[Pkg-cli-apps-commits] [keepass2] branch master updated (43fa03e -> 4c9b5ac)

Julian Taylor jtaylor.debian at googlemail.com
Sun Mar 20 14:53:40 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

jtaylor-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository keepass2.

      from  43fa03e   remove menu file, obsoleted by .desktop file
       new  d376c4b   verify signature in watch file
       new  fc42d8b   add excluded file to debian/copyright
      adds  6e3b569   Imported Upstream version 2.32+dfsg
       new  2442092   Merge tag 'upstream/2.32+dfsg'
       new  66512df   New upstream release (Closes: #817781)
       new  4c9b5ac   adapt icon folders again

The 5 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 Build/KeePassLib_Distrib/KeePassLib.xml            |  46 +++
 Docs/Chm/help/base/cmdline.html                    |  19 +-
 Docs/Chm/help/base/configuration.html              |   2 +-
 Docs/Chm/help/base/importexport.html               |   2 +-
 Docs/Chm/help/base/placeholders.html               |   3 +-
 Docs/Chm/help/v2/ioconnect.html                    |  11 +
 Docs/Chm/help/v2/sync.html                         |  13 +-
 Docs/Chm/help/v2_dev/scr_sc_index.html             |   6 +-
 Docs/History.txt                                   |  68 +++++
 Ext/Images_App_HighRes/Images/B48x48_KeePass.png   | Bin 3261 -> 3222 bytes
 .../Images/B48x48_LockWorkspace.png                | Bin 2165 -> 2126 bytes
 .../Images/B57x21_3BlackDots.png                   | Bin 447 -> 306 bytes
 .../Nuvola/B32x32_KRec_Record.png                  | Bin 1618 -> 1515 bytes
 .../Nuvola_Derived/B48x48_Window_3Horz.png         | Bin 3219 -> 1704 bytes
 Ext/Images_Client_16/C04_Klipper.png               | Bin 823 -> 731 bytes
 Ext/Images_Client_16/C48_Folder.png                | Bin 558 -> 403 bytes
 Ext/Images_Client_16/C63_Feather.png               | Bin 610 -> 589 bytes
 Ext/Images_Client_16/C64_Apple.png                 | Bin 846 -> 825 bytes
 Ext/Images_Client_16/C66_Money.png                 | Bin 402 -> 381 bytes
 Ext/Images_Client_16/C67_Certificate.png           | Bin 561 -> 540 bytes
 Ext/Images_Client_HighRes/C04_Klipper.png          | Bin 3364 -> 3248 bytes
 Ext/KeePass.exe.config                             |   4 +-
 Ext/KeePass.iss                                    |  10 +-
 Ext/KeePassMsi/KeePassMsi.vdproj                   |  14 +-
 KeePass/App/AppDefs.cs                             |   4 +-
 KeePass/App/Configuration/AceIntegration.cs        |  16 ++
 KeePass/DataExchange/FileFormatPool.cs             |  33 ++-
 KeePass/DataExchange/Formats/NPasswordNpw102.cs    | 243 ++++++++++++++++
 KeePass/DataExchange/ImportUtil.cs                 |   2 +-
 KeePass/Forms/AboutForm.cs                         |   1 +
 KeePass/Forms/AutoTypeCtxForm.cs                   |  15 +-
 KeePass/Forms/CsvImportForm.Designer.cs            |   2 +-
 KeePass/Forms/CsvImportForm.cs                     |   3 +
 KeePass/Forms/EditAutoTypeItemForm.cs              |   2 +-
 KeePass/Forms/EditStringForm.cs                    |   6 +-
 KeePass/Forms/IOConnectionForm.Designer.cs         | 132 ++++++---
 KeePass/Forms/IOConnectionForm.cs                  | 244 +++++++++++++++-
 KeePass/Forms/LanguageForm.cs                      |   3 +-
 KeePass/Forms/MainForm.Designer.cs                 | 311 +++++++++++----------
 KeePass/Forms/MainForm.cs                          |  10 +-
 KeePass/Forms/MainForm_Functions.cs                |  86 ++++--
 KeePass/Forms/OptionsForm.cs                       |  11 +-
 KeePass/Forms/PrintForm.cs                         |   3 +-
 KeePass/Forms/SearchForm.cs                        |   8 +-
 KeePass/KeePass.csproj                             |  11 +
