
-@@ -12,7 +13,7 @@
- 	mkdir -p $(BINDIR)
--	gmcs $(CECIL_CSFILES) /keyfile:$(CECIL_SNK) /debug /target:library /d:NET_3_5 /out:$(CECIL)
-+	mono-csc $(CECIL_CSFILES) /keyfile:$(CECIL_SNK) /debug /target:library /d:NET_3_5 /out:$(CECIL)
-@@ -25,7 +26,7 @@
- 	mkdir -p $(BINDIR)
--	gmcs $(CECIL_MDB_CSFILES) /debug /target:library /keyfile:$(CECIL_SNK) /r:$(CECIL) /d:CECIL /d:NET_3_5 /out:$(CECIL_MDB)
-+	mono-csc $(CECIL_MDB_CSFILES) /debug /target:library /keyfile:$(CECIL_SNK) /r:$(CECIL) /d:CECIL /d:NET_3_5 /out:$(CECIL_MDB)
---- a/contrib/NGit/NGit.csproj
-+++ b/contrib/NGit/NGit.csproj
-@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
-     <OutputType>Library</OutputType>
-     <RootNamespace>NGit</RootNamespace>
-     <AssemblyName>NGit</AssemblyName>
--    <TargetFrameworkVersion>v3.5</TargetFrameworkVersion>
-+    <TargetFrameworkVersion>v4.0</TargetFrameworkVersion>
-   </PropertyGroup>
-   <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' ">
-     <DebugSymbols>true</DebugSymbols>
---- a/contrib/NSch/NSch.csproj
-+++ b/contrib/NSch/NSch.csproj
-@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
-     <OutputType>Library</OutputType>
-     <RootNamespace>NSch</RootNamespace>
-     <AssemblyName>NSch</AssemblyName>
--    <TargetFrameworkVersion>v3.5</TargetFrameworkVersion>
-+    <TargetFrameworkVersion>v4.0</TargetFrameworkVersion>
-   </PropertyGroup>
-   <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' ">
-     <DebugSymbols>true</DebugSymbols>
---- a/contrib/Sharpen/Sharpen.csproj
-+++ b/contrib/Sharpen/Sharpen.csproj
-@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
-     <OutputType>Library</OutputType>
-     <RootNamespace>Sharpen</RootNamespace>
-     <AssemblyName>Sharpen</AssemblyName>
--    <TargetFrameworkVersion>v3.5</TargetFrameworkVersion>
-+    <TargetFrameworkVersion>v4.0</TargetFrameworkVersion>
-   </PropertyGroup>
-   <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' ">
-     <DebugSymbols>true</DebugSymbols>
-@@ -157,4 +157,4 @@
-   <ItemGroup>
-     <Folder Include="Sharpen\" />
-   </ItemGroup>
-\ No newline at end of file
---- a/src/core/MonoDevelop.Projects.Formats.MSBuild/Makefile.am
-+++ b/src/core/MonoDevelop.Projects.Formats.MSBuild/Makefile.am
-@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- REFS =  \
- 	-r:Microsoft.Build.Engine \
- 	-r:Microsoft.Build.Framework \
--	-r:Microsoft.Build.Utilities.v3.5 \
-+	-r:Microsoft.Build.Utilities.v4.0 \
- 	-r:System \
- 	-r:System.Runtime.Remoting
-@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
- # Mono's 2.0/3.5 compiler doesn't recognize 3.5 variants of the MSBuild assemblies
- # so patch up the references
--MSB_REF_PREFIX:=$(shell pkg-config --variable prefix mono)/lib/mono/3.5/
-+MSB_REF_PREFIX:=$(shell pkg-config --variable prefix mono)/lib/mono/4.0/
- FIXED_REFS:=$(shell echo '$(REFS)' | sed -e 's at Microsoft.Build[^ ]*@$(MSB_REF_PREFIX)&.dll at g')
- all: $(ASSEMBLY) $(ASSEMBLY).mdb
diff --git a/debian/patches/use_keyfile_not_keycontainer.patch b/debian/patches/use_keyfile_not_keycontainer.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c7ce1b6..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/use_keyfile_not_keycontainer.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-Index: monodevelop-2.4+dfsg/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugging.Soft/Makefile.am
