[Pkg-cli-apps-commits] [smuxi] 02/02: Merge branch 'master' into jessie-backports
Victor Seva Lopez
maniac-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Jul 20 09:49:58 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
maniac-guest pushed a commit to annotated tag debian/1.0-1_bpo8+1
in repository smuxi.
commit 012dec5096aba46557c5ef6eeefd928bee85e34e
Merge: 79bf031 a78e7f9
Author: Victor Seva <linuxmaniac at torreviejawireless.org>
Date: Mon Jul 20 11:33:09 2015 +0200
Merge branch 'master' into jessie-backports
Makefile.am | 15 +-
Makefile.in | 15 +-
configure | 18 +-
configure.ac | 2 +-
debian/changelog | 29 +-
debian/control | 96 +-
...ild_Newtonsoft.Json_with_default_compiler.patch | 5 +
.../build_Twitterizer2_with_default_compiler.patch | 5 +
.../build_agsxmpp_with_default_compiler.patch | 5 +
.../patches/build_db4o_with_default_compiler.patch | 9 +-
.../build_jabber-net_with_default_compiler.patch | 7 +-
debian/patches/debian_default_settings.patch | 7 +-
debian/patches/fix_reautogen.patch | 5 +
debian/smuxi-engine.install | 2 +-
.../Db4objects.Db4o/Db4objects.Db4o-2008.csproj | 2 +-
po-Engine-Campfire/LINGUAS | 2 +
po-Engine-Campfire/Makefile.in.in | 39 +-
po-Engine-Campfire/es.po | 6 +-
po-Engine-Campfire/fi.po | 12 +-
po-Engine-Campfire/{es.po => lt.po} | 40 +-
po-Engine-Campfire/{es.po => pl.po} | 59 +-
po-Engine-Campfire/tr.po | 35 +-
po-Engine-IRC/LINGUAS | 1 +
po-Engine-IRC/Makefile.in.in | 39 +-
po-Engine-IRC/es.po | 166 +-
po-Engine-IRC/fi.po | 160 +-
po-Engine-IRC/lt.po | 372 +++
po-Engine-IRC/pl.po | 345 +--
po-Engine-IRC/tr.po | 299 +--
po-Engine-JabbR/LINGUAS | 2 +
po-Engine-JabbR/Makefile.in.in | 39 +-
po-Engine-JabbR/es.po | 10 +-
po-Engine-JabbR/fi.po | 29 +-
po-Engine-JabbR/{tr.po => lt.po} | 35 +-
po-Engine-JabbR/pl.po | 62 +
po-Engine-JabbR/tr.po | 29 +-
po-Engine-MessageBuffer/LINGUAS | 10 +
po-Engine-MessageBuffer/Makefile.in.in | 39 +-
po-Engine-MessageBuffer/{de.po => cs.po} | 63 +-
po-Engine-MessageBuffer/{de.po => da.po} | 63 +-
po-Engine-MessageBuffer/de.po | 65 +-
po-Engine-MessageBuffer/{de.po => es.po} | 63 +-
po-Engine-MessageBuffer/{de.po => fi.po} | 63 +-
po-Engine-MessageBuffer/{de.po => fr.po} | 63 +-
po-Engine-MessageBuffer/{de.po => lt.po} | 63 +-
po-Engine-MessageBuffer/{de.po => pl.po} | 72 +-
po-Engine-MessageBuffer/{de.po => sv.po} | 63 +-
po-Engine-MessageBuffer/{de.po => tr.po} | 63 +-
po-Engine-MessageBuffer/{de.po => zh_CN.po} | 63 +-
po-Engine-Twitter/LINGUAS | 1 +
po-Engine-Twitter/Makefile.in.in | 39 +-
po-Engine-Twitter/ca.po | 6 +-
po-Engine-Twitter/de.po | 104 +-
po-Engine-Twitter/es.po | 401 +--
po-Engine-Twitter/fi.po | 114 +-
po-Engine-Twitter/{de.po => lt.po} | 178 +-
po-Engine-Twitter/pl.po | 212 +-
po-Engine-Twitter/tr.po | 170 +-
po-Engine-XMPP/LINGUAS | 2 +
po-Engine-XMPP/Makefile.in.in | 39 +-