 KeePass/KeePass.ico                                | Bin 62636 -> 60409 bytes
 KeePass/Program.cs                                 |   8 +-
 KeePass/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs                 |   4 +-
 KeePass/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs           |   9 +-
 KeePass/Properties/Resources.resx                  |   3 +
 KeePass/Resources/Data/Images_App_HighRes.bin      | Bin 342387 -> 340550 bytes
 KeePass/Resources/Data/Images_Client_16.bin        | Bin 66388 -> 66057 bytes
 KeePass/Resources/Data/Images_Client_HighRes.bin   | Bin 263423 -> 263307 bytes
 KeePass/Resources/Icons/QuadLocked.ico             | Bin 22486 -> 22486 bytes
 KeePass/Resources/Icons/QuadNormal.ico             | Bin 22486 -> 22486 bytes
 KeePass/Resources/Images/B16x16_Imp_KeePassX.png   | Bin 853 -> 908 bytes
 KeePass/Resources/Images/B16x16_KeePass.png        | Bin 862 -> 823 bytes
 KeePass/Resources/Images/B16x16_LockWorkspace.png  | Bin 735 -> 696 bytes
 KeePass/Resources/Images/B16x16_MenuCheck.png      | Bin 255 -> 269 bytes
 KeePass/Resources/Images/B16x16_MenuRadio.png      | Bin 364 -> 342 bytes
 KeePass/Resources/Images/B16x16_Transparent.png    | Bin 122 -> 85 bytes
 KeePass/Resources/Images/B16x16_WinFavs.png        | Bin 589 -> 568 bytes
 KeePass/Resources/Images/KeePass.ico               | Bin 62636 -> 60409 bytes
 KeePass/Resources/KPRes.Generated.cs               |  66 ++++-
 KeePass/Resources/Nuvola/B16x16_FTP.png            | Bin 955 -> 919 bytes
 KeePass/Resources/Nuvola/B16x16_Help.png           | Bin 934 -> 896 bytes
 KeePass/Resources/Nuvola/B16x16_KRec_Record.png    | Bin 707 -> 647 bytes
 KeePass/Resources/Nuvola/B16x16_XMag.png           | Bin 714 -> 711 bytes
 .../Nuvola_Derived/B16x16_EditCopyLink.png         | Bin 809 -> 703 bytes
 .../Nuvola_Derived/B16x16_FileSave_Disabled.png    | Bin 669 -> 532 bytes
 .../Resources/Nuvola_Derived/B16x16_File_Close.png | Bin 731 -> 690 bytes
 .../Nuvola_Derived/B16x16_File_SaveAll.png         | Bin 555 -> 433 bytes
 .../Resources/Nuvola_Derived/B16x16_Folder_2.png   | Bin 650 -> 629 bytes
 .../Resources/Nuvola_Derived/B16x16_Key_New.png    | Bin 768 -> 718 bytes
 .../Nuvola_Derived/B16x16_Window_2Horz1Vert.png    | Bin 837 -> 575 bytes
 .../Nuvola_Derived/B16x16_Window_3Horz.png         | Bin 805 -> 533 bytes
 KeePass/UI/CustomTreeViewEx.cs                     |   4 +-
 KeePass/UI/DpiUtil.cs                              |  25 ++
 KeePass/UI/NotifyIconEx.cs                         |  50 ++--
 KeePass/UI/OpenWithMenu.cs                         |  20 +-
 KeePass/UI/UIUtil.cs                               |  35 ++-
 KeePass/Util/AppLocator.cs                         |  46 ++-
 KeePass/Util/Archive/ImageArchive.cs               |   2 +
 KeePass/Util/AutoType.cs                           |  35 ++-
 KeePass/Util/SendInputExt/SiEngineWin.cs           |  16 +-
 KeePass/Util/Spr/SprEngine.cs                      |  16 +-
 .../Util/XmlSerialization/XmlSerializerEx.Gen.cs   |   9 +
 KeePass/Util/XmlUtil.cs                            |  17 +-
 KeePassLib/Cryptography/CryptoRandom.cs            |   2 +-
 KeePassLib/Cryptography/SelfTest.cs                |  14 +
 KeePassLib/KeePassLib.csproj                       |   3 +
 KeePassLib/Keys/CompositeKey.cs                    |  31 +-
 KeePassLib/Keys/KcpCustomKey.cs                    |   6 +-
 KeePassLib/Keys/KcpKeyFile.cs                      |  17 +-
 KeePassLib/Keys/KcpPassword.cs                     |   5 +-
 KeePassLib/Keys/KcpUserAccount.cs                  |  60 ++--
 KeePassLib/Native/NativeLib.cs                     |  91 +++++-
 KeePassLib/Native/NativeMethods.Unix.cs            |  11 +-
 KeePassLib/Native/NativeMethods.cs                 |  29 +-