---- monodevelop-2.4+dfsg.orig/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugging.Soft/Makefile.am	2010-09-14 14:25:06.547939151 +0100
-+++ monodevelop-2.4+dfsg/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugging.Soft/Makefile.am	2010-09-14 14:25:13.467938607 +0100
-@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
- $(ASSEMBLY): $(build_sources) $(build_resources) $(DEPS) $(DBG_ASM)
- 	mkdir -p $(ADDIN_BUILD)
--	$(CSC) $(CSC_FLAGS) -debug -out:$@ -keycontainer:$(SIGNING_KEY) -target:library $(REFS) $(build_deps) \
-+	$(CSC) $(CSC_FLAGS) -debug -out:$@ -keyfile:$(SIGNING_KEY) -target:library $(REFS) $(build_deps) \
- 		$(build_resources:%=/resource:%) $(build_sources)
-Index: monodevelop-2.4+dfsg/src/core/Mono.Debugging/Makefile.am
---- monodevelop-2.4+dfsg.orig/src/core/Mono.Debugging/Makefile.am	2010-09-14 14:25:18.467939886 +0100
-+++ monodevelop-2.4+dfsg/src/core/Mono.Debugging/Makefile.am	2010-09-14 14:25:28.530437511 +0100
-@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
- $(ASSEMBLY): $(build_sources) $(build_resources) $(SIGNING_KEY) $(DEPS)
- 	mkdir -p $(ASSEMBLY_BUILD_DIR)
--	$(CSC) $(CSC_FLAGS) -debug -out:$@ /keycontainer:$(SIGNING_KEY) -target:library $(REFS) $(build_deps) $(build_resources:%=/resource:%) $(build_sources)
-+	$(CSC) $(CSC_FLAGS) -debug -out:$@ /keyfile:$(SIGNING_KEY) -target:library $(REFS) $(build_deps) $(build_resources:%=/resource:%) $(build_sources)
diff --git a/debian/patches/use_system_Mono.Debugger.Soft.patch b/debian/patches/use_system_Mono.Debugger.Soft.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f4d6e8c..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/use_system_Mono.Debugger.Soft.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugging.Soft/Makefile.am
---- monodevelop.git.orig/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugging.Soft/Makefile.am	2010-09-10 19:21:37.624328300 +0100
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugging.Soft/Makefile.am	2010-09-10 19:48:06.716850531 +0100
-@@ -2,16 +2,14 @@
- ASSEMBLY = $(ADDIN_BUILD)/Mono.Debugging.Soft.dll
- DBG_ASM = $(ADDIN_BUILD)/Mono.Debugger.Soft.dll
--DBG_ASM_SRC = $(top_srcdir)/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugging.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft.dll
--DBG_MDB = $(DBG_ASM).mdb
-+DBG_ASM_SRC = /usr/lib/mono/2.0/Mono.Debugger.Soft.dll
- SIGNING_KEY=$(top_srcdir)/src/core/Mono.Debugging/mono.debugging.snk
- DEPS = $(top_builddir)/build/bin/Mono.Debugging.dll
- REFS =  \
--	-r:$(top_srcdir)/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugging.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft.dll \
-+	-r:$(DBG_ASM) \
- 	-r:System \
- 	-r:System.Core
-@@ -32,7 +30,7 @@
--$(ASSEMBLY): $(build_sources) $(build_resources) $(DEPS) $(DBG_ASM) $(DBG_MDB)
-+$(ASSEMBLY): $(build_sources) $(build_resources) $(DEPS) $(DBG_ASM)
- 	mkdir -p $(ADDIN_BUILD)
- 	$(CSC) $(CSC_FLAGS) -debug -out:$@ -keycontainer:$(SIGNING_KEY) -target:library $(REFS) $(build_deps) \
- 		$(build_resources:%=/resource:%) $(build_sources)
-@@ -41,19 +39,15 @@
- 	mkdir -p $(ADDIN_BUILD)
- 	cp $^ $@ 
--	mkdir -p $(ADDIN_BUILD)
--	cp $^ $@
- check: all
- assemblydir = $(MD_ADDIN_DIR)/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft
--assembly_DATA = $(ASSEMBLY) $(ASSEMBLY).mdb $(DBG_ASM) $(DBG_MDB)
-+assembly_DATA = $(ASSEMBLY) $(ASSEMBLY).mdb $(DBG_ASM)
- include $(top_srcdir)/Makefile.include
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft.AspNet/Makefile.am
