[Pkg-cli-apps-commits] [pinta] branch master updated (0db7373 -> 3965618)

Iain Lane laney at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Dec 15 13:43:27 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

laney pushed a change to branch master
in repository pinta.

      from  0db7373   Update & finalise changelog
      adds  b3edbd9   Add gbp.conf for experimental
      adds  fdeff45   Imported Upstream version 1.3
      adds  99c5bab   Imported Upstream version 1.4
      adds  9f6f2bd   Merge tag 'upstream/1.4' into experimental
      adds  0ed109a   Merge branch 'master' into experimental
      adds  f764486   Update & finalise changelog
      adds  ac37338   No, we don't use xz compression
      adds  5013a64   Require mono-addins 1.0, up from 0.6.
      adds  a9b22ac   Refresh patch
      adds  304747f   Update & finalise changelog
      adds  d4fb4b6   Revert "Update & finalise changelog"
      adds  6de8020   No need to require mono-addins-1.0 with pinta 1.6
      adds  6de1a65   Imported Upstream version 1.6
      adds  3b703de   Merge tag 'upstream/1.6' into experimental
      adds  0cad737   Exclude MacOS modulerefs, these are conditionally enabled
      adds  6f81146   Add a dllmap for Pinta.Core.dll
      adds  f8b5560   Update & finalise changelog
       new  eba4af1   Update TargetFrameworkVersion, ToolsVersion and Mono.Posix versions for Mono 4.0
       new  f05db98   Update and finalise changelog for unstable upload
       new  3965618   Merge experimental branch

The 3 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 Makefile.am                                        |   71 +-
 Makefile.in                                        |  480 ++-
 .../Actions/AddinActions.cs                        |   62 +-
 Pinta.Core/Actions/EditActions.cs                  |  132 +-
 Pinta.Core/Actions/FileActions.cs                  |    6 +-
 Pinta.Core/Actions/ImageActions.cs                 |   73 +-
 Pinta.Core/Actions/LayerActions.cs                 |   59 +-
 Pinta.Core/Actions/ViewActions.cs                  |   64 +-
 Pinta.Core/Actions/WindowActions.cs                |    8 +-
 Pinta.Core/Classes/AsyncEffectRenderer.cs          |    4 +-
 Pinta.Core/Classes/BasePaintBrush.cs               |   79 +-
 Pinta.Core/Classes/BaseTool.cs                     |  211 +-
 Pinta.Core/Classes/Document.cs                     |  492 ++-
 Pinta.Core/Classes/DocumentSelection.cs            |  423 +++
 Pinta.Core/Classes/DocumentWorkspace.cs            |   88 +-
 Pinta.Core/Classes/DocumentWorkspaceHistory.cs     |    4 +-
 Pinta.Core/Classes/GradientRenderer.cs             |   20 +-
 Pinta.Core/Classes/Layer.cs                        |   47 +-
 Pinta.Core/Classes/LayerProperties.cs              |    7 +-
 Pinta.Core/Classes/Re-editable/ReEditableLayer.cs  |  129 +
 Pinta.Core/Classes/Re-editable/Text/TextEngine.cs  |  611 ++++
 Pinta.Core/Classes/Re-editable/Text/TextLayout.cs  |  159 +
 .../Classes/Re-editable/Text/TextPosition.cs       |   80 +
 Pinta.Core/Classes/SelectionModeHandler.cs         |  183 +
 Pinta.Core/Classes/SurfaceDiff.cs                  |  268 ++
 Pinta.Core/Classes/UserLayer.cs                    |  124 +
 Pinta.Core/Clipper/Clipper.cs                      | 3640 ++++++++++++++++++++
 Pinta.Core/Effects/BaseEffect.cs                   |    4 +-
 Pinta.Core/Effects/BinaryPixelOp.cs                |    2 +-
 Pinta.Core/Effects/BitVector2DSurfaceAdapter.cs    |    8 +-
 Pinta.Core/Effects/ColorBgra.cs                    |   32 -
 Pinta.Core/Effects/HistogramRGB.cs                 |    6 +-
 Pinta.Core/Effects/ISurfaceDraw.cs                 |   50 -
 Pinta.Core/Effects/IrregularSurface.cs             |  206 --
 Pinta.Core/Effects/PixelOp.cs                      |    4 +-
 Pinta.Core/Effects/PlacedSurface.cs                |  175 -
 Pinta.Core/Effects/UnaryPixelOp.cs                 |    4 +-
 Pinta.Core/Effects/UserBlendOps.cs                 |   63 +
 Pinta.Core/Effects/Utility.cs                      |   87 +-
 .../Anchor.cs => Enumerations/BlendMode.cs}        |   29 +-
 .../{EffectAdjustment.cs => CursorShape.cs}        |   26 +-
 .../Enumerations}/TextAlignment.cs                 |    4 +-
 .../Anchor.cs => Enumerations/TextMode.cs}         |   20 +-
 .../{TextChangedEventArgs.cs => BrushEventArgs.cs} |   29 +-
 Pinta.Core/EventArgs/ModifyCompressionEventArgs.cs |    4 +-