po-Engine-XMPP/de.po | 152 +-
po-Engine-XMPP/es.po | 655 ++---
po-Engine-XMPP/fi.po | 165 +-
po-Engine-XMPP/lt.po | 323 +++
po-Engine-XMPP/pl.po | 343 +++
po-Engine-XMPP/sv.po | 149 +-
po-Engine-XMPP/tr.po | 253 +-
po-Engine/LINGUAS | 2 +
po-Engine/Makefile.in.in | 39 +-
po-Engine/ca.po | 162 ++
po-Engine/de.po | 124 +-
po-Engine/es.po | 118 +-
po-Engine/fi.po | 130 +-
po-Engine/lt.po | 293 +++
po-Engine/pl.po | 284 ++-
po-Engine/sv.po | 116 +-
po-Engine/tr.po | 221 +-
po-Frontend-GNOME-IRC/LINGUAS | 4 +
po-Frontend-GNOME-IRC/Makefile.in.in | 39 +-
po-Frontend-GNOME-IRC/ca.po | 85 +
po-Frontend-GNOME-IRC/es.po | 12 +-
po-Frontend-GNOME-IRC/fi.po | 8 +-
po-Frontend-GNOME-IRC/{fi.po => lt.po} | 53 +-
po-Frontend-GNOME-IRC/sk.po | 92 +
po-Frontend-GNOME-IRC/tr.po | 47 +-
po-Frontend-GNOME-IRC/ur.po | 91 +
po-Frontend-GNOME-Twitter/LINGUAS | 2 +
po-Frontend-GNOME-Twitter/Makefile.in.in | 39 +-
po-Frontend-GNOME-Twitter/es.po | 6 +-
po-Frontend-GNOME-Twitter/fi.po | 2 +-
po-Frontend-GNOME-Twitter/{fi.po => lt.po} | 21 +-
po-Frontend-GNOME-Twitter/pl.po | 40 +
po-Frontend-GNOME-Twitter/tr.po | 15 +-
po-Frontend-GNOME-XMPP/LINGUAS | 5 +
po-Frontend-GNOME-XMPP/Makefile.in.in | 39 +-
po-Frontend-GNOME-XMPP/ca.po | 85 +
po-Frontend-GNOME-XMPP/de.po | 21 +-
po-Frontend-GNOME-XMPP/es.po | 23 +-
po-Frontend-GNOME-XMPP/fi.po | 18 +-
po-Frontend-GNOME-XMPP/lt.po | 46 +
.../tr.po => po-Frontend-GNOME-XMPP/nb_NO.po | 59 +-
po-Frontend-GNOME-XMPP/pl.po | 99 +-
po-Frontend-GNOME-XMPP/sk.po | 92 +
po-Frontend-GNOME-XMPP/sv.po | 21 +-
po-Frontend-GNOME-XMPP/tr.po | 31 +-
po-Frontend-GNOME-XMPP/ur.po | 91 +
po-Frontend-GNOME/LINGUAS | 6 +-
po-Frontend-GNOME/Makefile.in.in | 39 +-
po-Frontend-GNOME/ca.po | 2 +-
po-Frontend-GNOME/de.po | 342 +--
po-Frontend-GNOME/{tr.po => el.po} | 834 ++++---
po-Frontend-GNOME/es.po | 2619 +++++++++++---------
po-Frontend-GNOME/fi.po | 339 +--
po-Frontend-GNOME/{sv.po => lt.po} | 845 ++++---
po-Frontend-GNOME/pl.po | 1451 ++++++-----
po-Frontend-GNOME/{pl.po => sk.po} | 457 ++--
po-Frontend-GNOME/sv.po | 337 +--
po-Frontend-GNOME/tr.po | 770 +++---
po-Frontend-GNOME/{pl.po => ur.po} | 460 ++--
po-Frontend/LINGUAS | 6 +-
po-Frontend/Makefile.in.in | 39 +-
po-Frontend/ca.po | 2 +-
po-Frontend/es.po | 42 +-
po-Frontend/fi.po | 36 +-
po-Frontend/lt.po | 119 +
po-Frontend/pl.po | 108 +-
po-Frontend/{pl.po => ru.po} | 67 +-
po-Frontend/{pl.po => sk.po} | 61 +-
po-Frontend/tr.po | 71 +-
po-Frontend/{tr.po => ur.po} | 49 +-
po-Server/LINGUAS | 6 +
po-Server/Makefile.in.in | 39 +-
po-Server/ca.po | 104 +
po-Server/de.po | 63 +-
po-Server/{tr.po => en_GB.po} | 49 +-
po-Server/es.po | 278 ++-
po-Server/fi.po | 62 +-
po-Server/lt.po | 136 +
po-Server/pl.po | 150 +-
po-Server/{pl.po => ru.po} | 67 +-
po-Server/{tr.po => sk.po} | 60 +-
po-Server/sv.po | 63 +-