 KeePassLib/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs              |   4 +-
 KeePassLib/PwCustomIcon.cs                         |   8 +-
 KeePassLib/PwDatabase.cs                           |  18 +-
 KeePassLib/PwDefs.cs                               |  10 +-
 KeePassLib/PwEntry.cs                              |   9 +-
 KeePassLib/PwEnums.cs                              |  14 +
 KeePassLib/PwGroup.cs                              |   6 +-
 KeePassLib/Resources/KLRes.Generated.cs            |  80 +++++-
 KeePassLib/Security/ProtectedBinary.cs             |  15 +-
 KeePassLib/Security/ProtectedString.cs             |   2 +-
 KeePassLib/Serialization/BinaryReaderEx.cs         |   2 +-
 KeePassLib/Serialization/FileLock.cs               |  14 +-
 KeePassLib/Serialization/FileTransactionEx.cs      |  22 +-
 KeePassLib/Serialization/HashedBlockStream.cs      |  17 +-
 KeePassLib/Serialization/IOConnection.cs           | 269 +++++++++++++++---
 KeePassLib/Serialization/IOConnectionInfo.cs       |  44 ++-
 KeePassLib/Serialization/IocProperties.cs          | 192 +++++++++++++
 KeePassLib/Serialization/IocPropertyInfo.cs        |  99 +++++++
 KeePassLib/Serialization/IocPropertyInfoPool.cs    | 123 ++++++++
 KeePassLib/Serialization/KdbxFile.Read.Streamed.cs |  17 +-
 KeePassLib/Serialization/KdbxFile.Read.cs          |   9 +-
 KeePassLib/Serialization/KdbxFile.Write.cs         |  42 ++-
 KeePassLib/Serialization/KdbxFile.cs               |  12 +-
 KeePassLib/Translation/KPControlCustomization.cs   |  16 +-
 KeePassLib/Translation/KPFormCustomization.cs      |  10 +-
 KeePassLib/Translation/KPStringTable.cs            |   7 +-
 KeePassLib/Translation/KPTranslation.cs            |  71 +++--
 KeePassLib/Utility/AppLogEx.cs                     |   4 +-
 KeePassLib/Utility/GfxUtil.cs                      |  24 +-
 KeePassLib/Utility/MemUtil.cs                      |  10 +-
 KeePassLib/Utility/MessageService.cs               |  98 ++++---
 KeePassLib/Utility/MonoWorkarounds.cs              |  42 ++-
 KeePassLib/Utility/StrUtil.cs                      |  28 +-
 KeePassLib/Utility/TimeUtil.cs                     |   4 +-
 KeePassLib/Utility/UrlUtil.cs                      |  31 +-
 ShInstUtil/ShInstUtil.rc                           |   8 +-
 Translation/DefaultText.xml                        |  34 ++-
 Translation/TrlUtil/MainForm.cs                    |   4 +-
 Translation/TrlUtil/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs     |   4 +-
 Translation/TrlUtil/Resources/KeePass.ico          | Bin 62636 -> 60409 bytes
 debian/changelog                                   |   8 +
 debian/copyright                                   |   1 +
 debian/patches/do-not-use-the-non-free-icons.patch |  16 +-
 debian/patches/fix-XSL-search-path.patch           |   6 +-
 debian/patches/force_toolsversion_4                |   8 +-
 debian/patches/skip-sgen-run-during-build.patch    |   4 +-
 debian/patches/use-installed-ico-files.patch       |  50 ++--
 debian/patches/use-the-mono-signing-key.patch      |   4 +-
 debian/rules                                       |   8 +-
 debian/upstream/signing-key.asc                    |  40 +++
 debian/watch                                       |   4 +-
 150 files changed, 2781 insertions(+), 769 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 KeePass/DataExchange/Formats/NPasswordNpw102.cs
 create mode 100644 KeePassLib/Serialization/IocProperties.cs
 create mode 100644 KeePassLib/Serialization/IocPropertyInfo.cs
 create mode 100644 KeePassLib/Serialization/IocPropertyInfoPool.cs
 create mode 100644 debian/upstream/signing-key.asc

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-cli-apps/packages/keepass2.git

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