 Pinta.Core/Extensions/CairoExtensions.cs           |  374 +-
 Pinta.Core/Extensions/GdkExtensions.cs             |   82 +-
 Pinta.Core/Extensions/GtkExtensions.cs             |  115 +-
 Pinta.Core/HistoryItems/AddLayerHistoryItem.cs     |    2 +-
 Pinta.Core/HistoryItems/BaseHistoryItem.cs         |    7 +
 .../HistoryItems/ClippedSurfaceHistoryItem.cs      |   82 -
 Pinta.Core/HistoryItems/CompoundHistoryItem.cs     |   28 +-
 Pinta.Core/HistoryItems/DeleteLayerHistoryItem.cs  |    4 +-
 Pinta.Core/HistoryItems/FinishPixelsHistoryItem.cs |   20 +-
 Pinta.Core/HistoryItems/InvertHistoryItem.cs       |    8 +-
 Pinta.Core/HistoryItems/MovePixelsHistoryItem.cs   |   30 +-
 Pinta.Core/HistoryItems/PasteHistoryItem.cs        |   18 +-
 Pinta.Core/HistoryItems/ResizeHistoryItem.cs       |   25 +-
 Pinta.Core/HistoryItems/SelectionHistoryItem.cs    |   31 +-
 Pinta.Core/HistoryItems/SimpleHistoryItem.cs       |   29 +-
 Pinta.Core/HistoryItems/SwapLayersHistoryItem.cs   |    4 +-
 Pinta.Core/HistoryItems/TextHistoryItem.cs         |  173 +
 .../UpdateLayerPropertiesHistoryItem.cs            |    2 +
 Pinta.Core/ImageFormats/FormatDescriptor.cs        |   47 +-
 Pinta.Core/ImageFormats/GdkPixbufFormat.cs         |  110 +-
 Pinta.Core/ImageFormats/IImageExporter.cs          |   16 +-
 Pinta.Core/ImageFormats/IImageImporter.cs          |   29 +-
 Pinta.Core/ImageFormats/JpegFormat.cs              |   35 +-
 Pinta.Core/ImageFormats/OraFormat.cs               |  110 +-
 Pinta.Core/ImageFormats/TgaExporter.cs             |   13 +-
 Pinta.Core/Makefile.am                             |  125 -
 Pinta.Core/Managers/ActionManager.cs               |   73 +-
 Pinta.Core/Managers/ChromeManager.cs               |   16 +-
 Pinta.Core/Managers/EffectsManager.cs              |   41 +-
 Pinta.Core/Managers/ImageConverterManager.cs       |  121 +-
 Pinta.Core/Managers/LayerManager.cs                |   33 +-
 Pinta.Core/Managers/LivePreviewManager.cs          |   57 +-
 Pinta.Core/Managers/PaintBrushManager.cs           |   36 +
 Pinta.Core/Managers/SystemManager.cs               |    7 +-
 Pinta.Core/Managers/ToolManager.cs                 |   62 +-
 Pinta.Core/Managers/WorkspaceManager.cs            |   75 +-
 Pinta.Core/Pinta.Core.csproj                       |   72 +-
 Pinta.Core/PintaCore.cs                            |    2 +
 .../PixelOperations/CheckerBoardOperation.cs       |   49 +
 Pinta.Core/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs              |    2 +-
 Pinta.Core/Widgets/MenuButton.cs                   |   12 +-
 Pinta.Core/Widgets/ToolBarDropDownButton.cs        |    7 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Adjustments/BlackAndWhiteEffect.cs   |    2 +-
 .../Adjustments/BrightnessContrastEffect.cs        |    6 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Adjustments/HueSaturationEffect.cs   |    5 +-
 Pinta.Effects/CoreEffectsExtension.cs              |   70 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Dialogs/Effects.CurvesDialog.cs      |    9 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Dialogs/Effects.LevelsDialog.cs      |    6 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Dialogs/Effects.PosterizeDialog.cs   |   82 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Effects/AddNoiseEffect.cs            |   11 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Effects/BulgeEffect.cs               |   12 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Effects/CloudsEffect.cs              |   21 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Effects/EdgeDetectEffect.cs          |    1 +
 Pinta.Effects/Effects/EmbossEffect.cs              |    5 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Effects/FragmentEffect.cs            |   10 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Effects/FrostedGlassEffect.cs        |   10 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Effects/GaussianBlurEffect.cs        |    8 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Effects/GlowEffect.cs                |    8 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Effects/InkSketchEffect.cs           |    6 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Effects/JuliaFractalEffect.cs        |   11 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Effects/LocalHistogramEffect.cs      |    8 