[Pkg-cli-apps-commits] [SCM] smuxi annotated tag, debian/0.8.11-1_raring+1, created. debian/0.8.11-1_raring+1

Mirco Bauer meebey at meebey.net
Sun Jun 2 01:44:40 UTC 2013

The annotated tag, debian/0.8.11-1_raring+1 has been created
        at  3b530ddccdee42aae3416f3c2924ceeeff802cd6 (tag)
   tagging  fe6428bf37a88e135e4c3aaf623ecea0b513ffa0 (commit)
  replaces  debian/
 tagged by  Mirco Bauer
        on  Sun Jun 2 03:43:36 2013 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
smuxi Debian release 0.8.11-1~raring+1

Mirco Bauer (33):
      Upload to unstable
      Revert "Bumped Standards-Version to 3.9.3 (no changes needed)"
      Upload to unstable
      Imported Upstream version
      Merge tag 'upstream/'
      Merged smuxi-server, smuxi-engine-irc, smuxi-engine-twitter, smuxi-engine-xmpp, and smuxi-frontend-gnome-irc into smuxi-engine and smuxi-frontend-gnome
      Refreshed patches
      Bumped Standards-Version to 3.9.4 (no changes needed)
      Merged smuxi-frontend package into smuxi-engine
      Finalize changelog
      Imported Upstream version 0.8.11
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.8.11'
      Refreshed patches
      Added ServiceStack libraries to smuxi-engine package
      Enable Campfire engine
      Always build db4o for predictable build result
      Exclude OS X specific libraries from dh_clideps
      Upload to unstable
      Let the configure script decide to use indicate-sharp, messagingmenu-sharp or none
      Added optional MessagingMenu build-deps
      Allow NDesk.DBus# as alternative build-dep to DBus#
      Optionally install GIO# and MessagingMenu# library into smuxi-frontend-gnome package
      Build against libmessagingmenu-cil-dev as Smuxi no longer ships the MessagingMenu# library
      Fixed messagingmenu-sharp detection
      Make use of dh_autoreconf
      Added autopoint to build-deps as needed by autoreconf
      Remove messagingmenu-sharp from SUBDIRS to fix autoreconf
      Use upstream's autogen.sh script
      Make override_dh_autoreconf idempotent
      Ship system gio-sharp library in smuxi-frontend-gnome when needed
      Never generate clilibs
      dh_install can't install system files, thus we need to use install instead
      Merge branch 'master' into raring-backports



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