---- monodevelop.git.orig/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft.AspNet/Makefile.am	2010-09-10 19:21:37.594331820 +0100
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft.AspNet/Makefile.am	2010-09-10 19:48:06.726850824 +0100
-@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
- REFS =  \
--	-r:$(top_srcdir)/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugging.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft.dll \
-+	-r:$(ADDIN_BUILD)/Mono.Debugger.Soft.dll \
- 	-r:System \
- 	-r:System.Core
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft.Moonlight/Makefile.am
---- monodevelop.git.orig/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft.Moonlight/Makefile.am	2010-09-10 19:21:37.574328440 +0100
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft.Moonlight/Makefile.am	2010-09-10 19:48:06.736850838 +0100
-@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
- REFS =  \
--	-r:$(top_srcdir)/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugging.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft.dll \
-+	-r:$(ADDIN_BUILD)/Mono.Debugger.Soft.dll \
- 	-r:System \
- 	-r:System.Core
-Index: monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Makefile.am
---- monodevelop.git.orig/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Makefile.am	2010-09-10 19:48:32.926829600 +0100
-+++ monodevelop.git/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Makefile.am	2010-09-10 19:48:48.805040862 +0100
-@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
- REFS =  \
--	-r:$(top_srcdir)/src/addins/MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft/Mono.Debugging.Soft/Mono.Debugger.Soft.dll \
-+	-r:$(ADDIN_BUILD)/Mono.Debugger.Soft.dll \
- 	-r:System \
- 	-r:System.Core
diff --git a/debian/patches/use_x-terminal-emulator.patch b/debian/patches/use_x-terminal-emulator.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 83d4207..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/use_x-terminal-emulator.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-Index:  monodevelop-0.13.1/Core/src/MonoDevelop.Core/MonoDevelop.Core.Execution/ProcessService.cs
-Description: Use x-terminal-emulator instead of xterm
-Patch created by Mirco Bauer <meebey at meebey.net>
-diff -urNad monodevelop-0.13.1~/Core/src/MonoDevelop.Core/MonoDevelop.Core.Execution/ProcessService.cs monodevelop-0.13.1/Core/src/MonoDevelop.Core/MonoDevelop.Core.Execution/ProcessService.cs
---- monodevelop-0.13.1~/Core/src/MonoDevelop.Core/MonoDevelop.Core.Execution/ProcessService.cs	2007-03-08 00:02:14.000000000 +0100
-+++ monodevelop-0.13.1/Core/src/MonoDevelop.Core/MonoDevelop.Core.Execution/ProcessService.cs	2007-04-01 22:57:37.000000000 +0200
-@@ -116,8 +116,8 @@
- 				string additionalCommands = "";
- 				if (!console.CloseOnDispose)
- 					additionalCommands = @"echo; read -p 'Press any key to continue...' -n1;";
--				ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo("xterm",
--					String.Format (@"-e ""cd {3} ; '{0}' {1} ; {2}""", command, arguments, additionalCommands, workingDirectory.Replace (" ", "\\ ")));
-+				ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo("x-terminal-emulator",
-+					String.Format (@"-e /bin/sh -c ""cd {3} ; '{0}' {1} ; {2}""", command, arguments, additionalCommands, workingDirectory.Replace (" ", "\\ ")));
- 				psi.UseShellExecute = false;
- 				if (workingDirectory != null)


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