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Effects/MandelbrotFractalEffect.cs   |   19 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Effects/MedianEffect.cs              |    4 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Effects/MotionBlurEffect.cs          |   11 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Effects/OilPaintingEffect.cs         |   10 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Effects/OutlineEffect.cs             |    4 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Effects/PencilSketchEffect.cs        |    6 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Effects/PixelateEffect.cs            |   30 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Effects/PolarInversionEffect.cs      |    2 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Effects/RadialBlurEffect.cs          |   10 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Effects/RedEyeRemoveEffect.cs        |    7 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Effects/ReduceNoiseEffect.cs         |    4 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Effects/ReliefEffect.cs              |    1 +
 Pinta.Effects/Effects/SharpenEffect.cs             |    2 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Effects/SoftenPortraitEffect.cs      |   10 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Effects/TileEffect.cs                |   10 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Effects/TwistEffect.cs               |    8 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Effects/UnfocusEffect.cs             |    2 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Effects/WarpEffect.cs                |   60 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Effects/ZoomBlurEffect.cs            |    7 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Makefile.am                          |   70 -
 Pinta.Effects/Pinta.Effects.csproj                 |   11 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs           |    8 +-
 Pinta.Effects/Utilities/EffectHelper.cs            |   48 +-
 .../gtk-gui/Pinta.Effects.CurvesDialog.cs          |   54 +-
 .../gtk-gui/Pinta.Effects.LevelsDialog.cs          |  138 +-
 .../gtk-gui/Pinta.Effects.PosterizeDialog.cs       |  141 -
 Pinta.Effects/gtk-gui/generated.cs                 |    8 +-
 Pinta.Effects/gtk-gui/gui.stetic                   |  150 +-
 Pinta.Gui.Widgets/Dialogs/SimpleEffectDialog.cs    |   70 +-
 Pinta.Gui.Widgets/Makefile.am                      |   49 -
 Pinta.Gui.Widgets/Pinta.Gui.Widgets.csproj         |   10 +-
 Pinta.Gui.Widgets/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs       |    2 +-
 Pinta.Gui.Widgets/Widgets/Canvas/CanvasRenderer.cs |  455 ++-
 Pinta.Gui.Widgets/Widgets/Canvas/GridRenderer.cs   |   86 -
 Pinta.Gui.Widgets/Widgets/Canvas/PintaCanvas.cs    |   93 +-
 Pinta.Gui.Widgets/Widgets/ColorGradientWidget.cs   |    2 +-
 Pinta.Gui.Widgets/Widgets/ColorPaletteWidget.cs    |  196 +-
 .../Widgets/History/HistoryTreeView.cs             |    6 +-
 .../Widgets/Layers/CellRendererSurface.cs          |    4 +-
 .../Widgets/Layers/LayersListWidget.cs             |   62 +-
 .../Widgets/OpenImages/OpenImagesListWidget.cs     |   26 +-
 Pinta.Gui.Widgets/Widgets/PointPickerGraphic.cs    |    5 +-
 Pinta.Gui.Widgets/Widgets/ToolBoxWidget.cs         |   46 +-
 Pinta.Gui.Widgets/WrappingPaletteContainer.cs      |  159 +
 Pinta.Install.proj                                 |   15 +
 Pinta.Resources/Makefile.am                        |  166 -
 Pinta.Resources/Pinta.Resources.csproj             |   47 +-
 Pinta.Resources/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs         |    2 +-
 Pinta.Resources/ResourceManager.cs                 |   23 +-
 Pinta.Resources/Resources/About.MonoPowered.png    |  Bin 4051 -> 4454 bytes
 .../Resources/ColorPalette.ResetIcon.png           |  Bin 0 -> 191 bytes
 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Cursor.CloneStamp.png    |  Bin 227 -> 742 bytes
 .../Resources/Cursor.CloneStampSetSource.png       |  Bin 267 -> 764 bytes
 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Cursor.ColorPicker.png   |  Bin 212 -> 636 bytes
 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Cursor.Ellipse.png       |  Bin 0 -> 283 bytes
 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Cursor.EllipseSelect.png |  Bin 0 -> 400 bytes