po-Server/tr.po | 81 +-
po-Server/{tr.po => ur.po} | 49 +-
src/Common/Defines.cs | 4 +-
src/Common/FastSerializer.cs | 2 +-
src/Engine-MessageBuffer/smuxi-message-buffer.1 | 1 +
.../Protocols/Xmpp/XmppProtocolManager.cs | 20 +-
src/Engine/Chats/ChatModel.cs | 10 +-
src/Engine/Config/Config.cs | 4 +-
src/Engine/Config/MessageBuilderSettings.cs | 17 +-
src/Engine/Config/UserConfig.cs | 13 +-
src/Engine/Engine.cs | 12 +-
src/Engine/MessageBuffers/SqliteMessageBuffer.cs | 24 +-
src/Frontend-GNOME/Frontend.cs | 26 +-
src/Frontend-GNOME/Main.cs | 162 +-
src/Frontend-GNOME/Notebook.cs | 2 +-
src/Frontend-GNOME/Views/Chats/ChatView.cs | 22 +-
src/Frontend-GNOME/smuxi-frontend-gnome.1 | 11 +-
.../smuxi-frontend-gnome.appdata.xml.in | 4 +-
src/Frontend-GNOME/smuxi-frontend-gnome.desktop | 24 +
src/Frontend-GNOME/smuxi-frontend-gnome.desktop.in | 1 +
src/Frontend-GNOME/smuxi-frontend-gnome.in | 23 +
src/Frontend-STFL/Makefile.am | 1 +
src/Frontend-STFL/Makefile.in | 1 +
src/Frontend-STFL/STFL/StflApi.cs | 146 +-
src/Frontend-STFL/STFL/StringOnHeap.cs | 59 +
src/Frontend/TabCycleNickCompleter.cs | 8 +-
src/Server/smuxi-server.in | 7 +
169 files changed, 12119 insertions(+), 7530 deletions(-)
diff --cc debian/changelog
index ce2517b,5a49d8b..13378b5
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@@ -1,8 -1,27 +1,33 @@@
- smuxi (1.0~rc4-1~bpo8+1) jessie-backports; urgency=medium
++smuxi (1.0-1~bpo8+1) jessie-backports; urgency=medium
+ * Rebuild for jessie-backports.
- -- Victor Seva <linuxmaniac at torreviejawireless.org> Fri, 22 May 2015 14:27:35 +0200
++ -- Victor Seva <linuxmaniac at torreviejawireless.org> Mon, 20 Jul 2015 11:32:43 +0200
+ smuxi (1.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * [da9e908] Imported Upstream version 1.0
+ -- Victor Seva <linuxmaniac at torreviejawireless.org> Mon, 20 Jul 2015 11:23:41 +0200
+ smuxi (1.0~rc5-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * [e3e0b42] Imported Upstream version 1.0~rc5
+ * [9c4e0ba] require mono-runtime-boehm since Boehm GC is used by default
+ * [fffb12f] refresh and remove patches applied upstream
+ -- Victor Seva <linuxmaniac at torreviejawireless.org> Thu, 09 Jul 2015 20:43:47 +0200
+ smuxi (1.0~rc4-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * [27ef64c] debian/patches: refresh debian_default_settings.patch
+ and add fix_man.patch
+ * [1020607] add desktop keywords patch
+ * [8b6c256] wrap-and-short -a
+ * [5bae4e3] use Breaks instead of Conflicts for previous versions
+ * [62f2fe6] append missing description to patches
+ -- Victor Seva <linuxmaniac at torreviejawireless.org> Sun, 24 May 2015 22:33:38 +0200
smuxi (1.0~rc4-1) experimental; urgency=medium
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-cli-apps/packages/smuxi.git
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