 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Cursor.Eraser.png        |  Bin 0 -> 679 bytes
 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Cursor.FreeformShape.png |  Bin 214 -> 249 bytes
 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Cursor.Gradient.png      |  Bin 0 -> 403 bytes
 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Cursor.LassoSelect.png   |  Bin 224 -> 292 bytes
 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Cursor.Line.png          |  Bin 194 -> 283 bytes
 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Cursor.MagicWand.png     |  Bin 0 -> 635 bytes
 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Cursor.PaintBucket.png   |  Bin 675 -> 703 bytes
 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Cursor.Paintbrush.png    |  Bin 0 -> 606 bytes
 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Cursor.Pan.png           |  Bin 0 -> 365 bytes
 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Cursor.Pencil.png        |  Bin 221 -> 574 bytes
 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Cursor.Recolor.png       |  Bin 235 -> 560 bytes
 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Cursor.Rectangle.png     |  Bin 180 -> 223 bytes
 .../Resources/Cursor.RectangleSelect.png           |  Bin 0 -> 260 bytes
 .../Resources/Cursor.RoundedRectangle.png          |  Bin 197 -> 244 bytes
 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Cursor.Text.png          |  Bin 151 -> 171 bytes
 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Toolbar.Sampling.1x1.png |  Bin 0 -> 307 bytes
 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Toolbar.Sampling.3x3.png |  Bin 0 -> 406 bytes
 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Toolbar.Sampling.5x5.png |  Bin 0 -> 546 bytes
 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Toolbar.Sampling.7x7.png |  Bin 0 -> 701 bytes
 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Toolbar.Sampling.9x9.png |  Bin 0 -> 760 bytes
 .../Resources/Tools.ColorPicker.PreviousTool.png   |  Bin 0 -> 704 bytes
 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Tools.Eraser.png         |  Bin 376 -> 647 bytes
 Pinta.Tools/Brushes/CircleBrush.cs                 |    9 +-
 Pinta.Tools/Brushes/GridBrush.cs                   |   11 +-
 Pinta.Tools/Brushes/PaintBrush.cs                  |   86 -
 Pinta.Tools/Brushes/PlainBrush.cs                  |   34 +-
 Pinta.Tools/Brushes/SplatterBrush.cs               |   27 +-
 Pinta.Tools/Brushes/SquaresBrush.cs                |   19 +-
 Pinta.Tools/CoreToolsExtension.cs                  |   56 +-
 Pinta.Tools/Dashes/DashPatternBox.cs               |  199 ++
 .../Editable/EditEngines/ArrowedEditEngine.cs      |  726 ++++
 Pinta.Tools/Editable/EditEngines/BaseEditEngine.cs | 2049 +++++++++++
 .../EditEngines/EllipseEditEngine.cs}              |   55 +-
 .../Editable/EditEngines/LineCurveEditEngine.cs    |   75 +
 .../EditEngines/RectangleEditEngine.cs}            |   59 +-
 .../Editable/EditEngines/RoundedLineEditEngine.cs  |  229 ++
 Pinta.Tools/Editable/Shapes/Arrow.cs               |  121 +
 .../Editable/Shapes/ControlPoint.cs                |   32 +-
 Pinta.Tools/Editable/Shapes/EllipseEngine.cs       |  313 ++
 .../Editable/Shapes/GeneratedPoint.cs              |   37 +-
 .../Editable/Shapes/LineCurveSeriesEngine.cs       |  249 ++
 .../Editable/Shapes/OrganizedPointCollection.cs    |  212 ++
 Pinta.Tools/Editable/Shapes/RoundedLineEngine.cs   |  251 ++
 .../Editable/Shapes/ShapeEngineCollection.cs       |  244 ++
 Pinta.Tools/HistoryItems/ShapesHistoryItem.cs      |  164 +
 .../HistoryItems/ShapesModifyHistoryItem.cs        |   99 +
 Pinta.Tools/Makefile.am                            |   55 -
 Pinta.Tools/Pinta.Tools.csproj                     |   41 +-
 Pinta.Tools/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs             |    8 +-
 Pinta.Tools/Tools/BaseBrushTool.cs                 |   20 +-
 Pinta.Tools/Tools/BaseTransformTool.cs             |  140 +
 Pinta.Tools/Tools/CloneStampTool.cs                |   31 +-
 Pinta.Tools/Tools/ColorPickerTool.cs               |  152 +-
 Pinta.Tools/Tools/EllipseSelectTool.cs             |   10 +-
 Pinta.Tools/Tools/EllipseTool.cs                   |   50 +-
 Pinta.Tools/Tools/EraserTool.cs                    |   34 +-
 Pinta.Tools/Tools/FloodTool.cs                     |   39 +-
 Pinta.Tools/Tools/FreeformShapeTool.cs             |   80 +-
 Pinta.Tools/Tools/GradientTool.cs                  |    9 +-
 Pinta.Tools/Tools/LassoSelectTool.cs               |  286 +-
 Pinta.Tools/Tools/LineCurveTool.cs                 |   65 +-
 Pinta.Tools/Tools/MagicWandTool.cs                 |  110 +-
 Pinta.Tools/Tools/MoveSelectedTool.cs              |   94 +-
 Pinta.Tools/Tools/MoveSelectionTool.cs             |   60 +-
 Pinta.Tools/Tools/PaintBrushTool.cs                |  136 +-
 Pinta.Tools/Tools/PaintBucketTool.cs               |   17 +-
 Pinta.Tools/Tools/PanTool.cs                       |    2 +-
 Pinta.Tools/Tools/PencilTool.cs                    |   76 +-
 Pinta.Tools/Tools/RecolorTool.cs                   |   25 +-
 Pinta.Tools/Tools/RectangleSelectTool.cs           |   10 +-
 Pinta.Tools/Tools/RectangleTool.cs                 |   46 +-
 Pinta.Tools/Tools/RoundedRectangleTool.cs          |  114 +-
 .../Tools/{ShapeTool.cs => SelectShapeTool.cs}     |   21 +-
 Pinta.Tools/Tools/SelectTool.cs                    |  185 +-
 Pinta.Tools/Tools/ShapeTool.cs                     |  284 +-
 Pinta.Tools/Tools/TextTool.cs                      | 1226 +++++++
 Pinta.Tools/Tools/TextTool/EditingMode.cs          |   20 -
 Pinta.Tools/Tools/TextTool/Position.cs             |   35 -
 Pinta.Tools/Tools/TextTool/TextEngine.cs           |  442 ---
 Pinta.Tools/Tools/TextTool/TextTool.cs             |  734 ----
 Pinta.Tools/Tools/ToolControl/ToolControl.cs       |   36 +-
 .../Actions/{Edit => Addins}/AddinManagerAction.cs |    8 +-
 Pinta/Actions/Edit/PasteAction.cs                  |   92 +-
 Pinta/Actions/Edit/PasteIntoNewImageAction.cs      |   18 +-
 Pinta/Actions/Edit/PasteIntoNewLayerAction.cs      |   39 +-
 Pinta/Actions/File/CloseDocumentAction.cs          |   14 +-
 Pinta/Actions/File/ModifyCompressionAction.cs      |    2 +-
 Pinta/Actions/File/NewDocumentAction.cs            |   41 +-
 Pinta/Actions/File/NewScreenshotAction.cs          |    4 +-
 Pinta/Actions/File/OpenDocumentAction.cs           |   13 +-
 Pinta/Actions/File/PrintDocumentAction.cs          |   88 +
 .../File/SaveDocumentImplementationAction.cs       |   30 +-
 Pinta/Actions/Layers/LayerPropertiesAction.cs      |    2 +-
 Pinta/Actions/Layers/RotateZoomLayerAction.cs      |   10 +-
 Pinta/AddinSetupService.cs                         |   87 +
 Pinta/DialogHandlers.cs                            |  122 +-
 Pinta/Dialogs/AboutDialog.cs                       |   40 +-
 Pinta/Dialogs/AboutPintaTabPage.cs                 |    5 +-
 Pinta/Dialogs/ErrorDialog.cs                       |  212 +-
 Pinta/Dialogs/JpegCompressionDialog.cs             |    6 +-
 Pinta/Dialogs/LayerPropertiesDialog.cs             |  107 +-
 Pinta/Dialogs/NewImageDialog.cs                    |  517 ++-
 Pinta/Dialogs/ProgressDialog.cs                    |  113 +-
 Pinta/Dialogs/ResizeCanvasDialog.cs                |   10 +-
 Pinta/Dialogs/ResizeImageDialog.cs                 |    8 +-
 Pinta/DockLibrary/DockBarItem.cs                   |    7 +-
 Pinta/DockLibrary/DockGroup.cs                     |   11 +-
 Pinta/DockLibrary/DockItemContainer.cs             |   23 +-
 Pinta/DockLibrary/ShadedContainer.cs               |    8 +-
 Pinta/DockLibrary/TabStrip.cs                      |    3 +-
 Pinta/MacInterop/AppleEvent.cs                     |  226 ++
 Pinta/MacInterop/ApplicationEvents.cs              |  222 ++
 Pinta/MacInterop/Carbon.cs                         |  599 ++++
 Pinta/MacInterop/CoreFoundation.cs                 |  224 ++
 Pinta/{ => MacInterop}/IgeMacMenu.cs               |    6 +-
 Pinta/Main.cs                                      |  120 +-
 Pinta/MainWindow.cs                                |  129 +-
 Pinta/Makefile.am                                  |   74 -
 Pinta/Pads/CanvasPad.cs                            |    3 +-
 Pinta/Pads/OpenImagesPad.cs                        |   14 +-
 Pinta/Pinta.csproj                                 |  447 +--
 Pinta/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs                   |    2 +-
 Pinta/gtk-gui/Pinta.LayerPropertiesDialog.cs       |  170 -
 Pinta/gtk-gui/Pinta.NewImageDialog.cs              |  208 --
 Pinta/gtk-gui/Pinta.ProgressDialog.cs              |   74 -
 Pinta/gtk-gui/gui.stetic                           |  587 +---
 aclocal.m4                                         |  755 ++--
 compile                                            |  347 ++
 configure                                          |  862 +++--
 configure.ac                                       |    4 +-
 debian/Pinta.Core.dll.config                       |    3 +
 debian/changelog                                   |   31 +
 debian/gbp.conf                                    |    3 +
 debian/patches/mono-4.0.patch                      |  103 +
 debian/patches/mono-addins-1.0                     |   55 -
 debian/patches/series                              |    2 +-
 debian/pinta.install                               |    1 +
 debian/rules                                       |    5 +-
 install-sh                                         |   35 +-
 missing                                            |  461 +--
 pinta.in                                           |    5 +-
 po/Makefile                                        |  164 +-
 po/Makefile.in                                     |   21 +-
 po/Makefile.in.in                                  |   13 +-
 po/Makevars                                        |    7 +
 po/POTFILES                                        |  143 +-
 po/POTFILES.in                                     |  142 +
 po/af.po                                           | 2261 +++++++-----
 po/ar.po                                           | 3086 ++++++++++-------
 po/ast.po                                          | 2378 +++++++++++++
 po/az.po                                           | 2378 +++++++++++++
 po/be.po                                           | 2375 +++++++++++++
 po/bg.po                                           | 2971 +++++++++-------
 po/br.po                                           | 3160 +++++++++--------
 po/bs.po                                           | 3003 +++++++++-------
 po/ca.po                                           | 3048 +++++++++-------
 po/cs.po                                           | 3179 +++++++++--------
 po/da.po                                           | 3190 +++++++++--------
 po/de.po                                           | 3250 +++++++++--------
 po/el.po                                           | 3177 +++++++++--------
 po/en_AU.po                                        | 3192 +++++++++--------
 po/en_CA.po                                        | 3052 +++++++++-------
 po/en_GB.po                                        | 3199 +++++++++--------
 po/eo.po                                           | 3003 +++++++++-------
 po/es.po                                           | 3086 ++++++++++-------
 po/et.po                                           | 2723 ++++++++-------
 po/eu.po                                           | 3195 +++++++++--------
 po/fi.po                                           | 3099 ++++++++++-------
 po/fil.po                                          | 2421 +++++++------
 po/fo.po                                           | 2910 +++++++++-------
 po/fr.po                                           | 3224 +++++++++--------
 po/ga.po                                           | 2876 +++++++++-------
 po/gl.po                                           | 3145 +++++++++--------
 po/he.po                                           | 3138 +++++++++--------
 po/hi.po                                           | 2372 +++++++------
 po/hr.po                                           | 3006 +++++++++-------
 po/hu.po                                           | 3161 +++++++++--------
 po/hy.po                                           | 2219 +++++++-----
 po/id.po                                           | 2973 +++++++++-------
 po/it.po                                           | 3214 +++++++++--------
 po/ja.po                                           | 3085 ++++++++++-------
 po/ka.po                                           | 2376 +++++++++++++
 po/ko.po                                           | 2905 +++++++++-------
 po/la.po                                           | 2261 +++++++-----
 po/lt.po                                           | 2651 ++++++++------
 po/lv.po                                           | 2997 +++++++++-------
 po/messages.in                                     |  172 +-
 po/messages.pot                                    | 2212 +++++++-----
 po/ms.po                                           | 3198 +++++++++--------
 po/nb.po                                           | 3167 +++++++++--------
 po/nl.po                                           | 3134 +++++++++--------
 po/nn.po                                           | 2555 ++++++++------
 po/oc.po                                           | 2815 ++++++++-------
 po/pl.po                                           | 3168 +++++++++--------
 po/pt.po                                           | 3184 +++++++++--------
 po/pt_BR.po                                        | 3117 +++++++++--------
 po/ro.po                                           | 3183 +++++++++--------
 po/ru.po                                           | 3242 +++++++++--------
 po/sk.po                                           | 3166 +++++++++--------
 po/sl.po                                           | 3062 +++++++++-------
 po/sq.po                                           | 2231 +++++++-----
 po/sr.po                                           | 3166 +++++++++--------
 po/sv.po                                           | 3142 +++++++++--------
 po/th.po                                           | 2444 +++++++------
 po/tr.po                                           | 3121 +++++++++--------
 po/uk.po                                           | 3073 ++++++++++-------
 po/vi.po                                           | 2435 +++++++------
 po/zh_CN.po                                        | 3116 +++++++++--------
 po/zh_TW.po                                        | 3109 +++++++++--------
 readme.md                                          |   11 +-
 todo.txt                                           |    7 -
 xdg/Makefile                                       |  222 +-
 xdg/Makefile.am                                    |    1 +
 xdg/Makefile.in                                    |  174 +-
 xdg/pinta.desktop.in                               |    2 +-
 377 files changed, 128850 insertions(+), 80785 deletions(-)
 rename Pinta/Dialogs/ClipboardEmptyDialog.cs => Pinta.Core/Actions/AddinActions.cs (58%)
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Core/Classes/DocumentSelection.cs
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Core/Classes/Re-editable/ReEditableLayer.cs
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Core/Classes/Re-editable/Text/TextEngine.cs
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Core/Classes/Re-editable/Text/TextLayout.cs
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Core/Classes/Re-editable/Text/TextPosition.cs
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Core/Classes/SelectionModeHandler.cs
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Core/Classes/SurfaceDiff.cs
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Core/Classes/UserLayer.cs
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Core/Clipper/Clipper.cs
 delete mode 100644 Pinta.Core/Effects/ISurfaceDraw.cs
 delete mode 100644 Pinta.Core/Effects/IrregularSurface.cs
 delete mode 100644 Pinta.Core/Effects/PlacedSurface.cs
 copy Pinta.Core/{Classes/Anchor.cs => Enumerations/BlendMode.cs} (83%)
 copy Pinta.Core/Enumerations/{EffectAdjustment.cs => CursorShape.cs} (85%)
 rename {Pinta.Tools/Tools/TextTool => Pinta.Core/Enumerations}/TextAlignment.cs (93%)
 copy Pinta.Core/{Classes/Anchor.cs => Enumerations/TextMode.cs} (86%)
 copy Pinta.Core/EventArgs/{TextChangedEventArgs.cs => BrushEventArgs.cs} (80%)
 delete mode 100644 Pinta.Core/HistoryItems/ClippedSurfaceHistoryItem.cs
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Core/HistoryItems/TextHistoryItem.cs
 delete mode 100644 Pinta.Core/Makefile.am
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Core/PixelOperations/CheckerBoardOperation.cs
 delete mode 100644 Pinta.Effects/Makefile.am
 delete mode 100644 Pinta.Effects/gtk-gui/Pinta.Effects.PosterizeDialog.cs
 delete mode 100644 Pinta.Gui.Widgets/Makefile.am
 delete mode 100644 Pinta.Gui.Widgets/Widgets/Canvas/GridRenderer.cs
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Gui.Widgets/WrappingPaletteContainer.cs
 delete mode 100644 Pinta.Resources/Makefile.am
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Resources/Resources/ColorPalette.ResetIcon.png
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Cursor.Ellipse.png
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Cursor.EllipseSelect.png
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Cursor.Eraser.png
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Cursor.Gradient.png
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Cursor.MagicWand.png
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Cursor.Paintbrush.png
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Cursor.Pan.png
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Cursor.RectangleSelect.png
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Toolbar.Sampling.1x1.png
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Toolbar.Sampling.3x3.png
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Toolbar.Sampling.5x5.png
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Toolbar.Sampling.7x7.png
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Toolbar.Sampling.9x9.png
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Resources/Resources/Tools.ColorPicker.PreviousTool.png
 delete mode 100644 Pinta.Tools/Brushes/PaintBrush.cs
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Tools/Dashes/DashPatternBox.cs
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Tools/Editable/EditEngines/ArrowedEditEngine.cs
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Tools/Editable/EditEngines/BaseEditEngine.cs
 copy Pinta.Tools/{Tools/EllipseSelectTool.cs => Editable/EditEngines/EllipseEditEngine.cs} (52%)
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Tools/Editable/EditEngines/LineCurveEditEngine.cs
 copy Pinta.Tools/{Tools/EllipseSelectTool.cs => Editable/EditEngines/RectangleEditEngine.cs} (50%)
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Tools/Editable/EditEngines/RoundedLineEditEngine.cs
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Tools/Editable/Shapes/Arrow.cs
 rename Pinta.Core/Classes/BaseExtension.cs => Pinta.Tools/Editable/Shapes/ControlPoint.cs (58%)
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Tools/Editable/Shapes/EllipseEngine.cs
 rename Pinta/ExtensionPoints.cs => Pinta.Tools/Editable/Shapes/GeneratedPoint.cs (57%)
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Tools/Editable/Shapes/LineCurveSeriesEngine.cs
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Tools/Editable/Shapes/OrganizedPointCollection.cs
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Tools/Editable/Shapes/RoundedLineEngine.cs
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Tools/Editable/Shapes/ShapeEngineCollection.cs
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Tools/HistoryItems/ShapesHistoryItem.cs
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Tools/HistoryItems/ShapesModifyHistoryItem.cs
 delete mode 100644 Pinta.Tools/Makefile.am
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Tools/Tools/BaseTransformTool.cs
 copy Pinta.Tools/Tools/{ShapeTool.cs => SelectShapeTool.cs} (94%)
 create mode 100644 Pinta.Tools/Tools/TextTool.cs
 delete mode 100644 Pinta.Tools/Tools/TextTool/EditingMode.cs
 delete mode 100644 Pinta.Tools/Tools/TextTool/Position.cs
 delete mode 100644 Pinta.Tools/Tools/TextTool/TextEngine.cs
 delete mode 100644 Pinta.Tools/Tools/TextTool/TextTool.cs
 rename Pinta/Actions/{Edit => Addins}/AddinManagerAction.cs (89%)
 create mode 100644 Pinta/Actions/File/PrintDocumentAction.cs
 create mode 100644 Pinta/AddinSetupService.cs
 create mode 100644 Pinta/MacInterop/AppleEvent.cs
 create mode 100644 Pinta/MacInterop/ApplicationEvents.cs
 create mode 100644 Pinta/MacInterop/Carbon.cs
 create mode 100644 Pinta/MacInterop/CoreFoundation.cs
 rename Pinta/{ => MacInterop}/IgeMacMenu.cs (93%)
 delete mode 100644 Pinta/Makefile.am
 delete mode 100644 Pinta/gtk-gui/Pinta.LayerPropertiesDialog.cs
 delete mode 100644 Pinta/gtk-gui/Pinta.NewImageDialog.cs
 delete mode 100644 Pinta/gtk-gui/Pinta.ProgressDialog.cs
 create mode 100755 compile
 create mode 100644 debian/Pinta.Core.dll.config
 create mode 100644 debian/gbp.conf
 create mode 100644 debian/patches/mono-4.0.patch
 delete mode 100644 debian/patches/mono-addins-1.0
 create mode 100644 debian/pinta.install
 create mode 100644 po/Makevars
 create mode 100644 po/ast.po
 create mode 100644 po/az.po
 create mode 100644 po/be.po
 create mode 100644 po/ka.po
 delete mode 100644 todo.txt

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-cli-apps/packages/pinta.git

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